Port recent global changes to the wizard
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 47 additions and 152 deletions
@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ sub new {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, "Configuration $wizard");
# Start from sane defaults
$self->{old} = Slic3r::Config->current;
Slic3r::Config->load_hash($Slic3r::Defaults, undef, 1);
# initialize an empty repository
$self->{config} = Slic3r::Config->new;
@ -47,108 +46,34 @@ sub add_page {
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my $modified;
if (Wx::Wizard::RunWizard($self, $self->{pages}[0])) {
$_->apply for @{$self->{pages}};
$modified = 1;
} else {
Slic3r::Config->load_hash($self->{old}, undef, 1);
$modified = 0;
return $modified;
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Option;
use Wx qw(:combobox :misc :sizer :textctrl);
use base 'Wx::StaticBoxSizer';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($parent, %params) = @_;
my $box = Wx::StaticBox->new($parent, -1, '');
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($box, wxHORIZONTAL);
my $label_width = 200;
my $opt_key = $params{option};
my $index;
$opt_key =~ s/#(\d+)$// and $index = $1;
my $opt = $Slic3r::Config::Options->{$opt_key};
my $callback = $params{callback} || sub {};
# label
my $label = Wx::StaticText->new($parent, -1, "$opt->{label}:", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
$self->Add($label, 1, wxEXPAND);
# input field(s) and unit
my $field;
if ($opt->{type} =~ /^(i|f|s|s@)$/) {
my $style = $opt->{multiline} ? wxTE_MULTILINE : 0;
my $size = Wx::Size->new($opt->{width} || -1, $opt->{height} || -1);
# if it's an array type but no index was specified, use the serialized version
my $get_m = $opt->{type} =~ /\@$/ && !defined $index
? 'serialize'
: 'get_raw';
my $get = sub {
my $val = Slic3r::Config->$get_m($opt_key);
if (defined $index) {
$val = $val->[$index]; #/
return $val;
if ($opt->{type} eq 'i') {
my $value = Slic3r::Config->$get($opt_key);
$field = Wx::SpinCtrl->new($parent, -1, $value, wxDefaultPosition, $size, $style, $opt->{min} || 0, $opt->{max} || 100, $value);
EVT_SPINCTRL($parent, $field, sub { $callback->($opt_key, $field->GetValue) });
} else {
$field = Wx::TextCtrl->new($parent, -1, Slic3r::Config->$get($opt_key), wxDefaultPosition, $size, $style);
EVT_TEXT($parent, $field, sub { $callback->($opt_key, $field->GetValue) });
# it would be cleaner to have these defined inside each page class,
# in some event getting called before leaving the page
# set print_center to centre of bed_size
my $bed_size = $self->{config}->bed_size;
$self->{config}->set('print_center', [$bed_size->[0]/2, $bed_size->[1]/2]);
# set first_layer_height + layer_height based on nozzle_diameter
my $nozzle = $self->{config}->nozzle_diameter;
$self->{config}->set('first_layer_height', $nozzle->[0]);
$self->{config}->set('layer_height', $nozzle->[0] - 0.1);
# set first_layer_temperature to temperature + 5
$self->{config}->set('first_layer_temperature', [$self->{config}->temperature->[0] + 5]);
# set first_layer_bed_temperature to temperature + 5
$self->{config}->set('first_layer_bed_temperature', $self->{config}->bed_temperature + 5);
} elsif ($opt->{type} eq 'bool') {
$field = Wx::CheckBox->new($parent, -1, '');
EVT_CHECKBOX($parent, $field, sub { $callback->($opt_key, $field->GetValue) });
} elsif ($opt->{type} eq 'point') {
$field = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
my $field_size = Wx::Size->new(40, -1);
my $value = Slic3r::Config->get_raw($opt_key);
my @items = (
Wx::StaticText->new($parent, -1, 'x:'),
my $x_field = Wx::TextCtrl->new($parent, -1, $value->[0], wxDefaultPosition, $field_size),
Wx::StaticText->new($parent, -1, ' y:'),
my $y_field = Wx::TextCtrl->new($parent, -1, $value->[1], wxDefaultPosition, $field_size),
$field->Add($_) for @items;
EVT_TEXT($parent, $x_field, sub { $callback->($opt_key, [$x_field->GetValue, $y_field->GetValue]) });
EVT_TEXT($parent, $y_field, sub { $callback->($opt_key, [$x_field->GetValue, $y_field->GetValue]) });
} elsif ($opt->{type} eq 'select') {
$field = Wx::ComboBox->new($parent, -1, '', wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, $opt->{labels} || $opt->{values}, wxCB_READONLY);
my $value = Slic3r::Config->get_raw($opt_key);
$field->SetSelection(grep $opt->{values}[$_] eq $value, 0..$#{$opt->{values}});
EVT_COMBOBOX($parent, $field, sub { $callback->($opt_key, $opt->{values}[$field->GetSelection]) });
return $self->{config};
} else {
die 'Unsupported option type: ' . $opt->{type};
return undef;
if ($opt->{sidetext}) {
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
my $sidetext = Wx::StaticText->new($parent, -1, $opt->{sidetext}, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
$sizer->Add($sidetext, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 4);
} else {
$self->Add($field, 0, $opt->{full_width} ? wxEXPAND : 0);
return $self;
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Index;
@ -273,19 +198,21 @@ sub append_text {
sub append_option {
my $self = shift;
my ($opt_key) = @_;
my $option = Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Option->new($self, option => $opt_key,
callback => sub {
my ($opt_key, $value) = @_;
$self->{options}->{$opt_key} = $value;
$self->{vsizer}->Add($option, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, 10);
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
Slic3r::Config->set($_, $self->{options}->{$_}) foreach (keys %{$self->{options}});
my ($full_key) = @_;
# populate repository with the factory default
my $opt_key = $full_key;
$opt_key =~ s/#.+//;
# draw the control
my $optgroup = Slic3r::GUI::ConfigOptionsGroup->new(
parent => $self,
title => '',
config => $self->GetParent->{config},
options => [$full_key],
$self->{vsizer}->Add($optgroup->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, 10);
sub set_previous_page {
@ -367,15 +294,6 @@ sub new {
return $self;
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
# set print_center to centre of bed_size
my $bed_size = $Slic3r::Config->bed_size;
Slic3r::Config->set('print_center', [$bed_size->[0]/2, $bed_size->[1]/2]);
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page::Nozzle;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page';
@ -390,16 +308,6 @@ sub new {
return $self;
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
# set first_layer_height + layer_height based on nozzle_diameter
my $nozzle = $Slic3r::Config->nozzle_diameter;
Slic3r::Config->set('first_layer_height', $nozzle->[0]);
Slic3r::Config->set('layer_height', $nozzle->[0] - 0.1);
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page::Filament;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page';
@ -430,15 +338,6 @@ sub new {
return $self;
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
# set first_layer_temperature to temperature + 5
my $temperature = $Slic3r::Config->temperature;
Slic3r::Config->set('first_layer_temperature', [$temperature->[0] + 5]);
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page::BedTemperature;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page';
@ -454,15 +353,6 @@ sub new {
return $self;
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
# set first_layer_bed_temperature to temperature + 5
my $temperature = $Slic3r::Config->bed_temperature;
Slic3r::Config->set('first_layer_bed_temperature', $temperature + 5);
package Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page::Finished;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard::Page';
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ sub config_wizard {
return unless $self->check_unsaved_changes;
if (my $config = Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard->new($self)->run) {
# TODO: select the default preset in all tabs
$_->select_default_preset for values %{$self->{options_tabs}};
@ -152,6 +152,11 @@ sub on_preset_loaded {}
sub hidden_options {}
sub config { $_[0]->{config}->clone }
sub select_default_preset {
my $self = shift;
sub on_select_preset {
my $self = shift;
Add table
Reference in a new issue