diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoCut.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoCut.cpp
index 9ef872887..5e0db668f 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoCut.cpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoCut.cpp
@@ -1108,14 +1108,14 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::dragging_grabber_z(const GLGizmoBase::UpdateData &data)
     Vec3d starting_vec = starting_drag_position - starting_box_center;
     if (starting_vec.norm() != 0.0) {
-        Vec3d mouse_dir = data.mouse_ray.unit_vector();
+        const Vec3d mouse_dir = data.mouse_ray.unit_vector();
         // finds the intersection of the mouse ray with the plane parallel to the camera viewport and passing throught the starting position
         // use ray-plane intersection see i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93plane_intersection algebric form
         // in our case plane normal and ray direction are the same (orthogonal view)
         // when moving to perspective camera the negative z unit axis of the camera needs to be transformed in world space and used as plane normal
-        Vec3d inters = data.mouse_ray.a + (starting_drag_position - data.mouse_ray.a).dot(mouse_dir) / mouse_dir.squaredNorm() * mouse_dir;
+        const Vec3d inters = data.mouse_ray.a + (starting_drag_position - data.mouse_ray.a).dot(mouse_dir) * mouse_dir;
         // vector from the starting position to the found intersection
-        Vec3d inters_vec = inters - starting_drag_position;
+        const Vec3d inters_vec = inters - starting_drag_position;
         // finds projection of the vector along the staring direction
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMove.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMove.cpp
index 7656226b5..98f183b74 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMove.cpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMove.cpp
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ double GLGizmoMove3D::calc_projection(const UpdateData& data) const
         // use ray-plane intersection see i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93plane_intersection algebric form
         // in our case plane normal and ray direction are the same (orthogonal view)
         // when moving to perspective camera the negative z unit axis of the camera needs to be transformed in world space and used as plane normal
-        const Vec3d inters = data.mouse_ray.a + (m_starting_drag_position - data.mouse_ray.a).dot(mouse_dir) / mouse_dir.squaredNorm() * mouse_dir;
+        const Vec3d inters = data.mouse_ray.a + (m_starting_drag_position - data.mouse_ray.a).dot(mouse_dir) * mouse_dir;
         // vector from the starting position to the found intersection
         const Vec3d inters_vec = inters - m_starting_drag_position;
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoScale.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoScale.cpp
index 7e287c647..baf8816a5 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoScale.cpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoScale.cpp
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ double GLGizmoScale3D::calc_ratio(const UpdateData& data) const
         // use ray-plane intersection see i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93plane_intersection algebric form
         // in our case plane normal and ray direction are the same (orthogonal view)
         // when moving to perspective camera the negative z unit axis of the camera needs to be transformed in world space and used as plane normal
-        const Vec3d inters = data.mouse_ray.a + (m_starting.drag_position - data.mouse_ray.a).dot(mouse_dir) / mouse_dir.squaredNorm() * mouse_dir;
+        const Vec3d inters = data.mouse_ray.a + (m_starting.drag_position - data.mouse_ray.a).dot(mouse_dir) * mouse_dir;
         // vector from the starting position to the found intersection
         const Vec3d inters_vec = inters - m_starting.drag_position;