Integrate scaling and unscaling into Point.hpp
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 104 additions and 228 deletions
@ -186,6 +186,11 @@ inline bool empty(const BoundingBox3Base<VT> &bb)
return ! bb.defined || bb.min(0) >= bb.max(0) || bb.min(1) >= bb.max(1) || bb.min(2) >= bb.max(2);
inline BoundingBox scaled(const BoundingBoxf &bb) { return {scaled(bb.min), scaled(bb.max)}; }
inline BoundingBox3 scaled(const BoundingBoxf3 &bb) { return {scaled(bb.min), scaled(bb.max)}; }
inline BoundingBoxf unscaled(const BoundingBox &bb) { return {unscaled(bb.min), unscaled(bb.max)}; }
inline BoundingBoxf3 unscaled(const BoundingBox3 &bb) { return {unscaled(bb.min), unscaled(bb.max)}; }
} // namespace Slic3r
// Serialization through the Cereal library
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
@ -75,143 +76,6 @@ public:
/// An std compatible random access iterator which uses indices to the
/// source vector thus resistant to invalidation caused by relocations. It
/// also "knows" its container. No comparison is neccesary to the container
/// "end()" iterator. The template can be instantiated with a different
/// value type than that of the container's but the types must be
/// compatible. E.g. a base class of the contained objects is compatible.
/// For a constant iterator, one can instantiate this template with a value
/// type preceded with 'const'.
template<class Vector, // The container type, must be random access...
class Value = typename Vector::value_type // The value type
class IndexBasedIterator
static const size_t NONE = size_t(-1);
std::reference_wrapper<Vector> m_index_ref;
size_t m_idx = NONE;
using value_type = Value;
using pointer = Value *;
using reference = Value &;
using difference_type = long;
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
inline explicit IndexBasedIterator(Vector &index, size_t idx)
: m_index_ref(index), m_idx(idx)
// Post increment
inline IndexBasedIterator operator++(int)
IndexBasedIterator cpy(*this);
return cpy;
inline IndexBasedIterator operator--(int)
IndexBasedIterator cpy(*this);
return cpy;
inline IndexBasedIterator &operator++()
return *this;
inline IndexBasedIterator &operator--()
return *this;
inline IndexBasedIterator &operator+=(difference_type l)
m_idx += size_t(l);
return *this;
inline IndexBasedIterator operator+(difference_type l)
auto cpy = *this;
cpy += l;
return cpy;
inline IndexBasedIterator &operator-=(difference_type l)
m_idx -= size_t(l);
return *this;
inline IndexBasedIterator operator-(difference_type l)
auto cpy = *this;
cpy -= l;
return cpy;
operator difference_type() { return difference_type(m_idx); }
/// Tesing the end of the container... this is not possible with std
/// iterators.
inline bool is_end() const
return m_idx >= m_index_ref.get().size();
inline Value &operator*() const
assert(m_idx < m_index_ref.get().size());
return m_index_ref.get().operator[](m_idx);
inline Value *operator->() const
assert(m_idx < m_index_ref.get().size());
return &m_index_ref.get().operator[](m_idx);
/// If both iterators point past the container, they are equal...
inline bool operator==(const IndexBasedIterator &other)
size_t e = m_index_ref.get().size();
return m_idx == other.m_idx || (m_idx >= e && other.m_idx >= e);
inline bool operator!=(const IndexBasedIterator &other)
return !(*this == other);
inline bool operator<=(const IndexBasedIterator &other)
return (m_idx < other.m_idx) || (*this == other);
inline bool operator<(const IndexBasedIterator &other)
return m_idx < other.m_idx && (*this != other);
inline bool operator>=(const IndexBasedIterator &other)
return m_idx > other.m_idx || *this == other;
inline bool operator>(const IndexBasedIterator &other)
return m_idx > other.m_idx && *this != other;
/// A very simple range concept implementation with iterator-like objects.
template<class It> class Range
@ -252,97 +116,6 @@ template<class T> struct remove_cvref
template<class T> using remove_cvref_t = typename remove_cvref<T>::type;
// A shorter C++14 style form of the enable_if metafunction
template<bool B, class T>
using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Type safe conversions to and from scaled and unscaled coordinates
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A meta-predicate which is true for integers wider than or equal to coord_t
template<class I> struct is_scaled_coord
static const SLIC3R_CONSTEXPR bool value =
std::is_integral<I>::value &&
std::numeric_limits<I>::digits >=
// Meta predicates for floating, 'scaled coord' and generic arithmetic types
template<class T, class O = T>
using FloatingOnly = enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, O>;
template<class T, class O = T>
using ScaledCoordOnly = enable_if_t<is_scaled_coord<T>::value, O>;
template<class T, class O = T>
using IntegerOnly = enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, O>;
template<class T, class O = T>
using ArithmeticOnly = enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, O>;
// Semantics are the following:
// Upscaling (scaled()): only from floating point types (or Vec) to either
// floating point or integer 'scaled coord' coordinates.
// Downscaling (unscaled()): from arithmetic (or Vec) to floating point only
// Conversion definition from unscaled to floating point scaled
template<class Tout,
class Tin,
class = FloatingOnly<Tin>>
inline constexpr FloatingOnly<Tout> scaled(const Tin &v) noexcept
return Tout(v / Tin(SCALING_FACTOR));
// Conversion definition from unscaled to integer 'scaled coord'.
// TODO: is the rounding necessary? Here it is commented out to show that
// it can be different for integers but it does not have to be. Using
// std::round means loosing noexcept and constexpr modifiers
template<class Tout = coord_t, class Tin, class = FloatingOnly<Tin>>
inline constexpr ScaledCoordOnly<Tout> scaled(const Tin &v) noexcept
//return static_cast<Tout>(std::round(v / SCALING_FACTOR));
return Tout(v / Tin(SCALING_FACTOR));
// Conversion for Eigen vectors (N dimensional points)
template<class Tout = coord_t,
class Tin,
int N,
class = FloatingOnly<Tin>,
inline Eigen::Matrix<ArithmeticOnly<Tout>, N, EigenArgs...>
scaled(const Eigen::Matrix<Tin, N, EigenArgs...> &v)
return (v / SCALING_FACTOR).template cast<Tout>();
// Conversion from arithmetic scaled type to floating point unscaled
template<class Tout = double,
class Tin,
class = ArithmeticOnly<Tin>,
class = FloatingOnly<Tout>>
inline constexpr Tout unscaled(const Tin &v) noexcept
return Tout(v * Tout(SCALING_FACTOR));
// Unscaling for Eigen vectors. Input base type can be arithmetic, output base
// type can only be floating point.
template<class Tout = double,
class Tin,
int N,
class = ArithmeticOnly<Tin>,
class = FloatingOnly<Tout>,
inline constexpr Eigen::Matrix<Tout, N, EigenArgs...>
unscaled(const Eigen::Matrix<Tin, N, EigenArgs...> &v) noexcept
return v.template cast<Tout>() * SCALING_FACTOR;
template<class T, class I, class... Args> // Arbitrary allocator can be used
inline IntegerOnly<I, std::vector<T, Args...>> reserve_vector(I capacity)
@ -288,6 +288,72 @@ private:
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &stm, const Vec2d &pointf);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Type safe conversions to and from scaled and unscaled coordinates
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Semantics are the following:
// Upscaling (scaled()): only from floating point types (or Vec) to either
// floating point or integer 'scaled coord' coordinates.
// Downscaling (unscaled()): from arithmetic (or Vec) to floating point only
// Conversion definition from unscaled to floating point scaled
template<class Tout,
class Tin,
class = FloatingOnly<Tin>>
inline constexpr FloatingOnly<Tout> scaled(const Tin &v) noexcept
return Tout(v / Tin(SCALING_FACTOR));
// Conversion definition from unscaled to integer 'scaled coord'.
// TODO: is the rounding necessary? Here it is commented out to show that
// it can be different for integers but it does not have to be. Using
// std::round means loosing noexcept and constexpr modifiers
template<class Tout = coord_t, class Tin, class = FloatingOnly<Tin>>
inline constexpr ScaledCoordOnly<Tout> scaled(const Tin &v) noexcept
//return static_cast<Tout>(std::round(v / SCALING_FACTOR));
return Tout(v / Tin(SCALING_FACTOR));
// Conversion for Eigen vectors (N dimensional points)
template<class Tout = coord_t,
class Tin,
int N,
class = FloatingOnly<Tin>,
inline Eigen::Matrix<ArithmeticOnly<Tout>, N, EigenArgs...>
scaled(const Eigen::Matrix<Tin, N, EigenArgs...> &v)
return (v / SCALING_FACTOR).template cast<Tout>();
// Conversion from arithmetic scaled type to floating point unscaled
template<class Tout = double,
class Tin,
class = ArithmeticOnly<Tin>,
class = FloatingOnly<Tout>>
inline constexpr Tout unscaled(const Tin &v) noexcept
return Tout(v * Tout(SCALING_FACTOR));
// Unscaling for Eigen vectors. Input base type can be arithmetic, output base
// type can only be floating point.
template<class Tout = double,
class Tin,
int N,
class = ArithmeticOnly<Tin>,
class = FloatingOnly<Tout>,
inline constexpr Eigen::Matrix<Tout, N, EigenArgs...>
unscaled(const Eigen::Matrix<Tin, N, EigenArgs...> &v) noexcept
return v.template cast<Tout>() * SCALING_FACTOR;
} // namespace Slic3r
// start Boost
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <type_traits>
#include "Technologies.hpp"
#include "Semver.hpp"
@ -247,6 +248,37 @@ static inline bool is_approx(Number value, Number test_value)
return std::fabs(double(value) - double(test_value)) < double(EPSILON);
// A meta-predicate which is true for integers wider than or equal to coord_t
template<class I> struct is_scaled_coord
static const constexpr bool value =
std::is_integral<I>::value &&
std::numeric_limits<I>::digits >=
// Meta predicates for floating, 'scaled coord' and generic arithmetic types
// Can be used to restrict templates to work for only the specified set of types.
// parameter T is the type we want to restrict
// parameter O (Optional defaults to T) is the type that the whole expression
// will be evaluated to.
// e.g. template<class T> FloatingOnly<T, bool> is_nan(T val);
// The whole template will be defined only for floating point types and the
// return type will be bool.
// For more info how to use, see docs for std::enable_if
template<class T, class O = T>
using FloatingOnly = std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, O>;
template<class T, class O = T>
using ScaledCoordOnly = std::enable_if_t<is_scaled_coord<T>::value, O>;
template<class T, class O = T>
using IntegerOnly = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, O>;
template<class T, class O = T>
using ArithmeticOnly = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, O>;
} // namespace Slic3r
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