GCodeViewer -> Smoothed solid toolpaths corners
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 175 additions and 54 deletions
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
@ -297,19 +297,19 @@ bool GCodeViewer::init()
case EMoveType::Retract:
case EMoveType::Unretract:
buffer.primitive_type = TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Point;
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::Position;
case EMoveType::Extrude:
buffer.primitive_type = TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Triangle;
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal3;
case EMoveType::Travel:
buffer.primitive_type = TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Line;
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Line;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal1;
@ -397,6 +397,8 @@ void GCodeViewer::refresh(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result, const std:
if (m_vertices_count == 0)
wxBusyCursor busy;
if (m_view_type == EViewType::Tool && !gcode_result.extruder_colors.empty())
// update tool colors from config stored in the gcode
m_tool_colors = decode_colors(gcode_result.extruder_colors);
@ -961,6 +963,9 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
// format data into the buffers to be rendered as solid
auto add_as_solid = [](const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& prev, const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& curr, TBuffer& buffer,
std::vector<float>& buffer_vertices, std::vector<unsigned int>& buffer_indices, size_t move_id) {
static Vec3f prev_dir;
static Vec3f prev_up;
static float prev_length;
auto store_vertex = [](std::vector<float>& buffer_vertices, const Vec3f& position, const Vec3f& normal) {
// append position
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
@ -976,6 +981,18 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
auto extract_position_at = [](const std::vector<float>& vertices, size_t id) {
return Vec3f(vertices[id + 0], vertices[id + 1], vertices[id + 2]);
auto update_position_at = [](std::vector<float>& vertices, size_t id, const Vec3f& position) {
vertices[id + 0] = position[0];
vertices[id + 1] = position[1];
vertices[id + 2] = position[2];
auto append_dummy_cap = [store_triangle](std::vector<unsigned int>& buffer_indices, unsigned int id) {
store_triangle(buffer_indices, id, id, id);
store_triangle(buffer_indices, id, id, id);
if (prev.type != curr.type || !buffer.paths.back().matches(curr)) {
buffer.add_path(curr, static_cast<unsigned int>(buffer_indices.size()), static_cast<unsigned int>(move_id - 1));
@ -986,32 +1003,41 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
Vec3f dir = (curr.position - prev.position).normalized();
Vec3f right = (std::abs(std::abs(dir.dot(Vec3f::UnitZ())) - 1.0f) < EPSILON) ? -Vec3f::UnitY() : Vec3f(dir[1], -dir[0], 0.0f).normalized();
Vec3f left = -right;
Vec3f up = right.cross(dir);
Vec3f bottom = -up;
float half_width = 0.5f * round_to_nearest(curr.width, 2);
float half_height = 0.5f * round_to_nearest(curr.height, 2);
Path& last_path = buffer.paths.back();
float half_width = 0.5f * last_path.width;
float half_height = 0.5f * last_path.height;
Vec3f prev_pos = prev.position - half_height * up;
Vec3f curr_pos = curr.position - half_height * up;
Path& last_path = buffer.paths.back();
float length = (curr_pos - prev_pos).norm();
if (last_path.vertices_count() == 1) {
// 1st segment
// vertices 1st endpoint
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_height * up, up); // top
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_width * right, right); // right
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos - half_height * up, -up); // bottom
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos - half_width * right, -right); // left
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_height * up, up);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_width * right, right);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_height * bottom, bottom);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_width * left, left);
// vertices 2nd endpoint
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_height * up, up); // top
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_width * right, right); // right
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos - half_height * up, -up); // bottom
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos - half_width * right, -right); // left
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_height * up, up);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_width * right, right);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_height * bottom, bottom);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_width * left, left);
// triangles starting cap
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size + 0, starting_vertices_size + 2, starting_vertices_size + 1);
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size + 0, starting_vertices_size + 3, starting_vertices_size + 2);
// dummy triangles outer corner cap
append_dummy_cap(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size);
// triangles sides
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size + 0, starting_vertices_size + 1, starting_vertices_size + 4);
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size + 1, starting_vertices_size + 5, starting_vertices_size + 4);
@ -1027,20 +1053,101 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size + 4, starting_vertices_size + 5, starting_vertices_size + 6);
else {
// vertices 1st endpoint
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_width * right, right); // right
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos - half_width * right, -right); // left
// any other segment
Vec3f med_dir = (prev_dir + dir).normalized();
float displacement = half_width * ::tan(::acos(std::clamp(dir.dot(med_dir), -1.0f, 1.0f)));
Vec3f displacement_vec = displacement * prev_dir;
bool can_displace = displacement < prev_length && displacement < length;
size_t prev_right_id = (starting_vertices_size - 3) * buffer.vertices.vertex_size_floats();
size_t prev_left_id = (starting_vertices_size - 1) * buffer.vertices.vertex_size_floats();
Vec3f prev_right_pos = extract_position_at(buffer_vertices, prev_right_id);
Vec3f prev_left_pos = extract_position_at(buffer_vertices, prev_left_id);
bool is_right_turn = prev_up.dot(prev_dir.cross(dir)) <= 0.0f;
// whether the angle between adjacent segments is greater than 45 degrees
bool is_sharp = prev_dir.dot(dir) < 0.7071068f;
bool right_displaced = false;
bool left_displaced = false;
// displace the vertex (inner with respect to the corner) of the previous segment 2nd enpoint, if possible
if (can_displace) {
if (is_right_turn) {
prev_right_pos -= displacement_vec;
update_position_at(buffer_vertices, prev_right_id, prev_right_pos);
right_displaced = true;
else {
prev_left_pos -= displacement_vec;
update_position_at(buffer_vertices, prev_left_id, prev_left_pos);
left_displaced = true;
if (!is_sharp) {
// displace the vertex (outer with respect to the corner) of the previous segment 2nd enpoint, if possible
if (can_displace) {
if (is_right_turn) {
prev_left_pos += displacement_vec;
update_position_at(buffer_vertices, prev_left_id, prev_left_pos);
left_displaced = true;
else {
prev_right_pos += displacement_vec;
update_position_at(buffer_vertices, prev_right_id, prev_right_pos);
right_displaced = true;
// vertices 1st endpoint (top and bottom are from previous segment 2nd endpoint)
// vertices position matches that of the previous segment 2nd endpoint, if displaced
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, right_displaced ? prev_right_pos : prev_pos + half_width * right, right);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, left_displaced ? prev_left_pos : prev_pos + half_width * left, left);
else {
// vertices 1st endpoint (top and bottom are from previous segment 2nd endpoint)
// the inner corner vertex position matches that of the previous segment 2nd endpoint, if displaced
if (is_right_turn) {
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, right_displaced ? prev_right_pos : prev_pos + half_width * right, right);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_width * left, left);
else {
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, prev_pos + half_width * right, right);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, left_displaced ? prev_left_pos : prev_pos + half_width * left, left);
// vertices 2nd endpoint
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_height * up, up); // top
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_width * right, right); // right
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos - half_height * up, -up); // bottom
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos - half_width * right, -right); // left
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_height * up, up);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_width * right, right);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_height * bottom, bottom);
store_vertex(buffer_vertices, curr_pos + half_width * left, left);
// triangles starting cap
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size - 4, starting_vertices_size - 2, starting_vertices_size + 0);
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size - 4, starting_vertices_size + 1, starting_vertices_size - 2);
// triangles outer corner cap
if (is_right_turn) {
if (left_displaced)
// dummy triangles
append_dummy_cap(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size);
else {
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size - 4, starting_vertices_size + 1, starting_vertices_size - 1);
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size + 1, starting_vertices_size - 2, starting_vertices_size - 1);
else {
if (right_displaced)
// dummy triangles
append_dummy_cap(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size);
else {
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size - 4, starting_vertices_size - 3, starting_vertices_size + 0);
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size - 3, starting_vertices_size - 2, starting_vertices_size + 0);
// triangles sides
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size - 4, starting_vertices_size + 0, starting_vertices_size + 2);
store_triangle(buffer_indices, starting_vertices_size + 0, starting_vertices_size + 3, starting_vertices_size + 2);
@ -1057,6 +1164,9 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
last_path.last = { static_cast<unsigned int>(buffer_indices.size() - 1), static_cast<unsigned int>(move_id), curr.position };
prev_dir = dir;
prev_up = up;
prev_length = length;
// toolpaths data -> extract from result
@ -1137,20 +1247,9 @@ void GCodeViewer::load_toolpaths(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result)
m_statistics.paths_size += SLIC3R_STDVEC_MEMSIZE(buffer.paths, Path);
unsigned int travel_buffer_id = buffer_id(EMoveType::Travel);
switch (m_buffers[travel_buffer_id].primitive_type)
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Line: { m_statistics.travel_segments_count = indices[travel_buffer_id].size() / 2; break; }
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Triangle: { m_statistics.travel_segments_count = indices[travel_buffer_id].size() / 36; break; }
default: { break; }
m_statistics.travel_segments_count = indices[travel_buffer_id].size() / m_buffers[travel_buffer_id].indices_per_segment();
unsigned int extrude_buffer_id = buffer_id(EMoveType::Extrude);
switch (m_buffers[extrude_buffer_id].primitive_type)
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Line: { m_statistics.extrude_segments_count = indices[extrude_buffer_id].size() / 2; break; }
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Triangle: { m_statistics.extrude_segments_count = indices[extrude_buffer_id].size() / 36; break; }
default: { break; }
m_statistics.extrude_segments_count = indices[extrude_buffer_id].size() / m_buffers[extrude_buffer_id].indices_per_segment();
// layers zs / roles / extruder ids / cp color ids -> extract from result
@ -1334,10 +1433,12 @@ void GCodeViewer::refresh_render_paths(bool keep_sequential_current_first, bool
if (path.contains(m_sequential_view.current.last)) {
unsigned int offset = m_sequential_view.current.last - path.first.s_id;
if (offset > 0) {
if (buffer.primitive_type == TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Line)
if (buffer.render_primitive_type == TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Line)
offset = 2 * offset - 1;
else if (buffer.primitive_type == TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Triangle)
offset = 36 * (offset - 1) + 30;
else if (buffer.render_primitive_type == TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle) {
unsigned int indices_count = buffer.indices_per_segment();
offset = indices_count * (offset - 1) + (indices_count - 6);
offset += path.first.i_id;
@ -1382,11 +1483,11 @@ void GCodeViewer::refresh_render_paths(bool keep_sequential_current_first, bool
unsigned int size_in_vertices = std::min(m_sequential_view.current.last, path.last.s_id) - std::max(m_sequential_view.current.first, path.first.s_id) + 1;
unsigned int size_in_indices = 0;
switch (buffer->primitive_type)
switch (buffer->render_primitive_type)
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Point: { size_in_indices = size_in_vertices; break; }
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Line: { size_in_indices = 2 * (size_in_vertices - 1); break; }
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Triangle: { size_in_indices = 36 * (size_in_vertices - 1); break; }
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point: { size_in_indices = size_in_vertices; break; }
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Line:
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle: { size_in_indices = buffer->indices_per_segment() * (size_in_vertices - 1); break; }
@ -1394,8 +1495,8 @@ void GCodeViewer::refresh_render_paths(bool keep_sequential_current_first, bool
if (path.first.s_id < m_sequential_view.current.first && m_sequential_view.current.first <= path.last.s_id)
delta_1st = m_sequential_view.current.first - path.first.s_id;
if (buffer->primitive_type == TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Triangle)
delta_1st *= 36;
if (buffer->render_primitive_type == TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle)
delta_1st *= buffer->indices_per_segment();
it->offsets.push_back(static_cast<size_t>((path.first.i_id + delta_1st) * sizeof(unsigned int)));
@ -1502,9 +1603,9 @@ void GCodeViewer::render_toolpaths() const
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.indices.id));
switch (buffer.primitive_type)
switch (buffer.render_primitive_type)
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Point:
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point:
EOptionsColors color;
switch (buffer_type(i))
@ -1519,12 +1620,12 @@ void GCodeViewer::render_toolpaths() const
render_as_points(buffer, color, *shader);
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Line:
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Line:
render_as_lines(buffer, *shader);
case TBuffer::EPrimitiveType::Triangle:
case TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle:
render_as_triangles(buffer, *shader);
@ -1819,7 +1920,19 @@ void GCodeViewer::render_legend() const
if (time_mode.time > 0.0f && (m_view_type == EViewType::FeatureType ||
(m_view_type == EViewType::ColorPrint && !time_mode.custom_gcode_times.empty()))) {
imgui.text(_u8L("Estimated printing time") + ":");
switch (m_time_estimate_mode)
case PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal:
imgui.text(_u8L("Estimated printing time") + " [" + _u8L("Normal mode") + "]:");
case PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Stealth:
imgui.text(_u8L("Estimated printing time") + " [" + _u8L("Stealth mode") + "]:");
@ -1833,7 +1946,6 @@ void GCodeViewer::render_legend() const
if (show && m_time_statistics.modes[static_cast<size_t>(mode)].roles_times.size() > 0) {
ImGui::SameLine(0.0f, 10.0f);
if (imgui.button(label)) {
m_time_estimate_mode = mode;
@ -1846,12 +1958,12 @@ void GCodeViewer::render_legend() const
case PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal:
show_mode_button(_u8L("Stealth mode"), PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Stealth);
show_mode_button(_u8L("Show stealth mode"), PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Stealth);
case PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Stealth:
show_mode_button(_u8L("Normal mode"), PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal);
show_mode_button(_u8L("Show normal mode"), PrintEstimatedTimeStatistics::ETimeMode::Normal);
@ -149,14 +149,14 @@ class GCodeViewer
// buffer containing data for rendering a specific toolpath type
struct TBuffer
enum class EPrimitiveType : unsigned char
enum class ERenderPrimitiveType : unsigned char
EPrimitiveType primitive_type;
ERenderPrimitiveType render_primitive_type;
VBuffer vertices;
IBuffer indices;
@ -167,6 +167,15 @@ class GCodeViewer
void reset();
void add_path(const GCodeProcessor::MoveVertex& move, unsigned int i_id, unsigned int s_id);
unsigned int indices_per_segment() const {
switch (render_primitive_type)
case ERenderPrimitiveType::Point: { return 1; }
case ERenderPrimitiveType::Line: { return 2; }
case ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle: { return 42; } // 3 indices x 14 triangles
default: { return 0; }
// helper to render shells
Add table
Reference in a new issue