Merge branch 'master' of into et_canvas_gui_refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Enrico Turri 2019-03-15 09:15:11 +01:00
commit 6ab0a526b3
14 changed files with 234 additions and 137 deletions

View file

@ -661,6 +661,9 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
// Make a copy of the config, normalize it.
DynamicPrintConfig config(config_in);
config.option("print_settings_id", true);
config.option("filament_settings_id", true);
config.option("printer_settings_id", true);
// Collect changes to print config.
t_config_option_keys print_diff = m_config.diff(config);
@ -688,9 +691,9 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
PlaceholderParser &pp = this->placeholder_parser();
pp.apply_only(config, placeholder_parser_diff);
// Set the profile aliases for the PrintBase::output_filename()
pp.set("print_preset", config_in.option("print_settings_id" )->clone());
pp.set("filament_preset", config_in.option("filament_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("printer_preset", config_in.option("printer_settings_id" )->clone());
pp.set("print_preset", config.option("print_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("filament_preset", config.option("filament_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("printer_preset", config.option("printer_settings_id")->clone());
// It is also safe to change m_config now after this->invalidate_state_by_config_options() call.

View file

@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ public:
RELOAD_SCENE = 1 << 1,
// Bitmap of FlagBits
unsigned int flags;

View file

@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ SLAPrint::ApplyStatus SLAPrint::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConf
// Make a copy of the config, normalize it.
DynamicPrintConfig config(config_in);
config.option("sla_print_settings_id", true);
config.option("sla_material_settings_id", true);
config.option("printer_settings_id", true);
// Collect changes to print config.
t_config_option_keys print_diff = m_print_config.diff(config);
@ -151,9 +154,9 @@ SLAPrint::ApplyStatus SLAPrint::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConf
PlaceholderParser &pp = this->placeholder_parser();
// Set the profile aliases for the PrintBase::output_filename()
pp.set("print_preset", config_in.option("sla_print_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("material_preset", config_in.option("sla_material_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("printer_preset", config_in.option("printer_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("print_preset", config.option("sla_print_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("material_preset", config.option("sla_material_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("printer_preset", config.option("printer_settings_id")->clone());
// It is also safe to change m_config now after this->invalidate_state_by_config_options() call.
@ -821,7 +824,7 @@ void SLAPrint::process()
// We have the layer polygon collection but we need to unite them into
// an index where the key is the height level in discrete levels (clipper)
auto index_slices = [ilhd](SLAPrintObject& po) {
auto index_slices = [this, ilhd](SLAPrintObject& po) {
auto sih = LevelID(scale_(ilhd));
@ -890,6 +893,9 @@ void SLAPrint::process()
sr.support_slices_idx = SLAPrintObject::SliceRecord::Idx(i);
// Using RELOAD_SLA_PREVIEW to tell the Plater to pass the update status to the 3D preview to load the SLA slices.
report_status(*this, -2, "", SlicingStatus::RELOAD_SLA_PREVIEW);
// Rasterizing the model objects, and their supports

View file

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ int CLI::run(int argc, char **argv)
// load config files supplied via --load
for (auto const &file : load_configs) {
if (! boost::filesystem::exists(file)) {
if (m_config.opt_bool("ignore_nonexistent_file")) {
if (m_config.opt_bool("ignore_nonexistent_config")) {
} else {
boost::nowide::cerr << "No such file: " << file << std::endl;
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ int CLI::run(int argc, char **argv)
// Initialize full print configs for both the FFF and SLA technologies.
FullPrintConfig fff_print_config;
SLAFullPrintConfig sla_print_config;
// SLAFullPrintConfig sla_print_config;
fff_print_config.apply(m_print_config, true);
sla_print_config.apply(m_print_config, true);
// sla_print_config.apply(m_print_config, true);
// Loop through transform options.
for (auto const &opt_key : m_transforms) {
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ bool CLI::setup(int argc, char **argv)
for (auto const &opt_key : opt_order) {
if (cli_actions_config_def.has(opt_key))
if (cli_transform_config_def.has(opt_key))
else if (cli_transform_config_def.has(opt_key))

View file

@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
#include <wx/listctrl.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include <wx/wupdlock.h>
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/I18N.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/Bonjour.hpp"
@ -49,31 +51,36 @@ struct LifetimeGuard
LifetimeGuard(BonjourDialog *dialog) : dialog(dialog) {}
BonjourDialog::BonjourDialog(wxWindow *parent) :
wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Network lookup"))),
list(new wxListView(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(800, 300))),
replies(new ReplySet),
label(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, "")),
timer(new wxTimer()),
BonjourDialog::BonjourDialog(wxWindow *parent, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology tech)
: wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Network lookup")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxRESIZE_BORDER)
, list(new wxListView(this, wxID_ANY))
, replies(new ReplySet)
, label(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, ""))
, timer(new wxTimer())
, timer_state(0)
, tech(tech)
const int em = GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit();
list->SetMinSize(wxSize(80 * em, 30 * em));
wxBoxSizer *vsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
vsizer->Add(label, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
vsizer->Add(label, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, em);
list->AppendColumn(_(L("Address")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 50);
list->AppendColumn(_(L("Hostname")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 100);
list->AppendColumn(_(L("Service name")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200);
list->AppendColumn(_(L("OctoPrint version")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 50);
list->AppendColumn(_(L("Address")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 5 * em);
list->AppendColumn(_(L("Hostname")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 10 * em);
list->AppendColumn(_(L("Service name")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 20 * em);
if (tech == ptFFF) {
list->AppendColumn(_(L("OctoPrint version")), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 5 * em);
vsizer->Add(list, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
vsizer->Add(list, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, em);
wxBoxSizer *button_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
button_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "OK"), 0, wxALL, 10);
button_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel"), 0, wxALL, 10);
button_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, "OK"), 0, wxALL, em);
button_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel"), 0, wxALL, em);
// ^ Note: The Ok/Cancel labels are translated by wxWidgets
vsizer->Add(button_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
@ -110,7 +117,11 @@ bool BonjourDialog::show_and_lookup()
// so that both threads can access it safely.
auto dguard = std::make_shared<LifetimeGuard>(this);
// Note: More can be done here when we support discovery of hosts other than Octoprint and SL1
Bonjour::TxtKeys txt_keys { "version", "model" };
bonjour = std::move(Bonjour("octoprint")
.on_reply([dguard](BonjourReply &&reply) {
@ -157,9 +168,20 @@ void BonjourDialog::on_reply(BonjourReplyEvent &e)
// Filter replies based on selected technology
const auto model = e.reply.txt_data.find("model");
const bool sl1 = model != e.reply.txt_data.end() && model->second == "SL1";
if (tech == ptFFF && sl1 || tech == ptSLA && !sl1) {
auto selected = get_selected();
wxWindowUpdateLocker freeze_guard(this);
// The whole list is recreated so that we benefit from it already being sorted in the set.
@ -168,12 +190,20 @@ void BonjourDialog::on_reply(BonjourReplyEvent &e)
auto item = list->InsertItem(0, reply.full_address);
list->SetItem(item, 1, reply.hostname);
list->SetItem(item, 2, reply.service_name);
list->SetItem(item, 3, reply.version);
if (tech == ptFFF) {
const auto it = reply.txt_data.find("version");
if (it != reply.txt_data.end()) {
list->SetItem(item, 3, GUI::from_u8(it->second));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this->list->SetColumnWidth(i, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE);
if (this->list->GetColumnWidth(i) < 100) { this->list->SetColumnWidth(i, 100); }
const int em = GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit();
for (int i = 0; i < list->GetColumnCount(); i++) {
list->SetColumnWidth(i, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE);
if (list->GetColumnWidth(i) < 10 * em) { list->SetColumnWidth(i, 10 * em); }
if (!selected.IsEmpty()) {

View file

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
class wxListView;
class wxStaticText;
class wxTimer;
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ class ReplySet;
class BonjourDialog: public wxDialog
BonjourDialog(wxWindow *parent);
BonjourDialog(wxWindow *parent, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology);
BonjourDialog(BonjourDialog &&) = delete;
BonjourDialog(const BonjourDialog &) = delete;
BonjourDialog &operator=(BonjourDialog &&) = delete;
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ private:
std::shared_ptr<Bonjour> bonjour;
std::unique_ptr<wxTimer> timer;
unsigned timer_state;
Slic3r::PrinterTechnology tech;
void on_reply(BonjourReplyEvent &);
void on_timer(wxTimerEvent &);

View file

@ -3045,6 +3045,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::do_render_overlay(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, const GLCan
float inv_zoom = (zoom != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / zoom : 0.0f;
float height = get_total_overlay_height();
float width = get_total_overlay_width();
float scaled_border = m_overlay_border * m_overlay_scale * inv_zoom;
@ -3056,7 +3057,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::do_render_overlay(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, const GLCan
float left = top_x;
float top = top_y;
float right = left + get_total_overlay_width() * inv_zoom;
float right = left + width * inv_zoom;
float bottom = top - height * inv_zoom;
// renders background
@ -3164,24 +3165,24 @@ void GLCanvas3D::Gizmos::do_render_overlay(const GLCanvas3D& canvas, const GLCan
float u_icon_size = m_overlay_icons_size * m_overlay_scale * inv_tex_width;
float v_icon_size = m_overlay_icons_size * m_overlay_scale * inv_tex_height;
float top = sprite_id * v_icon_size;
float left = state * u_icon_size;
float bottom = top + v_icon_size;
float right = left + u_icon_size;
float v_top = sprite_id * v_icon_size;
float u_left = state * u_icon_size;
float v_bottom = v_top + v_icon_size;
float u_right = u_left + u_icon_size;
float uv_icon_size = (float)m_icons_texture.metadata.icon_size * inv_texture_size;
float top = sprite_id * uv_icon_size;
float left = state * uv_icon_size;
float bottom = top + uv_icon_size;
float right = left + uv_icon_size;
float v_top = sprite_id * uv_icon_size;
float u_left = state * uv_icon_size;
float v_bottom = v_top + uv_icon_size;
float u_right = u_left + uv_icon_size;
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(icons_texture_id, top_x, top_x + scaled_icons_size, top_y - scaled_icons_size, top_y, { { left, bottom }, { right, bottom }, { right, top }, { left, top } });
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(icons_texture_id, top_x, top_x + scaled_icons_size, top_y - scaled_icons_size, top_y, { { u_left, v_bottom }, { u_right, v_bottom }, { u_right, v_top }, { u_left, v_top } });
if (it->second->get_state() == GLGizmoBase::On) {
float toolbar_top = (float)cnv_h - canvas.m_view_toolbar.get_height();
it->second->render_input_window(2.0f * m_overlay_border + m_overlay_icons_size, 0.5f * cnv_h - top_y * zoom, toolbar_top, selection);
it->second->render_input_window(width, 0.5f * cnv_h - top_y * zoom, toolbar_top, selection);
it->second->render_input_window(2.0f * m_overlay_border + icon_size * zoom, 0.5f * cnv_h - top_y * zoom, toolbar_top, selection);

View file

@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ static PrinterTechnology printer_technology()
// Config from current edited printer preset
DynamicPrintConfig& printer_config()
static DynamicPrintConfig& printer_config()
return wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config;
int extruders_count()
static int extruders_count()
return printer_technology() == ptSLA ? 1 :

View file

@ -752,10 +752,11 @@ void Preview::load_print_as_fff()
if (IsShown())
if (gcode_preview_data_valid)
if (gcode_preview_data_valid) {
// Load the real G-code preview.
m_canvas->load_gcode_preview(*m_gcode_preview_data, colors);
m_loaded = true;
} else
// Load the initial preview based on slices, not the final G-code.
m_canvas->load_preview(colors, color_print_values);
show_hide_ui_elements(gcode_preview_data_valid ? "full" : "simple");
@ -767,7 +768,6 @@ void Preview::load_print_as_fff()
} else
m_loaded = true;

View file

@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ namespace GUI {
MsgDialog::MsgDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &title, const wxString &headline, wxWindowID button_id) :
// MsgDialog(parent, title, headline, wxBitmap(from_u8(Slic3r::var("Slic3r_192px.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG), button_id)
MsgDialog(parent, title, headline, create_scaled_bitmap("Slic3r_192px.png"), button_id)
MsgDialog::MsgDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &title, const wxString &headline, wxBitmap bitmap, wxWindowID button_id) :
wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, title),
wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxRESIZE_BORDER),
content_sizer(new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)),
btn_sizer(new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL))
@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ MsgDialog::~MsgDialog() {}
ErrorDialog::ErrorDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &msg)
: MsgDialog(parent, _(L("Slic3r error")), _(L("Slic3r has encountered an error")),
// wxBitmap(from_u8(Slic3r::var("Slic3r_192px_grayscale.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG),
, msg(msg)

View file

@ -2495,8 +2495,10 @@ void Plater::priv::on_select_preset(wxCommandEvent &evt)
void Plater::priv::on_slicing_update(SlicingStatusEvent &evt)
if (evt.status.percent >= -1) {
this->statusbar()->set_status_text(_(L(evt.status.text)) + wxString::FromUTF8(""));
if (evt.status.flags & PrintBase::SlicingStatus::RELOAD_SCENE) {
switch (this->printer_technology) {
case ptFFF:
@ -2514,6 +2516,10 @@ void Plater::priv::on_slicing_update(SlicingStatusEvent &evt)
// Update SLA gizmo (reload_scene calls update_gizmos_data)
if (evt.status.flags & PrintBase::SlicingStatus::RELOAD_SLA_PREVIEW) {
// Update the SLA preview
void Plater::priv::on_slicing_completed(wxCommandEvent &)

View file

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void Tab::set_type()
void Tab::create_preset_tab()
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
// SetDoubleBuffered(true);
#endif //__WINDOWS__
m_preset_bundle = wxGetApp().preset_bundle;
@ -1612,25 +1612,21 @@ bool Tab::current_preset_is_dirty()
void TabPrinter::build_printhost(ConfigOptionsGroup *optgroup)
const bool sla = m_presets->get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA;
const PrinterTechnology tech = m_presets->get_selected_preset().printer_technology();
// Only offer the host type selection for FFF, for SLA it's always the SL1 printer (at the moment)
if (! sla) {
if (tech == ptFFF) {
auto printhost_browse = [this, optgroup] (wxWindow* parent) {
// TODO: SLA Bonjour
auto printhost_browse = [=](wxWindow* parent) {
auto btn = m_printhost_browse_btn = new wxButton(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L(" Browse "))+dots, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_LEFT);
// btn->SetBitmap(wxBitmap(from_u8(Slic3r::var("zoom.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this, parent, optgroup](wxCommandEvent &e) {
BonjourDialog dialog(parent);
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent &e) {
BonjourDialog dialog(parent, tech);
if (dialog.show_and_lookup()) {
optgroup->set_value("print_host", std::move(dialog.get_selected()), true);
@ -1643,7 +1639,6 @@ void TabPrinter::build_printhost(ConfigOptionsGroup *optgroup)
auto print_host_test = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
auto btn = m_print_host_test_btn = new wxButton(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Test")),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_LEFT | wxBU_EXACTFIT);
// btn->SetBitmap(wxBitmap(from_u8(Slic3r::var("wrench.png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
@ -33,7 +34,9 @@ namespace Slic3r {
// the implementations has been tested with AFL.
// Relevant RFC:
// Relevant RFCs:
struct DnsName: public std::string
@ -156,9 +159,9 @@ struct DnsQuestion
uint16_t type;
uint16_t qclass;
DnsQuestion() :
: type(0)
, qclass(0)
static optional<DnsQuestion> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, size_t &offset)
@ -187,10 +190,10 @@ struct DnsResource
uint32_t ttl;
std::vector<char> data;
DnsResource() :
: type(0)
, rclass(0)
, ttl(0)
static optional<DnsResource> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, size_t &offset, size_t &dataoffset)
@ -310,9 +313,9 @@ struct DnsRR_TXT
TAG = 0x10,
std::vector<std::string> values;
BonjourReply::TxtData data;
static optional<DnsRR_TXT> decode(const DnsResource &rr)
static optional<DnsRR_TXT> decode(const DnsResource &rr, const Bonjour::TxtKeys &txt_keys)
const size_t size =;
if (size < 2) {
@ -328,11 +331,21 @@ struct DnsRR_TXT
std::string value(val_size, ' ');
std::copy(it, it + val_size, value.begin());
const auto it_end = it + val_size;
const auto it_eq = std::find(it, it_end, '=');
if (it_eq > it && it_eq < it_end - 1) {
std::string key(it_eq - it, ' ');
std::copy(it, it_eq, key.begin());
it += val_size;
if (txt_keys.find(key) != txt_keys.end() || key == "path") {
// This key-value has been requested for
std::string value(it_end - it_eq - 1, ' ');
std::copy(it_eq + 1, it_end, value.begin());, std::move(value)));
it = it_end;
return std::move(res);
@ -389,7 +402,7 @@ struct DnsMessage
DnsSDMap sdmap;
static optional<DnsMessage> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer)
static optional<DnsMessage> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, const Bonjour::TxtKeys &txt_keys)
const auto size = buffer.size();
if (size < DnsHeader::SIZE + DnsQuestion::MIN_SIZE || size > MAX_SIZE) {
@ -414,14 +427,15 @@ struct DnsMessage
if (!rr) {
return boost::none;
} else {
res.parse_rr(buffer, std::move(*rr), dataoffset);
res.parse_rr(buffer, std::move(*rr), dataoffset, txt_keys);
return std::move(res);
void parse_rr(const std::vector<char> &buffer, DnsResource &&rr, size_t dataoffset)
void parse_rr(const std::vector<char> &buffer, DnsResource &&rr, size_t dataoffset, const Bonjour::TxtKeys &txt_keys)
switch (rr.type) {
case DnsRR_A::TAG: DnsRR_A::decode(this->rr_a, rr); break;
@ -432,7 +446,7 @@ private:
case DnsRR_TXT::TAG: {
auto txt = DnsRR_TXT::decode(rr);
auto txt = DnsRR_TXT::decode(rr, txt_keys);
if (txt) { this->sdmap.insert_txt(std::move(, std::move(*txt)); }
@ -442,26 +456,28 @@ private:
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const DnsMessage &msg)
os << "DnsMessage(ID: " << << ", "
<< "Q: " << (msg.question ? msg.question->name.c_str() : "none") << ", "
<< "A: " << (msg.rr_a ? msg.rr_a->ip.to_string() : "none") << ", "
<< "AAAA: " << (msg.rr_aaaa ? msg.rr_aaaa->ip.to_string() : "none") << ", "
<< "services: [";
os << boost::format("DnsMessage(ID: %1%, Q: %2%, A: %3%, AAAA: %4%, services: [")
% (msg.question ? msg.question->name.c_str() : "none")
% (msg.rr_a ? msg.rr_a->ip.to_string() : "none")
% (msg.rr_aaaa ? msg.rr_aaaa->ip.to_string() : "none");
enum { SRV_PRINT_MAX = 3 };
unsigned i = 0;
for (const auto &sdpair : msg.sdmap) {
os << sdpair.first << ", ";
if (i > 0) { os << ", "; }
if (++i >= SRV_PRINT_MAX) {
if (i < SRV_PRINT_MAX) {
os << sdpair.first;
} else {
os << "...";
os << "])";
return os;
return os << "])";
@ -525,8 +541,9 @@ optional<BonjourRequest> BonjourRequest::make(const std::string &service, const
struct Bonjour::priv
const std::string service;
const std::string protocol;
const std::string service_dn;
std::string protocol;
std::string service_dn;
TxtKeys txt_keys;
unsigned timeout;
unsigned retries;
@ -535,19 +552,18 @@ struct Bonjour::priv
Bonjour::ReplyFn replyfn;
Bonjour::CompleteFn completefn;
priv(std::string service, std::string protocol);
priv(std::string &&service);
std::string strip_service_dn(const std::string &service_name) const;
void udp_receive(udp::endpoint from, size_t bytes);
void lookup_perform();
Bonjour::priv::priv(std::string service, std::string protocol) :
service_dn((boost::format("_%1%._%2%.local") % this->service % this->protocol).str()),
Bonjour::priv::priv(std::string &&service)
: service(std::move(service))
, protocol("tcp")
, timeout(10)
, retries(1)
@ -573,13 +589,13 @@ void Bonjour::priv::udp_receive(udp::endpoint from, size_t bytes)
const auto dns_msg = DnsMessage::decode(buffer);
auto dns_msg = DnsMessage::decode(buffer, txt_keys);
if (dns_msg) {
asio::ip::address ip = from.address();
if (dns_msg->rr_a) { ip = dns_msg->rr_a->ip; }
else if (dns_msg->rr_aaaa) { ip = dns_msg->rr_aaaa->ip; }
for (const auto &sdpair : dns_msg->sdmap) {
for (auto &sdpair : dns_msg->sdmap) {
if (! sdpair.second.srv) {
@ -590,20 +606,12 @@ void Bonjour::priv::udp_receive(udp::endpoint from, size_t bytes)
std::string path;
std::string version;
BonjourReply::TxtData txt_data;
if (sdpair.second.txt) {
static const std::string tag_path = "path=";
static const std::string tag_version = "version=";
for (const auto &value : sdpair.second.txt->values) {
if (value.size() > tag_path.size() &&, tag_path.size(), tag_path) == 0) {
path = std::move(value.substr(tag_path.size()));
} else if (value.size() > tag_version.size() &&, tag_version.size(), tag_version) == 0) {
version = std::move(value.substr(tag_version.size()));
txt_data = std::move(sdpair.second.txt->data);
BonjourReply reply(ip, srv.port, std::move(service_name), srv.hostname, std::move(path), std::move(version));
BonjourReply reply(ip, srv.port, std::move(service_name), srv.hostname, std::move(txt_data));
@ -611,6 +619,8 @@ void Bonjour::priv::udp_receive(udp::endpoint from, size_t bytes)
void Bonjour::priv::lookup_perform()
service_dn = (boost::format("_%1%._%2%.local") % service % protocol).str();
const auto brq = BonjourRequest::make(service, protocol);
if (!brq) {
@ -671,21 +681,29 @@ void Bonjour::priv::lookup_perform()
// API - public part
BonjourReply::BonjourReply(boost::asio::ip::address ip, uint16_t port, std::string service_name, std::string hostname, std::string path, std::string version) :
path(path.empty() ? std::move(std::string("/")) : std::move(path)),
version(version.empty() ? std::move(std::string("Unknown")) : std::move(version))
BonjourReply::BonjourReply(boost::asio::ip::address ip, uint16_t port, std::string service_name, std::string hostname, BonjourReply::TxtData txt_data)
: ip(std::move(ip))
, port(port)
, service_name(std::move(service_name))
, hostname(std::move(hostname))
, txt_data(std::move(txt_data))
std::string proto;
std::string port_suffix;
if (port == 443) { proto = "https://"; }
if (port != 443 && port != 80) { port_suffix = std::to_string(port).insert(0, 1, ':'); }
if (this->path[0] != '/') { this->path.insert(0, 1, '/'); }
std::string path = this->path();
if (path[0] != '/') { path.insert(0, 1, '/'); }
full_address = proto + ip.to_string() + port_suffix;
if (this->path != "/") { full_address += path; }
if (path != "/") { full_address += path; }
txt_data["path"] = std::move(path);
std::string BonjourReply::path() const
const auto it = txt_data.find("path");
return it != txt_data.end() ? it->second : std::string("/");
bool BonjourReply::operator==(const BonjourReply &other) const
@ -707,14 +725,22 @@ bool BonjourReply::operator<(const BonjourReply &other) const
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BonjourReply &reply)
os << "BonjourReply(" << reply.ip.to_string() << ", " << reply.service_name << ", "
<< reply.hostname << ", " << reply.path << ", " << reply.version << ")";
return os;
os << boost::format("BonjourReply(%1%, %2%, %3%, %4%")
% reply.ip.to_string()
% reply.service_name
% reply.hostname
% reply.full_address;
for (const auto &kv : reply.txt_data) {
os << boost::format(", %1%=%2%") % kv.first % kv.second;
return os << ')';
Bonjour::Bonjour(std::string service, std::string protocol) :
p(new priv(std::move(service), std::move(protocol)))
Bonjour::Bonjour(std::string service)
: p(new priv(std::move(service)))
Bonjour::Bonjour(Bonjour &&other) : p(std::move(other.p)) {}
@ -726,6 +752,18 @@ Bonjour::~Bonjour()
Bonjour& Bonjour::set_protocol(std::string protocol)
if (p) { p->protocol = std::move(protocol); }
return *this;
Bonjour& Bonjour::set_txt_keys(TxtKeys txt_keys)
if (p) { p->txt_keys = std::move(txt_keys); }
return *this;
Bonjour& Bonjour::set_timeout(unsigned timeout)
if (p) { p->timeout = timeout; }

View file

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/asio/ip/address.hpp>
@ -13,16 +15,24 @@ namespace Slic3r {
struct BonjourReply
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> TxtData;
boost::asio::ip::address ip;
uint16_t port;
std::string service_name;
std::string hostname;
std::string full_address;
std::string path;
std::string version;
TxtData txt_data;
BonjourReply() = delete;
BonjourReply(boost::asio::ip::address ip, uint16_t port, std::string service_name, std::string hostname, std::string path, std::string version);
BonjourReply(boost::asio::ip::address ip,
uint16_t port,
std::string service_name,
std::string hostname,
TxtData txt_data);
std::string path() const;
bool operator==(const BonjourReply &other) const;
bool operator<(const BonjourReply &other) const;
@ -39,11 +49,17 @@ public:
typedef std::shared_ptr<Bonjour> Ptr;
typedef std::function<void(BonjourReply &&)> ReplyFn;
typedef std::function<void()> CompleteFn;
typedef std::set<std::string> TxtKeys;
Bonjour(std::string service, std::string protocol = "tcp");
Bonjour(std::string service);
Bonjour(Bonjour &&other);
// Set requested service protocol, "tcp" by default
Bonjour& set_protocol(std::string protocol);
// Set which TXT key-values should be collected
// Note that "path" is always collected
Bonjour& set_txt_keys(TxtKeys txt_keys);
Bonjour& set_timeout(unsigned timeout);
Bonjour& set_retries(unsigned retries);
// ^ Note: By default there is 1 retry (meaning 1 broadcast is sent).