Create text by menu in right panel
Issue 54 (right panel -Sidebar) Fix creating text volume inside deleted object.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 394 additions and 199 deletions
@ -508,15 +508,17 @@ void MenuFactory::append_menu_item_add_text(wxMenu* menu, ModelVolumeType type,
assert(emboss != nullptr);
if (emboss == nullptr) return;
auto screen_position = canvas->get_popup_menu_position();
if (!screen_position.has_value()) return;
ModelVolumeType volume_type = type;
// no selected object means create new object
if (volume_type == ModelVolumeType::INVALID)
volume_type = ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART;
emboss->create_volume(volume_type, *screen_position);
auto screen_position = canvas->get_popup_menu_position();
if (screen_position.has_value()) {
emboss->create_volume(volume_type, *screen_position);
} else {
if ( type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#define SHOW_OFFSET_DURING_DRAGGING // when drag with text over surface visualize used center
#define SHOW_FINE_POSITION // draw convex hull around volume
@ -140,34 +140,7 @@ GLGizmoEmboss::GLGizmoEmboss(GLCanvas3D &parent)
// paste HEX unicode into notepad move cursor after unicode press [alt] + [x]
void GLGizmoEmboss::set_fine_position()
const Selection &selection = m_parent.get_selection();
const Selection::IndicesList indices = selection.get_volume_idxs();
// no selected volume
if (indices.empty()) return;
const GLVolume *volume = selection.get_volume(*indices.begin());
// bad volume selected (e.g. deleted one)
if (volume == nullptr) return;
const Camera &camera = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera();
Polygon hull = CameraUtils::create_hull2d(camera, *volume);
const ImVec2 &windows_size = get_minimal_window_size();
Size c_size = m_parent.get_canvas_size();
ImVec2 canvas_size(c_size.get_width(), c_size.get_height());
ImVec2 offset = ImGuiWrapper::suggest_location(windows_size, hull, canvas_size);
m_set_window_offset = offset;
Polygon rect({Point(offset.x, offset.y),
Point(offset.x + windows_size.x, offset.y),
Point(offset.x + windows_size.x, offset.y + windows_size.y),
Point(offset.x, offset.y + windows_size.y)});
// Private namespace with helper function for create volume
namespace priv {
/// <summary>
@ -178,52 +151,143 @@ namespace priv {
/// <returns>Base data for emboss text</returns>
static DataBase create_emboss_data_base(const std::string &text, StyleManager &style_manager);
static bool is_valid(ModelVolumeType volume_type);
/// <summary>
/// Start job for add new volume to object with given transformation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="object">Define where to add</param>
/// <param name="volume_trmat">Volume transformation</param>
/// <param name="emboss_data">Define text</param>
/// <param name="volume_type">Type of volume</param>
static void start_create_volume_job(const ModelObject *object,
const Transform3d volume_trmat,
DataBase &emboss_data,
ModelVolumeType volume_type);
static GLVolume *get_hovered_gl_volume(const GLCanvas3D &canvas);
/// <summary>
/// Start job for add new volume on surface of object defined by screen coor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="emboss_data">Define params of text</param>
/// <param name="volume_type">Emboss / engrave</param>
/// <param name="screen_coor">Mouse position which define position</param>
/// <param name="gl_volume">Volume to find surface for create</param>
/// <param name="raycaster">Ability to ray cast to model</param>
/// <returns>True when start creation, False when there is no hit surface by screen coor</returns>
static bool start_create_volume_on_surface_job(DataBase &emboss_data,
ModelVolumeType volume_type,
const Vec2d &screen_coor,
const GLVolume *gl_volume,
RaycastManager &raycaster);
/// <summary>
/// Find volume in selected object with closest convex hull to screen center.
/// Return
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selection">Define where to search for closest</param>
/// <param name="screen_center">Canvas center(dependent on camera settings)</param>
/// <param name="objects">Actual objects</param>
/// <param name="closest_center">OUT: coordinate of controid of closest volume</param>
/// <param name="closest_volume">OUT: closest volume</param>
static void find_closest_volume(const Selection &selection,
const Vec2d &screen_center,
const Camera &camera,
const ModelObjectPtrs &objects,
Vec2d *closest_center,
const GLVolume **closest_volume);
/// <summary>
/// Start job for add object with text into scene
/// </summary>
/// <param name="emboss_data">Define params of text</param>
/// <param name="coor">Screen coordinat, where to create new object laying on bed</param>
static void start_create_object_job(DataBase &emboss_data, const Vec2d &coor);
static void message_disable_cut_surface(){
wxMessageBox(_L("Can NOT cut surface from nothing. Function 'use surface' was disabled for this text."),
_L("Disable 'use surface' from style"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING);}
/// <summary>
/// Create transformation for new created emboss object by mouse position
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screen_coor">Define where to add object</param>
/// <param name="camera">Actual camera view</param>
/// <param name="bed_shape">Define shape of bed for its center and check that coor is on bed center</param>
/// <param name="z">Emboss size / 2</param>
/// <returns>Transformation for create text on bed</returns>
static Transform3d create_transformation_on_bed(const Vec2d &screen_coor,
const Camera &camera,
const std::vector<Vec2d> &bed_shape,
double z);
} // namespace priv
bool priv::is_valid(ModelVolumeType volume_type){
if (volume_type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART ||
volume_type == ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME ||
volume_type == ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER)
return true;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Can't create embossed volume with this type: " << (int)volume_type;
return false;
void GLGizmoEmboss::create_volume(ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d& mouse_pos)
assert(volume_type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART ||
volume_type == ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME ||
volume_type == ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER);
if (!priv::is_valid(volume_type)) return;
if (!m_gui_cfg.has_value()) initialize();
GLVolume *gl_volume = priv::get_hovered_gl_volume(m_parent);
DataBase emboss_data = priv::create_emboss_data_base(m_text, m_style_manager);
// Try to cast ray into scene and find object for add volume
if (priv::start_create_volume_on_surface_job(emboss_data, volume_type, mouse_pos, gl_volume, m_raycast_manager))
// object found
// object is not under mouse position soo create object on plater
priv::start_create_object_job(emboss_data, mouse_pos);
void GLGizmoEmboss::create_volume(ModelVolumeType volume_type)
if (!priv::is_valid(volume_type)) return;
if (!m_gui_cfg.has_value()) initialize();
Vec2d screen_coor = mouse_pos;
if (mouse_pos.x() < 0 || mouse_pos.y() < 0) {
// use center of screen
auto screen_size = m_parent.get_canvas_size();
screen_coor.x() = screen_size.get_width() / 2.;
screen_coor.y() = screen_size.get_height() / 2.;
// select position by camera position and view direction
const Selection &selection = m_parent.get_selection();
int object_idx = selection.get_object_idx();
Size s = m_parent.get_canvas_size();
Vec2d screen_center(s.get_width() / 2., s.get_height() / 2.);
DataBase emboss_data = priv::create_emboss_data_base(m_text, m_style_manager);
if (!selection.is_empty() && object_idx >= 0) {
// create volume inside of object
const Plater &plater = *wxGetApp().plater();
const Camera &camera = plater.get_camera();
const ModelObjectPtrs &objects = wxGetApp().model().objects;
Vec2d coor;
const GLVolume *vol = nullptr;
priv::find_closest_volume(selection, screen_center, camera, objects, &coor, &vol);
if (!priv::start_create_volume_on_surface_job(emboss_data, volume_type, coor, vol, m_raycast_manager)) {
assert(vol != nullptr);
// in centroid of convex hull is not hit with object
// soo create transfomation on border of object
const ModelObject *obj = objects[vol->object_idx()];
const BoundingBoxf3& bb = obj->bounding_box();
Transform3d volume_trmat(Eigen::Translation3d(bb.max.x(), 0., 0.));
priv::start_create_volume_job(obj, volume_trmat, emboss_data, volume_type);
} else {
// create Object on center of screen
// when ray throw center of screen not hit bed it create object on center of bed
priv::start_create_object_job(emboss_data, screen_center);
if (start_volume_creation(volume_type, screen_coor)) return;
// start creation of new object
Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater();
const Camera &camera = plater->get_camera();
const Pointfs &bed_shape = plater->build_volume().bed_shape();
// TODO: Fix double creation of base data (first is inside function start_volume_creation)
DataBase emboss_data = priv::create_emboss_data_base(m_text, m_style_manager);
FontProp& prop =;
// can't create new object with using surface
if (prop.use_surface) {
prop.use_surface = false;
// can't create new object with distance from surface
if (prop.distance.has_value()) prop.distance.reset();
DataCreateObject data{std::move(emboss_data), screen_coor, camera, bed_shape};
auto job = std::make_unique<CreateObjectJob>(std::move(data));
Worker &worker = plater->get_ui_job_worker();
queue_job(worker, std::move(job));
bool GLGizmoEmboss::on_mouse_for_rotation(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event)
@ -555,7 +619,7 @@ static void draw_fine_position(const Selection &selection,
const Size &canvas,
const ImVec2 &windows_size)
const Selection::IndicesList indices = selection.get_volume_idxs();
const Selection::IndicesList& indices = selection.get_volume_idxs();
// no selected volume
if (indices.empty()) return;
const GLVolume *volume = selection.get_volume(*indices.begin());
@ -835,81 +899,6 @@ EmbossStyles GLGizmoEmboss::create_default_styles()
void GLGizmoEmboss::set_default_text(){ m_text = _u8L("Embossed text"); }
bool GLGizmoEmboss::start_volume_creation(ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d &screen_coor)
Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater();
const Selection &selection = m_parent.get_selection();
if (selection.is_empty()) return false;
int hovered_id_signed = m_parent.get_first_hover_volume_idx();
if (hovered_id_signed < 0) return false;
size_t hovered_id = static_cast<size_t>(hovered_id_signed);
auto &volumes = m_parent.get_volumes().volumes;
if (hovered_id >= volumes.size()) return false;
int object_idx_signed = selection.get_object_idx();
if (object_idx_signed < 0) return false;
size_t object_idx = static_cast<size_t>(object_idx_signed);
auto &objects = plater->model().objects;
if (object_idx >= objects.size()) return false;
ModelObject *obj = objects[object_idx];
const Camera &camera = plater->get_camera();
std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> hit =
m_raycast_manager.unproject(screen_coor, camera);
// context menu for add text could be open only by right click on an
// object. After right click, object is selected and object_idx is set
// also hit must exist. But there is proper behavior when hit doesn't
// exists. When this assert appear distquish remove of it.
if (!hit.has_value()) return false;
Transform3d hit_object_trmat = m_raycast_manager.get_transformation(hit->tr_key);
GLVolume *gl_volume = volumes[hovered_id];
Transform3d hit_instance_trmat = gl_volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
DataBase emboss_data = priv::create_emboss_data_base(m_text, m_style_manager);
// Create result volume transformation
Transform3d surface_trmat = create_transformation_onto_surface(hit->position, hit->normal);
const FontProp& font_prop =;
apply_transformation(font_prop, surface_trmat);
Transform3d volume_trmat = hit_instance_trmat.inverse() * hit_object_trmat * surface_trmat;
bool &use_surface =;
std::unique_ptr<GUI::Job> job;
if (use_surface) {
// Model to cut surface from.
SurfaceVolumeData::ModelSources sources = create_sources(obj->volumes);
if (sources.empty()) {
use_surface = false;
} else {
bool is_outside = volume_type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART;
// check that there is not unexpected volume type
assert(is_outside || volume_type == ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME || volume_type == ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER);
CreateSurfaceVolumeData surface_data{std::move(emboss_data), volume_trmat, is_outside,
std::move(sources), volume_type, object_idx_signed};
job = std::make_unique<CreateSurfaceVolumeJob>(std::move(surface_data));
if (!use_surface) {
// create volume
DataCreateVolume data{std::move(emboss_data), volume_type, object_idx_signed, volume_trmat};
job = std::make_unique<CreateVolumeJob>(std::move(data));
Worker &worker = plater->get_ui_job_worker();
queue_job(worker, std::move(job));
return true;
#include "imgui/imgui_internal.h" // to unfocus input --> ClearActiveID
void GLGizmoEmboss::check_selection()
@ -1562,6 +1551,9 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_font_preview(FaceName& face, bool is_visible)
m_face_names.texture_index = texture_index;
face.texture_index = texture_index;
// clear texture
// render text to texture
FontImageData data{
@ -2596,6 +2588,34 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::do_rotate(float relative_z_angle)
void GLGizmoEmboss::set_fine_position()
const Selection &selection = m_parent.get_selection();
const Selection::IndicesList indices = selection.get_volume_idxs();
// no selected volume
if (indices.empty()) return;
const GLVolume *volume = selection.get_volume(*indices.begin());
// bad volume selected (e.g. deleted one)
if (volume == nullptr) return;
const Camera &camera = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera();
Polygon hull = CameraUtils::create_hull2d(camera, *volume);
const ImVec2 &windows_size = get_minimal_window_size();
Size c_size = m_parent.get_canvas_size();
ImVec2 canvas_size(c_size.get_width(), c_size.get_height());
ImVec2 offset = ImGuiWrapper::suggest_location(windows_size, hull, canvas_size);
m_set_window_offset = offset;
Polygon rect({Point(offset.x, offset.y),
Point(offset.x + windows_size.x, offset.y),
Point(offset.x + windows_size.x, offset.y + windows_size.y),
Point(offset.x, offset.y + windows_size.y)});
void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_advanced()
const auto &ff = m_style_manager.get_font_file_with_cache();
@ -2965,40 +2985,6 @@ bool GLGizmoEmboss::choose_svg_file()
//return add_volume(name, its);
DataBase priv::create_emboss_data_base(const std::string &text, StyleManager& style_manager)
auto create_volume_name = [&]() {
bool contain_enter = text.find('\n') != std::string::npos;
std::string text_fixed;
if (contain_enter) {
// change enters to space
text_fixed = text; // copy
std::replace(text_fixed.begin(), text_fixed.end(), '\n', ' ');
return _u8L("Text") + " - " + ((contain_enter) ? text_fixed : text);
auto create_configuration = [&]() -> TextConfiguration {
if (!style_manager.is_activ_font()) {
std::string default_text_for_emboss = _u8L("Embossed text");
EmbossStyle es = style_manager.get_style();
TextConfiguration tc{es, default_text_for_emboss};
// TODO: investigate how to initialize
return tc;
EmbossStyle &es = style_manager.get_style();
// actualize font path - during changes in gui it could be corrupted
// volume must store valid path
assert(*style_manager.get_wx_font())) == 0);
// style.path = WxFontUtils::store_wxFont(*m_style_manager.get_wx_font());
return TextConfiguration{es, text};
return Slic3r::GUI::Emboss::DataBase{style_manager.get_font_file_with_cache(), create_configuration(), create_volume_name()};
bool GLGizmoEmboss::load_configuration(ModelVolume *volume)
if (volume == nullptr) return false;
@ -3251,5 +3237,202 @@ std::string GLGizmoEmboss::get_file_name(const std::string &file_path)
return file_path.substr(offset, count);
// priv namespace implementation
DataBase priv::create_emboss_data_base(const std::string &text, StyleManager& style_manager)
auto create_volume_name = [&]() {
bool contain_enter = text.find('\n') != std::string::npos;
std::string text_fixed;
if (contain_enter) {
// change enters to space
text_fixed = text; // copy
std::replace(text_fixed.begin(), text_fixed.end(), '\n', ' ');
return _u8L("Text") + " - " + ((contain_enter) ? text_fixed : text);
auto create_configuration = [&]() -> TextConfiguration {
if (!style_manager.is_activ_font()) {
std::string default_text_for_emboss = _u8L("Embossed text");
EmbossStyle es = style_manager.get_style();
TextConfiguration tc{es, default_text_for_emboss};
// TODO: investigate how to initialize
return tc;
EmbossStyle &es = style_manager.get_style();
// actualize font path - during changes in gui it could be corrupted
// volume must store valid path
assert(*style_manager.get_wx_font())) == 0);
// style.path = WxFontUtils::store_wxFont(*m_style_manager.get_wx_font());
return TextConfiguration{es, text};
return Slic3r::GUI::Emboss::DataBase{style_manager.get_font_file_with_cache(), create_configuration(), create_volume_name()};
Transform3d priv::create_transformation_on_bed(const Vec2d &screen_coor, const Camera &camera, const std::vector<Vec2d> &bed_shape, double z)
// Create new object
// calculate X,Y offset position for lay on platter in place of
// mouse click
Vec2d bed_coor = CameraUtils::get_z0_position(camera, screen_coor);
// check point is on build plate:
Points bed_shape_;
for (const Vec2d &p : bed_shape) bed_shape_.emplace_back(p.cast<int>());
Slic3r::Polygon bed(bed_shape_);
if (!bed.contains(bed_coor.cast<int>()))
// mouse pose is out of build plate so create object in center of plate
bed_coor = bed.centroid().cast<double>();
Vec3d offset(bed_coor.x(), bed_coor.y(), z);
// offset -=;
Transform3d::TranslationType tt(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z());
return Transform3d(tt);
void priv::start_create_object_job(DataBase &emboss_data, const Vec2d &coor)
// start creation of new object
Plater *plater = wxGetApp().plater();
const Camera &camera = plater->get_camera();
const Pointfs &bed_shape = plater->build_volume().bed_shape();
// can't create new object with distance from surface
FontProp &prop =;
if (prop.distance.has_value()) prop.distance.reset();
// can't create new object with using surface
if (prop.use_surface) {
prop.use_surface = false;
// Transform3d volume_tr = priv::create_transformation_on_bed(mouse_pos, camera, bed_shape, prop.emboss / 2);
DataCreateObject data{std::move(emboss_data), coor, camera, bed_shape};
auto job = std::make_unique<CreateObjectJob>(std::move(data));
Worker &worker = plater->get_ui_job_worker();
queue_job(worker, std::move(job));
void priv::start_create_volume_job(const ModelObject *object,
const Transform3d volume_trmat,
DataBase &emboss_data,
ModelVolumeType volume_type)
bool &use_surface =;
std::unique_ptr<GUI::Job> job;
if (use_surface) {
// Model to cut surface from.
SurfaceVolumeData::ModelSources sources = create_sources(object->volumes);
if (sources.empty()) {
use_surface = false;
} else {
bool is_outside = volume_type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART;
// check that there is not unexpected volume type
assert(is_outside || volume_type == ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME || volume_type == ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER);
CreateSurfaceVolumeData surface_data{std::move(emboss_data), volume_trmat, is_outside,
std::move(sources), volume_type, object->id()};
job = std::make_unique<CreateSurfaceVolumeJob>(std::move(surface_data));
if (!use_surface) {
// create volume
DataCreateVolume data{std::move(emboss_data), volume_type, object->id(), volume_trmat};
job = std::make_unique<CreateVolumeJob>(std::move(data));
Plater *plater = wxGetApp().plater();
Worker &worker = plater->get_ui_job_worker();
queue_job(worker, std::move(job));
GLVolume * priv::get_hovered_gl_volume(const GLCanvas3D &canvas) {
int hovered_id_signed = canvas.get_first_hover_volume_idx();
if (hovered_id_signed < 0) return nullptr;
size_t hovered_id = static_cast<size_t>(hovered_id_signed);
const GLVolumePtrs &volumes = canvas.get_volumes().volumes;
if (hovered_id >= volumes.size()) return nullptr;
return volumes[hovered_id];
bool priv::start_create_volume_on_surface_job(
DataBase &emboss_data, ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d &screen_coor, const GLVolume *gl_volume, RaycastManager &raycaster)
if (gl_volume == nullptr) return false;
Plater *plater = wxGetApp().plater();
const ModelObjectPtrs &objects = plater->model().objects;
int object_idx = gl_volume->object_idx();
if (object_idx < 0 || object_idx >= objects.size()) return false;
ModelObject *obj = objects[object_idx];
size_t vol_id = obj->volumes[gl_volume->volume_idx()]->id().id;
auto cond = RaycastManager::AllowVolumes({vol_id});
raycaster.actualize(obj, &cond);
const Camera &camera = plater->get_camera();
std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> hit = raycaster.unproject(screen_coor, camera);
// context menu for add text could be open only by right click on an
// object. After right click, object is selected and object_idx is set
// also hit must exist. But there is options to add text by object list
if (!hit.has_value()) return false;
Transform3d hit_object_trmat = raycaster.get_transformation(hit->tr_key);
Transform3d hit_instance_trmat = gl_volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
// Create result volume transformation
Transform3d surface_trmat = create_transformation_onto_surface(hit->position, hit->normal);
const FontProp &font_prop =;
apply_transformation(font_prop, surface_trmat);
Transform3d volume_trmat = hit_instance_trmat.inverse() * hit_object_trmat * surface_trmat;
start_create_volume_job(obj, volume_trmat, emboss_data, volume_type);
return true;
void priv::find_closest_volume(const Selection &selection,
const Vec2d &screen_center,
const Camera &camera,
const ModelObjectPtrs &objects,
Vec2d *closest_center,
const GLVolume **closest_volume)
assert(closest_center != nullptr);
assert(closest_volume != nullptr);
assert(*closest_volume == nullptr);
const Selection::IndicesList &indices = selection.get_volume_idxs();
assert(!indices.empty()); // no selected volume
if (indices.empty()) return;
double center_sq_distance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (unsigned int id : indices) {
const GLVolume *gl_volume = selection.get_volume(id);
ModelVolume *volume = priv::get_model_volume(gl_volume, objects);
if (!volume->is_model_part()) continue;
Slic3r::Polygon hull = CameraUtils::create_hull2d(camera, *gl_volume);
Vec2d c = hull.centroid().cast<double>();
Vec2d d = c - screen_center;
bool is_bigger_x = std::fabs(d.x()) > std::fabs(d.y());
if ((is_bigger_x && d.x() * d.x() > center_sq_distance) ||
(!is_bigger_x && d.y() * d.y() > center_sq_distance)) continue;
double distance = d.squaredNorm();
if (center_sq_distance < distance) continue;
center_sq_distance = distance;
*closest_center = c;
*closest_volume = gl_volume;
// any existing icon filename to not influence GUI
const std::string GLGizmoEmboss::M_ICON_FILENAME = "cut.svg";
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ public:
/// </summary>
/// <param name="volume_type">Object part / Negative volume / Modifier</param>
/// <param name="mouse_pos">Define position of new volume</param>
void create_volume(ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d &mouse_pos = Vec2d(-1,-1));
void create_volume(ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d &mouse_pos);
/// <summary>
/// Move window for edit emboss text near to embossed object
/// NOTE: embossed object must be selected
/// Create new text without given position
/// </summary>
void set_fine_position();
/// <param name="volume_type">Object part / Negative volume / Modifier</param>
void create_volume(ModelVolumeType volume_type);
bool on_init() override;
@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ private:
// localized default text
void set_default_text();
bool start_volume_creation(ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d &screen_coor);
void check_selection();
ModelVolume *get_selected_volume();
// create volume from text - main functionality
@ -125,6 +123,12 @@ private:
void do_translate(const Vec3d& relative_move);
void do_rotate(float relative_z_angle);
/// <summary>
/// Move window for edit emboss text near to embossed object
/// NOTE: embossed object must be selected
/// </summary>
void set_fine_position();
/// <summary>
/// Reversible input float with option to restor default value
/// TODO: make more general, static and move to ImGuiWrapper
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ static void update_volume(TriangleMesh &&mesh, const DataUpdate &data);
/// Add new volume to object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mesh">triangles of new volume</param>
/// <param name="object_idx">Object where to add volume</param>
/// <param name="object_id">Object where to add volume</param>
/// <param name="type">Type of new volume</param>
/// <param name="trmat">Transformation of volume inside of object</param>
/// <param name="data">Text configuration and New VolumeName</param>
static void create_volume(TriangleMesh &&mesh, const size_t object_idx,
static void create_volume(TriangleMesh &&mesh, const ObjectID& object_id,
const ModelVolumeType type, const Transform3d trmat, const DataBase &data);
/// <summary>
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void CreateVolumeJob::finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &eptr) {
if (m_result.its.empty())
return priv::create_message(_u8L("Can't create empty volume."));
priv::create_volume(std::move(m_result), m_input.object_idx, m_input.volume_type, m_input.trmat, m_input);
priv::create_volume(std::move(m_result), m_input.object_id, m_input.volume_type, m_input.trmat, m_input);
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ void CreateSurfaceVolumeJob::finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &eptr) {
// TODO: Find better way to Not center volume data when add !!!
TriangleMesh mesh = m_result; // Part1: copy
priv::create_volume(std::move(m_result), m_input.object_idx,
priv::create_volume(std::move(m_result), m_input.object_id,
m_input.volume_type, m_input.text_tr, m_input);
// Part2: update volume data
@ -385,10 +385,8 @@ bool priv::check(const DataCreateVolume &input, bool is_main_thread) {
bool res = check((DataBase) input, check_fontfile);
assert(input.volume_type != ModelVolumeType::INVALID);
res &= input.volume_type != ModelVolumeType::INVALID;
assert(input.object_idx >= 0);
res &= input.object_idx >= 0;
if (is_main_thread)
assert((size_t)input.object_idx < wxGetApp().model().objects.size());
assert( >= 0);
res &= >= 0;
return res;
bool priv::check(const DataCreateObject &input) {
@ -571,7 +569,7 @@ void priv::update_volume(TriangleMesh &&mesh, const DataUpdate &data)
void priv::create_volume(
TriangleMesh &&mesh, const size_t object_idx,
TriangleMesh &&mesh, const ObjectID& object_id,
const ModelVolumeType type, const Transform3d trmat, const DataBase &data)
GUI_App &app = wxGetApp();
@ -580,18 +578,26 @@ void priv::create_volume(
GLCanvas3D *canvas = plater->canvas3D();
ModelObjectPtrs &objects = plater->model().objects;
ModelObject *obj = nullptr;
size_t object_idx = 0;
for (; object_idx < objects.size(); ++object_idx) {
ModelObject *o = objects[object_idx];
if (o->id() == object_id) {
obj = o;
// Parent object for text volume was propably removed.
// Assumption: User know what he does, so text volume is no more needed.
if (objects.size() <= object_idx)
return priv::create_message(_u8L("Bad object index to create volume."));
if (obj == nullptr)
return priv::create_message(_u8L("Bad object to create volume."));
if (mesh.its.empty())
return priv::create_message(_u8L("Can't create empty volume."));
plater->take_snapshot(_L("Add Emboss text Volume"));
ModelObject *obj = objects[object_idx];
// NOTE: be carefull add volume also center mesh !!!
// So first add simple shape(convex hull is also calculated)
ModelVolume *volume = obj->add_volume(make_cube(1., 1., 1.), type);
@ -618,7 +624,7 @@ void priv::create_volume(
// select only actual volume
// when new volume is created change selection to this volume
auto add_to_selection = [volume](const ModelVolume *vol) { return vol == volume; };
wxDataViewItemArray sel = obj_list->reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(object_idx, add_to_selection);
wxDataViewItemArray sel = obj_list->reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(object_idx, add_to_selection);
if (!sel.IsEmpty()) obj_list->select_item(sel.front());
// update printable state on canvas
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct DataCreateVolume : public DataBase
ModelVolumeType volume_type;
// parent ModelObject index where to create volume
int object_idx;
ObjectID object_id;
// new created volume transformation
Transform3d trmat;
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ struct CreateSurfaceVolumeData : public DataBase, public SurfaceVolumeData{
ModelVolumeType volume_type;
// parent ModelObject index where to create volume
int object_idx;
ObjectID object_id;
/// <summary>
Add table
Reference in a new issue