BSplines, Polynomial fitting
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 636 additions and 485 deletions
@ -138,11 +138,11 @@ set(SLIC3R_SOURCES
@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
#include "libslic3r/QuadricEdgeCollapse.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Subdivide.hpp"
//#define DEBUG_FILES
#include "libslic3r/Geometry/Curves.hpp"
#include <boost/nowide/cstdio.hpp>
@ -185,8 +187,8 @@ std::vector<FaceVisibilityInfo> raycast_visibility(const AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<
if (some_hit) {
// NOTE: iterating in reverse, from the last hit for one simple reason: We know the state of the ray at that point;
// It cannot be inside model, and it cannot be inside negative volume
for (int hit_index = hits.size() - 1; hit_index >= 0; --hit_index) {
if (hits[hit_index].id >= negative_volumes_start_index) { //negative volume hit
for (int hit_index = int(hits.size()) - 1; hit_index >= 0; --hit_index) {
if (hits[hit_index].id >= int(negative_volumes_start_index)) { //negative volume hit
Vec3f normal = its_face_normal(triangles, hits[hit_index].id);
in_negative += sgn(; // if volume face aligns with ray dir, we are leaving negative space
// which in reverse hit analysis means, that we are entering negative space :) and vice versa
@ -714,8 +716,9 @@ struct SeamComparator {
void debug_export_points(const std::vector<std::vector<SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandidate>> &object_perimter_points,
const BoundingBox &bounding_box, std::string object_name, const SeamComparator &comparator) {
for (size_t layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < object_perimter_points.size(); ++layer_idx) {
std::string angles_file_name = debug_out_path((object_name + "_angles_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG angles_svg {angles_file_name, bounding_box};
std::string angles_file_name = debug_out_path(
(object_name + "_angles_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG angles_svg { angles_file_name, bounding_box };
float min_vis = 0;
float max_vis = min_vis;
@ -725,7 +728,7 @@ void debug_export_points(const std::vector<std::vector<SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandi
for (const SeamCandidate &point : object_perimter_points[layer_idx]) {
Vec3i color = value_rgbi(-PI, PI, point.local_ccw_angle);
std::string fill = "rgb(" + std::to_string(color.x()) + "," + std::to_string(color.y()) + ","
+ std::to_string(color.z()) + ")";
+ std::to_string(color.z()) + ")";
angles_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), fill);
min_vis = std::min(min_vis, point.visibility);
max_vis = std::max(max_vis, point.visibility);
@ -735,20 +738,22 @@ void debug_export_points(const std::vector<std::vector<SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandi
std::string visiblity_file_name = debug_out_path((object_name + "_visibility_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG visibility_svg {visiblity_file_name, bounding_box};
std::string weights_file_name = debug_out_path((object_name + "_weight_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG weight_svg {weights_file_name, bounding_box};
std::string visiblity_file_name = debug_out_path(
(object_name + "_visibility_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG visibility_svg { visiblity_file_name, bounding_box };
std::string weights_file_name = debug_out_path(
(object_name + "_weight_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG weight_svg { weights_file_name, bounding_box };
for (const SeamCandidate &point : object_perimter_points[layer_idx]) {
Vec3i color = value_rgbi(min_vis, max_vis, point.visibility);
std::string visibility_fill = "rgb(" + std::to_string(color.x()) + "," + std::to_string(color.y()) + ","
+ std::to_string(color.z()) + ")";
+ std::to_string(color.z()) + ")";
visibility_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), visibility_fill);
Vec3i weight_color = value_rgbi(min_weight, max_weight, -comparator.get_penalty(point));
std::string weight_fill = "rgb(" + std::to_string(weight_color.x()) + "," + std::to_string(weight_color.y())
+ ","
+ std::to_string(weight_color.z()) + ")";
+ ","
+ std::to_string(weight_color.z()) + ")";
weight_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), weight_fill);
@ -1086,27 +1091,23 @@ void SeamPlacer::align_seam_points(const PrintObject *po, const SeamPlacerImpl::
// gather all positions of seams and their weights (weights are derived as negative penalty, they are made positive in next step)
std::vector<Vec3f> points(seam_string.size());
std::vector<Vec3f> observations(seam_string.size());
std::vector<float> observation_points(seam_string.size());
std::vector<float> weights(seam_string.size());
//init min_weight by the first point
float min_weight = -comparator.get_penalty(
// In the sorted seam_string array, point which started the alignment - the best candidate
size_t best_candidate_point_index = 0;
//gather points positions and weights, update min_weight in each step, and find the best candidate
//gather points positions and weights, update min_weight in each step
for (size_t index = 0; index < seam_string.size(); ++index) {
points[index] =
Vec3f pos =
observations[index] = pos;
observation_points[index] = pos.z();
weights[index] = -comparator.get_penalty(
min_weight = std::min(min_weight, weights[index]);
// find the best candidate by comparing the layer indexes
if (seam_string[index].first == layer_idx) {
best_candidate_point_index = index;
//makes all weights positive
@ -1114,70 +1115,19 @@ void SeamPlacer::align_seam_points(const PrintObject *po, const SeamPlacerImpl::
w = w - min_weight + 0.01;
//NOTE: the following commented block does polynomial line fitting of the seam string.
// pre-smoothen by Laplace
// for (size_t iteration = 0; iteration < SeamPlacer::seam_align_laplace_smoothing_iterations; ++iteration) {
// std::vector<Vec3f> new_points(seam_string.size());
// for (int point_index = 0; point_index < points.size(); ++point_index) {
// size_t prev_idx = point_index > 0 ? point_index - 1 : point_index;
// size_t next_idx = point_index < points.size() - 1 ? point_index + 1 : point_index;
// new_points[point_index] = (points[prev_idx] * weights[prev_idx]
// + points[point_index] * weights[point_index] + points[next_idx] * weights[next_idx]) /
// (weights[prev_idx] + weights[point_index] + weights[next_idx]);
// }
// points = new_points;
// }
// find coefficients of polynomial fit. Z coord is treated as parameter along which to fit both X and Y coords.
// std::vector<Vec2f> coefficients = polyfit(points, weights, 4);
// // Do alignment - compute fitted point for each point in the string from its Z coord, and store the position into
// // Perimeter structure of the point; also set flag aligned to true
// for (const auto &pair : seam_string) {
// float current_height = m_perimeter_points_per_object[po][pair.first][pair.second].position.z();
// Vec3f seam_pos = get_fitted_point(coefficients, current_height);
// Perimeter *perimeter =
// m_perimeter_points_per_object[po][pair.first][pair.second].perimeter.get();
// perimeter->final_seam_position = seam_pos;
// perimeter->finalized = true;
// }
// for (Vec3f &p : points) {
// p = get_fitted_point(coefficients, p.z());
// }
// Curve Fitting
size_t number_of_splines = std::max(size_t(1), size_t(observations.size() / SeamPlacer::seam_align_seams_per_spline));
auto curve = Geometry::fit_cubic_bspline(observations, observation_points, weights, number_of_splines);
// LaPlace smoothing iterations over the gathered points. New positions from each iteration are stored in the new_points vector
// and assigned to points at the end of iteration
for (size_t iteration = 0; iteration < SeamPlacer::seam_align_laplace_smoothing_iterations; ++iteration) {
std::vector<Vec3f> new_points(seam_string.size());
// start from the best candidate, and smoothen down
for (int point_index = best_candidate_point_index; point_index >= 0; --point_index) {
int prev_idx = point_index > 0 ? point_index - 1 : point_index;
size_t next_idx = point_index < int(points.size()) - 1 ? point_index + 1 : point_index;
// Do alignment - compute fitted point for each point in the string from its Z coord, and store the position into
// Perimeter structure of the point; also set flag aligned to true
for (const auto &pair : seam_string) {
Vec3f current_pos = m_perimeter_points_per_object[po][pair.first][pair.second].position;
Vec3f seam_pos = curve.get_fitted_value(current_pos.z());
new_points[point_index] = (points[prev_idx] * weights[prev_idx]
+ points[point_index] * weights[point_index] + points[next_idx] * weights[next_idx]) /
(weights[prev_idx] + weights[point_index] + weights[next_idx]);
// smoothen up the rest of the points
for (size_t point_index = best_candidate_point_index + 1; point_index < points.size(); ++point_index) {
size_t prev_idx = point_index > 0 ? point_index - 1 : point_index;
size_t next_idx = point_index < points.size() - 1 ? point_index + 1 : point_index;
new_points[point_index] = (points[prev_idx] * weights[prev_idx]
+ points[point_index] * weights[point_index] + points[next_idx] * weights[next_idx]) /
(weights[prev_idx] + weights[point_index] + weights[next_idx]);
points = new_points;
// Assign smoothened posiiton to each participating perimeter and set finalized flag
for (size_t index = 0; index < seam_string.size(); ++index) {
Perimeter *perimeter =
perimeter->final_seam_position = points[index];
perimeter->final_seam_position = seam_pos;
perimeter->finalized = true;
@ -1326,3 +1276,4 @@ void SeamPlacer::place_seam(const Layer *layer, ExtrusionLoop &loop, bool extern
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ public:
static constexpr size_t seam_align_tolerable_skips = 4;
// minimum number of seams needed in cluster to make alignemnt happen
static constexpr size_t seam_align_minimum_string_seams = 6;
// iterations of laplace smoothing
static constexpr size_t seam_align_laplace_smoothing_iterations = 20;
// points covered by spline; determines number of splines for the given string
static constexpr size_t seam_align_seams_per_spline = 10;
//The following data structures hold all perimeter points for all PrintObject. The structure is as follows:
// Map of PrintObjects (PO) -> vector of layers of PO -> vector of perimeter points of the given layer
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
namespace Slic3r {
namespace Geometry {
namespace BicubicInternal {
// Linear kernel, to be able to test cubic methods with hat kernels.
template<typename T>
struct LinearKernel
typedef T FloatType;
static T a00() {
return T(0.);
static T a01() {
return T(0.);
static T a02() {
return T(0.);
static T a03() {
return T(0.);
static T a10() {
return T(1.);
static T a11() {
return T(-1.);
static T a12() {
return T(0.);
static T a13() {
return T(0.);
static T a20() {
return T(0.);
static T a21() {
return T(1.);
static T a22() {
return T(0.);
static T a23() {
return T(0.);
static T a30() {
return T(0.);
static T a31() {
return T(0.);
static T a32() {
return T(0.);
static T a33() {
return T(0.);
// Interpolation kernel aka Catmul-Rom aka Keyes kernel.
template<typename T>
struct CubicCatmulRomKernel
typedef T FloatType;
static T a00() {
return 0;
static T a01() {
return (T) -0.5;
static T a02() {
return (T) 1.;
static T a03() {
return (T) -0.5;
static T a10() {
return (T) 1.;
static T a11() {
return 0;
static T a12() {
return (T) -5. / 2.;
static T a13() {
return (T) 3. / 2.;
static T a20() {
return 0;
static T a21() {
return (T) 0.5;
static T a22() {
return (T) 2.;
static T a23() {
return (T) -3. / 2.;
static T a30() {
return 0;
static T a31() {
return 0;
static T a32() {
return (T) -0.5;
static T a33() {
return (T) 0.5;
// B-spline kernel
template<typename T>
struct CubicBSplineKernel
typedef T FloatType;
static T a00() {
return (T) 1. / 6.;
static T a01() {
return (T) -3. / 6.;
static T a02() {
return (T) 3. / 6.;
static T a03() {
return (T) -1. / 6.;
static T a10() {
return (T) 4. / 6.;
static T a11() {
return 0;
static T a12() {
return (T) -6. / 6.;
static T a13() {
return (T) 3. / 6.;
static T a20() {
return (T) 1. / 6.;
static T a21() {
return (T) 3. / 6.;
static T a22() {
return (T) 3. / 6.;
static T a23() {
return (T) -3. / 6.;
static T a30() {
return 0;
static T a31() {
return 0;
static T a32() {
return 0;
static T a33() {
return (T) 1. / 6.;
template<class T>
inline T clamp(T a, T lower, T upper)
return (a < lower) ? lower :
(a > upper) ? upper : a;
template<typename Kernel>
struct CubicKernelWrapper
typedef typename Kernel::FloatType FloatType;
static constexpr size_t kernel_span = 4;
static FloatType kernel(FloatType x)
x = fabs(x);
if (x >= (FloatType) 2.)
return 0.0f;
if (x <= (FloatType) 1.) {
FloatType x2 = x * x;
FloatType x3 = x2 * x;
return Kernel::a10() + Kernel::a11() * x + Kernel::a12() * x2 + Kernel::a13() * x3;
assert(x > (FloatType )1. && x < (FloatType )2.);
x -= (FloatType) 1.;
FloatType x2 = x * x;
FloatType x3 = x2 * x;
return Kernel::a00() + Kernel::a01() * x + Kernel::a02() * x2 + Kernel::a03() * x3;
static FloatType interpolate(FloatType f0, FloatType f1, FloatType f2, FloatType f3, FloatType x)
const FloatType x2 = x * x;
const FloatType x3 = x * x * x;
return f0 * (Kernel::a00() + Kernel::a01() * x + Kernel::a02() * x2 + Kernel::a03() * x3) +
f1 * (Kernel::a10() + Kernel::a11() * x + Kernel::a12() * x2 + Kernel::a13() * x3) +
f2 * (Kernel::a20() + Kernel::a21() * x + Kernel::a22() * x2 + Kernel::a23() * x3) +
f3 * (Kernel::a30() + Kernel::a31() * x + Kernel::a32() * x2 + Kernel::a33() * x3);
// Linear splines
template<typename NumberType>
using LinearKernel = CubicKernelWrapper<BicubicInternal::LinearKernel<NumberType>>;
// Catmul-Rom splines
template<typename NumberType>
using CubicCatmulRomKernel = CubicKernelWrapper<BicubicInternal::CubicCatmulRomKernel<NumberType>>;
// Cubic B-splines
template<typename NumberType>
using CubicBSplineKernel = CubicKernelWrapper<BicubicInternal::CubicBSplineKernel<NumberType>>;
template<typename KernelWrapper>
static typename KernelWrapper::FloatType cubic_interpolate(const Eigen::ArrayBase<typename KernelWrapper::FloatType> &F,
const typename KernelWrapper::FloatType pt) {
typedef typename KernelWrapper::FloatType T;
const int w = int(F.size());
const int ix = (int) floor(pt);
const T s = pt - (T) ix;
if (ix > 1 && ix + 2 < w) {
// Inside the fully interpolated region.
return KernelWrapper::interpolate(F[ix - 1], F[ix], F[ix + 1], F[ix + 2], s);
// Transition region. Extend with a constant function.
auto f = [&F, w](T x) {
return F[BicubicInternal::clamp(x, 0, w - 1)];
return KernelWrapper::interpolate(f(ix - 1), f(ix), f(ix + 1), f(ix + 2), s);
template<typename Kernel, typename Derived>
static float bicubic_interpolate(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &F,
const Eigen::Matrix<typename Kernel::FloatType, 2, 1, Eigen::DontAlign> &pt) {
typedef typename Kernel::FloatType T;
const int w = F.cols();
const int h = F.rows();
const int ix = (int) floor(pt[0]);
const int iy = (int) floor(pt[1]);
const T s = pt[0] - (T) ix;
const T t = pt[1] - (T) iy;
if (ix > 1 && ix + 2 < w && iy > 1 && iy + 2 < h) {
// Inside the fully interpolated region.
return Kernel::interpolate(
Kernel::interpolate(F(ix - 1, iy - 1), F(ix, iy - 1), F(ix + 1, iy - 1), F(ix + 2, iy - 1), s),
Kernel::interpolate(F(ix - 1, iy), F(ix, iy), F(ix + 1, iy), F(ix + 2, iy), s),
Kernel::interpolate(F(ix - 1, iy + 1), F(ix, iy + 1), F(ix + 1, iy + 1), F(ix + 2, iy + 1), s),
Kernel::interpolate(F(ix - 1, iy + 2), F(ix, iy + 2), F(ix + 1, iy + 2), F(ix + 2, iy + 2), s), t);
// Transition region. Extend with a constant function.
auto f = [&F, &f, w, h](int x, int y) {
return F(BicubicInternal::clamp(x, 0, w - 1), BicubicInternal::clamp(y, 0, h - 1));
return Kernel::interpolate(
Kernel::interpolate(f(ix - 1, iy - 1), f(ix, iy - 1), f(ix + 1, iy - 1), f(ix + 2, iy - 1), s),
Kernel::interpolate(f(ix - 1, iy), f(ix, iy), f(ix + 1, iy), f(ix + 2, iy), s),
Kernel::interpolate(f(ix - 1, iy + 1), f(ix, iy + 1), f(ix + 1, iy + 1), f(ix + 2, iy + 1), s),
Kernel::interpolate(f(ix - 1, iy + 2), f(ix, iy + 2), f(ix + 1, iy + 2), f(ix + 2, iy + 2), s), t);
} //namespace Geometry
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* BICUBIC_HPP */
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/QR>
#include "Curves.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
namespace Geometry {
PolynomialCurve fit_polynomial(const std::vector<Vec3f> &points, const std::vector<float> &weights, size_t order) {
// check to make sure inputs are correct
assert(points.size() >= order + 1);
assert(points.size() == weights.size());
std::vector<float> squared_weights(weights.size());
for (size_t index = 0; index < weights.size(); ++index) {
squared_weights[index] = sqrt(weights[index]);
Eigen::VectorXf V0(points.size());
Eigen::VectorXf V1(points.size());
Eigen::VectorXf V2(points.size());
for (size_t index = 0; index < points.size(); index++) {
V0(index) = points[index].x() * squared_weights[index];
V1(index) = points[index].y() * squared_weights[index];
V2(index) = points[index].z();
// Create Matrix Placeholder of size n x k, n= number of datapoints, k = order of polynomial, for exame k = 3 for cubic polynomial
Eigen::MatrixXf T(points.size(), order + 1);
// Populate the matrix
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < order + 1; ++j)
T(i, j) = pow(V2(i), j) * squared_weights[i];
// Solve for linear least square fit
const auto QR = T.householderQr();
Eigen::VectorXf result0 = QR.solve(V0);
Eigen::VectorXf result1 = QR.solve(V1);
std::vector<Vec2f> coeff { order + 1 };
for (size_t k = 0; k < order + 1; k++) {
coeff[k] = Vec2f { result0[k], result1[k] };
return PolynomialCurve{coeff};
Vec3f PolynomialCurve::get_fitted_point(float z) const {
size_t order = this->coefficients.size() - 1;
float fitted_x = 0;
float fitted_y = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < order + 1; ++index) {
float z_pow = pow(z, index);
fitted_x += this->coefficients[index].x() * z_pow;
fitted_y += this->coefficients[index].y() * z_pow;
return Vec3f { fitted_x, fitted_y, z };
@ -2,156 +2,257 @@
#include "libslic3r/Point.hpp"
#include "Bicubic.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace Slic3r {
namespace Geometry {
template<int Dimension, typename NumberType>
struct PolynomialCurve {
std::vector<Vec2f> coefficients;
std::vector<DynVec<NumberType>> coefficients;
explicit PolynomialCurve(const std::vector<Vec2f> &coefficients) :
explicit PolynomialCurve(std::vector<DynVec<NumberType>> coefficients) :
coefficients(coefficients) {
Vec3f get_fitted_point(float z) const;
// interpolates points in z (treats z coordinates as time) and returns coefficients for axis x and y
PolynomialCurve fit_polynomial(const std::vector<Vec3f> &points, const std::vector<float> &weights, size_t order);
namespace CurveSmoothingKernels {
//NOTE: Kernel functions are used in range [-1,1].
// konstant kernel is used mainly for tests
template<typename NumberType>
struct ConstantKernel {
float operator()(NumberType w) const {
return NumberType(1);
template<typename NumberType>
struct EpanechnikovKernel {
float operator()(NumberType w) const {
return NumberType(0.25) * (NumberType(1) - w * w);
template<typename NumberType>
using VecX = Eigen::Matrix<NumberType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
template<int Dimension, typename NumberType, typename Kernel>
struct PiecewiseFittedCurve {
std::vector<VecX<NumberType>> coefficients;
Kernel kernel;
NumberType normalized_kernel_bandwidth;
NumberType length;
NumberType segment_size;
NumberType get_segment_center(size_t segment_index) const {
return segment_size * segment_index;
//t should be in normalized range [0,1] with respect to the length of the original polygon line
Vec<Dimension, NumberType> get_fitted_point(const NumberType &t) const {
Vec<Dimension, NumberType> result { 0 };
for (int coeff_index = 0; coeff_index < coefficients[0].size(); ++coeff_index) {
NumberType segment_center = this->get_segment_center(coeff_index);
NumberType normalized_center_dis = (segment_center - t)
/ (NumberType(0.5) * normalized_kernel_bandwidth);
if (normalized_center_dis >= NumberType(-1) && normalized_center_dis <= NumberType(1)) {
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
result[dim] += kernel(normalized_center_dis) * coefficients[dim][coeff_index];
Vec3f get_fitted_value(const NumberType value) const {
Vec<Dimension, NumberType> result = Vec<Dimension, NumberType>::Zero();
size_t order = this->coefficients.size() - 1;
for (size_t index = 0; index < order + 1; ++index) {
float powered = pow(value, index);
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
result(dim) += powered * this->coefficients[dim](index);
return result;
// number_of_segments: how many curve segments (kernel applications) are used. Must be at least 2, because we are centering the segments on the first and last point
// normalized_kernel_bandwidth (0,..): how spread the kernel is over the points in normalized coordinates (points are mapped to parametric range [0,1])
// for example, 0.5 normalized_kernel_bandwidth means that one curve segment covers half of the points
template<int Dimension, typename NumberType, typename Kernel>
PiecewiseFittedCurve<Dimension, NumberType, Kernel> fit_curve(const std::vector<Vec<Dimension, NumberType>> &points,
size_t number_of_segments, const NumberType &normalized_kernel_bandwidth,
Kernel kernel) {
// interpolates points in z (treats z coordinates as time) and returns coefficients for axis x and y
template<int Dimension, typename NumberType>
PolynomialCurve<Dimension, NumberType> fit_polynomial(const std::vector<Vec<Dimension, NumberType>> &observations,
const std::vector<NumberType> &observation_points,
const std::vector<NumberType> &weights, size_t order) {
// check to make sure inputs are correct
assert(normalized_kernel_bandwidth > 0);
assert(number_of_segments >= 2);
assert(number_of_segments <= points.size());
NumberType length { };
std::vector<NumberType> knots { };
for (size_t point_index = 0; point_index < points.size() - 1; ++point_index) {
length += (points[point_index + 1] - points[point_index]).norm();
//last point
assert(observation_points.size() >= order + 1);
assert(observation_points.size() == weights.size());
assert(observations.size() == weights.size());
//normalize knots
for (NumberType &knot : knots) {
knot = knot / length;
std::vector<float> squared_weights(weights.size());
for (size_t index = 0; index < weights.size(); ++index) {
squared_weights[index] = sqrt(weights[index]);
PiecewiseFittedCurve<Dimension, NumberType, Kernel> result { };
result.kernel = kernel;
result.normalized_kernel_bandwidth = normalized_kernel_bandwidth;
result.length = length;
result.segment_size = NumberType(1) / (number_of_segments - NumberType(1));
std::vector<VecX<NumberType>> data_points(Dimension);
std::vector<DynVec<NumberType>> data_points(Dimension);
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
data_points[dim] = Eigen::Matrix<NumberType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>(points.size());
data_points[dim] = Eigen::Matrix<NumberType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>(
for (size_t index = 0; index < points.size(); index++) {
for (size_t index = 0; index < observations.size(); index++) {
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
data_points[dim](index) = points[index](dim);
data_points[dim](index) = observations[index](dim) * squared_weights[index];
Eigen::MatrixXf T(knots.size(), number_of_segments);
for (size_t i = 0; i < knots.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < number_of_segments; ++j) {
NumberType knot_val = knots[i];
NumberType segment_center = result.get_segment_center(j);
NumberType normalized_center_dis = (segment_center - knot_val)
/ (NumberType(0.5) * normalized_kernel_bandwidth);
if (normalized_center_dis >= NumberType(-1) && normalized_center_dis <= NumberType(1)) {
T(i, j) = kernel(normalized_center_dis);
} else {
T(i, j) = 0;
Eigen::MatrixXf T(observation_points.size(), order + 1);
// Populate the matrix
for (size_t i = 0; i < observation_points.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < order + 1; ++j) {
T(i, j) = pow(observation_points[i], j) * squared_weights[i];
const auto QR = T.householderQr();
std::vector<DynVec<NumberType>> coefficients(Dimension);
// Solve for linear least square fit
std::vector<VecX<NumberType>> coefficients(Dimension);
const auto QR = T.colPivHouseholderQr();
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
coefficients[dim] = QR.solve(data_points[dim]);
return PolynomialCurve<Dimension, NumberType>(coefficients);
template<size_t Dimension, typename NumberType, typename Kernel>
struct PiecewiseFittedCurve {
std::vector<DynVec<NumberType>> coefficients;
Kernel kernel;
NumberType start;
NumberType length;
NumberType n_segment_size;
size_t segments_count;
NumberType get_n_segment_start(int segment_index) const {
return n_segment_size * segment_index;
NumberType normalize(const NumberType &observation_point) const {
return (observation_point - start) / length;
Vec<Dimension, NumberType> get_fitted_value(const NumberType &observation_point) const {
Vec<Dimension, NumberType> result = Vec<Dimension, NumberType>::Zero();
NumberType t = normalize(observation_point);
int start_segment_idx = int(floor(t / this->n_segment_size)) - int(Kernel::kernel_span * 0.5f - 1.0f);
for (int segment_index = start_segment_idx; segment_index < int(start_segment_idx + Kernel::kernel_span);
segment_index++) {
if (segment_index < 0 || segment_index >= int(this->segments_count)) {
NumberType segment_start = this->get_n_segment_start(segment_index);
NumberType normalized_segment_distance = (segment_start - t) / this->n_segment_size;
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
result(dim) += kernel.kernel(normalized_segment_distance) * coefficients[dim](segment_index);
return result;
// observations: data to be fitted by the curve
// observation points: growing sequence of points where the observations were made.
// In other words, for function f(x) = y, observations are y0...yn, and observation points are x0...xn
// weights: how important the observation is
// number_of_inner_splines: how many full inner splines are fit into the normalized valid range 0,1;
// final number of knots is Kernel::kernel_span times larger + additional segments on start and end
// Kernel: model used for the curve fitting
template<int Dimension, typename NumberType, typename Kernel>
PiecewiseFittedCurve<Dimension, NumberType, Kernel> fit_curve(
const std::vector<Vec<Dimension, NumberType>> &observations,
const std::vector<NumberType> &observation_points,
const std::vector<NumberType> &weights,
size_t number_of_inner_splines,
Kernel kernel) {
// check to make sure inputs are correct
assert(number_of_inner_splines >= 1);
assert(observation_points.size() == observations.size());
assert(observation_points.size() == weights.size());
assert(number_of_inner_splines <= observations.size());
assert(observations.size() >= 4);
size_t extremes_repetition = Kernel::kernel_span - 1; //how many (additional) times is the first and last point repeated
//prepare sqrt of weights, which will then be applied to both matrix T and observed data:
std::vector<float> sqrt_weights(weights.size() + extremes_repetition * 2);
for (size_t index = 0; index < weights.size(); ++index) {
assert(weights[index] > 0);
sqrt_weights[index + extremes_repetition] = sqrt(weights[index]);
//repeat weights for addtional segments
for (int index = 0; index < int(extremes_repetition); ++index) {
sqrt_weights[index] = sqrt(weights.front());
sqrt_weights[sqrt_weights.size() - index - 1] = sqrt(weights.back());
// prepare result and compute metadata
PiecewiseFittedCurve<Dimension, NumberType, Kernel> result { };
NumberType original_len = observation_points.back() - observation_points.front();
NumberType orig_segment_size = original_len / NumberType(number_of_inner_splines * Kernel::kernel_span);
result.kernel = kernel;
result.start = observation_points.front() - extremes_repetition * orig_segment_size;
result.length = observation_points.back() + extremes_repetition * orig_segment_size - result.start;
result.segments_count = number_of_inner_splines * Kernel::kernel_span + extremes_repetition * 2;
result.n_segment_size = NumberType(1) / NumberType(result.segments_count - 1);
//normalize observations points by start and length
std::vector<NumberType> normalized_obs_points(observation_points.size() + extremes_repetition * 2);
for (size_t index = 0; index < observation_points.size(); ++index) {
normalized_obs_points[index + extremes_repetition] = result.normalize(observation_points[index]);
// create artificial values at the extremes for constant curve fitting
for (int index = 0; index < int(extremes_repetition); ++index) {
normalized_obs_points[extremes_repetition - 1 - index] = result.normalize(observation_points.front()
- index * orig_segment_size - NumberType(0.5) * orig_segment_size);
normalized_obs_points[normalized_obs_points.size() - extremes_repetition + index] = result.normalize(
observation_points.back() + index * orig_segment_size + NumberType(0.5) * orig_segment_size);
// prepare observed data
std::vector<DynVec<NumberType>> data_points(Dimension);
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
data_points[dim] = Eigen::Matrix<NumberType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>(
observations.size() + extremes_repetition * 2);
for (size_t index = 0; index < observations.size(); index++) {
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
data_points[dim](index + extremes_repetition) = observations[index](dim)
* sqrt_weights[index + extremes_repetition];
//duplicate observed data at the start and end
for (int index = 0; index < int(extremes_repetition); index++) {
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
data_points[dim](index) = observations.front()(dim) * sqrt_weights[index];
data_points[dim](data_points[dim].size() - index - 1) = observations.back()(dim)
* sqrt_weights[data_points[dim].size() - index - 1];
//Create weight matrix for each point and each segment.
Eigen::MatrixXf T(normalized_obs_points.size(), result.segments_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < normalized_obs_points.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < result.segments_count; ++j) {
T(i, j) = NumberType(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < normalized_obs_points.size(); ++i) {
NumberType knot_val = normalized_obs_points[i];
int start_segment_idx = int(floor(knot_val / result.n_segment_size)) - int(Kernel::kernel_span * 0.5f - 1.0f);
for (int segment_index = start_segment_idx; segment_index < int(start_segment_idx + Kernel::kernel_span);
segment_index++) {
if (segment_index < 0 || segment_index >= int(result.segments_count)) {
NumberType segment_start = result.get_n_segment_start(segment_index);
NumberType normalized_segment_distance = (segment_start - knot_val) / result.n_segment_size;
// fill in kernel value with weight applied
T(i, segment_index) += kernel.kernel(normalized_segment_distance) * sqrt_weights[i];
// Solve for linear least square fit
std::vector<DynVec<NumberType>> coefficients(Dimension);
const auto QR = T.fullPivHouseholderQr();
for (size_t dim = 0; dim < Dimension; ++dim) {
coefficients[dim] = QR.solve(data_points[dim]);
// store coefficients in result
result.coefficients = coefficients;
return result;
template<int Dimension, typename NumberType>
PiecewiseFittedCurve<Dimension, NumberType, CurveSmoothingKernels::EpanechnikovKernel<NumberType>>
fit_epanechnikov_curve(const std::vector<Vec<Dimension, NumberType>> &points,
size_t number_of_segments, const NumberType &normalized_kernel_bandwidth) {
return fit_curve(points, number_of_segments, normalized_kernel_bandwidth,
CurveSmoothingKernels::EpanechnikovKernel<NumberType> { });
PiecewiseFittedCurve<Dimension, NumberType, CubicBSplineKernel<NumberType>>
const std::vector<Vec<Dimension, NumberType>> &observations,
std::vector<NumberType> observation_points,
std::vector<NumberType> weights,
size_t number_of_segments) {
return fit_curve(observations, observation_points, weights, number_of_segments,
CubicBSplineKernel<NumberType> { });
template<int Dimension, typename NumberType>
PiecewiseFittedCurve<Dimension, NumberType, CubicCatmulRomKernel<NumberType>>
const std::vector<Vec<Dimension, NumberType>> &observations,
std::vector<NumberType> observation_points,
std::vector<NumberType> weights,
size_t number_of_segments) {
return fit_curve(observations, observation_points, weights, number_of_segments,
CubicCatmulRomKernel<NumberType> { });
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ using Mat = Eigen::Matrix<T, N, M, Eigen::DontAlign, N, M>;
template<int N, class T> using Vec = Mat<N, 1, T>;
template<typename NumberType>
using DynVec = Eigen::Matrix<NumberType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
// Eigen types, to replace the Slic3r's own types in the future.
// Vector types with a fixed point coordinate base type.
using Vec2crd = Eigen::Matrix<coord_t, 2, 1, Eigen::DontAlign>;
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
namespace Slic3r {
namespace BicubicInternal {
// Linear kernel, to be able to test cubic methods with hat kernels.
template<typename T>
struct LinearKernel
typedef T FloatType;
static T a00() { return T(0.); }
static T a01() { return T(0.); }
static T a02() { return T(0.); }
static T a03() { return T(0.); }
static T a10() { return T(1.); }
static T a11() { return T(-1.); }
static T a12() { return T(0.); }
static T a13() { return T(0.); }
static T a20() { return T(0.); }
static T a21() { return T(1.); }
static T a22() { return T(0.); }
static T a23() { return T(0.); }
static T a30() { return T(0.); }
static T a31() { return T(0.); }
static T a32() { return T(0.); }
static T a33() { return T(0.); }
// Interpolation kernel aka Catmul-Rom aka Keyes kernel.
template<typename T>
struct CubicCatmulRomKernel
typedef T FloatType;
static T a00() { return 0; }
static T a01() { return (T)-0.5; }
static T a02() { return (T) 1.; }
static T a03() { return (T)-0.5; }
static T a10() { return (T) 1.; }
static T a11() { return 0; }
static T a12() { return (T)-5./2.; }
static T a13() { return (T) 3./2.; }
static T a20() { return 0; }
static T a21() { return (T) 0.5; }
static T a22() { return (T) 2.; }
static T a23() { return (T)-3./2.; }
static T a30() { return 0; }
static T a31() { return 0; }
static T a32() { return (T)-0.5; }
static T a33() { return (T) 0.5; }
// B-spline kernel
template<typename T>
struct CubicBSplineKernel
typedef T FloatType;
static T a00() { return (T) 1./6.; }
static T a01() { return (T) -3./6.; }
static T a02() { return (T) 3./6.; }
static T a03() { return (T) -1./6.; }
static T a10() { return (T) 4./6.; }
static T a11() { return 0; }
static T a12() { return (T) -6./6.; }
static T a13() { return (T) 3./6.; }
static T a20() { return (T) 1./6.; }
static T a21() { return (T) 3./6.; }
static T a22() { return (T) 3./6.; }
static T a23() { return (T)- 3./6.; }
static T a30() { return 0; }
static T a31() { return 0; }
static T a32() { return 0; }
static T a33() { return (T) 1./6.; }
template<class T>
inline T clamp(T a, T lower, T upper)
return (a < lower) ? lower :
(a > upper) ? upper : a;
template<typename KERNEL>
struct CubicKernel
typedef typename KERNEL KernelInternal;
typedef typename KERNEL::FloatType FloatType;
static FloatType kernel(FloatType x)
x = fabs(x);
if (x >= (FloatType)2.)
return 0.0f;
if (x <= (FloatType)1.) {
FloatType x2 = x * x;
FloatType x3 = x2 * x;
return KERNEL::a10() + KERNEL::a11() * x + KERNEL::a12() * x2 + KERNEL::a13() * x3;
assert(x > (FloatType)1. && x < (FloatType)2.);
x -= (FloatType)1.;
FloatType x2 = x * x;
FloatType x3 = x2 * x;
return KERNEL::a00() + KERNEL::a01() * x + KERNEL::a02() * x2 + KERNEL::a03() * x3;
static FloatType interpolate(FloatType f0, FloatType f1, FloatType f2, FloatType f3, FloatType x)
const FloatType x2 = x*x;
const FloatType x3 = x*x*x;
return f0*(KERNEL::a00() + KERNEL::a01() * x + KERNEL::a02() * x2 + KERNEL::a03() * x3) +
f1*(KERNEL::a10() + KERNEL::a11() * x + KERNEL::a12() * x2 + KERNEL::a13() * x3) +
f2*(KERNEL::a20() + KERNEL::a21() * x + KERNEL::a22() * x2 + KERNEL::a23() * x3) +
f3*(KERNEL::a30() + KERNEL::a31() * x + KERNEL::a32() * x2 + KERNEL::a33() * x3);
// Linear splines
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::LinearKernel<float>> LinearKernelf;
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::LinearKernel<double>> LinearKerneld;
// Catmul-Rom splines
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::CubicCatmulRomKernel<float>> CubicCatmulRomKernelf;
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::CubicCatmulRomKernel<double>> CubicCatmulRomKerneld;
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::CubicCatmulRomKernel<float>> CubicInterpolationKernelf;
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::CubicCatmulRomKernel<double>> CubicInterpolationKerneld;
// Cubic B-splines
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::CubicBSplineKernel<float>> CubicBSplineKernelf;
typedef CubicKernel<BicubicInternal::CubicBSplineKernel<double>> CubicBSplineKerneld;
template<typename KERNEL, typename Derived>
static float cubic_interpolate(const Eigen::ArrayBase<Derived> &F, const typename KERNEL::FloatType pt, const typename KERNEL::FloatType dx)
typedef typename KERNEL::FloatType T;
const int w = int(F.size());
const int ix = (int)floor(pt);
const T s = pt - (T)ix;
if (ix > 1 && ix + 2 < w) {
// Inside the fully interpolated region.
return KERNEL::interpolate(F[ix - 1], F[ix], F[ix + 1], F[ix + 2], s);
// Transition region. Extend with a constant function.
auto f = [&F, w](x) { return F[BicubicInternal::clamp(x, 0, w - 1)]; }
return KERNEL::interpolate(f(ix - 1), f(ix), f(ix + 1), f(ix + 2), s);
template<typename KERNEL, typename Derived>
static float bicubic_interpolate(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &F, const Eigen::Matrix<typename KERNEL::FloatType, 2, 1, Eigen::DontAlign> &pt, const typename KERNEL::FloatType dx)
typedef typename KERNEL::FloatType T;
const int w = F.cols();
const int h = F.rows();
const int ix = (int)floor(pt[0]);
const int iy = (int)floor(pt[1]);
const T s = pt[0] - (T)ix;
const T t = pt[1] - (T)iy;
if (ix > 1 && ix + 2 < w && iy > 1 && iy + 2 < h) {
// Inside the fully interpolated region.
return KERNEL::interpolate(
KERNEL::interpolate(F(ix-1,iy-1),F(ix ,iy-1),F(ix+1,iy-1),F(ix+2,iy-1),s),
KERNEL::interpolate(F(ix-1,iy ),F(ix ,iy ),F(ix+1,iy ),F(ix+2,iy ),s),
KERNEL::interpolate(F(ix-1,iy+1),F(ix ,iy+1),F(ix+1,iy+1),F(ix+2,iy+1),s),
KERNEL::interpolate(F(ix-1,iy+2),F(ix ,iy+2),F(ix+1,iy+2),F(ix+2,iy+2),s),t);
// Transition region. Extend with a constant function.
auto f = [&f, w, h](int x, int y) { return F(BicubicInternal::clamp(x,0,w-1),BicubicInternal::clamp(y,0,h-1)); }
return KERNEL::interpolate(
KERNEL::interpolate(f(ix-1,iy-1),f(ix ,iy-1),f(ix+1,iy-1),f(ix+2,iy-1),s),
KERNEL::interpolate(f(ix-1,iy ),f(ix ,iy ),f(ix+1,iy ),f(ix+2,iy ),s),
KERNEL::interpolate(f(ix-1,iy+1),f(ix ,iy+1),f(ix+1,iy+1),f(ix+2,iy+1),s),
KERNEL::interpolate(f(ix-1,iy+2),f(ix ,iy+2),f(ix+1,iy+2),f(ix+2,iy+2),s),t);
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* BICUBIC_HPP */
@ -2,61 +2,117 @@
#include <test_utils.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/Geometry/Curves.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/Utils.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SVG.hpp>
TEST_CASE("Curves: constant kernel fitting", "[Curves]") {
TEST_CASE("Curves: cubic b spline fit test", "[Curves]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
using namespace Slic3r::Geometry;
std::vector<Vec<1, float>> points { Vec<1, float> { 0 }, Vec<1, float> { 2 }, Vec<1, float> { 7 } };
size_t number_of_segments = 2;
float normalized_kernel_bandwidth = 1.0f;
auto kernel = CurveSmoothingKernels::ConstantKernel<float> { };
auto curve = fit_curve(points, number_of_segments, normalized_kernel_bandwidth, kernel);
auto fx = [&](size_t index) {
return float(index) / 200.0f;
REQUIRE(curve.length == Approx(7.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0].size() == number_of_segments);
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0][0] == Approx(1.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0][1] == Approx(7.0f));
auto fy = [&](size_t index) {
return 1.0f;
REQUIRE(curve.get_fitted_point(0.33)[0] == Approx(1.0f));
std::vector<Vec<1, float>> observations { };
std::vector<float> observation_points { };
std::vector<float> weights { };
for (size_t index = 0; index < 200; ++index) {
observations.push_back(Vec<1, float> { fy(index) });
Vec2f fmin { fx(0), fy(0) };
Vec2f fmax { fx(200), fy(200) };
auto bspline = fit_cubic_bspline(observations, observation_points, weights, 1);
Approx ap(1.0f);
for (int p = 0; p < 200; ++p) {
float fitted_val = bspline.get_fitted_value(fx(p))(0);
float expected = fy(p);
REQUIRE(fitted_val == ap(expected));
TEST_CASE("Curves: constant kernel fitting 2", "[Curves]") {
TEST_CASE("Curves: quadratic f cubic b spline fit test", "[Curves]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
using namespace Slic3r::Geometry;
std::vector<Vec<1, float>> points { Vec<1, float> { 0 }, Vec<1, float> { 2 }, Vec<1, float> { 2 },
Vec<1, float> { 4 } };
size_t number_of_segments = 2;
float normalized_kernel_bandwidth = 2.0f;
auto kernel = CurveSmoothingKernels::ConstantKernel<float> { };
auto curve = fit_curve(points, number_of_segments, normalized_kernel_bandwidth, kernel);
auto fx = [&](size_t index) {
return float(index) / 100.0f;
REQUIRE(curve.length == Approx(4.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0].size() == number_of_segments);
REQUIRE(curve.get_fitted_point(0.33)[0] == Approx(2.0f));
auto fy = [&](size_t index) {
return (fx(index) - 1) * (fx(index) - 1);
std::vector<Vec<1, float>> observations { };
std::vector<float> observation_points { };
std::vector<float> weights { };
for (size_t index = 0; index < 200; ++index) {
observations.push_back(Vec<1, float> { fy(index) });
Vec2f fmin { fx(0), fy(0) };
Vec2f fmax { fx(200), fy(200) };
auto bspline = fit_cubic_bspline(observations, observation_points, weights, 10);
for (int p = 0; p < 200; ++p) {
float fitted_val = bspline.get_fitted_value(fx(p))(0);
float expected = fy(p);
auto check = [](float a, float b) {
return abs(a - b) < 0.2f;
//Note: checking is problematic, splines will not perfectly align
REQUIRE(check(fitted_val, expected));
TEST_CASE("Curves: 2D constant kernel fitting", "[Curves]") {
TEST_CASE("Curves: polynomial fit test", "[Curves]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
using namespace Slic3r::Geometry;
std::vector<Vec2f> points { Vec2f { 0, 0 }, Vec2f { 2, 1 }, Vec2f { 4, 2 }, Vec2f { 6, 3 } };
size_t number_of_segments = 4;
float normalized_kernel_bandwidth = 0.49f;
auto kernel = CurveSmoothingKernels::ConstantKernel<float> { };
auto curve = fit_curve(points, number_of_segments, normalized_kernel_bandwidth, kernel);
auto fx = [&](size_t index) {
return float(index) / 100.0f;
REQUIRE(curve.length == Approx(sqrt(6 * 6 + 3 * 3)));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients.size() == 2);
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0].size() == number_of_segments);
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0][0] == Approx(0.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0][1] == Approx(2.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0][2] == Approx(4.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[0][3] == Approx(6.0f));
auto fy = [&](size_t index) {
return (fx(index) - 1) * (fx(index) - 1);
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[1][0] == Approx(0.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[1][1] == Approx(1.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[1][2] == Approx(2.0f));
REQUIRE(curve.coefficients[1][3] == Approx(3.0f));
std::vector<Vec<1, float>> observations { };
std::vector<float> observation_points { };
std::vector<float> weights { };
for (size_t index = 0; index < 200; ++index) {
observations.push_back(Vec<1, float> { fy(index) });
Vec2f fmin { fx(0), fy(0) };
Vec2f fmax { fx(200), fy(200) };
Approx ap(1.0f);
auto poly = fit_polynomial(observations, observation_points, weights, 2);
REQUIRE(poly.coefficients[0](0) == ap(1));
REQUIRE(poly.coefficients[0](1) == ap(-2));
REQUIRE(poly.coefficients[0](2) == ap(1));
Add table
Reference in a new issue