WIP: Transformation of instances in world coordinate space:
Ulocking the "anisotropic" scaling checkbox will bake the transformation into meshes to allow for scaling in world axes. Optimized and templated the stl_transform functions, now also available for 3x3 matrices. The Canvas3D::reload_scene() now maintains selection even if all volumes of an instance changed their IDs.
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 237 additions and 118 deletions
@ -180,8 +180,65 @@ extern void stl_rotate_z(stl_file *stl, float angle);
extern void stl_mirror_xy(stl_file *stl);
extern void stl_mirror_yz(stl_file *stl);
extern void stl_mirror_xz(stl_file *stl);
extern void stl_transform(stl_file *stl, float *trafo3x4);
extern void stl_transform(stl_file *stl, const Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>& t);
template<typename T>
extern void stl_transform(stl_file *stl, T *trafo3x4)
if (stl->error)
for (uint32_t i_face = 0; i_face < stl->stats.number_of_facets; ++ i_face) {
stl_facet &face = stl->facet_start[i_face];
for (int i_vertex = 0; i_vertex < 3; ++ i_vertex) {
stl_vertex &v_dst = face.vertex[i_vertex];
stl_vertex v_src = v_dst;
v_dst(0) = T(trafo3x4[0] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[1] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[2] * v_src(2) + trafo3x4[3]);
v_dst(1) = T(trafo3x4[4] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[5] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[6] * v_src(2) + trafo3x4[7]);
v_dst(2) = T(trafo3x4[8] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[9] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[10] * v_src(2) + trafo3x4[11]);
stl_vertex &v_dst = face.normal;
stl_vertex v_src = v_dst;
v_dst(0) = T(trafo3x4[0] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[1] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[2] * v_src(2));
v_dst(1) = T(trafo3x4[4] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[5] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[6] * v_src(2));
v_dst(2) = T(trafo3x4[8] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[9] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[10] * v_src(2));
template<typename T>
inline void stl_transform(stl_file *stl, const Eigen::Transform<T, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>& t)
if (stl->error)
const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::DontAlign> r = t.matrix().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stl->stats.number_of_facets; ++i) {
stl_facet &f = stl->facet_start[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
f.vertex[j] = (t * f.vertex[j].cast<T>()).cast<float>().eval();
f.normal = (r * f.normal.cast<T>()).cast<float>().eval();
template<typename T>
inline void stl_transform(stl_file *stl, const Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 3, Eigen::DontAlign>& m)
if (stl->error)
for (size_t i = 0; i < stl->stats.number_of_facets; ++i) {
stl_facet &f = stl->facet_start[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
f.vertex[j] = (m * f.vertex[j].cast<T>()).cast<float>().eval();
f.normal = (m * f.normal.cast<T>()).cast<float>().eval();
extern void stl_open_merge(stl_file *stl, char *file);
extern void stl_invalidate_shared_vertices(stl_file *stl);
extern void stl_generate_shared_vertices(stl_file *stl);
@ -137,65 +137,6 @@ static void calculate_normals(stl_file *stl)
void stl_transform(stl_file *stl, float *trafo3x4) {
int i_face, i_vertex;
if (stl->error)
for (i_face = 0; i_face < stl->stats.number_of_facets; ++ i_face) {
stl_vertex *vertices = stl->facet_start[i_face].vertex;
for (i_vertex = 0; i_vertex < 3; ++ i_vertex) {
stl_vertex &v_dst = vertices[i_vertex];
stl_vertex v_src = v_dst;
v_dst(0) = trafo3x4[0] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[1] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[2] * v_src(2) + trafo3x4[3];
v_dst(1) = trafo3x4[4] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[5] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[6] * v_src(2) + trafo3x4[7];
v_dst(2) = trafo3x4[8] * v_src(0) + trafo3x4[9] * v_src(1) + trafo3x4[10] * v_src(2) + trafo3x4[11];
void stl_transform(stl_file *stl, const Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign>& t)
if (stl->error)
unsigned int vertices_count = 3 * (unsigned int)stl->stats.number_of_facets;
if (vertices_count == 0)
Eigen::MatrixXf src_vertices(3, vertices_count);
stl_facet* facet_ptr = stl->facet_start;
unsigned int v_id = 0;
while (facet_ptr < stl->facet_start + stl->stats.number_of_facets)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
::memcpy((void*)src_vertices.col(v_id).data(), (const void*)&facet_ptr->vertex[i], 3 * sizeof(float));
facet_ptr += 1;
Eigen::MatrixXf dst_vertices(3, vertices_count);
dst_vertices = t.cast<float>() * src_vertices.colwise().homogeneous();
facet_ptr = stl->facet_start;
v_id = 0;
while (facet_ptr < stl->facet_start + stl->stats.number_of_facets)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
::memcpy((void*)&facet_ptr->vertex[i], (const void*)dst_vertices.col(v_id).data(), 3 * sizeof(float));
facet_ptr += 1;
stl_rotate_x(stl_file *stl, float angle) {
int i;
@ -269,6 +269,21 @@ extern Eigen::Quaterniond rotation_xyz_diff(const Vec3d &rot_xyz_from, const Vec
// This should only be called if it is known, that the two rotations only differ in rotation around the Z axis.
extern double rotation_diff_z(const Vec3d &rot_xyz_from, const Vec3d &rot_xyz_to);
// Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees?
inline bool is_rotation_ninety_degrees(double a)
a = fmod(std::abs(a), 0.5 * M_PI);
if (a > 0.25 * PI)
a = 0.5 * PI - a;
return a < 0.001;
// Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees?
inline bool is_rotation_ninety_degrees(const Vec3d &rotation)
return is_rotation_ninety_degrees(rotation.x()) && is_rotation_ninety_degrees(rotation.y()) && is_rotation_ninety_degrees(rotation.z());
} }
@ -24,6 +24,19 @@ unsigned int Model::s_auto_extruder_id = 1;
size_t ModelBase::s_last_id = 0;
// Unique object / instance ID for the wipe tower.
ModelID wipe_tower_object_id()
static ModelBase mine;
return mine.id();
ModelID wipe_tower_instance_id()
static ModelBase mine;
return mine.id();
Model& Model::assign_copy(const Model &rhs)
@ -1320,6 +1333,58 @@ void ModelObject::repair()
// Support for non-uniform scaling of instances. If an instance is rotated by angles, which are not multiples of ninety degrees,
// then the scaling in world coordinate system is not representable by the Geometry::Transformation structure.
// This situation is solved by baking in the instance transformation into the mesh vertices.
// Rotation and mirroring is being baked in. In case the instance scaling was non-uniform, it is baked in as well.
void ModelObject::bake_xy_rotation_into_meshes(size_t instance_idx)
assert(instance_idx < this->instances.size());
const Geometry::Transformation reference_trafo = this->instances[instance_idx]->get_transformation();
if (Geometry::is_rotation_ninety_degrees(reference_trafo.get_rotation()))
// nothing to do, scaling in the world coordinate space is possible in the representation of Geometry::Transformation.
bool left_handed = reference_trafo.is_left_handed();
bool has_mirrorring = ! reference_trafo.get_mirror().isApprox(Vec3d(1., 1., 1.));
bool uniform_scaling = std::abs(reference_trafo.get_scaling_factor().x() - reference_trafo.get_scaling_factor().y()) < EPSILON &&
std::abs(reference_trafo.get_scaling_factor().x() - reference_trafo.get_scaling_factor().z()) < EPSILON;
double new_scaling_factor = uniform_scaling ? reference_trafo.get_scaling_factor().x() : 1.;
// Adjust the instances.
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->instances.size(); ++ i) {
ModelInstance &model_instance = *this->instances[i];
model_instance.set_rotation(Vec3d(0., 0., Geometry::rotation_diff_z(reference_trafo.get_rotation(), model_instance.get_rotation())));
model_instance.set_scaling_factor(Vec3d(new_scaling_factor, new_scaling_factor, new_scaling_factor));
model_instance.set_mirror(Vec3d(1., 1., 1.));
// Adjust the meshes.
// Transformation to be applied to the meshes.
Eigen::Matrix3d mesh_trafo_3x3 = reference_trafo.get_matrix(true, false, uniform_scaling, ! has_mirrorring).matrix().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
Transform3d volume_offset_correction = this->instances[instance_idx]->get_transformation().get_matrix().inverse() * reference_trafo.get_matrix();
for (ModelVolume *model_volume : this->volumes) {
const Geometry::Transformation volume_trafo = model_volume->get_transformation();
bool volume_left_handed = volume_trafo.is_left_handed();
bool volume_has_mirrorring = ! volume_trafo.get_mirror().isApprox(Vec3d(1., 1., 1.));
bool volume_uniform_scaling = std::abs(volume_trafo.get_scaling_factor().x() - volume_trafo.get_scaling_factor().y()) < EPSILON &&
std::abs(volume_trafo.get_scaling_factor().x() - volume_trafo.get_scaling_factor().z()) < EPSILON;
double volume_new_scaling_factor = volume_uniform_scaling ? volume_trafo.get_scaling_factor().x() : 1.;
// Transform the mesh.
Matrix3d volume_trafo_3x3 = volume_trafo.get_matrix(true, false, volume_uniform_scaling, !volume_has_mirrorring).matrix().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
model_volume->transform_mesh(mesh_trafo_3x3 * volume_trafo_3x3, left_handed != volume_left_handed);
// Reset the rotation, scaling and mirroring.
model_volume->set_rotation(Vec3d(0., 0., 0.));
model_volume->set_scaling_factor(Vec3d(volume_new_scaling_factor, volume_new_scaling_factor, volume_new_scaling_factor));
model_volume->set_mirror(Vec3d(1., 1., 1.));
// Move the reference point of the volume to compensate for the change of the instance trafo.
model_volume->set_offset(volume_offset_correction * volume_trafo.get_offset());
double ModelObject::get_min_z() const
if (instances.empty())
@ -1656,6 +1721,22 @@ void ModelVolume::scale_geometry(const Vec3d& versor)
void ModelVolume::transform_mesh(const Transform3d &mesh_trafo, bool fix_left_handed)
this->mesh.transform(mesh_trafo, fix_left_handed);
this->m_convex_hull.transform(mesh_trafo, fix_left_handed);
// Let the rest of the application know that the geometry changed, so the meshes have to be reloaded.
void ModelVolume::transform_mesh(const Matrix3d &matrix, bool fix_left_handed)
this->mesh.transform(matrix, fix_left_handed);
this->m_convex_hull.transform(matrix, fix_left_handed);
// Let the rest of the application know that the geometry changed, so the meshes have to be reloaded.
void ModelInstance::transform_mesh(TriangleMesh* mesh, bool dont_translate) const
@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ struct ModelID
size_t id;
// Unique object / instance ID for the wipe tower.
extern ModelID wipe_tower_object_id();
extern ModelID wipe_tower_instance_id();
// Base for Model, ModelObject, ModelVolume, ModelInstance or ModelMaterial to provide a unique ID
// to synchronize the front end (UI) with the back end (BackgroundSlicingProcess / Print / PrintObject).
// Achtung! The s_last_id counter is not thread safe, so it is expected, that the ModelBase derived instances
@ -85,6 +89,9 @@ private:
static inline ModelID generate_new_id() { return ModelID(++ s_last_id); }
static size_t s_last_id;
friend ModelID wipe_tower_object_id();
friend ModelID wipe_tower_instance_id();
@ -265,6 +272,11 @@ public:
ModelObjectPtrs cut(size_t instance, coordf_t z, bool keep_upper = true, bool keep_lower = true, bool rotate_lower = false); // Note: z is in world coordinates
void split(ModelObjectPtrs* new_objects);
void repair();
// Support for non-uniform scaling of instances. If an instance is rotated by angles, which are not multiples of ninety degrees,
// then the scaling in world coordinate system is not representable by the Geometry::Transformation structure.
// This situation is solved by baking in the instance transformation into the mesh vertices.
// Rotation and mirroring is being baked in. In case the instance scaling was non-uniform, it is baked in as well.
void bake_xy_rotation_into_meshes(size_t instance_idx);
double get_min_z() const;
double get_instance_min_z(size_t instance_idx) const;
@ -414,6 +426,8 @@ protected:
explicit ModelVolume(const ModelVolume &rhs) = default;
void set_model_object(ModelObject *model_object) { object = model_object; }
void transform_mesh(const Transform3d& t, bool fix_left_handed);
void transform_mesh(const Matrix3d& m, bool fix_left_handed);
// Parent object owning this ModelVolume.
@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ typedef std::vector<Vec3crd> Points3;
typedef std::vector<Vec2d> Pointfs;
typedef std::vector<Vec3d> Pointf3s;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, 2, 2, Eigen::DontAlign> Matrix2f;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2, Eigen::DontAlign> Matrix2d;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 3, Eigen::DontAlign> Matrix3f;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::DontAlign> Matrix3d;
typedef Eigen::Transform<float, 2, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign> Transform2f;
typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 2, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign> Transform2d;
typedef Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign> Transform3f;
@ -330,6 +330,17 @@ void TriangleMesh::transform(const Transform3d& t, bool fix_left_handed)
void TriangleMesh::transform(const Matrix3d& m, bool fix_left_handed)
stl_transform(&stl, m);
if (fix_left_handed && m.determinant() < 0.) {
// Left handed transformation is being applied. It is a good idea to flip the faces and their normals.
void TriangleMesh::align_to_origin()
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public:
void mirror_y() { this->mirror(Y); }
void mirror_z() { this->mirror(Z); }
void transform(const Transform3d& t, bool fix_left_handed = false);
void transform(const Matrix3d& t, bool fix_left_handed = false);
void align_to_origin();
void rotate(double angle, Point* center);
TriangleMeshPtrs split() const;
@ -716,6 +716,8 @@ int GLVolumeCollection::load_wipe_tower_preview(
v.bounding_box = v.indexed_vertex_array.bounding_box();
v.composite_id = GLVolume::CompositeID(obj_idx, 0, 0);
v.geometry_id.first = 0;
v.geometry_id.second = wipe_tower_instance_id().id;
v.is_wipe_tower = true;
v.shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled = ! size_unknown;
return int(this->volumes.size() - 1);
@ -1770,6 +1770,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
// State of the sla_steps for all SLAPrintObjects.
std::vector<SLASupportState> sla_support_state;
std::vector<size_t> instance_ids_selected;
std::vector<size_t> map_glvolume_old_to_new(m_volumes.volumes.size(), size_t(-1));
std::vector<GLVolume*> glvolumes_new;
@ -1834,6 +1835,10 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
if (it != model_volume_state.end() && it->geometry_id == key.geometry_id)
mvs = &(*it);
// Emplace instance ID of the volume. Both the aux volumes and model volumes share the same instance ID.
// The wipe tower has its own wipe_tower_instance_id().
if (m_selection.contains_volume(volume_id))
if (mvs == nullptr || force_full_scene_refresh) {
// This GLVolume will be released.
if (volume->is_wipe_tower) {
@ -1865,6 +1870,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
if (m_reload_delayed)
@ -2001,7 +2007,10 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
// Update selection indices based on the old/new GLVolumeCollection.
if (m_selection.get_mode() == Selection::Instance)
@ -1357,19 +1357,12 @@ Geometry::Transformation volume_to_bed_transformation(const Geometry::Transforma
Geometry::Transformation out;
// Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees?
auto ninety_degrees = [](double a) {
a = fmod(std::abs(a), 0.5 * PI);
if (a > 0.25 * PI)
a = 0.5 * PI - a;
return a < 0.001;
if (instance_transformation.is_scaling_uniform()) {
// No need to run the non-linear least squares fitting for uniform scaling.
// Just set the inverse.
else if (ninety_degrees(instance_transformation.get_rotation().x()) && ninety_degrees(instance_transformation.get_rotation().y()) && ninety_degrees(instance_transformation.get_rotation().z()))
else if (Geometry::is_rotation_ninety_degrees(instance_transformation.get_rotation()))
// Anisotropic scaling, rotation by multiples of ninety degrees.
Eigen::Matrix3d instance_rotation_trafo =
@ -177,15 +177,19 @@ ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
void ObjectManipulation::Show(const bool show)
if (show == IsShown())
if (show != IsShown()) {
if (show && wxGetApp().get_mode() != comSimple) {
m_og->get_grid_sizer()->Show(size_t(0), false);
m_og->get_grid_sizer()->Show(size_t(1), false);
if (show && wxGetApp().get_mode() != comSimple) {
m_og->get_grid_sizer()->Show(size_t(0), false);
m_og->get_grid_sizer()->Show(size_t(1), false);
if (show) {
bool show_world_local_combo = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection().is_single_full_instance();
bool ObjectManipulation::IsShown()
@ -201,18 +205,6 @@ void ObjectManipulation::UpdateAndShow(const bool show)
static bool is_rotation_ninety_degrees(const Vec3d &rotation)
// Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees?
auto ninety_degrees = [](double a) {
a = fmod(std::abs(a), 0.5 * PI);
if (a > 0.25 * PI)
a = 0.5 * PI - a;
return a < 0.001;
return ninety_degrees(rotation.x()) && ninety_degrees(rotation.y()) && ninety_degrees(rotation.z());
void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const Selection& selection)
m_new_move_label_string = L("Position");
@ -269,7 +261,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const Selection& selection)
// all volumes in the selection belongs to the same instance, any of them contains the needed instance data, so we take the first one
const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
// Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees?
if (! is_rotation_ninety_degrees(volume->get_instance_rotation())) {
if (! Geometry::is_rotation_ninety_degrees(volume->get_instance_rotation())) {
// Manipulating an instance in the world coordinate system, rotation is not multiples of ninety degrees, therefore enforce uniform scaling.
m_uniform_scale = true;
@ -573,7 +565,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::set_uniform_scaling(const bool new_value)
// all volumes in the selection belongs to the same instance, any of them contains the needed instance data, so we take the first one
const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
// Is the angle close to a multiple of 90 degrees?
if (! is_rotation_ninety_degrees(volume->get_instance_rotation())) {
if (! Geometry::is_rotation_ninety_degrees(volume->get_instance_rotation())) {
// Cannot apply scaling in the world coordinate system.
wxMessageDialog dlg(GUI::wxGetApp().mainframe,
_(L("Non-uniform scaling of tilted objects is not supported in the World coordinate system.\n"
@ -586,6 +578,9 @@ void ObjectManipulation::set_uniform_scaling(const bool new_value)
// Bake the rotation into the meshes of the object.
// Update the 3D scene, selections etc.
m_uniform_scale = new_value;
@ -310,43 +310,36 @@ void Selection::clear()
// Update the selection based on the new instance IDs.
void Selection::instances_changed(const std::vector<size_t> &instance_ids_selected)
assert(m_mode == Instance);
for (unsigned int volume_idx = 0; volume_idx < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++ volume_idx) {
const GLVolume *volume = (*m_volumes)[volume_idx];
auto it = std::lower_bound(instance_ids_selected.begin(), instance_ids_selected.end(), volume->geometry_id.second);
if (it != instance_ids_selected.end() && *it == volume->geometry_id.second)
m_bounding_box_dirty = true;
// Update the selection based on the map from old indices to new indices after m_volumes changed.
// If the current selection is by instance, this call may select newly added volumes, if they belong to already selected instances.
void Selection::volumes_changed(const std::vector<size_t> &map_volume_old_to_new)
// 1) Update the selection set.
assert(m_mode == Volume);
IndicesList list_new;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> model_instances;
for (unsigned int idx : m_list) {
for (unsigned int idx : m_list)
if (map_volume_old_to_new[idx] != size_t(-1)) {
unsigned int new_idx = (unsigned int)map_volume_old_to_new[idx];
if (m_mode == Instance) {
// Save the object_idx / instance_idx pair of selected old volumes,
// so we may add the newly added volumes of the same object_idx / instance_idx pair
// to the selection.
const GLVolume *volume = (*m_volumes)[new_idx];
model_instances.emplace_back(volume->object_idx(), volume->instance_idx());
m_list = std::move(list_new);
if (!model_instances.empty()) {
// Instance selection mode. Add the newly added volumes of the same object_idx / instance_idx pair
// to the selection.
assert(m_mode == Instance);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) {
const GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[i];
for (const std::pair<int, int> &model_instance : model_instances)
if (volume->object_idx() == model_instance.first && volume->instance_idx() == model_instance.second)
m_bounding_box_dirty = true;
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ public:
void add_all();
// Update the selection based on the new instance IDs.
void instances_changed(const std::vector<size_t> &instance_ids_selected);
// Update the selection based on the map from old indices to new indices after m_volumes changed.
// If the current selection is by instance, this call may select newly added volumes, if they belong to already selected instances.
void volumes_changed(const std::vector<size_t> &map_volume_old_to_new);
@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ public:
bool is_from_single_instance() const { return get_instance_idx() != -1; }
bool is_from_single_object() const;
bool contains_volume(unsigned int volume_idx) const { return std::find(m_list.begin(), m_list.end(), volume_idx) != m_list.end(); }
bool contains_volume(unsigned int volume_idx) const { return m_list.find(volume_idx) != m_list.end(); }
bool requires_uniform_scale() const;
// Returns the the object id if the selection is from a single object, otherwise is -1
Reference in a new issue