diff --git a/xs/src/libslic3r/TriangleMesh.cpp b/xs/src/libslic3r/TriangleMesh.cpp
index 83cf0fa88..544a5d00b 100644
--- a/xs/src/libslic3r/TriangleMesh.cpp
+++ b/xs/src/libslic3r/TriangleMesh.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include "TriangleMesh.hpp"
 #include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
 #include "Geometry.hpp"
+#include "MultiPoint.hpp"
 #include "qhull/src/libqhullcpp/Qhull.h"
 #include "qhull/src/libqhullcpp/QhullFacetList.h"
 #include "qhull/src/libqhullcpp/QhullVertexSet.h"
@@ -1232,6 +1233,344 @@ static inline void remove_tangent_edges(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines)
+struct OpenPolyline {
+    OpenPolyline() {};
+    OpenPolyline(const IntersectionReference &start, const IntersectionReference &end, Points &&points) : 
+        start(start), end(end), points(std::move(points)), consumed(false) { this->length = Slic3r::length(this->points); }
+    void reverse() {
+        std::swap(start, end);
+        std::reverse(points.begin(), points.end());
+    }
+    IntersectionReference   start;
+    IntersectionReference   end;
+    Points                  points;
+    double                  length;
+    bool                    consumed;
+// called by TriangleMeshSlicer::make_loops() to connect sliced triangles into closed loops and open polylines by the triangle connectivity.
+// Only connects segments crossing triangles of the same orientation.
+static void chain_lines_by_triangle_connectivity(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, Polygons &loops, std::vector<OpenPolyline> &open_polylines)
+    // Build a map of lines by edge_a_id and a_id.
+    std::vector<IntersectionLine*> by_edge_a_id;
+    std::vector<IntersectionLine*> by_a_id;
+    by_edge_a_id.reserve(lines.size());
+    by_a_id.reserve(lines.size());
+    for (IntersectionLine &line : lines) {
+        if (! line.skip()) {
+            if (line.edge_a_id != -1)
+                by_edge_a_id.emplace_back(&line);
+            if (line.a_id != -1)
+                by_a_id.emplace_back(&line);
+        }
+    }
+    auto by_edge_lower = [](const IntersectionLine* il1, const IntersectionLine *il2) { return il1->edge_a_id < il2->edge_a_id; };
+    auto by_vertex_lower = [](const IntersectionLine* il1, const IntersectionLine *il2) { return il1->a_id < il2->a_id; };
+    std::sort(by_edge_a_id.begin(), by_edge_a_id.end(), by_edge_lower);
+    std::sort(by_a_id.begin(), by_a_id.end(), by_vertex_lower);
+    // Chain the segments with a greedy algorithm, collect the loops and unclosed polylines.
+    IntersectionLines::iterator it_line_seed = lines.begin();
+    for (;;) {
+        // take first spare line and start a new loop
+        IntersectionLine *first_line = nullptr;
+        for (; it_line_seed != lines.end(); ++ it_line_seed)
+            if (it_line_seed->is_seed_candidate()) {
+            //if (! it_line_seed->skip()) {
+                first_line = &(*it_line_seed ++);
+                break;
+            }
+        if (first_line == nullptr)
+            break;
+        first_line->set_skip();
+        Points loop_pts;
+        loop_pts.emplace_back(first_line->a);
+        IntersectionLine *last_line = first_line;
+        /*
+        printf("first_line edge_a_id = %d, edge_b_id = %d, a_id = %d, b_id = %d, a = %d,%d, b = %d,%d\n", 
+            first_line->edge_a_id, first_line->edge_b_id, first_line->a_id, first_line->b_id,
+            first_line->a.x, first_line->a.y, first_line->b.x, first_line->b.y);
+        */
+        IntersectionLine key;
+        for (;;) {
+            // find a line starting where last one finishes
+            IntersectionLine* next_line = nullptr;
+            if (last_line->edge_b_id != -1) {
+                key.edge_a_id = last_line->edge_b_id;
+                auto it_begin = std::lower_bound(by_edge_a_id.begin(), by_edge_a_id.end(), &key, by_edge_lower);
+                if (it_begin != by_edge_a_id.end()) {
+                    auto it_end = std::upper_bound(it_begin, by_edge_a_id.end(), &key, by_edge_lower);
+                    for (auto it_line = it_begin; it_line != it_end; ++ it_line)
+                        if (! (*it_line)->skip()) {
+                            next_line = *it_line;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                }
+            }
+            if (next_line == nullptr && last_line->b_id != -1) {
+                key.a_id = last_line->b_id;
+                auto it_begin = std::lower_bound(by_a_id.begin(), by_a_id.end(), &key, by_vertex_lower);
+                if (it_begin != by_a_id.end()) {
+                    auto it_end = std::upper_bound(it_begin, by_a_id.end(), &key, by_vertex_lower);
+                    for (auto it_line = it_begin; it_line != it_end; ++ it_line)
+                        if (! (*it_line)->skip()) {
+                            next_line = *it_line;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                }
+            }
+            if (next_line == nullptr) {
+                // Check whether we closed this loop.
+                if ((first_line->edge_a_id != -1 && first_line->edge_a_id == last_line->edge_b_id) || 
+                    (first_line->a_id      != -1 && first_line->a_id      == last_line->b_id)) {
+                    // The current loop is complete. Add it to the output.
+                    loops.emplace_back(std::move(loop_pts));
+                    #ifdef SLIC3R_TRIANGLEMESH_DEBUG
+                    printf("  Discovered %s polygon of %d points\n", (p.is_counter_clockwise() ? "ccw" : "cw"), (int)p.points.size());
+                    #endif
+                } else {
+                    // This is an open polyline. Add it to the list of open polylines. These open polylines will processed later.
+                    loop_pts.emplace_back(last_line->b);
+                    open_polylines.emplace_back(OpenPolyline(
+                        IntersectionReference(first_line->a_id, first_line->edge_a_id), 
+                        IntersectionReference(last_line->b_id, last_line->edge_b_id), std::move(loop_pts)));
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            /*
+            printf("next_line edge_a_id = %d, edge_b_id = %d, a_id = %d, b_id = %d, a = %d,%d, b = %d,%d\n", 
+                next_line->edge_a_id, next_line->edge_b_id, next_line->a_id, next_line->b_id,
+                next_line->a.x, next_line->a.y, next_line->b.x, next_line->b.y);
+            */
+            loop_pts.emplace_back(next_line->a);
+            last_line = next_line;
+            next_line->set_skip();
+        }
+    }
+std::vector<OpenPolyline*> open_polylines_sorted(std::vector<OpenPolyline> &open_polylines, bool update_lengths)
+    std::vector<OpenPolyline*> out;
+    out.reserve(open_polylines.size());
+    for (OpenPolyline &opl : open_polylines)
+        if (! opl.consumed) {
+            if (update_lengths)
+                opl.length = Slic3r::length(opl.points);
+            out.emplace_back(&opl);
+        }
+    std::sort(out.begin(), out.end(), [](const OpenPolyline *lhs, const OpenPolyline *rhs){ return lhs->length > rhs->length; });
+    return out;
+// called by TriangleMeshSlicer::make_loops() to connect remaining open polylines across shared triangle edges and vertices.
+// Depending on "try_connect_reversed", it may or may not connect segments crossing triangles of opposite orientation.
+static void chain_open_polylines_exact(std::vector<OpenPolyline> &open_polylines, Polygons &loops, bool try_connect_reversed)
+    // Store the end points of open_polylines into vectors sorted
+    struct OpenPolylineEnd {
+        OpenPolylineEnd(OpenPolyline *polyline, bool start) : polyline(polyline), start(start) {}
+        OpenPolyline    *polyline;
+        // Is it the start or end point?
+        bool             start;
+        const IntersectionReference& ipref() const { return start ? polyline->start : polyline->end; }
+        // Return a unique ID for the intersection point.
+        // Return a positive id for a point, or a negative id for an edge.
+        int id() const { const IntersectionReference &r = ipref(); return (r.point_id >= 0) ? r.point_id : - r.edge_id; }
+        bool operator==(const OpenPolylineEnd &rhs) const { return this->polyline == rhs.polyline && this->start == rhs.start; }
+    };
+    auto by_id_lower = [](const OpenPolylineEnd &ope1, const OpenPolylineEnd &ope2) { return ope1.id() < ope2.id(); };
+    std::vector<OpenPolylineEnd> by_id;
+    by_id.reserve(2 * open_polylines.size());
+    for (OpenPolyline &opl : open_polylines) {
+        if (opl.start.point_id != -1 || opl.start.edge_id != -1)
+            by_id.emplace_back(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, true));
+        if (try_connect_reversed && (opl.end.point_id != -1 || opl.end.edge_id != -1))
+            by_id.emplace_back(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, false));
+    }
+    std::sort(by_id.begin(), by_id.end(), by_id_lower);
+    // Find an iterator to by_id_lower for the particular end of OpenPolyline (by comparing the OpenPolyline pointer and the start attribute).
+    auto find_polyline_end = [&by_id, by_id_lower](const OpenPolylineEnd &end) -> std::vector<OpenPolylineEnd>::iterator {
+        for (auto it = std::lower_bound(by_id.begin(), by_id.end(), end, by_id_lower);
+                  it != by_id.end() && it->id() == end.id(); ++ it)
+            if (*it == end)
+                return it;
+        return by_id.end();
+    };
+    // Try to connect the loops.
+    std::vector<OpenPolyline*> sorted_by_length = open_polylines_sorted(open_polylines, false);
+    for (OpenPolyline *opl : sorted_by_length) {
+        if (opl->consumed)
+            continue;
+        opl->consumed = true;
+        OpenPolylineEnd end(opl, false);
+        for (;;) {
+            // find a line starting where last one finishes
+            auto it_next_start = std::lower_bound(by_id.begin(), by_id.end(), end, by_id_lower);
+            for (; it_next_start != by_id.end() && it_next_start->id() == end.id(); ++ it_next_start)
+                if (! it_next_start->polyline->consumed)
+                    goto found;
+            // The current loop could not be closed. Unmark the segment.
+            opl->consumed = false;
+            break;
+        found:
+            // Attach this polyline to the end of the initial polyline.
+            if (it_next_start->start) {
+                auto it = it_next_start->polyline->points.begin();
+                std::copy(++ it, it_next_start->polyline->points.end(), back_inserter(opl->points));
+            } else {
+                auto it = it_next_start->polyline->points.rbegin();
+                std::copy(++ it, it_next_start->polyline->points.rend(), back_inserter(opl->points));
+            }
+            opl->length += it_next_start->polyline->length;
+            // Mark the next polyline as consumed.
+            it_next_start->polyline->points.clear();
+            it_next_start->polyline->length = 0.;
+            it_next_start->polyline->consumed = true;
+            if (try_connect_reversed) {
+                // Running in a mode, where the polylines may be connected by mixing their orientations.
+                // Update the end point lookup structure after the end point of the current polyline was extended.
+                auto it_end      = find_polyline_end(end);
+                auto it_next_end = find_polyline_end(OpenPolylineEnd(it_next_start->polyline, !it_next_start->start));
+                // Swap the end points of the current and next polyline, but keep the polyline ptr and the start flag.
+                std::swap(opl->end, it_next_end->start ? it_next_end->polyline->start : it_next_end->polyline->end);
+                // Swap the positions of OpenPolylineEnd structures in the sorted array to match their respective end point positions.
+                std::swap(*it_end, *it_next_end);
+            }
+            // Check whether we closed this loop.
+            if ((opl->start.edge_id  != -1 && opl->start.edge_id  == opl->end.edge_id) ||
+                (opl->start.point_id != -1 && opl->start.point_id == opl->end.point_id)) {
+                // The current loop is complete. Add it to the output.
+                //assert(opl->points.front().point_id == opl->points.back().point_id);
+                //assert(opl->points.front().edge_id  == opl->points.back().edge_id);
+                // Remove the duplicate last point.
+                opl->points.pop_back();
+                if (opl->points.size() >= 3) {
+                    if (try_connect_reversed && area(opl->points) < 0)
+                        // The closed polygon is patched from pieces with messed up orientation, therefore
+                        // the orientation of the patched up polygon is not known.
+                        // Orient the patched up polygons CCW. This heuristic may close some holes and cavities.
+                        std::reverse(opl->points.begin(), opl->points.end());
+                    loops.emplace_back(std::move(opl->points));
+                }
+                opl->points.clear();
+                break;
+            }
+            // Continue with the current loop.
+        }
+    }
+// called by TriangleMeshSlicer::make_loops() to connect remaining open polylines across shared triangle edges and vertices, 
+// possibly closing small gaps.
+// Depending on "try_connect_reversed", it may or may not connect segments crossing triangles of opposite orientation.
+static void chain_open_polylines_close_gaps(std::vector<OpenPolyline> &open_polylines, Polygons &loops, double max_gap, bool try_connect_reversed)
+    const coord_t max_gap_scaled = (coord_t)scale_(max_gap);
+    // Sort the open polylines by their length, so the new loops will be seeded from longer chains.
+    // Update the polyline lengths, return only not yet consumed polylines.
+    std::vector<OpenPolyline*> sorted_by_length = open_polylines_sorted(open_polylines, true);
+    // Store the end points of open_polylines into ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<OpenPolylineEnd>.
+    struct OpenPolylineEnd {
+        OpenPolylineEnd(OpenPolyline *polyline, bool start) : polyline(polyline), start(start) {}
+        OpenPolyline    *polyline;
+        // Is it the start or end point?
+        bool             start;
+        const Point&     point() const { return start ? polyline->points.front() : polyline->points.back(); }
+        bool operator==(const OpenPolylineEnd &rhs) const { return this->polyline == rhs.polyline && this->start == rhs.start; }
+    };
+    struct OpenPolylineEndAccessor {
+        const Point* operator()(const OpenPolylineEnd &pt) const { return pt.polyline->consumed ? nullptr : &pt.point(); }
+    };
+    typedef ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<OpenPolylineEnd, OpenPolylineEndAccessor> ClosestPointLookupType;
+    ClosestPointLookupType closest_end_point_lookup(max_gap_scaled);
+    for (OpenPolyline *opl : sorted_by_length) {
+        closest_end_point_lookup.insert(OpenPolylineEnd(opl, true));
+        if (try_connect_reversed)
+            closest_end_point_lookup.insert(OpenPolylineEnd(opl, false));
+    }
+    // Try to connect the loops.
+    for (OpenPolyline *opl : sorted_by_length) {
+        if (opl->consumed)
+            continue;
+        OpenPolylineEnd end(opl, false);
+        if (try_connect_reversed)
+            // The end point of this polyline will be modified, thus the following entry will become invalid. Remove it.
+            closest_end_point_lookup.erase(end);
+        opl->consumed = true;
+        size_t n_segments_joined = 1;
+        for (;;) {
+            // Find a line starting where last one finishes, only return non-consumed open polylines (OpenPolylineEndAccessor returns null for consumed).
+            std::pair<const OpenPolylineEnd*, double> next_start_and_dist = closest_end_point_lookup.find(end.point());
+            const OpenPolylineEnd *next_start = next_start_and_dist.first;
+            // Check whether we closed this loop.
+            double current_loop_closing_distance2 = opl->points.front().distance_to_sq(opl->points.back());
+            bool   loop_closed = current_loop_closing_distance2 < coordf_t(max_gap_scaled) * coordf_t(max_gap_scaled);
+            if (next_start != nullptr && loop_closed && current_loop_closing_distance2 < next_start_and_dist.second) {
+                // Heuristics to decide, whether to close the loop, or connect another polyline.
+                // One should avoid closing loops shorter than max_gap_scaled.
+                loop_closed = sqrt(current_loop_closing_distance2) < 0.3 * length(opl->points);
+            }
+            if (loop_closed) {
+                // Remove the start point of the current polyline from the lookup.
+                // Mark the current segment as not consumed, otherwise the closest_end_point_lookup.erase() would fail.
+                opl->consumed = false;
+                closest_end_point_lookup.erase(OpenPolylineEnd(opl, true));
+                if (current_loop_closing_distance2 == 0.) {
+                    // Remove the duplicate last point.
+                    opl->points.pop_back();
+                } else {
+                    // The end points are different, keep both of them.
+                }
+                if (opl->points.size() >= 3) {
+                    if (try_connect_reversed && n_segments_joined > 1 && area(opl->points) < 0)
+                        // The closed polygon is patched from pieces with messed up orientation, therefore
+                        // the orientation of the patched up polygon is not known.
+                        // Orient the patched up polygons CCW. This heuristic may close some holes and cavities.
+                        std::reverse(opl->points.begin(), opl->points.end());
+                    loops.emplace_back(std::move(opl->points));
+                }
+                opl->points.clear();
+                opl->consumed = true;
+                break;
+            }
+            if (next_start == nullptr) {
+                // The current loop could not be closed. Unmark the segment.
+                opl->consumed = false;
+                if (try_connect_reversed)
+                    // Re-insert the end point.
+                    closest_end_point_lookup.insert(OpenPolylineEnd(opl, false));
+                break;
+            }
+            // Attach this polyline to the end of the initial polyline.
+            if (next_start->start) {
+                auto it = next_start->polyline->points.begin();
+                if (*it == opl->points.back())
+                    ++ it;
+                std::copy(it, next_start->polyline->points.end(), back_inserter(opl->points));
+            } else {
+                auto it = next_start->polyline->points.rbegin();
+                if (*it == opl->points.back())
+                    ++ it;
+                std::copy(it, next_start->polyline->points.rend(), back_inserter(opl->points));
+            }
+            ++ n_segments_joined;
+            // Remove the end points of the consumed polyline segment from the lookup.
+            OpenPolyline *opl2 = next_start->polyline;
+            closest_end_point_lookup.erase(OpenPolylineEnd(opl2, true));
+            if (try_connect_reversed)
+                closest_end_point_lookup.erase(OpenPolylineEnd(opl2, false));
+            opl2->points.clear();
+            opl2->consumed = true;
+            // Continue with the current loop.
+        }
+    }
 void TriangleMeshSlicer::make_loops(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, Polygons* loops) const
 #if 0
@@ -1260,119 +1599,8 @@ void TriangleMeshSlicer::make_loops(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, Polygo
-    struct OpenPolyline {
-        OpenPolyline() {};
-        OpenPolyline(const IntersectionReference &start, const IntersectionReference &end, Points &&points) : 
-            start(start), end(end), points(std::move(points)), consumed(false) {}
-        void reverse() {
-            std::swap(start, end);
-            std::reverse(points.begin(), points.end());
-        }
-        IntersectionReference   start;
-        IntersectionReference   end;
-        Points                  points;
-        bool                    consumed;
-    };
     std::vector<OpenPolyline> open_polylines;
-    {
-        // Build a map of lines by edge_a_id and a_id.
-        std::vector<IntersectionLine*> by_edge_a_id;
-        std::vector<IntersectionLine*> by_a_id;
-        by_edge_a_id.reserve(lines.size());
-        by_a_id.reserve(lines.size());
-        for (IntersectionLine &line : lines) {
-            if (! line.skip()) {
-                if (line.edge_a_id != -1)
-                    by_edge_a_id.emplace_back(&line);
-                if (line.a_id != -1)
-                    by_a_id.emplace_back(&line);
-            }
-        }
-        auto by_edge_lower = [](const IntersectionLine* il1, const IntersectionLine *il2) { return il1->edge_a_id < il2->edge_a_id; };
-        auto by_vertex_lower = [](const IntersectionLine* il1, const IntersectionLine *il2) { return il1->a_id < il2->a_id; };
-        std::sort(by_edge_a_id.begin(), by_edge_a_id.end(), by_edge_lower);
-        std::sort(by_a_id.begin(), by_a_id.end(), by_vertex_lower);
-        // Chain the segments with a greedy algorithm, collect the loops and unclosed polylines.
-        IntersectionLines::iterator it_line_seed = lines.begin();
-        for (;;) {
-            // take first spare line and start a new loop
-            IntersectionLine *first_line = nullptr;
-            for (; it_line_seed != lines.end(); ++ it_line_seed)
-                if (it_line_seed->is_seed_candidate()) {
-                //if (! it_line_seed->skip()) {
-                    first_line = &(*it_line_seed ++);
-                    break;
-                }
-            if (first_line == nullptr)
-                break;
-            first_line->set_skip();
-            Points loop_pts;
-            loop_pts.emplace_back(first_line->a);
-            IntersectionLine *last_line = first_line;
-            /*
-            printf("first_line edge_a_id = %d, edge_b_id = %d, a_id = %d, b_id = %d, a = %d,%d, b = %d,%d\n", 
-                first_line->edge_a_id, first_line->edge_b_id, first_line->a_id, first_line->b_id,
-                first_line->a.x, first_line->a.y, first_line->b.x, first_line->b.y);
-            */
-            IntersectionLine key;
-            for (;;) {
-                // find a line starting where last one finishes
-                IntersectionLine* next_line = nullptr;
-                if (last_line->edge_b_id != -1) {
-                    key.edge_a_id = last_line->edge_b_id;
-                    auto it_begin = std::lower_bound(by_edge_a_id.begin(), by_edge_a_id.end(), &key, by_edge_lower);
-                    if (it_begin != by_edge_a_id.end()) {
-                        auto it_end = std::upper_bound(it_begin, by_edge_a_id.end(), &key, by_edge_lower);
-                        for (auto it_line = it_begin; it_line != it_end; ++ it_line)
-                            if (! (*it_line)->skip()) {
-                                next_line = *it_line;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (next_line == nullptr && last_line->b_id != -1) {
-                    key.a_id = last_line->b_id;
-                    auto it_begin = std::lower_bound(by_a_id.begin(), by_a_id.end(), &key, by_vertex_lower);
-                    if (it_begin != by_a_id.end()) {
-                        auto it_end = std::upper_bound(it_begin, by_a_id.end(), &key, by_vertex_lower);
-                        for (auto it_line = it_begin; it_line != it_end; ++ it_line)
-                            if (! (*it_line)->skip()) {
-                                next_line = *it_line;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (next_line == nullptr) {
-                    // Check whether we closed this loop.
-                    if ((first_line->edge_a_id != -1 && first_line->edge_a_id == last_line->edge_b_id) || 
-                        (first_line->a_id      != -1 && first_line->a_id      == last_line->b_id)) {
-                        // The current loop is complete. Add it to the output.
-                        loops->emplace_back(std::move(loop_pts));
-                        #ifdef SLIC3R_TRIANGLEMESH_DEBUG
-                        printf("  Discovered %s polygon of %d points\n", (p.is_counter_clockwise() ? "ccw" : "cw"), (int)p.points.size());
-                        #endif
-                    } else {
-                        // This is an open polyline. Add it to the list of open polylines. These open polylines will processed later.
-                        loop_pts.emplace_back(last_line->b);
-                        open_polylines.emplace_back(OpenPolyline(
-                            IntersectionReference(first_line->a_id, first_line->edge_a_id), 
-                            IntersectionReference(last_line->b_id, last_line->edge_b_id), std::move(loop_pts)));
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-                /*
-                printf("next_line edge_a_id = %d, edge_b_id = %d, a_id = %d, b_id = %d, a = %d,%d, b = %d,%d\n", 
-                    next_line->edge_a_id, next_line->edge_b_id, next_line->a_id, next_line->b_id,
-                    next_line->a.x, next_line->a.y, next_line->b.x, next_line->b.y);
-                */
-                loop_pts.emplace_back(next_line->a);
-                last_line = next_line;
-                next_line->set_skip();
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    chain_lines_by_triangle_connectivity(lines, *loops, open_polylines);
@@ -1388,98 +1616,8 @@ void TriangleMeshSlicer::make_loops(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, Polygo
     // Now process the open polylines.
     // Do it in two rounds, first try to connect in the same direction only,
     // then try to connect the open polylines in reversed order as well.
-    for (size_t round = 0; round < 2 && ! open_polylines.empty(); ++ round) {
-        bool try_connect_reversed = round == 1;
-        // Store the end points of open_polylines into vectors sorted
-        struct OpenPolylineEnd {
-            OpenPolylineEnd(OpenPolyline *polyline, bool start) : polyline(polyline), start(start) {}
-            OpenPolyline    *polyline;
-            // Is it the start or end point?
-            bool             start;
-            const IntersectionReference& ipref() const { return start ? polyline->start : polyline->end; }
-            // Return a unique ID for the intersection point.
-            // Return a positive id for a point, or a negative id for an edge.
-            int id() const { const IntersectionReference &r = ipref(); return (r.point_id >= 0) ? r.point_id : - r.edge_id; }
-            bool operator==(const OpenPolylineEnd &rhs) const { return this->polyline == rhs.polyline && this->start == rhs.start; }
-        };
-        auto by_id_lower = [](const OpenPolylineEnd &ope1, const OpenPolylineEnd &ope2) { return ope1.id() < ope2.id(); };
-        std::vector<OpenPolylineEnd> by_id;
-        by_id.reserve(2 * open_polylines.size());
-        for (OpenPolyline &opl : open_polylines) {
-            if (opl.start.point_id != -1 || opl.start.edge_id != -1)
-                by_id.emplace_back(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, true));
-            if (try_connect_reversed && (opl.end.point_id != -1 || opl.end.edge_id != -1))
-                by_id.emplace_back(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, false));
-        }
-        std::sort(by_id.begin(), by_id.end(), by_id_lower);
-        // Find an iterator to by_id_lower for the particular end of OpenPolyline (by comparing the OpenPolyline pointer and the start attribute).
-		auto find_polyline_end = [&by_id, by_id_lower](const OpenPolylineEnd &end) -> std::vector<OpenPolylineEnd>::iterator {
-            for (auto it = std::lower_bound(by_id.begin(), by_id.end(), end, by_id_lower);
-                      it != by_id.end() && it->id() == end.id(); ++ it)
-                if (*it == end)
-                    return it;
-            return by_id.end();
-        };
-        // Try to connect the loops.
-        for (OpenPolyline &opl : open_polylines) {
-            if (opl.consumed)
-                continue;
-            opl.consumed = true;
-			OpenPolylineEnd end(&opl, false);
-            for (;;) {
-                // find a line starting where last one finishes
-                auto it_next_start = std::lower_bound(by_id.begin(), by_id.end(), end, by_id_lower);
-                for (; it_next_start != by_id.end() && it_next_start->id() == end.id(); ++ it_next_start)
-                    if (! it_next_start->polyline->consumed)
-                        goto found;
-				// The current loop could not be closed. Unmark the segment.
-				opl.consumed = false;
-				break;
-            found:
-				// Attach this polyline to the end of the initial polyline.
-                if (it_next_start->start) {
-                    auto it = it_next_start->polyline->points.begin();
-                    std::copy(++ it, it_next_start->polyline->points.end(), back_inserter(opl.points));
-                } else {
-                    auto it = it_next_start->polyline->points.rbegin();
-                    std::copy(++ it, it_next_start->polyline->points.rend(), back_inserter(opl.points));
-                }
-                // Mark the next polyline as consumed.
-                it_next_start->polyline->points.clear();
-                it_next_start->polyline->consumed = true;
-				if (try_connect_reversed) {
-                    // Running in a mode, where the polylines may be connected by mixing their orientations.
-                    // Update the end point lookup structure after the end point of the current polyline was extended.
-					auto it_end      = find_polyline_end(end);
-					auto it_next_end = find_polyline_end(OpenPolylineEnd(it_next_start->polyline, !it_next_start->start));
-                    // Swap the end points of the current and next polyline, but keep the polyline ptr and the start flag.
-                    std::swap(opl.end, it_next_end->start ? it_next_end->polyline->start : it_next_end->polyline->end);
-                    // Swap the positions of OpenPolylineEnd structures in the sorted array to match their respective end point positions.
-					std::swap(*it_end, *it_next_end);
-				}
-                // Check whether we closed this loop.
-                if ((opl.start.edge_id  != -1 && opl.start.edge_id  == opl.end.edge_id) ||
-                    (opl.start.point_id != -1 && opl.start.point_id == opl.end.point_id)) {
-                    // The current loop is complete. Add it to the output.
-                    //assert(opl.points.front().point_id == opl.points.back().point_id);
-                    //assert(opl.points.front().edge_id  == opl.points.back().edge_id);
-                    // Remove the duplicate last point.
-                    opl.points.pop_back();
-                    if (opl.points.size() >= 3) {
-                        if (try_connect_reversed && area(opl.points) < 0)
-                            // The closed polygon is patched from pieces with messed up orientation, therefore
-                            // the orientation of the patched up polygon is not known.
-                            // Orient the patched up polygons CCW. This heuristic may close some holes and cavities.
-                            std::reverse(opl.points.begin(), opl.points.end());
-                        loops->emplace_back(std::move(opl.points));
-                    }
-                    opl.points.clear();
-					break;
-                }
-				// Continue with the current loop.
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    chain_open_polylines_exact(open_polylines, *loops, false);
+    chain_open_polylines_exact(open_polylines, *loops, true);
@@ -1500,105 +1638,9 @@ void TriangleMeshSlicer::make_loops(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, Polygo
     // Try to close gaps.
     // Do it in two rounds, first try to connect in the same direction only,
     // then try to connect the open polylines in reversed order as well.
-    const coord_t max_gap_scaled = (coord_t)scale_(2.); // 2mm
-    for (size_t round = 0; round < 2 && ! open_polylines.empty(); ++ round) {
-        bool try_connect_reversed = round == 1;
-        // Store the end points of open_polylines into ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<OpenPolylineEnd>.
-        struct OpenPolylineEnd {
-            OpenPolylineEnd(OpenPolyline *polyline, bool start) : polyline(polyline), start(start) {}
-            OpenPolyline    *polyline;
-            // Is it the start or end point?
-            bool             start;
-            const Point&     point() const { return start ? polyline->points.front() : polyline->points.back(); }
-            bool operator==(const OpenPolylineEnd &rhs) const { return this->polyline == rhs.polyline && this->start == rhs.start; }
-        };
-        struct OpenPolylineEndAccessor {
-            const Point* operator()(const OpenPolylineEnd &pt) const { return pt.polyline->consumed ? nullptr : &pt.point(); }
-        };
-        typedef ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<OpenPolylineEnd, OpenPolylineEndAccessor> ClosestPointLookupType;
-        ClosestPointLookupType closest_end_point_lookup(max_gap_scaled);
-        for (OpenPolyline &opl : open_polylines) {
-            closest_end_point_lookup.insert(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, true));
-            if (try_connect_reversed)
-                closest_end_point_lookup.insert(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, false));
-        }
-        // Try to connect the loops.
-        for (OpenPolyline &opl : open_polylines) {
-            if (opl.consumed)
-                continue;
-            OpenPolylineEnd end(&opl, false);
-            if (try_connect_reversed)
-                // The end point of this polyline will be modified, thus the following entry will become invalid. Remove it.
-                closest_end_point_lookup.erase(end);
-            opl.consumed = true;
-			size_t n_segments_joined = 1;
-            for (;;) {
-                // Find a line starting where last one finishes, only return non-consumed open polylines (OpenPolylineEndAccessor returns null for consumed).
-                std::pair<const OpenPolylineEnd*, double> next_start_and_dist = closest_end_point_lookup.find(end.point());
-                const OpenPolylineEnd *next_start = next_start_and_dist.first;
-				// Check whether we closed this loop.
-                double current_loop_closing_distance2 = opl.points.front().distance_to_sq(opl.points.back());
-                bool   loop_closed = current_loop_closing_distance2 < coordf_t(max_gap_scaled) * coordf_t(max_gap_scaled);
-                if (next_start != nullptr && loop_closed && current_loop_closing_distance2 < next_start_and_dist.second) {
-                    // Heuristics to decide, whether to close the loop, or connect another polyline.
-                    // One should avoid closing loops shorter than max_gap_scaled.
-                    loop_closed = sqrt(current_loop_closing_distance2) < 0.3 * length(opl.points);
-                }
-                if (loop_closed) {
-                    // Remove the start point of the current polyline from the lookup.
-                    // Mark the current segment as not consumed, otherwise the closest_end_point_lookup.erase() would fail.
-                    opl.consumed = false;
-                    closest_end_point_lookup.erase(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, true));
-                    if (current_loop_closing_distance2 == 0.) {
-                        // Remove the duplicate last point.
-                        opl.points.pop_back();
-                    } else {
-                        // The end points are different, keep both of them.
-                    }
-                    if (opl.points.size() >= 3) {
-                        if (try_connect_reversed && n_segments_joined > 1 && area(opl.points) < 0)
-                            // The closed polygon is patched from pieces with messed up orientation, therefore
-                            // the orientation of the patched up polygon is not known.
-                            // Orient the patched up polygons CCW. This heuristic may close some holes and cavities.
-                            std::reverse(opl.points.begin(), opl.points.end());
-                        loops->emplace_back(std::move(opl.points));
-                    }
-                    opl.points.clear();
-                    opl.consumed = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-				if (next_start == nullptr) {
-                    // The current loop could not be closed. Unmark the segment.
-                    opl.consumed = false;
-                    if (try_connect_reversed)
-                        // Re-insert the end point.
-                        closest_end_point_lookup.insert(OpenPolylineEnd(&opl, false));
-                    break;
-                }
-                // Attach this polyline to the end of the initial polyline.
-                if (next_start->start) {
-                    auto it = next_start->polyline->points.begin();
-                    if (*it == opl.points.back())
-                        ++ it;
-                    std::copy(it, next_start->polyline->points.end(), back_inserter(opl.points));
-                } else {
-                    auto it = next_start->polyline->points.rbegin();
-                    if (*it == opl.points.back())
-                        ++ it;
-                    std::copy(it, next_start->polyline->points.rend(), back_inserter(opl.points));
-                }
-				++ n_segments_joined;
-                // Remove the end points of the consumed polyline segment from the lookup.
-                OpenPolyline *opl2 = next_start->polyline;
-                closest_end_point_lookup.erase(OpenPolylineEnd(opl2, true));
-                if (try_connect_reversed)
-                    closest_end_point_lookup.erase(OpenPolylineEnd(opl2, false));
-				opl2->points.clear();
-				opl2->consumed = true;
-				// Continue with the current loop.
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    const double max_gap = 2.; //mm
+    chain_open_polylines_close_gaps(open_polylines, *loops, max_gap, false);
+    chain_open_polylines_close_gaps(open_polylines, *loops, max_gap, true);