Write material config to AMF files. Remove the old Materials tab. Update custom settings when a part is selected
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 6 additions and 86 deletions
@ -37,10 +37,14 @@ sub write_file {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type="cad">Slic3r %s</metadata>\n}, $Slic3r::VERSION;
for my $material_id (sort keys %{ $model->materials }) {
my $material = $model->materials->{$material_id};
printf $fh qq{ <material id="%d">\n}, $material_id;
printf $fh qq{ <material id="%s">\n}, $material_id;
for (keys %{$material->attributes}) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"%s\">%s</metadata>\n}, $_, $material->attributes->{$_};
my $config = $material->config;
foreach my $opt_key (@{$config->get_keys}) {
printf $fh qq{ <metadata type=\"slic3r.%s\">%s</metadata>\n}, $opt_key, $config->serialize($opt_key);
printf $fh qq{ </material>\n};
my $instances = '';
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ sub new {
$self->{tabpanel}->AddPage($self->{settings} = Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectDialog::SettingsTab->new($self->{tabpanel}), "Settings");
$self->{tabpanel}->AddPage($self->{layers} = Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectDialog::LayersTab->new($self->{tabpanel}), "Layers");
$self->{tabpanel}->AddPage($self->{parts} = Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectPartsPanel->new($self->{tabpanel}, model_object => $params{model_object}), "Parts");
$self->{tabpanel}->AddPage($self->{materials} = Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectDialog::MaterialsTab->new($self->{tabpanel}), "Materials");
my $buttons = $self->CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK);
EVT_BUTTON($self, wxID_OK, sub {
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ sub new {
# notify tabs
@ -206,87 +204,4 @@ sub _get_ranges {
return sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @ranges;
package Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectDialog::MaterialsTab;
use Wx qw(:dialog :id :misc :sizer :systemsettings :button :icon);
use Wx::Grid;
use Wx::Event qw(EVT_BUTTON);
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectDialog::BaseTab';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($parent, %params) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
$self->{object} = $params{object};
$self->{sizer} = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
# descriptive text
my $label = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "In this section you can assign object materials to your extruders.",
wxDefaultPosition, [-1, 25]);
$self->{sizer}->Add($label, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
# get unique materials used in this object
$self->{materials} = [ $self->model_object->unique_materials ];
# get the current mapping
$self->{mapping} = {};
foreach my $material_id (@{ $self->{materials}}) {
my $config = $self->model_object->model->materials->{ $material_id }->config;
$self->{mapping}{$material_id} = ($config->perimeter_extruder // 0) + 1;
if (@{$self->{materials}} > 0) {
# build an OptionsGroup
my $optgroup = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup->new(
parent => $self,
title => 'Extruders',
label_width => 300,
options => [
map {
my $i = $_;
my $material_id = $self->{materials}[$i];
opt_key => "material_extruder_$_",
type => 'i',
label => $self->model_object->model->get_material_name($material_id),
min => 1,
default => $self->{mapping}{$material_id} // 1,
on_change => sub { $self->{mapping}{$material_id} = $_[0] },
} 0..$#{ $self->{materials} }
$self->{sizer}->Add($optgroup->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
} else {
my $label = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "This object does not contain named materials.",
wxDefaultPosition, [-1, 25]);
$self->{sizer}->Add($label, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
return $self;
sub Closing {
my $self = shift;
# save mappings into the plater object
foreach my $volume (@{$self->model_object->volumes}) {
if (defined $volume->material_id) {
my $config = $self->model_object->model->materials->{ $volume->material_id }->config;
# temporary hack for handling volumes added after the window was launched
$self->{mapping}{ $volume->material_id } //= 0;
$config->set('extruder', $self->{mapping}{ $volume->material_id }-1);
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ sub new {
sub set_config {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
$self->{config} = $config;
sub update_optgroup {
Add table
Reference in a new issue