Bed shape detection in progress
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 161 additions and 10 deletions
@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ public:
template<class...Args> inline IndexedPackGroup operator()(Args&&...args) {
return pck_.arrangeIndexed(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
@ -440,16 +441,157 @@ ShapeData2D projectModelFromTop(const Slic3r::Model &model) {
return ret;
enum BedShapeHint {
class Circle {
Point center_;
double radius_;
inline Circle(): center_(0, 0), radius_(std::nan("")) {}
inline Circle(const Point& c, double r): center_(c), radius_(r) {}
inline double radius() const { return radius_; }
inline const Point& center() const { return center_; }
inline operator bool() { return std::isnan(radius_); }
Circle circle(std::array<Point, 3> P) {
using Coord = Point::coord_type;
using std::pow;
using std::abs;
using std::round;
using std::nan;
auto getX = [](const Point& p) { return p.x; };
auto getY = [](const Point& p) { return p.y; };
auto distance = [](const Point& p1, const Point& p2) {
return abs(p1.distance_to(p2));
static const auto E = 10.0/SCALING_FACTOR;
auto x1 = getX(P[0]), y1 = getY(P[0]);
auto x2 = getX(P[1]), y2 = getY(P[1]);
auto x3 = getX(P[2]), y3 = getY(P[2]);
auto A_div = (x2 - x1);
auto B_div = (x3 - x2);
if(A_div == 0 || B_div == 0) return Circle();
auto A = (y2 - y1)/A_div;
auto B = (y2 - y3)/B_div;
auto C = (-pow(x1, 2) - pow(y1, 2) + pow(x2, 2) + pow(y2, 2))/(2*(x2 - x1));
auto D = (pow(x2, 2) + pow(y1, 2) - pow(x3, 2) - pow(y3, 2))/(2*(x3 - x2));
auto cy = (C + D)/(A + B);
auto cx = B*cy - D;
Point cc = {Coord(round(cx)), Coord(round(cy))};
auto d = distance(cc, P[0]);
auto d2 = distance(cc, P[1]);
auto d3 = distance(cc, P[2]);
auto e1 = abs(d - d2);
auto e2 = abs(d - d3);
if(e1 > E || e2 > E) return Circle();
return { cc, d };
Circle isCircle(const Polyline& p) {
using std::abs;
auto& pp = p.points;
static const double E = 10/SCALING_FACTOR;
double radius = 0;
bool ret = true;
Circle c;
for(auto i = 0; i < pp.size() - 3 && ret; i += 3) {
c = circle({pp[i], pp[i+1], pp[i+2]});
if(c || abs(radius - c.radius()) >= E) ret = false;
else radius = c.radius();
// auto rem = pp.size() % 3;
// if(ret && rem > 0) {
// std::array<Point, 3> remarr;
// auto i = 0;
// for(i = 0; i < rem; i++) remarr[i] = *(pp.rbegin() - i);
// while(i < 3) remarr[i] = pp[i++];
// c = circle(remarr);
// if(c || abs(radius - c.radius()) >= E) ret = false;
// }
if(!ret) c = Circle();
return c;
enum class BedShapeType {
BedShapeHint bedShape(const Slic3r::Polyline& /*bed*/) {
struct BedShapeHint {
BedShapeType type;
/*union*/ struct { // I know but who cares...
Circle circ;
BoundingBox box;
Polyline polygon;
} shape;
BedShapeHint bedShape(const Polyline& bed) {
static const double E = 10/SCALING_FACTOR;
BedShapeHint ret;
auto width = [](const BoundingBox& box) {
return box.max.x - box.min.x;
auto height = [](const BoundingBox& box) {
return box.max.y - box.min.y;
auto area = [&width, &height](const BoundingBox& box) {
return width(box) * height(box);
auto poly_area = [](Polyline p) {
Polygon pp; pp.points.reserve(p.points.size() + 1);
pp.points = std::move(p.points);
return std::abs(pp.area());
auto bb = bed.bounding_box();
if(std::abs(area(bb) - poly_area(bed)) < E) {
ret.type = BedShapeType::BOX;
|||| = bb;
std::cout << "BOX" << std::endl;
else if(auto c = isCircle(bed)) {
ret.type = BedShapeType::CIRCLE;
ret.shape.circ = c;
std::cout << "Circle" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Polygon" << std::endl;
ret.type = BedShapeType::IRREGULAR;
ret.shape.polygon = bed;
// Determine the bed shape by hand
return BOX;
return ret;
void applyResult(
@ -525,7 +667,10 @@ bool arrange(Model &model, coordf_t min_obj_distance,
IndexedPackGroup result;
BoundingBox bbb(bed.points);
if(bedhint.type == BedShapeType::WHO_KNOWS) bedhint = bedShape(bed);
BoundingBox bbb(bed);
auto binbb = Box({
@ -536,8 +681,8 @@ bool arrange(Model &model, coordf_t min_obj_distance,
switch(bedhint) {
case BOX: {
switch(bedhint.type) {
case BedShapeType::BOX: {
// Create the arranger for the box shaped bed
AutoArranger<Box> arrange(binbb, min_obj_distance, progressind);
@ -547,10 +692,11 @@ bool arrange(Model &model, coordf_t min_obj_distance,
result = arrange(shapes.begin(), shapes.end());
case CIRCLE:
case BedShapeType::CIRCLE:
case WHO_KNOWS: {
case BedShapeType::IRREGULAR:
case BedShapeType::WHO_KNOWS: {
using P = libnest2d::PolygonImpl;
auto ctour = Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(bed);
@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ const PrintConfig &PrintController::config() const
return print_->config;
void AppController::arrange_model()
auto ftr = std::async(
@ -324,10 +325,14 @@ void AppController::arrange_model()
if(pind) pind->update(0, _(L("Arranging objects...")));
try {
arr::BedShapeHint hint;
// TODO: from Sasha from GUI
hint.type = arr::BedShapeType::WHO_KNOWS;
false, // create many piles not just one pile
[pind, count](unsigned rem) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue