Cut WIP: experiments with detection of the position for CutPlaneLine

Note: It still doesn't work properly

+ CurGizmo: Fixed a check of new center position in function set_center_pos().
This commit is contained in:
YuSanka 2022-10-21 16:07:41 +02:00
parent d7db5bde1a
commit 98d7fe335b
2 changed files with 94 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ std::string GLGizmoCut3D::get_tooltip() const
if (m_hover_id == Z) {
double koef = m_imperial_units ? ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in : 1.0;
std::string unit_str = " " + (m_imperial_units ? _u8L("inch") : _u8L("mm"));
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box();
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box(m_plane_center);
if (tbb.max.z() >= 0.0) {
double top = (tbb.min.z() <= 0.0 ? tbb.max.z() : tbb.size().z()) * koef;
tooltip += format(top, 2) + " " + unit_str + " (" + _u8L("Top part") + ")";
@ -568,6 +568,82 @@ bool GLGizmoCut3D::render_reset_button(const std::string& label_id, const std::s
return revert;
static Vec2d ndc_to_ss(const Vec3d& ndc, const std::array<int, 4>& viewport) {
const double half_w = 0.5 * double(viewport[2]);
const double half_h = 0.5 * double(viewport[3]);
return { half_w * ndc.x() + double(viewport[0]) + half_w, half_h * ndc.y() + double(viewport[1]) + half_h };
static Vec3d clip_to_ndc(const Vec4d& clip) {
return Vec3d(clip.x(), clip.y(), clip.z()) / clip.w();
static Vec4d world_to_clip(const Vec3d& world, const Matrix4d& projection_view_matrix) {
return projection_view_matrix * Vec4d(world.x(), world.y(), world.z(), 1.0);
static Vec2d world_to_ss(const Vec3d& world, const Matrix4d& projection_view_matrix, const std::array<int, 4>& viewport) {
return ndc_to_ss(clip_to_ndc(world_to_clip(world, projection_view_matrix)), viewport);
static wxString get_label(Vec3d vec)
wxString str = "x=" + double_to_string(vec.x(), 2) +
", y=" + double_to_string(vec.y(), 2) +
", z=" + double_to_string(vec.z(), 2);
return str;
static wxString get_label(Vec2d vec)
wxString str = "x=" + double_to_string(vec.x(), 2) +
", y=" + double_to_string(vec.y(), 2);
return str;
bool GLGizmoCut3D::can_render_cut_plane_line(bool render_values_in_debug/* = false*/)
const Camera& camera = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera();
Vec3d unit_dir = m_rotation_m * Vec3d::UnitZ();
const Matrix4d projection_view_matrix = camera.get_projection_matrix().matrix() * camera.get_view_matrix().matrix();
const Vec2d screen_coord = world_to_ss(m_plane_center, projection_view_matrix, camera.get_viewport());
const Vec3d mouse_dir = m_parent.mouse_ray(Point(screen_coord.x(), screen_coord.y())).unit_vector();
const Vec3d camera_dir = camera.get_dir_forward();
// double proj =;
const double proj =;
const bool can_render = std::abs(proj) <= 0.01; // 0.25
if (render_values_in_debug) {
m_imgui->text("Unit dir: ");
m_imgui->text("Camera dir: ");
// m_imgui->text("screen_coord: ");
// ImGui::SameLine(m_label_width);
// m_imgui->text(get_label(screen_coord));
m_imgui->text("Mouse dir: ");
// m_imgui->text("Unit2Camera: ");
m_imgui->text("Unit2Mouse: ");
double proj =*camera_dir*/mouse_dir);
m_imgui->text_colored(can_render ? ImGuiWrapper::COL_ORANGE_LIGHT : ImGuiWrapper::to_ImVec4(ColorRGBA::WHITE()), double_to_string(proj, 2));
return can_render;
void GLGizmoCut3D::render_cut_plane_line()
if (cut_line_processing())
@ -576,16 +652,13 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::render_cut_plane_line()
const Camera& camera = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera();
const Vec3d unit_dir = m_rotation_m * Vec3d::UnitZ();
if (std::abs( <= 0.025) {
if (can_render_cut_plane_line()) {
GLShaderProgram* shader = OpenGLManager::get_gl_info().is_core_profile() ? wxGetApp().get_shader("dashed_thick_lines") : wxGetApp().get_shader("flat");
if (shader) {
init_from_circle(m_circle, m_radius * 1.25);
GLModel circle;
init_from_circle(circle, m_radius * 1.25);
const Camera& camera = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera();
const Transform3d view_model_matrix = camera.get_view_matrix() * translation_transform(m_plane_center) * m_rotation_m;
@ -593,7 +666,7 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::render_cut_plane_line()
shader->set_uniform("view_model_matrix", view_model_matrix);
shader->set_uniform("width", 0.1f);
@ -735,7 +808,7 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::render_cut_plane_grabbers()
if ((!m_dragging && m_hover_id < 0) || m_hover_id == Z)
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box();
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box(m_plane_center);
if (tbb.min.z() <= 0.0)
render_model(m_cone.model, color, view_matrix * assemble_transform(-offset, PI * Vec3d::UnitX(), cone_scale));
@ -1184,7 +1257,9 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::on_stop_dragging()
void GLGizmoCut3D::set_center_pos(const Vec3d& center_pos, bool force/* = false*/)
bool can_set_center_pos = force || transformed_bounding_box(true).contains(center_pos);
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box(center_pos);
bool can_set_center_pos = force || (tbb.max.z() > -1. && tbb.min.z() < 1.);
if (!can_set_center_pos) {
const double old_dist = (m_bb_center - m_plane_center).norm();
const double new_dist = (m_bb_center - center_pos).norm();
@ -1212,7 +1287,7 @@ BoundingBoxf3 GLGizmoCut3D::bounding_box() const
return ret;
BoundingBoxf3 GLGizmoCut3D::transformed_bounding_box(bool revert_move /*= false*/) const
BoundingBoxf3 GLGizmoCut3D::transformed_bounding_box(const Vec3d& plane_center, bool revert_move /*= false*/) const
// #ysFIXME !!!
BoundingBoxf3 ret;
@ -1229,11 +1304,11 @@ BoundingBoxf3 GLGizmoCut3D::transformed_bounding_box(bool revert_move /*= false*
const ModelInstance* mi = mo->instances[instance_idx];
const Vec3d& instance_offset = mi->get_offset();
Vec3d cut_center_offset = m_plane_center - instance_offset;
Vec3d cut_center_offset = plane_center - instance_offset;
cut_center_offset[Z] -= sel_info->get_sla_shift();
const auto move = assemble_transform(-cut_center_offset);
const auto move2 = assemble_transform(m_plane_center);
const auto move2 = assemble_transform(plane_center);
const auto cut_matrix = (revert_move ? move2 : Transform3d::Identity()) * m_rotation_m.inverse() * move;
@ -1393,33 +1468,8 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::render_debug_input_window()
if (auto oc = m_c->object_clipper())
oc->set_behavior(hide_clipped || m_connectors_editing, fill_cut || m_connectors_editing, double(contour_width));
// Camera editing
auto get_label = [](Vec3d dir) {
wxString str = "x=" + double_to_string(dir.x(), 2) +
", y=" + double_to_string(dir.y(), 2) +
", z=" + double_to_string(dir.z(), 2);
return str;
const Camera& camera = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera();
Vec3d unit_dir = m_rotation_m * Vec3d::UnitZ();
m_imgui->text("Unit dir: ");
Vec3d camera_dir = camera.get_dir_forward();
m_imgui->text("Camera dir: ");
m_imgui->text("Unit2Camera: ");
double proj =;
m_imgui->text_colored(std::abs(proj) <= 0.025 ? ImGuiWrapper::COL_ORANGE_LIGHT : ImGuiWrapper::to_ImVec4(ColorRGBA::WHITE()), double_to_string(proj, 2));
@ -1549,7 +1599,7 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::render_build_size()
double koef = m_imperial_units ? ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in : 1.0;
wxString unit_str = " " + (m_imperial_units ? _L("in") : _L("mm"));
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box();
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box(m_plane_center);
Vec3d tbb_sz = tbb.size();
wxString size = "X: " + double_to_string(tbb_sz.x() * koef, 2) + unit_str +
@ -1880,7 +1930,7 @@ bool GLGizmoCut3D::can_perform_cut() const
if (m_has_invalid_connector || (!m_keep_upper && !m_keep_lower) || m_connectors_editing)
return false;
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box(true);
const BoundingBoxf3 tbb = transformed_bounding_box(m_plane_center, true);
return tbb.contains(m_plane_center);

View file

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public:
void invalidate_cut_plane();
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box() const;
BoundingBoxf3 transformed_bounding_box(bool revert_move = false) const;
BoundingBoxf3 transformed_bounding_box(const Vec3d& plane_center, bool revert_move = false) const;
bool on_init() override;
@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ private:
void render_grabber_connection(const ColorRGBA& color, Transform3d view_matrix);
void render_cut_plane_grabbers();
void render_cut_line();
bool can_render_cut_plane_line(bool render_values = false);
void render_cut_plane_line();
void perform_cut(const Selection&selection);
void set_center_pos(const Vec3d&center_pos, bool force = false);