WIP Tree Supports: Ported parallelization from cura homebrew parallel_for
to thread building blocks tbb::parallel_for.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 1066 additions and 1044 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
#include "TreeModelVolumes.hpp"
#include "TreeSupport.hpp"
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include <tbb/task_group.h>
namespace Slic3r
@ -71,40 +74,47 @@ TreeModelVolumes::TreeModelVolumes(const SliceDataStorage& storage, const coord_
SliceMeshStorage mesh = storage.meshes[mesh_idx];
cura::parallel_for<LayerIndex>(0, LayerIndex(layer_outlines_[mesh_to_layeroutline_idx[mesh_idx]].second.size()), 1,
[&](const LayerIndex layer_idx)
if (mesh.layer_nr_max_filled_layer < layer_idx)
return; // cant break as parallel_for wont allow it, this is equivalent to a continue
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, layer_outlines_[mesh_to_layeroutline_idx[mesh_idx]].second.size()),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++ layer_idx) {
if (mesh.layer_nr_max_filled_layer < layer_idx)
return; // cant break as parallel_for wont allow it, this is equivalent to a continue
Polygons outline = extractOutlineFromMesh(mesh, layer_idx);
Polygons outline = extractOutlineFromMesh(mesh, layer_idx);
cura::parallel_for<LayerIndex>(0, LayerIndex(anti_overhang_.size()), 1,
[&](const LayerIndex layer_idx)
if (layer_idx < coord_t(additional_excluded_areas.size()))
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, anti_overhang_.size()),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++ layer_idx) {
if (layer_idx < coord_t(additional_excluded_areas.size()))
if (storage.primeTower.enabled)
anti_overhang_[layer_idx].add(layer_idx == 0 ? storage.primeTower.outer_poly_first_layer : storage.primeTower.outer_poly);
if (storage.primeTower.enabled)
anti_overhang_[layer_idx].add(layer_idx == 0 ? storage.primeTower.outer_poly_first_layer : storage.primeTower.outer_poly);
anti_overhang_[layer_idx] = anti_overhang_[layer_idx].unionPolygons();
anti_overhang_[layer_idx] = anti_overhang_[layer_idx].unionPolygons();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < layer_outlines_.size(); idx++)
cura::parallel_for<LayerIndex>(0, LayerIndex(anti_overhang_.size()), 1, [&](const LayerIndex layer_idx) { layer_outlines_[idx].second[layer_idx] = layer_outlines_[idx].second[layer_idx].unionPolygons(); });
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, anti_overhang_.size()),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++ layer_idx)
layer_outlines_[idx].second[layer_idx] = layer_outlines_[idx].second[layer_idx].unionPolygons();
radius_0 = config.getRadius(0);
@ -199,21 +209,15 @@ void TreeModelVolumes::precalculate(coord_t max_layer)
// ### Calculate the relevant avoidances in parallel as far as possible
std::future<void> placeable_waiter;
tbb::task_group task_group;
task_group.run([this, relevant_avoidance_radiis]{ calculateAvoidance(relevant_avoidance_radiis); });
task_group.run([this, relevant_avoidance_radiis]{ calculateWallRestrictions(relevant_avoidance_radiis); });
if (support_rests_on_model)
placeable_waiter = calculatePlaceables(relevant_avoidance_radiis_to_model);
std::future<void> avoidance_waiter = calculateAvoidance(relevant_avoidance_radiis);
std::future<void> wall_restriction_waiter = calculateWallRestrictions(relevant_avoidance_radiis);
if (support_rests_on_model)
std::future<void> avoidance_model_waiter = calculateAvoidanceToModel(relevant_avoidance_radiis_to_model);
task_group.run([this, relevant_avoidance_radiis_to_model]{
auto t_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto dur_col = 0.001 * std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(t_coll - t_start).count();
@ -549,137 +553,138 @@ LayerIndex TreeModelVolumes::getMaxCalculatedLayer(coord_t radius, const std::un
void TreeModelVolumes::calculateCollision(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
cura::parallel_for<size_t>(0, keys.size(), 1,
[&](const size_t i)
coord_t radius = keys[i].first;
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_outer;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_placeable_outer;
for (size_t outline_idx = 0; outline_idx < layer_outlines_.size(); outline_idx++)
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_placeable;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, keys.size()),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++ i) {
coord_t radius = keys[i].first;
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_outer;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_placeable_outer;
for (size_t outline_idx = 0; outline_idx < layer_outlines_.size(); outline_idx++)
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_placeable;
const coord_t layer_height = layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("layer_height");
const bool support_rests_on_this_model = layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<ESupportType>("support_type") == ESupportType::EVERYWHERE;
const coord_t z_distance_bottom = layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("support_bottom_distance");
const size_t z_distance_bottom_layers = round_up_divide(z_distance_bottom, layer_height);
const coord_t z_distance_top_layers = round_up_divide(layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("support_top_distance"), layer_height);
const LayerIndex max_anti_overhang_layer = anti_overhang_.size() - 1;
const LayerIndex max_required_layer = keys[i].second + std::max(coord_t(1), z_distance_top_layers);
const coord_t xy_distance = outline_idx == current_outline_idx ? current_min_xy_dist : layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("support_xy_distance");
// technically this causes collision for the normal xy_distance to be larger by current_min_xy_dist_delta for all not currently processing meshes as this delta will be added at request time.
// avoiding this would require saving each collision for each outline_idx separately.
// and later for each avoidance... But avoidance calculation has to be for the whole scene and can NOT be done for each outline_idx separately and combined later.
// so avoiding this inaccuracy seems infeasible as it would require 2x the avoidance calculations => 0.5x the performance.
coord_t min_layer_bottom;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_collision_cache_);
min_layer_bottom = getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, collision_cache_) - z_distance_bottom_layers;
if (min_layer_bottom < 0)
min_layer_bottom = 0;
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = min_layer_bottom; layer_idx <= max_required_layer; layer_idx++)
key.second = layer_idx;
Polygons collision_areas = machine_border_;
if (size_t(layer_idx) < layer_outlines_[outline_idx].second.size())
const coord_t layer_height = layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("layer_height");
const bool support_rests_on_this_model = layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<ESupportType>("support_type") == ESupportType::EVERYWHERE;
const coord_t z_distance_bottom = layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("support_bottom_distance");
const size_t z_distance_bottom_layers = round_up_divide(z_distance_bottom, layer_height);
const coord_t z_distance_top_layers = round_up_divide(layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("support_top_distance"), layer_height);
const LayerIndex max_anti_overhang_layer = anti_overhang_.size() - 1;
const LayerIndex max_required_layer = keys[i].second + std::max(coord_t(1), z_distance_top_layers);
const coord_t xy_distance = outline_idx == current_outline_idx ? current_min_xy_dist : layer_outlines_[outline_idx].first.get<coord_t>("support_xy_distance");
// technically this causes collision for the normal xy_distance to be larger by current_min_xy_dist_delta for all not currently processing meshes as this delta will be added at request time.
// avoiding this would require saving each collision for each outline_idx separately.
// and later for each avoidance... But avoidance calculation has to be for the whole scene and can NOT be done for each outline_idx separately and combined later.
// so avoiding this inaccuracy seems infeasible as it would require 2x the avoidance calculations => 0.5x the performance.
coord_t min_layer_bottom;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_collision_cache_);
min_layer_bottom = getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, collision_cache_) - z_distance_bottom_layers;
collision_areas = collision_areas.offset(radius + xy_distance); // jtRound is not needed here, as the overshoot can not cause errors in the algorithm, because no assumptions are made about the model.
data[key].add(collision_areas); // if a key does not exist when it is accessed it is added!
// Add layers below, to ensure correct support_bottom_distance. Also save placeable areas of radius 0, if required for this mesh.
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = max_required_layer; layer_idx >= min_layer_bottom; layer_idx--)
key.second = layer_idx;
for (size_t layer_offset = 1; layer_offset <= z_distance_bottom_layers && layer_idx - coord_t(layer_offset) > min_layer_bottom; layer_offset++)
if (min_layer_bottom < 0)
data[key].add(data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx - layer_offset)]);
min_layer_bottom = 0;
if (support_rests_on_this_model && radius == 0 && layer_idx < coord_t(1 + keys[i].second))
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = min_layer_bottom; layer_idx <= max_required_layer; layer_idx++)
data[key] = data[key].unionPolygons();
Polygons above = data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + 1)];
if (max_anti_overhang_layer >= layer_idx + 1)
key.second = layer_idx;
Polygons collision_areas = machine_border_;
if (size_t(layer_idx) < layer_outlines_[outline_idx].second.size())
above = above.unionPolygons(anti_overhang_[layer_idx]);
collision_areas = collision_areas.offset(radius + xy_distance); // jtRound is not needed here, as the overshoot can not cause errors in the algorithm, because no assumptions are made about the model.
data[key].add(collision_areas); // if a key does not exist when it is accessed it is added!
// Add layers below, to ensure correct support_bottom_distance. Also save placeable areas of radius 0, if required for this mesh.
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = max_required_layer; layer_idx >= min_layer_bottom; layer_idx--)
key.second = layer_idx;
for (size_t layer_offset = 1; layer_offset <= z_distance_bottom_layers && layer_idx - coord_t(layer_offset) > min_layer_bottom; layer_offset++)
data[key].add(data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx - layer_offset)]);
if (support_rests_on_this_model && radius == 0 && layer_idx < coord_t(1 + keys[i].second))
data[key] = data[key].unionPolygons();
Polygons above = data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + 1)];
if (max_anti_overhang_layer >= layer_idx + 1)
above = above.unionPolygons(anti_overhang_[layer_idx]);
above = above.unionPolygons(); // just to be sure the area is correctly unioned as otherwise difference may behave unexpectedly.
Polygons placeable = data[key].difference(above);
data_placeable[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + 1)] = data_placeable[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + 1)].unionPolygons(placeable);
// Add collision layers above to ensure correct support_top_distance.
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = min_layer_bottom; layer_idx <= max_required_layer; layer_idx++)
key.second = layer_idx;
for (coord_t layer_offset = 1; layer_offset <= z_distance_top_layers && layer_offset + layer_idx <= max_required_layer; layer_offset++)
data[key].add(data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + layer_offset)]);
if (max_anti_overhang_layer >= layer_idx)
data[key] = data[key].unionPolygons(anti_overhang_[layer_idx].offset(radius));
above = above.unionPolygons(); // just to be sure the area is correctly unioned as otherwise difference may behave unexpectedly.
data[key] = data[key].unionPolygons();
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = max_required_layer; layer_idx > keys[i].second; layer_idx--)
data.erase(RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx)); // all these dont have the correct z_distance_top_layers as they can still have areas above them
for (auto pair : data)
pair.second.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data_outer[pair.first] = data_outer[pair.first].unionPolygons(pair.second);
if (radius == 0)
for (auto pair : data_placeable)
pair.second.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data_placeable_outer[pair.first] = data_placeable_outer[pair.first].unionPolygons(pair.second);
Polygons placeable = data[key].difference(above);
data_placeable[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + 1)] = data_placeable[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + 1)].unionPolygons(placeable);
// Add collision layers above to ensure correct support_top_distance.
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = min_layer_bottom; layer_idx <= max_required_layer; layer_idx++)
key.second = layer_idx;
for (coord_t layer_offset = 1; layer_offset <= z_distance_top_layers && layer_offset + layer_idx <= max_required_layer; layer_offset++)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_progress);
if (precalculated && precalculation_progress < TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL)
data[key].add(data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx + layer_offset)]);
if (max_anti_overhang_layer >= layer_idx)
data[key] = data[key].unionPolygons(anti_overhang_[layer_idx].offset(radius));
data[key] = data[key].unionPolygons();
precalculation_progress += TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL / keys.size();
Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, precalculation_progress * progress_multiplier + progress_offset, TREE_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = max_required_layer; layer_idx > keys[i].second; layer_idx--)
data.erase(RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx)); // all these dont have the correct z_distance_top_layers as they can still have areas above them
for (auto pair : data)
pair.second.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data_outer[pair.first] = data_outer[pair.first].unionPolygons(pair.second);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_collision_cache_);
collision_cache_.insert(data_outer.begin(), data_outer.end());
if (radius == 0)
for (auto pair : data_placeable)
pair.second.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data_placeable_outer[pair.first] = data_placeable_outer[pair.first].unionPolygons(pair.second);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_placeable_areas_cache_);
placeable_areas_cache_.insert(data_placeable_outer.begin(), data_placeable_outer.end());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_progress);
if (precalculated && precalculation_progress < TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL)
precalculation_progress += TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL / keys.size();
Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, precalculation_progress * progress_multiplier + progress_offset, TREE_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_collision_cache_);
collision_cache_.insert(data_outer.begin(), data_outer.end());
if (radius == 0)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_placeable_areas_cache_);
placeable_areas_cache_.insert(data_placeable_outer.begin(), data_placeable_outer.end());
void TreeModelVolumes::calculateCollisionHolefree(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
@ -690,23 +695,24 @@ void TreeModelVolumes::calculateCollisionHolefree(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> ke
max_layer = std::max(max_layer, keys[i].second);
cura::parallel_for<LayerIndex>(0, max_layer + 1, 1,
[&](const LayerIndex layer_idx)
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data;
for (RadiusLayerPair key : keys)
// Logically increase the collision by increase_until_radius
coord_t radius = key.first;
coord_t increase_radius_ceil = ceilRadius(increase_until_radius, false) - ceilRadius(radius, true);
Polygons col = getCollision(increase_until_radius, layer_idx, false).offset(5 - increase_radius_ceil, ClipperLib::jtRound).unionPolygons(); // this union is important as otherwise holes(in form of lines that will increase to holes in a later step) can get unioned onto the area.
col.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx)] = col;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, max_layer + 1),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++ layer_idx) {
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data;
for (RadiusLayerPair key : keys)
// Logically increase the collision by increase_until_radius
coord_t radius = key.first;
coord_t increase_radius_ceil = ceilRadius(increase_until_radius, false) - ceilRadius(radius, true);
Polygons col = getCollision(increase_until_radius, layer_idx, false).offset(5 - increase_radius_ceil, ClipperLib::jtRound).unionPolygons(); // this union is important as otherwise holes(in form of lines that will increase to holes in a later step) can get unioned onto the area.
col.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data[RadiusLayerPair(radius, layer_idx)] = col;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_collision_cache_holefree_);
collision_cache_holefree_.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_collision_cache_holefree_);
collision_cache_holefree_.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
@ -728,20 +734,156 @@ Polygons TreeModelVolumes::safeOffset(const Polygons& me, coord_t distance, Clip
return ret.unionPolygons(collision);
std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculateAvoidance(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
void TreeModelVolumes::calculateAvoidance(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
// For every RadiusLayer pair there are 3 avoidances that have to be calculate, calculated in the same paralell_for loop for better paralellisation.
const std::vector<AvoidanceType> all_types = { AvoidanceType::SLOW, AvoidanceType::FAST_SAFE, AvoidanceType::FAST };
std::future<void> ret = cura::parallel_for_nowait<size_t>(0, keys.size() * 3, 1,
[&, keys, all_types](const size_t iter_idx)
size_t key_idx = iter_idx / 3;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, keys.size() * 3),
[&, keys, all_types](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t iter_idx = range.begin(); iter_idx < range.end(); ++ iter_idx) {
size_t key_idx = iter_idx / 3;
size_t type_idx = iter_idx % all_types.size();
AvoidanceType type = all_types[type_idx];
const bool slow = type == AvoidanceType::SLOW;
const bool holefree = type == AvoidanceType::FAST_SAFE;
coord_t radius = keys[key_idx].first;
LayerIndex max_required_layer = keys[key_idx].second;
// do not calculate not needed safe avoidances
if (holefree && radius >= increase_until_radius + current_min_xy_dist_delta)
const coord_t offset_speed = slow ? max_move_slow_ : max_move_;
const coord_t max_step_move = std::max(1.9 * radius, current_min_xy_dist * 1.9);
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
Polygons latest_avoidance;
LayerIndex start_layer;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_ : critical_avoidance_cache_));
start_layer = 1 + getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, slow ? avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_ : avoidance_cache_);
if (start_layer > max_required_layer)
logDebug("Requested calculation for value already calculated ?\n");
start_layer = std::max(start_layer, LayerIndex(1)); // Ensure StartLayer is at least 1 as if no avoidance was calculated getMaxCalculatedLayer returns -1
std::vector<std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>> data(max_required_layer + 1, std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(RadiusLayerPair(radius, -1), Polygons()));
latest_avoidance = getAvoidance(radius, start_layer - 1, type, false, true); // minDist as the delta was already added, also avoidance for layer 0 will return the collision.
// ### main loop doing the calculation
for (LayerIndex layer = start_layer; layer <= max_required_layer; layer++)
key.second = layer;
Polygons col;
if ((slow && radius < increase_until_radius + current_min_xy_dist_delta) || holefree)
col = getCollisionHolefree(radius, layer, true);
col = getCollision(radius, layer, true);
latest_avoidance = safeOffset(latest_avoidance, -offset_speed, ClipperLib::jtRound, -max_step_move, col);
latest_avoidance.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data[layer] = std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(key, latest_avoidance);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_progress);
if (precalculated && precalculation_progress < TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL + TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO)
precalculation_progress += support_rests_on_model ? 0.4 : 1 * TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO / (keys.size() * 3);
Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, precalculation_progress * progress_multiplier + progress_offset, TREE_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_ : critical_avoidance_cache_));
(slow ? avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_ : avoidance_cache_).insert(data.begin(), data.end());
return ret;
void TreeModelVolumes::calculatePlaceables(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, keys.size()),
[&, keys](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t key_idx = range.begin(); key_idx < range.end(); ++ key_idx) {
const coord_t radius = keys[key_idx].first;
const LayerIndex max_required_layer = keys[key_idx].second;
std::vector<std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>> data(max_required_layer + 1, std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(RadiusLayerPair(radius, -1), Polygons()));
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
LayerIndex start_layer;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_placeable_areas_cache_);
start_layer = 1 + getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, placeable_areas_cache_);
if (start_layer > max_required_layer)
logDebug("Requested calculation for value already calculated ?\n");
if (start_layer == 0)
data[0] = std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(key, machine_border_.difference(getCollision(radius, 0, true)));
start_layer = 1;
for (LayerIndex layer = start_layer; layer <= max_required_layer; layer++)
key.second = layer;
Polygons placeable = getPlaceableAreas(0, layer);
placeable.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_); // it is faster to do this here in each thread than once in calculateCollision.
placeable = placeable.offset(-radius);
data[layer] = std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(key, placeable);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_progress);
if (precalculated && precalculation_progress < TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL + TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO)
precalculation_progress += 0.2 * TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO / (keys.size());
Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, precalculation_progress * progress_multiplier + progress_offset, TREE_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_placeable_areas_cache_);
placeable_areas_cache_.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
return ret;
void TreeModelVolumes::calculateAvoidanceToModel(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
// For every RadiusLayer pair there are 3 avoidances that have to be calculated, calculated in the same parallel_for loop for better parallelization.
const std::vector<AvoidanceType> all_types = { AvoidanceType::SLOW, AvoidanceType::FAST_SAFE, AvoidanceType::FAST };
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, keys.size() * 3),
[&, keys, all_types](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t iter_idx = range.begin(); iter_idx < range.end(); ++ iter_idx) {
size_t key_idx = iter_idx / 3;
size_t type_idx = iter_idx % all_types.size();
AvoidanceType type = all_types[type_idx];
const bool slow = type == AvoidanceType::SLOW;
const bool holefree = type == AvoidanceType::FAST_SAFE;
bool slow = type == AvoidanceType::SLOW;
bool holefree = type == AvoidanceType::FAST_SAFE;
coord_t radius = keys[key_idx].first;
LayerIndex max_required_layer = keys[key_idx].second;
@ -750,32 +892,33 @@ std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculateAvoidance(std::deque<RadiusLayerPai
getPlaceableAreas(radius, max_required_layer); // ensuring Placeableareas are calculated
const coord_t offset_speed = slow ? max_move_slow_ : max_move_;
const coord_t max_step_move = std::max(1.9 * radius, current_min_xy_dist * 1.9);
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
Polygons latest_avoidance;
std::vector<std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>> data(max_required_layer + 1, std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(RadiusLayerPair(radius, -1), Polygons()));
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
LayerIndex start_layer;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_ : critical_avoidance_cache_));
start_layer = 1 + getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, slow ? avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_ : avoidance_cache_);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_to_model_ : critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_));
start_layer = 1 + getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, slow ? avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_to_model_ : avoidance_cache_to_model_);
if (start_layer > max_required_layer)
logDebug("Requested calculation for value already calculated ?\n");
start_layer = std::max(start_layer, LayerIndex(1)); // Ensure StartLayer is at least 1 as if no avoidance was calculated getMaxCalculatedLayer returns -1
std::vector<std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>> data(max_required_layer + 1, std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(RadiusLayerPair(radius, -1), Polygons()));
latest_avoidance = getAvoidance(radius, start_layer - 1, type, false, true); // minDist as the delta was already added, also avoidance for layer 0 will return the collision.
start_layer = std::max(start_layer, LayerIndex(1));
latest_avoidance = getAvoidance(radius, start_layer - 1, type, true, true); // minDist as the delta was already added, also avoidance for layer 0 will return the collision.
// ### main loop doing the calculation
for (LayerIndex layer = start_layer; layer <= max_required_layer; layer++)
key.second = layer;
Polygons col;
Polygons col = getCollision(radius, layer, true);
if ((slow && radius < increase_until_radius + current_min_xy_dist_delta) || holefree)
col = getCollisionHolefree(radius, layer, true);
@ -784,7 +927,9 @@ std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculateAvoidance(std::deque<RadiusLayerPai
col = getCollision(radius, layer, true);
latest_avoidance = safeOffset(latest_avoidance, -offset_speed, ClipperLib::jtRound, -max_step_move, col);
latest_avoidance = safeOffset(latest_avoidance, -offset_speed, ClipperLib::jtRound, -max_step_move, col).difference(getPlaceableAreas(radius, layer));
latest_avoidance.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data[layer] = std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(key, latest_avoidance);
@ -794,159 +939,23 @@ std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculateAvoidance(std::deque<RadiusLayerPai
if (precalculated && precalculation_progress < TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL + TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO)
precalculation_progress += support_rests_on_model ? 0.4 : 1 * TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO / (keys.size() * 3);
precalculation_progress += 0.4 * TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO / (keys.size() * 3);
Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, precalculation_progress * progress_multiplier + progress_offset, TREE_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_ : critical_avoidance_cache_));
(slow ? avoidance_cache_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_ : avoidance_cache_).insert(data.begin(), data.end());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_to_model_ : critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_));
(slow ? avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_to_model_ : avoidance_cache_to_model_).insert(data.begin(), data.end());
return ret;
std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculatePlaceables(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
std::future<void> ret = cura::parallel_for_nowait<size_t>(0, keys.size(), 1,
[&, keys](const size_t key_idx)
const coord_t radius = keys[key_idx].first;
const LayerIndex max_required_layer = keys[key_idx].second;
std::vector<std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>> data(max_required_layer + 1, std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(RadiusLayerPair(radius, -1), Polygons()));
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
LayerIndex start_layer;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_placeable_areas_cache_);
start_layer = 1 + getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, placeable_areas_cache_);
if (start_layer > max_required_layer)
logDebug("Requested calculation for value already calculated ?\n");
if (start_layer == 0)
data[0] = std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(key, machine_border_.difference(getCollision(radius, 0, true)));
start_layer = 1;
for (LayerIndex layer = start_layer; layer <= max_required_layer; layer++)
key.second = layer;
Polygons placeable = getPlaceableAreas(0, layer);
placeable.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_); // it is faster to do this here in each thread than once in calculateCollision.
placeable = placeable.offset(-radius);
data[layer] = std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(key, placeable);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_progress);
if (precalculated && precalculation_progress < TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL + TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO)
precalculation_progress += 0.2 * TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO / (keys.size());
Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, precalculation_progress * progress_multiplier + progress_offset, TREE_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_placeable_areas_cache_);
placeable_areas_cache_.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
return ret;
std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculateAvoidanceToModel(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
// For every RadiusLayer pair there are 3 avoidances that have to be calculated, calculated in the same parallel_for loop for better parallelization.
const std::vector<AvoidanceType> all_types = { AvoidanceType::SLOW, AvoidanceType::FAST_SAFE, AvoidanceType::FAST };
std::future<void> ret = cura::parallel_for_nowait<size_t>(0, keys.size() * 3, 1,
[&, keys, all_types](const size_t iter_idx)
size_t key_idx = iter_idx / 3;
size_t type_idx = iter_idx % all_types.size();
AvoidanceType type = all_types[type_idx];
bool slow = type == AvoidanceType::SLOW;
bool holefree = type == AvoidanceType::FAST_SAFE;
coord_t radius = keys[key_idx].first;
LayerIndex max_required_layer = keys[key_idx].second;
// do not calculate not needed safe avoidances
if (holefree && radius >= increase_until_radius + current_min_xy_dist_delta)
getPlaceableAreas(radius, max_required_layer); // ensuring Placeableareas are calculated
const coord_t offset_speed = slow ? max_move_slow_ : max_move_;
const coord_t max_step_move = std::max(1.9 * radius, current_min_xy_dist * 1.9);
Polygons latest_avoidance;
std::vector<std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>> data(max_required_layer + 1, std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(RadiusLayerPair(radius, -1), Polygons()));
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
LayerIndex start_layer;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_to_model_ : critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_));
start_layer = 1 + getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, slow ? avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_to_model_ : avoidance_cache_to_model_);
if (start_layer > max_required_layer)
logDebug("Requested calculation for value already calculated ?\n");
start_layer = std::max(start_layer, LayerIndex(1));
latest_avoidance = getAvoidance(radius, start_layer - 1, type, true, true); // minDist as the delta was already added, also avoidance for layer 0 will return the collision.
// ### main loop doing the calculation
for (LayerIndex layer = start_layer; layer <= max_required_layer; layer++)
key.second = layer;
Polygons col = getCollision(radius, layer, true);
if ((slow && radius < increase_until_radius + current_min_xy_dist_delta) || holefree)
col = getCollisionHolefree(radius, layer, true);
col = getCollision(radius, layer, true);
latest_avoidance = safeOffset(latest_avoidance, -offset_speed, ClipperLib::jtRound, -max_step_move, col).difference(getPlaceableAreas(radius, layer));
latest_avoidance.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data[layer] = std::pair<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons>(key, latest_avoidance);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_progress);
if (precalculated && precalculation_progress < TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_COLL + TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO)
precalculation_progress += 0.4 * TREE_PROGRESS_PRECALC_AVO / (keys.size() * 3);
Progress::messageProgress(Progress::Stage::SUPPORT, precalculation_progress * progress_multiplier + progress_offset, TREE_PROGRESS_TOTAL);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*(slow ? critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? critical_avoidance_cache_holefree_to_model_ : critical_avoidance_cache_to_model_));
(slow ? avoidance_cache_to_model_slow_ : holefree ? avoidance_cache_hole_to_model_ : avoidance_cache_to_model_).insert(data.begin(), data.end());
return ret;
std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculateWallRestrictions(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
void TreeModelVolumes::calculateWallRestrictions(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys)
// Wall restrictions are mainly important when they represent actual walls that are printed, and not "just" the configured z_distance, because technically valid placement is no excuse for moving through a wall.
// As they exist to prevent accidentially moving though a wall at high speed between layers like thie (x = wall,i = influence area,o= empty space,d = blocked area because of z distance) Assume maximum movement distance is two characters and maximum safe movement distance of one character
@ -983,47 +992,48 @@ std::future<void> TreeModelVolumes::calculateWallRestrictions(std::deque<RadiusL
* layer z-1: ixiiiiiiiiiii
std::future<void> ret = cura::parallel_for_nowait<size_t>(0, keys.size(), 1,
[&, keys](const size_t key_idx)
coord_t radius = keys[key_idx].first;
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
coord_t min_layer_bottom;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_min;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, keys.size()),
[&, keys](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (const size_t key_idx = range.begin(); key_idx < range.end(); ++ key_idx) {
coord_t radius = keys[key_idx].first;
RadiusLayerPair key(radius, 0);
coord_t min_layer_bottom;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data;
std::unordered_map<RadiusLayerPair, Polygons> data_min;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_wall_restrictions_cache_);
min_layer_bottom = getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, wall_restrictions_cache_);
if (min_layer_bottom < 1)
min_layer_bottom = 1;
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = min_layer_bottom; layer_idx <= keys[key_idx].second; layer_idx++)
key.second = layer_idx;
LayerIndex layer_idx_below = layer_idx - 1;
Polygons wall_restriction = getCollision(0, layer_idx, false).intersection(getCollision(radius, layer_idx_below, true)); // radius contains current_min_xy_dist_delta already if required
wall_restriction.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data.emplace(key, wall_restriction);
if (current_min_xy_dist_delta > 0)
Polygons wall_restriction_min = getCollision(0, layer_idx, true).intersection(getCollision(radius, layer_idx_below, true));
wall_restriction_min.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data_min.emplace(key, wall_restriction_min);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_wall_restrictions_cache_);
min_layer_bottom = getMaxCalculatedLayer(radius, wall_restrictions_cache_);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_wall_restrictions_cache_);
wall_restrictions_cache_.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
if (min_layer_bottom < 1)
min_layer_bottom = 1;
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = min_layer_bottom; layer_idx <= keys[key_idx].second; layer_idx++)
key.second = layer_idx;
LayerIndex layer_idx_below = layer_idx - 1;
Polygons wall_restriction = getCollision(0, layer_idx, false).intersection(getCollision(radius, layer_idx_below, true)); // radius contains current_min_xy_dist_delta already if required
wall_restriction.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data.emplace(key, wall_restriction);
if (current_min_xy_dist_delta > 0)
Polygons wall_restriction_min = getCollision(0, layer_idx, true).intersection(getCollision(radius, layer_idx_below, true));
wall_restriction_min.simplify(min_maximum_resolution_, min_maximum_deviation_);
data_min.emplace(key, wall_restriction_min);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_wall_restrictions_cache_min_);
wall_restrictions_cache_min_.insert(data_min.begin(), data_min.end());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_wall_restrictions_cache_);
wall_restrictions_cache_.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> critical_section(*critical_wall_restrictions_cache_min_);
wall_restrictions_cache_min_.insert(data_min.begin(), data_min.end());
return ret;
@ -196,9 +196,8 @@ class TreeModelVolumes
* The result is a 2D area that would cause nodes of radius \p radius to
* collide with the model. Result is saved in the cache.
* \param keys RadiusLayerPairs of all requested areas. Every radius will be calculated up to the provided layer.
* \return A future that has to be waited on
[[nodiscard]] std::future<void> calculateAvoidance(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
void calculateAvoidance(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
* \brief Creates the areas that have to be avoided by the tree's branches to prevent collision with the model.
@ -226,10 +225,8 @@ class TreeModelVolumes
* \brief Creates the areas where a branch of a given radius can be placed on the model.
* Result is saved in the cache.
* \param keys RadiusLayerPair of the requested areas. The radius will be calculated up to the provided layer.
* \return A future that has to be waited on
[[nodiscard]] std::future<void> calculatePlaceables(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
void calculatePlaceables(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
* \brief Creates the areas that have to be avoided by the tree's branches to prevent collision with the model without being able to place a branch with given radius on a single layer.
@ -237,10 +234,8 @@ class TreeModelVolumes
* The result is a 2D area that would cause nodes of radius \p radius to
* collide with the model in a not wanted way. Result is saved in the cache.
* \param keys RadiusLayerPairs of all requested areas. Every radius will be calculated up to the provided layer.
* \return A future that has to be waited on
[[nodiscard]] std::future<void> calculateAvoidanceToModel(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
void calculateAvoidanceToModel(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
* \brief Creates the areas that have to be avoided by the tree's branches to prevent collision with the model without being able to place a branch with given radius on a single layer.
@ -259,10 +254,8 @@ class TreeModelVolumes
* These areas are at least xy_min_dist wide. When calculating it is always assumed that every wall is printed on top of another (as in has an overlap with the wall a layer below). Result is saved in the corresponding cache.
* \param keys RadiusLayerPairs of all requested areas. Every radius will be calculated up to the provided layer.
* \return A future that has to be waited on
[[nodiscard]] std::future<void> calculateWallRestrictions(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
void calculateWallRestrictions(std::deque<RadiusLayerPair> keys);
* \brief Creates the areas that can not be passed when expanding an area downwards. As such these areas are an somewhat abstract representation of a wall (as in a printed object).
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