Merge patches + creation of patch outlines
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 490 additions and 263 deletions
@ -398,7 +398,12 @@ bool is_almost_parallel(FI fi,
/// <param name="face_type_map">In/Out map with faces type</param>
void flood_fill_inner(const CutMesh &mesh, FaceTypeMap &face_type_map);
using ReductionMap = CutMesh::Property_map<VI, VI>;
// Conversion one vertex index to another
using CvtVI2VI = CutMesh::Property_map<VI, VI>;
// Each Patch track outline vertex conversion to tource model
const std::string patch_source_name = "v:patch_source";
using ReductionMap = CvtVI2VI;
/// <summary>
/// Create map to reduce unnecesary triangles,
/// Triangles are made by divided quad to two triangles
@ -474,6 +479,53 @@ CutAOIs create_cut_area_of_interests(const CutMesh &mesh,
const ExPolygons &shapes,
FaceTypeMap &face_type_map);
// To track during diff_models,
// what was cutted off, from CutAOI
struct SurfacePatch
// converted cut to CGAL mesh
CutMesh mesh;
// CvtVI2VI cvt = mesh.property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name);
// Conversion VI from this patch to source VI(model) is stored in mesh property
// converted source.second to mesh half edges
std::vector<HI> outline;
BoundingBoxf3 bb;
//// Data needed to find best projection distances
// index of source model in models
size_t model_id;
// index of source CutAOI
size_t aoi_id;
// index of shape from ExPolygons
size_t shape_id = 0;
// TODO: fill by point from AOI outline
//// Used only during clipping phase
// flag that part will be deleted
bool full_inside = false;
// flag that Patch could contain more than one part
bool just_cliped = false;
using SurfacePatches = std::vector<SurfacePatch>;
/// <summary>
/// Differenciate other models
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">Patches from meshes</param>
/// <param name="m2i">Convert model_index and cut_index into one index</param>
/// <param name="cut_models">Source points for Cutted AOIs</param>
/// <param name="models">Original models without cut modifications used for
/// differenciate</param> <param name="projection">Define projection
/// direction</param> <returns>Cuts differenciate by models - Patch</returns>
SurfacePatches diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models,
const Emboss::IProject3f &projection);
/// <summary>
/// To select correct area
/// </summary>
@ -485,6 +537,9 @@ struct ProjectionDistance
// index of CutAOI
uint32_t aoi_index = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
// index of Patch
uint32_t patch_index = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
// index of half edge in AOI
uint32_t hi_index = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
@ -498,23 +553,23 @@ using ProjectionDistances = std::vector<ProjectionDistance>;
using VDistances = std::vector<ProjectionDistances>;
/// <summary>
/// Calculate distances from CutAOI contour points to ProjectionOrigin
/// Calculate distances for SurfacePatches outline points
/// NOTE:
/// each model has to have "vert_shape_map" .. Know source of new vertices
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">models AOIs</param>
/// <param name="count_shapes_points">Count of contour points in shapes</param>
/// <param name="patches">Part of surface</param>
/// <param name="models">Vertices position</param>
/// <param name="shapes_mesh">Mesh created by shapes</param>
/// <param name="count_shapes_points">Count of contour points in shapes</param>
/// <param name="projection_ratio">Define best distnace</param>
/// <param name="vert_shape_map">Know source of new vertices</param>
/// <returns>Projection distances of cutted shape points</returns>
VDistances calc_distances(const VCutAOIs &cuts,
size_t count_shapes_points,
VDistances calc_distances(const SurfacePatches &patches,
const CutMeshes &models,
const CutMesh &shapes_mesh,
size_t count_shapes_points,
float projection_ratio);
/// <summary>
/// <summary>
/// Select distances in similar depth between expolygons
/// </summary>
/// <param name="distances">All distances</param>
@ -526,6 +581,27 @@ ProjectionDistances choose_best_distance(
const ExPolygons &shapes,
const ShapePoint2index &shape_point_2_index);
/// <summary>
/// Create mask for patches
/// </summary>
/// <param name="best_distances"></param>
/// <param name="patches"></param>
/// <param name="cuts"></param>
/// <returns>Mask of used patch</returns>
std::vector<bool> select_patches(const ProjectionDistances &best_distances,
const SurfacePatches &patches,
const VCutAOIs &cuts);
/// <summary>
/// Merge masked patches to one surface cut
/// </summary>
/// <param name="patches">All patches
/// NOTE: need add property for transform</param>
/// <param name="mask">Mash for using patch</param>
/// <returns>Result surface cut</returns>
SurfaceCut merge_patches(/*const*/ SurfacePatches &patches,
std::vector<bool> mask);
using ConvertMap = CutMesh::Property_map<VI, SurfaceCut::Index>;
/// <summary>
/// Create surface cuts from mesh model
@ -640,45 +716,6 @@ SurfaceCut::CutContour create_cut(const std::vector<HI> &outlines,
/// <returns>Merged all surface cuts into one</returns>
SurfaceCut merge_intersections(SurfaceCuts &cuts, const CutAOIs& cutAOIs, const std::vector<bool>& use_cut);
// To track what was cutted of
struct SurfacePatch
// converted cut to CGAL mesh
CutMesh mesh;
// converted source.second to mesh half edges
std::vector<HI> outline;
BoundingBoxf3 bb;
/// used during process
// flag that part will be deleted
bool full_inside = false;
// flag that Patch could contain more than one part
bool just_cliped = false;
using SurfacePatches = std::vector<SurfacePatch>;
/// <summary>
/// Differenciate other models
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">Patches from meshes</param>
/// <param name="m2i">Convert model_index and cut_index into one index</param>
/// <param name="cut_models">Source points for Cutted AOIs</param>
/// <param name="models">Original models without cut modifications used for differenciate</param>
/// <param name="projection">Define projection direction</param>
/// <returns>Cuts differenciate by models - Patch</returns>
SurfacePatches diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models,
const Emboss::IProject3f &projection);
// keep CGAL Mesh for next processing
struct SurfaceCutWithMesh : public SurfaceCut{
CutMesh cgalMesh = CutMesh();
/// <summary>
/// Merge 2 Cuts when has intersection
/// </summary>
@ -707,7 +744,7 @@ void store(const ProjectionDistances &pds, const VCutAOIs &aois, const CutMeshes
void store(const SurfaceCuts &cut, const std::string &dir);
void store(const std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> &models, const std::string &obj_filename);
void store(const std::vector<CutMesh>&models, const std::string &off_filename);
void store(const std::vector<CutMesh>&models, const std::string &dir);
void store(const Emboss::IProjection &projection, const Point &point_to_project, float projection_ratio, const std::string &obj_filename);
} // namespace privat
@ -755,7 +792,8 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const ExPolygons &shapes,
priv::store(cgal_models, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "model");// model[0-N].off
priv::store(cgal_models, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "model/");// model[0-N].off
priv::store(cgal_neg_models, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "model_neg/"); // model[0-N].off
priv::CutMesh cgal_shape = priv::to_cgal(shapes, projection);
@ -778,33 +816,35 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const ExPolygons &shapes,
// Differenciate other models from CutAOI (Cutted Area of Interest)
priv::ModelCut2index m2i(model_cuts);
priv::SurfacePatches patches = priv::diff_models(model_cuts, m2i, cgal_models, cgal_neg_models, projection);
priv::store(patches, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "patches/");
// fix - convert shape_point_id to expolygon index
// save 1 param(s2i) from diff_models call
for (priv::SurfacePatch &patch : patches)
patch.shape_id = s2i.calc_id(patch.shape_id).expolygons_index;
// calc distance to projection for all outline points of cutAOI(shape)
// it is used for distiguish the top one
uint32_t shapes_points = s2i.get_count();
// for each point collect all projection distances
priv::VDistances distances = priv::calc_distances(
model_cuts, shapes_points, cgal_models, cgal_shape, projection_ratio);
priv::VDistances distances = priv::calc_distances(patches, cgal_models, cgal_shape, shapes_points, projection_ratio);
// for each point select best projection
priv::ProjectionDistances best_projection =
priv::choose_best_distance(distances, shapes, s2i);
priv::ProjectionDistances best_projection = priv::choose_best_distance(distances, shapes, s2i);
store(best_projection, model_cuts, cgal_models, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "best_projection.obj"); // only debug
// TODO: fix by using of patches
//store(best_projection, model_cuts, cgal_models, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "best_projection.obj"); // only debug
// Create mask for wanted AOIs
std::vector<bool> is_best_cut(m2i.get_count(), {false});
for (const priv::ProjectionDistance& d : best_projection)
if (d.model_index != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
is_best_cut[m2i.calc_index({d.model_index, d.aoi_index})] = true;
std::vector<bool> use_patch = priv::select_patches(best_projection, patches, model_cuts);
SurfaceCut result = merge_patches(patches, use_patch);
return result;
// IMPROVE: create reduce map on demand - may be model do not need it (when it is not used for result)
// Reduction prepare
@ -842,8 +882,6 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const ExPolygons &shapes,
// Self Intersection of surface cuts are
// made by damaged models AND multi volumes
//SurfaceCut result = priv::merge_intersections(surface_cuts, cutAOIs, is_best_cut);
SurfaceCut result;
//for (SurfaceCuts &cuts : model_cuts)
// for (SurfaceCut &cut : cuts) append(result, std::move(cut));
@ -2087,60 +2125,86 @@ priv::CutAOIs priv::create_cut_area_of_interests(const CutMesh &mesh,
return result;
priv::VDistances priv::calc_distances(const std::vector<CutAOIs> &cuts,
size_t count_shapes_points,
const std::vector<CutMesh> &models,
const CutMesh &shapes_mesh,
float projection_ratio)
namespace priv {
/// <summary>
/// Calculate projection distance of point [in mm]
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">Point to calc distance</param>
/// <param name="pi">Index of point on contour</param>
/// <param name="shapes_mesh">Model of cutting shape</param>
/// <param name="projection_ratio">Ratio for best projection distance</param>
/// <returns>Distance of point from best projection</returns>
float calc_distance(const P3 &p,
uint32_t pi,
const CutMesh &shapes_mesh,
float projection_ratio);
float priv::calc_distance(const P3 &p,
uint32_t pi,
const CutMesh &shapes_mesh,
float projection_ratio)
// calculate distance from projection ration [in mm]
auto calc_distance = [&models, &shapes_mesh, projection_ratio](uint32_t pi, VI vi, uint32_t model_index) -> float {
const P3& p = models[model_index].point(vi);
// It is known because shapes_mesh is created inside of private space
VI vi_start(2 * pi);
VI vi_end(2 * pi + 1);
// It is known because shapes_mesh is created inside of private space
VI vi_start(2 * pi);
VI vi_end(2 * pi + 1);
// Get range for intersection
const P3 &start = shapes_mesh.point(vi_start);
const P3 &end = shapes_mesh.point(vi_end);
// Get range for intersection
const P3 &start = shapes_mesh.point(vi_start);
const P3 &end = shapes_mesh.point(vi_end);
size_t max_i = 0;
float max_val = 0.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
float val = start[i] - end[i];
// abs value
if (val < 0.f) val *= -1.f;
if (max_val < val) {
max_val = val;
max_i = i;
// find index in vector with biggest difference
size_t max_i = 0;
float max_val = 0.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
float val = start[i] - end[i];
// abs value
if (val < 0.f) val *= -1.f;
if (max_val < val) {
max_val = val;
max_i = i;
return (p[max_i] - start[max_i]) - projection_ratio * (end[max_i] - start[max_i]);
float from_start = p[max_i] - start[max_i];
float best_distance = projection_ratio * (end[max_i] - start[max_i]);
return from_start - best_distance;
priv::VDistances priv::calc_distances(const SurfacePatches &patches,
const CutMeshes &models,
const CutMesh &shapes_mesh,
size_t count_shapes_points,
float projection_ratio)
priv::VDistances result(count_shapes_points);
for (uint32_t model_index = 0; model_index < cuts.size(); model_index++) {
const CutAOIs& model_cuts = cuts[model_index];
for (const SurfacePatch &patch : patches) {
// map is created during intersection by corefine visitor
const VertexShapeMap &vert_shape_map =
models[model_index].property_map<VI, const IntersectingElement*>(vert_shape_map_name).first;
for (const CutAOI &cut : model_cuts) {
// for each half edge of outline
for (const HI& hi : cut.second) {
VI vi = models[model_index].source(hi);
const IntersectingElement * ie = vert_shape_map[vi];
if (ie == nullptr) continue;
assert(ie->shape_point_index != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
assert(ie->attr != (unsigned char) IntersectingElement::Type::undefined);
uint32_t pi = ie->shape_point_index;
assert(pi <= count_shapes_points);
std::vector<ProjectionDistance> &pds = result[pi];
uint32_t aoi_index = &cut - &model_cuts.front();
uint32_t hi_index = &hi - &cut.second.front();
float distance = calc_distance(pi, vi, model_index);
pds.push_back({model_index, aoi_index, hi_index, distance});
models[patch.model_id].property_map<VI, const IntersectingElement *>(vert_shape_map_name).first;
uint32_t patch_index = &patch - &patches.front();
// map is created during patch creation / dividing
const CvtVI2VI& cvt = patch.mesh.property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
// for each half edge of outline
for (const HI& hi : patch.outline) {
VI vi_patch = patch.mesh.source(hi);
VI vi_model = cvt[vi_patch];
if (!vi_model.is_valid()) continue;
const IntersectingElement *ie = vert_shape_map[vi_model];
if (ie == nullptr) continue;
assert(ie->shape_point_index != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
assert(ie->attr != (unsigned char) IntersectingElement::Type::undefined);
uint32_t pi = ie->shape_point_index;
assert(pi <= count_shapes_points);
std::vector<ProjectionDistance> &pds = result[pi];
uint32_t model_index = patch.model_id;
uint32_t aoi_index = patch.aoi_id;
uint32_t hi_index = &hi - &patch.outline.front();
const P3 &p = patch.mesh.point(vi_patch);
float distance = calc_distance(p, pi, shapes_mesh, projection_ratio);
pds.push_back({model_index, aoi_index, patch_index, hi_index, distance});
return result;
@ -2167,11 +2231,6 @@ uint32_t get_closest_point_index(const Point &p, const ExPolygons &shapes, const
// Search for closest projection to wanted distance
const ProjectionDistance *get_closest_projection(const ProjectionDistances &distance, float wanted_distance);
// return neighbor projection distance when exists
const ProjectionDistance *get_next(const ProjectionDistance &from_pd,
const ProjectionDistances &from,
const ProjectionDistances &to);
// fill result around known index inside one polygon
void fill_polygon_distances(const ProjectionDistance &pd, uint32_t index, const ShapePointId &id, ProjectionDistances & result, const ExPolygons &shapes, const VDistances &distances);
@ -2233,55 +2292,6 @@ const priv::ProjectionDistance *priv::get_closest_projection(
return min_pd;
const priv::ProjectionDistance *priv::get_next(
const ProjectionDistance &from_pd,
const ProjectionDistances &from,
const ProjectionDistances &to)
// exist some projection?
if (to.empty()) return {};
// find next same aoi (closest one)
const ProjectionDistance* to_pd = nullptr;
for (const ProjectionDistance &t : to) {
if (t.aoi_index != from_pd.aoi_index) continue;
if (to_pd != nullptr) {
// when exist more than one use closest to previous
float distance_prev = std::fabs(to_pd->distance - from_pd.distance);
float distance = std::fabs(t.distance - from_pd.distance);
if (distance < distance_prev)
to_pd = &t;
} else {
to_pd = &t;
if (to_pd != nullptr) {
// detect crossing aois
const ProjectionDistance* cross_pd = nullptr;
for (const ProjectionDistance &t : to) {
if (t.distance > to_pd->distance) continue;
for (const ProjectionDistance &f : from) {
if (f.aoi_index != t.aoi_index) continue;
if (f.distance < from_pd.distance) continue;
if (cross_pd!=nullptr) {
// multiple crossing
if (cross_pd->distance > f.distance)
cross_pd = &f;
} else {
cross_pd = &f;
// TODO: Detect opposit crossing - should be fixed
if (cross_pd!=nullptr) return cross_pd;
} else {
// Try find another closest AOI
return get_closest_projection(to, from_pd.distance);
return to_pd;
void priv::fill_polygon_distances(const ProjectionDistance &pd,
uint32_t index,
const ShapePointId &id,
@ -2299,15 +2309,13 @@ void priv::fill_polygon_distances(const ProjectionDistance &pd,
uint32_t act_index = index;
const ProjectionDistance* act_pd = &pd;
const ProjectionDistances* act_distances = &distances[act_index];
// Copy starting pd to result
result[act_index] = pd;
auto exist_next = [&distances, &act_index, &act_pd, &act_distances, &result]
auto exist_next = [&distances, &act_index, &act_pd, &result]
(uint32_t nxt_index) {
const ProjectionDistances* nxt_distances = &distances[nxt_index];
const ProjectionDistance *nxt_pd = get_next(*act_pd, *act_distances, *nxt_distances);
const ProjectionDistance *nxt_pd = get_closest_projection(distances[nxt_index] ,act_pd->distance);
// exist next projection distance ?
if (nxt_pd == nullptr) return false;
@ -2318,8 +2326,7 @@ void priv::fill_polygon_distances(const ProjectionDistance &pd,
// next
act_index = nxt_index;
act_pd = &result[nxt_index];
act_distances = nxt_distances;
act_pd = &result[nxt_index];
return true;
@ -2338,9 +2345,8 @@ void priv::fill_polygon_distances(const ProjectionDistance &pd,
// when all results for polygon are set no neccessary to iterate negative
if (act_index == finish_index) return;
act_index = index;
act_pd = &pd;
act_distances = &distances[act_index];
act_index = index;
act_pd = &pd;
// Negative iteration inside polygon
do {
uint32_t nxt_index = (act_index == first_index) ?
@ -2677,9 +2683,6 @@ bool priv::merge_intersection(SurfaceCut &cut1, const SurfaceCut &cut2) {
return false;
namespace priv {
} // namespace priv
void priv::create_face_types(FaceTypeMap &map,
const CutMesh &tm1,
const CutMesh &tm2,
@ -2927,7 +2930,7 @@ priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
uint32_t count_faces = cut.first.size();
// NOTE: It is more than neccessary, guess it better
// IMPROVE: Value is greater than neccessary, guess it better
uint32_t count_edges = count_faces*3;
CutMesh cm;
@ -2964,9 +2967,129 @@ priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
// convert VI from this patch to source VI, when exist
CvtVI2VI& cvt = cm.add_property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
// vi_s .. VertexIndex into mesh (source)
// vi_d .. new VertexIndex in cm (destination)
for (uint32_t vi_s = 0; vi_s < v_cvt.size(); ++vi_s) {
uint32_t vi_d = v_cvt[vi_s];
if (vi_d == def_val) continue;
// check only one conversion
cvt[VI(vi_d)] = VI(vi_s);
return {std::move(cm), std::move(outline)};
namespace priv {
/// <summary>
/// Create bounding boxes for AOI
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">Cutted AOI from models</param>
/// <param name="cut_models">Source points of cuts</param>
/// <returns>Bounding boxes</returns>
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> create_bbs(const VCutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMeshes &cut_models);
/// <summary>
/// Separate connected triangles into it's own patches
/// new patches are added to back of input patches
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i">index into patches</param>
/// <param name="patches">In/Out Patches</param>
void divide_patch(size_t i, SurfacePatches &patches);
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> priv::create_bbs(const VCutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMeshes &cut_models)
size_t count = 0;
for (const CutAOIs &cut : cuts) count += cut.size();
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> bbs;
for (size_t model_index = 0; model_index < cut_models.size(); ++model_index) {
const CutMesh &cut_model = cut_models[model_index];
const CutAOIs &cutAOIs = cuts[model_index];
for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < cutAOIs.size(); ++cut_index) {
const CutAOI &cut = cutAOIs[cut_index];
bbs.push_back(bounding_box(cut, cut_model));
return bbs;
void priv::divide_patch(size_t i, SurfacePatches &patches) {
SurfacePatch &patch = patches[i];
patch.just_cliped = false;
constexpr size_t def_value = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
CutMesh& cm = patch.mesh;
std::string patch_number_name = "f:patch_number";
auto patch_number = cm.add_property_map<FI, size_t>(patch_number_name, {def_value}).first;
size_t number = 0;
std::vector<FI> queue;
// IMPROVE: create groups around triangles and than connect groups
for (FI fi_cm : cm.faces()) {
if (patch_number[fi_cm] != def_value) continue;
// flood fill from triangle fi_cm to surrounding
do {
FI fi_q = queue.back();
if (patch_number[fi_q] != def_value) {
assert(patch_number[fi_q] == number);
patch_number[fi_q] = number;
HI hi = cm.halfedge(fi_q);
for (FI fi : cm.faces_around_face(hi)) {
// by documentation The face descriptor may be the null face, and it may be several times the same face descriptor.
if (!fi.is_valid()) continue;
if (patch_number[fi] == def_value) queue.push_back(fi);
} while (!queue.empty());
// speed up for only one patch - no dividing (the most common)
if (number == 1) {
|||| = bounding_box(cm);
// TODO: fix outline
const CvtVI2VI& cvt_from = patch.mesh.property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
auto separate_patch = [&patch_number, &patch, &cvt_from](size_t n) -> SurfacePatch {
CutAOI cut;
for (FI fi_cm : patch.mesh.faces())
if (patch_number[fi_cm] == n) cut.first.push_back(fi_cm);
SurfacePatch patch_new = create_surface_patch(cut, patch.mesh);
|||| = bounding_box(patch_new.mesh);
patch_new.aoi_id = patch.aoi_id;
patch_new.model_id = patch.model_id;
patch_new.shape_id = patch.shape_id;
// fix cvt
CvtVI2VI& cvt = patch_new.mesh.property_map<VI, VI>(patch_source_name).first;
for (VI &vi : cvt) {
if (!vi.is_valid()) continue;
vi = cvt_from[vi];
return patch_new;
for (size_t n = 1; n < number; n++)
patch = separate_patch(0);
priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
@ -2974,16 +3097,7 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const Emboss::IProject3f &projection)
// create bounding boxes for cuts
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> bbs;
for (size_t model_index = 0; model_index < models.size(); ++model_index) {
const CutMesh &cut_model = cut_models[model_index];
const CutAOIs &cutAOIs = cuts[model_index];
for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < cutAOIs.size(); ++cut_index) {
const CutAOI &cut = cutAOIs[cut_index];
bbs.push_back(bounding_box(cut, cut_model));
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> bbs = create_bbs(cuts, cut_models);
// check whether cut has intersection with model
auto has_bb_intersection = [&bbs, &m2i, &cuts]
@ -2996,7 +3110,7 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
return false;
// Do not make Tree twice, when exist out of cut function
// IMPROVE: Do not make Tree twice, when exist out of cut function
using Primitive = CGAL::AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive<CutMesh>;
using Traits = CGAL::AABB_traits<EpicKernel, Primitive>;
using Ray = EpicKernel::Ray_3;
@ -3012,7 +3126,8 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
// only for model without intersection
// use ray from any point in projection direction
// use ray (in projection direction) from a point from patch
// and count intersections: pair .. outside | odd .. inside
auto is_patch_inside_of_model = [&trees, &projection]
(SurfacePatch &patch, size_t model_index) {
// TODO: Solve model with hole in projection direction !!!
@ -3040,67 +3155,24 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
return is_in;
// separate connected triangles into it's own patches
// new patches are added to back of input patches
auto divide_patch = [](size_t i, SurfacePatches &patches) {
SurfacePatch &patch = patches[i];
patch.just_cliped = false;
constexpr size_t def_value = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
CutMesh& cm = patch.mesh;
std::string patch_number_name = "f:patch_number";
auto patch_number = cm.add_property_map<FI, size_t>(patch_number_name, {def_value}).first;
size_t number = 0;
std::vector<FI> queue;
// IMPROVE: create groups around triangles and than connect groups
for (FI fi_cm : cm.faces()) {
if (patch_number[fi_cm] != def_value) continue;
// flood fill from triangle fi_cm to surrounding
do {
FI fi_q = queue.back();
if (patch_number[fi_q] != def_value) {
assert(patch_number[fi_q] == number);
patch_number[fi_q] = number;
HI hi = cm.halfedge(fi_q);
for (FI fi : cm.faces_around_face(hi)) {
// by documentation The face descriptor may be the null face, and it may be several times the same face descriptor.
if (!fi.is_valid()) continue;
if (patch_number[fi] == def_value) queue.push_back(fi);
} while (!queue.empty());
// used to find expolygon index
auto get_shape_point_index = []
(const CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &model) -> uint32_t{
// map is created during intersection by corefine visitor
const VertexShapeMap &vert_shape_map = model.property_map<VI, const IntersectingElement *>(vert_shape_map_name).first;
// for each half edge of outline
for (HI hi : cut.second) {
VI vi = model.source(hi);
const IntersectingElement *ie = vert_shape_map[vi];
if (ie == nullptr) continue;
assert(ie->shape_point_index != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
return ie->shape_point_index;
// speed up for only one patch - no dividing (the most common)
if (number == 1) {
|||| = bounding_box(cm);
auto separate_patch = [&patch_number, &cm](size_t n) -> SurfacePatch {
CutAOI cut;
for (FI fi_cm : cm.faces())
if (patch_number[fi_cm] == n) cut.first.push_back(fi_cm);
SurfacePatch patch = create_surface_patch(cut, cm);
|||| = bounding_box(patch.mesh);
return patch;
for (size_t n = 1; n < number; n++)
patch = separate_patch(0);
// can't found any intersecting element in cut
return 0;
std::vector<bool> removed(m2i.get_count(), {false});
SurfacePatches patches;
// queue of patches for one AOI (permanent with respect to for loop)
SurfacePatches aoi_patches;
@ -3113,6 +3185,10 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
CutAOI &cut = model_cuts[cut_index];
SurfacePatch patch = create_surface_patch(cut, cut_model);
|||| = bbs[index];
patch.aoi_id = index;
patch.model_id = model_index;
patch.shape_id = get_shape_point_index(cut, cut_model);
for (size_t model_index2 = 0; model_index2 < models.size(); ++model_index2) {
@ -3130,36 +3206,112 @@ priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
auto it = aoi_patches.begin() + (i - 1);
if (it->full_inside) aoi_patches.erase(it);
if (aoi_patches.empty()) {
removed[index] = true;
// detection of full AOI inside of model
if (aoi_patches.empty()) break;
// divide cliped into parts
size_t end = aoi_patches.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i)
if (aoi_patches[i].just_cliped)
divide_patch(i, aoi_patches);
if (!removed[index])
if (!aoi_patches.empty())
// fill outlines
// Also use outline inside of patches(made by non manifold models)
// IMPROVE: trace outline from AOIs
for (SurfacePatch &patch : patches) {
const CutMesh &mesh = patch.mesh;
for (FI fi : mesh.faces()) {
HI hi1 = mesh.halfedge(fi);
HI hi2 =;
HI hi3 =;
// Is fi triangle?
assert( == hi1);
for (HI hi : {hi1, hi2, hi3}) {
HI hi_op = mesh.opposite(hi);
FI fi_op = mesh.face(hi_op);
if (!fi_op.is_valid())
return patches;
// TODO: reduce outlines
// TODO: add cutting edge
// TODO: merge AOIs without intersection - only append
// Cuts merged in are signed in finished vector as TRUE
// All rest cuts must be merged simple way
//SurfaceCut result;
//for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < cuts.size(); ++cut_index) {
// if (finished[cut_index]) continue;
// append(result, std::move(cuts[cut_index]));
//return result;
std::vector<bool> priv::select_patches(
const ProjectionDistances &best_distances,
const SurfacePatches &patches,
const VCutAOIs &cuts)
std::vector<bool> in_distances(patches.size(), {false});
for (const ProjectionDistance &d : best_distances)
in_distances[d.patch_index] = true;
// For sure of the bounding boxes intersection
const double bb_extension = 1e-10;
const Vec3d bb_ext(bb_extension, bb_extension, bb_extension);
auto extend_bb = [&bb_ext](const BoundingBoxf3 &bb) {
return BoundingBoxf3(
bb.min - bb_ext,
bb.max + bb_ext);
// queue to flood fill by patches
std::vector<size_t> patch_indices;
std::vector<bool> result(patches.size(), {false});
for (const ProjectionDistance &d : best_distances) {
if (result[d.patch_index]) continue;
// Add all connected patches
// This is way to add patche without source shape point
// 1. Patches inside of shape
// 2. Patches crossing outline between shape points
do {
size_t patch_index = patch_indices.back();
if (result[patch_index]) continue;
result[patch_index] = true;
const SurfacePatch &patch = patches[patch_index];
BoundingBoxf3 bb = extend_bb(;
for (const SurfacePatch &patch2 : patches) {
// IMPROVE: check patches only from same shape (ExPolygon)
size_t patch_index2 = &patch2 - &patches.front();
// is already filled?
if (result[patch_index2]) continue;
// only patches made by same shape could be connected
if (patch.shape_id != patch2.shape_id) continue;
BoundingBoxf3 bb2 = extend_bb(;
if (!bb.intersects(bb2)) continue;
if (!in_distances[patch_index2]) {
// TODO: check that really exist shared outline between patches
} while (!patch_indices.empty());
return result;
bool Slic3r::merge_intersection(SurfaceCut& sc1, const SurfaceCut& sc2) {
@ -3240,6 +3392,75 @@ SurfaceCut priv::merge_intersections(
return result;
// help function to 'merge_patches'
namespace priv {
/// <summary>
/// Convert patch to indexed_triangle_set
/// </summary>
/// <param name="patch">Part of surface</param>
/// <returns>Converted patch</returns>
SurfaceCut patch2cut(SurfacePatch &patch);
} // namespace priv
SurfaceCut priv::patch2cut(SurfacePatch &patch)
CutMesh &mesh = patch.mesh;
std::string convert_map_name = "v:convert";
priv::ConvertMap convert_map = mesh.add_property_map<priv::VI, SurfaceCut::Index>(convert_map_name).first;
size_t indices_size = mesh.faces().size();
size_t vertices_size = mesh.vertices().size();
SurfaceCut sc;
std::vector<uint32_t> v_cvt;
for (VI vi : mesh.vertices()) {
// vi order is is not sorted
// assert(vi.idx() == sc.vertices.size());
// vi is not continous
// assert(vi.idx() < vertices_size);
convert_map[vi] = sc.vertices.size();
const P3 &p = mesh.point(vi);
sc.vertices.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
for (FI fi : mesh.faces()) {
HI hi = mesh.halfedge(fi);
// Is fi triangle?
assert( == hi);
// triangle indicies
Vec3i ti;
size_t i = 0;
for (VI vi : { mesh.source(hi),
ti[i++] = convert_map[vi];
// Not neccessary, clean and free
return sc;
SurfaceCut priv::merge_patches(SurfacePatches &patches, std::vector<bool> mask)
SurfaceCut result;
for (SurfacePatch &patch : patches) {
size_t index = &patch - &patches.front();
if (!mask[index]) continue;
append(result, patch2cut(patch));
return result;
SurfaceCuts priv::create_surface_cuts(const CutAOIs &cuts,
CutMesh &mesh,
const ReductionMap &reduction_map)
@ -3592,11 +3813,17 @@ void priv::store(const std::vector<indexed_triangle_set> &models,
void priv::store(const std::vector<priv::CutMesh> &models,
const std::string &off_filename)
const std::string &dir)
if (models.empty()) return;
if (models.size() == 1) {
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "", models.front());
size_t model_index = 0;
for (const priv::CutMesh& model : models) {
std::string filename = off_filename + std::to_string(model_index++) + ".off";
std::string filename = dir + "model" + std::to_string(model_index++) + ".off";
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(filename, model);
Add table
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