Merge branch 'master' of into mesh_repair

This commit is contained in:
Enrico Turri 2018-02-22 15:31:48 +01:00
commit 95965b7b89
6 changed files with 299 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ add_library(libslic3r STATIC
${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillConcentric.hpp ${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillConcentric.hpp
${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillHoneycomb.cpp ${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillHoneycomb.cpp
${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillHoneycomb.hpp ${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillHoneycomb.hpp
${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillPlanePath.cpp ${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillPlanePath.cpp
${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillPlanePath.hpp ${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillPlanePath.hpp
${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillRectilinear.cpp ${LIBDIR}/libslic3r/Fill/FillRectilinear.cpp

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "FillConcentric.hpp" #include "FillConcentric.hpp"
#include "FillHoneycomb.hpp" #include "FillHoneycomb.hpp"
#include "Fill3DHoneycomb.hpp" #include "Fill3DHoneycomb.hpp"
#include "FillGyroid.hpp"
#include "FillPlanePath.hpp" #include "FillPlanePath.hpp"
#include "FillRectilinear.hpp" #include "FillRectilinear.hpp"
#include "FillRectilinear2.hpp" #include "FillRectilinear2.hpp"
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ Fill* Fill::new_from_type(const InfillPattern type)
case ipConcentric: return new FillConcentric(); case ipConcentric: return new FillConcentric();
case ipHoneycomb: return new FillHoneycomb(); case ipHoneycomb: return new FillHoneycomb();
case ip3DHoneycomb: return new Fill3DHoneycomb(); case ip3DHoneycomb: return new Fill3DHoneycomb();
case ipGyroid: return new FillGyroid();
case ipRectilinear: return new FillRectilinear2(); case ipRectilinear: return new FillRectilinear2();
// case ipRectilinear: return new FillRectilinear(); // case ipRectilinear: return new FillRectilinear();
case ipLine: return new FillLine(); case ipLine: return new FillLine();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
#include "../ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "../PolylineCollection.hpp"
#include "../Surface.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include "FillGyroid.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
Polyline FillGyroid::makeLineVert(double xPos, double yPos, double width, double height, double currentXBegin, double segmentSize, coord_t scaleFactor,
double zCs, double zSn, bool flip, double decal){
double maxSlope = abs(abs(zCs)-abs(zSn));
Polyline polyline;
polyline.points.push_back(Point(coord_t((std::max(std::min(currentXBegin, xPos+width),xPos) + decal) * scaleFactor), coord_t(yPos * scaleFactor)));
for(double y=yPos;y<yPos+height+segmentSize;y+=segmentSize){
if(y>yPos+height) y = yPos+height;
double ySn = sin(y +(zCs<0?3.14:0) + 3.14);
double yCs = cos(y +(zCs<0?3.14:0) + 3.14+(!flip?0:3.14));
double a = ySn;
double b = -zCs;
double res = zSn*yCs;
double r = sqrt(a*a + b*b);
double x = asin(a/r) + asin(res/r) +3.14;
x += currentXBegin;
double ydeviation = 0.5*(flip?-1:1)*(zSn>0?-1:1)*decal*(1-maxSlope)*(res/r - a/r);
polyline.points.push_back(Point(coord_t((std::max(std::min(x, xPos+width),xPos)+decal-ydeviation/2) * scaleFactor), coord_t((y + ydeviation) * scaleFactor)));
return polyline;
Polyline FillGyroid::makeLineHori(double xPos, double yPos, double width, double height, double currentYBegin, double segmentSize, coord_t scaleFactor,
double zCs, double zSn, bool flip, double decal){
double maxSlope = abs(abs(zCs)-abs(zSn));
Polyline polyline;
polyline.points.push_back(Point(coord_t(xPos * scaleFactor), coord_t((std::max(std::min(currentYBegin, yPos+height),yPos)+decal) * scaleFactor)));
for(double x=xPos;x<xPos+width+segmentSize;x+=segmentSize){
if(x>xPos+width) x = xPos+width;
double xSn = sin(x +(zSn<0?3.14:0) +(flip?0:3.14));
double xCs = cos(x +(zSn<0?3.14:0) );
double a = xCs;
double b = -zSn;
double res = zCs*xSn;
double r = sqrt(a*a + b*b);
double y = asin(a/r) + asin(res/r) +3.14/2;
y += currentYBegin;
double xdeviation = 0.5*(flip?-1:1)*(zCs>0?-1:1)*decal*(1-maxSlope)*(res/r - a/r);
polyline.points.push_back(Point(coord_t((x + xdeviation) * scaleFactor), coord_t((std::max(std::min(y, yPos+height),yPos)+decal-xdeviation/2) * scaleFactor)));
return polyline;
inline void FillGyroid::correctOrderAndAdd(const int num, Polyline poly, Polylines &array){
Points temp(poly.points.rbegin(), poly.points.rend());
// Generate a set of curves (array of array of 2d points) that describe a
// horizontal slice of a truncated regular octahedron with a specified
// grid square size.
Polylines FillGyroid::makeGrid(coord_t gridZ, double density, double layer_width, size_t gridWidth, size_t gridHeight, size_t curveType)
coord_t scaleFactor = coord_t(scale_(layer_width) / density);
Polylines result;
Polyline *polyline2;
double segmentSize = density/2;
double decal = layer_width*density;
double xPos = 0, yPos=0, width=gridWidth, height=gridHeight;
//scale factor for 5% : 8 712 388
// 1z = 10^-6 mm ?
double z = gridZ/(1.0 * scaleFactor);
double zSn = sin(z);
double zCs = cos(z);
int numLine = 0;
//begin to first one
int iter = 1;
double currentXBegin = xPos - PI/2;
currentXBegin = PI*(int)(currentXBegin/PI -1);
iter = (int)(currentXBegin/PI +1)%2;
bool flip = iter%2==1;
// bool needNewLine =false;
correctOrderAndAdd(numLine, makeLineVert(xPos, yPos, width, height, currentXBegin, segmentSize, scaleFactor, zCs, zSn, flip, 0), result);
//then, return by the other side
currentXBegin = currentXBegin + PI;
flip = iter%2==1;
if(currentXBegin < xPos+width-PI/2){
correctOrderAndAdd(numLine, makeLineVert(xPos, yPos, width, height, currentXBegin, segmentSize, scaleFactor, zCs, zSn, flip, 0), result);
// relance
currentXBegin = currentXBegin + PI;
flip = iter%2==1;
//begin to first one
int iter = 1;
//search first line output
double currentYBegin = yPos ;
currentYBegin = PI*(int)(currentYBegin/PI -0);
iter = (int)(currentYBegin/PI +1)%2;
bool flip = iter%2==1;
while(currentYBegin < yPos+width){
correctOrderAndAdd(numLine, makeLineHori(xPos, yPos, width, height, currentYBegin, segmentSize, scaleFactor, zCs, zSn, flip, 0), result);
//then, return by the other side
currentYBegin = currentYBegin + PI;
flip = iter%2==1;
correctOrderAndAdd(numLine, makeLineHori(xPos, yPos, width, height, currentYBegin, segmentSize, scaleFactor, zCs, zSn, flip, 0), result);
currentYBegin = currentYBegin + PI;
flip = iter%2==1;
return result;
void FillGyroid::_fill_surface_single(
const FillParams &params,
unsigned int thickness_layers,
const std::pair<float, Point> &direction,
ExPolygon &expolygon,
Polylines &polylines_out)
// no rotation is supported for this infill pattern
BoundingBox bb = expolygon.contour.bounding_box();
coord_t distance = coord_t(scale_(this->spacing) / (params.density*this->scaling));
// align bounding box to a multiple of our grid module
bb.merge(_align_to_grid(bb.min, Point(2*M_PI*distance, 2*M_PI*distance)));
// generate pattern
Polylines polylines = makeGrid(
(size_t)(ceil(bb.size().x / distance) + 1),
(size_t)(ceil(bb.size().y / distance) + 1),
(size_t)(((this->layer_id/thickness_layers) % 2) + 1) );
// move pattern in place
for (Polylines::iterator it = polylines.begin(); it != polylines.end(); ++ it)
it->translate(bb.min.x, bb.min.y);
// clip pattern to boundaries
polylines = intersection_pl(polylines, (Polygons)expolygon);
// connect lines
if (! params.dont_connect && ! polylines.empty()) { // prevent calling leftmost_point() on empty collections
ExPolygon expolygon_off;
ExPolygons expolygons_off = offset_ex(expolygon, (float)SCALED_EPSILON);
if (! expolygons_off.empty()) {
// When expanding a polygon, the number of islands could only shrink. Therefore the offset_ex shall generate exactly one expanded island for one input island.
assert(expolygons_off.size() == 1);
std::swap(expolygon_off, expolygons_off.front());
Polylines chained = PolylineCollection::chained_path_from(
#if SLIC3R_CPPVER >= 11
PolylineCollection::leftmost_point(polylines), false); // reverse allowed
bool first = true;
for (Polylines::iterator it_polyline = chained.begin(); it_polyline != chained.end(); ++ it_polyline) {
if (! first) {
// Try to connect the lines.
Points &pts_end = polylines_out.back().points;
const Point &first_point = it_polyline->points.front();
const Point &last_point = pts_end.back();
// TODO: we should also check that both points are on a fill_boundary to avoid
// connecting paths on the boundaries of internal regions
// TODO: avoid crossing current infill path
if (first_point.distance_to(last_point) <= 5 * distance &&
expolygon_off.contains(Line(last_point, first_point))) {
// Append the polyline.
pts_end.insert(pts_end.end(), it_polyline->points.begin(), it_polyline->points.end());
// The lines cannot be connected.
#if SLIC3R_CPPVER >= 11
std::swap(polylines_out.back(), *it_polyline);
first = false;
} // namespace Slic3r

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#ifndef slic3r_FillGyroid_hpp_
#define slic3r_FillGyroid_hpp_
#include <map>
#include "../libslic3r.h"
#include "FillBase.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class FillGyroid : public Fill
FillGyroid(){ scaling = 1.75; }
virtual Fill* clone() const { return new FillGyroid(*this); };
virtual ~FillGyroid() {}
// require bridge flow since most of this pattern hangs in air
virtual bool use_bridge_flow() const { return true; }
// mult of density, to have a good %of weight for each density parameter
float scaling;
virtual void _fill_surface_single(
const FillParams &params,
unsigned int thickness_layers,
const std::pair<float, Point> &direction,
ExPolygon &expolygon,
Polylines &polylines_out);
// create the gyroid grid to clip.
Polylines makeGrid(coord_t gridZ, double density, double layer_width, size_t gridWidth, size_t gridHeight, size_t curveType);
//add line poly in reverse if needed into array
inline void correctOrderAndAdd(const int num, Polyline poly, Polylines &array);
//create a curved horinzontal line (for each x, compute y)
Polyline makeLineHori(double xPos, double yPos, double width, double height,
double currentYBegin, double segmentSize, coord_t scaleFactor,
double zCs, double zSn,
bool flip, double decal=0);
//create a curved vertival line (for each y, compute x)
Polyline makeLineVert(double xPos, double yPos, double width, double height,
double currentXBegin, double segmentSize, coord_t scaleFactor,
double zCs, double zSn,
bool flip, double decal=0);
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_FillGyroid_hpp_

View file

@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef()
def->enum_values.push_back("concentric"); def->enum_values.push_back("concentric");
def->enum_values.push_back("honeycomb"); def->enum_values.push_back("honeycomb");
def->enum_values.push_back("3dhoneycomb"); def->enum_values.push_back("3dhoneycomb");
def->enum_values.push_back("hilbertcurve"); def->enum_values.push_back("hilbertcurve");
def->enum_values.push_back("archimedeanchords"); def->enum_values.push_back("archimedeanchords");
def->enum_values.push_back("octagramspiral"); def->enum_values.push_back("octagramspiral");
@ -567,6 +568,7 @@ PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef()
def->enum_labels.push_back("Concentric"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Concentric");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Honeycomb"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Honeycomb");
def->enum_labels.push_back("3D Honeycomb"); def->enum_labels.push_back("3D Honeycomb");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Hilbert Curve"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Hilbert Curve");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Archimedean Chords"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Archimedean Chords");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Octagram Spiral"); def->enum_labels.push_back("Octagram Spiral");

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ enum GCodeFlavor {
enum InfillPattern { enum InfillPattern {
ipRectilinear, ipGrid, ipTriangles, ipStars, ipCubic, ipLine, ipConcentric, ipHoneycomb, ip3DHoneycomb, ipRectilinear, ipGrid, ipTriangles, ipStars, ipCubic, ipLine, ipConcentric, ipHoneycomb, ip3DHoneycomb,
ipHilbertCurve, ipArchimedeanChords, ipOctagramSpiral, ipGyroid, ipHilbertCurve, ipArchimedeanChords, ipOctagramSpiral,
}; };
enum SupportMaterialPattern { enum SupportMaterialPattern {
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ template<> inline t_config_enum_values& ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>::get_enu
keys_map["concentric"] = ipConcentric; keys_map["concentric"] = ipConcentric;
keys_map["honeycomb"] = ipHoneycomb; keys_map["honeycomb"] = ipHoneycomb;
keys_map["3dhoneycomb"] = ip3DHoneycomb; keys_map["3dhoneycomb"] = ip3DHoneycomb;
keys_map["gyroid"] = ipGyroid;
keys_map["hilbertcurve"] = ipHilbertCurve; keys_map["hilbertcurve"] = ipHilbertCurve;
keys_map["archimedeanchords"] = ipArchimedeanChords; keys_map["archimedeanchords"] = ipArchimedeanChords;
keys_map["octagramspiral"] = ipOctagramSpiral; keys_map["octagramspiral"] = ipOctagramSpiral;