This commit is contained in:
enricoturri1966 2022-12-06 13:07:08 +01:00
parent 4a0b1c77a7
commit 6ee7445fe1
3 changed files with 0 additions and 349 deletions

View file

@ -35,9 +35,7 @@ static const float DEFAULT_TRAVEL_ACCELERATION = 1250.0f;
static const size_t MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT = 5; static const size_t MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT = 5;
static const float DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DIAMETER = 1.75f; static const float DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DIAMETER = 1.75f;
static const float DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DENSITY = 1.245f; static const float DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DENSITY = 1.245f;
static const float DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST = 0.0f; static const float DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST = 0.0f;
static const Slic3r::Vec3f DEFAULT_EXTRUDER_OFFSET = Slic3r::Vec3f::Zero(); static const Slic3r::Vec3f DEFAULT_EXTRUDER_OFFSET = Slic3r::Vec3f::Zero();
// taken from PrusaResearch.ini - [printer:Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 MMU2] // taken from PrusaResearch.ini - [printer:Original Prusa i3 MK2.5 MMU2]
static const std::vector<std::string> DEFAULT_EXTRUDER_COLORS = { "#FF8000", "#DB5182", "#3EC0FF", "#FF4F4F", "#FBEB7D" }; static const std::vector<std::string> DEFAULT_EXTRUDER_COLORS = { "#FF8000", "#DB5182", "#3EC0FF", "#FF4F4F", "#FBEB7D" };
@ -357,314 +355,6 @@ void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::reset()
machines[static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal)].enabled = true; machines[static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal)].enabled = true;
} }
void GCodeProcessor::TimeProcessor::post_process(const std::string& filename, std::vector<GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex>& moves, std::vector<size_t>& lines_ends)
FilePtr in{ boost::nowide::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb") };
if (in.f == nullptr)
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nCannot open file for reading.\n"));
// temporary file to contain modified gcode
std::string out_path = filename + ".postprocess";
FilePtr out{ boost::nowide::fopen(out_path.c_str(), "wb") };
if (out.f == nullptr) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nCannot open file for writing.\n"));
auto time_in_minutes = [](float time_in_seconds) {
assert(time_in_seconds >= 0.f);
return int((time_in_seconds + 0.5f) / 60.0f);
auto time_in_last_minute = [](float time_in_seconds) {
assert(time_in_seconds <= 60.0f);
return time_in_seconds / 60.0f;
auto format_line_M73_main = [](const std::string& mask, int percent, int time) {
char line_M73[64];
sprintf(line_M73, mask.c_str(),
return std::string(line_M73);
auto format_line_M73_stop_int = [](const std::string& mask, int time) {
char line_M73[64];
sprintf(line_M73, mask.c_str(), std::to_string(time).c_str());
return std::string(line_M73);
auto format_time_float = [](float time) {
return Slic3r::float_to_string_decimal_point(time, 2);
auto format_line_M73_stop_float = [format_time_float](const std::string& mask, float time) {
char line_M73[64];
sprintf(line_M73, mask.c_str(), format_time_float(time).c_str());
return std::string(line_M73);
std::string gcode_line;
size_t g1_lines_counter = 0;
// keeps track of last exported pair <percent, remaining time>
std::array<std::pair<int, int>, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)> last_exported_main;
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
last_exported_main[i] = { 0, time_in_minutes(machines[i].time) };
// keeps track of last exported remaining time to next printer stop
std::array<int, static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count)> last_exported_stop;
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
last_exported_stop[i] = time_in_minutes(machines[i].time);
// buffer line to export only when greater than 64K to reduce writing calls
std::string export_line;
// replace placeholder lines with the proper final value
// gcode_line is in/out parameter, to reduce expensive memory allocation
auto process_placeholders = [&](std::string& gcode_line) {
unsigned int extra_lines_count = 0;
// remove trailing '\n'
auto line = std::string_view(gcode_line).substr(0, gcode_line.length() - 1);
std::string ret;
if (line.length() > 1) {
line = line.substr(1);
if (export_remaining_time_enabled &&
(line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder) || line == reserved_tag(ETags::Last_Line_M73_Placeholder))) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
const TimeMachine& machine = machines[i];
if (machine.enabled) {
// export pair <percent, remaining time>
ret += format_line_M73_main(machine.line_m73_main_mask.c_str(),
(line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder)) ? 0 : 100,
(line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder)) ? time_in_minutes(machine.time) : 0);
// export remaining time to next printer stop
if (line == reserved_tag(ETags::First_Line_M73_Placeholder) && !machine.stop_times.empty()) {
int to_export_stop = time_in_minutes(machine.stop_times.front().elapsed_time);
ret += format_line_M73_stop_int(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), to_export_stop);
last_exported_stop[i] = to_export_stop;
else if (line == reserved_tag(ETags::Estimated_Printing_Time_Placeholder)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
const TimeMachine& machine = machines[i];
PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode = static_cast<PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode>(i);
if (mode == PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal || machine.enabled) {
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "; estimated printing time (%s mode) = %s\n",
(mode == PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal) ? "normal" : "silent",
ret += buf;
if (! ret.empty())
// Not moving the move operator on purpose, so that the gcode_line allocation will grow and it will not be reallocated after handful of lines are processed.
gcode_line = ret;
return std::tuple(!ret.empty(), (extra_lines_count == 0) ? extra_lines_count : extra_lines_count - 1);
// check for temporary lines
auto is_temporary_decoration = [](const std::string_view gcode_line) {
// remove trailing '\n'
assert(! gcode_line.empty());
assert(gcode_line.back() == '\n');
// return true for decorations which are used in processing the gcode but that should not be exported into the final gcode
// i.e.:
// bool ret = gcode_line.substr(0, gcode_line.length() - 1) == ";" + Layer_Change_Tag;
// ...
// return ret;
return false;
// Iterators for the normal and silent cached time estimate entry recently processed, used by process_line_G1.
auto g1_times_cache_it = Slic3r::reserve_vector<std::vector<TimeMachine::G1LinesCacheItem>::const_iterator>(machines.size());
for (const auto& machine : machines)
// add lines M73 to exported gcode
auto process_line_G1 = [
// Lambdas, mostly for string formatting, all with an empty capture block.
time_in_minutes, format_time_float, format_line_M73_main, format_line_M73_stop_int, format_line_M73_stop_float, time_in_last_minute,
&self = std::as_const(*this),
// Caches, to be modified
&g1_times_cache_it, &last_exported_main, &last_exported_stop,
// String output
(const size_t g1_lines_counter) {
unsigned int exported_lines_count = 0;
if (self.export_remaining_time_enabled) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count); ++i) {
const TimeMachine& machine = self.machines[i];
if (machine.enabled) {
// export pair <percent, remaining time>
// Skip all machine.g1_times_cache below g1_lines_counter.
auto& it = g1_times_cache_it[i];
while (it != machine.g1_times_cache.end() && it->id < g1_lines_counter)
if (it != machine.g1_times_cache.end() && it->id == g1_lines_counter) {
std::pair<int, int> to_export_main = { int(100.0f * it->elapsed_time / machine.time),
time_in_minutes(machine.time - it->elapsed_time) };
if (last_exported_main[i] != to_export_main) {
export_line += format_line_M73_main(machine.line_m73_main_mask.c_str(),
to_export_main.first, to_export_main.second);
last_exported_main[i] = to_export_main;
// export remaining time to next printer stop
auto it_stop = std::upper_bound(machine.stop_times.begin(), machine.stop_times.end(), it->elapsed_time,
[](float value, const TimeMachine::StopTime& t) { return value < t.elapsed_time; });
if (it_stop != machine.stop_times.end()) {
int to_export_stop = time_in_minutes(it_stop->elapsed_time - it->elapsed_time);
if (last_exported_stop[i] != to_export_stop) {
if (to_export_stop > 0) {
if (last_exported_stop[i] != to_export_stop) {
export_line += format_line_M73_stop_int(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), to_export_stop);
last_exported_stop[i] = to_export_stop;
else {
bool is_last = false;
auto next_it = it + 1;
is_last |= (next_it == machine.g1_times_cache.end());
if (next_it != machine.g1_times_cache.end()) {
auto next_it_stop = std::upper_bound(machine.stop_times.begin(), machine.stop_times.end(), next_it->elapsed_time,
[](float value, const TimeMachine::StopTime& t) { return value < t.elapsed_time; });
is_last |= (next_it_stop != it_stop);
std::string time_float_str = format_time_float(time_in_last_minute(it_stop->elapsed_time - it->elapsed_time));
std::string next_time_float_str = format_time_float(time_in_last_minute(it_stop->elapsed_time - next_it->elapsed_time));
is_last |= (string_to_double_decimal_point(time_float_str) > 0. && string_to_double_decimal_point(next_time_float_str) == 0.);
if (is_last) {
if (std::distance(machine.stop_times.begin(), it_stop) == static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(machine.stop_times.size() - 1))
export_line += format_line_M73_stop_int(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), to_export_stop);
export_line += format_line_M73_stop_float(machine.line_m73_stop_mask.c_str(), time_in_last_minute(it_stop->elapsed_time - it->elapsed_time));
last_exported_stop[i] = to_export_stop;
return exported_lines_count;
// helper function to write to disk
size_t out_file_pos = 0;
auto write_string = [&export_line, &out, &out_path, &out_file_pos, &lines_ends](const std::string& str) {
fwrite((const void*)export_line.c_str(), 1, export_line.length(), out.f);
if (ferror(out.f)) {
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nIs the disk full?\n"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < export_line.size(); ++ i)
if (export_line[i] == '\n')
lines_ends.emplace_back(out_file_pos + i + 1);
out_file_pos += export_line.size();
unsigned int line_id = 0;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> offsets;
// Read the input stream 64kB at a time, extract lines and process them.
std::vector<char> buffer(65536 * 10, 0);
// Line buffer.
for (;;) {
size_t cnt_read = ::fread(, 1, buffer.size(), in.f);
if (::ferror(in.f))
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Time estimator post process export failed.\nError while reading from file.\n"));
bool eof = cnt_read == 0;
auto it = buffer.begin();
auto it_bufend = buffer.begin() + cnt_read;
while (it != it_bufend || (eof && ! gcode_line.empty())) {
// Find end of line.
bool eol = false;
auto it_end = it;
for (; it_end != it_bufend && ! (eol = *it_end == '\r' || *it_end == '\n'); ++ it_end) ;
// End of line is indicated also if end of file was reached.
eol |= eof && it_end == it_bufend;
gcode_line.insert(gcode_line.end(), it, it_end);
if (eol) {
gcode_line += "\n";
// replace placeholder lines
auto [processed, lines_added_count] = process_placeholders(gcode_line);
if (processed && lines_added_count > 0)
offsets.push_back({ line_id, lines_added_count });
if (! processed && ! is_temporary_decoration(gcode_line) && GCodeReader::GCodeLine::cmd_is(gcode_line, "G1")) {
// remove temporary lines, add lines M73 where needed
unsigned int extra_lines_count = process_line_G1(g1_lines_counter ++);
if (extra_lines_count > 0)
offsets.push_back({ line_id, extra_lines_count });
export_line += gcode_line;
if (export_line.length() > 65535)
// Skip EOL.
it = it_end;
if (it != it_bufend && *it == '\r')
++ it;
if (it != it_bufend && *it == '\n')
++ it;
if (eof)
if (!export_line.empty())
// updates moves' gcode ids which have been modified by the insertion of the M73 lines
unsigned int curr_offset_id = 0;
unsigned int total_offset = 0;
for (GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex& move : moves) {
while (curr_offset_id < static_cast<unsigned int>(offsets.size()) && offsets[curr_offset_id].first <= move.gcode_id) {
total_offset += offsets[curr_offset_id].second;
move.gcode_id += total_offset;
if (rename_file(out_path, filename))
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Failed to rename the output G-code file from ") + out_path + " to " + filename + '\n' +
"Is " + out_path + " locked?" + '\n');
void GCodeProcessor::UsedFilaments::reset() void GCodeProcessor::UsedFilaments::reset()
{ {
color_change_cache = 0.0; color_change_cache = 0.0;
@ -755,9 +445,7 @@ void GCodeProcessorResult::reset() {
extruder_colors = std::vector<std::string>(); extruder_colors = std::vector<std::string>();
filament_diameters = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DIAMETER); filament_diameters = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DIAMETER);
filament_densities = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DENSITY); filament_densities = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DENSITY);
filament_cost = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST); filament_cost = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST);
custom_gcode_per_print_z = std::vector<CustomGCode::Item>(); custom_gcode_per_print_z = std::vector<CustomGCode::Item>();
spiral_vase_layers = std::vector<std::pair<float, std::pair<size_t, size_t>>>(); spiral_vase_layers = std::vector<std::pair<float, std::pair<size_t, size_t>>>();
time = 0; time = 0;
@ -774,9 +462,7 @@ void GCodeProcessorResult::reset() {
extruder_colors = std::vector<std::string>(); extruder_colors = std::vector<std::string>();
filament_diameters = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DIAMETER); filament_diameters = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DIAMETER);
filament_densities = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DENSITY); filament_densities = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_DENSITY);
filament_cost = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST); filament_cost = std::vector<float>(MIN_EXTRUDERS_COUNT, DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST);
custom_gcode_per_print_z = std::vector<CustomGCode::Item>(); custom_gcode_per_print_z = std::vector<CustomGCode::Item>();
spiral_vase_layers = std::vector<std::pair<float, std::pair<size_t, size_t>>>(); spiral_vase_layers = std::vector<std::pair<float, std::pair<size_t, size_t>>>();
} }
@ -873,9 +559,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config(const PrintConfig& config)
m_extruder_colors.resize(extruders_count); m_extruder_colors.resize(extruders_count);
m_result.filament_diameters.resize(extruders_count); m_result.filament_diameters.resize(extruders_count);
m_result.filament_densities.resize(extruders_count); m_result.filament_densities.resize(extruders_count);
m_result.filament_cost.resize(extruders_count); m_result.filament_cost.resize(extruders_count);
m_extruder_temps.resize(extruders_count); m_extruder_temps.resize(extruders_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < extruders_count; ++ i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < extruders_count; ++ i) {
@ -883,9 +567,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config(const PrintConfig& config)
m_extruder_colors[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i); m_extruder_colors[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);
m_result.filament_diameters[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_diameter.get_at(i)); m_result.filament_diameters[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_diameter.get_at(i));
m_result.filament_densities[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_density.get_at(i)); m_result.filament_densities[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_density.get_at(i));
m_result.filament_cost[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_cost.get_at(i)); m_result.filament_cost[i] = static_cast<float>(config.filament_cost.get_at(i));
} }
if ((m_flavor == gcfMarlinLegacy || m_flavor == gcfMarlinFirmware || m_flavor == gcfRepRapFirmware) && config.machine_limits_usage.value != MachineLimitsUsage::Ignore) { if ((m_flavor == gcfMarlinLegacy || m_flavor == gcfMarlinFirmware || m_flavor == gcfRepRapFirmware) && config.machine_limits_usage.value != MachineLimitsUsage::Ignore) {
@ -1006,7 +688,6 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config)
} }
} }
const ConfigOptionFloats* filament_cost = config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("filament_cost"); const ConfigOptionFloats* filament_cost = config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("filament_cost");
if (filament_cost != nullptr) { if (filament_cost != nullptr) {
m_result.filament_cost.clear(); m_result.filament_cost.clear();
@ -1021,7 +702,6 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config)
m_result.filament_cost.emplace_back(DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST); m_result.filament_cost.emplace_back(DEFAULT_FILAMENT_COST);
} }
} }
const ConfigOptionPoints* extruder_offset = config.option<ConfigOptionPoints>("extruder_offset"); const ConfigOptionPoints* extruder_offset = config.option<ConfigOptionPoints>("extruder_offset");
if (extruder_offset != nullptr) { if (extruder_offset != nullptr) {
@ -1438,11 +1118,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::finalize(bool perform_post_process)
if (perform_post_process) if (perform_post_process)
post_process(); post_process();
m_time_processor.post_process(m_result.filename, m_result.moves, m_result.lines_ends);
m_result.time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - m_start_time).count(); m_result.time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - m_start_time).count();
@ -1688,12 +1364,10 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config_simplify3d(const std::string& filename)
} else if (comment.find("filamentDensities") != comment.npos) { } else if (comment.find("filamentDensities") != comment.npos) {
m_result.filament_densities.clear(); m_result.filament_densities.clear();
extract_floats(comment, "filamentDensities", m_result.filament_densities); extract_floats(comment, "filamentDensities", m_result.filament_densities);
} }
else if (comment.find("filamentPricesPerKg") != comment.npos) { else if (comment.find("filamentPricesPerKg") != comment.npos) {
m_result.filament_cost.clear(); m_result.filament_cost.clear();
extract_floats(comment, "filamentPricesPerKg", m_result.filament_cost); extract_floats(comment, "filamentPricesPerKg", m_result.filament_cost);
} else if (comment.find("extruderDiameter") != comment.npos) { } else if (comment.find("extruderDiameter") != comment.npos) {
std::vector<float> extruder_diameters; std::vector<float> extruder_diameters;
extract_floats(comment, "extruderDiameter", extruder_diameters); extract_floats(comment, "extruderDiameter", extruder_diameters);
@ -1709,14 +1383,9 @@ void GCodeProcessor::apply_config_simplify3d(const std::string& filename)
} }
}); });
if (m_result.extruders_count == 0) if (m_result.extruders_count == 0)
m_result.extruders_count = std::max<size_t>(1, std::min(m_result.filament_diameters.size(), m_result.extruders_count = std::max<size_t>(1, std::min(m_result.filament_diameters.size(),
std::min(m_result.filament_densities.size(), m_result.filament_cost.size()))); std::min(m_result.filament_densities.size(), m_result.filament_cost.size())));
if (m_result.extruders_count == 0)
m_result.extruders_count = std::max<size_t>(1, std::min(m_result.filament_diameters.size(), m_result.filament_densities.size()));
if (bed_size.is_defined()) { if (bed_size.is_defined()) {
m_result.bed_shape = { m_result.bed_shape = {
@ -3757,7 +3426,6 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_T(const std::string_view command)
} }
} }
void GCodeProcessor::post_process() void GCodeProcessor::post_process()
{ {
FilePtr in{ boost::nowide::fopen(m_result.filename.c_str(), "rb") }; FilePtr in{ boost::nowide::fopen(m_result.filename.c_str(), "rb") };
@ -4110,7 +3778,6 @@ void GCodeProcessor::post_process()
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Failed to rename the output G-code file from ") + out_path + " to " + m_result.filename + '\n' + throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(std::string("Failed to rename the output G-code file from ") + out_path + " to " + m_result.filename + '\n' +
"Is " + out_path + " locked?" + '\n'); "Is " + out_path + " locked?" + '\n');
} }
void GCodeProcessor::store_move_vertex(EMoveType type, bool internal_only) void GCodeProcessor::store_move_vertex(EMoveType type, bool internal_only)

View file

@ -63,9 +63,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
std::vector<double> volumes_per_color_change; std::vector<double> volumes_per_color_change;
std::map<size_t, double> volumes_per_extruder; std::map<size_t, double> volumes_per_extruder;
std::map<ExtrusionRole, std::pair<double, double>> used_filaments_per_role; std::map<ExtrusionRole, std::pair<double, double>> used_filaments_per_role;
std::map<size_t, double> cost_per_extruder; std::map<size_t, double> cost_per_extruder;
std::array<Mode, static_cast<size_t>(ETimeMode::Count)> modes; std::array<Mode, static_cast<size_t>(ETimeMode::Count)> modes;
@ -78,9 +76,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
volumes_per_color_change.clear(); volumes_per_color_change.clear();
volumes_per_extruder.clear(); volumes_per_extruder.clear();
used_filaments_per_role.clear(); used_filaments_per_role.clear();
cost_per_extruder.clear(); cost_per_extruder.clear();
} }
}; };
@ -134,9 +130,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
std::vector<std::string> extruder_colors; std::vector<std::string> extruder_colors;
std::vector<float> filament_diameters; std::vector<float> filament_diameters;
std::vector<float> filament_densities; std::vector<float> filament_densities;
std::vector<float> filament_cost; std::vector<float> filament_cost;
PrintEstimatedStatistics print_statistics; PrintEstimatedStatistics print_statistics;
std::vector<CustomGCode::Item> custom_gcode_per_print_z; std::vector<CustomGCode::Item> custom_gcode_per_print_z;
@ -356,13 +350,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
void reset(); void reset();
friend class GCodeProcessor; friend class GCodeProcessor;
// post process the file with the given filename to add remaining time lines M73
// and updates moves' gcode ids accordingly
void post_process(const std::string& filename, std::vector<GCodeProcessorResult::MoveVertex>& moves, std::vector<size_t>& lines_ends);
}; };
struct UsedFilaments // filaments per ColorChange struct UsedFilaments // filaments per ColorChange
@ -766,12 +754,10 @@ namespace Slic3r {
void process_T(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line); void process_T(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line);
void process_T(const std::string_view command); void process_T(const std::string_view command);
// post process the file with the given filename to: // post process the file with the given filename to:
// 1) add remaining time lines M73 and update moves' gcode ids accordingly // 1) add remaining time lines M73 and update moves' gcode ids accordingly
// 2) update used filament data // 2) update used filament data
void post_process(); void post_process();
void store_move_vertex(EMoveType type, bool internal_only = false); void store_move_vertex(EMoveType type, bool internal_only = false);

View file

@ -59,8 +59,6 @@
// Enable processing of gcode G2 and G3 lines // Enable processing of gcode G2 and G3 lines
// Enable fix of used filament data exported to gcode file
#endif // _prusaslicer_technologies_h_ #endif // _prusaslicer_technologies_h_