Integrated the "compatible printers" idea by @alexrj with Vojtech's twist:
The incompatible presets are hidden in the tabs if show_incompatible_presets is false. If show_incompatible_presets is true, there is a button to show / hide the incompatible presets from the tab selector.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 482 additions and 226 deletions
@ -127,10 +127,18 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
if ($self->{plater}) {
# Update preset combo boxes (Print settings, Filament, Printer) from their respective tabs.
$self->{plater}->update_presets($tab_name, @_);
if ($self->{controller} && $tab_name eq 'printer') {
if ($tab_name eq 'printer') {
# Printer selected at the Printer tab, update "compatible" marks at the print and filament selectors.
# Update the controller printers.
$self->{controller}->update_presets(@_) if $self->{controller};
# Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box.
@ -666,6 +674,9 @@ sub update_ui_from_settings {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{menu_item_reslice_now}->Enable(! wxTheApp->{app_config}->get("background_processing"));
$self->{plater}->update_ui_from_settings if ($self->{plater});
for my $tab_name (qw(print filament printer)) {
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ sub _on_select_preset {
wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->set_filament_preset($idx, $choice->GetStringSelection);
if ($group eq 'filament' && @{$self->{preset_choosers}{filament}} > 1) {
wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->update_platter_filament_ui_colors($idx, $choice);
wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->update_platter_filament_ui($idx, $choice);
} else {
# call GetSelection() in scalar context as it's context-aware
$self->{on_select_preset}->($group, $choice->GetStringSelection)
@ -573,12 +573,17 @@ sub update_presets {
$choice_idx += 1;
} elsif ($group eq 'print') {
} elsif ($group eq 'printer') {
# Update the print choosers to only contain the compatible presets, update the dirty flags.
# Update the printer choosers, update the dirty flags.
# Update the filament choosers to only contain the compatible presets, update the color preview,
# update the dirty flags.
my $choice_idx = 0;
foreach my $choice (@{$self->{preset_choosers}{filament}}) {
wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->update_platter_filament_ui_colors($choice_idx, $choice);
wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->update_platter_filament_ui($choice_idx, $choice);
$choice_idx += 1;
@ -1726,7 +1731,7 @@ sub filament_color_box_lmouse_down
$colors->[$extruder_idx] = $dialog->GetColourData->GetColour->GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX);
$cfg->set('extruder_colour', $colors);
wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->update_platter_filament_ui_colors($extruder_idx, $combobox);
wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->update_platter_filament_ui($extruder_idx, $combobox);
@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ sub new {
tooltip => 'Suppress "- default -" presets in the Print / Filament / Printer selections once there are any other valid presets available.',
default => $app_config->get("no_defaults"),
opt_id => 'show_incompatible_presets',
type => 'bool',
label => 'Show incompatible print and filament presets',
tooltip => 'When checked, the print and filament presets are shown in the preset editor even ' .
'if they are marked as incompatible with the active printer',
default => $app_config->get("show_incompatible_presets"),
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
$sizer->Add($optgroup->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ use utf8;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use List::Util qw(first);
use Wx qw(:bookctrl :dialog :keycode :icon :id :misc :panel :sizer :treectrl :window
:button wxTheApp);
:button wxTheApp wxCB_READONLY);
use base qw(Wx::Panel Class::Accessor);
sub new {
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ sub new {
# choice menu
$self->{presets_choice} = Wx::Choice->new($self, -1, wxDefaultPosition, [270, -1], []);
$self->{presets_choice} = Wx::BitmapComboBox->new($self, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, [270, -1], [], wxCB_READONLY);
# buttons
@ -45,15 +45,25 @@ sub new {
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE);
$self->{btn_delete_preset} = Wx::BitmapButton->new($self, -1, Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("delete.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE);
$self->{show_incompatible_presets} = 0;
$self->{bmp_show_incompatible_presets} = Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("flag-red-icon.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
$self->{bmp_hide_incompatible_presets} = Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("flag-green-icon.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
$self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets} = Wx::BitmapButton->new($self, -1,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBORDER_NONE);
$self->{btn_save_preset}->SetToolTipString("Save current " . lc($self->title));
$self->{btn_delete_preset}->SetToolTipString("Delete this preset");
my $hsizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
my $hsizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$self->{sizer}->Add($hsizer, 0, wxBOTTOM, 3);
$hsizer->Add($self->{presets_choice}, 1, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 3);
$hsizer->Add($self->{btn_save_preset}, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
$hsizer->Add($self->{btn_delete_preset}, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
$hsizer->Add($self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
# Horizontal sizer to hold the tree and the selected page.
@ -95,12 +105,13 @@ sub new {
EVT_CHOICE($parent, $self->{presets_choice}, sub {
EVT_COMBOBOX($parent, $self->{presets_choice}, sub {
EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_save_preset}, sub { $self->save_preset });
EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_delete_preset}, sub { $self->delete_preset });
EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}, sub { $self->_toggle_show_hide_incompatible });
# Initialize the DynamicPrintConfig by default keys/values.
# Possible %params keys: no_controller
@ -140,7 +151,7 @@ sub save_preset {
eval { $self->{presets}->save_current_preset($name); };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# Add the new item into the UI component, remove dirty flags and activate the saved item.
$self->{presets}->update_tab_ui($self->{presets_choice}, $self->{show_incompatible_presets});
# Update the selection boxes at the platter.
@ -162,6 +173,22 @@ sub delete_preset {
sub _toggle_show_hide_incompatible {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{show_incompatible_presets} = ! $self->{show_incompatible_presets};
$self->{presets}->update_tab_ui($self->{presets_choice}, $self->{show_incompatible_presets});
sub _update_show_hide_incompatible_button {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}->SetBitmap($self->{show_incompatible_presets} ?
$self->{bmp_show_incompatible_presets} : $self->{bmp_hide_incompatible_presets});
$self->{btn_hide_incompatible_presets}->SetToolTipString($self->{show_incompatible_presets} ?
"Both compatible an incompatible presets are shown. Click to hide presets not compatible with the current printer." :
"Only compatible presets are shown. Click to show both the presets compatible and not compatible with the current printer.");
# Register the on_value_change callback.
sub on_value_change {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
@ -205,28 +232,33 @@ sub on_preset_loaded {}
# If the current preset is dirty, the user is asked whether the changes may be discarded.
# if the current preset was not dirty, or the user agreed to discard the changes, 1 is returned.
sub may_discard_current_preset_if_dirty
sub may_discard_current_dirty_preset
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{presets}->current_is_dirty) {
# Display a dialog showing the dirty options in a human readable form.
my $old_preset = $self->{presets}->get_current_preset;
my $name = $old_preset->default ? 'Default preset' : "Preset \"" . $old_preset->name . "\"";
# Collect descriptions of the dirty options.
my @option_names = ();
foreach my $opt_key (@{$self->{presets}->current_dirty_options}) {
my $opt = $Slic3r::Config::Options->{$opt_key};
my $name = $opt->{full_label} // $opt->{label};
$name = $opt->{category} . " > $name" if $opt->{category};
push @option_names, $name;
# Show a confirmation dialog with the list of dirty options.
my $changes = join "\n", map "- $_", @option_names;
my $confirm = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, "$name has unsaved changes:\n$changes\n\nDiscard changes and continue anyway?",
'Unsaved Changes', wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION);
return 0 if $confirm->ShowModal == wxID_NO;
my ($self, $presets, $new_printer_name) = @_;
$presets //= $self->{presets};
# Display a dialog showing the dirty options in a human readable form.
my $old_preset = $presets->get_current_preset;
my $type_name = $presets->name;
my $name = $old_preset->default ?
('Default ' . $type_name . ' preset') :
($type_name . " preset \"" . $old_preset->name . "\"");
# Collect descriptions of the dirty options.
my @option_names = ();
foreach my $opt_key (@{$presets->current_dirty_options}) {
my $opt = $Slic3r::Config::Options->{$opt_key};
my $name = $opt->{full_label} // $opt->{label};
$name = $opt->{category} . " > $name" if $opt->{category};
push @option_names, $name;
return 1;
# Show a confirmation dialog with the list of dirty options.
my $changes = join "\n", map "- $_", @option_names;
my $message = (defined $new_printer_name) ?
"$name is not compatible with printer \"$new_printer_name\"\n and it has unsaved changes:" :
"$name has unsaved changes:";
my $confirm = Wx::MessageDialog->new($self,
$message . "\n$changes\n\nDiscard changes and continue anyway?",
'Unsaved Changes', wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT | wxICON_QUESTION);
return $confirm->ShowModal == wxID_YES;
# Called by the UI combo box when the user switches profiles.
@ -235,25 +267,60 @@ sub may_discard_current_preset_if_dirty
sub select_preset {
my ($self, $name, $force) = @_;
$force //= 0;
if (! $force && ! $self->may_discard_current_preset_if_dirty) {
my $current_dirty = $self->{presets}->current_is_dirty;
my $canceled = 0;
my $printer_tab = $self->{presets}->name eq 'printer';
if (! $force && $current_dirty && ! $self->may_discard_current_dirty_preset) {
$canceled = 1;
} elsif ($printer_tab) {
# Before switching the printer to a new one, verify, whether the currently active print and filament
# are compatible with the new printer.
# If they are not compatible and the the current print or filament are dirty, let user decide
# whether to discard the changes or keep the current printer selection.
my $new_printer_name = $name // '';
my $new_printer_preset = $self->{presets}->find_preset($new_printer_name, 1);
# my $new_nozzle_dmrs = $new_printer_preset->config->get('nozzle_diameter');
my $print_presets = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->print;
if ($print_presets->current_is_dirty &&
! $print_presets->get_edited_preset->is_compatible_with_printer($new_printer_name)) {
if ($self->may_discard_current_dirty_preset($print_presets, $new_printer_name)) {
$canceled = 1;
} else {
my $filament_presets = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->filament;
# if ((@$new_nozzle_dmrs <= 1) &&
if (! $canceled && $filament_presets->current_is_dirty &&
! $filament_presets->get_edited_preset->is_compatible_with_printer($new_printer_name)) {
if ($self->may_discard_current_dirty_preset($filament_presets, $new_printer_name)) {
$canceled = 1;
} else {
if ($canceled) {
$self->{presets}->update_tab_ui($self->{presets_choice}, $self->{show_incompatible_presets});
# Trigger the on_presets_changed event so that we also restore the previous value in the plater selector.
if (defined $name) {
} else {
if (defined $name) {
} else {
# Mark the print & filament enabled if they are compatible with the currently selected preset.
if $current_dirty || $printer_tab;
# Initialize the UI from the current preset.
# Initialize the UI from the current preset.
# Initialize the UI from the current preset.
sub load_current_preset {
my ($self) = @_;
my $preset = $self->{presets}->get_current_preset;
eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = Slic3r::GUI::warning_catcher($self);
@ -270,9 +337,8 @@ sub load_current_preset {
# preset dirty again
# (not sure this is true anymore now that update_dirty is idempotent)
wxTheApp->CallAfter(sub {
#the following is called by update_dirty
$self->{presets}->update_tab_ui($self->{presets_choice}, $self->{show_incompatible_presets});
@ -344,7 +410,6 @@ sub update_dirty {
# This could be used for example by setting a Wipe Tower position by interactive manipulation in the 3D view.
sub load_config {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
my $modified = 0;
foreach my $opt_key (@{$self->{config}->diff($config)}) {
$self->{config}->set($opt_key, $config->get($opt_key));
@ -358,6 +423,22 @@ sub load_config {
# To be called by custom widgets, load a value into a config,
# update the preset selection boxes (the dirty flags)
sub _load_key_value {
my ($self, $opt_key, $value) = @_;
$self->{config}->set($opt_key, $value);
# Mark the print & filament enabled if they are compatible with the currently selected preset.
if ($opt_key eq 'compatible_printers') {
$self->{presets}->update_tab_ui($self->{presets_choice}, $self->{show_incompatible_presets});
} else {
# Find a field with an index over all pages of this tab.
# This method is used often and everywhere, therefore it shall be quick.
sub get_field {
@ -381,6 +462,87 @@ sub set_value {
return $changed;
# Return a callback to create a Tab widget to mark the preferences as compatible / incompatible to the current printer.
sub _compatible_printers_widget {
my ($self) = @_;
return sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
my $checkbox = $self->{compatible_printers_checkbox} = Wx::CheckBox->new($parent, -1, "All");
my $btn = $self->{compatible_printers_btn} = Wx::Button->new($parent, -1, "Set…", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("printer_empty.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$sizer->Add($checkbox, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
$sizer->Add($btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
EVT_CHECKBOX($self, $checkbox, sub {
my $method = $checkbox->GetValue ? 'Disable' : 'Enable';
# All printers have been made compatible with this preset.
$self->_load_key_value('compatible_printers', []) if $checkbox->GetValue;
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, sub {
# Collect names of non-default non-external printer profiles.
my @presets = map $_->name, grep !$_->default && !$_->external,
my $dlg = Wx::MultiChoiceDialog->new($self,
"Select the printers this profile is compatible with.",
"Compatible printers", \@presets);
# Collect and set indices of printers marked as compatible.
my @selections = ();
foreach my $preset_name (@{ $self->{config}->get('compatible_printers') }) {
my $idx = first { $presets[$_] eq $preset_name } 0..$#presets;
push @selections, $idx if defined $idx;
# Show the dialog.
if ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) {
my $value = [ @presets[$dlg->GetSelections] ];
if (!@$value) {
# All printers have been made compatible with this preset.
$self->_load_key_value('compatible_printers', $value);
return $sizer;
sub _reload_compatible_printers_widget {
my ($self) = @_;
my $has_any = int(@{$self->{config}->get('compatible_printers')}) > 0;
my $method = $has_any ? 'Enable' : 'Disable';
$self->{compatible_printers_checkbox}->SetValue(! $has_any);
sub update_ui_from_settings {
my ($self) = @_;
# Show the 'show / hide presets' button only for the print and filament tabs, and only if enabled
# in application preferences.
my $show = wxTheApp->{app_config}->get("show_incompatible_presets") && $self->{presets}->name ne 'printer';
my $method = $show ? 'Show' : 'Hide';
# If the 'show / hide presets' button is hidden, hide the incompatible presets.
if ($show) {
} else {
if ($self->{show_incompatible_presets}) {
$self->{show_incompatible_presets} = 0;
$self->{presets}->update_tab_ui($self->{presets_choice}, 0);
package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::Tab';
@ -651,12 +813,26 @@ sub build {
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Dependencies', 'wrench.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Profile dependencies');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Compatible printers',
widget => $self->_compatible_printers_widget,
# Reload current $self->{config} (aka $self->{presets}->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields.
sub _reload_config {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self->_reload_compatible_printers_widget;
@ -920,7 +1096,7 @@ sub build {
full_width => 1,
widget => sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
return $self->{description_line} = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::StaticText->new($parent);
return $self->{cooling_description_line} = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::StaticText->new($parent);
@ -959,6 +1135,16 @@ sub build {
$optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Print speed override');
$optgroup->append_single_option_line('filament_max_volumetric_speed', 0);
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => '',
full_width => 1,
widget => sub {
my ($parent) = @_;
return $self->{volumetric_speed_description_line} = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::StaticText->new($parent);
@ -996,13 +1182,37 @@ sub build {
my $page = $self->add_options_page('Dependencies', 'wrench.png');
my $optgroup = $page->new_optgroup('Profile dependencies');
my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new(
label => 'Compatible printers',
widget => $self->_compatible_printers_widget,
# Reload current $self->{config} (aka $self->{presets}->edited_preset->config) into the UI fields.
sub _reload_config {
my ($self) = @_;
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Filament::_update is called after a configuration preset is loaded or switched, or when a single option is modifed by the user.
sub _update {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cooling = $self->{config}->cooling->[0];
my $fan_always_on = $cooling || $self->{config}->fan_always_on->[0];
@ -1012,33 +1222,6 @@ sub _update {
for qw(min_fan_speed disable_fan_first_layers);
sub _update_description {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = $self->{config};
my $msg = "";
my $fan_other_layers = $config->fan_always_on->[0]
? sprintf "will always run at %d%%%s.", $config->min_fan_speed->[0],
($config->disable_fan_first_layers->[0] > 1
? " except for the first " . $config->disable_fan_first_layers->[0] . " layers"
: $config->disable_fan_first_layers->[0] == 1
? " except for the first layer"
: "")
: "will be turned off.";
if ($config->cooling->[0]) {
$msg = sprintf "If estimated layer time is below ~%ds, fan will run at %d%% and print speed will be reduced so that no less than %ds are spent on that layer (however, speed will never be reduced below %dmm/s).",
$config->slowdown_below_layer_time->[0], $config->max_fan_speed->[0], $config->slowdown_below_layer_time->[0], $config->min_print_speed->[0];
if ($config->fan_below_layer_time->[0] > $config->slowdown_below_layer_time->[0]) {
$msg .= sprintf "\nIf estimated layer time is greater, but still below ~%ds, fan will run at a proportionally decreasing speed between %d%% and %d%%.",
$config->fan_below_layer_time->[0], $config->max_fan_speed->[0], $config->min_fan_speed->[0];
$msg .= "\nDuring the other layers, fan $fan_other_layers"
} else {
$msg = "Fan $fan_other_layers";
package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer;
use base 'Slic3r::GUI::Tab';
use Wx qw(wxTheApp :sizer :button :bitmap :misc :id :icon :dialog);
@ -1060,19 +1243,14 @@ sub build {
my $btn = Wx::Button->new($parent, -1, "Set…", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("cog.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
$btn->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var("printer_empty.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
EVT_BUTTON($self, $btn, sub {
my $dlg = Slic3r::GUI::BedShapeDialog->new($self, $self->{config}->bed_shape);
if ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) {
my $value = $dlg->GetValue;
$self->{config}->set('bed_shape', $value);
$self->_on_value_change('bed_shape', $value);
$self->_load_key_value('bed_shape', $dlg->GetValue) if $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
return $sizer;
@ -1188,13 +1366,8 @@ sub build {
if (@{$entries}) {
my $dlg = Slic3r::GUI::BonjourBrowser->new($self, $entries);
if ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) {
my $value = $dlg->GetValue . ":" . $dlg->GetPort;
$self->{config}->set('octoprint_host', $value);
$self->_on_value_change('octoprint_host', $value);
$self->_load_key_value('octoprint_host', $dlg->GetValue . ":" . $dlg->GetPort)
if $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
} else {
Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, 'No Bonjour device found', 'Device Browser', wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)->ShowModal;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 672 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 665 B |
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ void AppConfig::set_defaults()
// If set, the "- default -" selections of print/filament/printer are suppressed, if there is a valid preset available.
if (get("no_defaults").empty())
set("no_defaults", "1");
if (get("show_incompatible_presets").empty())
set("show_incompatible_presets", "0");
// Version check is enabled by default in the config, but it is not implemented yet.
if (get("version_check").empty())
set("version_check", "1");
@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ void Preset::normalize(DynamicPrintConfig &config)
size_t n = (nozzle_diameter == nullptr) ? 1 : nozzle_diameter->values.size();
const auto &defaults = FullPrintConfig::defaults();
for (const std::string &key : Preset::filament_options()) {
if (key == "compatible_printers")
auto *opt = config.option(key, false);
assert(opt != nullptr);
@ -138,13 +140,18 @@ std::string Preset::label() const
return this->name + (this->is_dirty ? g_suffix_modified : "");
bool Preset::enable_compatible(const std::string &active_printer)
bool Preset::is_compatible_with_printer(const std::string &active_printer) const
auto *compatible_printers = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionStrings*>(this->config.optptr("compatible_printers"));
this->is_visible = compatible_printers && ! compatible_printers->values.empty() &&
auto *compatible_printers = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionStrings*>(this->config.option("compatible_printers"));
return this->is_default || active_printer.empty() ||
compatible_printers == nullptr || compatible_printers->values.empty() ||
std::find(compatible_printers->values.begin(), compatible_printers->values.end(), active_printer) !=
return this->is_visible;
bool Preset::update_compatible_with_printer(const std::string &active_printer)
return this->is_compatible = is_compatible_with_printer(active_printer);
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::print_options()
@ -171,7 +178,8 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::print_options()
"perimeter_extrusion_width", "external_perimeter_extrusion_width", "infill_extrusion_width", "solid_infill_extrusion_width",
"top_infill_extrusion_width", "support_material_extrusion_width", "infill_overlap", "bridge_flow_ratio", "clip_multipart_objects",
"elefant_foot_compensation", "xy_size_compensation", "threads", "resolution", "wipe_tower", "wipe_tower_x", "wipe_tower_y",
"wipe_tower_width", "wipe_tower_per_color_wipe"
"wipe_tower_width", "wipe_tower_per_color_wipe",
return s_opts;
@ -183,7 +191,8 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::filament_options()
"extrusion_multiplier", "filament_density", "filament_cost", "temperature", "first_layer_temperature", "bed_temperature",
"first_layer_bed_temperature", "fan_always_on", "cooling", "min_fan_speed", "max_fan_speed", "bridge_fan_speed",
"disable_fan_first_layers", "fan_below_layer_time", "slowdown_below_layer_time", "min_print_speed", "start_filament_gcode",
return s_opts;
@ -361,6 +370,18 @@ size_t PresetCollection::first_visible_idx() const
return idx;
// Return index of the first compatible preset. Certainly at least the '- default -' preset shall be compatible.
size_t PresetCollection::first_compatible_idx() const
size_t idx = m_default_suppressed ? 1 : 0;
for (; idx < this->m_presets.size(); ++ idx)
if (m_presets[idx].is_compatible)
if (idx == this->m_presets.size())
idx = 0;
return idx;
void PresetCollection::set_default_suppressed(bool default_suppressed)
if (m_default_suppressed != default_suppressed) {
@ -369,13 +390,29 @@ void PresetCollection::set_default_suppressed(bool default_suppressed)
void PresetCollection::enable_disable_compatible_to_printer(const std::string &active_printer)
void PresetCollection::update_compatible_with_printer(const std::string &active_printer, bool select_other_if_incompatible)
size_t num_visible = 0;
for (size_t idx_preset = 1; idx_preset < m_presets.size(); ++ idx_preset)
if (m_presets[idx_preset].enable_compatible(active_printer))
for (size_t idx_preset = 1; idx_preset < m_presets.size(); ++ idx_preset) {
bool selected = idx_preset == m_idx_selected;
Preset &preset_selected = m_presets[idx_preset];
Preset &preset_edited = selected ? m_edited_preset : preset_selected;
if (preset_edited.update_compatible_with_printer(active_printer))
// Mark compatible presets as visible.
preset_selected.is_visible = true;
else if (selected && select_other_if_incompatible) {
preset_selected.is_visible = false;
m_idx_selected = (size_t)-1;
if (selected)
preset_selected.is_compatible = preset_edited.is_compatible;
if (preset_selected.is_visible)
++ num_visible;
if (num_visible == 0)
if (m_idx_selected == (size_t)-1)
// Find some other visible preset.
else if (num_visible == 0)
// Show the "-- default --" preset.
m_presets.front().is_visible = true;
@ -399,15 +436,18 @@ void PresetCollection::update_platter_ui(wxBitmapComboBox *ui)
for (size_t i = this->m_presets.front().is_visible ? 0 : 1; i < this->m_presets.size(); ++ i) {
const Preset &preset = this->m_presets[i];
const wxBitmap *bmp = (i == 0 || preset.is_visible) ? m_bitmap_compatible : m_bitmap_incompatible;
ui->Append(wxString::FromUTF8(( + (preset.is_dirty ? g_suffix_modified : "")).c_str()), (bmp == 0) ? wxNullBitmap : *bmp, (void*)i);
if (! preset.is_visible || (! preset.is_compatible && i != m_idx_selected))
const wxBitmap *bmp = (i == 0 || preset.is_compatible) ? m_bitmap_main_frame : m_bitmap_incompatible;
ui->Append(wxString::FromUTF8(( + (preset.is_dirty ? g_suffix_modified : "")).c_str()),
(bmp == 0) ? (m_bitmap_main_frame ? *m_bitmap_main_frame : wxNullBitmap) : *bmp);
if (i == m_idx_selected)
ui->SetSelection(ui->GetCount() - 1);
void PresetCollection::update_tab_ui(wxChoice *ui)
void PresetCollection::update_tab_ui(wxBitmapComboBox *ui, bool show_incompatible)
if (ui == nullptr)
@ -415,8 +455,11 @@ void PresetCollection::update_tab_ui(wxChoice *ui)
for (size_t i = this->m_presets.front().is_visible ? 0 : 1; i < this->m_presets.size(); ++ i) {
const Preset &preset = this->m_presets[i];
const wxBitmap *bmp = (i == 0 || preset.is_visible) ? m_bitmap_compatible : m_bitmap_incompatible;
ui->Append(wxString::FromUTF8(( + (preset.is_dirty ? g_suffix_modified : "")).c_str()), (void*)&preset);
if (! show_incompatible && ! preset.is_compatible && i != m_idx_selected)
const wxBitmap *bmp = preset.is_compatible ? m_bitmap_compatible : m_bitmap_incompatible;
ui->Append(wxString::FromUTF8(( + (preset.is_dirty ? g_suffix_modified : "")).c_str()),
(bmp == 0) ? (m_bitmap_main_frame ? *m_bitmap_main_frame : wxNullBitmap) : *bmp);
if (i == m_idx_selected)
ui->SetSelection(ui->GetCount() - 1);
@ -425,8 +468,9 @@ void PresetCollection::update_tab_ui(wxChoice *ui)
// Update a dirty floag of the current preset, update the labels of the UI component accordingly.
// Return true if the dirty flag changed.
bool PresetCollection::update_dirty_ui(wxItemContainer *ui)
bool PresetCollection::update_dirty_ui(wxBitmapComboBox *ui)
wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(ui);
// 1) Update the dirty flag of the current preset.
bool was_dirty = this->get_selected_preset().is_dirty;
bool is_dirty = current_is_dirty();
@ -445,12 +489,6 @@ bool PresetCollection::update_dirty_ui(wxItemContainer *ui)
return was_dirty != is_dirty;
bool PresetCollection::update_dirty_ui(wxChoice *ui)
wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(ui);
return update_dirty_ui(dynamic_cast<wxItemContainer*>(ui));
Preset& PresetCollection::select_preset(size_t idx)
for (Preset &preset : m_presets)
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ public:
bool is_visible = true;
// Has this preset been modified?
bool is_dirty = false;
// Is this preset compatible with the currently active printer?
bool is_compatible = true;
// Name of the preset, usually derived form the file name.
std::string name;
@ -77,8 +79,9 @@ public:
void set_dirty(bool dirty = true) { this->is_dirty = dirty; }
void reset_dirty() { this->is_dirty = false; }
// Mark this preset as visible if it is compatible with active_printer.
bool enable_compatible(const std::string &active_printer);
bool is_compatible_with_printer(const std::string &active_printer) const;
// Mark this preset as compatible if it is compatible with active_printer.
bool update_compatible_with_printer(const std::string &active_printer);
// Resize the extruder specific fields, initialize them with the content of the 1st extruder.
void set_num_extruders(unsigned int n) { set_num_extruders(this->config, n); }
@ -147,6 +150,7 @@ public:
// Return the selected preset, without the user modifications applied.
Preset& get_selected_preset() { return m_presets[m_idx_selected]; }
const Preset& get_selected_preset() const { return m_presets[m_idx_selected]; }
int get_selected_idx() const { return m_idx_selected; }
// Return the selected preset including the user modifications.
Preset& get_edited_preset() { return m_edited_preset; }
const Preset& get_edited_preset() const { return m_edited_preset; }
@ -155,6 +159,7 @@ public:
// Return a preset by an index. If the preset is active, a temporary copy is returned.
Preset& preset(size_t idx) { return (int(idx) == m_idx_selected) ? m_edited_preset : m_presets[idx]; }
const Preset& preset(size_t idx) const { return const_cast<PresetCollection*>(this)->preset(idx); }
void discard_current_changes() { m_edited_preset = m_presets[m_idx_selected]; }
// Return a preset by its name. If the preset is active, a temporary copy is returned.
// If a preset is not found by its name, null is returned.
@ -163,16 +168,19 @@ public:
{ return const_cast<PresetCollection*>(this)->find_preset(name, first_visible_if_not_found); }
size_t first_visible_idx() const;
size_t first_compatible_idx() const;
// Return index of the first visible preset. Certainly at least the '- default -' preset shall be visible.
// Return the first visible preset. Certainly at least the '- default -' preset shall be visible.
Preset& first_visible() { return this->preset(this->first_visible_idx()); }
const Preset& first_visible() const { return this->preset(this->first_visible_idx()); }
Preset& first_visible() { return this->preset(this->first_visible_idx()); }
const Preset& first_visible() const { return this->preset(this->first_visible_idx()); }
Preset& first_compatible() { return this->preset(this->first_compatible_idx()); }
const Preset& first_compatible() const { return this->preset(this->first_compatible_idx()); }
// Return number of presets including the "- default -" preset.
size_t size() const { return this->m_presets.size(); }
// For Print / Filament presets, disable those, which are not compatible with the printer.
void enable_disable_compatible_to_printer(const std::string &active_printer);
void update_compatible_with_printer(const std::string &active_printer, bool select_other_if_incompatible);
size_t num_visible() const { return std::count_if(m_presets.begin(), m_presets.end(), [](const Preset &preset){return preset.is_visible;}); }
@ -182,13 +190,17 @@ public:
std::vector<std::string> current_dirty_options() { return this->get_selected_preset().config.diff(this->get_edited_preset().config); }
// Update the choice UI from the list of presets.
void update_tab_ui(wxChoice *ui);
// If show_incompatible, all presets are shown, otherwise only the compatible presets are shown.
// If an incompatible preset is selected, it is shown as well.
void update_tab_ui(wxBitmapComboBox *ui, bool show_incompatible);
// Update the choice UI from the list of presets.
// Only the compatible presets are shown.
// If an incompatible preset is selected, it is shown as well.
void update_platter_ui(wxBitmapComboBox *ui);
// Update a dirty floag of the current preset, update the labels of the UI component accordingly.
// Return true if the dirty flag changed.
bool update_dirty_ui(wxItemContainer *ui);
bool update_dirty_ui(wxChoice *ui);
bool update_dirty_ui(wxBitmapComboBox *ui);
// Select a profile by its name. Return true if the selection changed.
// Without force, the selection is only updated if the index changes.
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <wx/choice.h>
#include <wx/bmpcbox.h>
@ -46,9 +47,7 @@ PresetBundle::PresetBundle() :
this->prints .load_bitmap_default("cog.png");
this->printers .load_bitmap_default("printer_empty.png");
// FIXME select some icons indicating compatibility.
this->load_compatible_bitmaps("cog.png", "cog.png");
@ -110,6 +109,9 @@ void PresetBundle::load_selections(const AppConfig &config)
this->set_filament_preset(i, remove_ini_suffix(config.get("presets", name)));
// Update visibility of presets based on their compatibility with the active printer.
// This will switch the print or filament presets to compatible if the active presets are incompatible.
// Export selections (current print, current filaments, current printer) into config.ini
@ -137,8 +139,10 @@ void PresetBundle::export_selections(PlaceholderParser &pp)
pp.set("printer_preset", printers.get_selected_preset().name);
bool PresetBundle::load_compatible_bitmaps(const std::string &path_bitmap_compatible, const std::string &path_bitmap_incompatible)
bool PresetBundle::load_compatible_bitmaps()
const std::string path_bitmap_compatible = "flag-green-icon.png";
const std::string path_bitmap_incompatible = "flag-red-icon.png";
bool loaded_compatible = m_bitmapCompatible ->LoadFile(
wxString::FromUTF8(Slic3r::var(path_bitmap_compatible).c_str()), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
bool loaded_incompatible = m_bitmapIncompatible->LoadFile(
@ -146,12 +150,12 @@ bool PresetBundle::load_compatible_bitmaps(const std::string &path_bitmap_compat
if (loaded_compatible) {
prints .set_bitmap_compatible(m_bitmapCompatible);
printers .set_bitmap_compatible(m_bitmapCompatible);
// printers .set_bitmap_compatible(m_bitmapCompatible);
if (loaded_incompatible) {
prints .set_bitmap_compatible(m_bitmapIncompatible);
printers .set_bitmap_compatible(m_bitmapIncompatible);
prints .set_bitmap_incompatible(m_bitmapIncompatible);
// printers .set_bitmap_incompatible(m_bitmapIncompatible);
return loaded_compatible && loaded_incompatible;
@ -180,6 +184,8 @@ DynamicPrintConfig PresetBundle::full_config() const
std::vector<const ConfigOption*> filament_opts(num_extruders, nullptr);
// loop through options and apply them to the resulting config.
for (const t_config_option_key &key : this->filaments.default_preset().config.keys()) {
if (key == "compatible_printers")
// Get a destination option.
ConfigOption *opt_dst = out.option(key, false);
if (opt_dst->is_scalar()) {
@ -434,6 +440,20 @@ void PresetBundle::update_multi_material_filament_presets()
this->filament_presets.resize(num_extruders, this->filament_presets.empty() ? this->filaments.first_visible().name : this->filament_presets.back());
void PresetBundle::update_compatible_with_printer(bool select_other_if_incompatible)
this->prints.update_compatible_with_printer(this->printers.get_selected_preset().name, select_other_if_incompatible);
this->filaments.update_compatible_with_printer(this->printers.get_selected_preset().name, select_other_if_incompatible);
if (select_other_if_incompatible) {
// Verify validity of the current filament presets.
for (std::string &filament_name : this->filament_presets) {
Preset *preset = this->filaments.find_preset(filament_name, false);
if (preset == nullptr || ! preset->is_compatible)
filament_name = this->filaments.first_compatible().name;
void PresetBundle::export_configbundle(const std::string &path) //, const DynamicPrintConfig &settings
boost::nowide::ofstream c;
@ -526,42 +546,66 @@ void PresetBundle::update_platter_filament_ui(unsigned int idx_extruder, wxBitma
// Fill in the list from scratch.
for (size_t i = this->filaments().front().is_visible ? 0 : 1; i < this->filaments().size(); ++ i) {
const Preset &preset = this->filaments.preset(i);
if (! preset.is_visible)
const Preset *selected_preset = this->filaments.find_preset(this->filament_presets[idx_extruder]);
// Show wide icons if the currently selected preset is not compatible with the current printer,
// and draw a red flag in front of the selected preset.
bool wide_icons = selected_preset != nullptr && ! selected_preset->is_compatible && m_bitmapIncompatible != nullptr;
assert(selected_preset != nullptr);
for (int i = this->filaments().front().is_visible ? 0 : 1; i < int(this->filaments().size()); ++ i) {
const Preset &preset = this->filaments.preset(i);
bool selected = this->filament_presets[idx_extruder] ==;
if (! preset.is_visible || (! preset.is_compatible && ! selected))
bool selected = this->filament_presets[idx_extruder] ==;
// Assign an extruder color to the selected item if the extruder color is defined.
std::string filament_rgb = preset.config.opt_string("filament_colour", 0);
std::string extruder_rgb = (selected && !extruder_color.empty()) ? extruder_color : filament_rgb;
wxBitmap *bitmap = nullptr;
if (filament_rgb == extruder_rgb) {
auto it = m_mapColorToBitmap.find(filament_rgb);
if (it == m_mapColorToBitmap.end()) {
// Create the bitmap.
parse_color(filament_rgb, rgb);
wxImage image(24, 16);
image.SetRGB(wxRect(0, 0, 24, 16), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
m_mapColorToBitmap[filament_rgb] = bitmap = new wxBitmap(image);
} else {
bitmap = it->second;
} else {
std::string bitmap_key = filament_rgb + extruder_rgb;
auto it = m_mapColorToBitmap.find(bitmap_key);
if (it == m_mapColorToBitmap.end()) {
// Create the bitmap.
wxImage image(24, 16);
parse_color(extruder_rgb, rgb);
image.SetRGB(wxRect(0, 0, 16, 16), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
parse_color(filament_rgb, rgb);
image.SetRGB(wxRect(16, 0, 8, 16), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
m_mapColorToBitmap[filament_rgb] = bitmap = new wxBitmap(image);
} else {
bitmap = it->second;
bool single_bar = filament_rgb == extruder_rgb;
std::string bitmap_key = single_bar ? filament_rgb : filament_rgb + extruder_rgb;
// If the filament preset is not compatible and there is a "red flag" icon loaded, show it left
// to the filament color image.
if (wide_icons)
bitmap_key += preset.is_compatible ? "comp" : "notcomp";
auto it = m_mapColorToBitmap.find(bitmap_key);
wxBitmap *bitmap = (it == m_mapColorToBitmap.end()) ? nullptr : it->second;
if (bitmap == nullptr) {
// Create the bitmap with color bars.
bitmap = new wxBitmap((wide_icons ? 16 : 0) + 24, 16);
wxMemoryDC memDC;
if (wide_icons && ! preset.is_compatible)
// Paint the red flag.
memDC.DrawBitmap(*m_bitmapIncompatible, 0, 0, false);
// Paint the color bars.
parse_color(filament_rgb, rgb);
wxImage image(24, 16);
unsigned char* imgdata = image.GetData();
unsigned char* imgalpha = image.GetAlpha();
for (size_t i = 0; i < image.GetWidth() * image.GetHeight(); ++ i) {
*imgdata ++ = rgb[0];
*imgdata ++ = rgb[1];
*imgdata ++ = rgb[2];
*imgalpha ++ = wxALPHA_OPAQUE;
if (! single_bar) {
parse_color(extruder_rgb, rgb);
imgdata = image.GetData();
for (size_t r = 0; r < 16; ++ r) {
imgdata = image.GetData() + r * image.GetWidth() * 3;
for (size_t c = 0; c < 16; ++ c) {
*imgdata ++ = rgb[0];
*imgdata ++ = rgb[1];
*imgdata ++ = rgb[2];
memDC.DrawBitmap(wxBitmap(image), wide_icons ? 16 : 0, 0, false);
m_mapColorToBitmap[bitmap_key] = bitmap;
ui->Append(wxString::FromUTF8(( + (preset.is_dirty ? Preset::suffix_modified() : "")).c_str()), (bitmap == 0) ? wxNullBitmap : *bitmap);
if (selected)
ui->SetSelection(ui->GetCount() - 1);
@ -569,59 +613,6 @@ void PresetBundle::update_platter_filament_ui(unsigned int idx_extruder, wxBitma
// Update the colors preview at the platter extruder combo box.
void PresetBundle::update_platter_filament_ui_colors(unsigned int idx_extruder, wxBitmapComboBox *ui)
this->update_platter_filament_ui(idx_extruder, ui);
unsigned char rgb[3];
std::string extruder_color = this->printers.get_edited_preset().config.opt_string("extruder_colour", idx_extruder);
if (! parse_color(extruder_color, rgb))
// Extruder color is not defined.
for (unsigned int ui_id = 0; ui_id < ui->GetCount(); ++ ui_id) {
std::string preset_name = ui->GetString(ui_id).utf8_str().data();
size_t filament_preset_id = size_t(ui->GetClientData(ui_id));
const Preset *filament_preset = filaments.find_preset(preset_name, false);
assert(filament_preset != nullptr);
// Assign an extruder color to the selected item if the extruder color is defined.
std::string filament_rgb = filament_preset->config.opt_string("filament_colour", 0);
std::string extruder_rgb = (int(ui_id) == ui->GetSelection() && ! extruder_color.empty()) ? extruder_color : filament_rgb;
wxBitmap *bitmap = nullptr;
if (filament_rgb == extruder_rgb) {
auto it = m_mapColorToBitmap.find(filament_rgb);
if (it == m_mapColorToBitmap.end()) {
// Create the bitmap.
parse_color(filament_rgb, rgb);
wxImage image(24, 16);
image.SetRGB(wxRect(0, 0, 24, 16), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
m_mapColorToBitmap[filament_rgb] = new wxBitmap(image);
} else {
bitmap = it->second;
} else {
std::string bitmap_key = filament_rgb + extruder_rgb;
auto it = m_mapColorToBitmap.find(bitmap_key);
if (it == m_mapColorToBitmap.end()) {
// Create the bitmap.
wxImage image(24, 16);
parse_color(extruder_rgb, rgb);
image.SetRGB(wxRect(0, 0, 16, 16), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
parse_color(filament_rgb, rgb);
image.SetRGB(wxRect(16, 0, 8, 16), rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
m_mapColorToBitmap[filament_rgb] = new wxBitmap(image);
} else {
bitmap = it->second;
ui->SetItemBitmap(ui_id, *bitmap);
void PresetBundle::set_default_suppressed(bool default_suppressed)
@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ public:
// Update a filament selection combo box on the platter for an idx_extruder.
void update_platter_filament_ui(unsigned int idx_extruder, wxBitmapComboBox *ui);
// Update the colors preview at the platter extruder combo box.
void update_platter_filament_ui_colors(unsigned int idx_extruder, wxBitmapComboBox *ui);
// Enable / disable the "- default -" preset.
void set_default_suppressed(bool default_suppressed);
@ -72,10 +70,17 @@ public:
// update size and content of filament_presets.
void update_multi_material_filament_presets();
// Update the is_compatible flag of all print and filament presets depending on whether they are marked
// as compatible with the currently selected printer.
// Also updates the is_visible flag of each preset.
// If select_other_if_incompatible is true, then the print or filament preset is switched to some compatible
// preset if the current print or filament preset is not compatible.
void update_compatible_with_printer(bool select_other_if_incompatible);
void load_config_file_config(const std::string &path, const DynamicPrintConfig &config);
void load_config_file_config_bundle(const std::string &path, const boost::property_tree::ptree &tree);
bool load_compatible_bitmaps(const std::string &path_bitmap_compatible, const std::string &path_bitmap_incompatible);
bool load_compatible_bitmaps();
// Indicator, that the preset is compatible with the selected printer.
wxBitmap *m_bitmapCompatible;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <xsinit.h>
#include "slic3r/GUI/Preset.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/PresetHints.hpp"
%name{Slic3r::GUI::Preset} class Preset {
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
bool external() %code%{ RETVAL = THIS->is_external; %};
bool visible() %code%{ RETVAL = THIS->is_visible; %};
bool dirty() %code%{ RETVAL = THIS->is_dirty; %};
bool is_compatible_with_printer(char *active_printer) const;
const char* name() %code%{ RETVAL = THIS->name.c_str(); %};
const char* file() %code%{ RETVAL = THIS->file.c_str(); %};
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
Ref<Preset> default_preset() %code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->default_preset(); %};
size_t size() const;
size_t num_visible() const;
std::string name() const;
Ref<Preset> get_selected_preset() %code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->get_selected_preset(); %};
Ref<Preset> get_current_preset() %code%{ RETVAL = &THIS->get_edited_preset(); %};
@ -41,19 +44,20 @@
bool current_is_dirty();
std::vector<std::string> current_dirty_options();
void update_tab_ui(SV *ui)
%code%{ auto cb = (wxChoice*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ ui, "Wx::Choice" );
THIS->update_tab_ui(cb); %};
void update_tab_ui(SV *ui, bool show_incompatible)
%code%{ auto cb = (wxBitmapComboBox*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ ui, "Wx::BitmapComboBox" );
THIS->update_tab_ui(cb, show_incompatible); %};
void update_platter_ui(SV *ui)
%code%{ auto cb = (wxBitmapComboBox*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ ui, "Wx::BitmapComboBox" );
THIS->update_platter_ui(cb); %};
bool update_dirty_ui(SV *ui)
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->update_dirty_ui((wxChoice*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui, "Wx::Choice")); %};
%code%{ RETVAL = THIS->update_dirty_ui((wxBitmapComboBox*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui, "Wx::BitmapComboBox")); %};
void select_preset(int idx);
bool select_preset_by_name(char *name) %code%{ RETVAL = THIS->select_preset_by_name(name, true); %};
void discard_current_changes();
void save_current_preset(char *new_name)
@ -150,14 +154,21 @@ PresetCollection::arrayref()
void set_filament_preset(int idx, const char *name);
void update_multi_material_filament_presets();
void update_compatible_with_printer(bool select_other_if_incompatible);
Clone<DynamicPrintConfig> full_config() %code%{ RETVAL = THIS->full_config(); %};
void update_platter_filament_ui(int extruder_idx, SV *ui)
%code%{ auto cb = (wxBitmapComboBox*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui, "Wx::BitmapComboBox");
THIS->update_platter_filament_ui(extruder_idx, cb); %};
void update_platter_filament_ui_colors(int extruder_idx, SV *ui)
%code%{ auto cb = (wxBitmapComboBox*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui, "Wx::BitmapComboBox");
THIS->update_platter_filament_ui_colors(extruder_idx, cb); %};
%name{Slic3r::GUI::PresetHints} class PresetHints {
static std::string cooling_description(Preset *preset)
%code%{ RETVAL = PresetHints::cooling_description(*preset); %};
static std::string maximum_volumetric_flow_description(PresetBundle *preset)
%code%{ RETVAL = PresetHints::maximum_volumetric_flow_description(*preset); %};
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