Mac: Fix close events on close by command-Q

This commit is contained in:
Vojtech Kral 2019-01-14 16:48:23 +01:00
parent 66f998bdbf
commit 6ac54896fa

View file

@ -428,17 +428,25 @@ void MainFrame::init_menubar()
// menubar
// assign menubar to frame after appending items, otherwise special items
// will not be handled correctly
auto menubar = new wxMenuBar();
menubar->Append(fileMenu, L("&File"));
if (editMenu) menubar->Append(editMenu, L("&Edit"));
menubar->Append(windowMenu, L("&Window"));
if (viewMenu) menubar->Append(viewMenu, L("&View"));
// Add additional menus from C++
menubar->Append(helpMenu, L("&Help"));
auto menubar = new wxMenuBar();
menubar->Append(fileMenu, L("&File"));
if (editMenu) menubar->Append(editMenu, L("&Edit"));
menubar->Append(windowMenu, L("&Window"));
if (viewMenu) menubar->Append(viewMenu, L("&View"));
// Add additional menus from C++
menubar->Append(helpMenu, L("&Help"));
#ifdef __APPLE__
// This fixes a bug (?) on Mac OS where the quit command doesn't emit window close events
wxMenu *apple_menu = menubar->OSXGetAppleMenu();
if (apple_menu != nullptr) {
apple_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &) {
}, wxID_EXIT);
// To perform the "Quck Slice", "Quick Slice and Save As", "Repeat last Quick Slice" and "Slice to SVG".