scale for text height information showed to user
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 55 additions and 13 deletions
@ -2563,23 +2563,60 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_style_edit() {
bool use_inch = wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_inches") == "1";
const std::string revert_text_size = _u8L("Revert text size.");
FontProp &font_prop = style.prop;
const float * def_size = exist_stored_style?
&m_style_manager.get_stored_style()->prop.size_in_mm : nullptr;
bool is_size_changed = false;
const GLVolume* gl_vol = m_parent.get_selection().get_first_volume();
Transform3d to_world = gl_vol->world_matrix();
// Use fix of .3mf loaded tranformation when exist
if (m_volume->text_configuration->fix_3mf_tr.has_value())
to_world = to_world * (*m_volume->text_configuration->fix_3mf_tr);
Vec3d up_world = to_world.linear() * Vec3d(0., 1., 0.);
double norm_sq = up_world.squaredNorm();
std::optional<float> height_scale;
if (!is_approx(norm_sq, 1.))
height_scale = sqrt(norm_sq);
bool use_correction = use_inch || height_scale.has_value();
const char *format = ((use_inch) ? "%.2f in" : "%.1f mm");
float *size_ptr = nullptr;
float size_value;
const float * def_size_ptr = nullptr;
float def_value;
if (use_inch) {
float size_in_inch = ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in * font_prop.size_in_mm;
float def_size_inch = exist_stored_style ? ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in * (*def_size) : 0.f;
if (def_size != nullptr) def_size = &def_size_inch;
if (rev_input(tr.size, size_in_inch, def_size, revert_text_size, 0.1f, 1.f, "%.2f in")) {
font_prop.size_in_mm = ObjectManipulation::in_to_mm * size_in_inch;
is_size_changed = true;
// calc value in inch
size_value = ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in * font_prop.size_in_mm;
if (exist_stored_style) {
def_value = ObjectManipulation::mm_to_in * (*def_size_ptr);
def_size_ptr = &def_value;
size_ptr = &size_value;
if (height_scale.has_value()) {
// use inch
if (size_ptr == nullptr) {
size_value = font_prop.size_in_mm;
size_ptr = &size_value;
size_value *= *height_scale;
if (def_size_ptr == nullptr) {
def_size_ptr = &m_style_manager.get_stored_style()->prop.size_in_mm;
} else {
if (rev_input(tr.size, font_prop.size_in_mm, def_size, revert_text_size, 0.1f, 1.f, "%.1f mm"))
is_size_changed = true;
if (is_size_changed) {
if (!use_correction){
size_ptr = &font_prop.size_in_mm;
if (exist_stored_style)
def_size_ptr = &m_style_manager.get_stored_style()->prop.size_in_mm;
assert(size_ptr != nullptr);
assert(exist_stored_style == (def_size_ptr != nullptr));
if (rev_input(tr.size, *size_ptr, def_size_ptr, revert_text_size, 0.1f, 1.f, format)) {
if (use_correction) {
font_prop.size_in_mm = *size_ptr;
if (use_inch) font_prop.size_in_mm *= ObjectManipulation::in_to_mm;
if (height_scale.has_value()) font_prop.size_in_mm /= *height_scale;
// size can't be zero or negative
Limits::apply(font_prop.size_in_mm, limits.size_in_mm);
@ -2623,6 +2660,11 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_style_edit() {
Vec3d depth_world = to_world.linear() * Vec3d(0., 0., 1.);
double depth_sq = depth_world.squaredNorm();
std::optional<float> depth_scale;
if (!is_approx(depth_sq, 1.)) depth_scale = sqrt(depth_sq);
const std::string revert_emboss_depth = _u8L("Revert embossed depth.");
const float *def_depth = exist_stored_style ?
&m_style_manager.get_stored_style()->prop.emboss : nullptr;
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