Widening improvements 2
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 30 additions and 113 deletions
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ template<class Ex, class WideningFn,
GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(
Ex policy,
const SupportableMesh &sm,
const Junction &j,
const Junction &source,
WideningFn &&wideningfn,
const Vec3d &init_dir = DOWN)
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(
// should be a reasonably big number.
constexpr double StopScore = 1e6;
const auto sd = sm.cfg.safety_distance(j.r);
const auto sd = sm.cfg.safety_distance(source.r);
const auto gndlvl = ground_level(sm);
auto criteria = get_criteria(sm.cfg).stop_score(StopScore);
@ -509,16 +509,16 @@ GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(
auto &[plr, azm, bridge_len] = input;
Vec3d n = spheric_to_dir(plr, azm);
Vec3d bridge_end = j.pos + bridge_len * n;
Vec3d bridge_end = source.pos + bridge_len * n;
double full_len = bridge_len + bridge_end.z() - gndlvl;
double bridge_r = wideningfn(Ball{j.pos, j.r}, n, bridge_len);
double bridge_r = wideningfn(Ball{source.pos, source.r}, n, bridge_len);
double brhit_dist = 0.;
if (bridge_len > EPSILON) {
// beam_mesh_hit with a zero lenght bridge is invalid
Beam bridgebeam{Ball{j.pos, j.r}, Ball{bridge_end, bridge_r}};
Beam bridgebeam{Ball{source.pos, source.r}, Ball{bridge_end, bridge_r}};
auto brhit = beam_mesh_hit(policy, sm.emesh, bridgebeam, sd);
brhit_dist = brhit.distance();
@ -579,15 +579,15 @@ GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(
auto &[plr, azm, bridge_len] = oresult.optimum;
Vec3d n = spheric_to_dir(plr, azm);
Vec3d bridge_end = j.pos + bridge_len * n;
Vec3d bridge_end = source.pos + bridge_len * n;
Vec3d gp{bridge_end.x(), bridge_end.y(), gndlvl};
double bridge_r = wideningfn(Ball{j.pos, j.r}, n, bridge_len);
double bridge_r = wideningfn(Ball{source.pos, source.r}, n, bridge_len);
double down_l = bridge_end.z() - gndlvl;
double end_radius = wideningfn(Ball{bridge_end, bridge_r}, DOWN, down_l);
double base_r = std::max(sm.cfg.base_radius_mm, end_radius);
if (bridge_len > EPSILON)
conn.path.emplace_back(Junction{bridge_end, bridge_r});
@ -601,12 +601,12 @@ GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(
template<class Ex>
GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(Ex policy,
const SupportableMesh &sm,
const Junction &j,
const Junction &source,
double end_radius,
const Vec3d &init_dir = DOWN)
double gndlvl = ground_level(sm);
auto wfn = [end_radius, gndlvl](Ball src, Vec3d dir, double len) {
auto wfn = [end_radius, gndlvl](const Ball &src, const Vec3d &dir, double len) {
Vec3d dst = src.p + len * dir;
double widening = end_radius - src.R;
double zlen = dst.z() - gndlvl;
@ -618,113 +618,30 @@ GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(Ex policy,
static_assert(IsWideningFn<decltype(wfn)>, "Not a widening function");
return deepsearch_ground_connection(policy, sm, j, wfn, init_dir);
return deepsearch_ground_connection(policy, sm, source, wfn, init_dir);
// // Score is the total lenght of the route. Feasible routes will have
// // infinite length (rays not colliding with model), thus the stop score
// // should be a reasonably big number.
// constexpr double StopScore = 1e6;
struct DefaultWideningModel {
static constexpr double WIDENING_SCALE = 0.02;
const SupportableMesh &sm;
// const auto sd = sm.cfg.safety_distance(j.r);
// const auto gndlvl = ground_level(sm);
// const double widening = end_radius - j.r;
// const double base_r = std::max(sm.cfg.base_radius_mm, end_radius);
// const double zelev_gap = sm.cfg.pillar_base_safety_distance_mm + base_r;
double operator()(const Ball &src, const Vec3d & /*dir*/, double len) {
"DefaultWideningModel is not a widening function");
// auto criteria = get_criteria(sm.cfg).stop_score(StopScore);
double w = WIDENING_SCALE * sm.cfg.pillar_widening_factor * len;
return src.R + w;
// Optimizer<opt::AlgNLoptMLSL> solver(criteria);
// solver.seed(0); // enforce deterministic behavior
// auto optfn = [&](const opt::Input<3> &input) {
// double ret = NaNd;
// // solver suggests polar, azimuth and bridge length values:
// auto &[plr, azm, bridge_len] = input;
// Vec3d n = spheric_to_dir(plr, azm);
// Vec3d bridge_end = j.pos + bridge_len * n;
// double full_len = bridge_len + bridge_end.z() - gndlvl;
// double bridge_r = j.r + widening * bridge_len / full_len;
// double brhit_dist = 0.;
// if (bridge_len > EPSILON) {
// // beam_mesh_hit with a zero lenght bridge is invalid
// Beam bridgebeam{Ball{j.pos, j.r}, Ball{bridge_end, bridge_r}};
// auto brhit = beam_mesh_hit(policy, sm.emesh, bridgebeam, sd);
// brhit_dist = brhit.distance();
// }
// if (brhit_dist < bridge_len) {
// ret = brhit_dist;
// } else {
// // check if pillar can be placed below
// auto gp = Vec3d{bridge_end.x(), bridge_end.y(), gndlvl};
// Beam gndbeam {{bridge_end, bridge_r}, {gp, end_radius}};
// auto gndhit = beam_mesh_hit(policy, sm.emesh, gndbeam, sd);
// if (std::isinf(gndhit.distance())) {
// // Ground route is free with this bridge
// if (sm.cfg.object_elevation_mm < EPSILON) {
// // Dealing with zero elevation mode, to not route pillars
// // into the gap between the optional pad and the model
// double gap = std::sqrt(sm.emesh.squared_distance(gp));
// if (gap < zelev_gap)
// ret = full_len - zelev_gap + gap;
// else // success
// ret = StopScore + EPSILON;
// } else {
// // No zero elevation, return success
// ret = StopScore + EPSILON;
// }
// } else {
// // Ground route is not free
// ret = bridge_len + gndhit.distance();
// }
// }
// return ret;
// };
// auto [plr_init, azm_init] = dir_to_spheric(init_dir);
// // Saturate the polar angle to max tilt defined in config
// plr_init = std::max(plr_init, PI - sm.cfg.bridge_slope);
// auto oresult = solver.to_max().optimize(
// optfn,
// initvals({plr_init, azm_init, 0.}), // start with a zero bridge
// bounds({ {PI - sm.cfg.bridge_slope, PI}, // bounds for polar angle
// {-PI, PI}, // bounds for azimuth
// {0., sm.cfg.max_bridge_length_mm} }) // bounds bridge length
// );
// GroundConnection conn;
// if (oresult.score >= StopScore) {
// // search was successful, extract and apply the result
// auto &[plr, azm, bridge_len] = oresult.optimum;
// Vec3d n = spheric_to_dir(plr, azm);
// Vec3d bridge_end = j.pos + bridge_len * n;
// double full_len = bridge_len + bridge_end.z() - gndlvl;
// double bridge_r = j.r + widening * bridge_len / full_len;
// Vec3d gp{bridge_end.x(), bridge_end.y(), gndlvl};
// conn.path.emplace_back(j);
// if (bridge_len > EPSILON)
// conn.path.emplace_back(Junction{bridge_end, bridge_r});
// conn.pillar_base =
// Pedestal{gp, sm.cfg.base_height_mm, base_r, end_radius};
// }
// return conn;
template<class Ex>
GroundConnection deepsearch_ground_connection(Ex policy,
const SupportableMesh &sm,
const Junction &source,
const Vec3d &init_dir = DOWN)
return deepsearch_ground_connection(policy, sm, source,
DefaultWideningModel{sm}, init_dir);
template<class Ex>
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