Reverted some now unnecessary changes. Reverted the infill to the original perl implementation.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 850 additions and 48 deletions
@ -3,25 +3,45 @@ use Moo;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath ':roles';
use Slic3r::Fill::3DHoneycomb;
use Slic3r::Fill::Base;
use Slic3r::Fill::Concentric;
use Slic3r::Fill::Honeycomb;
use Slic3r::Fill::PlanePath;
use Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear;
use Slic3r::Flow ':roles';
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y PI scale chained_path deg2rad);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union union_ex diff diff_ex intersection_ex offset offset2);
use Slic3r::Surface ':types';
has 'bounding_box' => (is => 'ro', required => 0);
has 'fillers' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
our %FillTypes = (
archimedeanchords => 'Slic3r::Fill::ArchimedeanChords',
rectilinear => 'Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear',
grid => 'Slic3r::Fill::Grid',
flowsnake => 'Slic3r::Fill::Flowsnake',
octagramspiral => 'Slic3r::Fill::OctagramSpiral',
hilbertcurve => 'Slic3r::Fill::HilbertCurve',
line => 'Slic3r::Fill::Line',
concentric => 'Slic3r::Fill::Concentric',
honeycomb => 'Slic3r::Fill::Honeycomb',
'3dhoneycomb' => 'Slic3r::Fill::3DHoneycomb',
sub filler {
my $self = shift;
my ($filler) = @_;
if (!ref $self) {
return Slic3r::Filler->new_from_type($filler);
return $FillTypes{$filler}->new;
$self->fillers->{$filler} ||= Slic3r::Filler->new_from_type($filler);
$self->fillers->{$filler} ||= $FillTypes{$filler}->new(
bounding_box => $self->bounding_box,
return $self->fillers->{$filler};
@ -207,25 +227,25 @@ sub make_fill {
-1, # auto width
$using_internal_flow = 1;
} else {
$f->set_loop_clipping(scale($flow->nozzle_diameter) * &Slic3r::LOOP_CLIPPING_LENGTH_OVER_NOZZLE_DIAMETER);
$f->loop_clipping(scale($flow->nozzle_diameter) * &Slic3r::LOOP_CLIPPING_LENGTH_OVER_NOZZLE_DIAMETER);
# apply half spacing using this flow's own spacing and generate infill
my @polylines = $f->fill_surface(
my @polylines = map $f->fill_surface(
density => $density/100,
layer_height => $h,
), @{ $surface->offset(-scale($f->spacing)/2) };
next unless @polylines;
# calculate actual flow from spacing (which might have been adjusted by the infill
# pattern generator)
@ -258,7 +278,7 @@ sub make_fill {
mm3_per_mm => $mm3_per_mm,
width => $flow->width,
height => $flow->height,
), map @$_, @polylines,
), @polylines,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
package Slic3r::Fill::3DHoneycomb;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Base';
use POSIX qw(ceil fmod);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale scaled_epsilon);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection_pl);
# require bridge flow since most of this pattern hangs in air
sub use_bridge_flow { 1 }
sub fill_surface {
my ($self, $surface, %params) = @_;
my $expolygon = $surface->expolygon;
my $bb = $expolygon->bounding_box;
my $size = $bb->size;
my $distance = scale($self->spacing) / $params{density};
# align bounding box to a multiple of our honeycomb grid module
# (a module is 2*$distance since one $distance half-module is
# growing while the other $distance half-module is shrinking)
my $min = $bb->min_point;
-($bb->x_min % (2*$distance)),
-($bb->y_min % (2*$distance)),
# generate pattern
my @polylines = map Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_),
ceil($size->x / $distance) + 1,
ceil($size->y / $distance) + 1, #//
(($self->layer_id / $surface->thickness_layers) % 2) + 1,
# move pattern in place
$_->translate($bb->x_min, $bb->y_min) for @polylines;
# clip pattern to boundaries
@polylines = @{intersection_pl(\@polylines, \@$expolygon)};
# connect lines
unless ($params{dont_connect} || !@polylines) { # prevent calling leftmost_point() on empty collections
my ($expolygon_off) = @{$expolygon->offset_ex(scaled_epsilon)};
my $collection = Slic3r::Polyline::Collection->new(@polylines);
@polylines = ();
foreach my $polyline (@{$collection->chained_path_from($collection->leftmost_point, 0)}) {
# try to append this polyline to previous one if any
if (@polylines) {
my $line = Slic3r::Line->new($polylines[-1]->last_point, $polyline->first_point);
if ($line->length <= 1.5*$distance && $expolygon_off->contains_line($line)) {
# make a clone before $collection goes out of scope
push @polylines, $polyline->clone;
# TODO: return ExtrusionLoop objects to get better chained paths
return @polylines;
Creates a contiguous sequence of points at a specified height that make
up a horizontal slice of the edges of a space filling truncated
octahedron tesselation. The octahedrons are oriented so that the
square faces are in the horizontal plane with edges parallel to the X
and Y axes.
Credits: David Eccles (gringer).
=head2 makeGrid(z, gridSize, gridWidth, gridHeight, curveType)
Generate a set of curves (array of array of 2d points) that describe a
horizontal slice of a truncated regular octahedron with a specified
grid square size.
sub makeGrid {
my ($z, $gridSize, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $curveType) = @_;
my $scaleFactor = $gridSize;
my $normalisedZ = $z / $scaleFactor;
my @points = makeNormalisedGrid($normalisedZ, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $curveType);
foreach my $lineRef (@points) {
foreach my $pointRef (@$lineRef) {
$pointRef->[0] *= $scaleFactor;
$pointRef->[1] *= $scaleFactor;
return @points;
=head2 colinearPoints(offset, gridLength)
Generate an array of points that are in the same direction as the
basic printing line (i.e. Y points for columns, X points for rows)
Note: a negative offset only causes a change in the perpendicular
sub colinearPoints {
my ($offset, $baseLocation, $gridLength) = @_;
my @points = ();
push @points, $baseLocation - abs($offset/2);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $gridLength; $i++) {
push @points, $baseLocation + $i + abs($offset/2);
push @points, $baseLocation + ($i+1) - abs($offset/2);
push @points, $baseLocation + $gridLength + abs($offset/2);
return @points;
=head2 colinearPoints(offset, baseLocation, gridLength)
Generate an array of points for the dimension that is perpendicular to
the basic printing line (i.e. X points for columns, Y points for rows)
sub perpendPoints {
my ($offset, $baseLocation, $gridLength) = @_;
my @points = ();
my $side = 2*(($baseLocation) % 2) - 1;
push @points, $baseLocation - $offset/2 * $side;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $gridLength; $i++) {
$side = 2*(($i+$baseLocation) % 2) - 1;
push @points, $baseLocation + $offset/2 * $side;
push @points, $baseLocation + $offset/2 * $side;
push @points, $baseLocation - $offset/2 * $side;
return @points;
=head2 trim(pointArrayRef, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
Trims an array of points to specified rectangular limits. Point
components that are outside these limits are set to the limits.
sub trim {
my ($pointArrayRef, $minX, $minY, $maxX, $maxY) = @_;
foreach (@$pointArrayRef) {
$_->[0] = ($_->[0] < $minX) ? $minX : (($_->[0] > $maxX) ? $maxX : $_->[0]);
$_->[1] = ($_->[1] < $minY) ? $minY : (($_->[1] > $maxY) ? $maxY : $_->[1]);
=head2 makeNormalisedGrid(z, gridWidth, gridHeight, curveType)
Generate a set of curves (array of array of 2d points) that describe a
horizontal slice of a truncated regular octahedron with edge length 1.
curveType specifies which lines to print, 1 for vertical lines
(columns), 2 for horizontal lines (rows), and 3 for both.
sub makeNormalisedGrid {
my ($z, $gridWidth, $gridHeight, $curveType) = @_;
## offset required to create a regular octagram
my $octagramGap = 0.5;
# sawtooth wave function for range f($z) = [-$octagramGap .. $octagramGap]
my $a = sqrt(2); # period
my $wave = abs(fmod($z, $a) - $a/2)/$a*4 - 1;
my $offset = $wave * $octagramGap;
my @points = ();
if (($curveType & 1) != 0) {
for (my $x = 0; $x <= $gridWidth; $x++) {
my @xPoints = perpendPoints($offset, $x, $gridHeight);
my @yPoints = colinearPoints($offset, 0, $gridHeight);
# This is essentially @newPoints = zip(@xPoints, @yPoints)
my @newPoints = map [ $xPoints[$_], $yPoints[$_] ], 0..$#xPoints;
# trim points to grid edges
#trim(\@newPoints, 0, 0, $gridWidth, $gridHeight);
if ($x % 2 == 0){
push @points, [ @newPoints ];
} else {
push @points, [ reverse @newPoints ];
if (($curveType & 2) != 0) {
for (my $y = 0; $y <= $gridHeight; $y++) {
my @xPoints = colinearPoints($offset, 0, $gridWidth);
my @yPoints = perpendPoints($offset, $y, $gridWidth);
my @newPoints = map [ $xPoints[$_], $yPoints[$_] ], 0..$#xPoints;
# trim points to grid edges
#trim(\@newPoints, 0, 0, $gridWidth, $gridHeight);
if ($y % 2 == 0) {
push @points, [ @newPoints ];
} else {
push @points, [ reverse @newPoints ];
return @points;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package Slic3r::Fill::Base;
use Moo;
has 'layer_id' => (is => 'rw');
has 'z' => (is => 'rw'); # in unscaled coordinates
has 'angle' => (is => 'rw'); # in radians, ccw, 0 = East
has 'spacing' => (is => 'rw'); # in unscaled coordinates
has 'loop_clipping' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 }); # in scaled coordinates
has 'bounding_box' => (is => 'ro', required => 0); # Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBox object
sub adjust_solid_spacing {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $number_of_lines = int($params{width} / $params{distance}) + 1;
return $params{distance} if $number_of_lines <= 1;
my $extra_space = $params{width} % $params{distance};
return $params{distance} + $extra_space / ($number_of_lines - 1);
sub no_sort { 0 }
sub use_bridge_flow { 0 }
package Slic3r::Fill::WithDirection;
use Moo::Role;
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(PI rad2deg);
sub angles () { [0, PI/2] }
sub infill_direction {
my $self = shift;
my ($surface) = @_;
if (!defined $self->angle) {
warn "Using undefined infill angle";
# set infill angle
my (@rotate);
$rotate[0] = $self->angle;
$rotate[1] = $self->bounding_box
? $self->bounding_box->center
: $surface->expolygon->bounding_box->center;
my $shift = $rotate[1]->clone;
if (defined $self->layer_id) {
# alternate fill direction
my $layer_num = $self->layer_id / $surface->thickness_layers;
my $angle = $self->angles->[$layer_num % @{$self->angles}];
$rotate[0] = $self->angle + $angle if $angle;
# use bridge angle
if ($surface->bridge_angle >= 0) {
Slic3r::debugf "Filling bridge with angle %d\n", rad2deg($surface->bridge_angle);
$rotate[0] = $surface->bridge_angle;
$rotate[0] += PI/2;
return [\@rotate, $shift];
# this method accepts any object that implements rotate() and translate()
sub rotate_points {
my $self = shift;
my ($expolygon, $rotate_vector) = @_;
# rotate points
my ($rotate, $shift) = @$rotate_vector;
$rotate = [ -$rotate->[0], $rotate->[1] ];
sub rotate_points_back {
my $self = shift;
my ($paths, $rotate_vector) = @_;
my ($rotate, $shift) = @$rotate_vector;
$shift = [ map -$_, @$shift ];
$_->translate(@$shift) for @$paths;
$_->rotate(@$rotate) for @$paths;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package Slic3r::Fill::Concentric;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Base';
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale unscale X);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(offset offset2 union_pt_chained);
sub no_sort { 1 }
sub fill_surface {
my $self = shift;
my ($surface, %params) = @_;
# no rotation is supported for this infill pattern
my $expolygon = $surface->expolygon;
my $bounding_box = $expolygon->bounding_box;
my $min_spacing = scale($self->spacing);
my $distance = $min_spacing / $params{density};
if ($params{density} == 1 && !$params{dont_adjust}) {
$distance = $self->adjust_solid_spacing(
width => $bounding_box->size->[X],
distance => $distance,
$self->spacing(unscale $distance);
my @loops = my @last = map $_->clone, @$expolygon;
while (@last) {
push @loops, @last = @{offset2(\@last, -($distance + 0.5*$min_spacing), +0.5*$min_spacing)};
# generate paths from the outermost to the innermost, to avoid
# adhesion problems of the first central tiny loops
@loops = map Slic3r::Polygon->new(@$_),
reverse @{union_pt_chained(\@loops)};
# split paths using a nearest neighbor search
my @paths = ();
my $last_pos = Slic3r::Point->new(0,0);
foreach my $loop (@loops) {
push @paths, $loop->split_at_index($last_pos->nearest_point_index(\@$loop));
$last_pos = $paths[-1]->last_point;
# clip the paths to prevent the extruder from getting exactly on the first point of the loop
$_->clip_end($self->loop_clipping) for @paths;
@paths = grep $_->is_valid, @paths; # remove empty paths (too short, thus eaten by clipping)
# TODO: return ExtrusionLoop objects to get better chained paths
return @paths;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
package Slic3r::Fill::Honeycomb;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Base';
with qw(Slic3r::Fill::WithDirection);
has 'cache' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {{}});
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(PI X Y MIN MAX scale scaled_epsilon);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection intersection_pl);
sub angles () { [0, PI/3, PI/3*2] }
sub fill_surface {
my $self = shift;
my ($surface, %params) = @_;
my $rotate_vector = $self->infill_direction($surface);
# cache hexagons math
my $cache_id = sprintf "d%s_s%s", $params{density}, $self->spacing;
my $m;
if (!($m = $self->cache->{$cache_id})) {
$m = $self->cache->{$cache_id} = {};
my $min_spacing = scale($self->spacing);
$m->{distance} = $min_spacing / $params{density};
$m->{hex_side} = $m->{distance} / (sqrt(3)/2);
$m->{hex_width} = $m->{distance} * 2; # $m->{hex_width} == $m->{hex_side} * sqrt(3);
my $hex_height = $m->{hex_side} * 2;
$m->{pattern_height} = $hex_height + $m->{hex_side};
$m->{y_short} = $m->{distance} * sqrt(3)/3;
$m->{x_offset} = $min_spacing / 2;
$m->{y_offset} = $m->{x_offset} * sqrt(3)/3;
$m->{hex_center} = Slic3r::Point->new($m->{hex_width}/2, $m->{hex_side});
my @polygons = ();
# adjust actual bounding box to the nearest multiple of our hex pattern
# and align it so that it matches across layers
my $bounding_box = $surface->expolygon->bounding_box;
# rotate bounding box according to infill direction
my $bb_polygon = $bounding_box->polygon;
$bb_polygon->rotate($rotate_vector->[0][0], $m->{hex_center});
$bounding_box = $bb_polygon->bounding_box;
# extend bounding box so that our pattern will be aligned with other layers
# $bounding_box->[X1] and [Y1] represent the displacement between new bounding box offset and old one
$bounding_box->x_min - ($bounding_box->x_min % $m->{hex_width}),
$bounding_box->y_min - ($bounding_box->y_min % $m->{pattern_height}),
my $x = $bounding_box->x_min;
while ($x <= $bounding_box->x_max) {
my $p = [];
my @x = ($x + $m->{x_offset}, $x + $m->{distance} - $m->{x_offset});
for (1..2) {
@$p = reverse @$p; # turn first half upside down
my @p = ();
for (my $y = $bounding_box->y_min; $y <= $bounding_box->y_max; $y += $m->{y_short} + $m->{hex_side} + $m->{y_short} + $m->{hex_side}) {
push @$p,
[ $x[1], $y + $m->{y_offset} ],
[ $x[0], $y + $m->{y_short} - $m->{y_offset} ],
[ $x[0], $y + $m->{y_short} + $m->{hex_side} + $m->{y_offset} ],
[ $x[1], $y + $m->{y_short} + $m->{hex_side} + $m->{y_short} - $m->{y_offset} ],
[ $x[1], $y + $m->{y_short} + $m->{hex_side} + $m->{y_short} + $m->{hex_side} + $m->{y_offset} ];
@x = map $_ + $m->{distance}, reverse @x; # draw symmetrical pattern
$x += $m->{distance};
push @polygons, Slic3r::Polygon->new(@$p);
$_->rotate(-$rotate_vector->[0][0], $m->{hex_center}) for @polygons;
my @paths;
if ($params{complete} || 1) {
# we were requested to complete each loop;
# in this case we don't try to make more continuous paths
@paths = map $_->split_at_first_point,
@{intersection([ $surface->p ], \@polygons)};
} else {
# consider polygons as polylines without re-appending the initial point:
# this cuts the last segment on purpose, so that the jump to the next
# path is more straight
@paths = @{intersection_pl(
[ map Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_), @polygons ],
[ @{$surface->expolygon} ],
# connect paths
if (@paths) { # prevent calling leftmost_point() on empty collections
my $collection = Slic3r::Polyline::Collection->new(@paths);
@paths = ();
foreach my $path (@{$collection->chained_path_from($collection->leftmost_point, 0)}) {
if (@paths) {
# distance between first point of this path and last point of last path
my $distance = $paths[-1]->last_point->distance_to($path->first_point);
if ($distance <= $m->{hex_width}) {
# make a clone before $collection goes out of scope
push @paths, $path->clone;
# clip paths again to prevent connection segments from crossing the expolygon boundaries
@paths = @{intersection_pl(
[ map @$_, @{$surface->expolygon->offset_ex(scaled_epsilon)} ],
return @paths;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package Slic3r::Fill::PlanePath;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Base';
with qw(Slic3r::Fill::WithDirection);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale X1 Y1 X2 Y2);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection_pl);
sub angles () { [0] }
sub multiplier () { 1 }
sub process_polyline {}
sub fill_surface {
my $self = shift;
my ($surface, %params) = @_;
# rotate polygons
my $expolygon = $surface->expolygon->clone;
my $rotate_vector = $self->infill_direction($surface);
$self->rotate_points($expolygon, $rotate_vector);
my $distance_between_lines = scale($self->spacing) / $params{density} * $self->multiplier;
# align infill across layers using the object's bounding box
my $bb_polygon = $self->bounding_box->polygon;
$self->rotate_points($bb_polygon, $rotate_vector);
my $bounding_box = $bb_polygon->bounding_box;
(ref $self) =~ /::([^:]+)$/;
my $path = "Math::PlanePath::$1"->new;
my $translate = Slic3r::Point->new(0,0); # vector
if ($path->x_negative || $path->y_negative) {
# if the curve extends on both positive and negative coordinate space,
# center our expolygon around origin
$translate = $bounding_box->center->negative;
} else {
# if the curve does not extend in negative coordinate space,
# move expolygon entirely in positive coordinate space
$translate = $bounding_box->min_point->negative;
my ($n_lo, $n_hi) = $path->rect_to_n_range(
map { $_ / $distance_between_lines }
my $polyline = Slic3r::Polyline->new(
map [ map { $_ * $distance_between_lines } $path->n_to_xy($_) ], ($n_lo..$n_hi)
return {} if @$polyline <= 1;
$self->process_polyline($polyline, $bounding_box);
my @paths = @{intersection_pl([$polyline], \@$expolygon)};
if (0) {
require "Slic3r/";
no_arrows => 1,
polygons => \@$expolygon,
green_polygons => [ $bounding_box->polygon ],
polylines => [ $polyline ],
red_polylines => \@paths,
# paths must be repositioned and rotated back
$_->translate(@{$translate->negative}) for @paths;
$self->rotate_points_back(\@paths, $rotate_vector);
return @paths;
package Slic3r::Fill::ArchimedeanChords;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::PlanePath';
use Math::PlanePath::ArchimedeanChords;
package Slic3r::Fill::Flowsnake;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::PlanePath';
use Math::PlanePath::Flowsnake;
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X);
# Sorry, this fill is currently broken.
sub process_polyline {
my $self = shift;
my ($polyline, $bounding_box) = @_;
$_->[X] += $bounding_box->center->[X] for @$polyline;
package Slic3r::Fill::HilbertCurve;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::PlanePath';
use Math::PlanePath::HilbertCurve;
package Slic3r::Fill::OctagramSpiral;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::PlanePath';
use Math::PlanePath::OctagramSpiral;
sub multiplier () { sqrt(2) }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
package Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Base';
with qw(Slic3r::Fill::WithDirection);
has '_min_spacing' => (is => 'rw');
has '_line_spacing' => (is => 'rw');
has '_diagonal_distance' => (is => 'rw');
has '_line_oscillation' => (is => 'rw');
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale unscale scaled_epsilon);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection_pl);
sub horizontal_lines { 0 }
sub fill_surface {
my $self = shift;
my ($surface, %params) = @_;
# rotate polygons so that we can work with vertical lines here
my $expolygon = $surface->expolygon->clone;
my $rotate_vector = $self->infill_direction($surface);
$self->rotate_points($expolygon, $rotate_vector);
$self->_min_spacing(scale $self->spacing);
$self->_line_spacing($self->_min_spacing / $params{density});
$self->_diagonal_distance($self->_line_spacing * 2);
$self->_line_oscillation($self->_line_spacing - $self->_min_spacing); # only for Line infill
my $bounding_box = $expolygon->bounding_box;
# define flow spacing according to requested density
if ($params{density} == 1 && !$params{dont_adjust}) {
width => $bounding_box->size->x,
distance => $self->_line_spacing,
$self->spacing(unscale $self->_line_spacing);
} else {
# extend bounding box so that our pattern will be aligned with other layers
$bounding_box->x_min - ($bounding_box->x_min % $self->_line_spacing),
$bounding_box->y_min - ($bounding_box->y_min % $self->_line_spacing),
# generate the basic pattern
my $x_max = $bounding_box->x_max + scaled_epsilon;
my @lines = ();
for (my $x = $bounding_box->x_min; $x <= $x_max; $x += $self->_line_spacing) {
push @lines, $self->_line($#lines, $x, $bounding_box->y_min, $bounding_box->y_max);
if ($self->horizontal_lines) {
my $y_max = $bounding_box->y_max + scaled_epsilon;
for (my $y = $bounding_box->y_min; $y <= $y_max; $y += $self->_line_spacing) {
push @lines, Slic3r::Polyline->new(
[$bounding_box->x_min, $y],
[$bounding_box->x_max, $y],
# clip paths against a slightly larger expolygon, so that the first and last paths
# are kept even if the expolygon has vertical sides
# the minimum offset for preventing edge lines from being clipped is scaled_epsilon;
# however we use a larger offset to support expolygons with slightly skewed sides and
# not perfectly straight
my @polylines = @{intersection_pl(\@lines, $expolygon->offset(+scale 0.02))};
my $extra = $self->_min_spacing * &Slic3r::INFILL_OVERLAP_OVER_SPACING;
foreach my $polyline (@polylines) {
my ($first_point, $last_point) = @$polyline[0,-1];
if ($first_point->y > $last_point->y) { #>
($first_point, $last_point) = ($last_point, $first_point);
$first_point->set_y($first_point->y - $extra); #--
$last_point->set_y($last_point->y + $extra); #++
# connect lines
unless ($params{dont_connect} || !@polylines) { # prevent calling leftmost_point() on empty collections
# offset the expolygon by max(min_spacing/2, extra)
my ($expolygon_off) = @{$expolygon->offset_ex($self->_min_spacing/2)};
my $collection = Slic3r::Polyline::Collection->new(@polylines);
@polylines = ();
foreach my $polyline (@{$collection->chained_path_from($collection->leftmost_point, 0)}) {
if (@polylines) {
my $first_point = $polyline->first_point;
my $last_point = $polylines[-1]->last_point;
my @distance = map abs($first_point->$_ - $last_point->$_), qw(x y);
# TODO: we should also check that both points are on a fill_boundary to avoid
# connecting paths on the boundaries of internal regions
if ($self->_can_connect(@distance) && $expolygon_off->contains_line(Slic3r::Line->new($last_point, $first_point))) {
# make a clone before $collection goes out of scope
push @polylines, $polyline->clone;
# paths must be rotated back
$self->rotate_points_back(\@polylines, $rotate_vector);
return @polylines;
sub _line {
my ($self, $i, $x, $y_min, $y_max) = @_;
return Slic3r::Polyline->new(
[$x, $y_min],
[$x, $y_max],
sub _can_connect {
my ($self, $dist_X, $dist_Y) = @_;
return $dist_X <= $self->_diagonal_distance
&& $dist_Y <= $self->_diagonal_distance;
package Slic3r::Fill::Line;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear';
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scaled_epsilon);
sub _line {
my ($self, $i, $x, $y_min, $y_max) = @_;
if ($i % 2) {
return Slic3r::Polyline->new(
[$x - $self->_line_oscillation, $y_min],
[$x + $self->_line_oscillation, $y_max],
} else {
return Slic3r::Polyline->new(
[$x, $y_min],
[$x, $y_max],
sub _can_connect {
my ($self, $dist_X, $dist_Y) = @_;
my $TOLERANCE = 10 * scaled_epsilon;
return ($dist_X >= ($self->_line_spacing - $self->_line_oscillation) - $TOLERANCE)
&& ($dist_X <= ($self->_line_spacing + $self->_line_oscillation) + $TOLERANCE)
&& $dist_Y <= $self->_diagonal_distance;
package Slic3r::Fill::Grid;
use Moo;
extends 'Slic3r::Fill::Rectilinear';
sub angles () { [0] }
sub horizontal_lines { 1 }
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ use Wx 0.9901 qw(:bitmap :dialog :icon :id :misc :systemsettings :toplevelwindow
:filedialog :font);
use Wx::Event qw(EVT_IDLE EVT_COMMAND);
use base 'Wx::App';
#use base 'Wx::AppConsole';
use constant FILE_WILDCARDS => {
known => 'Known files (*.stl, *.obj, *.amf, *.xml)|*.stl;*.STL;*.obj;*.OBJ;*.amf;*.AMF;*.xml;*.XML',
@ -294,13 +294,8 @@ sub _init_menubar {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, "&About Slic3r", 'Show about dialog', sub {
if (Slic3r::GUI::debugged()) {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, "&Debug", 'Break to debugger', sub {
# menubar
# assign menubar to frame after appending items, otherwise special items
# will not be handled correctly
@ -675,8 +675,8 @@ sub generate_toolpaths {
# interface and contact infill
if (@$interface || @$contact_infill) {
# find centerline of the external loop
$interface = offset2($interface, +scaled_epsilon, -(scaled_epsilon + $_interface_flow->scaled_width/2));
@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ sub generate_toolpaths {
my @paths = ();
foreach my $expolygon (@{union_ex($interface)}) {
my $polylines = $fillers{interface}->fill_surface(
my @p = $fillers{interface}->fill_surface(
Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $expolygon, surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNAL),
density => $interface_density,
layer_height => $layer->height,
@ -711,12 +711,12 @@ sub generate_toolpaths {
my $mm3_per_mm = $_interface_flow->mm3_per_mm;
push @paths, map Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->new(
polyline => $_,
polyline => Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_),
mm3_per_mm => $mm3_per_mm,
width => $_interface_flow->width,
height => $layer->height,
), @$polylines,
), @p;
@ -725,11 +725,11 @@ sub generate_toolpaths {
# support or flange
if (@$base) {
my $filler = $fillers{support};
$filler->set_angle($angles[ ($layer_id) % @angles ]);
$filler->angle($angles[ ($layer_id) % @angles ]);
# We don't use $base_flow->spacing because we need a constant spacing
# value that guarantees that all layers are correctly aligned.
my $density = $support_density;
my $base_flow = $_flow;
@ -742,13 +742,13 @@ sub generate_toolpaths {
# base flange
if ($layer_id == 0) {
$filler = $fillers{interface};
$filler->set_angle($self->object_config->support_material_angle + 90);
$filler->angle($self->object_config->support_material_angle + 90);
$density = 0.5;
$base_flow = $self->first_layer_flow;
# use the proper spacing for first layer as we don't need to align
# its pattern to the other layers
} else {
# draw a perimeter all around support infill
# TODO: use brim ordering algorithm
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ sub generate_toolpaths {
my $mm3_per_mm = $base_flow->mm3_per_mm;
foreach my $expolygon (@$to_infill) {
my $polylines = $filler->fill_surface(
my @p = $filler->fill_surface(
Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $expolygon, surface_type => S_TYPE_INTERNAL),
density => $density,
layer_height => $layer->height,
@ -775,12 +775,12 @@ sub generate_toolpaths {
push @paths, map Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->new(
polyline => $_,
polyline => Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_),
mm3_per_mm => $mm3_per_mm,
width => $base_flow->width,
height => $layer->height,
), @$polylines;
), @p;
@ -40,15 +40,10 @@ if (defined $ENV{BOOST_INCLUDEDIR}) {
push @boost_include, $ENV{BOOST_DIR};
} else {
push @boost_include, grep { -d $_ }
qw(/opt/local/include /usr/local/include /opt/include),
qw(/usr/include C:\Boost\include);
push @boost_libs, grep { -d $_ }
qw(/opt/local/lib /usr/local/lib /opt/lib /usr/lib),
qw(C:\Boost\lib /lib);
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
for my $path (glob('C:\dev\boost*'), glob ('C:\boost*'), glob ('d:\src\boost*')) {
# Boost library was not defined by the environment.
# Try to guess at some default paths.
if ($mswin) {
for my $path (glob('C:\dev\boost*\include'), glob ('C:\boost*\include')) {
push @boost_include, $path;
if (! @boost_include) {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include "SVG.hpp"
#if defined(SLIC3R_DEBUG) and defined(_WIN32)
#if defined(SLIC3R_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
#include <Windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")
static inline void assert_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned line, const char *function)
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ static inline int intersection_on_prev_vertical_line(
return intersection_on_prev_next_vertical_line(poly_with_offset, segs, iVerticalLine, iInnerContour, iIntersection, false);
static inline intersection_on_next_vertical_line(
static inline int intersection_on_next_vertical_line(
const ExPolygonWithOffset &poly_with_offset,
const std::vector<SegmentedIntersectionLine> &segs,
size_t iVerticalLine,
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ static inline int intersection_unused_on_prev_next_vertical_line(
return iIntersectionOther;
static inline intersection_unused_on_prev_vertical_line(
static inline int intersection_unused_on_prev_vertical_line(
const ExPolygonWithOffset &poly_with_offset,
const std::vector<SegmentedIntersectionLine> &segs,
size_t iVerticalLine,
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ static inline intersection_unused_on_prev_vertical_line(
return intersection_unused_on_prev_next_vertical_line(poly_with_offset, segs, iVerticalLine, iInnerContour, iIntersection, false);
static inline intersection_unused_on_next_vertical_line(
static inline int intersection_unused_on_next_vertical_line(
const ExPolygonWithOffset &poly_with_offset,
const std::vector<SegmentedIntersectionLine> &segs,
size_t iVerticalLine,
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