Started work on extending EigenMesh3D to account for possible drain holes when raycasting
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 149 additions and 32 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <libslic3r/SLA/EigenMesh3D.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Contour3D.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Clustering.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Hollowing.hpp>
// Workaround: IGL signed_distance.h will define PI in the igl namespace.
@ -181,6 +182,19 @@ void BoxIndex::foreach(std::function<void (const BoxIndexEl &)> fn)
for(auto& el : m_impl->m_store) fn(el);
namespace {
// Iterates over hits and holes and returns the true hit, possibly
// on the inside of a hole. Free function so it can return igl::Hit
// without including igl in a header.
igl::Hit filter_hits(const std::vector<EigenMesh3D::hit_result>& hits,
const std::vector<DrainHole>& holes)
return igl::Hit();
} // namespace
/* ****************************************************************************
* EigenMesh3D implementation
* ****************************************************************************/
@ -261,11 +275,18 @@ EigenMesh3D &EigenMesh3D::operator=(const EigenMesh3D &other)
EigenMesh3D::query_ray_hit(const Vec3d &s, const Vec3d &dir) const
EigenMesh3D::query_ray_hit(const Vec3d &s,
const Vec3d &dir,
const std::vector<DrainHole>* holes
) const
igl::Hit hit;
hit.t = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
m_aabb->intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, s, dir, hit);
if (! holes)
m_aabb->intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, s, dir, hit);
hit = filter_hits(query_ray_hits(s, dir), *holes);
hit_result ret(*this);
ret.m_t = double(hit.t);
@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ class TriangleMesh;
namespace sla {
struct Contour3D;
struct DrainHole;
/// An index-triangle structure for libIGL functions. Also serves as an
/// alternative (raw) input format for the SLASupportTree.
// Implemented in SLASupportTreeIGL.cpp
// Implemented in libslic3r/SLA/Common.cpp
class EigenMesh3D {
class AABBImpl;
@ -83,11 +84,13 @@ public:
// Casting a ray on the mesh, returns the distance where the hit occures.
hit_result query_ray_hit(const Vec3d &s, const Vec3d &dir) const;
hit_result query_ray_hit(const Vec3d &s,
const Vec3d &dir,
const std::vector<DrainHole>* holes = nullptr) const;
// Casts a ray on the mesh and returns all hits
std::vector<hit_result> query_ray_hits(const Vec3d &s, const Vec3d &dir) const;
class si_result {
double m_value;
int m_fidx;
@ -126,4 +126,100 @@ bool DrainHole::operator==(const DrainHole &sp) const
is_approx(height, sp.height);
bool DrainHole::is_inside(const Vec3f& pt) const
Eigen::Hyperplane<float, 3> plane(normal, pos);
float dist = plane.signedDistance(pt);
if (dist < EPSILON || dist > height)
return false;
Eigen::ParametrizedLine<float, 3> axis(pos, normal);
if ( axis.squaredDistance(pt) < pow(radius, 2.f))
return true;
return false;
// Given a line s+dir*t, return parameter t of intersections with the hole.
// If there is no intersection, returns nan.
std::pair<float, float> DrainHole::get_intersections(const Vec3f& s,
const Vec3f& dir) const
assert(is_approx(normal.norm(), 1.f));
const Eigen::ParametrizedLine<float, 3> ray(s, dir.normalized());
std::pair<float, float> out(std::nan(""), std::nan(""));
const float sqr_radius = pow(radius, 2.f);
// first check a bounding sphere of the hole:
Vec3f center = pos+normal*height/2.f;
float sqr_dist_limit = pow(height/2.f, 2.f) + sqr_radius ;
if (ray.squaredDistance(center) > sqr_dist_limit)
return out;
// The line intersects the bounding sphere, look for intersections with
// bases of the cylinder.
size_t found = 0; // counts how many intersections were found
Eigen::Hyperplane<float, 3> base;
if (! is_approx(ray.direction().dot(normal), 0.f)) {
for (size_t i=1; i<=1; --i) {
Vec3f cylinder_center = pos+i*height*normal;
base = Eigen::Hyperplane<float, 3>(normal, cylinder_center);
Vec3f intersection = ray.intersectionPoint(base);
// Only accept the point if it is inside the cylinder base.
if ((cylinder_center-intersection).squaredNorm() < sqr_radius) {
(found ? out.second : out.first) = ray.intersectionParameter(base);
// In case the line was perpendicular to the cylinder axis, previous
// block was skipped, but base will later be assumed to be valid.
base = Eigen::Hyperplane<float, 3>(normal, pos);
// In case there is still an intersection to be found, check the wall
if (found != 2 && ! is_approx(std::abs(ray.direction().dot(normal)), 1.f)) {
// Project the ray onto the base plane
Vec3f proj_origin = base.projection(ray.origin());
Vec3f proj_dir = base.projection(ray.origin()+ray.direction())-proj_origin;
// save how the parameter scales and normalize the projected direction
float par_scale = proj_dir.norm();
proj_dir = proj_dir/par_scale;
Eigen::ParametrizedLine<float, 3> projected_ray(proj_origin, proj_dir);
// Calculate point on the secant that's closest to the center
// and its distance to the circle along the projected line
Vec3f closest = projected_ray.projection(pos);
float dist = sqrt((sqr_radius - (closest-pos).squaredNorm()));
// Unproject both intersections on the original line and check
// they are on the cylinder and not past it:
for (int i=-1; i<=1 && found !=2; i+=2) {
Vec3f isect = closest + i*dist * projected_ray.direction();
float par = (isect-proj_origin).norm() / par_scale;
isect = ray.pointAt(par);
// check that the intersection is between the base planes:
float vert_dist = base.signedDistance(isect);
if (vert_dist > 0.f && vert_dist < height) {
(found ? out.second : out.first) = par;
// If only one intersection was found, it is some corner case,
// no intersection will be returned:
if (found != 0)
return std::pair<float, float>(std::nan(""), std::nan(""));
// Sort the intersections:
if (out.first > out.second)
std::swap(out.first, out.second);
return out;
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ struct DrainHole
bool operator==(const DrainHole &sp) const;
bool operator!=(const DrainHole &sp) const { return !(sp == (*this)); }
bool is_inside(const Vec3f& pt) const;
std::pair<float, float> get_intersections(const Vec3f& s,
const Vec3f& dir
) const;
template<class Archive> inline void serialize(Archive &ar)
@ -415,7 +415,8 @@ SLAPrint::ApplyStatus SLAPrint::apply(const Model &model, DynamicPrintConfig con
model_object.sla_points_status = model_object_new.sla_points_status;
if (model_object.sla_drain_holes.size() != model_object_new.sla_drain_holes.size())
// Invalidate hollowing if drain holes have changed
if (model_object.sla_drain_holes != model_object_new.sla_drain_holes)
model_object.sla_drain_holes = model_object_new.sla_drain_holes;
@ -412,25 +412,6 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::update_mesh()
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::is_point_in_hole(const Vec3f& pt) const
auto squared_distance_from_line = [](const Vec3f pt, const Vec3f& line_pt, const Vec3f& dir) -> float {
Vec3f diff = line_pt - pt;
return (diff - * dir).squaredNorm();
for (const sla::DrainHole& hole : m_model_object->sla_drain_holes) {
if ( < EPSILON
|| * hole.normal)) > 0.f)
if ( squared_distance_from_line(pt, hole.pos, hole.normal) < pow(hole.radius, 2.f))
return true;
return false;
// Unprojects the mouse position on the mesh and saves hit point and normal of the facet into pos_and_normal
// Return false if no intersection was found, true otherwise.
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f>& pos_and_normal)
@ -448,14 +429,23 @@ bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, std::pair<Vec
// The raycaster query
Vec3f hit;
Vec3f normal;
if (m_mesh_raycaster->unproject_on_mesh(mouse_pos, trafo.get_matrix(), camera, hit, normal, m_clipping_plane.get())
&& ! is_point_in_hole(hit)) {
// Return both the point and the facet normal.
pos_and_normal = std::make_pair(hit, normal);
return true;
if (m_mesh_raycaster->unproject_on_mesh(mouse_pos, trafo.get_matrix(), camera, hit, normal, m_clipping_plane.get())) {
// Check whether the hit is in a hole
bool in_hole = false;
for (const sla::DrainHole& hole : m_model_object->sla_drain_holes) {
if (hole.is_inside(hit)) {
in_hole = true;
if (! in_hole) {
// Return both the point and the facet normal.
pos_and_normal = std::make_pair(hit, normal);
return true;
return false;
return false;
// Following function is called from GLCanvas3D to inform the gizmo about a mouse/keyboard event.
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