diff --git a/lib/Slic3r/GUI.pm b/lib/Slic3r/GUI.pm
index 5ade026af..663c53892 100644
--- a/lib/Slic3r/GUI.pm
+++ b/lib/Slic3r/GUI.pm
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ use List::Util qw(first);
 use Slic3r::GUI::2DBed;
 use Slic3r::GUI::AboutDialog;
 use Slic3r::GUI::BedShapeDialog;
-use Slic3r::GUI::BonjourBrowser;
 use Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard;
 use Slic3r::GUI::Controller;
 use Slic3r::GUI::Controller::ManualControlDialog;
diff --git a/lib/Slic3r/GUI/BonjourBrowser.pm b/lib/Slic3r/GUI/BonjourBrowser.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index c7513165f..000000000
--- a/lib/Slic3r/GUI/BonjourBrowser.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# A tiny dialog to select an OctoPrint device to print to.
-package Slic3r::GUI::BonjourBrowser;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-use Wx qw(:dialog :id :misc :sizer :choicebook wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
-use Wx::Event qw(EVT_CLOSE);
-use base 'Wx::Dialog';
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    my ($parent, $devices) = @_;
-    my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, "Device Browser", wxDefaultPosition, [350,700], wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER);
-    $self->{devices} = $devices;
-    # label
-    my $text = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "Choose an OctoPrint device in your network:", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
-    # selector
-    $self->{choice} = my $choice = Wx::Choice->new($self, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
-        [ map $_->name, @{$self->{devices}} ]);
-    my $main_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
-    $main_sizer->Add($text, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
-    $main_sizer->Add($choice, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
-    $main_sizer->Add($self->CreateButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL), 0, wxEXPAND);
-    $self->SetSizer($main_sizer);
-    $self->SetMinSize($self->GetSize);
-    $main_sizer->SetSizeHints($self);
-    # needed to actually free memory
-    EVT_CLOSE($self, sub {
-        $self->EndModal(wxID_OK);
-        $self->Destroy;
-    });
-    return $self;
-sub GetValue {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    return $self->{devices}[ $self->{choice}->GetSelection ]->address;
-sub GetPort {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    return $self->{devices}[ $self->{choice}->GetSelection ]->port;
diff --git a/lib/Slic3r/Test/SectionCut.pm b/lib/Slic3r/Test/SectionCut.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 05ba41851..000000000
--- a/lib/Slic3r/Test/SectionCut.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# 2D cut in the XZ plane through the toolpaths.
-# For debugging purposes.
-package Slic3r::Test::SectionCut;
-use Moo;
-use List::Util qw(first min max);
-use Slic3r::Geometry qw(unscale);
-use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection_pl);
-use SVG;
-use Slic3r::SVG;
-has 'print'         => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
-has 'scale'         => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 30 });
-has 'y_percent'     => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 0.5 });  # Y coord of section line expressed as factor
-has 'line'          => (is => 'rw');
-has '_height'       => (is => 'rw');
-has '_svg'          => (is => 'rw');
-has '_svg_style'    => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
-sub BUILD {
-    my $self = shift;
-    # calculate the Y coordinate of the section line
-    my $bb = $self->print->bounding_box;
-    my $y = ($bb->y_min + $bb->y_max) * $self->y_percent;
-    # store our section line
-    $self->line(Slic3r::Line->new([ $bb->x_min, $y ], [ $bb->x_max, $y ]));
-sub export_svg {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($filename) = @_;
-    # get bounding box of print and its height
-    # (Print should return a BoundingBox3 object instead)
-    my $bb = $self->print->bounding_box;
-    my $print_size = $bb->size;
-    $self->_height(max(map $_->print_z, map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->print->objects}));
-    # initialize the SVG canvas
-    $self->_svg(my $svg = SVG->new(
-        width  => $self->scale * unscale($print_size->x),
-        height => $self->scale * $self->_height,
-    ));
-    # set default styles
-    $self->_svg_style->{'stroke-width'}   = 1;
-    $self->_svg_style->{'fill-opacity'}   = 0.5;
-    $self->_svg_style->{'stroke-opacity'} = 0.2;
-    # plot perimeters
-    $self->_svg_style->{'stroke'}   = '#EE0000';
-    $self->_svg_style->{'fill'}     = '#FF0000';
-    $self->_plot_group(sub { map @{$_->perimeters}, @{$_[0]->regions} });
-    # plot infill
-    $self->_svg_style->{'stroke'}   = '#444444';
-    $self->_svg_style->{'fill'}     = '#454545';
-    $self->_plot_group(sub { map @{$_->fills}, @{$_[0]->regions} });
-    # plot support material
-    $self->_svg_style->{'stroke'}   = '#12EF00';
-    $self->_svg_style->{'fill'}     = '#22FF00';
-    $self->_plot_group(sub { $_[0]->isa('Slic3r::Layer::Support') ? ($_[0]->support_fills) : () });
-    Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '>', $filename);
-    print $fh $svg->xmlify;
-    close $fh;
-    printf "Section cut SVG written to %s\n", $filename;
-sub _plot_group {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($filter) = @_;
-    my $bb = $self->print->bounding_box;
-    my $g = $self->_svg->group(style => { %{$self->_svg_style} });
-    foreach my $object (@{$self->print->objects}) {
-        foreach my $copy (@{$object->_shifted_copies}) {
-            foreach my $layer (@{$object->layers}, @{$object->support_layers}) {
-                # get all ExtrusionPath objects
-                my @paths = map $_->clone,
-                    map { ($_->isa('Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop') || $_->isa('Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection')) ? @$_ : $_ }
-                    grep defined $_,
-                    $filter->($layer);
-                # move paths to location of copy
-                $_->polyline->translate(@$copy) for @paths;
-                if (0) {
-                    # export plan with section line and exit
-                    require "Slic3r/SVG.pm";
-                    Slic3r::SVG::output(
-                        "line.svg",
-                        no_arrows       => 1,
-                        lines           => [ $self->line ],
-                        red_polylines   => [ map $_->polyline, @paths ],
-                    );
-                    exit;
-                }
-                foreach my $path (@paths) {
-                    foreach my $line (@{$path->lines}) {
-                        my @intersections = @{intersection_pl(
-                            [ $self->line->as_polyline ],
-                            $line->grow(Slic3r::Geometry::scale $path->width/2),
-                        )};
-                        die "Intersection has more than two points!\n"
-                            if defined first { @$_ > 2 } @intersections;
-                        # turn intersections to lines
-                        my @lines = map Slic3r::Line->new(@$_), @intersections;
-                        # align intersections to canvas
-                        $_->translate(-$bb->x_min, 0) for @lines;
-                        # we want lines oriented from left to right in order to draw
-                        # rectangles correctly
-                        foreach my $line (@lines) {
-                            $line->reverse if $line->a->x > $line->b->x;
-                        }
-                        if ($path->is_bridge) {
-                            foreach my $line (@lines) {
-                                my $radius = $path->width / 2;
-                                my $width = unscale abs($line->b->x - $line->a->x);
-                                if ((10 * $radius) < $width) {
-                                    # we're cutting the path in the longitudinal direction, so we've got a rectangle
-                                    $g->rectangle(
-                                        'x'         => $self->scale * unscale($line->a->x),
-                                        'y'         => $self->scale * $self->_y($layer->print_z),
-                                        'width'     => $self->scale * $width,
-                                        'height'    => $self->scale * $radius * 2,
-                                        'rx'        => $self->scale * $radius * 0.35,
-                                        'ry'        => $self->scale * $radius * 0.35,
-                                    );
-                                } else {
-                                    $g->circle(
-                                        'cx'        => $self->scale * (unscale($line->a->x) + $radius),
-                                        'cy'        => $self->scale * $self->_y($layer->print_z - $radius),
-                                        'r'         => $self->scale * $radius,
-                                    );
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            foreach my $line (@lines) {
-                                my $height = $path->height;
-                                $height = $layer->height if $height == -1;
-                                $g->rectangle(
-                                    'x'         => $self->scale * unscale($line->a->x),
-                                    'y'         => $self->scale * $self->_y($layer->print_z),
-                                    'width'     => $self->scale * unscale($line->b->x - $line->a->x),
-                                    'height'    => $self->scale * $height,
-                                    'rx'        => $self->scale * $height * 0.5,
-                                    'ry'        => $self->scale * $height * 0.5,
-                                );
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-sub _y {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($y) = @_;
-    return $self->_height - $y;
diff --git a/utils/gcode_sectioncut.pl b/utils/gcode_sectioncut.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index e83f3fcda..000000000
--- a/utils/gcode_sectioncut.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# This script generates section cuts from a given G-Code file
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-    use FindBin;
-    use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
-    use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../local-lib";
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
-use List::Util qw(max);
-use Slic3r;
-use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y);
-use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(JT_SQUARE);
-use Slic3r::Test;
-use SVG;
-my %opt = (
-    layer_height    => 0.2,
-    extrusion_width => 0.5,
-    scale           => 30,
-    my %options = (
-        'help'                  => sub { usage() },
-        'layer-height|h=f'      => \$opt{layer_height},
-        'extrusion-width|w=f'   => \$opt{extrusion_width},
-        'scale|s=i'             => \$opt{scale},
-    );
-    GetOptions(%options) or usage(1);
-    $ARGV[0] or usage(1);
-    my $input_file = $ARGV[0];
-    my $output_file = $input_file;
-    $output_file =~ s/\.(?:gcode|gco|ngc|g)$/.svg/;
-    # read paths
-    my %paths = ();    # z => [ path, path ... ]
-    Slic3r::GCode::Reader->new->parse(io($input_file)->all, sub {
-        my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_;
-        if ($cmd eq 'G1' && $info->{extruding}) {
-            $paths{ $self->Z } ||= [];
-            push @{ $paths{ $self->Z } }, Slic3r::Line->new(
-                [ $self->X, $self->Y ],
-                [ $info->{new_X}, $info->{new_Y} ],
-            );
-        }
-    });
-    # calculate print extents
-    my $bounding_box = Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBox->new_from_points([ map @$_, map @$_, values %paths ]);
-    # calculate section line
-    my $section_y = $bounding_box->center->[Y];
-    my $section_line = [
-        [ $bounding_box->x_min, $section_y ],
-        [ $bounding_box->x_max, $section_y ],
-    ];
-    # initialize output
-    my $max_z = max(keys %paths);
-    my $svg = SVG->new(
-        width  => $opt{scale} * $bounding_box->size->[X],
-        height => $opt{scale} * $max_z,
-    );
-    # put everything into a group
-    my $g = $svg->group(style => {
-        'stroke-width'  => 1,
-        'stroke'        => '#444444',
-        'fill'          => 'grey',
-    });
-    # draw paths
-    foreach my $z (sort keys %paths) {
-        foreach my $line (@{ $paths{$z} }) {
-            my @intersections = @{intersection_pl(
-                [ $section_line ],
-                [ _grow($line, $opt{extrusion_width}/2) ],
-            )};
-            $g->rectangle(
-                'x'         => $opt{scale} * ($_->[0][X] - $bounding_box->x_min),
-                'y'         => $opt{scale} * ($max_z - $z),
-                'width'     => $opt{scale} * abs($_->[1][X] - $_->[0][X]),
-                'height'    => $opt{scale} * $opt{layer_height},
-                'rx'        => $opt{scale} * $opt{layer_height} * 0.35,
-                'ry'        => $opt{scale} * $opt{layer_height} * 0.35,
-            ) for @intersections;
-        }
-    }
-    # write output
-    Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '>', $output_file);
-    print $fh $svg->xmlify;
-    close $fh;
-    printf "Section cut SVG written to %s\n", $output_file;
-# replace built-in Line->grow method which relies on int_offset()
-sub _grow {
-    my ($line, $distance) = @_;
-    my $polygon = [ @$line, CORE::reverse @$line[1..($#$line-1)] ];
-    return @{Math::Clipper::offset([$polygon], $distance, 100000, JT_SQUARE, 2)};
-sub usage {
-    my ($exit_code) = @_;
-    print <<"EOF";
-Usage: gcode_sectioncut.pl [ OPTIONS ] file.gcode
-    --help              Output this usage screen and exit
-    --layer-height, -h  Use the specified layer height
-    --extrusion-width, -w  Use the specified extrusion width
-    --scale             Factor for converting G-code units to SVG units
-    exit ($exit_code || 0);
diff --git a/xs/xsp/GCode.xsp b/xs/xsp/GCode.xsp
index b4cb7c0e9..36b43271c 100644
--- a/xs/xsp/GCode.xsp
+++ b/xs/xsp/GCode.xsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
             try {
                 THIS->do_export(print, path);
             } catch (std::exception& e) {
-                croak(e.what());
+                croak("%s\n", e.what());
     void do_export_w_preview(Print *print, const char *path, GCodePreviewData *preview_data)
diff --git a/xs/xsp/PlaceholderParser.xsp b/xs/xsp/PlaceholderParser.xsp
index 244f89cf8..5fa4e33aa 100644
--- a/xs/xsp/PlaceholderParser.xsp
+++ b/xs/xsp/PlaceholderParser.xsp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
             try {
                 RETVAL = THIS->process(str, 0);
             } catch (std::exception& e) {
-                croak(e.what());
+                croak("%s\n", e.what());
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
             try {
                 RETVAL = THIS->evaluate_boolean_expression(str, THIS->config());
             } catch (std::exception& e) {
-                croak(e.what());
+                croak("%s\n", e.what());
diff --git a/xs/xsp/Print.xsp b/xs/xsp/Print.xsp
index cbc04a804..ef9c5345f 100644
--- a/xs/xsp/Print.xsp
+++ b/xs/xsp/Print.xsp
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ _constant()
             try {
                 RETVAL = THIS->output_filepath(path);
             } catch (std::exception& e) {
-                croak(e.what());
+                croak("%s\n", e.what());