Refactoring: split support material code into several methods

This commit is contained in:
Alessandro Ranellucci 2013-10-26 17:20:54 +02:00
parent e6efda4ba4
commit bdf825d078

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@ -17,7 +17,48 @@ sub flow {
sub generate {
my $self = shift;
my $flow = $self->flow;
# Determine the top surfaces of the support, defined as:
# contact = overhangs - margin
# This method is responsible for identifying what contact surfaces
# should the support material expose to the object in order to guarantee
# that it will be effective, regardless of how it's built below.
my ($contact, $overhang) = $self->contact_area;
# Determine the top surfaces of the object. We need these to determine
# the layer heights of support material and to clip support to the object
# silhouette.
my ($top) = $self->object_top($contact);
# We now know the upper and lower boundaries for our support material object
# (@$contact_z and @$top_z), so we can generate intermediate layers.
my ($support_z) = $self->support_layers_z([ sort keys %$contact ], [ sort keys %$top ]);
# If we wanted to apply some special logic to the first support layers lying on
# object's top surfaces this is the place to detect them
# Propagate contact layers downwards to generate interface layers
my ($interface) = $self->generate_interface_layers($support_z, $contact, $top);
# Propagate contact layers and interface layers downwards to generate
# the main support layers.
my ($base) = $self->generate_base_layers($support_z, $contact, $interface, $top);
# Install support layers into object.
push @{$self->object->support_layers}, map Slic3r::Layer::Support->new(
object => $self->object,
id => $_,
height => ($_ == 0) ? $support_z->[$_] : ($support_z->[$_] - $support_z->[$_-1]),
print_z => $support_z->[$_],
slice_z => -1,
slices => [],
), 0 .. $#$support_z;
# Generate the actual toolpaths and save them into each layer.
$self->generate_toolpaths($overhang, $contact, $interface, $base);
sub contact_area {
my ($self) = @_;
# how much we extend support around the actual contact area
#my $margin = $flow->scaled_width / 2;
@ -33,12 +74,6 @@ sub generate {
Slic3r::debugf "Threshold angle = %d°\n", rad2deg($threshold_rad);
# shape of contact area
my $contact_loops = 1;
my $circle_radius = 1.5 * $flow->scaled_width;
my $circle_distance = 3 * $circle_radius;
my $circle = Slic3r::Polygon->new(map [ $circle_radius * cos $_, $circle_radius * sin $_ ], (5*PI/3, 4*PI/3, PI, 2*PI/3, PI/3, 0));
# determine contact areas
my %contact = (); # contact_z => [ polygons ]
my %overhang = (); # contact_z => [ expolygons ] - this stores the actual overhang supported by each contact layer
@ -131,7 +166,14 @@ sub generate {
my @contact_z = sort keys %contact;
return (\%contact, \%overhang);
sub object_top {
my ($self, $contact) = @_;
my $flow = $self->flow;
# find object top surfaces
# we'll use them to clip our support and detect where does it stick
@ -144,10 +186,10 @@ sub generate {
# first add all the 'new' contact areas to the current projection
# ('new' means all the areas that are lower than the last top layer
# we considered)
my $min_top = min(keys %top) // max(keys %contact);
my $min_top = min(keys %top) // max(keys %$contact);
# use <= instead of just < because otherwise we'd ignore any contact regions
# having the same Z of top layers
push @$projection, map @{$contact{$_}}, grep { $_ > $layer->print_z && $_ <= $min_top } keys %contact;
push @$projection, map @{$contact->{$_}}, grep { $_ > $layer->print_z && $_ <= $min_top } keys %$contact;
# now find whether any projection falls onto this top surface
my $touching = intersection($projection, [ map $_->p, @top ]);
@ -164,25 +206,67 @@ sub generate {
my @top_z = sort keys %top;
# we now know the upper and lower boundaries for our support material object
# (@contact_z and @top_z), so we can generate intermediate layers
my @support_layers = $self->_compute_support_layers(\@contact_z, \@top_z);
return \%top;
# if we wanted to apply some special logic to the first support layers lying on
# object's top surfaces this is the place to detect them
sub support_layers_z {
my ($self, $contact_z, $top_z) = @_;
my $flow = $self->flow;
# quick table to check whether a given Z is a top surface
my %top = map { $_ => 1 } @$top_z;
# determine layer height for any non-contact layer
# we use max() to prevent many ultra-thin layers to be inserted in case
# layer_height > nozzle_diameter * 0.75
my $support_material_height = max($self->object->config->layer_height, $flow->nozzle_diameter * 0.75);
my @z = sort { $a <=> $b } @$contact_z, @$top_z,
(map { $_ + $flow->nozzle_diameter } @$top_z);
# enforce first layer height
my $first_layer_height = $self->object->config->get_value('first_layer_height');
shift @z while @z && $z[0] <= $first_layer_height;
unshift @z, $first_layer_height;
for (my $i = $#z; $i >= 0; $i--) {
my $target_height = $support_material_height;
if ($i > 0 && $top{ $z[$i-1] }) {
$target_height = $flow->nozzle_diameter;
# enforce first layer height
if (($i == 0 && $z[$i] > $target_height + $first_layer_height)
|| ($z[$i] - $z[$i-1] > $target_height + Slic3r::Geometry::epsilon)) {
splice @z, $i, 0, ($z[$i] - $target_height);
# remove duplicates and make sure all 0.x values have the leading 0
my %sl = map { 1 * $_ => 1 } @z;
@z = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %sl;
return \@z;
sub generate_interface_layers {
my ($self, $support_z, $contact, $top) = @_;
# let's now generate interface layers below contact areas
my %interface = (); # layer_id => [ polygons ]
my $interface_layers = $self->object->config->support_material_interface_layers;
for my $layer_id (0 .. $#support_layers) {
my $z = $support_layers[$layer_id];
my $this = $contact{$z} // next;
for my $layer_id (0 .. $#$support_z) {
my $z = $support_z->[$layer_id];
my $this = $contact->{$z} // next;
# count contact layer as interface layer
for (my $i = $layer_id-1; $i >= 0 && $i > $layer_id-$interface_layers; $i--) {
$z = $support_layers[$i];
$z = $support_z->[$i];
# Compute interface area on this layer as diff of upper contact area
# (or upper interface area) and layer slices.
# This diff is responsible of the contact between support material and
@ -194,42 +278,53 @@ sub generate {
@{ $interface{$i} || [] }, # interface regions already applied to this layer
@{ $top{$z} || [] }, # top slices on this layer
@{ $contact{$z} || [] }, # contact regions on this layer
@{ $top->{$z} || [] }, # top slices on this layer
@{ $contact->{$z} || [] }, # contact regions on this layer
return \%interface;
sub generate_base_layers {
my ($self, $support_z, $contact, $interface, $top) = @_;
# let's now generate support layers under interface layers
my %support = (); # layer_id => [ polygons ]
my $base = {}; # layer_id => [ polygons ]
for my $i (reverse 0 .. $#support_layers-1) {
my $z = $support_layers[$i];
$support{$i} = diff(
for my $i (reverse 0 .. $#$support_z-1) {
my $z = $support_z->[$i];
$base->{$i} = diff(
@{ $support{$i+1} || [] }, # support regions on upper layer
@{ $interface{$i+1} || [] }, # interface regions on upper layer
@{ $base->{$i+1} || [] }, # support regions on upper layer
@{ $interface->{$i+1} || [] }, # interface regions on upper layer
@{ $top{$z} || [] }, # top slices on this layer
@{ $interface{$i} || [] }, # interface regions on this layer
@{ $contact{$z} || [] }, # contact regions on this layer
@{ $top->{$z} || [] }, # top slices on this layer
@{ $interface->{$i} || [] }, # interface regions on this layer
@{ $contact->{$z} || [] }, # contact regions on this layer
push @{$self->object->support_layers}, map Slic3r::Layer::Support->new(
object => $self->object,
id => $_,
height => ($_ == 0) ? $support_layers[$_] : ($support_layers[$_] - $support_layers[$_-1]),
print_z => $support_layers[$_],
slice_z => -1,
slices => [],
), 0 .. $#support_layers;
return $base;
sub generate_toolpaths {
my ($self, $overhang, $contact, $interface, $base) = @_;
my $flow = $self->flow;
# shape of contact area
my $contact_loops = 1;
my $circle_radius = 1.5 * $flow->scaled_width;
my $circle_distance = 3 * $circle_radius;
my $circle = Slic3r::Polygon->new(map [ $circle_radius * cos $_, $circle_radius * sin $_ ], (5*PI/3, 4*PI/3, PI, 2*PI/3, PI/3, 0));
Slic3r::debugf "Generating patterns\n";
@ -255,22 +350,23 @@ sub generate {
my $process_layer = sub {
my ($layer_id) = @_;
my $layer = $self->object->support_layers->[$layer_id];
my $z = $layer->print_z;
my $overhang = $overhang{$support_layers[$layer_id]} || [];
my $contact = $contact{$support_layers[$layer_id]} || [];
my $interface = $interface{$layer_id} || [];
my $support = $support{$layer_id} || [];
my $overhang = $overhang->{$z} || [];
my $contact = $contact->{$z} || [];
my $interface = $interface->{$layer_id} || [];
my $base = $base->{$layer_id} || [];
if (0) {
require "Slic3r/";
Slic3r::SVG::output("layer_" . $support_layers[$layer_id] . ".svg",
Slic3r::SVG::output("layer_" . $z . ".svg",
red_expolygons => union_ex($contact),
green_expolygons => union_ex($interface),
# islands
$layer->support_islands->append(@{union_ex([ @$interface, @$support, @$contact ])});
$layer->support_islands->append(@{union_ex([ @$interface, @$base, @$contact ])});
# contact
my $contact_infill = [];
@ -325,11 +421,11 @@ sub generate {
# steal some space from support
$interface = intersection(
offset([ @$interface, @$contact_infill ], scale 3),
[ @$interface, @$support, @$contact_infill ],
[ @$interface, @$base, @$contact_infill ],
$support = diff(
$base = diff(
@ -354,14 +450,14 @@ sub generate {
# support or flange
if (@$support) {
if (@$base) {
my $filler = $fillers{support};
$filler->angle($angles[ ($layer_id) % @angles ]);
my $density = $support_density;
my $flow_spacing = $flow->spacing;
# TODO: use offset2_ex()
my $to_infill = union_ex($support, 1);
my $to_infill = union_ex($base, 1);
my @paths = ();
# base flange
@ -406,7 +502,7 @@ sub generate {
if (0) {
require "Slic3r/";
Slic3r::SVG::output("islands_" . $support_layers[$layer_id] . ".svg",
Slic3r::SVG::output("islands_" . $z . ".svg",
red_expolygons => union_ex($contact),
green_expolygons => union_ex($interface),
green_polylines => [ map $_->unpack->polyline, @{$layer->support_contact_fills} ],
@ -429,48 +525,4 @@ sub generate {
sub _compute_support_layers {
my ($self, $contact_z, $top_z) = @_;
my $flow = $self->flow;
# quick table to check whether a given Z is a top surface
my %top = map { $_ => 1 } @$top_z;
# determine layer height for any non-contact layer
# we use max() to prevent many ultra-thin layers to be inserted in case
# layer_height > nozzle_diameter * 0.75
my $support_material_height = max($self->object->config->layer_height, $flow->nozzle_diameter * 0.75);
my @support_layers = sort { $a <=> $b } @$contact_z, @$top_z,
(map { $_ + $flow->nozzle_diameter } @$top_z);
# enforce first layer height
my $first_layer_height = $self->object->config->get_value('first_layer_height');
shift @support_layers while @support_layers && $support_layers[0] <= $first_layer_height;
unshift @support_layers, $first_layer_height;
for (my $i = $#support_layers; $i >= 0; $i--) {
my $target_height = $support_material_height;
if ($i > 0 && $top{ $support_layers[$i-1] }) {
$target_height = $flow->nozzle_diameter;
# enforce first layer height
if (($i == 0 && $support_layers[$i] > $target_height + $first_layer_height)
|| ($support_layers[$i] - $support_layers[$i-1] > $target_height + Slic3r::Geometry::epsilon)) {
splice @support_layers, $i, 0, ($support_layers[$i] - $target_height);
# remove duplicates and make sure all 0.x values have the leading 0
my %sl = map { 1 * $_ => 1 } @support_layers;
@support_layers = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %sl;
return @support_layers;