This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 133 additions and 35 deletions
@ -75,20 +75,26 @@ sub About {
sub catch_error {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
my ($self, $cb, $message_dialog) = @_;
if (my $err = $@) {
$cb->() if $cb;
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, $err, 'Error', &Wx::wxOK | &Wx::wxICON_ERROR)->ShowModal;
my @params = ($err, 'Error', &Wx::wxOK | &Wx::wxICON_ERROR);
? $message_dialog->(@params)
: Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, @params)->ShowModal;
return 1;
return 0;
sub warning_catcher {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($self, $message_dialog) = @_;
return sub {
my $message = shift;
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, $message, 'Warning', &Wx::wxOK | &Wx::wxICON_WARNING)->ShowModal;
my @params = ($message, 'Warning', &Wx::wxOK | &Wx::wxICON_WARNING);
? $message_dialog->(@params)
: Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, @params)->ShowModal;
@ -104,13 +110,19 @@ sub new {
$self->{timer} = Wx::Timer->new($self);
$self->{prog} = Wx::Gauge->new($self, &Wx::wxGA_HORIZONTAL, 100, [-1,-1], [-1,-1]);
$self->{cancelbutton} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "Cancel", [-1,-1], [-1,8]);
$self->SetStatusWidths(-1, 155);
$self->SetStatusWidths(-1, 150, 155);
Wx::Event::EVT_IDLE($self, sub { $self->_Reposition });
Wx::Event::EVT_TIMER($self, \&OnTimer, $self->{timer});
Wx::Event::EVT_SIZE($self, \&OnSize);
Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{cancelbutton}, sub {
return $self;
@ -124,11 +136,18 @@ sub _Reposition {
my $self = shift;
##if ($self->{_changed}) {
my $rect = $self->GetFieldRect($self->GetFieldsCount - 1);
my $prog_pos = [$rect->GetX + 2, $rect->GetY + 2];
$self->{prog}->SetSize($rect->GetWidth - 8, $rect->GetHeight - 4);
my $rect = $self->GetFieldRect($self->GetFieldsCount - 2);
my $pos = [$rect->GetX + 2, $rect->GetY + 2];
$self->{cancelbutton}->SetSize($rect->GetWidth - 8, $rect->GetHeight - 4);
$self->{_changed} = 0;
@ -149,6 +168,13 @@ sub OnTimer {
$self->{prog}->Pulse if $self->{_busy};
sub SetCancelCallback {
my $self = shift;
my ($cb) = @_;
$self->{cancel_cb} = $cb;
$cb ? $self->{cancelbutton}->Show : $self->{cancelbutton}->Hide;
sub Run {
my $self = shift;
my $rate = shift || 100;
@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ use constant TB_ROTATE => 5;
use constant TB_SCALE => 6;
use constant TB_SPLIT => 7;
my $THUMBNAIL_DONE_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
my $THUMBNAIL_DONE_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
my $PROGRESS_BAR_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
my $MESSAGE_DIALOG_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
my $EXPORT_COMPLETED_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
@ -141,6 +144,23 @@ sub new {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($percent, $message) = @{$event->GetData};
my ($self, $event) = @_;
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, @{$event->GetData})->ShowModal;
my ($self, $event) = @_;
$self->{print} = Slic3r::Print->new;
$self->{thumbnails} = []; # polygons, each one aligned to 0,0
@ -393,37 +413,80 @@ sub split_object {
sub export_gcode {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{export_thread}) {
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, "Another slicing job is currently running.", 'Error', wxOK | &Wx::wxICON_ERROR)->ShowModal;
# select output file
$self->{output_file} = $main::opt{output};
$self->{output_file} = $self->{print}->expanded_output_filepath($self->{output_file});
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, 'Save G-code file as:', dirname($self->{output_file}),
basename($self->{output_file}), $Slic3r::GUI::SkeinPanel::gcode_wildcard, wxFD_SAVE);
if ($dlg->ShowModal != wxID_OK) {
$self->{output_file} = $Slic3r::GUI::SkeinPanel::last_output_file = $dlg->GetPath;
if ($have_threads) {
$self->{export_thread} = threads->create(sub {
progressbar => sub { Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $PROGRESS_BAR_EVENT, shared_clone([@_]))) },
message_dialog => sub { Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $MESSAGE_DIALOG_EVENT, shared_clone([@_]))) },
on_completed => sub { Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $EXPORT_COMPLETED_EVENT, shared_clone([@_]))) },
catch_error => sub {
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self, $_[0], sub { Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $MESSAGE_DIALOG_EVENT, shared_clone([@_]))) });
$self->statusbar->SetCancelCallback(sub {
$self->{export_thread} = undef;
$self->statusbar->SetStatusText("Export cancelled");
} else {
progressbar => sub {
my ($percent, $message) = @_;
message_dialog => sub { Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, @_)->ShowModal },
on_completed => sub { $self->on_export_completed(@_) },
catch_error => sub { Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self, @_) },
sub export_gcode2 {
my $self = shift;
my ($output_file, %params) = @_;
$Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
local $SIG{'KILL'} = sub {
Slic3r::debugf "Exporting cancelled; exiting thread...\n";
eval {
# validate configuration
my $print = $self->{print};
# select output file
my $output_file = $main::opt{output};
$output_file = $print->expanded_output_filepath($output_file);
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, 'Save G-code file as:', dirname($output_file),
basename($output_file), $Slic3r::GUI::SkeinPanel::gcode_wildcard, wxFD_SAVE);
if ($dlg->ShowModal != wxID_OK) {
$output_file = $Slic3r::GUI::SkeinPanel::last_output_file = $dlg->GetPath;
my @warnings = ();
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, $_[0] };
my %params = (
output_file => $output_file,
status_cb => sub {
my ($percent, $message) = @_;
status_cb => sub { $params{progressbar}->(@_) },
keep_meshes => 1,
if ($params{export_svg}) {
@ -431,9 +494,10 @@ sub export_gcode {
} else {
Slic3r::GUI::warning_catcher($self)->($_) for @warnings;
Slic3r::GUI::warning_catcher($self, sub {
Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $MESSAGE_DIALOG_EVENT, shared_clone([@_])));
})->($_) for @warnings;
my $message = "Your files were successfully sliced";
$message .= sprintf " in %d minutes and %.3f seconds",
@ -442,20 +506,28 @@ sub export_gcode {
if $print->processing_time;
$message .= ".";
eval {
# TODO: fix it as we don't have $self->{growler}
$self->{growler}->notify(Event => 'SKEIN_DONE', Title => 'Slicing Done!', Message => $message)
if ($self->{growler});
$self->statusbar->SetStatusText("G-code file exported to $output_file");
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, $message, 'Done!',
wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)->ShowModal;
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self, sub {
$params{catch_error}->(sub {
sub on_export_completed {
my $self = shift;
my ($message) = @_;
$self->statusbar->SetStatusText("G-code file exported to $self->{output_file}");
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, $message, 'Done!', wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)->ShowModal;
sub export_stl {
my $self = shift;
Add table
Reference in a new issue