Fixed extrusion of gap fill of classic perimeter generator

after recent refactoring / sorting of extrusions into LayerIslands.
This commit is contained in:
Vojtech Bubnik 2022-11-16 15:27:17 +01:00
parent fe51f77839
commit 70b1b4dfbf
4 changed files with 71 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -539,20 +539,36 @@ void Layer::make_fills(FillAdaptive::Octree* adaptive_fill_octree, FillAdaptive:
//FIXME Don't copy thin fill extrusions into fills, just use these thin fill extrusions
// from the G-code export directly.
#if 0
// add thin fill regions
// Unpacks the collection, creates multiple collections per path.
// The path type could be ExtrusionPath, ExtrusionLoop or ExtrusionEntityCollection.
// Why the paths are unpacked?
for (LayerRegion *layerm : m_regions)
for (const ExtrusionEntity *thin_fill : layerm->thin_fills().entities) {
ExtrusionEntityCollection &collection = *(new ExtrusionEntityCollection());
for (LayerSlice &lslice : this->lslices_ex)
for (LayerIsland &island : lslice.islands) {
if (! island.thin_fills.empty()) {
// Copy thin fills into fills packed as a collection.
// Fills are always stored as collections, the rest of the pipeline (wipe into infill, G-code generator) relies on it.
LayerRegion &layerm = *this->get_region(island.perimeters.region());
ExtrusionEntityCollection &collection = *(new ExtrusionEntityCollection());
for (uint32_t fill_id : island.thin_fills)
island.fills.push_back({ island.perimeters.region(), { uint32_t(layerm.m_fills.entities.size() - 1), uint32_t(layerm.m_fills.entities.size()) } });
// Sort the fills by region ID.
std::sort(island.fills.begin(), island.fills.end(), [](auto &l, auto &r){ return l.region() < r.region() || (l.region() == r.region() && *l.begin() < *r.begin()); });
// Compress continuous fill ranges of the same region.
size_t k = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < island.fills.size(); ++ i) {
uint32_t region_id = island.fills[i].region();
uint32_t begin = *island.fills[i].begin();
uint32_t end = *island.fills[i].end();
size_t j = i + 1;
for (; j < island.fills.size() && island.fills[j].region() == region_id && *island.fills[j].begin() == end; ++ j)
end = *island.fills[j].end();
island.fills[k ++] = { region_id, { begin, end } };
island.fills.erase(island.fills.begin() + k, island.fills.end());
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (LayerRegion *layerm : m_regions)

View file

@ -2355,21 +2355,28 @@ void GCode::process_layer_single_object(
ExtrusionEntitiesPtr temp_fill_extrusions;
if (const Layer *layer = layer_to_print.object_layer; layer)
for (const LayerSlice &lslice : layer->lslices_ex) {
auto extrude_infill_range = [&](const LayerRegion &layerm, const ExtrusionEntityCollection &fills, const ExtrusionRange fill_range, bool ironing) {
auto extrude_infill_range = [&](
const LayerRegion &layerm, const ExtrusionEntityCollection &fills,
LayerExtrusionRanges::const_iterator it_fill_ranges_begin, LayerExtrusionRanges::const_iterator it_fill_ranges_end, bool ironing) {
// PrintObjects own the PrintRegions, thus the pointer to PrintRegion would be unique to a PrintObject, they would not
// identify the content of PrintRegion accross the whole print uniquely. Translate to a Print specific PrintRegion.
const PrintRegion &region = print.get_print_region(layerm.region().print_region_id());
for (uint32_t fill_id : fill_range)
if (auto *eec = static_cast<ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(layerm.fills().entities[fill_id]);
(eec->role() == erIroning) == ironing && shall_print_this_extrusion_collection(eec, region)) {
if (eec->can_reverse())
// Flatten the infill collection for better path planning.
for (auto *ee : eec->entities)
for (auto it_fill_range = it_fill_ranges_begin; it_fill_range != it_fill_ranges_end; ++ it_fill_range) {
assert(it_fill_range->region() == it_fill_ranges_begin->region());
for (uint32_t fill_id : *it_fill_range) {
if (auto *eec = static_cast<ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(fills.entities[fill_id]);
(eec->role() == erIroning) == ironing && shall_print_this_extrusion_collection(eec, region)) {
if (eec->can_reverse())
// Flatten the infill collection for better path planning.
for (auto *ee : eec->entities)
if (! temp_fill_extrusions.empty()) {
@ -2395,7 +2402,8 @@ void GCode::process_layer_single_object(
// identify the content of PrintRegion accross the whole print uniquely. Translate to a Print specific PrintRegion.
const PrintRegion &region = print.get_print_region(layerm.region().print_region_id());
bool first = true;
for (uint32_t perimeter_id : island.perimeters)
for (uint32_t perimeter_id : island.perimeters) {
assert(dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(layerm.perimeters().entities[perimeter_id]));
if (const auto *eec = static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(layerm.perimeters().entities[perimeter_id]);
shall_print_this_extrusion_collection(eec, region)) {
// This may not apply to Arachne, but maybe the Arachne gap fill should disable reverse as well?
@ -2408,15 +2416,15 @@ void GCode::process_layer_single_object(
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee : *eec)
gcode += this->extrude_entity(*ee, comment_perimeter, -1.);
auto process_infill = [&]() {
for (LayerExtrusionRange fill_range : island.fills) {
const LayerRegion &layerm = *layer->get_region(fill_range.region());
extrude_infill_range(layerm, layerm.fills(), fill_range, false /* normal extrusions, not ironing */);
const LayerRegion &layerm = *layer->get_region(island.perimeters.region());
extrude_infill_range(layerm, layerm.thin_fills(), island.thin_fills, false);
for (auto it = island.fills.begin(); it != island.fills.end(); ++ it) {
// Gather range of fill ranges with the same region.
auto it_end = it;
for (++ it_end; it_end != island.fills.end() && it->region() == it_end->region(); ++ it_end) ;
const LayerRegion &layerm = *layer->get_region(it->region());
extrude_infill_range(layerm, layerm.fills(), it, it_end, false /* normal extrusions, not ironing */);
if (print.config().infill_first) {
@ -2432,9 +2440,12 @@ void GCode::process_layer_single_object(
// First Ironing changes extrusion rate quickly, second single ironing may be done over multiple perimeter regions.
// Ironing in a second phase is safer, but it may be less efficient.
for (const LayerIsland &island : lslice.islands) {
for (LayerExtrusionRange fill_range : island.fills) {
const LayerRegion &layerm = *layer->get_region(fill_range.region());
extrude_infill_range(layerm, layerm.fills(), fill_range, true /* ironing, not normal extrusions */);
for (auto it = island.fills.begin(); it != island.fills.end(); ++ it) {
// Gather range of fill ranges with the same region.
auto it_end = it;
for (++ it_end; it_end != island.fills.end() && it->region() == it_end->region(); ++ it_end) ;
const LayerRegion &layerm = *layer->get_region(it->region());
extrude_infill_range(layerm, layerm.fills(), it, it_end, true /* ironing, not normal extrusions */);

View file

@ -772,6 +772,7 @@ void WipingExtrusions::ensure_perimeters_infills_order(const Print& print, const
for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : layerm->fills()) { // iterate through all infill Collections
auto* fill = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee);
if (!is_overriddable(*fill, lt, print.config(), *object, region)
|| is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) )
@ -795,6 +796,7 @@ void WipingExtrusions::ensure_perimeters_infills_order(const Print& print, const
// Now the same for perimeters - see comments above for explanation:
for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : layerm->perimeters()) { // iterate through all perimeter Collections
auto* fill = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee);
if (is_overriddable(*fill, lt, print.config(), *object, region) && ! is_entity_overridden(fill, copy))
set_extruder_override(fill, copy, (print.config().infill_first ? last_nonsoluble_extruder : first_nonsoluble_extruder), num_of_copies);

View file

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ ExtrusionMultiPath PerimeterGenerator::thick_polyline_to_multi_path(const ThickP
return multi_path;
static void variable_width(const ThickPolylines &polylines, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow, std::vector<ExtrusionEntity *> &out)
static void variable_width_classic(const ThickPolylines &polylines, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow, std::vector<ExtrusionEntity *> &out)
// This value determines granularity of adaptive width, as G-code does not allow
// variable extrusion within a single move; this value shall only affect the amount
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ static void fuzzy_extrusion_line(Arachne::ExtrusionLine &ext_lines, double fuzzy
using PerimeterGeneratorLoops = std::vector<PerimeterGeneratorLoop>;
static ExtrusionEntityCollection traverse_loops(const PerimeterGenerator::Parameters &params, const Polygons &lower_slices_polygons_cache, const PerimeterGeneratorLoops &loops, ThickPolylines &thin_walls)
static ExtrusionEntityCollection traverse_loops_classic(const PerimeterGenerator::Parameters &params, const Polygons &lower_slices_polygons_cache, const PerimeterGeneratorLoops &loops, ThickPolylines &thin_walls)
// loops is an arrayref of ::Loop objects
// turn each one into an ExtrusionLoop object
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ static ExtrusionEntityCollection traverse_loops(const PerimeterGenerator::Parame
// Append thin walls to the nearest-neighbor search (only for first iteration)
if (! thin_walls.empty()) {
variable_width(thin_walls, erExternalPerimeter, params.ext_perimeter_flow, coll.entities);
variable_width_classic(thin_walls, erExternalPerimeter, params.ext_perimeter_flow, coll.entities);
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ static ExtrusionEntityCollection traverse_loops(const PerimeterGenerator::Parame
} else {
const PerimeterGeneratorLoop &loop = loops[idx.first];
ExtrusionEntityCollection children = traverse_loops(params, lower_slices_polygons_cache, loop.children, thin_walls);
ExtrusionEntityCollection children = traverse_loops_classic(params, lower_slices_polygons_cache, loop.children, thin_walls);
out.entities.reserve(out.entities.size() + children.entities.size() + 1);
ExtrusionLoop *eloop = static_cast<ExtrusionLoop*>(coll.entities[idx.first]);
coll.entities[idx.first] = nullptr;
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ void PerimeterGenerator::process_arachne(
// Loops with the external thin walls
ExtrusionEntityCollection &out_loops,
// Gaps without the thin walls
ExtrusionEntityCollection &out_gap_fill,
ExtrusionEntityCollection & /* out_gap_fill */,
// Infills without the gap fills
ExPolygons &out_fill_expolygons)
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ void PerimeterGenerator::process_classic(
// at this point, all loops should be in contours[0]
ExtrusionEntityCollection entities = traverse_loops(params, lower_slices_polygons_cache, contours.front(), thin_walls);
ExtrusionEntityCollection entities = traverse_loops_classic(params, lower_slices_polygons_cache, contours.front(), thin_walls);
// if brim will be printed, reverse the order of perimeters so that
// we continue inwards after having finished the brim
// TODO: add test for perimeter order
@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ void PerimeterGenerator::process_classic(
ex.medial_axis(min, max, &polylines);
if (! polylines.empty()) {
ExtrusionEntityCollection gap_fill;
variable_width(polylines, erGapFill, params.solid_infill_flow, gap_fill.entities);
variable_width_classic(polylines, erGapFill, params.solid_infill_flow, gap_fill.entities);
/* Make sure we don't infill narrow parts that are already gap-filled
(we only consider this surface's gaps to reduce the diff() complexity).
Growing actual extrusions ensures that gaps not filled by medial axis