Storing the active printer technology onto the Undo / Redo stack,
remembering the last selected Printer profile for the SLA and FDM technologies separately, and activating them on Undo / Redo. When switching the technologies, user is asked whether to discard the modified profiles or not.
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 141 additions and 119 deletions
@ -1877,6 +1877,31 @@ bool model_volume_list_changed(const ModelObject &model_object_old, const ModelO
return false;
extern bool model_has_multi_part_objects(const Model &model)
for (const ModelObject *model_object : model.objects)
if (model_object->volumes.size() != 1 || ! model_object->volumes.front()->is_model_part())
return true;
return false;
extern bool model_has_advanced_features(const Model &model)
auto config_is_advanced = [](const DynamicPrintConfig &config) {
return ! (config.empty() || (config.size() == 1 && config.cbegin()->first == "extruder"));
for (const ModelObject *model_object : model.objects) {
// Is there more than one instance or advanced config data?
if (model_object->instances.size() > 1 || config_is_advanced(model_object->config))
return true;
// Is there any modifier or advanced config data?
for (const ModelVolume* model_volume : model_object->volumes)
if (! model_volume->is_model_part() || config_is_advanced(model_volume->config))
return true;
return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify whether the IDs of Model / ModelObject / ModelVolume / ModelInstance / ModelMaterial are valid and unique.
void check_model_ids_validity(const Model &model)
@ -761,6 +761,12 @@ extern bool model_object_list_extended(const Model &model_old, const Model &mode
// than the old ModelObject.
extern bool model_volume_list_changed(const ModelObject &model_object_old, const ModelObject &model_object_new, const ModelVolumeType type);
// If the model has multi-part objects, then it is currently not supported by the SLA mode.
// Either the model cannot be loaded, or a SLA printer has to be activated.
extern bool model_has_multi_part_objects(const Model &model);
// If the model has advanced features, then it cannot be processed in simple mode.
extern bool model_has_advanced_features(const Model &model);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify whether the IDs of Model / ModelObject / ModelVolume / ModelInstance / ModelMaterial are valid and unique.
void check_model_ids_validity(const Model &model);
@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ void config_wizard(int reason)
if (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA &&
if (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA && model_has_multi_part_objects(wxGetApp().model()))
_(L("It's impossible to print multi-part object(s) with SLA technology.")) + "\n\n" +
@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ void GUI_App::add_config_menu(wxMenuBar *menu)
// This is called when closing the application, when loading a config file or when starting the config wizard
// to notify the user whether he is aware that some preset changes will be lost.
bool GUI_App::check_unsaved_changes()
bool GUI_App::check_unsaved_changes(const wxString &header)
wxString dirty;
PrinterTechnology printer_technology = preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology();
@ -868,8 +868,12 @@ bool GUI_App::check_unsaved_changes()
// No changes, the application may close or reload presets.
return true;
// Ask the user.
wxString message;
if (! header.empty())
message = header + "\n\n";
message += _(L("The presets on the following tabs were modified")) + ": " + dirty + "\n\n" + _(L("Discard changes and continue anyway?"));
wxMessageDialog dialog(mainframe,
_(L("The presets on the following tabs were modified")) + ": " + dirty + "\n\n" + _(L("Discard changes and continue anyway?")),
wxString(SLIC3R_APP_NAME) + " - " + _(L("Unsaved Presets")),
return dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_YES;
@ -944,9 +948,9 @@ Plater* GUI_App::plater()
return plater_;
ModelObjectPtrs* GUI_App::model_objects()
Model& GUI_App::model()
return &plater_->model().objects;
return plater_->model();
wxNotebook* GUI_App::tab_panel() const
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public:
void update_mode();
void add_config_menu(wxMenuBar *menu);
bool check_unsaved_changes();
bool check_unsaved_changes(const wxString &header = wxString());
bool checked_tab(Tab* tab);
void load_current_presets();
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public:
ObjectList* obj_list();
ObjectLayers* obj_layers();
Plater* plater();
std::vector<ModelObject*> *model_objects();
Model& model();
AppConfig* app_config{ nullptr };
PresetBundle* preset_bundle{ nullptr };
@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ bool ObjectList::edit_layer_range(const t_layer_height_range& range, const t_lay
void ObjectList::init_objects()
m_objects = wxGetApp().model_objects();
m_objects = &wxGetApp().model().objects;
bool ObjectList::multiple_selection() const
@ -3080,19 +3080,6 @@ void ObjectList::last_volume_is_deleted(const int obj_idx)
volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0));
bool ObjectList::has_multi_part_objects()
if (!m_objects_model->IsEmpty()) {
wxDataViewItemArray items;
m_objects_model->GetChildren(wxDataViewItem(0), items);
for (auto& item : items)
if (m_objects_model->GetItemByType(item, itVolume))
return true;
return false;
/* #lm_FIXME_delete_after_testing
void ObjectList::update_settings_items()
@ -317,7 +317,6 @@ public:
void change_part_type();
void last_volume_is_deleted(const int obj_idx);
bool has_multi_part_objects();
void update_settings_items();
void update_and_show_object_settings_item();
void update_settings_item_and_selection(wxDataViewItem item, wxDataViewItemArray& selections);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static double get_volume_min_z(const GLVolume* volume)
const Transform3f& world_matrix = volume->world_matrix().cast<float>();
// need to get the ModelVolume pointer
const ModelObject* mo = wxGetApp().model_objects()->at(volume->composite_id.object_id);
const ModelObject* mo = wxGetApp().model().objects[volume->composite_id.object_id];
const ModelVolume* mv = mo->volumes[volume->composite_id.volume_id];
const TriangleMesh& hull = mv->get_convex_hull();
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const Selection& selection)
m_new_scale = m_new_size.cwiseProduct(selection.get_unscaled_instance_bounding_box().size().cwiseInverse()) * 100.;
} else {
m_new_rotation = volume->get_instance_rotation() * (180. / M_PI);
m_new_size = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_scaling_factor().cwiseProduct((*wxGetApp().model_objects())[volume->object_idx()]->raw_mesh_bounding_box().size());
m_new_size = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_scaling_factor().cwiseProduct(wxGetApp().model().objects[volume->object_idx()]->raw_mesh_bounding_box().size());
m_new_scale = volume->get_instance_scaling_factor() * 100.;
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::change_size_value(int axis, double value)
else if (selection.is_single_full_instance())
ref_size = m_world_coordinates ?
selection.get_unscaled_instance_bounding_box().size() :
this->do_scale(axis, 100. * Vec3d(size(0) / ref_size(0), size(1) / ref_size(1), size(2) / ref_size(2)));
@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::set_uniform_scaling(const bool new_value)
// Bake the rotation into the meshes of the object.
// Update the 3D scene, selections etc.
// Recalculate cached values at this panel, refresh the screen.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ void GLGizmoFlatten::on_set_state()
// m_model_object pointer can be invalid (for instance because of undo/redo action),
// we should recover it from the object id
m_model_object = nullptr;
for (const auto mo : *wxGetApp().model_objects()) {
for (const auto mo : wxGetApp().model().objects) {
if (mo->id() == m_model_object_id) {
m_model_object = mo;
@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_set_state()
// we should recover it from the object id
const ModelObject* old_model_object = m_model_object;
m_model_object = nullptr;
for (const auto mo : *wxGetApp().model_objects()) {
for (const auto mo : wxGetApp().model().objects) {
if (mo->id() == m_current_mesh_object_id) {
m_model_object = mo;
@ -1646,16 +1646,18 @@ struct Plater::priv
if (this->m_prevent_snapshots > 0)
assert(this->m_prevent_snapshots >= 0);
this->undo_redo_stack.take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager());
this->undo_redo_stack.take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), this->printer_technology);
// Save the last active preset name of a particular printer technology.
((this->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name) = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name();
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Undo / Redo snapshot taken: " << snapshot_name << ", Undo / Redo stack memory: " << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(this->undo_redo_stack.memsize()) << log_memory_info();
void take_snapshot(const wxString& snapshot_name) { this->take_snapshot(std::string(snapshot_name.ToUTF8().data())); }
int get_active_snapshot_index();
void undo();
void redo();
void undo_to(size_t time_to_load);
void redo_to(size_t time_to_load);
void undo_redo_to(size_t time_to_load);
void suppress_snapshots() { this->m_prevent_snapshots++; }
void allow_snapshots() { this->m_prevent_snapshots--; }
@ -1749,10 +1751,13 @@ private:
void update_fff_scene();
void update_sla_scene();
void undo_redo_to(std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot>::const_iterator it_snapshot);
void update_after_undo_redo(bool temp_snapshot_was_taken = false);
// path to project file stored with no extension
wxString m_project_filename;
std::string m_last_fff_printer_profile_name;
std::string m_last_sla_printer_profile_name;
const std::regex Plater::priv::pattern_bundle(".*[.](amf|amf[.]xml|zip[.]amf|3mf|prusa)", std::regex::icase);
@ -2102,50 +2107,7 @@ std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_
else if ((wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) && (type_3mf || type_any_amf))
bool advanced = false;
for (const ModelObject* model_object : model.objects)
// is there more than one instance ?
if (model_object->instances.size() > 1)
advanced = true;
// is there any advanced config data ?
auto opt_keys = model_object->config.keys();
if (!opt_keys.empty() && !((opt_keys.size() == 1) && (opt_keys[0] == "extruder")))
advanced = true;
// is there any modifier ?
for (const ModelVolume* model_volume : model_object->volumes)
if (!model_volume->is_model_part())
advanced = true;
// is there any advanced config data ?
opt_keys = model_volume->config.keys();
if (!opt_keys.empty() && !((opt_keys.size() == 1) && (opt_keys[0] == "extruder")))
advanced = true;
if (advanced)
if (advanced)
else if ((wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) && (type_3mf || type_any_amf) && model_has_advanced_features(model)) {
wxMessageDialog dlg(q, _(L("This file cannot be loaded in a simple mode. Do you want to switch to an advanced mode?\n")),
_(L("Detected advanced data")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES)
@ -2156,7 +2118,6 @@ std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_
return obj_idxs;
for (ModelObject* model_object : model.objects) {
@ -3629,28 +3590,58 @@ int Plater::priv::get_active_snapshot_index()
void Plater::priv::undo()
bool temp_snapshot_was_taken = this->undo_redo_stack.temp_snapshot_active();
if (this->undo_redo_stack.undo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager()))
const std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot> &snapshots = this->undo_redo_stack.snapshots();
auto it_current = std::lower_bound(snapshots.begin(), snapshots.end(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(this->undo_redo_stack.active_snapshot_time()));
if (-- it_current != snapshots.begin())
void Plater::priv::redo()
if (this->undo_redo_stack.redo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager()))
const std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot> &snapshots = this->undo_redo_stack.snapshots();
auto it_current = std::lower_bound(snapshots.begin(), snapshots.end(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(this->undo_redo_stack.active_snapshot_time()));
if (++ it_current != snapshots.end())
void Plater::priv::undo_to(size_t time_to_load)
void Plater::priv::undo_redo_to(size_t time_to_load)
const std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot> &snapshots = this->undo_redo_stack.snapshots();
auto it_current = std::lower_bound(snapshots.begin(), snapshots.end(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(time_to_load));
assert(it_current != snapshots.end());
void Plater::priv::undo_redo_to(std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot>::const_iterator it_snapshot)
bool temp_snapshot_was_taken = this->undo_redo_stack.temp_snapshot_active();
if (this->undo_redo_stack.undo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), time_to_load))
PrinterTechnology new_printer_technology = it_snapshot->printer_technology;
bool printer_technology_changed = this->printer_technology != new_printer_technology;
if (printer_technology_changed) {
// Switching the printer technology when jumping forwards / backwards in time. Switch to the last active printer profile of the other type.
std::string s_pt = (it_snapshot->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? "FFF" : "SLA";
if (! wxGetApp().check_unsaved_changes(from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(
L("%1% printer was active at the time the target Undo / Redo snapshot was taken. Switching to %1% printer requires reloading of %1% presets."))) % s_pt).str())))
// Don't switch the profiles.
// Save the last active preset name of a particular printer technology.
((this->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name) = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name();
// Do the jump in time.
if (it_snapshot->timestamp < this->undo_redo_stack.active_snapshot_time() ?
this->undo_redo_stack.undo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), this->printer_technology, it_snapshot->timestamp) :
this->undo_redo_stack.redo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), it_snapshot->timestamp)) {
if (printer_technology_changed) {
// Switch to the other printer technology. Switch to the last printer active for that particular technology.
AppConfig *app_config = wxGetApp().app_config;
app_config->set("presets", "printer", (new_printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name);
// Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box.
// This also switches the printer technology based on the printer technology of the active printer profile.
void Plater::priv::redo_to(size_t time_to_load)
if (this->undo_redo_stack.redo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), time_to_load))
void Plater::priv::update_after_undo_redo(bool /* temp_snapshot_was_taken */)
@ -3669,6 +3660,13 @@ void Plater::priv::update_after_undo_redo(bool /* temp_snapshot_was_taken */)
if (wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple && model_has_advanced_features(this->model)) {
// If the user jumped to a snapshot that require user interface with advanced features, switch to the advanced mode without asking.
// There is a little risk of surprising the user, as he already must have had the advanced or expert mode active for such a snapshot to be taken.
//FIXME what about the state of the manipulators?
//FIXME what about the focus? Cursor in the side panel?
@ -4230,7 +4228,7 @@ void Plater::undo_to(int selection)
const int idx = p->get_active_snapshot_index() - selection - 1;
void Plater::redo_to(int selection)
@ -4240,7 +4238,7 @@ void Plater::redo_to(int selection)
const int idx = p->get_active_snapshot_index() + selection + 1;
bool Plater::undo_redo_string_getter(const bool is_undo, int idx, const char** out_text)
@ -2904,7 +2904,7 @@ bool Tab::may_discard_current_dirty_preset(PresetCollection* presets /*= nullptr
// Because of we can't to print the multi-part objects with SLA technology.
bool Tab::may_switch_to_SLA_preset()
if (wxGetApp().obj_list()->has_multi_part_objects())
if (model_has_multi_part_objects(wxGetApp().model()))
show_info( parent(),
_(L("It's impossible to print multi-part object(s) with SLA technology.")) + "\n\n" +
@ -495,12 +495,12 @@ public:
// Store the current application state onto the Undo / Redo stack, remove all snapshots after m_active_snapshot_time.
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos);
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology);
void load_snapshot(size_t timestamp, Slic3r::Model& model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos);
bool has_undo_snapshot() const;
bool has_redo_snapshot() const;
bool undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, size_t jump_to_time);
bool undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t jump_to_time);
bool redo(Slic3r::Model &model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, size_t jump_to_time);
void release_least_recently_used();
@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ template<typename T, typename T_AS> void StackImpl::load_mutable_object(const Sl
// Store the current application state onto the Undo / Redo stack, remove all snapshots after m_active_snapshot_time.
void StackImpl::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos)
void StackImpl::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
// Release old snapshot data.
assert(m_active_snapshot_time <= m_current_time);
@ -808,11 +808,11 @@ void StackImpl::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Mo
this->save_mutable_object<Selection, Selection>(m_selection);
this->save_mutable_object<Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager>(gizmos);
// Save the snapshot info.
m_snapshots.emplace_back(snapshot_name, m_current_time ++,;
m_snapshots.emplace_back(snapshot_name, m_current_time ++,, printer_technology);
m_active_snapshot_time = m_current_time;
// Save snapshot info of the last "current" aka "top most" state, that is only being serialized
// if undoing an action. Such a snapshot has an invalid Model ID assigned if it was not taken yet.
m_snapshots.emplace_back(topmost_snapshot_name, m_active_snapshot_time, 0);
m_snapshots.emplace_back(topmost_snapshot_name, m_active_snapshot_time, 0, printer_technology);
// Release empty objects from the history.
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ bool StackImpl::has_redo_snapshot() const
return ++ it != m_snapshots.end();
bool StackImpl::undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, size_t time_to_load)
bool StackImpl::undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t time_to_load)
if (time_to_load == SIZE_MAX) {
@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ bool StackImpl::undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selecti
bool new_snapshot_taken = false;
if (m_active_snapshot_time == m_snapshots.back().timestamp && ! m_snapshots.back().is_topmost_captured()) {
// The current state is temporary. The current state needs to be captured to be redoable.
this->take_snapshot(topmost_snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos);
this->take_snapshot(topmost_snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology);
// The line above entered another topmost_snapshot_name.
assert(! m_snapshots.back().is_topmost_captured());
@ -1020,10 +1020,12 @@ Stack::~Stack() {}
void Stack::set_memory_limit(size_t memsize) { pimpl->set_memory_limit(memsize); }
size_t Stack::memsize() const { return pimpl->memsize(); }
void Stack::release_least_recently_used() { pimpl->release_least_recently_used(); }
void Stack::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos) { pimpl->take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos); }
void Stack::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
{ pimpl->take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology); }
bool Stack::has_undo_snapshot() const { return pimpl->has_undo_snapshot(); }
bool Stack::has_redo_snapshot() const { return pimpl->has_redo_snapshot(); }
bool Stack::undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, size_t time_to_load) { return pimpl->undo(model, selection, gizmos, time_to_load); }
bool Stack::undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t time_to_load)
{ return pimpl->undo(model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology, time_to_load); }
bool Stack::redo(Slic3r::Model& model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, size_t time_to_load) { return pimpl->redo(model, gizmos, time_to_load); }
const Selection& Stack::selection_deserialized() const { return pimpl->selection_deserialized(); }
@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ namespace UndoRedo {
struct Snapshot
Snapshot(size_t timestamp) : timestamp(timestamp) {}
Snapshot(const std::string &name, size_t timestamp, size_t model_id) : name(name), timestamp(timestamp), model_id(model_id) {}
Snapshot(const std::string &name, size_t timestamp, size_t model_id, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology) :
name(name), timestamp(timestamp), model_id(model_id), printer_technology(printer_technology) {}
std::string name;
size_t timestamp;
size_t model_id;
PrinterTechnology printer_technology;
bool operator< (const Snapshot &rhs) const { return this->timestamp < rhs.timestamp; }
bool operator==(const Snapshot &rhs) const { return this->timestamp == rhs.timestamp; }
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ public:
void release_least_recently_used();
// Store the current application state onto the Undo / Redo stack, remove all snapshots after m_active_snapshot_time.
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos);
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology);
// To be queried to enable / disable the Undo / Redo buttons at the UI.
bool has_undo_snapshot() const;
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ public:
// Roll back the time. If time_to_load is SIZE_MAX, the previous snapshot is activated.
// Undoing an action may need to take a snapshot of the current application state, so that redo to the current state is possible.
bool undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, size_t time_to_load = SIZE_MAX);
bool undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t time_to_load = SIZE_MAX);
// Jump forward in time. If time_to_load is SIZE_MAX, the next snapshot is activated.
bool redo(Slic3r::Model& model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, size_t time_to_load = SIZE_MAX);
Add table
Reference in a new issue