Another fix to find_merge_pt

This commit is contained in:
tamasmeszaros 2022-06-29 15:48:45 +02:00
parent a55be29568
commit b45bb84fa6
2 changed files with 38 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ std::optional<Vec3f> find_merge_pt(const Vec3f &A,
// for the intersection of these support cones is difficult and its enough
// to reduce this problem to 2D and search for the intersection of two
// rays that merge somewhere between A and B. The 2D plane is a vertical
// slice of the 3D scene where the X axis is determined by the XY direction
// of the AB vector.
// slice of the 3D scene where the 2D Y axis is equal to the 3D Z axis and
// the 2D X axis is determined by the XY direction of the AB vector.
// Z^
// | A *
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ std::optional<Vec3f> find_merge_pt(const Vec3f &A,
// | . . . .
// | . . . .
// | . x .
// -------------------> X
// -------------------> XY
// Determine the transformation matrix for the 2D projection:
Vec3f diff = {B.x() - A.x(), B.y() - A.y(), 0.f};
@ -38,24 +38,33 @@ std::optional<Vec3f> find_merge_pt(const Vec3f &A,
// omit 'a', pretend that its the origin and use BA as the vector b.
Vec2f b = tr2D * (B - A);
// Get the slope of the ray emanating from 'a' towards 'b'. This ray might
// Get the square sine of the ray emanating from 'a' towards 'b'. This ray might
// exceed the allowed angle but that is corrected subsequently.
// if b.x() is 0, slope is (+/-) pi/2 depending on b.y() sign
float slope_a = std::atan2(b.y(), b.x());
// The sign of the original sine is also needed, hence b.y is multiplied by
// abs(b.y)
float b_sqn = b.squaredNorm();
float sin2sig_a = b_sqn > EPSILON ? (b.y() * std::abs(b.y())) / b_sqn : 0.f;
// slope from 'b' to 'a' is the opposite of slope_a, the angle will also
// be corrected later.
float slope_b = -slope_a;
// sine2 from 'b' to 'a' is the opposite of sine2 from a to b
float sin2sig_b = -sin2sig_a;
// Derive the allowed angles from the given critical angle.
// critical_angle is measured from the horizontal X axis.
// The rays need to go downwards which corresponds to negative angles
float min_angle = critical_angle - float(PI) / 2.f;
slope_a = std::min(slope_a, min_angle);
slope_b = std::min(slope_b, min_angle);
Vec2f Da = {std::cos(slope_a), std::sin(slope_a)};
Vec2f Db = {-std::cos(slope_b), std::sin(slope_b)};
float sincrit = std::sin(critical_angle); // sine of the critical angle
float sin2crit = -sincrit * sincrit; // signed sine squared
sin2sig_a = std::min(sin2sig_a, sin2crit); // Do the angle saturation of both rays
sin2sig_b = std::min(sin2sig_b, sin2crit); //
float sin2_a = std::abs(sin2sig_a); // Get cosine squared values
float sin2_b = std::abs(sin2sig_b);
float cos2_a = 1.f - sin2_a;
float cos2_b = 1.f - sin2_b;
// Derive the new direction vectors. This is by square rooting the sin2
// and cos2 values and restoring the original signs
Vec2f Da = {std::copysign(std::sqrt(cos2_a), b.x()), std::copysign(std::sqrt(sin2_a), sin2sig_a)};
Vec2f Db = {-std::copysign(std::sqrt(cos2_b), b.x()), std::copysign(std::sqrt(sin2_b), sin2sig_b)};
// Determine where two rays ([0, 0], Da), (b, Db) intersect.
// Based on

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@ -257,6 +257,21 @@ TEST_CASE("BranchingSupports::MergePointFinder", "[SLASupportGeneration][Branchi
REQUIRE((*mergept - b).norm() < 2 * EPSILON);
// -|----------------------------> Y
// a b
// * * <= mergept *
SECTION("Points at same height have mergepoint in the middle if critical angle is zero ") {
Vec3f a{-1.f, -1.f, -1.f}, b = {-1.5f, -1.5f, -1.f};
auto slope = EPSILON;
auto mergept = branchingtree::find_merge_pt(a, b, slope);
Vec3f middle = (b + a) / 2.;
REQUIRE((*mergept - middle).norm() < 4 * EPSILON);
TEST_CASE("BranchingSupports::ElevatedSupportsDoNotPierceModel", "[SLASupportGeneration][Branching]") {