Merge branch 'master' of into et_gcode_viewer
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 336 additions and 150 deletions
@ -450,6 +450,31 @@ void Model::convert_multipart_object(unsigned int max_extruders)
bool Model::looks_like_imperial_units() const
if (this->objects.size() == 0)
return false;
stl_vertex size = this->objects[0]->get_object_stl_stats().size;
for (ModelObject* o : this->objects) {
auto sz = o->get_object_stl_stats().size;
if (size[0] < sz[0]) size[0] = sz[0];
if (size[1] < sz[1]) size[1] = sz[1];
if (size[2] < sz[2]) size[2] = sz[2];
return (size[0] < 3 && size[1] < 3 && size[2] < 3);
void Model::convert_from_imperial_units()
double in_to_mm = 25.4;
for (ModelObject* o : this->objects)
o->scale_mesh_after_creation(Vec3d(in_to_mm, in_to_mm, in_to_mm));
void Model::adjust_min_z()
if (objects.empty())
@ -851,6 +851,8 @@ public:
bool looks_like_multipart_object() const;
void convert_multipart_object(unsigned int max_extruders);
bool looks_like_imperial_units() const;
void convert_from_imperial_units();
// Ensures that the min z of the model is not negative
void adjust_min_z();
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ void GUI_App::set_auto_toolbar_icon_scale(float scale) const
const float icon_sc = m_em_unit * 0.1f;
#endif // __APPLE__
int int_val = std::min(int(scale / icon_sc * 100), 100);
long int_val = std::min(int(std::lround(scale / icon_sc * 100)), 100);
std::string val = std::to_string(int_val);
app_config->set("auto_toolbar_size", val);
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ namespace Slic3r
namespace GUI
const double ObjectManipulation::in_to_mm = 25.4;
const double ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in = 0.0393700787;
// Helper function to be used by drop to bed button. Returns lowest point of this
// volume in world coordinate system.
@ -121,6 +123,8 @@ static void set_font_and_background_style(wxWindow* win, const wxFont& font)
ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
OG_Settings(parent, true)
m_imperial_units = wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1";
m_manifold_warning_bmp = ScalableBitmap(parent, "exclamation");
// Load bitmaps to be used for the mirroring buttons:
@ -314,15 +318,15 @@ ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
// add Units
auto add_unit_text = [this, parent, editors_grid_sizer, height](std::string unit)
auto add_unit_text = [this, parent, editors_grid_sizer, height](std::string unit, wxStaticText** unit_text)
wxStaticText* unit_text = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, _(unit));
set_font_and_background_style(unit_text, wxGetApp().normal_font());
*unit_text = new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, _(unit));
set_font_and_background_style(*unit_text, wxGetApp().normal_font());
// Unit text should be the same height as labels
wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
sizer->SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, height));
sizer->Add(unit_text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
sizer->Add(*unit_text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
@ -330,7 +334,7 @@ ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
for (size_t axis_idx = 0; axis_idx < sizeof(axes); axis_idx++)
add_edit_boxes("position", axis_idx);
add_unit_text(m_imperial_units ? L("in") : L("mm"), &m_position_unit);
// Add drop to bed button
m_drop_to_bed_button = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, ScalableBitmap(parent, "drop_to_bed"));
@ -356,7 +360,8 @@ ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
for (size_t axis_idx = 0; axis_idx < sizeof(axes); axis_idx++)
add_edit_boxes("rotation", axis_idx);
wxStaticText* rotation_unit{ nullptr };
add_unit_text("°", &rotation_unit);
// Add reset rotation button
m_reset_rotation_button = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, ScalableBitmap(parent, "undo"));
@ -390,7 +395,8 @@ ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
for (size_t axis_idx = 0; axis_idx < sizeof(axes); axis_idx++)
add_edit_boxes("scale", axis_idx);
wxStaticText* scale_unit{ nullptr };
add_unit_text("%", &scale_unit);
// Add reset scale button
m_reset_scale_button = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, ScalableBitmap(parent, "undo"));
@ -405,11 +411,20 @@ ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
for (size_t axis_idx = 0; axis_idx < sizeof(axes); axis_idx++)
add_edit_boxes("size", axis_idx);
add_unit_text(m_imperial_units ? L("in") : L("mm"), &m_size_unit);
m_main_grid_sizer->Add(editors_grid_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND);
m_check_inch = new wxCheckBox(parent, wxID_ANY, "Inches");
m_check_inch->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent&) {
wxGetApp().app_config->set("use_inches", m_check_inch->GetValue() ? "1" : "0");
m_main_grid_sizer->Add(m_check_inch, 1, wxEXPAND);
m_og->sizer->Add(m_main_grid_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, border);
@ -452,6 +467,32 @@ void ObjectManipulation::UpdateAndShow(const bool show)
void ObjectManipulation::update_ui_from_settings()
if (m_imperial_units != (wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1")) {
m_imperial_units = wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1";
auto update_unit_text = [](const wxString& new_unit_text, wxStaticText* widget) {
if (wxOSX) set_font_and_background_style(widget, wxGetApp().normal_font());
update_unit_text(m_imperial_units ? _L("in") : _L("mm"), m_position_unit);
update_unit_text(m_imperial_units ? _L("in") : _L("mm"), m_size_unit);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
auto update = [this, i](/*ManipulationEditorKey*/int key_id, const Vec3d& new_value) {
wxString new_text = double_to_string(m_imperial_units ? new_value(i) * mm_to_in : new_value(i), 2);
const int id = key_id * 3 + i;
if (id >= 0) m_editors[id]->set_value(new_text);
update(0/*mePosition*/, m_new_position);
update(3/*meSize*/, m_new_size);
void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const Selection& selection)
m_new_move_label_string = L("Position");
@ -562,6 +603,8 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_if_dirty()
if (std::abs(cached_rounded(i) - new_rounded) > EPSILON) {
cached_rounded(i) = new_rounded;
const int id = key_id*3+i;
if (m_imperial_units && (key_id == mePosition || key_id == meSize))
new_text = double_to_string(new_value(i)*mm_to_in, 2);
if (id >= 0) m_editors[id]->set_value(new_text);
cached(i) = new_value(i);
@ -851,6 +894,9 @@ void ObjectManipulation::on_change(const std::string& opt_key, int axis, double
if (!m_cache.is_valid())
if (m_imperial_units && (opt_key == "position" || opt_key == "size"))
new_value *= in_to_mm;
if (opt_key == "position")
change_position_value(axis, new_value);
else if (opt_key == "rotation")
@ -929,6 +975,9 @@ void ObjectManipulation::msw_rescale()
for (ManipulationEditor* editor : m_editors)
// rescale "inches" checkbox
m_check_inch->SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, int(1.5f * m_check_inch->GetFont().GetPixelSize().y + 0.5f)));
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ class wxBitmapComboBox;
class wxStaticText;
class LockButton;
class wxStaticBitmap;
class wxCheckBox;
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
@ -41,6 +42,11 @@ private:
class ObjectManipulation : public OG_Settings
static const double in_to_mm;
static const double mm_to_in;
struct Cache
Vec3d position;
@ -76,6 +82,10 @@ class ObjectManipulation : public OG_Settings
wxStaticText* m_scale_Label = nullptr;
wxStaticText* m_rotate_Label = nullptr;
bool m_imperial_units { false };
wxStaticText* m_position_unit { nullptr };
wxStaticText* m_size_unit { nullptr };
wxStaticText* m_item_name = nullptr;
wxStaticText* m_empty_str = nullptr;
@ -84,6 +94,8 @@ class ObjectManipulation : public OG_Settings
ScalableButton* m_reset_rotation_button = nullptr;
ScalableButton* m_drop_to_bed_button = nullptr;
wxCheckBox* m_check_inch {nullptr};
// Mirroring buttons and their current state
enum MirrorButtonState {
@ -138,6 +150,7 @@ public:
void Show(const bool show) override;
bool IsShown() override;
void UpdateAndShow(const bool show) override;
void update_ui_from_settings();
void set_dirty() { m_dirty = true; }
// Called from the App to update the UI if dirty.
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
static constexpr size_t MaxVertexBuffers = 50;
GLGizmoFdmSupports::GLGizmoFdmSupports(GLCanvas3D& parent, const std::string& icon_filename, unsigned int sprite_id)
: GLGizmoBase(parent, icon_filename, sprite_id)
, m_quadric(nullptr)
@ -123,10 +125,9 @@ void GLGizmoFdmSupports::render_triangles(const Selection& selection) const
// Now render both enforcers and blockers.
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
if (m_ivas[mesh_id][i].has_VBOs()) {
glsafe(::glColor4f(i ? 1.f : 0.2f, 0.2f, i ? 0.2f : 1.0f, 0.5f));
glsafe(::glColor4f(i ? 1.f : 0.2f, 0.2f, i ? 0.2f : 1.0f, 0.5f));
for (const GLIndexedVertexArray& iva : m_ivas[mesh_id][i])
@ -205,8 +206,14 @@ void GLGizmoFdmSupports::update_from_model_object()
for (size_t i=0; i<num_of_volumes; ++i) {
int volume_id = -1;
for (const ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
@ -226,7 +233,8 @@ void GLGizmoFdmSupports::update_from_model_object()
for (int i : list)
m_selected_facets[volume_id][i] = type;
update_vertex_buffers(mv, volume_id, true, true);
update_vertex_buffers(mesh, volume_id, FacetSupportType::ENFORCER);
update_vertex_buffers(mesh, volume_id, FacetSupportType::BLOCKER);
m_neighbors[volume_id].resize(3 * mesh->its.indices.size());
@ -325,7 +333,7 @@ bool GLGizmoFdmSupports::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
Vec3f closest_hit = Vec3f::Zero();
double closest_hit_squared_distance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t closest_facet = 0;
size_t closest_hit_mesh_id = size_t(-1);
int closest_hit_mesh_id = -1;
// Transformations of individual meshes
std::vector<Transform3d> trafo_matrices;
@ -368,17 +376,22 @@ bool GLGizmoFdmSupports::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
// We now know where the ray hit, let's save it and cast another ray
if (closest_hit_mesh_id != size_t(-1)) // only if there is at least one hit
hit_positions_and_facet_ids[closest_hit_mesh_id].emplace_back(closest_hit, closest_facet);
some_mesh_was_hit = true;
if (some_mesh_was_hit) {
// Now propagate the hits
mesh_id = -1;
const TriangleMesh* mesh = nullptr;
for (const ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
if (! mv->is_model_part())
if (mesh_id == closest_hit_mesh_id) {
mesh = &mv->mesh();
// Now propagate the hits
mesh_id = -1;
for (const ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
if (! mv->is_model_part())
bool update_both = false;
const Transform3d& trafo_matrix = trafo_matrices[mesh_id];
@ -389,89 +402,96 @@ bool GLGizmoFdmSupports::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
const float avg_scaling = (sf(0) + sf(1) + sf(2))/3.;
const float limit = pow(m_cursor_radius/avg_scaling , 2.f);
// For all hits on this mesh...
for (const std::pair<Vec3f, size_t>& hit_and_facet : hit_positions_and_facet_ids[mesh_id]) {
some_mesh_was_hit = true;
const TriangleMesh* mesh = &mv->mesh();
std::vector<NeighborData>& neighbors = m_neighbors[mesh_id];
const std::pair<Vec3f, size_t>& hit_and_facet = { closest_hit, closest_facet };
// Calculate direction from camera to the hit (in mesh coords):
Vec3f dir = ((trafo_matrix.inverse() * camera.get_position()).cast<float>() - hit_and_facet.first).normalized();
const std::vector<NeighborData>& neighbors = m_neighbors[mesh_id];
// A lambda to calculate distance from the centerline:
auto squared_distance_from_line = [&hit_and_facet, &dir](const Vec3f point) -> float {
Vec3f diff = hit_and_facet.first - point;
return (diff - * dir).squaredNorm();
// Calculate direction from camera to the hit (in mesh coords):
Vec3f dir = ((trafo_matrix.inverse() * camera.get_position()).cast<float>() - hit_and_facet.first).normalized();
// A lambda to determine whether this facet is potentionally visible (still can be obscured)
auto faces_camera = [&dir](const ModelVolume* mv, const size_t& facet) -> bool {
return (mv->mesh().stl.facet_start[facet] > 0.);
// Now start with the facet the pointer points to and check all adjacent facets. neighbors vector stores
// pairs of vertex_idx - facet_idx and is sorted with respect to the former. Neighboring facet index can be
// quickly found by finding a vertex in the list and read the respective facet ids.
std::vector<size_t> facets_to_select{hit_and_facet.second};
NeighborData vertex = std::make_pair(0, 0);
std::vector<bool> visited(m_selected_facets[mesh_id].size(), false); // keep track of facets we already processed
size_t facet_idx = 0; // index into facets_to_select
auto it = neighbors.end();
while (facet_idx < facets_to_select.size()) {
size_t facet = facets_to_select[facet_idx];
if (! visited[facet]) {
// check all three vertices and in case they're close enough, find the remaining facets
// and add them to the list to be proccessed later
for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) {
vertex.first = mesh->its.indices[facet](i); // vertex index
float dist = squared_distance_from_line(mesh->its.vertices[vertex.first]);
if (dist < limit) {
it = std::lower_bound(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end(), vertex);
while (it != neighbors.end() && it->first == vertex.first) {
if (it->second != facet && faces_camera(mv, it->second))
// A lambda to calculate distance from the centerline:
auto squared_distance_from_line = [&hit_and_facet, &dir](const Vec3f& point) -> float {
Vec3f diff = hit_and_facet.first - point;
return (diff - * dir).squaredNorm();
// A lambda to determine whether this facet is potentionally visible (still can be obscured)
auto faces_camera = [&dir, &mesh](const size_t& facet) -> bool {
return (mesh->stl.facet_start[facet] > 0.);
// Now start with the facet the pointer points to and check all adjacent facets. neighbors vector stores
// pairs of vertex_idx - facet_idx and is sorted with respect to the former. Neighboring facet index can be
// quickly found by finding a vertex in the list and read the respective facet ids.
std::vector<size_t> facets_to_select{hit_and_facet.second};
NeighborData vertex = std::make_pair(0, 0);
std::vector<bool> visited(m_selected_facets[mesh_id].size(), false); // keep track of facets we already processed
size_t facet_idx = 0; // index into facets_to_select
auto it = neighbors.end();
while (facet_idx < facets_to_select.size()) {
size_t facet = facets_to_select[facet_idx];
if (! visited[facet]) {
// check all three vertices and in case they're close enough, find the remaining facets
// and add them to the list to be proccessed later
for (size_t i=0; i<3; ++i) {
vertex.first = mesh->its.indices[facet](i); // vertex index
float dist = squared_distance_from_line(mesh->its.vertices[vertex.first]);
if (dist < limit) {
it = std::lower_bound(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end(), vertex);
while (it != neighbors.end() && it->first == vertex.first) {
if (it->second != facet && faces_camera(it->second))
visited[facet] = true;
visited[facet] = true;
// Now just select all facets that passed.
for (size_t next_facet : facets_to_select) {
FacetSupportType& facet = m_selected_facets[mesh_id][next_facet];
std::vector<size_t> new_facets;
if (facet != new_state && facet != FacetSupportType::NONE) {
// Now just select all facets that passed and remember which
// ones have really changed state.
for (size_t next_facet : facets_to_select) {
FacetSupportType& facet = m_selected_facets[mesh_id][next_facet];
if (facet != new_state) {
if (facet != FacetSupportType::NONE) {
// this triangle is currently in the other VBA.
// Both VBAs need to be refreshed.
update_both = true;
facet = new_state;
if (! new_facets.empty()) {
if (new_state != FacetSupportType::NONE) {
// append triangles into the respective VBA
update_vertex_buffers(mesh, mesh_id, new_state, &new_facets);
if (update_both) {
auto other = new_state == FacetSupportType::ENFORCER
? FacetSupportType::BLOCKER
: FacetSupportType::ENFORCER;
update_vertex_buffers(mesh, mesh_id, other); // regenerate the other VBA
else {
update_vertex_buffers(mesh, mesh_id, FacetSupportType::ENFORCER);
update_vertex_buffers(mesh, mesh_id, FacetSupportType::BLOCKER);
update_vertex_buffers(mv, mesh_id,
new_state == FacetSupportType::ENFORCER || update_both,
new_state == FacetSupportType::BLOCKER || update_both
if (some_mesh_was_hit)
if (m_button_down == Button::None)
m_button_down = ((action == SLAGizmoEventType::LeftDown) ? Button::Left : Button::Right);
// Force rendering. In case the user is dragging, the queue can be
// flooded by wxEVT_MOVING event and rendering would be skipped.
return true;
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::Dragging && m_button_down != Button::None) {
// Same as above. We don't want the cursor to freeze when we
// leave the mesh while painting.
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::Dragging && m_button_down != Button::None)
return true;
if ((action == SLAGizmoEventType::LeftUp || action == SLAGizmoEventType::RightUp)
@ -493,34 +513,54 @@ bool GLGizmoFdmSupports::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
void GLGizmoFdmSupports::update_vertex_buffers(const ModelVolume* mv,
void GLGizmoFdmSupports::update_vertex_buffers(const TriangleMesh* mesh,
int mesh_id,
bool update_enforcers,
bool update_blockers)
FacetSupportType type,
const std::vector<size_t>* new_facets)
const TriangleMesh* mesh = &mv->mesh();
std::vector<GLIndexedVertexArray>& ivas = m_ivas[mesh_id][type == FacetSupportType::ENFORCER ? 0 : 1];
for (FacetSupportType type : {FacetSupportType::ENFORCER, FacetSupportType::BLOCKER}) {
if ((type == FacetSupportType::ENFORCER && ! update_enforcers)
|| (type == FacetSupportType::BLOCKER && ! update_blockers))
// lambda to push facet into vertex buffer
auto push_facet = [this, &mesh, &mesh_id](size_t idx, GLIndexedVertexArray& iva) {
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
size_t num = iva.triangle_indices_size;
iva.push_triangle(num, num+1, num+2);
GLIndexedVertexArray& iva = m_ivas[mesh_id][type==FacetSupportType::ENFORCER ? 0 : 1];
size_t triangle_cnt=0;
if (ivas.size() == MaxVertexBuffers || ! new_facets) {
// If there are too many or they should be regenerated, make one large
// GLVertexBufferArray.
ivas.clear(); // destructors release geometry
bool pushed = false;
for (size_t facet_idx=0; facet_idx<m_selected_facets[mesh_id].size(); ++facet_idx) {
FacetSupportType status = m_selected_facets[mesh_id][facet_idx];
if (status != type)
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
MeshRaycaster::get_triangle_normal(mesh->its, facet_idx).cast<double>());
iva.push_triangle(3*triangle_cnt, 3*triangle_cnt+1, 3*triangle_cnt+2);
if (m_selected_facets[mesh_id][facet_idx] == type) {
push_facet(facet_idx, ivas.back());
pushed = true;
if (! m_selected_facets[mesh_id].empty())
if (pushed)
} else {
// we are only appending - let's make new vertex array and let the old ones live
for (size_t facet_idx : *new_facets)
push_facet(facet_idx, ivas.back());
if (! new_facets->empty())
@ -553,7 +593,8 @@ void GLGizmoFdmSupports::select_facets_by_angle(float threshold_deg, bool overwr
? FacetSupportType::BLOCKER
: FacetSupportType::ENFORCER;
update_vertex_buffers(mv, mesh_id, true, true);
update_vertex_buffers(&mv->mesh(), mesh_id, FacetSupportType::ENFORCER);
update_vertex_buffers(&mv->mesh(), mesh_id, FacetSupportType::BLOCKER);
Plater::TakeSnapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), block ? _L("Block supports by angle")
@ -623,7 +664,8 @@ void GLGizmoFdmSupports::on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_l
if (mv->is_model_part()) {
m_selected_facets[idx].assign(m_selected_facets[idx].size(), FacetSupportType::NONE);
update_vertex_buffers(mv, idx, true, true);
update_vertex_buffers(&mv->mesh(), idx, FacetSupportType::ENFORCER);
update_vertex_buffers(&mv->mesh(), idx, FacetSupportType::BLOCKER);
@ -33,14 +33,16 @@ private:
// individual facets (one of the enum values above).
std::vector<std::vector<FacetSupportType>> m_selected_facets;
// Store two vertex buffer arrays (for enforcers/blockers)
// for each model-part volume.
std::vector<std::array<GLIndexedVertexArray, 2>> m_ivas;
// Vertex buffer arrays for each model-part volume. There is a vector of
// arrays so that adding triangles can be done without regenerating all
// other triangles. Enforcers and blockers are of course separate.
std::vector<std::array<std::vector<GLIndexedVertexArray>, 2>> m_ivas;
void update_vertex_buffers(const ModelVolume* mv,
void update_vertex_buffers(const TriangleMesh* mesh,
int mesh_id,
bool update_enforcers,
bool update_blockers);
FacetSupportType type, // enforcers / blockers
const std::vector<size_t>* new_facets = nullptr); // nullptr -> regenerate all
GLGizmoFdmSupports(GLCanvas3D& parent, const std::string& icon_filename, unsigned int sprite_id);
@ -623,6 +623,10 @@ void MainFrame::init_menubar()
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->add_model(); }, "import_plater", nullptr,
[this](){return m_plater != nullptr; }, this);
append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Import STL (imperial units)"), _L("Load an model saved with imperial units"),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->add_model(true); }, "import_plater", nullptr,
[this](){return m_plater != nullptr; }, this);
append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Import SL1 archive")) + dots, _(L("Load an SL1 output archive")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->import_sl1_archive(); }, "import_plater", nullptr,
[this](){return m_plater != nullptr; }, this);
@ -95,11 +95,9 @@ void MeshClipper::recalculate_triangles()
Vec3f MeshRaycaster::get_triangle_normal(const indexed_triangle_set& its, size_t facet_idx)
Vec3f MeshRaycaster::get_triangle_normal(size_t facet_idx) const
Vec3f a(its.vertices[its.indices[facet_idx](1)] - its.vertices[its.indices[facet_idx](0)]);
Vec3f b(its.vertices[its.indices[facet_idx](2)] - its.vertices[its.indices[facet_idx](0)]);
return Vec3f(a.cross(b)).normalized();
return m_normals[facet_idx];
void MeshRaycaster::line_from_mouse_pos(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3d& trafo, const Camera& camera,
@ -218,12 +216,9 @@ Vec3f MeshRaycaster::get_closest_point(const Vec3f& point, Vec3f* normal) const
int idx = 0;
Vec3d closest_point;
m_emesh.squared_distance(point.cast<double>(), idx, closest_point);
if (normal) {
auto indices = m_emesh.F().row(idx);
Vec3d a(m_emesh.V().row(indices(1)) - m_emesh.V().row(indices(0)));
Vec3d b(m_emesh.V().row(indices(2)) - m_emesh.V().row(indices(0)));
*normal = Vec3f(a.cross(b).cast<float>());
if (normal)
*normal = m_normals[idx];
return closest_point.cast<float>();
@ -108,7 +108,11 @@ public:
// The pointer can be invalidated after constructor returns.
MeshRaycaster(const TriangleMesh& mesh)
: m_emesh(mesh)
for (const stl_facet& facet : mesh.stl.facet_start)
void line_from_mouse_pos(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3d& trafo, const Camera& camera,
Vec3d& point, Vec3d& direction) const;
@ -140,10 +144,11 @@ public:
Vec3f get_closest_point(const Vec3f& point, Vec3f* normal = nullptr) const;
static Vec3f get_triangle_normal(const indexed_triangle_set& its, size_t facet_idx);
Vec3f get_triangle_normal(size_t facet_idx) const;
sla::EigenMesh3D m_emesh;
std::vector<stl_normal> m_normals;
@ -1170,12 +1170,15 @@ void Sidebar::show_info_sizer()
bool imperial_units = wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1";
double koef = imperial_units ? ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in : 1.0f;
auto size = model_object->bounding_box().size();
p->object_info->info_size->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%.2f x %.2f x %.2f",size(0), size(1), size(2)));
p->object_info->info_size->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%.2f x %.2f x %.2f",size(0)*koef, size(1)*koef, size(2)*koef));
p->object_info->info_materials->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%d", static_cast<int>(model_object->materials_count())));
const auto& stats = model_object->get_object_stl_stats();//model_object->volumes.front()->mesh.stl.stats;
p->object_info->info_volume->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%.2f", stats.volume));
p->object_info->info_volume->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%.2f", stats.volume*pow(koef,3)));
p->object_info->info_facets->SetLabel(wxString::Format(_L("%d (%d shells)"), static_cast<int>(model_object->facets_count()), stats.number_of_parts));
int errors = stats.degenerate_facets + stats.edges_fixed + stats.facets_removed +
@ -1253,18 +1256,24 @@ void Sidebar::update_sliced_info_sizer()
const PrintStatistics& ps = p->plater->fff_print().print_statistics();
const bool is_wipe_tower = ps.total_wipe_tower_filament > 0;
wxString new_label = _L("Used Filament (m)");
bool imperial_units = wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1";
double koef = imperial_units ? ObjectManipulation::in_to_mm : 1000.0;
wxString new_label = imperial_units ? _L("Used Filament (in)") : _L("Used Filament (m)");
if (is_wipe_tower)
new_label += format_wxstr(":\n - %1%\n - %2%", _L("objects"), _L("wipe tower"));
wxString info_text = is_wipe_tower ?
wxString::Format("%.2f \n%.2f \n%.2f", ps.total_used_filament / 1000,
(ps.total_used_filament - ps.total_wipe_tower_filament) / 1000,
ps.total_wipe_tower_filament / 1000) :
wxString::Format("%.2f", ps.total_used_filament / 1000);
wxString::Format("%.2f \n%.2f \n%.2f", ps.total_used_filament / /*1000*/koef,
(ps.total_used_filament - ps.total_wipe_tower_filament) / /*1000*/koef,
ps.total_wipe_tower_filament / /*1000*/koef) :
wxString::Format("%.2f", ps.total_used_filament / /*1000*/koef);
p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_m, info_text, new_label);
p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_mm3, wxString::Format("%.2f", ps.total_extruded_volume));
koef = imperial_units ? pow(ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in, 3) : 1.0f;
new_label = imperial_units ? _L("Used Filament (in³)") : _L("Used Filament (mm³)");
info_text = wxString::Format("%.2f", imperial_units ? ps.total_extruded_volume * koef : ps.total_extruded_volume);
p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_mm3, info_text, new_label);
p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siFilament_g, ps.total_weight == 0.0 ? "N/A" : wxString::Format("%.2f", ps.total_weight));
new_label = _L("Cost");
@ -1414,6 +1423,13 @@ void Sidebar::collapse(bool collapse)
void Sidebar::update_ui_from_settings()
std::vector<PresetComboBox*>& Sidebar::combos_filament()
return p->combos_filament;
@ -1653,7 +1669,7 @@ struct Plater::priv
BoundingBoxf bed_shape_bb() const;
BoundingBox scaled_bed_shape_bb() const;
std::vector<size_t> load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config);
std::vector<size_t> load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool used_inches = false);
std::vector<size_t> load_model_objects(const ModelObjectPtrs &model_objects);
wxString get_export_file(GUI::FileType file_type);
@ -2134,6 +2150,8 @@ void Plater::priv::update_ui_from_settings()
// Called after the print technology was changed.
@ -2166,7 +2184,7 @@ BoundingBox Plater::priv::scaled_bed_shape_bb() const
return bed_shape.bounding_box();
std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config)
std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool imperial_units/* = false*/)
if (input_files.empty()) { return std::vector<size_t>(); }
@ -2263,6 +2281,23 @@ std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_
// The model should now be initialized
auto convert_from_imperial_units = [](Model& model) {
wxGetApp().app_config->set("use_inches", "1");
if (imperial_units)
else if (model.looks_like_imperial_units()) {
wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(q, _L(
"This model looks like saved in inches.\n"
"Should I consider this model as a saved in inches and convert it?") + "\n",
_L("Saved in inches object detected"), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
if (msg_dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES)
if (! is_project_file) {
if (model.looks_like_multipart_object()) {
wxMessageDialog msg_dlg(q, _L(
@ -4317,7 +4352,7 @@ void Sidebar::set_btn_label(const ActionButtonType btn_type, const wxString& lab
// Plater / Public
Plater::Plater(wxWindow *parent, MainFrame *main_frame)
: wxPanel(parent)
: wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(76 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 49 * wxGetApp().em_unit()))
, p(new priv(this, main_frame))
// Initialization performed in the private c-tor
@ -4369,7 +4404,7 @@ void Plater::load_project(const wxString& filename)
void Plater::add_model()
void Plater::add_model(bool imperial_units/* = false*/)
wxArrayString input_files;
wxGetApp().import_model(this, input_files);
@ -4397,7 +4432,7 @@ void Plater::add_model()
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, snapshot_label);
load_files(paths, true, false);
load_files(paths, true, false, imperial_units);
void Plater::import_sl1_archive()
@ -4418,16 +4453,16 @@ void Plater::extract_config_from_project()
load_files(input_paths, false, true);
std::vector<size_t> Plater::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config) { return p->load_files(input_files, load_model, load_config); }
std::vector<size_t> Plater::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool imperial_units /*= false*/) { return p->load_files(input_files, load_model, load_config, imperial_units); }
// To be called when providing a list of files to the GUI slic3r on command line.
std::vector<size_t> Plater::load_files(const std::vector<std::string>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config)
std::vector<size_t> Plater::load_files(const std::vector<std::string>& input_files, bool load_model, bool load_config, bool imperial_units /*= false*/)
std::vector<fs::path> paths;
for (const std::string& path : input_files)
return p->load_files(paths, load_model, load_config);
return p->load_files(paths, load_model, load_config, imperial_units);
void Plater::update() { p->update(); }
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ public:
bool is_collapsed();
void collapse(bool collapse);
void update_searcher();
void update_ui_from_settings();
std::vector<PresetComboBox*>& combos_filament();
Search::OptionsSearcher& get_searcher();
@ -165,13 +166,13 @@ public:
void new_project();
void load_project();
void load_project(const wxString& filename);
void add_model();
void add_model(bool imperial_units = false);
void import_sl1_archive();
void extract_config_from_project();
std::vector<size_t> load_files(const std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true);
std::vector<size_t> load_files(const std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true, bool imperial_units = false);
// To be called when providing a list of files to the GUI slic3r on command line.
std::vector<size_t> load_files(const std::vector<std::string>& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true);
std::vector<size_t> load_files(const std::vector<std::string>& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true, bool imperial_units = false);
void update();
void stop_jobs();
@ -120,7 +120,16 @@ void PreferencesDialog::build()
option = Option (def, "use_retina_opengl");
/* // ysFIXME THis part is temporary commented
// The using of inches is implemented just for object's size and position
def.label = L("Use inches instead of millimeters");
def.type = coBool;
def.tooltip = L("Use inches instead of millimeters for the object's size");
def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool{ app_config->get("use_inches") == "1" });
option = Option(def, "use_inches");
m_optgroup_camera = std::make_shared<ConfigOptionsGroup>(this, _(L("Camera")));
m_optgroup_camera->label_width = 40;
m_optgroup_camera->m_on_change = [this](t_config_option_key opt_key, boost::any value) {
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ SearchDialog::SearchDialog(OptionsSearcher* searcher)
check_sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Use for search") + ":"), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, border);
check_sizer->Add(check_category, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, border);
if (GUI::wxGetApp().is_localized())
if (check_english)
check_sizer->Add(check_english, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, border);
check_sizer->Add(cancel_btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ SearchDialog::SearchDialog(OptionsSearcher* searcher)
#endif //__WXMSW__
check_category->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, &SearchDialog::OnCheck, this);
if (GUI::wxGetApp().is_localized())
if (check_english)
check_english ->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, &SearchDialog::OnCheck, this);
Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &SearchDialog::OnMotion, this);
@ -505,7 +505,8 @@ void SearchDialog::Popup(wxPoint position /*= wxDefaultPosition*/)
const OptionViewParameters& params = searcher->view_params;
if (check_english)
@ -594,6 +595,9 @@ void SearchDialog::OnSelect(wxDataViewEvent& event)
void SearchDialog::update_list()
// Under OSX model->Clear invoke wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED, so
// set prevent_list_events to true already here
prevent_list_events = true;
const std::vector<FoundOption>& filters = searcher->found_options();
@ -601,7 +605,6 @@ void SearchDialog::update_list()
// select first item
prevent_list_events = true;
prevent_list_events = false;
@ -609,7 +612,8 @@ void SearchDialog::update_list()
void SearchDialog::OnCheck(wxCommandEvent& event)
OptionViewParameters& params = searcher->view_params;
params.english = check_english->GetValue();
if (check_english)
params.english = check_english->GetValue();
params.category = check_category->GetValue();
Add table
Reference in a new issue