Added port number to resolved ip address if specified.

fix of #7361
This commit is contained in:
David Kocik 2021-11-30 12:42:09 +01:00
parent 7f951c2df8
commit 9788a80c6f

View file

@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ bool OctoPrint::upload(PrintHostUpload upload_data, ProgressFn prorgess_fn, Erro
std::string url;
bool res = true;
if (m_host.find("https://") == 0 || test_msg.empty())
if (m_host.find("https://") == 0 || test_msg.empty()) {
// If https is entered we assume signed ceritificate is being used
// IP resolving will not happen - it could resolve into address not being specified in cert
url = make_url("api/files/local");
@ -129,6 +128,34 @@ bool OctoPrint::upload(PrintHostUpload upload_data, ProgressFn prorgess_fn, Erro
// put ipv6 into [] brackets (there shouldn't be any http:// if its resolved addr)
if (resolved_addr.find(':') != std::string::npos && != '[')
resolved_addr = "[" + resolved_addr + "]";
// port number is not part of resolved addr. If it is in m_host, we need to add it again
// if ipv6 the format would be [add]:port
if (size_t port_start = m_host.rfind(':'); port_start != std::string::npos) {
size_t count_of_colon = std::count(m_host.begin(), m_host.end(), ':');
// ipv6
if (size_t addr_end = m_host.rfind(']'); addr_end != port_start - 1 && count_of_colon > 2)
port_start = std::string::npos;
// http:// (https cant go to this else branch)
else if (m_host.find("http:") == 0 && port_start == 4)
port_start = std::string::npos;
// add port to resolved addres
if (port_start != std::string::npos && port_start < m_host.size()) {
std::string port_string = m_host.substr(port_start);
// last check - try casting port string to number.
bool cont = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < port_string.size(); i++) {
// number smaller than 65535
if (port_string[i] < '0' || port_string[i] > '9' || i > 6) {
cont = false;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "IP resolve wrongly concidered string as port: " << port_string;
if (cont)
resolved_addr += port_string;
url = make_url("api/files/local", resolved_addr);