Sketch of the PlaceholderParser if/elsif/else macro.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 269 additions and 92 deletions
@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ public:
bool is_vector() const { return ! this->is_scalar(); }
typedef ConfigOption* ConfigOptionPtr;
typedef const ConfigOption* ConfigOptionConstPtr;
// Value of a single valued option (bool, int, float, string, point, enum)
template <class T>
class ConfigOptionSingle : public ConfigOption {
@ -117,6 +117,109 @@ void PlaceholderParser::apply_env_variables()
namespace client
template<typename Iterator>
struct OptWithPos {
OptWithPos() {}
OptWithPos(ConfigOptionConstPtr opt, boost::iterator_range<Iterator> it_range) : opt(opt), it_range(it_range) {}
ConfigOptionConstPtr opt = nullptr;
boost::iterator_range<Iterator> it_range;
template<typename Iterator>
struct expr
expr() : type(TYPE_EMPTY) { data.s = nullptr; }
expr(bool b) : type(TYPE_BOOL) { data.b = b; }
expr(int i) : type(TYPE_INT) { data.i = i; }
expr(double d) : type(TYPE_DOUBLE) { data.d = d; }
expr(const char *s) : type(TYPE_STRING) { data.s = new std::string(s); }
expr(const std::string &s) : type(TYPE_STRING) { data.s = new std::string(s); }
expr(const expr &rhs) : type(rhs.type) { data.s = (rhs.type == TYPE_STRING) ? new std::string(* :; }
expr(expr &&rhs) : type(rhs.type) { data.s =; = nullptr; rhs.type = TYPE_EMPTY; }
~expr() { if (type == TYPE_STRING) delete data.s; data.s = nullptr; }
expr &operator=(const expr &rhs)
type = rhs.type;
data.s = (type == TYPE_STRING) ? new std::string(* :;
return *this;
expr &operator=(expr &&rhs)
type = rhs.type;
data.s =;
|||| = nullptr;
rhs.type = TYPE_EMPTY;
return *this;
bool& b() { return data.b; }
bool b() const { return data.b; }
int& i() { return data.i; }
int i() const { return data.i; }
double& d() { return data.d; }
double d() const { return data.d; }
std::string& s() { return *data.s; }
const std::string& s() const { return *data.s; }
std::string to_string() const
std::string out;
switch (type) {
case TYPE_BOOL: out = boost::to_string(data.b); break;
case TYPE_INT: out = boost::to_string(data.i); break;
case TYPE_DOUBLE: out = boost::to_string(data.d); break;
case TYPE_STRING: out = *data.s; break;
return out;
union {
bool b;
int i;
double d;
std::string *s;
} data;
enum Type {
int type;
// Range of input iterators covering this expression.
// Used for throwing parse exceptions.
boost::iterator_range<Iterator> it_range;
static void store_iterator_range(expr &self, Iterator &it_start, boost::iterator_range<Iterator> &range_end)
self.it_range = boost::iterator_range<Iterator>(it_start, range_end.end());
static void to_string2(expr &self, std::string &out)
out = self.to_string();
static void evaluate_boolean(expr &self, bool &out)
if (self.type != TYPE_BOOL)
self.it_range.begin(), self.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("Not a boolean expression")));
out = self.b();
static void set_if(bool &cond, bool ¬_yet_consumed, std::string &str_in, std::string &str_out)
if (cond && not_yet_consumed) {
str_out = str_in;
not_yet_consumed = false;
struct MyContext {
const PlaceholderParser *pp = nullptr;
const DynamicConfig *config_override = nullptr;
@ -207,66 +310,94 @@ namespace client
opt_key.begin(), opt_key.end(), boost::spirit::info("Negative vector index")));
output = vec->vserialize()[(idx >= (int)vec->size()) ? 0 : idx];
struct expr
expr(int i = 0) : type(TYPE_INT) { data.i = i; }
expr(double d) : type(TYPE_DOUBLE) { data.d = d; }
expr(const char *s) : type(TYPE_STRING) { data.s = new std::string(s); }
expr(std::string &s) : type(TYPE_STRING) { data.s = new std::string(s); }
expr(const expr &rhs) : type(rhs.type) { data.s = (rhs.type == TYPE_STRING) ? new std::string(* :; }
expr(expr &&rhs) : type(rhs.type) { data.s =; = nullptr; rhs.type = TYPE_EMPTY; }
~expr() { if (type == TYPE_STRING) delete data.s; data.s = nullptr; }
expr &operator=(const expr &rhs)
type = rhs.type;
data.s = (type == TYPE_STRING) ? new std::string(* :;
return *this;
expr &operator=(expr &&rhs)
type = rhs.type;
data.s =;
|||| = nullptr;
rhs.type = TYPE_EMPTY;
return *this;
int& i() { return data.i; }
int i() const { return data.i; }
double& d() { return data.d; }
double d() const { return data.d; }
std::string& s() { return *data.s; }
const std::string& s() const { return *data.s; }
std::string to_string() const
template <typename Iterator>
static void resolve_variable(
const MyContext *ctx,
boost::iterator_range<Iterator> &opt_key,
OptWithPos<Iterator> &output)
std::string out;
switch (type) {
case TYPE_INT: out = boost::to_string(data.i); break;
case TYPE_DOUBLE: out = boost::to_string(data.d); break;
case TYPE_STRING: out = *data.s; break;
return out;
const ConfigOption *opt = ctx->resolve_symbol(std::string(opt_key.begin(), opt_key.end()));
if (opt == nullptr)
opt_key.begin(), opt_key.end(), boost::spirit::info("Not a variable name")));
output.opt = opt;
output.it_range = opt_key;
union {
int i;
double d;
std::string *s;
} data;
template <typename Iterator>
static void scalar_variable_reference(
const MyContext *ctx,
OptWithPos<Iterator> &opt,
expr<Iterator> &output)
if (opt.opt->is_vector())
opt.it_range.begin(), opt.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("Referencing a scalar variable in a vector context")));
switch (opt.opt->type()) {
case coFloat: output.d() = opt.opt->getFloat(); break;
case coInt: output.i() = opt.opt->getInt(); break;
case coString: output.s() = static_cast<const ConfigOptionString*>(opt.opt)->value; break;
case coPercent: output.d() = opt.opt->getFloat(); break;
case coPoint: output.s() = opt.opt->serialize(); break;
case coBool: output.b() = opt.opt->getBool(); break;
case coFloatOrPercent:
opt.it_range.begin(), opt.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("FloatOrPercent variables are not supported")));
opt.it_range.begin(), opt.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("Unknown scalar variable type")));
enum Type {
template <typename Iterator>
static void vector_variable_reference(
const MyContext *ctx,
OptWithPos<Iterator> &opt,
expr<Iterator> &expr_index,
Iterator it_end,
expr<Iterator> &output)
if (opt.opt->is_scalar())
opt.it_range.begin(), opt.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("Referencing a vector variable in a scalar context")));
const ConfigOptionVectorBase *vec = static_cast<const ConfigOptionVectorBase*>(opt.opt);
if (vec->empty())
opt.it_range.begin(), opt.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("Indexing an empty vector variable")));
if (expr_index.type != expr<Iterator>::TYPE_INT)
opt.it_range.begin(), opt.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("Non-integer index is not allowed to index a vector")));
size_t idx = (expr_index.i() < 0) ? 0 : (expr_index.i() >= int(vec->size())) ? 0 : expr_index.i();
switch (opt.opt->type()) {
case coFloats: output.d() = static_cast<const ConfigOptionFloats *>(opt.opt)->values[idx]; break;
case coInts: output.i() = static_cast<const ConfigOptionInts *>(opt.opt)->values[idx]; break;
case coStrings: output.s() = static_cast<const ConfigOptionStrings *>(opt.opt)->values[idx]; break;
case coPercents: output.d() = static_cast<const ConfigOptionPercents*>(opt.opt)->values[idx]; break;
case coPoints: output.s() = static_cast<const ConfigOptionPoints *>(opt.opt)->values[idx].dump_perl(); break;
case coBools: output.b() = static_cast<const ConfigOptionBools *>(opt.opt)->values[idx] != 0; break;
opt.it_range.begin(), opt.it_range.end(), boost::spirit::info("Unknown vector variable type")));
output.it_range = boost::iterator_range<Iterator>(opt.it_range.begin(), it_end);
int type;
template <typename Iterator>
static void store_start_position(
boost::iterator_range<Iterator> &range,
Iterator &output)
output = range.begin();
template <typename Iterator>
static void store_end_position(
boost::iterator_range<Iterator> &range,
Iterator &output)
output = range.end();
@ -282,6 +413,7 @@ namespace client
using boost::spirit::qi::eol;
using boost::spirit::qi::eoi;
using boost::spirit::qi::eps;
using boost::spirit::qi::omit;
using boost::spirit::qi::raw;
using boost::spirit::qi::lit;
using boost::spirit::qi::lexeme;
@ -300,6 +432,7 @@ namespace client
boost::spirit::qi::_val_type _val;
boost::spirit::qi::_1_type _1;
boost::spirit::qi::_2_type _2;
boost::spirit::qi::_r1_type _a1;
boost::spirit::qi::_r1_type _r1;
boost::spirit::qi::uint_type uint_;
@ -307,7 +440,7 @@ namespace client
// The leading eps is required by the "expectation point" operator ">".
// Without it, some of the errors would not trigger the error handler.
start = eps > *(text [_val+=_1]
|| ((lit('{') > macro [_val+=_1] > '}')
|| ((lit('{') > macro(_r1) [_val+=_1] > '}')
| (lit('[') > legacy_variable_expansion(_r1) [_val+=_1] > ']')));
@ -315,12 +448,34 @@ namespace client
// The free-form text will be inserted into the processed text without a modification.
text = raw[+(char_ - '[' - '{')];
text_or_empty = raw[*(char_ - '[' - '{')];
// New style of macro expansion.
// The macro expansion may contain numeric or string expressions, ifs and cases.
macro = identifier;
macro =
string("if") > if_else_output(_r1) [_val = _1]
| string("switch") > switch_output(_r1) [_val = _1]
| expression(_r1) [ boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::to_string2, _1, _val) ];
// An if expression enclosed in {} (the outmost {} are already parsed by the caller).
if_else_output =
eps[_b=true] >
omit[bool_expr_eval(_r1)[_a=_1]] > '}' > text_or_empty[boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::set_if, _a, _b, _1, _val)] > '{' >
*("elsif" > omit[bool_expr_eval(_r1)[_a=_1]] > '}' > text_or_empty[boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::set_if, _a, _b, _1, _val)]) >>
-("else" > '}' >> text_or_empty[boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::set_if, _b, _b, _1, _val)]) >
// A switch expression enclosed in {} (the outmost {} are already parsed by the caller).
switch_output =
eps[_b=true] >
omit[expr(_r1)[_a=_1]] > '}' > text_or_empty[boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::set_if_equal, _a, _b, _1, _val)] > '{' >
*("elsif" > omit[bool_expr_eval(_r1)[_a=_1]] > '}' > text_or_empty[boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::set_if, _a, _b, _1, _val)]) >>
-("else" > '}' >> text_or_empty[boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::set_if, _b, _b, _1, _val)]) >
// Legacy variable expansion of the original Slic3r, in the form of [scalar_variable] or [vector_variable_index].
legacy_variable_expansion =
(identifier >> &lit(']'))
@ -336,50 +491,58 @@ namespace client
bool_expr =
(expression >> '=' >> '=' >> expression) |
(expression >> '!' >> '=' >> expression) |
(expression >> '<' >> '>' >> expression)
expression(_r1) // [ _val = _1 ]
>> *( (lit('=') > '=' > expression(_r1) ) //[_val += _1])
| (lit('!') > '=' > expression(_r1) )//[_val -= _1])
| (lit('<') > '>' > expression(_r1) )//[_val -= _1])
||||"bool expression");
// Evaluate a boolean expression stored as expr into a boolean value.
// Throw if the bool_expr does not produce a expr of boolean type.
bool_expr_eval = bool_expr(_r1) [ boost::phoenix::bind(&expr<Iterator>::evaluate_boolean, _1, _val) ];
expression =
term //[_val = _1]
>> *( ('+' >> term ) //[_val += _1])
| ('-' >> term )//[_val -= _1])
term(_r1) //[_val = _1]
>> *( (lit('+') > term(_r1) ) //[_val += _1])
| (lit('-') > term(_r1) )//[_val -= _1])
term =
factor //[_val = _1]
>> *( ('*' >> factor )//[_val *= _1])
| ('/' >> factor )//[_val /= _1])
factor(_r1) //[_val = _1]
>> *( (lit('*') > factor(_r1) )//[_val *= _1])
| (lit('/') > factor(_r1) )//[_val /= _1])
#define START_LIT(LIT) omit[raw[lit(LIT)][boost::phoenix::bind(&MyContext::store_start_position<Iterator>, _1, _a)]]
factor =
int_ //[_val = expr(_1)]
| double_ //[_val = expr(_1)]
| '(' >> expression >> ')' // [_val = std::move(_1)] >> ')'
| ('-' >> factor ) //[_val = -_1])
| ('+' >> factor ) //[_val = std::move(_1)])
| (START_LIT('(') > expression(_r1) > ')') // [_val = std::move(_1)] >> ')'
| (START_LIT('-') > factor(_r1) ) //[_val = -_1])
| (START_LIT('+') > factor(_r1) ) //[_val = std::move(_1)])
| scalar_variable_reference(_r1)
#undef START_LIT
// text %= lexeme[+(char_ - '<')];
scalar_variable_reference =
(variable_reference(_r1) >>'[' > expression(_r1) >
omit[raw[lit(']')][boost::phoenix::bind(&MyContext::store_end_position<Iterator>, _1, _a)]])
[ boost::phoenix::bind(&MyContext::vector_variable_reference<Iterator>, _r1, _1, _2, _a, _val) ]
| variable_reference(_r1)
[ boost::phoenix::bind(&MyContext::scalar_variable_reference<Iterator>, _r1, _1, _val) ];
||||"scalar variable reference");
// text_to_eol %= lexeme[*(char_ - eol) >> (eol | eoi)];
expression_with_braces = lit('{') >> (
string("if") >> if_else_output [_val = _1] |
string("switch") >> switch_output [_val = _1] |
expression [_val = boost::to_string(_1)] >> '}'
if_else_output =
bool_expr[_r1 = _1] >> '}' >> text_to_eol[_val = _r1 ? _1 : std::string()] >>
*(lit('{') >> "elsif" >> bool_expr[_r1 = !_r1 && _1] >> '}' >> text_to_eol[_val = _r1 ? _1 : std::string()]) >>
-(lit('{') >> "else" >> '}' >> text_to_eol[_val = _r1 ? std::string() : _1]);
variable_reference = identifier
[ boost::phoenix::bind(&MyContext::resolve_variable<Iterator>, _r1, _1, _val) ];
||||"variable reference");
@ -396,20 +559,31 @@ namespace client
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> start;
// A free-form text.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> text;
// A free-form text, possibly empty.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> text_or_empty;
// Statements enclosed in curely braces {}
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> macro;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> macro;
// Legacy variable expansion of the original Slic3r, in the form of [scalar_variable] or [vector_variable_index].
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> legacy_variable_expansion;
// Parsed identifier name.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, boost::iterator_range<Iterator>, boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> identifier;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, boost::iterator_range<Iterator>(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> identifier;
// Math expression consisting of +- operators over terms.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, expr<Iterator>(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> expression;
// Boolean expressions over expressions.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, expr<Iterator>(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> bool_expr;
// Evaluate boolean expression into bool.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, bool(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> bool_expr_eval;
// Math expression consisting of */ operators over factors.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, expr<Iterator>(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> term;
// Number literals, functions, braced expressions, variable references, variable indexing references.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, expr<Iterator>(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::qi::locals<Iterator>, boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> factor;
// Reference of a scalar variable, or reference to a field of a vector variable.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, expr<Iterator>(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::qi::locals<Iterator>, boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> scalar_variable_reference;
// Rule to translate an identifier to a ConfigOption, or to fail.
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, OptWithPos<Iterator>(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> variable_reference;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, expr(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> expression, term, factor;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> text_to_eol;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(bool), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> expression_with_braces;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, bool, boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> bool_expr;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(bool), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> if_else_output;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(expr), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> switch_output;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::qi::locals<bool, bool>, boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> if_else_output;
boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(const MyContext*), boost::spirit::qi::locals<expr<Iterator>, bool, std::string>, boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> switch_output;
Add table
Reference in a new issue