Bugfix: [layer_num] was out of order because of support material layers having their order numbers. Now we use a unique continuous series. Includes regression test. #2634

This commit is contained in:
Alessandro Ranellucci 2015-05-03 21:41:30 +02:00
parent 73e32dfe5d
commit 63af442e3e

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use Test::More tests => 13; use Test::More tests => 15;
use strict; use strict;
use warnings; use warnings;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ BEGIN {
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
} }
use List::Util qw(first);
use Slic3r; use Slic3r;
use Slic3r::Test; use Slic3r::Test;
@ -104,4 +105,29 @@ use Slic3r::Test;
} }
} }
my $config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults;
$config->set('before_layer_gcode', ';BEFORE [layer_num]');
$config->set('layer_gcode', ';CHANGE [layer_num]');
$config->set('support_material', 1);
$config->set('layer_height', 0.2);
my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('overhang', config => $config);
my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print);
my @before = ();
my @change = ();
foreach my $line (split /\R+/, $gcode) {
if ($line =~ /;BEFORE (\d+)/) {
push @before, $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /;CHANGE (\d+)/) {
push @change, $1;
fail 'inconsistent layer_num before and after layer change'
if $1 != $before[-1];
is_deeply \@before, \@change, 'layer_num is consistent before and after layer changes';
ok !defined(first { $change[$_] != $change[$_-1]+1 } 1..$#change),
'layer_num grows continously'; # i.e. no duplicates or regressions
__END__ __END__