@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "../Print.hpp"
#include "../Polygon.hpp"
#include "../ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "../Geometry.hpp"
#include "../ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "../SVG.hpp"
#include "AvoidCrossingPerimeters.hpp"
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
struct TravelPoint
Point point;
// Index of the polygon containing this point. A negative value indicates that the point is not on any border
// Index of the polygon containing this point. A negative value indicates that the point is not on any border.
int border_idx;
@ -26,17 +27,11 @@ struct Intersection
size_t border_idx;
// Index of the line on the polygon containing this point of intersection.
size_t line_idx;
// Point of intersection projected on the travel path.
Point point_transformed;
// Point of intersection.
Point point;
Intersection(size_t border_idx, size_t line_idx, const Point &point_transformed, const Point &point)
: border_idx(border_idx), line_idx(line_idx), point_transformed(point_transformed), point(point){};
inline bool operator<(const Intersection &other) const { return this->point_transformed.x() < other.point_transformed.x(); }
// Finding all intersections of a set of contours with a line segment.
struct AllIntersectionsVisitor
AllIntersectionsVisitor(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid, std::vector<Intersection> &intersections)
@ -45,9 +40,8 @@ struct AllIntersectionsVisitor
AllIntersectionsVisitor(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid,
std::vector<Intersection> &intersections,
const Matrix2d &transform_to_x_axis,
const Line &travel_line)
: grid(grid), intersections(intersections), transform_to_x_axis(transform_to_x_axis), travel_line(travel_line)
: grid(grid), intersections(intersections), travel_line(travel_line)
void reset() {
@ -58,16 +52,11 @@ struct AllIntersectionsVisitor
// Called with a row and colum of the grid cell, which is intersected by a line.
auto cell_data_range = grid.cell_data_range(iy, ix);
for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second;
++it_contour_and_segment) {
// End points of the line segment and their vector.
auto segment = grid.segment(*it_contour_and_segment);
for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second; ++it_contour_and_segment) {
Point intersection_point;
if (travel_line.intersection(Line(segment.first, segment.second), &intersection_point) &&
if (travel_line.intersection(grid.line(*it_contour_and_segment), &intersection_point) &&
intersection_set.find(*it_contour_and_segment) == intersection_set.end()) {
intersections.emplace_back(it_contour_and_segment->first, it_contour_and_segment->second,
(transform_to_x_axis * intersection_point.cast<double>()).cast<coord_t>(), intersection_point);
intersections.push_back({ it_contour_and_segment->first, it_contour_and_segment->second, intersection_point });
@ -77,57 +66,42 @@ struct AllIntersectionsVisitor
const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid;
std::vector<Intersection> &intersections;
Matrix2d transform_to_x_axis;
Line travel_line;
std::unordered_set<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, boost::hash<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>> intersection_set;
// Create a rotation matrix for projection on the given vector
static Matrix2d rotation_by_direction(const Point &direction)
Matrix2d rotation;
rotation.block<1, 2>(0, 0) = direction.cast<double>() / direction.cast<double>().norm();
rotation(1, 0) = -rotation(0, 1);
rotation(1, 1) = rotation(0, 0);
return rotation;
static Point find_first_different_vertex(const Polygon &polygon, const size_t point_idx, const Point &point, bool forward)
template<bool forward>
static Point find_first_different_vertex(const Polygon &polygon, const size_t point_idx, const Point &point)
assert(point_idx < polygon.size());
if (point != polygon.points[point_idx])
return polygon.points[point_idx];
int line_idx = int(point_idx);
if (forward)
for (; point == polygon.points[line_idx]; line_idx = (((line_idx + 1) < int(polygon.points.size())) ? (line_idx + 1) : 0));
auto line_idx = int(point_idx);
//FIXME endless loop if all points are equal to point?
if constexpr (forward)
for (; point == polygon.points[line_idx]; line_idx = line_idx + 1 < int(polygon.points.size()) ? line_idx + 1 : 0);
for (; point == polygon.points[line_idx]; line_idx = (((line_idx - 1) >= 0) ? (line_idx - 1) : (int(polygon.points.size()) - 1)));
for (; point == polygon.points[line_idx]; line_idx = line_idx - 1 >= 0 ? line_idx - 1 : int(polygon.points.size()) - 1);
return polygon.points[line_idx];
//FIXME will be in Point.h in the master
template<typename T, int Options>
inline Eigen::Matrix<T, 2, 1, Eigen::DontAlign> perp(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Eigen::Matrix<T, 2, 1, Options>>& v) { return Eigen::Matrix<T, 2, 1, Eigen::DontAlign>(-v.y(), v.x()); }
static Vec2d three_points_inward_normal(const Point &left, const Point &middle, const Point &right)
assert(left != middle);
assert(middle != right);
Vec2d normal_1(-1 * (middle.y() - left.y()), middle.x() - left.x());
Vec2d normal_2(-1 * (right.y() - middle.y()), right.x() - middle.x());
return (normal_1 + normal_2).normalized();
return (perp(Point(middle - left)).cast<double>().normalized() + perp(Point(right - middle)).cast<double>().normalized()).normalized();
// Compute normal of the polygon's vertex in an inward direction
static Vec2d get_polygon_vertex_inward_normal(const Polygon &polygon, const size_t point_idx)
const size_t left_idx = (point_idx <= 0) ? (polygon.size() - 1) : (point_idx - 1);
const size_t right_idx = (point_idx >= (polygon.size() - 1)) ? 0 : (point_idx + 1);
const size_t left_idx = point_idx == 0 ? polygon.size() - 1 : point_idx - 1;
const size_t right_idx = point_idx + 1 == polygon.size() ? 0 : point_idx + 1;
const Point &middle = polygon.points[point_idx];
const Point &left = find_first_different_vertex(polygon, left_idx, middle, false);
const Point &right = find_first_different_vertex(polygon, right_idx, middle, true);
const Point &left = find_first_different_vertex<false>(polygon, left_idx, middle);
const Point &right = find_first_different_vertex<true>(polygon, right_idx, middle);
return three_points_inward_normal(left, middle, right);
@ -140,114 +114,11 @@ static Point get_polygon_vertex_offset(const Polygon &polygon, const size_t poin
// Compute offset (in the direction of inward normal) of the point(passed on "middle") based on the nearest points laying on the polygon (left_idx and right_idx).
static Point get_middle_point_offset(const Polygon &polygon, const size_t left_idx, const size_t right_idx, const Point &middle, const coord_t offset)
const Point &left = find_first_different_vertex(polygon, left_idx, middle, false);
const Point &right = find_first_different_vertex(polygon, right_idx, middle, true);
const Point &left = find_first_different_vertex<false>(polygon, left_idx, middle);
const Point &right = find_first_different_vertex<true>(polygon, right_idx, middle);
return middle + (three_points_inward_normal(left, middle, right) * double(offset)).cast<coord_t>();
static bool check_if_could_cross_perimeters(const BoundingBox &bbox, const Point &start, const Point &end)
bool start_out_of_bound = !bbox.contains(start), end_out_of_bound = !bbox.contains(end);
// When both endpoints are out of the bounding box, it needs to check in more detail.
if (start_out_of_bound && end_out_of_bound) {
Point intersection;
return bbox.polygon().intersection(Line(start, end), &intersection);
return true;
static std::pair<Point, Point> clamp_endpoints_by_bounding_box(const BoundingBox &bbox, const Point &start, const Point &end)
bool start_out_of_bound = !bbox.contains(start), end_out_of_bound = !bbox.contains(end);
Point start_clamped = start, end_clamped = end;
Points intersections;
if (start_out_of_bound || end_out_of_bound) {
bbox.polygon().intersections(Line(start, end), &intersections);
assert(intersections.size() <= 2);
if (start_out_of_bound && !end_out_of_bound && intersections.size() == 1) {
start_clamped = intersections[0];
} else if (!start_out_of_bound && end_out_of_bound && intersections.size() == 1) {
end_clamped = intersections[0];
} else if (start_out_of_bound && end_out_of_bound && intersections.size() == 2) {
if ((intersections[0] - start).cast<double>().norm() < (intersections[1] - start).cast<double>().norm()) {
start_clamped = intersections[0];
end_clamped = intersections[1];
} else {
start_clamped = intersections[1];
end_clamped = intersections[0];
return std::make_pair(start_clamped, end_clamped);
static inline float get_default_perimeter_spacing(const Print &print)
const std::vector<double> &nozzle_diameters = print.config().nozzle_diameter.values;
return float(scale_(*std::max_element(nozzle_diameters.begin(), nozzle_diameters.end())));
static float get_perimeter_spacing(const Layer &layer)
size_t regions_count = 0;
float perimeter_spacing = 0.f;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions()) {
perimeter_spacing += layer_region->flow(frPerimeter).scaled_spacing();
assert(perimeter_spacing >= 0.f);
if (regions_count != 0)
perimeter_spacing /= float(regions_count);
perimeter_spacing = get_default_perimeter_spacing(*layer.object()->print());
return perimeter_spacing;
static float get_perimeter_spacing_external(const Layer &layer)
size_t regions_count = 0;
float perimeter_spacing = 0.f;
for (const PrintObject *object : layer.object()->print()->objects())
for (Layer *l : object->layers())
if ((layer.print_z - EPSILON) <= l->print_z && l->print_z <= (layer.print_z + EPSILON))
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : l->regions()) {
perimeter_spacing += layer_region->flow(frPerimeter).scaled_spacing();
assert(perimeter_spacing >= 0.f);
if (regions_count != 0)
perimeter_spacing /= float(regions_count);
perimeter_spacing = get_default_perimeter_spacing(*layer.object()->print());
return perimeter_spacing;
// Check if anyone of ExPolygons contains whole travel.
template<class T> static bool any_expolygon_contains(const ExPolygons &ex_polygons, const T &travel)
for (const ExPolygon &ex_polygon : ex_polygons)
if (ex_polygon.contains(travel)) return true;
return false;
static std::pair<Polygons, Polygons> split_expolygon(const ExPolygons &ex_polygons)
Polygons contours, holes;
holes.reserve(std::accumulate(ex_polygons.begin(), ex_polygons.end(), size_t(0),
[](size_t sum, const ExPolygon &ex_poly) { return sum + ex_poly.holes.size(); }));
for (const ExPolygon &ex_poly : ex_polygons) {
append(holes, ex_poly.holes);
return std::make_pair(std::move(contours), std::move(holes));
static Polyline to_polyline(const std::vector<TravelPoint> &travel)
Polyline result;
@ -265,6 +136,8 @@ static double travel_length(const std::vector<TravelPoint> &travel) {
return total_length;
static void export_travel_to_svg(const Polygons &boundary,
const Line &original_travel,
@ -294,102 +167,6 @@ static void export_travel_to_svg(const Polygons &boundary,
static ExPolygons get_boundary(const Layer &layer)
const float perimeter_spacing = get_perimeter_spacing(layer);
const float perimeter_offset = perimeter_spacing / 2.f;
size_t polygons_count = 0;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
polygons_count += layer_region->slices.surfaces.size();
ExPolygons boundary;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->slices.surfaces) boundary.emplace_back(surface.expolygon);
boundary = union_ex(boundary);
ExPolygons perimeter_boundary = offset_ex(boundary, -perimeter_offset);
ExPolygons result_boundary;
if (perimeter_boundary.size() != boundary.size()) {
// If any part of the polygon is missing after shrinking, then for misisng parts are is used the boundary of the slice.
ExPolygons missing_perimeter_boundary = offset_ex(diff_ex(boundary,
offset_ex(perimeter_boundary, perimeter_offset + float(SCALED_EPSILON) / 2.f)),
perimeter_offset + float(SCALED_EPSILON));
perimeter_boundary = offset_ex(perimeter_boundary, perimeter_offset);
perimeter_boundary.reserve(perimeter_boundary.size() + missing_perimeter_boundary.size());
perimeter_boundary.insert(perimeter_boundary.end(), missing_perimeter_boundary.begin(), missing_perimeter_boundary.end());
// By calling intersection_ex some artifacts arose by previous operations are removed.
result_boundary = union_ex(intersection_ex(offset_ex(perimeter_boundary, -perimeter_offset), boundary));
} else {
result_boundary = std::move(perimeter_boundary);
auto [contours, holes] = split_expolygon(boundary);
// Add an outer boundary to avoid crossing perimeters from supports
ExPolygons outer_boundary = union_ex(
diff(static_cast<Polygons>(Geometry::convex_hull(offset(contours, 2.f * perimeter_spacing))),
offset(contours, perimeter_spacing + perimeter_offset)));
result_boundary.insert(result_boundary.end(), outer_boundary.begin(), outer_boundary.end());
ExPolygons holes_boundary = offset_ex(holes, -perimeter_spacing);
result_boundary.insert(result_boundary.end(), holes_boundary.begin(), holes_boundary.end());
result_boundary = union_ex(result_boundary);
// Collect all top layers that will not be crossed.
polygons_count = 0;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->fill_surfaces.surfaces)
if (surface.is_top()) ++polygons_count;
if (polygons_count > 0) {
ExPolygons top_layer_polygons;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->fill_surfaces.surfaces)
if (surface.is_top()) top_layer_polygons.emplace_back(surface.expolygon);
top_layer_polygons = union_ex(top_layer_polygons);
return diff_ex(result_boundary, offset_ex(top_layer_polygons, -perimeter_offset));
return result_boundary;
static ExPolygons get_boundary_external(const Layer &layer)
const float perimeter_spacing = get_perimeter_spacing_external(layer);
const float perimeter_offset = perimeter_spacing / 2.f;
ExPolygons boundary;
// Collect all polygons for all printed objects and their instances, which will be printed at the same time as passed "layer".
for (const PrintObject *object : layer.object()->print()->objects()) {
ExPolygons polygons_per_obj;
for (Layer *l : object->layers())
if ((layer.print_z - EPSILON) <= l->print_z && l->print_z <= (layer.print_z + EPSILON))
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : l->regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->slices.surfaces)
for (const PrintInstance &instance : object->instances()) {
size_t boundary_idx = boundary.size();
boundary.reserve(boundary.size() + polygons_per_obj.size());
boundary.insert(boundary.end(), polygons_per_obj.begin(), polygons_per_obj.end());
for (; boundary_idx < boundary.size(); ++boundary_idx) boundary[boundary_idx].translate(instance.shift.x(), instance.shift.y());
boundary = union_ex(boundary);
auto [contours, holes] = split_expolygon(boundary);
// Polygons in which is possible traveling without crossing perimeters of another object.
// A convex hull allows removing unnecessary detour caused by following the boundary of the object.
ExPolygons result_boundary = union_ex(
diff(static_cast<Polygons>(Geometry::convex_hull(offset(contours, 2.f * perimeter_spacing))),
offset(contours, perimeter_spacing + perimeter_offset)));
// All holes are extended for forcing travel around the outer perimeter of a hole when a hole is crossed.
ExPolygons holes_boundary = union_ex(diff(offset(holes, perimeter_spacing), offset(holes, perimeter_offset)));
result_boundary.reserve(result_boundary.size() + holes_boundary.size());
result_boundary.insert(result_boundary.end(), holes_boundary.begin(), holes_boundary.end());
result_boundary = union_ex(result_boundary);
return result_boundary;
// Returns a direction of the shortest path along the polygon boundary
enum class Direction { Forward, Backward };
static Direction get_shortest_direction(const Lines &lines,
@ -422,29 +199,89 @@ static Direction get_shortest_direction(const Lines &lines,
return (total_length_forward < total_length_backward) ? Direction::Forward : Direction::Backward;
static std::vector<TravelPoint> simplify_travel(const EdgeGrid::Grid& edge_grid, const std::vector<TravelPoint>& travel, const Polygons& boundaries, const bool use_heuristics);
static size_t avoid_perimeters(const Polygons &boundaries,
const EdgeGrid::Grid &edge_grid,
const Point &start,
const Point &end,
const bool use_heuristics,
std::vector<TravelPoint> *result_out)
// Straighten the travel path as long as it does not collide with the contours stored in edge_grid.
static std::vector<TravelPoint> simplify_travel(const EdgeGrid::Grid &edge_grid, const std::vector<TravelPoint> &travel)
const Point direction = end - start;
Matrix2d transform_to_x_axis = rotation_by_direction(direction);
const Line travel_line_orig(start, end);
const Line travel_line((transform_to_x_axis * start.cast<double>()).cast<coord_t>(),
(transform_to_x_axis * end.cast<double>()).cast<coord_t>());
std::vector<Intersection> intersections;
// Visitor to check for a collision of a line segment with any contour stored inside the edge_grid.
struct Visitor
AllIntersectionsVisitor visitor(edge_grid, intersections, transform_to_x_axis, travel_line_orig);
edge_grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(start, end, visitor);
Visitor(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid) : grid(grid) {}
bool operator()(coord_t iy, coord_t ix)
assert(pt_current != nullptr);
assert(pt_next != nullptr);
// Called with a row and colum of the grid cell, which is intersected by a line.
auto cell_data_range = grid.cell_data_range(iy, ix);
this->intersect = false;
for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second; ++it_contour_and_segment) {
// End points of the line segment and their vector.
auto segment = grid.segment(*it_contour_and_segment);
if (Geometry::segments_intersect(segment.first, segment.second, *pt_current, *pt_next)) {
this->intersect = true;
return false;
// Continue traversing the grid along the edge.
return true;
const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid;
const Slic3r::Point *pt_current = nullptr;
const Slic3r::Point *pt_next = nullptr;
bool intersect = false;
} visitor(edge_grid);
std::vector<TravelPoint> simplified_path;
// Try to skip some points in the path.
//FIXME maybe use a binary search to trim the line?
//FIXME how about searching tangent point at long segments?
for (size_t point_idx = 1; point_idx < travel.size(); ++point_idx) {
const Point ¤t_point = travel[point_idx - 1].point;
TravelPoint next = travel[point_idx];
visitor.pt_current = ¤t_point;
for (size_t point_idx_2 = point_idx + 1; point_idx_2 < travel.size(); ++point_idx_2) {
if (travel[point_idx_2].point == current_point) {
next = travel[point_idx_2];
point_idx = point_idx_2;
visitor.pt_next = &travel[point_idx_2].point;
edge_grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(*visitor.pt_current, *visitor.pt_next, visitor);
// Check if deleting point causes crossing a boundary
if (!visitor.intersect) {
next = travel[point_idx_2];
point_idx = point_idx_2;
std::sort(intersections.begin(), intersections.end());
return simplified_path;
// Called by avoid_perimeters() and by simplify_travel_heuristics().
static size_t avoid_perimeters_inner(const Polygons &boundaries,
const EdgeGrid::Grid &edge_grid,
const Point &start,
const Point &end,
std::vector<TravelPoint> &result_out)
// Find all intersections between boundaries and the line segment, sort them along the line segment.
std::vector<Intersection> intersections;
AllIntersectionsVisitor visitor(edge_grid, intersections, Line(start, end));
edge_grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(start, end, visitor);
Vec2d dir = (end - start).cast<double>();
std::sort(intersections.begin(), intersections.end(), [dir](const auto &l, const auto &r) { return (r.point - l.point).cast<double>().dot(dir) > 0.; });
std::vector<TravelPoint> result;
result.push_back({start, -1});
@ -500,24 +337,23 @@ static size_t avoid_perimeters(const Polygons &boundaries,
static int iRun = 0;
export_travel_to_svg(boundaries, travel_line_orig, result, intersections,
debug_out_path("AvoidCrossingPerimeters-initial-%d.svg", iRun++));
export_travel_to_svg(boundaries, Line(start, end), result, intersections,
debug_out_path("AvoidCrossingPerimetersInner-initial-%d.svg", iRun++));
result = simplify_travel(edge_grid, result, boundaries, use_heuristics);
if (! intersections.empty())
result = simplify_travel(edge_grid, result);
static int iRun = 0;
export_travel_to_svg(boundaries, travel_line_orig, result, intersections,
debug_out_path("AvoidCrossingPerimeters-final-%d.svg", iRun++));
export_travel_to_svg(boundaries, Line(start, end), result, intersections,
debug_out_path("AvoidCrossingPerimetersInner-final-%d.svg", iRun++));
result_out->reserve(result_out->size() + result.size());
result_out->insert(result_out->end(), result.begin(), result.end());
append(result_out, std::move(result));
return intersections.size();
@ -563,10 +399,10 @@ static std::vector<TravelPoint> simplify_travel_heuristics(const EdgeGrid::Grid
visitor.travel_line.a = current.point;
visitor.travel_line.b = possible_new_next.point;
visitor.transform_to_x_axis = rotation_by_direction(visitor.travel_line.vector());
edge_grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(visitor.travel_line.a, visitor.travel_line.b, visitor);
if (!intersections.empty()) {
std::sort(intersections.begin(), intersections.end());
Vec2d dir = (visitor.travel_line.b - visitor.travel_line.a).cast<double>();
std::sort(intersections.begin(), intersections.end(), [dir](const auto &l, const auto &r) { return (r.point - l.point).cast<double>().dot(dir) > 0.; });
size_t last_border_idx_count = 0;
for (const Intersection &intersection : intersections)
if (int(intersection.border_idx) == possible_new_next.border_idx)
@ -576,9 +412,9 @@ static std::vector<TravelPoint> simplify_travel_heuristics(const EdgeGrid::Grid
std::vector<TravelPoint> possible_shortcut;
avoid_perimeters(boundaries, edge_grid, current.point, possible_new_next.point, false, &possible_shortcut);
avoid_perimeters_inner(boundaries, edge_grid, current.point, possible_new_next.point, possible_shortcut);
double shortcut_travel = travel_length(possible_shortcut);
if (path_length > shortcut_travel && (path_length - shortcut_travel) > new_path_shorter_by) {
if (path_length > shortcut_travel && path_length - shortcut_travel > new_path_shorter_by) {
new_path_shorter_by = path_length - shortcut_travel;
shortcut = possible_shortcut;
new_next = possible_new_next;
@ -600,78 +436,44 @@ static std::vector<TravelPoint> simplify_travel_heuristics(const EdgeGrid::Grid
return simplified_path;
static std::vector<TravelPoint> simplify_travel(const EdgeGrid::Grid &edge_grid,
const std::vector<TravelPoint> &travel,
const Polygons &boundaries,
const bool use_heuristics)
// Called by AvoidCrossingPerimeters::travel_to()
static size_t avoid_perimeters(const Polygons &boundaries,
const EdgeGrid::Grid &edge_grid,
const Point &start,
const Point &end,
Polyline &result_out)
struct Visitor
// Travel line is completely or partially inside the bounding box.
std::vector<TravelPoint> path;
size_t num_intersections = avoid_perimeters_inner(boundaries, edge_grid, start, end, path);
if (num_intersections) {
path = simplify_travel_heuristics(edge_grid, path, boundaries);
std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
path = simplify_travel_heuristics(edge_grid, path, boundaries);
std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
result_out = to_polyline(path);
Visitor(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid) : grid(grid) {}
static int iRun = 0;
export_travel_to_svg(boundaries, Line(start, end), path, {}, debug_out_path("AvoidCrossingPerimeters-final-%d.svg", iRun ++));
bool operator()(coord_t iy, coord_t ix)
assert(pt_current != nullptr);
assert(pt_next != nullptr);
// Called with a row and colum of the grid cell, which is intersected by a line.
auto cell_data_range = grid.cell_data_range(iy, ix);
this->intersect = false;
for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second; ++it_contour_and_segment) {
// End points of the line segment and their vector.
auto segment = grid.segment(*it_contour_and_segment);
if (Geometry::segments_intersect(segment.first, segment.second, *pt_current, *pt_next)) {
this->intersect = true;
return false;
// Continue traversing the grid along the edge.
return num_intersections;
// Check if anyone of ExPolygons contains whole travel.
// called by need_wipe()
template<class T> static bool any_expolygon_contains(const ExPolygons &ex_polygons, const T &travel)
//FIXME filter by bounding boxes!
for (const ExPolygon &ex_polygon : ex_polygons)
if (ex_polygon.contains(travel))
return true;
const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid;
const Slic3r::Point *pt_current = nullptr;
const Slic3r::Point *pt_next = nullptr;
bool intersect = false;
} visitor(edge_grid);
std::vector<TravelPoint> simplified_path;
// Try to skip some points in the path.
for (size_t point_idx = 1; point_idx < travel.size(); ++point_idx) {
const Point ¤t_point = travel[point_idx - 1].point;
TravelPoint next = travel[point_idx];
visitor.pt_current = ¤t_point;
for (size_t point_idx_2 = point_idx + 1; point_idx_2 < travel.size(); ++point_idx_2) {
if (travel[point_idx_2].point == current_point) {
next = travel[point_idx_2];
point_idx = point_idx_2;
visitor.pt_next = &travel[point_idx_2].point;
edge_grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(*visitor.pt_current, *visitor.pt_next, visitor);
// Check if deleting point causes crossing a boundary
if (!visitor.intersect) {
next = travel[point_idx_2];
point_idx = point_idx_2;
if(use_heuristics) {
simplified_path = simplify_travel_heuristics(edge_grid, simplified_path, boundaries);
simplified_path = simplify_travel_heuristics(edge_grid, simplified_path, boundaries);
return simplified_path;
return false;
static bool need_wipe(const GCode &gcodegen,
@ -692,11 +494,8 @@ static bool need_wipe(const GCode &gcodegen,
if (any_expolygon_contains(slice, original_travel)) {
// Check if original_travel and result_travel are not same.
// If both are the same, then it is possible to skip testing of result_travel
if (result_travel.size() == 2 && result_travel.first_point() == original_travel.a && result_travel.last_point() == original_travel.b) {
wipe_needed = false;
} else {
wipe_needed = !any_expolygon_contains(slice, result_travel);
wipe_needed = !(result_travel.size() > 2 && result_travel.first_point() == original_travel.a && result_travel.last_point() == original_travel.b) &&
!any_expolygon_contains(slice, result_travel);
} else {
wipe_needed = true;
@ -719,28 +518,27 @@ Polyline AvoidCrossingPerimeters::travel_to(const GCode &gcodegen, const Point &
Point end = point + scaled_origin;
Polyline result_pl;
size_t travel_intersection_count = 0;
if (!check_if_could_cross_perimeters(use_external ? m_bbox_external : m_bbox, start, end)) {
result_pl = Polyline({start, end});
travel_intersection_count = 0;
Vec2d startf = start.cast<double>();
Vec2d endf = end .cast<double>();
// Trim the travel line by the bounding box.
if (Geometry::liang_barsky_line_clipping(startf, endf, use_external ? m_bbox_external : m_bbox)) {
// Travel line is completely or partially inside the bounding box.
travel_intersection_count = use_external ?
avoid_perimeters(m_boundaries_external, m_grid_external, startf.cast<coord_t>(), endf.cast<coord_t>(), result_pl) :
avoid_perimeters(m_boundaries, m_grid, startf.cast<coord_t>(), endf.cast<coord_t>(), result_pl);
result_pl.points.front() = start;
result_pl.points.back() = end;
} else {
std::vector<TravelPoint> result;
auto [start_clamped, end_clamped] = clamp_endpoints_by_bounding_box(use_external ? m_bbox_external : m_bbox, start, end);
if (use_external)
travel_intersection_count = avoid_perimeters(m_boundaries_external, m_grid_external, start_clamped, end_clamped, true, &result);
travel_intersection_count = avoid_perimeters(m_boundaries, m_grid, start_clamped, end_clamped, true, &result);
result_pl = to_polyline(result);
// Travel line is completely outside the bounding box.
result_pl = {start, end};
travel_intersection_count = 0;
result_pl.points.front() = start;
result_pl.points.back() = end;
Line travel(start, end);
double max_detour_length scale_(gcodegen.config().avoid_crossing_perimeters_max_detour);
if ((max_detour_length > 0) && ((result_pl.length() - travel.length()) > max_detour_length)) {
result_pl = Polyline({start, end});
if (max_detour_length > 0 && (result_pl.length() - travel.length()) > max_detour_length)
result_pl = {start, end};
if (use_external) {
*could_be_wipe_disabled = false;
@ -750,6 +548,172 @@ Polyline AvoidCrossingPerimeters::travel_to(const GCode &gcodegen, const Point &
return result_pl;
// ************************************* AvoidCrossingPerimeters::init_layer() *****************************************
// called by get_perimeter_spacing() / get_perimeter_spacing_external()
static inline float get_default_perimeter_spacing(const Print &print)
//FIXME better use extruders printing this PrintObject or this Print?
//FIXME maybe better use an average of printing extruders?
const std::vector<double> &nozzle_diameters = print.config().nozzle_diameter.values;
return float(scale_(*std::max_element(nozzle_diameters.begin(), nozzle_diameters.end())));
// called by get_boundary()
static float get_perimeter_spacing(const Layer &layer)
size_t regions_count = 0;
float perimeter_spacing = 0.f;
//FIXME not all regions are printing. Collect only non-empty regions?
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions()) {
perimeter_spacing += layer_region->flow(frPerimeter).scaled_spacing();
++ regions_count;
assert(perimeter_spacing >= 0.f);
if (regions_count != 0)
perimeter_spacing /= float(regions_count);
perimeter_spacing = get_default_perimeter_spacing(*layer.object()->print());
return perimeter_spacing;
// called by get_boundary_external()
static float get_perimeter_spacing_external(const Layer &layer)
size_t regions_count = 0;
float perimeter_spacing = 0.f;
for (const PrintObject *object : layer.object()->print()->objects())
//FIXME with different layering, layers on other objects will not be found at this object's print_z.
// Search an overlap of layers?
if (const Layer *l = object->get_layer_at_printz(layer.print_z, EPSILON); l)
//FIXME not all regions are printing. Collect only non-empty regions?
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : l->regions()) {
perimeter_spacing += layer_region->flow(frPerimeter).scaled_spacing();
++ regions_count;
assert(perimeter_spacing >= 0.f);
if (regions_count != 0)
perimeter_spacing /= float(regions_count);
perimeter_spacing = get_default_perimeter_spacing(*layer.object()->print());
return perimeter_spacing;
// called by AvoidCrossingPerimeters::init_layer()->get_boundary()/get_boundary_external()
static std::pair<Polygons, Polygons> split_expolygon(const ExPolygons &ex_polygons)
Polygons contours, holes;
holes.reserve(std::accumulate(ex_polygons.begin(), ex_polygons.end(), size_t(0),
[](size_t sum, const ExPolygon &ex_poly) { return sum + ex_poly.holes.size(); }));
for (const ExPolygon &ex_poly : ex_polygons) {
append(holes, ex_poly.holes);
return std::make_pair(std::move(contours), std::move(holes));
// called by AvoidCrossingPerimeters::init_layer()
static ExPolygons get_boundary(const Layer &layer)
const float perimeter_spacing = get_perimeter_spacing(layer);
const float perimeter_offset = perimeter_spacing / 2.f;
size_t polygons_count = 0;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
polygons_count += layer_region->slices.surfaces.size();
ExPolygons boundary;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->slices.surfaces)
boundary = union_ex(boundary);
ExPolygons perimeter_boundary = offset_ex(boundary, -perimeter_offset);
ExPolygons result_boundary;
if (perimeter_boundary.size() != boundary.size()) {
//FIXME ???
// If any part of the polygon is missing after shrinking, then for misisng parts are is used the boundary of the slice.
ExPolygons missing_perimeter_boundary = offset_ex(diff_ex(boundary,
offset_ex(perimeter_boundary, perimeter_offset + float(SCALED_EPSILON) / 2.f)),
perimeter_offset + float(SCALED_EPSILON));
perimeter_boundary = offset_ex(perimeter_boundary, perimeter_offset);
append(perimeter_boundary, std::move(missing_perimeter_boundary));
// By calling intersection_ex some artifacts arose by previous operations are removed.
result_boundary = intersection_ex(offset_ex(perimeter_boundary, -perimeter_offset), boundary);
} else {
result_boundary = std::move(perimeter_boundary);
auto [contours, holes] = split_expolygon(boundary);
// Add an outer boundary to avoid crossing perimeters from supports
ExPolygons outer_boundary = union_ex(
//FIXME flip order of offset and convex_hull
diff(static_cast<Polygons>(Geometry::convex_hull(offset(contours, 2.f * perimeter_spacing))),
offset(contours, perimeter_spacing + perimeter_offset)));
result_boundary.insert(result_boundary.end(), outer_boundary.begin(), outer_boundary.end());
ExPolygons holes_boundary = offset_ex(holes, -perimeter_spacing);
result_boundary.insert(result_boundary.end(), holes_boundary.begin(), holes_boundary.end());
result_boundary = union_ex(result_boundary);
// Collect all top layers that will not be crossed.
polygons_count = 0;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->fill_surfaces.surfaces)
if (surface.is_top()) ++polygons_count;
if (polygons_count > 0) {
ExPolygons top_layer_polygons;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->fill_surfaces.surfaces)
if (surface.is_top()) top_layer_polygons.emplace_back(surface.expolygon);
top_layer_polygons = union_ex(top_layer_polygons);
return diff_ex(result_boundary, offset_ex(top_layer_polygons, -perimeter_offset));
return result_boundary;
// called by AvoidCrossingPerimeters::init_layer()
static ExPolygons get_boundary_external(const Layer &layer)
const float perimeter_spacing = get_perimeter_spacing_external(layer);
const float perimeter_offset = perimeter_spacing / 2.f;
ExPolygons boundary;
// Collect all polygons for all printed objects and their instances, which will be printed at the same time as passed "layer".
for (const PrintObject *object : layer.object()->print()->objects()) {
ExPolygons polygons_per_obj;
//FIXME with different layering, layers on other objects will not be found at this object's print_z.
// Search an overlap of layers?
if (const Layer* l = object->get_layer_at_printz(layer.print_z, EPSILON); l)
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : l->regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layer_region->slices.surfaces)
for (const PrintInstance &instance : object->instances()) {
size_t boundary_idx = boundary.size();
boundary.insert(boundary.end(), polygons_per_obj.begin(), polygons_per_obj.end());
for (; boundary_idx < boundary.size(); ++boundary_idx)
boundary = union_ex(boundary);
auto [contours, holes] = split_expolygon(boundary);
// Polygons in which is possible traveling without crossing perimeters of another object.
// A convex hull allows removing unnecessary detour caused by following the boundary of the object.
ExPolygons result_boundary = union_ex(
//FIXME flip order of offset and convex_hull
diff(static_cast<Polygons>(Geometry::convex_hull(offset(contours, 2.f * perimeter_spacing))),
offset(contours, perimeter_spacing + perimeter_offset)));
// All holes are extended for forcing travel around the outer perimeter of a hole when a hole is crossed.
append(result_boundary, union_ex(diff(offset(holes, perimeter_spacing), offset(holes, perimeter_offset))));
return union_ex(result_boundary);
void AvoidCrossingPerimeters::init_layer(const Layer &layer)
@ -757,19 +721,25 @@ void AvoidCrossingPerimeters::init_layer(const Layer &layer)
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer.regions())
//FIXME making copies?
append(m_slice, (ExPolygons) layer_region->slices);
m_boundaries = to_polygons(get_boundary(layer));
m_boundaries_external = to_polygons(get_boundary_external(layer));
m_bbox = get_extents(m_boundaries);
m_bbox_external = get_extents(m_boundaries_external);
BoundingBox bbox(get_extents(m_boundaries));
BoundingBox bbox_external = get_extents(m_boundaries_external);
m_bbox = BoundingBoxf(bbox.min.cast<double>(), bbox.max.cast<double>());
m_bbox_external = BoundingBoxf(bbox_external.min.cast<double>(), bbox_external.max.cast<double>());
//FIXME 1mm grid?
m_grid.create(m_boundaries, coord_t(scale_(1.)));
//FIXME 1mm grid?
m_grid_external.create(m_boundaries_external, coord_t(scale_(1.)));