Merge branch 'master' of into et_3dconnexion
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 472 additions and 573 deletions
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
// 0 : .3mf, files saved by older slic3r or other applications. No version definition in them.
// 1 : Introduction of 3mf versioning. No other change in data saved into 3mf files.
const unsigned int VERSION_3MF = 1;
// 2 : Meshes saved in their local system; Volumes' matrices and source data added to Metadata/Slic3r_PE_model.config file.
const unsigned int VERSION_3MF = 2;
const char* SLIC3RPE_3MF_VERSION = "slic3rpe:Version3mf"; // definition of the metadata name saved into .model file
const std::string MODEL_FOLDER = "3D/";
@ -87,6 +88,13 @@ const char* VOLUME_TYPE = "volume";
const char* NAME_KEY = "name";
const char* MODIFIER_KEY = "modifier";
const char* VOLUME_TYPE_KEY = "volume_type";
const char* MATRIX_KEY = "matrix";
const char* SOURCE_FILE_KEY = "source_file";
const char* SOURCE_OBJECT_ID_KEY = "source_object_id";
const char* SOURCE_VOLUME_ID_KEY = "source_volume_id";
const char* SOURCE_OFFSET_X_KEY = "source_offset_x";
const char* SOURCE_OFFSET_Y_KEY = "source_offset_y";
const char* SOURCE_OFFSET_Z_KEY = "source_offset_z";
const unsigned int VALID_OBJECT_TYPES_COUNT = 1;
const char* VALID_OBJECT_TYPES[] =
@ -148,11 +156,15 @@ bool get_attribute_value_bool(const char** attributes, unsigned int attributes_s
return (text != nullptr) ? (bool)::atoi(text) : true;
Slic3r::Transform3d get_transform_from_string(const std::string& mat_str)
Slic3r::Transform3d get_transform_from_3mf_specs_string(const std::string& mat_str)
// check: or
// to see how matrices are stored inside 3mf according to specifications
Slic3r::Transform3d ret = Slic3r::Transform3d::Identity();
if (mat_str.empty())
// empty string means default identity matrix
return Slic3r::Transform3d::Identity();
return ret;
std::vector<std::string> mat_elements_str;
boost::split(mat_elements_str, mat_str, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on);
@ -160,9 +172,8 @@ Slic3r::Transform3d get_transform_from_string(const std::string& mat_str)
unsigned int size = (unsigned int)mat_elements_str.size();
if (size != 12)
// invalid data, return identity matrix
return Slic3r::Transform3d::Identity();
return ret;
Slic3r::Transform3d ret = Slic3r::Transform3d::Identity();
unsigned int i = 0;
// matrices are stored into 3mf files as 4x3
// we need to transpose them
@ -1375,7 +1386,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_component(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
int object_id = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, OBJECTID_ATTR);
Transform3d transform = get_transform_from_string(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TRANSFORM_ATTR));
Transform3d transform = get_transform_from_3mf_specs_string(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TRANSFORM_ATTR));
IdToModelObjectMap::iterator object_item = m_objects.find(object_id);
if (object_item == m_objects.end())
@ -1421,7 +1432,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
// see specifications
int object_id = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, OBJECTID_ATTR);
Transform3d transform = get_transform_from_string(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TRANSFORM_ATTR));
Transform3d transform = get_transform_from_3mf_specs_string(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TRANSFORM_ATTR));
int printable = get_attribute_value_bool(attributes, num_attributes, PRINTABLE_ATTR);
return _create_object_instance(object_id, transform, printable, 1);
@ -1634,6 +1645,21 @@ namespace Slic3r {
return false;
Slic3r::Geometry::Transformation transform;
if (m_version > 1)
// extract the volume transformation from the volume's metadata, if present
for (const Metadata& metadata : volume_data.metadata)
if (metadata.key == MATRIX_KEY)
Transform3d inv_matrix = transform.get_matrix().inverse();
// splits volume out of imported geometry
TriangleMesh triangle_mesh;
stl_file &stl = triangle_mesh.stl;
@ -1651,7 +1677,12 @@ namespace Slic3r {
stl_facet& facet = stl.facet_start[i];
for (unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++v)
::memcpy(facet.vertex[v].data(), (const void*)&geometry.vertices[geometry.triangles[src_start_id + ii + v] * 3], 3 * sizeof(float));
unsigned int tri_id = geometry.triangles[src_start_id + ii + v] * 3;
Vec3f vertex(geometry.vertices[tri_id + 0], geometry.vertices[tri_id + 1], geometry.vertices[tri_id + 2]);
if (m_version > 1)
// revert the vertices to the original mesh reference system
vertex = (inv_matrix * vertex.cast<double>()).cast<float>();
::memcpy(facet.vertex[v].data(), (const void*), 3 * sizeof(float));
@ -1659,10 +1690,12 @@ namespace Slic3r {
ModelVolume* volume = object.add_volume(std::move(triangle_mesh));
// apply the volume matrix taken from the metadata, if present
if (m_version > 1)
// apply volume's name and config data
// apply the remaining volume's metadata
for (const Metadata& metadata : volume_data.metadata)
if (metadata.key == NAME_KEY)
@ -1671,6 +1704,18 @@ namespace Slic3r {
else if (metadata.key == VOLUME_TYPE_KEY)
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_FILE_KEY)
volume->source.input_file = metadata.value;
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_OBJECT_ID_KEY)
volume->source.object_idx = ::atoi(metadata.value.c_str());
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_VOLUME_ID_KEY)
volume->source.volume_idx = ::atoi(metadata.value.c_str());
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_OFFSET_X_KEY)
volume->source.mesh_offset(0) = ::atof(metadata.value.c_str());
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_OFFSET_Y_KEY)
volume->source.mesh_offset(1) = ::atof(metadata.value.c_str());
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_OFFSET_Z_KEY)
volume->source.mesh_offset(2) = ::atof(metadata.value.c_str());
volume->config.set_deserialize(metadata.key, metadata.value);
@ -2116,7 +2161,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
for (const BuildItem& item : build_items)
stream << " <" << ITEM_TAG << " objectid=\"" << << "\" transform =\"";
stream << " <" << ITEM_TAG << " " << OBJECTID_ATTR << "=\"" << << "\" " << TRANSFORM_ATTR << "=\"";
for (unsigned c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
for (unsigned r = 0; r < 3; ++r)
@ -2126,7 +2171,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
stream << " ";
stream << "\" printable =\"" << item.printable << "\" />\n";
stream << "\" " << PRINTABLE_ATTR << "=\"" << item.printable << "\" />\n";
stream << " </" << BUILD_TAG << ">\n";
@ -2344,6 +2389,31 @@ namespace Slic3r {
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE_KEY << "\" " <<
VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << ModelVolume::type_to_string(volume->type()) << "\"/>\n";
// stores volume's local matrix
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << MATRIX_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"";
const Transform3d& matrix = volume->get_matrix();
for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
stream << matrix(r, c);
if ((r != 3) || (c != 3))
stream << " ";
stream << "\"/>\n";
// stores volume's source data
if (!volume->source.input_file.empty())
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << SOURCE_FILE_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << xml_escape(volume->source.input_file) << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << SOURCE_OBJECT_ID_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << volume->source.object_idx << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << SOURCE_VOLUME_ID_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << volume->source.volume_idx << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << SOURCE_OFFSET_X_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << volume->source.mesh_offset(0) << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << SOURCE_OFFSET_Y_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << volume->source.mesh_offset(1) << "\"/>\n";
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << SOURCE_OFFSET_Z_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << volume->source.mesh_offset(2) << "\"/>\n";
// stores volume's config data
for (const std::string& key : volume->config.keys())
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "../PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "../Utils.hpp"
#include "../I18N.hpp"
#include "../Geometry.hpp"
#include "AMF.hpp"
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@
// Added x and y components of rotation
// Added x, y and z components of scale
// Added x, y and z components of mirror
const unsigned int VERSION_AMF = 2;
// 3 : Meshes saved in their local system; Added volumes' matrices and source data
const unsigned int VERSION_AMF = 3;
const char* SLIC3RPE_AMF_VERSION = "slic3rpe_amf_version";
const char* SLIC3R_CONFIG_TYPE = "slic3rpe_config";
@ -560,15 +562,30 @@ void AMFParserContext::endElement(const char * /* name */)
stl.stats.number_of_facets = int(m_volume_facets.size() / 3);
stl.stats.original_num_facets = stl.stats.number_of_facets;
Slic3r::Geometry::Transformation transform;
if (m_version > 2)
transform = m_volume->get_transformation();
Transform3d inv_matrix = transform.get_matrix().inverse();
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_volume_facets.size();) {
stl_facet &facet = stl.facet_start[i/3];
for (unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++ v)
memcpy(facet.vertex[v].data(), &m_object_vertices[m_volume_facets[i ++] * 3], 3 * sizeof(float));
for (unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++v)
unsigned int tri_id = m_volume_facets[i++] * 3;
Vec3f vertex(m_object_vertices[tri_id + 0], m_object_vertices[tri_id + 1], m_object_vertices[tri_id + 2]);
if (m_version > 2)
// revert the vertices to the original mesh reference system
vertex = (inv_matrix * vertex.cast<double>()).cast<float>();
::memcpy((void*)facet.vertex[v].data(), (const void*), 3 * sizeof(float));
// pass false if the mesh offset has been already taken from the data
m_volume = nullptr;
@ -664,6 +681,29 @@ void AMFParserContext::endElement(const char * /* name */)
} else if (strcmp(opt_key, "volume_type") == 0) {
else if (strcmp(opt_key, "matrix") == 0) {
Geometry::Transformation transform;
else if (strcmp(opt_key, "source_file") == 0) {
m_volume->source.input_file = m_value[1];
else if (strcmp(opt_key, "source_object_id") == 0) {
m_volume->source.object_idx = ::atoi(m_value[1].c_str());
else if (strcmp(opt_key, "source_volume_id") == 0) {
m_volume->source.volume_idx = ::atoi(m_value[1].c_str());
else if (strcmp(opt_key, "source_offset_x") == 0) {
m_volume->source.mesh_offset(0) = ::atof(m_value[1].c_str());
else if (strcmp(opt_key, "source_offset_y") == 0) {
m_volume->source.mesh_offset(1) = ::atof(m_value[1].c_str());
else if (strcmp(opt_key, "source_offset_z") == 0) {
m_volume->source.mesh_offset(2) = ::atof(m_value[1].c_str());
} else if (m_path.size() == 3) {
if (m_path[1] == NODE_TYPE_MATERIAL) {
@ -1057,7 +1097,28 @@ bool store_amf(const char *path, Model *model, const DynamicPrintConfig *config)
if (volume->is_modifier())
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.modifier\">1</metadata>\n";
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.volume_type\">" << ModelVolume::type_to_string(volume->type()) << "</metadata>\n";
const indexed_triangle_set &its = volume->mesh().its;
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.matrix\">";
const Transform3d& matrix = volume->get_matrix();
for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
stream << matrix(r, c);
if ((r != 3) || (c != 3))
stream << " ";
stream << "</metadata>\n";
if (!volume->source.input_file.empty())
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.source_file\">" << xml_escape(volume->source.input_file) << "</metadata>\n";
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.source_object_id\">" << volume->source.object_idx << "</metadata>\n";
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.source_volume_id\">" << volume->source.volume_idx << "</metadata>\n";
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.source_offset_x\">" << volume->source.mesh_offset(0) << "</metadata>\n";
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.source_offset_y\">" << volume->source.mesh_offset(1) << "</metadata>\n";
stream << " <metadata type=\"slic3r.source_offset_z\">" << volume->source.mesh_offset(2) << "</metadata>\n";
const indexed_triangle_set &its = volume->mesh().its;
for (size_t i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); ++i) {
stream << " <triangle>\n";
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include "SVG.hpp"
@ -1329,6 +1332,32 @@ void Transformation::set_from_transform(const Transform3d& transform)
// std::cout << "something went wrong in extracting data from matrix" << std::endl;
void Transformation::set_from_string(const std::string& transform_str)
Transform3d transform = Transform3d::Identity();
if (!transform_str.empty())
std::vector<std::string> mat_elements_str;
boost::split(mat_elements_str, transform_str, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on);
unsigned int size = (unsigned int)mat_elements_str.size();
if (size == 16)
unsigned int i = 0;
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 4; ++r)
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
transform(r, c) = ::atof(mat_elements_str[i++].c_str());
void Transformation::reset()
m_offset = Vec3d::Zero();
@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ public:
void set_mirror(Axis axis, double mirror);
void set_from_transform(const Transform3d& transform);
void set_from_string(const std::string& transform_str);
void reset();
@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ Model Model::read_from_archive(const std::string& input_file, DynamicPrintConfig
for (ModelObject *o : model.objects)
if (boost::algorithm::iends_with(input_file, ".zip.amf"))
// we remove the .zip part of the extension to avoid it be added to filenames when exporting
o->input_file = boost::ireplace_last_copy(input_file, ".zip.", ".");
// if (boost::algorithm::iends_with(input_file, ".zip.amf"))
// {
// // we remove the .zip part of the extension to avoid it be added to filenames when exporting
// o->input_file = boost::ireplace_last_copy(input_file, ".zip.", ".");
// }
// else
o->input_file = input_file;
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ ModelObject* Model::add_object(const char *name, const char *path, const Triangl
new_object->input_file = path;
ModelVolume *new_volume = new_object->add_volume(mesh);
new_volume->name = name;
new_volume->source.input_file = path;
new_volume->source.object_idx = (int)this->objects.size() - 1;
new_volume->source.volume_idx = (int)new_object->volumes.size() - 1;
return new_object;
@ -182,6 +185,9 @@ ModelObject* Model::add_object(const char *name, const char *path, TriangleMesh
new_object->input_file = path;
ModelVolume *new_volume = new_object->add_volume(std::move(mesh));
new_volume->name = name;
new_volume->source.input_file = path;
new_volume->source.object_idx = (int)this->objects.size() - 1;
new_volume->source.volume_idx = (int)new_object->volumes.size() - 1;
return new_object;
@ -1543,7 +1549,7 @@ bool ModelVolume::is_splittable() const
return m_is_splittable == 1;
void ModelVolume::center_geometry_after_creation()
void ModelVolume::center_geometry_after_creation(bool update_source_offset)
Vec3d shift = this->mesh().bounding_box().center();
if (!shift.isApprox(Vec3d::Zero()))
@ -1554,6 +1560,9 @@ void ModelVolume::center_geometry_after_creation()
const_cast<TriangleMesh*>(m_convex_hull.get())->translate(-(float)shift(0), -(float)shift(1), -(float)shift(2));
if (update_source_offset)
source.mesh_offset = shift;
void ModelVolume::calculate_convex_hull()
@ -392,6 +392,18 @@ class ModelVolume final : public ObjectBase
std::string name;
// struct used by reload from disk command to recover data from disk
struct Source
std::string input_file;
int object_idx{ -1 };
int volume_idx{ -1 };
Vec3d mesh_offset{ Vec3d::Zero() };
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar) { ar(input_file, object_idx, volume_idx, mesh_offset); }
Source source;
// The triangular model.
const TriangleMesh& mesh() const { return *m_mesh.get(); }
void set_mesh(const TriangleMesh &mesh) { m_mesh = std::make_shared<const TriangleMesh>(mesh); }
@ -440,7 +452,7 @@ public:
// Translates the mesh and the convex hull so that the origin of their vertices is in the center of this volume's bounding box.
// Attention! This method may only be called just after ModelVolume creation! It must not be called once the TriangleMesh of this ModelVolume is shared!
void center_geometry_after_creation();
void center_geometry_after_creation(bool update_source_offset = true);
void calculate_convex_hull();
const TriangleMesh& get_convex_hull() const;
@ -529,7 +541,7 @@ private:
// Copying an existing volume, therefore this volume will get a copy of the ID assigned.
ModelVolume(ModelObject *object, const ModelVolume &other) :
name(, m_mesh(other.m_mesh), m_convex_hull(other.m_convex_hull), config(other.config), m_type(other.m_type), object(object), m_transformation(other.m_transformation)
name(, source(other.source), m_mesh(other.m_mesh), m_convex_hull(other.m_convex_hull), config(other.config), m_type(other.m_type), object(object), m_transformation(other.m_transformation)
assert(this->id().valid()); assert(this->; assert(this->id() != this->;
assert(this->id() == && this-> ==;
@ -537,7 +549,7 @@ private:
// Providing a new mesh, therefore this volume will get a new unique ID assigned.
ModelVolume(ModelObject *object, const ModelVolume &other, const TriangleMesh &&mesh) :
name(, m_mesh(new TriangleMesh(std::move(mesh))), config(other.config), m_type(other.m_type), object(object), m_transformation(other.m_transformation)
name(, source(other.source), m_mesh(new TriangleMesh(std::move(mesh))), config(other.config), m_type(other.m_type), object(object), m_transformation(other.m_transformation)
assert(this->id().valid()); assert(this->; assert(this->id() != this->;
assert(this->id() != && this-> ==;
@ -558,8 +570,8 @@ private:
template<class Archive> void load(Archive &ar) {
bool has_convex_hull;
ar(name, m_mesh, m_type, m_material_id, m_transformation, m_is_splittable, has_convex_hull);
cereal::load_by_value(ar, config);
ar(name, source, m_mesh, m_type, m_material_id, m_transformation, m_is_splittable, has_convex_hull);
cereal::load_by_value(ar, config);
if (has_convex_hull) {
cereal::load_optional(ar, m_convex_hull);
@ -571,8 +583,8 @@ private:
template<class Archive> void save(Archive &ar) const {
bool has_convex_hull = m_convex_hull.get() != nullptr;
ar(name, m_mesh, m_type, m_material_id, m_transformation, m_is_splittable, has_convex_hull);
cereal::save_by_value(ar, config);
ar(name, source, m_mesh, m_type, m_material_id, m_transformation, m_is_splittable, has_convex_hull);
cereal::save_by_value(ar, config);
if (has_convex_hull)
cereal::save_optional(ar, m_convex_hull);
@ -1764,101 +1764,114 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
struct ModelVolumeState {
ModelVolumeState(const GLVolume *volume) :
model_volume(nullptr), geometry_id(volume->geometry_id), volume_idx(-1) {}
ModelVolumeState(const ModelVolume *model_volume, const ObjectID &instance_id, const GLVolume::CompositeID &composite_id) :
model_volume(model_volume), geometry_id(std::make_pair(model_volume->id().id,, composite_id(composite_id), volume_idx(-1) {}
ModelVolumeState(const ObjectID &volume_id, const ObjectID &instance_id) :
model_volume(nullptr), geometry_id(std::make_pair(,, volume_idx(-1) {}
bool new_geometry() const { return this->volume_idx == size_t(-1); }
const ModelVolume *model_volume;
ModelVolumeState(const GLVolume* volume) :
model_volume(nullptr), geometry_id(volume->geometry_id), volume_idx(-1) {}
ModelVolumeState(const ModelVolume* model_volume, const ObjectID& instance_id, const GLVolume::CompositeID& composite_id) :
model_volume(model_volume), geometry_id(std::make_pair(model_volume->id().id,, composite_id(composite_id), volume_idx(-1) {}
ModelVolumeState(const ObjectID& volume_id, const ObjectID& instance_id) :
model_volume(nullptr), geometry_id(std::make_pair(,, volume_idx(-1) {}
bool new_geometry() const { return this->volume_idx == size_t(-1); }
const ModelVolume* model_volume;
// ObjectID of ModelVolume + ObjectID of ModelInstance
// or timestamp of an SLAPrintObjectStep + ObjectID of ModelInstance
std::pair<size_t, size_t> geometry_id;
GLVolume::CompositeID composite_id;
// Volume index in the new GLVolume vector.
size_t volume_idx;
size_t volume_idx;
std::vector<ModelVolumeState> model_volume_state;
std::vector<ModelVolumeState> aux_volume_state;
std::vector<ModelVolumeState> aux_volume_state;
struct GLVolumeState {
GLVolumeState() :
volume_idx(-1) {}
GLVolumeState(const GLVolume* volume, unsigned int volume_idx) :
composite_id(volume->composite_id), volume_idx(volume_idx) {}
GLVolume::CompositeID composite_id;
// Volume index in the old GLVolume vector.
size_t volume_idx;
// SLA steps to pull the preview meshes for.
typedef std::array<SLAPrintObjectStep, 2> SLASteps;
SLASteps sla_steps = { slaposSupportTree, slaposPad };
struct SLASupportState {
std::array<PrintStateBase::StateWithTimeStamp, std::tuple_size<SLASteps>::value> step;
std::array<PrintStateBase::StateWithTimeStamp, std::tuple_size<SLASteps>::value> step;
// State of the sla_steps for all SLAPrintObjects.
std::vector<SLASupportState> sla_support_state;
std::vector<size_t> instance_ids_selected;
std::vector<size_t> map_glvolume_old_to_new(m_volumes.volumes.size(), size_t(-1));
std::vector<GLVolumeState> deleted_volumes;
std::vector<GLVolume*> glvolumes_new;
auto model_volume_state_lower = [](const ModelVolumeState &m1, const ModelVolumeState &m2) { return m1.geometry_id < m2.geometry_id; };
auto model_volume_state_lower = [](const ModelVolumeState& m1, const ModelVolumeState& m2) { return m1.geometry_id < m2.geometry_id; };
m_reload_delayed = ! m_canvas->IsShown() && ! refresh_immediately && ! force_full_scene_refresh;
m_reload_delayed = !m_canvas->IsShown() && !refresh_immediately && !force_full_scene_refresh;
PrinterTechnology printer_technology = m_process->current_printer_technology();
PrinterTechnology printer_technology = m_process->current_printer_technology();
int volume_idx_wipe_tower_old = -1;
// Release invalidated volumes to conserve GPU memory in case of delayed refresh (see m_reload_delayed).
// First initialize model_volumes_new_sorted & model_instances_new_sorted.
for (int object_idx = 0; object_idx < (int)m_model->objects.size(); ++ object_idx) {
const ModelObject *model_object = m_model->objects[object_idx];
for (int instance_idx = 0; instance_idx < (int)model_object->instances.size(); ++ instance_idx) {
const ModelInstance *model_instance = model_object->instances[instance_idx];
for (int volume_idx = 0; volume_idx < (int)model_object->volumes.size(); ++ volume_idx) {
const ModelVolume *model_volume = model_object->volumes[volume_idx];
model_volume_state.emplace_back(model_volume, model_instance->id(), GLVolume::CompositeID(object_idx, volume_idx, instance_idx));
for (int object_idx = 0; object_idx < (int)m_model->objects.size(); ++object_idx) {
const ModelObject* model_object = m_model->objects[object_idx];
for (int instance_idx = 0; instance_idx < (int)model_object->instances.size(); ++instance_idx) {
const ModelInstance* model_instance = model_object->instances[instance_idx];
for (int volume_idx = 0; volume_idx < (int)model_object->volumes.size(); ++volume_idx) {
const ModelVolume* model_volume = model_object->volumes[volume_idx];
model_volume_state.emplace_back(model_volume, model_instance->id(), GLVolume::CompositeID(object_idx, volume_idx, instance_idx));
if (printer_technology == ptSLA) {
const SLAPrint *sla_print = this->sla_print();
#ifndef NDEBUG
const SLAPrint* sla_print = this->sla_print();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify that the SLAPrint object is synchronized with m_model.
check_model_ids_equal(*m_model, sla_print->model());
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#endif /* NDEBUG */
for (const SLAPrintObject *print_object : sla_print->objects()) {
for (const SLAPrintObject* print_object : sla_print->objects()) {
SLASupportState state;
for (size_t istep = 0; istep < sla_steps.size(); ++ istep) {
state.step[istep] = print_object->step_state_with_timestamp(sla_steps[istep]);
if (state.step[istep].state == PrintStateBase::DONE) {
if (! print_object->has_mesh(sla_steps[istep]))
for (size_t istep = 0; istep < sla_steps.size(); ++istep) {
state.step[istep] = print_object->step_state_with_timestamp(sla_steps[istep]);
if (state.step[istep].state == PrintStateBase::DONE) {
if (!print_object->has_mesh(sla_steps[istep]))
// Consider the DONE step without a valid mesh as invalid for the purpose
// of mesh visualization.
state.step[istep].state = PrintStateBase::INVALID;
for (const ModelInstance *model_instance : print_object->model_object()->instances)
// Only the instances, which are currently printable, will have the SLA support structures kept.
// The instances outside the print bed will have the GLVolumes of their support structures released.
if (model_instance->is_printable())
for (const ModelInstance* model_instance : print_object->model_object()->instances)
// Only the instances, which are currently printable, will have the SLA support structures kept.
// The instances outside the print bed will have the GLVolumes of their support structures released.
if (model_instance->is_printable())
aux_volume_state.emplace_back(state.step[istep].timestamp, model_instance->id());
std::sort(model_volume_state.begin(), model_volume_state.end(), model_volume_state_lower);
std::sort(aux_volume_state .begin(), aux_volume_state .end(), model_volume_state_lower);
std::sort(aux_volume_state.begin(), aux_volume_state.end(), model_volume_state_lower);
// Release all ModelVolume based GLVolumes not found in the current Model.
for (size_t volume_id = 0; volume_id < m_volumes.volumes.size(); ++ volume_id) {
GLVolume *volume = m_volumes.volumes[volume_id];
for (size_t volume_id = 0; volume_id < m_volumes.volumes.size(); ++volume_id) {
GLVolume* volume = m_volumes.volumes[volume_id];
ModelVolumeState key(volume);
ModelVolumeState *mvs = nullptr;
ModelVolumeState* mvs = nullptr;
if (volume->volume_idx() < 0) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(aux_volume_state.begin(), aux_volume_state.end(), key, model_volume_state_lower);
auto it = std::lower_bound(aux_volume_state.begin(), aux_volume_state.end(), key, model_volume_state_lower);
if (it != aux_volume_state.end() && it->geometry_id == key.geometry_id)
// This can be an SLA support structure that should not be rendered (in case someone used undo
// to revert to before it was generated). We only reuse the volume if that's not the case.
if (m_model->objects[volume->composite_id.object_id]->sla_points_status != sla::PointsStatus::NoPoints)
mvs = &(*it);
} else {
auto it = std::lower_bound(model_volume_state.begin(), model_volume_state.end(), key, model_volume_state_lower);
else {
auto it = std::lower_bound(model_volume_state.begin(), model_volume_state.end(), key, model_volume_state_lower);
if (it != model_volume_state.end() && it->geometry_id == key.geometry_id)
mvs = &(*it);
mvs = &(*it);
// Emplace instance ID of the volume. Both the aux volumes and model volumes share the same instance ID.
// The wipe tower has its own wipe_tower_instance_id().
@ -1871,19 +1884,23 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
assert(volume_idx_wipe_tower_old == -1);
volume_idx_wipe_tower_old = (int)volume_id;
if (! m_reload_delayed)
if (!m_reload_delayed)
deleted_volumes.emplace_back(volume, volume_id);
delete volume;
} else {
else {
// This GLVolume will be reused.
map_glvolume_old_to_new[volume_id] = glvolumes_new.size();
mvs->volume_idx = glvolumes_new.size();
// Update color of the volume based on the current extruder.
if (mvs->model_volume != nullptr) {
int extruder_id = mvs->model_volume->extruder_id();
if (extruder_id != -1)
volume->extruder_id = extruder_id;
if (mvs->model_volume != nullptr) {
int extruder_id = mvs->model_volume->extruder_id();
if (extruder_id != -1)
volume->extruder_id = extruder_id;
volume->is_modifier = !mvs->model_volume->is_model_part();
@ -1901,6 +1918,16 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
bool update_object_list = false;
auto find_old_volume_id = [&deleted_volumes](const GLVolume::CompositeID& id) -> unsigned int {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)deleted_volumes.size(); ++i)
const GLVolumeState& v = deleted_volumes[i];
if (v.composite_id == id)
return v.volume_idx;
return (unsigned int)-1;
if (m_volumes.volumes != glvolumes_new)
update_object_list = true;
m_volumes.volumes = std::move(glvolumes_new);
@ -1915,9 +1942,12 @@ void GLCanvas3D::reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_re
assert(it != model_volume_state.end() && it->geometry_id == key.geometry_id);
if (it->new_geometry()) {
// New volume.
unsigned int old_id = find_old_volume_id(it->composite_id);
if (old_id != -1)
map_glvolume_old_to_new[old_id] = m_volumes.volumes.size();
m_volumes.load_object_volume(&model_object, obj_idx, volume_idx, instance_idx, m_color_by, m_initialized);
m_volumes.volumes.back()->geometry_id = key.geometry_id;
update_object_list = true;
update_object_list = true;
} else {
// Recycling an old GLVolume.
GLVolume &existing_volume = *m_volumes.volumes[it->volume_idx];
@ -1571,6 +1571,12 @@ void ObjectList::append_menu_item_export_stl(wxMenu* menu) const
void ObjectList::append_menu_item_reload_from_disk(wxMenu* menu) const
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Reload from disk")), _(L("Reload the selected volumes from disk")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().plater()->reload_from_disk(); }, "", menu, []() { return wxGetApp().plater()->can_reload_from_disk(); }, wxGetApp().plater());
void ObjectList::append_menu_item_change_extruder(wxMenu* menu) const
const wxString name = _(L("Change extruder"));
@ -1620,6 +1626,7 @@ void ObjectList::create_object_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu)
#endif // __WXOSX__
@ -1643,6 +1650,7 @@ void ObjectList::create_sla_object_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu)
#endif // __WXOSX__
// rest of a object_sla_menu will be added later in:
@ -1655,8 +1663,9 @@ void ObjectList::create_part_popupmenu(wxMenu *menu)
#endif // __WXOSX__
@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ public:
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_printable(wxMenu* menu, wxWindow* parent);
void append_menu_items_osx(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_fix_through_netfabb(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_export_stl(wxMenu* menu) const ;
void append_menu_item_export_stl(wxMenu* menu) const;
void append_menu_item_reload_from_disk(wxMenu* menu) const;
void append_menu_item_change_extruder(wxMenu* menu) const;
void append_menu_item_delete(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume(wxMenu* menu);
@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ static void set_font_and_background_style(wxWindow* win, const wxFont& font)
ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
OG_Settings(parent, true)
#ifndef __APPLE__
, m_focused_option("")
#endif // __APPLE__
m_manifold_warning_bmp = ScalableBitmap(parent, "exclamation");
@ -415,292 +412,6 @@ ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
m_og->sizer->Add(m_main_grid_sizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, border);
ObjectManipulation::ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent) :
OG_Settings(parent, true)
#ifndef __APPLE__
, m_focused_option("")
#endif // __APPLE__
m_manifold_warning_bmp = ScalableBitmap(parent, "exclamation");
m_og->set_name(_(L("Object Manipulation")));
m_og->label_width = 12;//125;
m_og->m_on_change = std::bind(&ObjectManipulation::on_change, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
m_og->m_fill_empty_value = std::bind(&ObjectManipulation::on_fill_empty_value, this, std::placeholders::_1);
m_og->m_set_focus = [this](const std::string& opt_key)
#ifndef __APPLE__
m_focused_option = opt_key;
#endif // __APPLE__
// needed to show the visual hints in 3D scene
wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(opt_key, true);
ConfigOptionDef def;
Line line = Line{ "Name", "Object name" };
auto manifold_warning_icon = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
m_fix_throught_netfab_bitmap = new wxStaticBitmap(parent, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap);
if (is_windows10())
m_fix_throught_netfab_bitmap->Bind(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &e)
// if object/sub-object has no errors
if (m_fix_throught_netfab_bitmap->GetBitmap().GetRefData() == wxNullBitmap.GetRefData())
return m_fix_throught_netfab_bitmap;
line.near_label_widget = manifold_warning_icon;
def.label = "";
def.gui_type = "legend";
def.tooltip = L("Object name");
#ifdef __APPLE__
def.width = 20;
def.width = 22;
def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString{ " " });
line.append_option(Option(def, "object_name"));
const int field_width = 5;
// Mirror button size:
const int mirror_btn_width = 3;
// Legend for object modification
line = Line{ "", "" };
def.label = "";
def.type = coString;
def.width = field_width - mirror_btn_width;
// Load bitmaps to be used for the mirroring buttons:
m_mirror_bitmap_on = ScalableBitmap(parent, "mirroring_on");
m_mirror_bitmap_off = ScalableBitmap(parent, "mirroring_off");
m_mirror_bitmap_hidden = ScalableBitmap(parent, "mirroring_transparent.png");
static const char axes[] = { 'X', 'Y', 'Z' };
for (size_t axis_idx = 0; axis_idx < sizeof(axes); axis_idx++) {
const char label = axes[axis_idx];
def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionString{ std::string(" ") + label });
Option option(def, std::string() + label + "_axis_legend");
// We will add a button to toggle mirroring to each axis:
auto mirror_button = [this, mirror_btn_width, axis_idx, label](wxWindow* parent) {
wxSize btn_size(em_unit(parent) * mirror_btn_width, em_unit(parent) * mirror_btn_width);
auto btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, "mirroring_off", wxEmptyString, btn_size, wxDefaultPosition, wxBU_EXACTFIT | wxNO_BORDER | wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW);
btn->SetToolTip(wxString::Format(_(L("Toggle %c axis mirroring")), (int)label));
m_mirror_buttons[axis_idx].first = btn;
m_mirror_buttons[axis_idx].second = mbShown;
auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this, axis_idx](wxCommandEvent &e) {
Axis axis = (Axis)(axis_idx + X);
if (m_mirror_buttons[axis_idx].second == mbHidden)
GLCanvas3D* canvas = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D();
Selection& selection = canvas->get_selection();
if (selection.is_single_volume() || selection.is_single_modifier()) {
GLVolume* volume = const_cast<GLVolume*>(selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()));
volume->set_volume_mirror(axis, -volume->get_volume_mirror(axis));
else if (selection.is_single_full_instance()) {
for (unsigned int idx : selection.get_volume_idxs()){
GLVolume* volume = const_cast<GLVolume*>(selection.get_volume(idx));
volume->set_instance_mirror(axis, -volume->get_instance_mirror(axis));
// Update mirroring at the GLVolumes.
// Copy mirroring values from GLVolumes into Model (ModelInstance / ModelVolume), trigger background processing.
canvas->do_mirror(L("Set Mirror"));
return sizer;
option.side_widget = mirror_button;
line.near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
wxBitmapComboBox *combo = create_word_local_combo(parent);
combo->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, ([this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->set_world_coordinates(evt.GetSelection() != 1); }), combo->GetId());
m_word_local_combo = combo;
return combo;
auto add_og_to_object_settings = [this, field_width](const std::string& option_name, const std::string& sidetext)
Line line = { _(option_name), "" };
ConfigOptionDef def;
def.type = coFloat;
def.set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.0));
def.width = field_width;
if (option_name == "Scale") {
// Add "uniform scaling" button in front of "Scale" option
line.near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
auto btn = new LockButton(parent, wxID_ANY);
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [btn, this](wxCommandEvent &event){
wxTheApp->CallAfter([btn, this]() { set_uniform_scaling(btn->IsLocked()); });
m_lock_bnt = btn;
return btn;
// Add reset scale button
auto reset_scale_button = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
auto btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, ScalableBitmap(parent, "undo"));
btn->SetToolTip(_(L("Reset scale")));
m_reset_scale_button = btn;
auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
sizer->Add(btn, wxBU_EXACTFIT);
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent &e) {
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Reset scale")));
change_scale_value(0, 100.);
change_scale_value(1, 100.);
change_scale_value(2, 100.);
return sizer;
else if (option_name == "Rotation") {
// Add reset rotation button
auto reset_rotation_button = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
auto btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, ScalableBitmap(parent, "undo"));
btn->SetToolTip(_(L("Reset rotation")));
m_reset_rotation_button = btn;
auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
sizer->Add(btn, wxBU_EXACTFIT);
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent &e) {
GLCanvas3D* canvas = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D();
Selection& selection = canvas->get_selection();
if (selection.is_single_volume() || selection.is_single_modifier()) {
GLVolume* volume = const_cast<GLVolume*>(selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin()));
else if (selection.is_single_full_instance()) {
for (unsigned int idx : selection.get_volume_idxs()){
GLVolume* volume = const_cast<GLVolume*>(selection.get_volume(idx));
// Update rotation at the GLVolumes.
// Copy rotation values from GLVolumes into Model (ModelInstance / ModelVolume), trigger background processing.
canvas->do_rotate(L("Reset Rotation"));
return sizer;
else if (option_name == "Position") {
// Add drop to bed button
auto drop_to_bed_button = [=](wxWindow* parent) {
auto btn = new ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, ScalableBitmap(parent, "drop_to_bed"));
btn->SetToolTip(_(L("Drop to bed")));
m_drop_to_bed_button = btn;
auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
sizer->Add(btn, wxBU_EXACTFIT);
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [=](wxCommandEvent &e) {
// ???
GLCanvas3D* canvas = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D();
Selection& selection = canvas->get_selection();
if (selection.is_single_volume() || selection.is_single_modifier()) {
const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
const Geometry::Transformation& instance_trafo = volume->get_instance_transformation();
Vec3d diff = m_cache.position - instance_trafo.get_matrix(true).inverse() * Vec3d(0., 0., get_volume_min_z(volume));
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Drop to bed")));
change_position_value(0, diff.x());
change_position_value(1, diff.y());
change_position_value(2, diff.z());
return sizer;
// Add empty bmp (Its size have to be equal to PrusaLockButton) in front of "Size" option to label alignment
else if (option_name == "Size") {
line.near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
return new wxStaticBitmap(parent, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition,
create_scaled_bitmap(m_parent, "one_layer_lock_on.png").GetSize());
const std::string lower_name = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(option_name);
for (const char *axis : { "_x", "_y", "_z" }) {
if (axis[1] == 'z')
def.sidetext = sidetext;
Option option = Option(def, lower_name + axis);
option.opt.full_width = true;
return line;
// Settings table
m_og->sidetext_width = 3;
m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Position"), L("mm")), &m_move_Label);
m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Rotation"), "°"), &m_rotate_Label);
m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Scale"), "%"), &m_scale_Label);
m_og->append_line(add_og_to_object_settings(L("Size"), "mm"));
// call back for a rescale of button "Set uniform scale"
m_og->rescale_near_label_widget = [this](wxWindow* win) {
// rescale lock icon
auto *ctrl = dynamic_cast<LockButton*>(win);
if (ctrl != nullptr) {
if (win == m_fix_throught_netfab_bitmap)
// rescale "place" of the empty icon (to correct layout of the "Size" and "Scale")
if (dynamic_cast<wxStaticBitmap*>(win) != nullptr)
win->SetMinSize(create_scaled_bitmap(m_parent, "one_layer_lock_on.png").GetSize());
void ObjectManipulation::Show(const bool show)
if (show != IsShown()) {
@ -710,9 +421,9 @@ void ObjectManipulation::Show(const bool show)
if (show && wxGetApp().get_mode() != comSimple) {
// Show the label and the name of the STL in simple mode only.
// Label "Name: "
/*m_og->get_grid_sizer()*/m_main_grid_sizer->Show(size_t(0), false);
m_main_grid_sizer->Show(size_t(0), false);
// The actual name of the STL.
/*m_og->get_grid_sizer()*/m_main_grid_sizer->Show(size_t(1), false);
m_main_grid_sizer->Show(size_t(1), false);
@ -833,26 +544,6 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_if_dirty()
update_label(m_cache.rotate_label_string, m_new_rotate_label_string, m_rotate_Label);
update_label(m_cache.scale_label_string, m_new_scale_label_string, m_scale_Label);
char axis[2] = "x";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i, ++ axis[0]) {
auto update = [this, i, &axis](Vec3d &cached, Vec3d &cached_rounded, const char *key, const Vec3d &new_value) {
wxString new_text = double_to_string(new_value(i), 2);
double new_rounded;
if (std::abs(cached_rounded(i) - new_rounded) > EPSILON) {
cached_rounded(i) = new_rounded;
m_og->set_value(std::string(key) + axis, new_text);
cached(i) = new_value(i);
update(m_cache.position, m_cache.position_rounded, "position_", m_new_position);
update(m_cache.scale, m_cache.scale_rounded, "scale_", m_new_scale);
update(m_cache.size, m_cache.size_rounded, "size_", m_new_size);
update(m_cache.rotation, m_cache.rotation_rounded, "rotation_", m_new_rotation);
enum ManipulationEditorKey
mePosition = 0,
@ -1007,17 +698,10 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_mirror_buttons_visibility()
#ifndef __APPLE__
void ObjectManipulation::emulate_kill_focus()
if (m_focused_option.empty())
if (!m_focused_editor)
// we need to use a copy because the value of m_focused_option is modified inside on_change() and on_fill_empty_value()
std::string option = m_focused_option;
// see TextCtrl::propagate_value()
if (static_cast<wxTextCtrl*>(m_og->get_fieldc(option, 0)->getWindow())->GetValue().empty())
on_change(option, 0);
#endif // __APPLE__
@ -1156,40 +840,6 @@ void ObjectManipulation::do_scale(int axis, const Vec3d &scale) const
wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->do_scale(L("Set Scale"));
void ObjectManipulation::on_change(t_config_option_key opt_key, const boost::any& value)
Field* field = m_og->get_field(opt_key);
bool enter_pressed = (field != nullptr) && field->get_enter_pressed();
if (!enter_pressed)
// if the change does not come from the user pressing the ENTER key
// we need to hide the visual hints in 3D scene
wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(opt_key, false);
#ifndef __APPLE__
m_focused_option = "";
#endif // __APPLE__
// if the change comes from the user pressing the ENTER key, restore the key state
if (!m_cache.is_valid())
int axis = opt_key.back() - 'x';
double new_value = boost::any_cast<double>(m_og->get_value(opt_key));
if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "position_"))
change_position_value(axis, new_value);
else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "rotation_"))
change_rotation_value(axis, new_value);
else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "scale_"))
change_scale_value(axis, new_value);
else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "size_"))
change_size_value(axis, new_value);
void ObjectManipulation::on_change(const std::string& opt_key, int axis, double new_value)
if (!m_cache.is_valid())
@ -1205,42 +855,6 @@ void ObjectManipulation::on_change(const std::string& opt_key, int axis, double
change_size_value(axis, new_value);
void ObjectManipulation::on_fill_empty_value(const std::string& opt_key)
// needed to hide the visual hints in 3D scene
wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(opt_key, false);
#ifndef __APPLE__
m_focused_option = "";
#endif // __APPLE__
if (!m_cache.is_valid())
const Vec3d *vec = nullptr;
Vec3d *rounded = nullptr;
if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "position_")) {
vec = &m_cache.position;
rounded = &m_cache.position_rounded;
} else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "rotation_")) {
vec = &m_cache.rotation;
rounded = &m_cache.rotation_rounded;
} else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "scale_")) {
vec = &m_cache.scale;
rounded = &m_cache.scale_rounded;
} else if (boost::starts_with(opt_key, "size_")) {
vec = &m_cache.size;
rounded = &m_cache.size_rounded;
} else
if (vec != nullptr) {
int axis = opt_key.back() - 'x';
wxString new_text = double_to_string((*vec)(axis));
m_og->set_value(opt_key, new_text);
void ObjectManipulation::set_uniform_scaling(const bool new_value)
const Selection &selection = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection();
@ -1338,43 +952,25 @@ ManipulationEditor::ManipulationEditor(ObjectManipulation* parent,
parent->on_change(m_opt_key, m_axis, get_value());
}, this->GetId());
this->Bind(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, [this, parent/*, edit_fn*/](wxFocusEvent& e)
this->Bind(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, [this, parent](wxFocusEvent& e)
if (!m_enter_pressed) {
parent->on_change(m_opt_key, m_axis, get_value());
// if the change does not come from the user pressing the ENTER key
// we need to hide the visual hints in 3D scene
wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(m_full_opt_name, false);
// #ifndef __WXGTK__
// /* Update data for next editor selection.
// * But under GTK it looks like there is no information about selected control at e.GetWindow(),
// * so we'll take it from wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN event
// * */
// LayerRangeEditor* new_editor = dynamic_cast<LayerRangeEditor*>(e.GetWindow());
// if (new_editor)
// new_editor->set_focus_data();
// #endif // not __WXGTK__
if (!m_enter_pressed)
}, this->GetId());
this->Bind(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, [this](wxFocusEvent& e)
this->Bind(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, [this, parent](wxFocusEvent& e)
// needed to show the visual hints in 3D scene
wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(m_full_opt_name, true);
}, this->GetId());
// #ifdef __WXGTK__ // Workaround! To take information about selectable range
// this->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, [this](wxEvent& e)
// {
// set_focus_data();
// e.Skip();
// }, this->GetId());
// #endif //__WXGTK__
this->Bind(wxEVT_CHAR, ([this](wxKeyEvent& event)
// select all text using Ctrl+A
@ -1417,5 +1013,14 @@ void ManipulationEditor::set_value(const wxString& new_value)
void ManipulationEditor::kill_focus(ObjectManipulation* parent)
parent->on_change(m_opt_key, m_axis, get_value());
// if the change does not come from the user pressing the ENTER key
// we need to hide the visual hints in 3D scene
wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(m_full_opt_name, false);
} //namespace GUI
} //namespace Slic3r
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ public:
void msw_rescale();
void set_value(const wxString& new_value);
void kill_focus(ObjectManipulation *parent);
double get_value();
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ class ObjectManipulation : public OG_Settings
#ifndef __APPLE__
// Currently focused option name (empty if none)
std::string m_focused_option;
ManipulationEditor* m_focused_editor {nullptr};
#endif // __APPLE__
wxFlexGridSizer* m_main_grid_sizer;
@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ public:
void update_warning_icon_state(const wxString& tooltip);
void msw_rescale();
void on_change(const std::string& opt_key, int axis, double new_value);
void set_focused_editor(ManipulationEditor* focused_editor) { m_focused_editor = focused_editor; }
void reset_settings_value();
@ -176,9 +178,6 @@ private:
void change_scale_value(int axis, double value);
void change_size_value(int axis, double value);
void do_scale(int axis, const Vec3d &scale) const;
void on_change(t_config_option_key opt_key, const boost::any& value);
void on_fill_empty_value(const std::string& opt_key);
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
@ -1919,6 +1920,7 @@ struct Plater::priv
bool can_fix_through_netfabb() const;
bool can_set_instance_to_object() const;
bool can_mirror() const;
bool can_reload_from_disk() const;
void msw_rescale_object_menu();
@ -1955,7 +1957,6 @@ private:
* */
std::string m_last_fff_printer_profile_name;
std::string m_last_sla_printer_profile_name;
bool m_update_objects_list_on_loading{ true };
const std::regex Plater::priv::pattern_bundle(".*[.](amf|amf[.]xml|zip[.]amf|3mf|prusa)", std::regex::icase);
@ -2489,11 +2490,8 @@ std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_model_objects(const ModelObjectPtrs &mode
_(L("Object too large?")));
if (m_update_objects_list_on_loading)
for (const size_t idx : obj_idxs) {
for (const size_t idx : obj_idxs) {
@ -3117,88 +3115,110 @@ void Plater::priv::update_sla_scene()
void Plater::priv::reload_from_disk()
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _(L("Reload from Disk")));
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _(L("Reload from disk")));
auto& selection = get_selection();
const auto obj_orig_idx = selection.get_object_idx();
if (selection.is_wipe_tower() || obj_orig_idx == -1) { return; }
int instance_idx = selection.get_instance_idx();
const Selection& selection = get_selection();
auto *object_orig = model.objects[obj_orig_idx];
std::vector<fs::path> input_paths(1, object_orig->input_file);
// disable render to avoid to show intermediate states
// disable update of objects list while loading to avoid to show intermediate states
m_update_objects_list_on_loading = false;
const auto new_idxs = load_files(input_paths, true, false);
if (new_idxs.empty())
// error while loading
if (selection.is_wipe_tower())
for (const auto idx : new_idxs)
// struct to hold selected ModelVolumes by their indices
struct SelectedVolume
ModelObject *object = model.objects[idx];
int object_idx;
int volume_idx;
for (const ModelInstance *instance : object_orig->instances)
// operators needed by std::algorithms
bool operator < (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx < other.object_idx) || ((object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx < other.volume_idx)); }
bool operator == (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx == other.volume_idx); }
std::vector<SelectedVolume> selected_volumes;
// collects selected ModelVolumes
const std::set<unsigned int>& selected_volumes_idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs();
for (unsigned int idx : selected_volumes_idxs)
const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(idx);
int o_idx = v->object_idx();
int v_idx = v->volume_idx();
selected_volumes.push_back({ o_idx, v_idx });
std::sort(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end());
selected_volumes.erase(std::unique(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end()), selected_volumes.end());
// collects paths of files to load
std::vector<fs::path> input_paths;
for (const SelectedVolume& v : selected_volumes)
const ModelVolume* volume = model.objects[v.object_idx]->volumes[v.volume_idx];
if (!volume->source.input_file.empty() && boost::filesystem::exists(volume->source.input_file))
std::sort(input_paths.begin(), input_paths.end());
input_paths.erase(std::unique(input_paths.begin(), input_paths.end()), input_paths.end());
// load one file at a time
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_paths.size(); ++i)
const auto& path = input_paths[i].string();
Model new_model;
for (const ModelVolume* v : object_orig->volumes)
if (v->is_modifier())
Vec3d offset = object_orig->origin_translation - object->origin_translation;
if (object->volumes.size() == object_orig->volumes.size())
for (size_t i = 0; i < object->volumes.size(); i++)
new_model = Model::read_from_file(path, nullptr, true, false);
for (ModelObject* model_object : new_model.objects)
catch (std::exception&)
// error while loading
// XXX: Restore more: layer_height_ranges, layer_height_profile (?)
// update the selected volumes whose source is the current file
for (const SelectedVolume& old_v : selected_volumes)
ModelObject* old_model_object = model.objects[old_v.object_idx];
ModelVolume* old_volume = old_model_object->volumes[old_v.volume_idx];
int new_volume_idx = old_volume->source.volume_idx;
int new_object_idx = old_volume->source.object_idx;
if (old_volume->source.input_file == path)
if (new_object_idx < (int)new_model.objects.size())
ModelObject* new_model_object = new_model.objects[new_object_idx];
if (new_volume_idx < (int)new_model_object->volumes.size())
ModelVolume* new_volume = old_model_object->volumes.back();
new_volume->translate(new_volume->get_transformation().get_matrix(true) * (new_volume->source.mesh_offset - old_volume->source.mesh_offset));
std::swap(old_model_object->volumes[old_v.volume_idx], old_model_object->volumes.back());
old_model_object->delete_volume(old_model_object->volumes.size() - 1);
// re-enable update of objects list
m_update_objects_list_on_loading = true;
// puts the new objects into the list
for (const auto idx : new_idxs)
// update 3D scene
// new GLVolumes have been created at this point, so update their printable state
for (size_t i = 0; i < model.objects.size(); ++i)
// re-enable render
// the previous call to remove() clears the selection
// select newly added objects
for (const auto idx : new_idxs)
selection.add_instance((unsigned int)idx - 1, instance_idx, false);
void Plater::priv::fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx/* = -1*/)
@ -3625,6 +3645,9 @@ bool Plater::priv::init_common_menu(wxMenu* menu, const bool is_part/* = false*/
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Delete")) + "\tDel", _(L("Remove the selected object")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->remove_selected(); }, "delete", nullptr, [this]() { return can_delete(); }, q);
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Reload from disk")), _(L("Reload the selected volumes from disk")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->reload_from_disk(); }, "", menu, [this]() { return can_reload_from_disk(); }, q);
else {
@ -3651,8 +3674,8 @@ bool Plater::priv::init_common_menu(wxMenu* menu, const bool is_part/* = false*/
wxMenuItem* menu_item_printable = sidebar->obj_list()->append_menu_item_printable(menu, q);
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Reload from Disk")), _(L("Reload the selected file from Disk")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { reload_from_disk(); });
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Reload from disk")), _(L("Reload the selected object from disk")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { reload_from_disk(); }, "", nullptr, [this]() { return can_reload_from_disk(); }, q);
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Export as STL")) + dots, _(L("Export the selected object as STL file")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { q->export_stl(false, true); });
@ -3807,6 +3830,48 @@ bool Plater::priv::can_mirror() const
return get_selection().is_from_single_instance();
bool Plater::priv::can_reload_from_disk() const
// struct to hold selected ModelVolumes by their indices
struct SelectedVolume
int object_idx;
int volume_idx;
// operators needed by std::algorithms
bool operator < (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx < other.object_idx) || ((object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx < other.volume_idx)); }
bool operator == (const SelectedVolume& other) const { return (object_idx == other.object_idx) && (volume_idx == other.volume_idx); }
std::vector<SelectedVolume> selected_volumes;
const Selection& selection = get_selection();
// collects selected ModelVolumes
const std::set<unsigned int>& selected_volumes_idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs();
for (unsigned int idx : selected_volumes_idxs)
const GLVolume* v = selection.get_volume(idx);
int o_idx = v->object_idx();
int v_idx = v->volume_idx();
selected_volumes.push_back({ o_idx, v_idx });
std::sort(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end());
selected_volumes.erase(std::unique(selected_volumes.begin(), selected_volumes.end()), selected_volumes.end());
// collects paths of files to load
std::vector<fs::path> paths;
for (const SelectedVolume& v : selected_volumes)
const ModelVolume* volume = model.objects[v.object_idx]->volumes[v.volume_idx];
if (!volume->source.input_file.empty() && boost::filesystem::exists(volume->source.input_file))
std::sort(paths.begin(), paths.end());
paths.erase(std::unique(paths.begin(), paths.end()), paths.end());
return !paths.empty();
void Plater::priv::set_bed_shape(const Pointfs& shape, const std::string& custom_texture, const std::string& custom_model)
bool new_shape = bed.set_shape(shape, custom_texture, custom_model);
@ -4589,6 +4654,11 @@ void Plater::export_3mf(const boost::filesystem::path& output_path)
void Plater::reload_from_disk()
bool Plater::has_toolpaths_to_export() const
return p->preview->get_canvas3d()->has_toolpaths_to_export();
@ -5146,6 +5216,7 @@ bool Plater::can_copy_to_clipboard() const
bool Plater::can_undo() const { return p->undo_redo_stack().has_undo_snapshot(); }
bool Plater::can_redo() const { return p->undo_redo_stack().has_redo_snapshot(); }
bool Plater::can_reload_from_disk() const { return p->can_reload_from_disk(); }
const UndoRedo::Stack& Plater::undo_redo_stack_main() const { return p->undo_redo_stack_main(); }
void Plater::enter_gizmos_stack() { p->enter_gizmos_stack(); }
void Plater::leave_gizmos_stack() { p->leave_gizmos_stack(); }
@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ public:
void export_stl(bool extended = false, bool selection_only = false);
void export_amf();
void export_3mf(const boost::filesystem::path& output_path = boost::filesystem::path());
void reload_from_disk();
bool has_toolpaths_to_export() const;
void export_toolpaths_to_obj() const;
void reslice();
@ -254,6 +255,7 @@ public:
bool can_copy_to_clipboard() const;
bool can_undo() const;
bool can_redo() const;
bool can_reload_from_disk() const;
void msw_rescale();
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ void Selection::volumes_changed(const std::vector<size_t> &map_volume_old_to_new
for (unsigned int idx : m_list)
if (map_volume_old_to_new[idx] != size_t(-1)) {
unsigned int new_idx = (unsigned int)map_volume_old_to_new[idx];
(*m_volumes)[new_idx]->selected = true;
m_list = std::move(list_new);
Add table
Reference in a new issue