Merge branch 'master' of into et_canvas_gui_refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Enrico Turri 2019-04-04 09:03:25 +02:00
commit 6d9180ba92
26 changed files with 348 additions and 68 deletions

resources/icons/cog.svg Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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resources/icons/note.svg Normal file
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 780 B

resources/icons/spool.svg Normal file
View file

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resources/icons/time.svg Normal file
View file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 789 B

View file

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Slic3r::Polygon ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolygon(const ClipperLib::Path &input)
{ {
Polygon retval; Polygon retval;
for (ClipperLib::Path::const_iterator pit = input.begin(); pit != input.end(); ++pit) for (ClipperLib::Path::const_iterator pit = input.begin(); pit != input.end(); ++pit)
retval.points.push_back(Point( (*pit).X, (*pit).Y )); retval.points.emplace_back(pit->X, pit->Y);
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Slic3r::Polyline ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolyline(const ClipperLib::Path &input)
{ {
Polyline retval; Polyline retval;
for (ClipperLib::Path::const_iterator pit = input.begin(); pit != input.end(); ++pit) for (ClipperLib::Path::const_iterator pit = input.begin(); pit != input.end(); ++pit)
retval.points.push_back(Point( (*pit).X, (*pit).Y )); retval.points.emplace_back(pit->X, pit->Y);
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Slic3r::Polygons ClipperPaths_to_Slic3rPolygons(const ClipperLib::Paths &input)
Slic3r::Polygons retval; Slic3r::Polygons retval;
retval.reserve(input.size()); retval.reserve(input.size());
for (ClipperLib::Paths::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it) for (ClipperLib::Paths::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it)
retval.push_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolygon(*it)); retval.emplace_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolygon(*it));
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Slic3r::Polylines ClipperPaths_to_Slic3rPolylines(const ClipperLib::Paths &input
Slic3r::Polylines retval; Slic3r::Polylines retval;
retval.reserve(input.size()); retval.reserve(input.size());
for (ClipperLib::Paths::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it) for (ClipperLib::Paths::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it)
retval.push_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolyline(*it)); retval.emplace_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolyline(*it));
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(const MultiPoint &input)
{ {
ClipperLib::Path retval; ClipperLib::Path retval;
for (Points::const_iterator pit = input.points.begin(); pit != input.points.end(); ++pit) for (Points::const_iterator pit = input.points.begin(); pit != input.points.end(); ++pit)
retval.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( (*pit)(0), (*pit)(1) )); retval.emplace_back((*pit)(0), (*pit)(1));
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath_reversed(const Slic3r::MultiPoint &input)
ClipperLib::Path output; ClipperLib::Path output;
output.reserve(input.points.size()); output.reserve(input.points.size());
for (Slic3r::Points::const_reverse_iterator pit = input.points.rbegin(); pit != input.points.rend(); ++pit) for (Slic3r::Points::const_reverse_iterator pit = input.points.rbegin(); pit != input.points.rend(); ++pit)
output.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( (*pit)(0), (*pit)(1) )); output.emplace_back((*pit)(0), (*pit)(1));
return output; return output;
} }
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ ClipperLib::Paths Slic3rMultiPoints_to_ClipperPaths(const Polygons &input)
{ {
ClipperLib::Paths retval; ClipperLib::Paths retval;
for (Polygons::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it) for (Polygons::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it)
retval.push_back(Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(*it)); retval.emplace_back(Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(*it));
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ ClipperLib::Paths Slic3rMultiPoints_to_ClipperPaths(const Polylines &input)
{ {
ClipperLib::Paths retval; ClipperLib::Paths retval;
for (Polylines::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it) for (Polylines::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it)
retval.push_back(Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(*it)); retval.emplace_back(Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(*it));
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ ClipperLib::Paths _offset(ClipperLib::Paths &&input, ClipperLib::EndType endType
ClipperLib::Paths _offset(ClipperLib::Path &&input, ClipperLib::EndType endType, const float delta, ClipperLib::JoinType joinType, double miterLimit) ClipperLib::Paths _offset(ClipperLib::Path &&input, ClipperLib::EndType endType, const float delta, ClipperLib::JoinType joinType, double miterLimit)
{ {
ClipperLib::Paths paths; ClipperLib::Paths paths;
paths.push_back(std::move(input)); paths.emplace_back(std::move(input));
return _offset(std::move(paths), endType, delta, joinType, miterLimit); return _offset(std::move(paths), endType, delta, joinType, miterLimit);
} }
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ Polylines _clipper_pl(ClipperLib::ClipType clipType, const Polygons &subject, co
Polylines polylines; Polylines polylines;
polylines.reserve(subject.size()); polylines.reserve(subject.size());
for (Polygons::const_iterator polygon = subject.begin(); polygon != subject.end(); ++polygon) for (Polygons::const_iterator polygon = subject.begin(); polygon != subject.end(); ++polygon)
polylines.push_back(*polygon); // implicit call to split_at_first_point() polylines.emplace_back(polygon->operator Polyline()); // implicit call to split_at_first_point()
// perform clipping // perform clipping
Polylines retval = _clipper_pl(clipType, polylines, clip, safety_offset_); Polylines retval = _clipper_pl(clipType, polylines, clip, safety_offset_);
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ _clipper_ln(ClipperLib::ClipType clipType, const Lines &subject, const Polygons
// convert Polylines to Lines // convert Polylines to Lines
Lines retval; Lines retval;
for (Polylines::const_iterator polyline = polylines.begin(); polyline != polylines.end(); ++polyline) for (Polylines::const_iterator polyline = polylines.begin(); polyline != polylines.end(); ++polyline)
retval.push_back(*polyline); retval.emplace_back(polyline->operator Line());
return retval; return retval;
} }
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ void traverse_pt(ClipperLib::PolyNodes &nodes, Polygons* retval)
ordering_points.reserve(nodes.size()); ordering_points.reserve(nodes.size());
for (ClipperLib::PolyNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { for (ClipperLib::PolyNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
Point p((*it)->Contour.front().X, (*it)->Contour.front().Y); Point p((*it)->Contour.front().X, (*it)->Contour.front().Y);
ordering_points.push_back(p); ordering_points.emplace_back(p);
} }
// perform the ordering // perform the ordering
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ void traverse_pt(ClipperLib::PolyNodes &nodes, Polygons* retval)
for (ClipperLib::PolyNodes::iterator it = ordered_nodes.begin(); it != ordered_nodes.end(); ++it) { for (ClipperLib::PolyNodes::iterator it = ordered_nodes.begin(); it != ordered_nodes.end(); ++it) {
// traverse the next depth // traverse the next depth
traverse_pt((*it)->Childs, retval); traverse_pt((*it)->Childs, retval);
retval->push_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolygon((*it)->Contour)); retval->emplace_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolygon((*it)->Contour));
if ((*it)->IsHole()) retval->back().reverse(); // ccw if ((*it)->IsHole()) retval->back().reverse(); // ccw
} }
} }
@ -791,8 +791,8 @@ Polygons top_level_islands(const Slic3r::Polygons &polygons)
Polygons out; Polygons out;
out.reserve(polytree.ChildCount()); out.reserve(polytree.ChildCount());
for (int i = 0; i < polytree.ChildCount(); ++i) for (int i = 0; i < polytree.ChildCount(); ++i)
out.push_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolygon(polytree.Childs[i]->Contour)); out.emplace_back(ClipperPath_to_Slic3rPolygon(polytree.Childs[i]->Contour));
return out; return out;
} }
} }

View file

@ -1187,8 +1187,9 @@ ModelObjectPtrs ModelObject::cut(size_t instance, coordf_t z, bool keep_upper, b
else { else {
TriangleMesh upper_mesh, lower_mesh; TriangleMesh upper_mesh, lower_mesh;
// Transform the mesh by the combined transformation matrix // Transform the mesh by the combined transformation matrix.
volume->mesh.transform(instance_matrix * volume_matrix); // Flip the triangles in case the composite transformation is left handed.
volume->mesh.transform(instance_matrix * volume_matrix, true);
// Perform cut // Perform cut
TriangleMeshSlicer tms(&volume->mesh); TriangleMeshSlicer tms(&volume->mesh);

View file

@ -1790,15 +1790,16 @@ std::vector<ExPolygons> PrintObject::_slice_volumes(const std::vector<float> &z,
if (! volumes.empty()) { if (! volumes.empty()) {
// Compose mesh. // Compose mesh.
//FIXME better to perform slicing over each volume separately and then to use a Boolean operation to merge them. //FIXME better to perform slicing over each volume separately and then to use a Boolean operation to merge them.
TriangleMesh mesh; TriangleMesh mesh(volumes.front()->mesh);
for (const ModelVolume *v : volumes) mesh.transform(volumes.front()->get_matrix(), true);
{ for (size_t idx_volume = 1; idx_volume < volumes.size(); ++ idx_volume) {
TriangleMesh vol_mesh(v->mesh); const ModelVolume &model_volume = *volumes[idx_volume];
vol_mesh.transform(v->get_matrix()); TriangleMesh vol_mesh(model_volume.mesh);
vol_mesh.transform(model_volume.get_matrix(), true);
mesh.merge(vol_mesh); mesh.merge(vol_mesh);
} }
if (mesh.stl.stats.number_of_facets > 0) { if (mesh.stl.stats.number_of_facets > 0) {
mesh.transform(m_trafo); mesh.transform(m_trafo, true);
// apply XY shift // apply XY shift
mesh.translate(- unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(0)), - unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(1)), 0); mesh.translate(- unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(0)), - unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(1)), 0);
// perform actual slicing // perform actual slicing
@ -1819,9 +1820,9 @@ std::vector<ExPolygons> PrintObject::_slice_volume(const std::vector<float> &z,
// Compose mesh. // Compose mesh.
//FIXME better to perform slicing over each volume separately and then to use a Boolean operation to merge them. //FIXME better to perform slicing over each volume separately and then to use a Boolean operation to merge them.
TriangleMesh mesh(volume.mesh); TriangleMesh mesh(volume.mesh);
mesh.transform(volume.get_matrix()); mesh.transform(volume.get_matrix(), true);
if (mesh.stl.stats.number_of_facets > 0) { if (mesh.stl.stats.number_of_facets > 0) {
mesh.transform(m_trafo); mesh.transform(m_trafo, true);
// apply XY shift // apply XY shift
mesh.translate(- unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(0)), - unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(1)), 0); mesh.translate(- unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(0)), - unscale<float>(m_copies_shift(1)), 0);
// perform actual slicing // perform actual slicing

View file

@ -1041,31 +1041,37 @@ void SLAPrint::process()
{ {
ClipperPolygon poly; ClipperPolygon poly;
// We need to reverse if flpXY OR is_lefthanded is true but
// not if both are true which is a logical inequality (XOR)
bool needreverse = flpXY != is_lefthanded;
// should be a move // should be a move
poly.Contour.reserve(polygon.contour.size() + 1); poly.Contour.reserve(polygon.contour.size() + 1);
for(auto& p : polygon.contour.points) auto& cntr = polygon.contour.points;
poly.Contour.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y()); if(needreverse)
for(auto it = cntr.rbegin(); it != cntr.rend(); ++it)
auto pfirst = poly.Contour.front(); poly.Contour.emplace_back(it->x(), it->y());
poly.Contour.emplace_back(pfirst); else
for(auto& p : cntr)
poly.Contour.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y());
for(auto& h : polygon.holes) { for(auto& h : polygon.holes) {
poly.Holes.emplace_back(); poly.Holes.emplace_back();
auto& hole = poly.Holes.back(); auto& hole = poly.Holes.back();
hole.reserve(h.points.size() + 1); hole.reserve(h.points.size() + 1);
for(auto& p : h.points) hole.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y()); if(needreverse)
auto pfirst = hole.front(); hole.emplace_back(pfirst); for(auto& p : h.points)
hole.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y());
for(auto it = h.points.rbegin(); it != h.points.rend(); ++it)
hole.emplace_back(it->x(), it->y());
} }
if(is_lefthanded) { if(is_lefthanded) {
for(auto& p : poly.Contour) p.X = -p.X; for(auto& p : poly.Contour) p.X = -p.X;
std::reverse(poly.Contour.begin(), poly.Contour.end()); for(auto& h : poly.Holes) for(auto& p : h) p.X = -p.X;
for(auto& h : poly.Holes) {
for(auto& p : h) p.X = -p.X;
std::reverse(h.begin(), h.end());
} }
sl::rotate(poly, double(instances[i].rotation)); sl::rotate(poly, double(instances[i].rotation));
@ -1074,12 +1080,7 @@ void SLAPrint::process()
if (flpXY) { if (flpXY) {
for(auto& p : poly.Contour) std::swap(p.X, p.Y); for(auto& p : poly.Contour) std::swap(p.X, p.Y);
std::reverse(poly.Contour.begin(), poly.Contour.end()); for(auto& h : poly.Holes) for(auto& p : h) std::swap(p.X, p.Y);
for(auto& h : poly.Holes) {
for(auto& p : h) std::swap(p.X, p.Y);
std::reverse(h.begin(), h.end());
} }
polygons.emplace_back(std::move(poly)); polygons.emplace_back(std::move(poly));

View file

@ -314,10 +314,15 @@ void TriangleMesh::mirror(const Axis &axis)
stl_invalidate_shared_vertices(&this->stl); stl_invalidate_shared_vertices(&this->stl);
} }
void TriangleMesh::transform(const Transform3d& t) void TriangleMesh::transform(const Transform3d& t, bool fix_left_handed)
{ {
stl_transform(&stl, t); stl_transform(&stl, t);
stl_invalidate_shared_vertices(&stl); stl_invalidate_shared_vertices(&stl);
if (fix_left_handed && t.matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3).determinant() < 0.) {
// Left handed transformation is being applied. It is a good idea to flip the faces and their normals.
} }
void TriangleMesh::align_to_origin() void TriangleMesh::align_to_origin()

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public:
void mirror_x() { this->mirror(X); } void mirror_x() { this->mirror(X); }
void mirror_y() { this->mirror(Y); } void mirror_y() { this->mirror(Y); }
void mirror_z() { this->mirror(Z); } void mirror_z() { this->mirror(Z); }
void transform(const Transform3d& t); void transform(const Transform3d& t, bool fix_left_handed = false);
void align_to_origin(); void align_to_origin();
void rotate(double angle, Point* center); void rotate(double angle, Point* center);
TriangleMeshPtrs split() const; TriangleMeshPtrs split() const;

View file

@ -507,7 +507,6 @@ void ObjectList::key_event(wxKeyEvent& event)
|| event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK || event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK
#endif //__WXOSX__ #endif //__WXOSX__
) { ) {
remove(); remove();
} }
else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('A')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_SHIFT)) else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('A')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_SHIFT))

View file

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const Selection& selection)
changed_box = true; changed_box = true;
} }
if (changed_box || !m_cache.instance.matches_instance(instance_idx) || !m_cache.scale.isApprox(100.0 * m_new_scale)) if (changed_box || !m_cache.instance.matches_instance(instance_idx) || !m_cache.scale.isApprox(100.0 * m_new_scale))
m_new_size = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, true) * m_cache.instance.box_size; m_new_size = (volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, true) * m_cache.instance.box_size).cwiseAbs();
} }
else else
// this should never happen // this should never happen
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const Selection& selection)
m_new_position = volume->get_volume_offset(); m_new_position = volume->get_volume_offset();
m_new_rotation = volume->get_volume_rotation(); m_new_rotation = volume->get_volume_rotation();
m_new_scale = volume->get_volume_scaling_factor(); m_new_scale = volume->get_volume_scaling_factor();
m_new_size = volume->get_volume_transformation().get_matrix(true, true) * volume->bounding_box.size(); m_new_size = (volume->get_volume_transformation().get_matrix(true, true) * volume->bounding_box.size()).cwiseAbs();
m_new_enabled = true; m_new_enabled = true;
} }
else if (wxGetApp().obj_list()->multiple_selection()) else if (wxGetApp().obj_list()->multiple_selection())

View file

@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ void ObjectSettings::update_settings_list()
#endif // __WXMSW__ #endif // __WXMSW__
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [opt_key, config, this](wxEvent &event) { btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [opt_key, config, this](wxEvent &event) {
config->erase(opt_key); config->erase(opt_key);
wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() { wxGetApp().obj_list()->part_settings_changed();
wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() {
wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(m_parent); wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(m_parent);
update_settings_list(); update_settings_list();
m_parent->Layout(); m_parent->Layout();

View file

@ -329,8 +329,12 @@ bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
m_canvas_width = m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_width(); m_canvas_width = m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_width();
m_canvas_height = m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_height(); m_canvas_height = m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_height();
} }
else else {
select_point(m_hover_id); if (m_editing_mode_cache[m_hover_id].selected)
return true; return true;
} }
@ -562,12 +566,12 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_l
m_imgui->set_next_window_pos(x, y, ImGuiCond_Always); m_imgui->set_next_window_pos(x, y, ImGuiCond_Always);
const ImVec2 window_size(m_imgui->scaled(15.f, 16.5f)); const ImVec2 window_size(m_imgui->scaled(17.f, 18.f));
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(x, y - std::max(0.f, y+window_size.y-bottom_limit) )); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(x, y - std::max(0.f, y+window_size.y-bottom_limit) ));
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_size)); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_size));
m_imgui->set_next_window_bg_alpha(0.5f); m_imgui->set_next_window_bg_alpha(0.5f);
m_imgui->begin(on_get_name(), ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse); m_imgui->begin(on_get_name(), ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse);
ImGui::PushItemWidth(100.0f); ImGui::PushItemWidth(100.0f);
@ -788,6 +792,19 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::select_point(int i)
} }
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::unselect_point(int i)
m_editing_mode_cache[i].selected = false;
m_selection_empty = true;
for (const CacheEntry& ce : m_editing_mode_cache) {
if (ce.selected) {
m_selection_empty = false;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::editing_mode_discard_changes() void GLGizmoSlaSupports::editing_mode_discard_changes()
{ {

View file

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ private:
NoPoints, NoPoints,
}; };
void select_point(int i); void select_point(int i);
void unselect_point(int i);
void editing_mode_apply_changes(); void editing_mode_apply_changes();
void editing_mode_discard_changes(); void editing_mode_discard_changes();
void editing_mode_reload_cache(); void editing_mode_reload_cache();

View file

@ -341,13 +341,11 @@ bool ImGuiWrapper::want_any_input() const
void ImGuiWrapper::init_font() void ImGuiWrapper::init_font()
{ {
const float font_size = m_font_size * m_style_scaling;
destroy_font(); destroy_font();
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
io.Fonts->Clear(); io.Fonts->Clear();
ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF((Slic3r::resources_dir() + "/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf").c_str(), font_size, nullptr, m_glyph_ranges); ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF((Slic3r::resources_dir() + "/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf").c_str(), m_font_size, nullptr, m_glyph_ranges);
if (font == nullptr) { if (font == nullptr) {
font = io.Fonts->AddFontDefault(); font = io.Fonts->AddFontDefault();
if (font == nullptr) { if (font == nullptr) {

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@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ public:
void new_frame(); void new_frame();
void render(); void render();
float scaled(float x) const { return x * m_font_size * m_style_scaling; } float scaled(float x) const { return x * m_font_size; }
ImVec2 scaled(float x, float y) const { return ImVec2(x * m_font_size * m_style_scaling, y * m_font_size * m_style_scaling); } ImVec2 scaled(float x, float y) const { return ImVec2(x * m_font_size, y * m_font_size); }
ImVec2 calc_text_size(const wxString &text); ImVec2 calc_text_size(const wxString &text);
void set_next_window_pos(float x, float y, int flag); void set_next_window_pos(float x, float y, int flag);

View file

@ -109,21 +109,26 @@ void Selection::add(unsigned int volume_idx, bool as_single_selection)
if (is_wipe_tower() && volume->is_wipe_tower) if (is_wipe_tower() && volume->is_wipe_tower)
return; return;
bool keep_instance_mode = (m_mode == Instance) && !as_single_selection && (is_single_full_instance() || is_multiple_full_instance());
// resets the current list if needed // resets the current list if needed
bool needs_reset = as_single_selection; bool needs_reset = as_single_selection;
needs_reset |= volume->is_wipe_tower; needs_reset |= volume->is_wipe_tower;
needs_reset |= is_wipe_tower() && !volume->is_wipe_tower; needs_reset |= is_wipe_tower() && !volume->is_wipe_tower;
needs_reset |= !is_modifier() && volume->is_modifier; needs_reset |= !keep_instance_mode && !is_modifier() && volume->is_modifier;
needs_reset |= is_modifier() && !volume->is_modifier; needs_reset |= is_modifier() && !volume->is_modifier;
if (needs_reset) if (needs_reset)
clear(); clear();
if (!contains_volume(volume_idx)) if (!contains_volume(volume_idx))
m_mode = volume->is_modifier ? Volume : Instance; {
if (!keep_instance_mode)
m_mode = volume->is_modifier ? Volume : Instance;
else else
// keep current mode // keep current mode
return; return;
switch (m_mode) switch (m_mode)
{ {
@ -1143,16 +1148,12 @@ void Selection::update_type()
} }
if (modifiers_count == 0) if (modifiers_count == 0)
m_type = MultipleVolume; m_type = MultipleVolume;
requires_disable = true;
else if (modifiers_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size()) else if (modifiers_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size())
m_type = MultipleModifier; m_type = MultipleModifier;
requires_disable = true;
} }
requires_disable = true;
} }
else if ((selected_instances_count > 1) && (selected_instances_count * volumes_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size())) else if ((selected_instances_count > 1) && (selected_instances_count * volumes_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size()))
{ {