Another bulk of bug fixes. Some problems however persist, support points are still placed on weird spots

This commit is contained in:
PavelMikus 2022-04-29 17:19:26 +02:00
parent 6caec6926c
commit 6f6a0e7efd
2 changed files with 74 additions and 66 deletions

View file

@ -58,11 +58,12 @@ struct Cell {
struct CentroidAccumulator {
Polygon convex_hull { };
Points points { };
Vec3d accumulated_value = Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3f accumulated_value = Vec3f::Zero();
float accumulated_volume { };
const double base_height { };
float base_area { };
const float base_height { };
explicit CentroidAccumulator(double base_height) :
explicit CentroidAccumulator(float base_height) :
base_height(base_height) {
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ struct CentroidAccumulators {
CentroidAccumulator& create_accumulator(int id, double base_height) {
CentroidAccumulator& create_accumulator(int id, float base_height) {
mapping[id] = acccumulators.size();
acccumulators.push_back(CentroidAccumulator { base_height });
return this->access(id);
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ struct CentroidAccumulators {
to_acc.accumulated_volume += from_acc.accumulated_volume;
to_acc.points.insert(to_acc.points.end(), from_acc.points.begin(), from_acc.points.end());
to_acc.base_area += from_acc.base_area;
mapping[from_id] = mapping[to_id];
@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ struct BalanceDistributionGrid {
Vec3crd cell_center = this->get_cell_center(
Vec3i(current_coords.x(), current_coords.y(), local_z_index_offset));
acc.accumulated_value += cell_center.cast<double>() * cell.volume;
acc.accumulated_value += unscale(cell_center).cast<float>() * cell.volume;
acc.accumulated_volume += cell.volume;
for (int y_offset = -1; y_offset <= 1; ++y_offset) {
@ -279,6 +281,7 @@ struct BalanceDistributionGrid {
acc.base_area = unscale<float>(unscale<float>(acc.convex_hull.area())); //apply unscale 2x, it has units of area
@ -295,6 +298,7 @@ struct BalanceDistributionGrid {
acc.base_area = params.support_points_inteface_area;
for (const CurledFilament &curling : issues.curling_up) {
@ -343,9 +347,10 @@ struct BalanceDistributionGrid {
accumulators.merge_to(id, min_island_id_found);
CentroidAccumulator &acc = accumulators.access(current.island_id);
CentroidAccumulator &acc = accumulators.access(min_island_id_found);
acc.accumulated_value += current.volume
* this->get_cell_center(this->to_global_cell_coords(Vec3i(x, y, z))).cast<double>();
* unscale(this->get_cell_center(this->to_global_cell_coords(Vec3i(x, y, z)))).cast<
acc.accumulated_volume += current.volume;
@ -353,109 +358,107 @@ struct BalanceDistributionGrid {
// check stability of modified centroid accumulators.
// Stability is the amount of work needed to push the object from stable position into unstable.
// This amount of work is proportional to the increase of height of the centroid during toppling.
// image here:
// better image in Czech here in the first question:
for (int acc_id : modified_acc_ids) {
std::cout << "controlling acc id: " << acc_id << std::endl;
std::cout << "Z: " << z << " controlling acc id: " << acc_id << std::endl;
CentroidAccumulator &acc = accumulators.access(acc_id);
Vec3d centroid = acc.accumulated_value / acc.accumulated_volume;
Vec3f centroid = acc.accumulated_value / acc.accumulated_volume;
std::cout << "acc.accumulated_value : " << acc.accumulated_value.x() << " "
<< acc.accumulated_value.y() << " " << acc.accumulated_value.z() << std::endl;
std::cout << "acc.accumulated_volume : " << acc.accumulated_volume << std::endl;
std::cout << "centorid: " << centroid.x() << " " << centroid.y() << " " << centroid.z() << std::endl;
std::cout << "centroid: " << centroid.x() << " " << centroid.y() << " " << centroid.z() << std::endl;
//determine signed shortest distance to the convex hull
Point centroid_base_projection = Point(centroid.head<2>().cast<coord_t>());
Point centroid_base_projection = Point(scaled(Vec2f(centroid.head<2>())));
Point pivot;
double distance_sq = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double distance_scaled_sq = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
bool inside = true;
if (acc.convex_hull.points.size() == 1) {
pivot = acc.convex_hull.points[0];
distance_sq = (pivot - centroid_base_projection).squaredNorm();
distance_scaled_sq = (pivot - centroid_base_projection).squaredNorm();
inside = true;
} else {
for (Line line : acc.convex_hull.lines()) {
Point closest_point;
double dist_sq = line.distance_to_squared(centroid_base_projection, &closest_point);
if (dist_sq < distance_sq) {
if (dist_sq < distance_scaled_sq) {
pivot = closest_point;
distance_sq = dist_sq;
distance_scaled_sq = dist_sq;
if (float(angle(line.b - line.a, centroid_base_projection - line.b)) < 0) {
if ((centroid_base_projection - closest_point).cast<double>().dot(line.normal().cast<double>())
> 0) {
inside = false;
std::cout << "centoroid inside ? " << inside << " and distance is: " << distance_sq << std::endl;
float centroid_pivot_distance = unscaled(sqrt(distance_scaled_sq));
float base_center_pivot_distance = float(unscale(Vec2crd(acc.convex_hull.centroid() - pivot)).norm());
std::cout << "centroid inside ? " << inside << " and distance is: " << centroid_pivot_distance
<< std::endl;
bool additional_supports_needed = false;
double base_area = std::max(acc.convex_hull.area(), scale_(5.0)); // assume 5 mm^2 area for support points and other degenerate bases
double sticking_force = base_area
* (acc.base_height == 0 ? scale_(params.base_adhesion) : scale_(params.support_adhesion));
float sticking_force = acc.base_area
* (acc.base_height == 0 ? params.base_adhesion : params.support_adhesion);
float sticking_torque = base_center_pivot_distance * sticking_force;
std::cout << "stcking force: " << sticking_force << std::endl;
std::cout << "sticking force: " << sticking_force << " sticking torque: " << sticking_torque
<< std::endl;
if (inside) {
double toppling_force = (Vec2d(sqrt(distance_sq), centroid.z() - acc.base_height).norm()
- centroid.z())
* acc.accumulated_volume;
sticking_force += toppling_force;
std::cout << "toppling force: " << toppling_force << std::endl;
float xy_movement_force = acc.accumulated_volume * params.filament_density * params.max_acceleration;
float xy_movement_torque = xy_movement_force * centroid_pivot_distance;
double y_movement_force = 0.5f * acc.accumulated_volume * scale_(params.top_object_movement_speed)
* scale_(params.top_object_movement_speed);
std::cout << "y_movement_force: " << y_movement_force << std::endl;
if (sticking_force < y_movement_force) {
additional_supports_needed = true;
std::cout << "xy_movement_force: " << xy_movement_force << " xy_movement_torque: "
<< xy_movement_torque << std::endl;
float weight_torque = 0;
if (!inside) {
double torque = sqrt(distance_sq) * scale_(scale_(scale_(acc.accumulated_volume))); // if sticking force is computed with scaled adhesion, than torque needs scaled volume as well
float weight = acc.accumulated_volume * params.filament_density * 10000.0f;
weight_torque = centroid_pivot_distance * weight;
std::cout << "torque: " << torque << std::endl;
if (torque > sticking_force) { //comparing apples and oranges; but we are far beyond physical simulation
additional_supports_needed = true;
std::cout << "weight: " << weight << " weight_torque: " << weight_torque << std::endl;
float total_momentum = sticking_torque - xy_movement_torque - weight_torque;
additional_supports_needed = total_momentum < 0;
std::cout << "total_momentum: " << total_momentum << std::endl;
std::cout << "additional supports needed: " << additional_supports_needed << std::endl;
if (additional_supports_needed) {
Vec2crd attractor_dir =
inside ? pivot - centroid_base_projection : centroid_base_projection - pivot;
Vec2d attractor = centroid_base_projection.cast<double>()
+ (1e9 * attractor_dir.cast<double>().normalized());
Vec2f attractor_dir =
unscale(Vec2crd(inside ?
pivot - centroid_base_projection :
centroid_base_projection - pivot)).cast<float>().normalized();
Vec2f attractor = unscale(centroid_base_projection).cast<float>() + 10000 * attractor_dir;
std::cout << " attractor: " << attractor.x() << " | " << attractor.y() << std::endl;
double min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
Vec3d support_point = centroid;
Vec3f support_point = centroid;
for (int y = 0; y < global_cell_count.y(); ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < global_cell_count.x(); ++x) {
Cell &cell = this->access_cell(Vec3i(x, y, 0));
if (cell.island_id == acc_id) {
Vec3d cell_center =
this->get_cell_center(this->to_global_cell_coords(Vec3i(x, y, z))).cast<
double dist_sq = (cell_center.head<2>() - attractor).squaredNorm();
Cell &cell = this->access_cell(Vec3i(x, y, z));
if (&accumulators.access(cell.island_id) == &acc) {
Vec3f cell_center =
unscale(this->get_cell_center(this->to_global_cell_coords(Vec3i(x, y, z)))).cast<
float dist_sq = (cell_center.head<2>() - attractor).squaredNorm();
if (dist_sq < min_dist) {
min_dist = dist_sq;
support_point = cell_center;
std::cout << " new support point: " << support_point.x() << " | " << support_point.y() << " | " << support_point.z() << std::endl;
@ -559,7 +562,7 @@ void debug_export(Issues issues, std::string file_name) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < issues.supports_nedded.size(); ++i) {
fprintf(fp, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", issues.supports_nedded[i].position(0),
issues.supports_nedded[i].position(2), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
issues.supports_nedded[i].position(2), 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
@ -721,9 +724,8 @@ Issues check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity, float pri
if (supports_acc.distance // if unsupported distance is larger than bridge distance linearly decreased by curvature, enforce supports.
> params.bridge_distance
/ (1.0f
+ (supports_acc.max_curvature
* params.bridge_distance_decrease_by_curvature_factor / PI))) {
/ (1.0f + (supports_acc.max_curvature
* params.bridge_distance_decrease_by_curvature_factor / PI))) {
@ -899,6 +901,9 @@ Issues full_search(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
return left;
Impl::debug_export(found_issues, "pre_issues");
grid.analyze(found_issues, params);

View file

@ -15,9 +15,12 @@ struct Params {
float max_unsupported_distance_factor = 1.0f; // For internal perimeters, infill, bridges etc, allow gap of [extrusion width] size, these extrusions have usually something to stick to.
float bridge_distance_decrease_by_curvature_factor = 5.0f; // allowed bridge distance = bridge_distance / ( 1 + this factor * (curvature / PI) )
float base_adhesion = 60.0f; // adhesion per mm^2 of first layer; the value should say how much *volume* it can hold per one square millimiter
float base_adhesion = 100.0f; // adhesion per mm^2 of first layer; Force needed to remove the object from the bed, divided by the adhesion area, so in Pascal units N/mm^2
float support_adhesion = 300.0f; // adhesion per mm^2 of support interface layer
float top_object_movement_speed = 200.0f; // movement speed of 200 mm/s in Y
float support_points_inteface_area = 5.0f; // mm^2
float max_acceleration = 1000.0f; // mm/s^2 ; max acceleration in XY
float filament_density = 1.25f * 0.001f; // g/mm^3
struct SupportPoint {