ENABLE_SPLITTED_VERTEX_BUFFER - fixed cracks in toolpaths when splitting vertex and index buffers
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 219 additions and 3 deletions
@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
#define ENABLE_2_3_1 1
#endif // _prusaslicer_technologies_h_
@ -1219,6 +1219,65 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
// format data into the buffers to be rendered as solid
auto add_vertices_as_solid = [](const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& prev, const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& curr, TBuffer& buffer, unsigned int vbuffer_id, VertexBuffer& vertices, size_t move_id) {
auto store_vertex = [](VertexBuffer& vertices, const Vec3f& position, const Vec3f& normal) {
// append position
// append normal
if (prev.type != curr.type || !buffer.paths.back().matches(curr)) {
buffer.add_path(curr, vbuffer_id, vertices.size(), move_id - 1);
buffer.paths.back().sub_paths.back().first.position = prev.position;
Path& last_path = buffer.paths.back();
Vec3f dir = (curr.position - prev.position).normalized();
Vec3f right = Vec3f(dir[1], -dir[0], 0.0f).normalized();
Vec3f left = -right;
Vec3f up = right.cross(dir);
Vec3f down = -up;
float half_width = 0.5f * last_path.width;
float half_height = 0.5f * last_path.height;
Vec3f prev_pos = prev.position - half_height * up;
Vec3f curr_pos = curr.position - half_height * up;
Vec3f d_up = half_height * up;
Vec3f d_down = -half_height * up;
Vec3f d_right = half_width * right;
Vec3f d_left = -half_width * right;
// vertices 1st endpoint
if (last_path.vertices_count() == 1 || vertices.empty()) {
// 1st segment or restart into a new vertex buffer
// ===============================================
store_vertex(vertices, prev_pos + d_up, up);
store_vertex(vertices, prev_pos + d_right, right);
store_vertex(vertices, prev_pos + d_down, down);
store_vertex(vertices, prev_pos + d_left, left);
else {
// any other segment
// =================
store_vertex(vertices, prev_pos + d_right, right);
store_vertex(vertices, prev_pos + d_left, left);
// vertices 2nd endpoint
store_vertex(vertices, curr_pos + d_up, up);
store_vertex(vertices, curr_pos + d_right, right);
store_vertex(vertices, curr_pos + d_down, down);
store_vertex(vertices, curr_pos + d_left, left);
last_path.sub_paths.back().last = { vbuffer_id, vertices.size(), move_id, curr.position };
auto add_vertices_as_solid = [](const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& prev, const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& curr, TBuffer& buffer, VertexBuffer& vertices, size_t move_id) {
static Vec3f prev_dir;
static Vec3f prev_up;
@ -1293,7 +1352,7 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
Vec3f displacement_vec = displacement * prev_dir;
bool can_displace = displacement > 0.0f && displacement < prev_length&& displacement < length;
bool can_displace = displacement > 0.0f && displacement < prev_length && displacement < length;
size_t prev_right_id = (starting_vertices_size - 3) * buffer.vertices.vertex_size_floats();
size_t prev_left_id = (starting_vertices_size - 1) * buffer.vertices.vertex_size_floats();
@ -1366,6 +1425,7 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
prev_up = up;
prev_length = length;
auto add_indices_as_solid = [](const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& prev, const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& curr, TBuffer& buffer,
size_t& vbuffer_size, unsigned int ibuffer_id, IndexBuffer& indices, size_t move_id) {
static Vec3f prev_dir;
@ -1573,8 +1633,19 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
// if adding the vertices for the current segment exceeds the threshold size of the current vertex buffer
// add another vertex buffer
if (v_multibuffer.back().size() * sizeof(float) > VBUFFER_THRESHOLD_BYTES - t_buffer.max_vertices_per_segment_size_bytes()) {
if (t_buffer.render_primitive_type == TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle) {
Path& last_path = t_buffer.paths.back();
if (prev.type == curr.type && last_path.matches(curr))
last_path.add_sub_path(prev, static_cast<unsigned int>(v_multibuffer.size()) - 1, 0, i - 1);
if (v_multibuffer.back().size() * sizeof(float) > VBUFFER_THRESHOLD_BYTES - t_buffer.max_vertices_per_segment_size_bytes())
VertexBuffer& v_buffer = v_multibuffer.back();
@ -1582,7 +1653,11 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point: { add_vertices_as_point(curr, v_buffer); break; }
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Line: { add_vertices_as_line(prev, curr, v_buffer); break; }
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle: { add_vertices_as_solid(prev, curr, t_buffer, static_cast<unsigned int>(v_multibuffer.size()) - 1, v_buffer, i); break; }
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle: { add_vertices_as_solid(prev, curr, t_buffer, v_buffer, i); break; }
// collect options zs for later use
@ -1593,6 +1668,138 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
// smooth toolpaths corners for the given TBuffer using triangles
auto smooth_triangle_toolpaths_corners = [&gcode_result](const TBuffer& t_buffer, MultiVertexBuffer& v_multibuffer) {
auto extract_position_at = [](const VertexBuffer& vertices, size_t offset) {
return Vec3f(vertices[offset + 0], vertices[offset + 1], vertices[offset + 2]);
auto update_position_at = [](VertexBuffer& vertices, size_t offset, const Vec3f& position) {
vertices[offset + 0] = position[0];
vertices[offset + 1] = position[1];
vertices[offset + 2] = position[2];
size_t vertex_size_floats = t_buffer.vertices.vertex_size_floats();
for (const Path& path : t_buffer.paths) {
// the two segments of the path sharing the current vertex may belong
// to two different vertex buffers
size_t prev_sub_path_id = 0;
size_t next_sub_path_id = 0;
size_t path_vertices_count = path.vertices_count();
float half_width = 0.5f * path.width;
for (size_t j = 1; j < path_vertices_count - 1; ++j) {
size_t curr_s_id = path.sub_paths.front().first.s_id + j;
const Vec3f& prev = gcode_result.moves[curr_s_id - 1].position;
const Vec3f& curr = gcode_result.moves[curr_s_id].position;
const Vec3f& next = gcode_result.moves[curr_s_id + 1].position;
// select the subpaths which contains the previous/next segments
if (!path.sub_paths[prev_sub_path_id].contains(curr_s_id))
if (!path.sub_paths[next_sub_path_id].contains(curr_s_id + 1))
const Path::Sub_Path& prev_sub_path = path.sub_paths[prev_sub_path_id];
const Path::Sub_Path& next_sub_path = path.sub_paths[next_sub_path_id];
Vec3f prev_dir = (curr - prev).normalized();
Vec3f prev_right = Vec3f(prev_dir[1], -prev_dir[0], 0.0f).normalized();
Vec3f prev_up = prev_right.cross(prev_dir);
Vec3f next_dir = (next - curr).normalized();
Vec3f next_right = Vec3f(next_dir[1], -next_dir[0], 0.0f).normalized();
Vec3f next_up = next_right.cross(next_dir);
bool is_right_turn = prev_up.dot(prev_dir.cross(next_dir)) <= 0.0f;
float cos_dir = prev_dir.dot(next_dir);
// whether the angle between adjacent segments is greater than 45 degrees
bool is_sharp = cos_dir < 0.7071068f;
float displacement = 0.0f;
if (cos_dir > -0.9998477f) {
// if the angle between adjacent segments is smaller than 179 degrees
Vec3f med_dir = (prev_dir + next_dir).normalized();
displacement = half_width * ::tan(::acos(std::clamp(next_dir.dot(med_dir), -1.0f, 1.0f)));
float sq_prev_length = (curr - prev).squaredNorm();
float sq_next_length = (next - curr).squaredNorm();
float sq_displacement = sqr(displacement);
bool can_displace = displacement > 0.0f && sq_displacement < sq_prev_length&& sq_displacement < sq_next_length;
if (can_displace) {
Vec3f displacement_vec = displacement * prev_dir;
// matches inner corner vertices
if (is_right_turn) {
// offset into the vertex buffer of the right vertex of the previous segment
size_t prev_right_offset = prev_sub_path.last.i_id - ((prev_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 + 3) * vertex_size_floats;
// new position of the right vertices
Vec3f shared_right = extract_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_right_offset) - displacement_vec;
// update previous segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_right_offset, shared_right);
// offset into the vertex buffer of the right vertex of the next segment
size_t r_offset = (curr_s_id == next_sub_path.first.i_id) ? 1 : 0;
size_t next_right_offset = next_sub_path.last.i_id - ((next_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 - r_offset) * vertex_size_floats;
// update next segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[next_sub_path.first.b_id], next_right_offset, shared_right);
else {
// offset into the vertex buffer of the left vertex of the previous segment
size_t prev_left_offset = prev_sub_path.last.i_id - ((prev_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 + 1) * vertex_size_floats;
// new position of the left vertices
Vec3f shared_left = extract_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_left_offset) - displacement_vec;
// update previous segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_left_offset, shared_left);
// offset into the vertex buffer of the left vertex of the next segment
size_t l_offset = (curr_s_id == next_sub_path.first.i_id) ? 3 : 1;
size_t next_left_offset = next_sub_path.last.i_id - ((next_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 - l_offset) * vertex_size_floats;
// update next segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[next_sub_path.first.b_id], next_left_offset, shared_left);
if (!is_sharp) {
// matches outer corner vertices
if (is_right_turn) {
// offset into the vertex buffer of the left vertex of the previous segment
size_t prev_left_offset = prev_sub_path.last.i_id - ((prev_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 + 1) * vertex_size_floats;
// new position of the left vertices
Vec3f shared_left = extract_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_left_offset) + displacement_vec;
// update previous segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_left_offset, shared_left);
// offset into the vertex buffer of the left vertex of the next segment
size_t l_offset = (curr_s_id == next_sub_path.first.i_id) ? 3 : 1;
size_t next_left_offset = next_sub_path.last.i_id - ((next_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 - l_offset) * vertex_size_floats;
// update next segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[next_sub_path.first.b_id], next_left_offset, shared_left);
else {
// offset into the vertex buffer of the right vertex of the previous segment
size_t prev_right_offset = prev_sub_path.last.i_id - ((prev_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 + 3) * vertex_size_floats;
// new position of the right vertices
Vec3f shared_right = extract_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_right_offset) + displacement_vec;
// update previous segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[prev_sub_path.first.b_id], prev_right_offset, shared_right);
// offset into the vertex buffer of the right vertex of the next segment
size_t r_offset = (curr_s_id == next_sub_path.first.i_id) ? 1 : 0;
size_t next_right_offset = next_sub_path.last.i_id - ((next_sub_path.last.s_id - curr_s_id) * 6 - r_offset) * vertex_size_floats;
// update next segment
update_position_at(v_multibuffer[next_sub_path.first.b_id], next_right_offset, shared_right);
// smooth toolpaths corners for TBuffers using triangles
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_buffers.size(); ++i) {
const TBuffer& t_buffer = m_buffers[i];
if (t_buffer.render_primitive_type == TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle) {
smooth_triangle_toolpaths_corners(t_buffer, vertices[i]);
for (MultiVertexBuffer& v_multibuffer : vertices) {
for (VertexBuffer& v_buffer : v_multibuffer) {
@ -1693,7 +1900,6 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
if (t_buffer.render_primitive_type != TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point) {
Path& last_path = t_buffer.paths.back();
last_path.add_sub_path(prev, static_cast<unsigned int>(i_multibuffer.size()) - 1, 0, i - 1);
@ -1709,7 +1915,6 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
if (t_buffer.render_primitive_type != TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point) {
Path& last_path = t_buffer.paths.back();
last_path.add_sub_path(prev, static_cast<unsigned int>(i_multibuffer.size()) - 1, 0, i - 1);
@ -2819,6 +3024,16 @@ void GCodeViewer::refresh_render_paths(bool keep_sequential_current_first, bool
delta_1st *= buffer->indices_per_segment();
render_path->offsets.push_back(static_cast<size_t>((sub_path.first.i_id + delta_1st) * sizeof(unsigned int)));
#if 0
// check sizes and offsets against index buffer size on gpu
GLint buffer_size;
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer->indices[render_path->index_buffer_id].ibo));
glsafe(::glGetBufferParameteriv(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &buffer_size));
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
if (render_path->offsets.back() + render_path->sizes.back() * sizeof(unsigned int) > buffer_size)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "GCodeViewer::refresh_render_paths: Invalid render path data";
// set sequential data to their final value
Add table
Reference in a new issue