Fix up whitespace for comments in DefaultSupportTree
This commit only deals with white space
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 71 additions and 72 deletions
@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::add_pinheads()
// The minimum distance for two support points to remain valid.
const double /*constexpr*/ D_SP = 0.1;
// Get the points that are too close to each other and keep only the
// first one
// Get the points that are too close to each other and keep only the
// first one
auto aliases = cluster(m_points, D_SP, 2);
PtIndices filtered_indices;
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::add_pinheads()
// calculate the normals to the triangles for filtered points
// calculate the normals to the triangles for filtered points
auto nmls = normals(suptree_ex_policy, m_points, m_sm.emesh,
m_sm.cfg.head_front_radius_mm, m_thr,
@ -406,22 +406,22 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::add_pinheads()
Vec3d n = nmls.row(Eigen::Index(i));
// for all normals we generate the spherical coordinates and
// saturate the polar angle to 45 degrees from the bottom then
// convert back to standard coordinates to get the new normal.
// Then we just create a quaternion from the two normals
// (Quaternion::FromTwoVectors) and apply the rotation to the
// arrow head.
// for all normals we generate the spherical coordinates and
// saturate the polar angle to 45 degrees from the bottom then
// convert back to standard coordinates to get the new normal.
// Then we just create a quaternion from the two normals
// (Quaternion::FromTwoVectors) and apply the rotation to the
// arrow head.
auto [polar, azimuth] = dir_to_spheric(n);
// skip if the tilt is not sane
// skip if the tilt is not sane
if (polar < PI - m_sm.cfg.normal_cutoff_angle) return;
// We saturate the polar angle to 3pi/4
// We saturate the polar angle to 3pi/4
polar = std::max(polar, PI - m_sm.cfg.bridge_slope);
// save the head (pinpoint) position
// save the head (pinpoint) position
Vec3d hp = m_points.row(fidx);
double lmin = m_sm.cfg.head_width_mm, lmax = lmin;
@ -430,18 +430,17 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::add_pinheads()
lmin = 0., lmax = m_sm.cfg.head_penetration_mm;
// The distance needed for a pinhead to not collide with model.
// The distance needed for a pinhead to not collide with model.
double w = lmin + 2 * back_r + 2 * m_sm.cfg.head_front_radius_mm -
double pin_r = double(m_sm.pts[fidx].head_front_radius);
// Reassemble the now corrected normal
// Reassemble the now corrected normal
auto nn = spheric_to_dir(polar, azimuth).normalized();
// check available distance
AABBMesh::hit_result t = pinhead_mesh_intersect(hp, nn, pin_r,
back_r, w);
// check available distance
AABBMesh::hit_result t = pinhead_mesh_intersect(hp, nn, pin_r, back_r, w);
if (t.distance() < w) {
// Let's try to optimize this angle, there might be a
@ -511,10 +510,10 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::classify()
// First we decide which heads reach the ground and can be full
// pillars and which shall be connected to the model surface (or
// search a suitable path around the surface that leads to the
// ground -- TODO)
// First we decide which heads reach the ground and can be full
// pillars and which shall be connected to the model surface (or
// search a suitable path around the surface that leads to the
// ground -- TODO)
for(unsigned i : m_iheads) {
@ -532,10 +531,10 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::classify()
m_head_to_ground_scans[i] = hit;
// We want to search for clusters of points that are far enough
// from each other in the XY plane to not cross their pillar bases
// These clusters of support points will join in one pillar,
// possibly in their centroid support point.
// We want to search for clusters of points that are far enough
// from each other in the XY plane to not cross their pillar bases
// These clusters of support points will join in one pillar,
// possibly in their centroid support point.
auto pointfn = [this](unsigned i) {
return m_builder.head(i).junction_point();
@ -561,13 +560,13 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::routing_to_ground()
for (auto &cl : m_pillar_clusters) {
// place all the centroid head positions into the index. We
// will query for alternative pillar positions. If a sidehead
// cannot connect to the cluster centroid, we have to search
// for another head with a full pillar. Also when there are two
// elements in the cluster, the centroid is arbitrary and the
// sidehead is allowed to connect to a nearby pillar to
// increase structural stability.
// place all the centroid head positions into the index. We
// will query for alternative pillar positions. If a sidehead
// cannot connect to the cluster centroid, we have to search
// for another head with a full pillar. Also when there are two
// elements in the cluster, the centroid is arbitrary and the
// sidehead is allowed to connect to a nearby pillar to
// increase structural stability.
if (cl.empty()) continue;
@ -597,9 +596,9 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::routing_to_ground()
// now we will go through the clusters ones again and connect the
// sidepoints with the cluster centroid (which is a ground pillar)
// or a nearby pillar if the centroid is unreachable.
// now we will go through the clusters ones again and connect the
// sidepoints with the cluster centroid (which is a ground pillar)
// or a nearby pillar if the centroid is unreachable.
size_t ci = 0;
for (const std::vector<unsigned> &cl : m_pillar_clusters) {
@ -665,10 +664,10 @@ bool DefaultSupportTree::connect_to_model_body(Head &head)
zangle = std::max(zangle, PI/4);
double h = std::sin(zangle) * head.fullwidth();
// The width of the tail head that we would like to have...
// The width of the tail head that we would like to have...
h = std::min(hit.distance() - head.r_back_mm, h);
// If this is a mini pillar dont bother with the tail width, can be 0.
// If this is a mini pillar dont bother with the tail width, can be 0.
if (head.r_back_mm < m_sm.cfg.head_back_radius_mm) h = std::max(h, 0.);
else if (h <= 0.) return false;
@ -774,23 +773,23 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
// Ideally every pillar should be connected with at least one of its
// neighbors if that neighbor is within max_pillar_link_distance
// Pillars with height exceeding H1 will require at least one neighbor
// to connect with. Height exceeding H2 require two neighbors.
// Pillars with height exceeding H1 will require at least one neighbor
// to connect with. Height exceeding H2 require two neighbors.
double H1 = m_sm.cfg.max_solo_pillar_height_mm;
double H2 = m_sm.cfg.max_dual_pillar_height_mm;
double d = m_sm.cfg.max_pillar_link_distance_mm;
//A connection between two pillars only counts if the height ratio is
// bigger than 50%
// A connection between two pillars only counts if the height ratio is
// bigger than 50%
double min_height_ratio = 0.5;
std::set<unsigned long> pairs;
// A function to connect one pillar with its neighbors. THe number of
// neighbors is given in the configuration. This function if called
// for every pillar in the pillar index. A pair of pillar will not
// be connected multiple times this is ensured by the 'pairs' set which
// remembers the processed pillar pairs
// A function to connect one pillar with its neighbors. THe number of
// neighbors is given in the configuration. This function if called
// for every pillar in the pillar index. A pair of pillar will not
// be connected multiple times this is ensured by the 'pairs' set which
// remembers the processed pillar pairs
auto cascadefn =
[this, d, &pairs, min_height_ratio, H1] (const PointIndexEl& el)
@ -798,10 +797,10 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
const Pillar& pillar = m_builder.pillar(el.second); // actual pillar
// Get the max number of neighbors a pillar should connect to
// Get the max number of neighbors a pillar should connect to
unsigned neighbors = m_sm.cfg.pillar_cascade_neighbors;
// connections are already enough for the pillar
// connections are already enough for the pillar
if(pillar.links >= neighbors) return;
double max_d = d * pillar.r_start / m_sm.cfg.head_back_radius_mm;
@ -810,7 +809,7 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
return distance(e.first, qp) < max_d;
// sort the result by distance (have to check if this is needed)
// sort the result by distance (have to check if this is needed)
std::sort(qres.begin(), qres.end(),
[qp](const PointIndexEl& e1, const PointIndexEl& e2){
return distance(e1.first, qp) < distance(e2.first, qp);
@ -822,23 +821,23 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
auto a = el.second, b = re.second;
// Get unique hash for the given pair (order doesn't matter)
// Get unique hash for the given pair (order doesn't matter)
auto hashval = pairhash(a, b);
// Search for the pair amongst the remembered pairs
// Search for the pair amongst the remembered pairs
if(pairs.find(hashval) != pairs.end()) continue;
const Pillar& neighborpillar = m_builder.pillar(re.second);
// this neighbor is occupied, skip
// this neighbor is occupied, skip
if (neighborpillar.links >= neighbors) continue;
if (neighborpillar.r_start < pillar.r_start) continue;
if(interconnect(pillar, neighborpillar)) {
// If the interconnection length between the two pillars is
// less than 50% of the longer pillar's height, don't count
// If the interconnection length between the two pillars is
// less than 50% of the longer pillar's height, don't count
if(pillar.height < H1 ||
neighborpillar.height / pillar.height > min_height_ratio)
@ -849,30 +848,30 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
// connections are enough for one pillar
// connections are enough for one pillar
if(pillar.links >= neighbors) break;
// Run the cascade for the pillars in the index
// Run the cascade for the pillars in the index
// We would be done here if we could allow some pillars to not be
// connected with any neighbors. But this might leave the support tree
// unprintable.
// The current solution is to insert additional pillars next to these
// lonely pillars. One or even two additional pillar might get inserted
// depending on the length of the lonely pillar.
// We would be done here if we could allow some pillars to not be
// connected with any neighbors. But this might leave the support tree
// unprintable.
// The current solution is to insert additional pillars next to these
// lonely pillars. One or even two additional pillar might get inserted
// depending on the length of the lonely pillar.
size_t pillarcount = m_builder.pillarcount();
// Again, go through all pillars, this time in the whole support tree
// not just the index.
// Again, go through all pillars, this time in the whole support tree
// not just the index.
for(size_t pid = 0; pid < pillarcount; pid++) {
auto pillar = [this, pid]() { return m_builder.pillar(pid); };
// Decide how many additional pillars will be needed:
// Decide how many additional pillars will be needed:
unsigned needpillars = 0;
if (pillar().bridges > m_sm.cfg.max_bridges_on_pillar)
@ -888,17 +887,17 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
needpillars = std::max(pillar().links, needpillars) - pillar().links;
if (needpillars == 0) continue;
// Search for new pillar locations:
// Search for new pillar locations:
bool found = false;
double alpha = 0; // goes to 2Pi
double r = 2 * m_sm.cfg.base_radius_mm;
Vec3d pillarsp = pillar().startpoint();
// temp value for starting point detection
// temp value for starting point detection
Vec3d sp(pillarsp.x(), pillarsp.y(), pillarsp.z() - r);
// A vector of bool for placement feasbility
// A vector of bool for placement feasbility
std::vector<bool> canplace(needpillars, false);
std::vector<Vec3d> spts(needpillars); // vector of starting points
@ -917,12 +916,12 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
s.y() += std::sin(a) * r;
spts[n] = s;
// Check the path vertically down
// Check the path vertically down
Vec3d check_from = s + Vec3d{0., 0., pillar().r_start};
auto hr = bridge_mesh_intersect(check_from, DOWN, pillar().r_start);
Vec3d gndsp{s.x(), s.y(), gnd};
// If the path is clear, check for pillar base collisions
// If the path is clear, check for pillar base collisions
canplace[n] = std::isinf(hr.distance()) &&
std::sqrt(m_sm.emesh.squared_distance(gndsp)) >
@ -931,7 +930,7 @@ void DefaultSupportTree::interconnect_pillars()
found = std::all_of(canplace.begin(), canplace.end(),
[](bool v) { return v; });
// 20 angles will be tried...
// 20 angles will be tried...
alpha += 0.1 * PI;
Add table
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