Merge branch 'master' of into svg_icons
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 33 additions and 4343 deletions
@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
package Slic3r::GUI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use FindBin;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Slic3r::GUI::MainFrame;
use Slic3r::GUI::Plater;
use Slic3r::GUI::Plater::3D;
use Slic3r::GUI::Plater::3DPreview;
use Wx::Locale gettext => 'L';
our $have_OpenGL = eval "use Slic3r::GUI::3DScene; 1";
use Wx 0.9901 qw(:bitmap :dialog :icon :id :misc :systemsettings :toplevelwindow :filedialog :font);
use base 'Wx::App';
use constant FILE_WILDCARDS => {
known => 'Known files (*.stl, *.obj, *.amf, *.xml, *.3mf, *.prusa)|*.stl;*.STL;*.obj;*.OBJ;*.zip.amf;*.amf;*.AMF;*.xml;*.XML;*.3mf;*.3MF;*.prusa;*.PRUSA',
stl => 'STL files (*.stl)|*.stl;*.STL',
obj => 'OBJ files (*.obj)|*.obj;*.OBJ',
amf => 'AMF files (*.amf)|*.zip.amf;*.amf;*.AMF;*.xml;*.XML',
threemf => '3MF files (*.3mf)|*.3mf;*.3MF',
prusa => 'Prusa Control files (*.prusa)|*.prusa;*.PRUSA',
ini => 'INI files *.ini|*.ini;*.INI',
gcode => 'G-code files (*.gcode, *.gco, *.g, *.ngc)|*.gcode;*.GCODE;*.gco;*.GCO;*.g;*.G;*.ngc;*.NGC',
use constant MODEL_WILDCARD => join '|', @{&FILE_WILDCARDS}{qw(known stl obj amf threemf prusa)};
# Datadir provided on the command line.
our $datadir;
our $no_plater;
our @cb;
our $small_font = Wx::SystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
$small_font->SetPointSize(11) if &Wx::wxMAC;
our $small_bold_font = Wx::SystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
$small_bold_font->SetPointSize(11) if &Wx::wxMAC;
our $medium_font = Wx::SystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
our $grey = Wx::Colour->new(200,200,200);
# Events to be sent from a C++ menu implementation:
# 1) To inform about a change of the application language.
our $LANGUAGE_CHANGE_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
# 2) To inform about a change of Preferences.
our $PREFERENCES_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
# To inform AppConfig about Slic3r version available online
our $VERSION_ONLINE_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
sub OnInit {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->SetAppDisplayName('Slic3r Prusa Edition');
Slic3r::debugf "wxWidgets version %s, Wx version %s\n", &Wx::wxVERSION_STRING, $Wx::VERSION;
# Set the Slic3r data directory at the Slic3r XS module.
# Unix: ~/.Slic3r
# Windows: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Slic3r" or "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Slic3r"
# Mac: "~/Library/Application Support/Slic3r"
Slic3r::set_data_dir($datadir || Wx::StandardPaths::Get->GetUserDataDir);
$self->{app_config} = Slic3r::GUI::AppConfig->new;
$self->{preset_bundle} = Slic3r::GUI::PresetBundle->new;
# just checking for existence of Slic3r::data_dir is not enough: it may be an empty directory
# supplied as argument to --datadir; in that case we should still run the wizard
eval { $self->{preset_bundle}->setup_directories() };
if ($@) {
warn $@ . "\n";
fatal_error(undef, $@);
my $app_conf_exists = $self->{app_config}->exists;
# load settings
$self->{app_config}->load if $app_conf_exists;
$self->{app_config}->set('version', $Slic3r::VERSION);
$self->{preset_updater} = Slic3r::PresetUpdater->new($VERSION_ONLINE_EVENT);
# Suppress the '- default -' presets.
$self->{preset_bundle}->set_default_suppressed($self->{app_config}->get('no_defaults') ? 1 : 0);
eval { $self->{preset_bundle}->load_presets($self->{app_config}); };
if ($@) {
warn $@ . "\n";
show_error(undef, $@);
# application frame
print STDERR "Creating main frame...\n";
Wx::Image::FindHandlerType(wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) || Wx::Image::AddHandler(Wx::PNGHandler->new);
$self->{mainframe} = my $frame = Slic3r::GUI::MainFrame->new(
no_plater => $no_plater,
lang_ch_event => $LANGUAGE_CHANGE_EVENT,
preferences_event => $PREFERENCES_EVENT,
# This makes CallAfter() work
EVT_IDLE($self->{mainframe}, sub {
while (my $cb = shift @cb) {
$self->{app_config}->save if $self->{app_config}->dirty;
# On OS X the UI tends to freeze in weird ways if modal dialogs (config wizard, update notifications, ...)
# are shown before or in the same event callback with the main frame creation.
# Therefore we schedule them for later using CallAfter.
$self->CallAfter(sub {
eval {
if (! $self->{preset_updater}->config_update()) {
if ($@) {
show_error(undef, $@);
$self->CallAfter(sub {
if (! Slic3r::GUI::config_wizard_startup($app_conf_exists)) {
# Only notify if there was not wizard so as not to bother too much ...
# The following event is emited by the C++ menu implementation of application language change.
# The following event is emited by the C++ menu implementation of preferences change.
# The following event is emited by PresetUpdater (C++) to inform about
# the newer Slic3r application version avaiable online.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $version = $event->GetString;
$self->{app_config}->set('version_online', $version);
return 1;
sub recreate_GUI{
print STDERR "recreate_GUI\n";
my ($self) = @_;
my $topwindow = $self->GetTopWindow();
$self->{mainframe} = my $frame = Slic3r::GUI::MainFrame->new(
no_plater => $no_plater,
lang_ch_event => $LANGUAGE_CHANGE_EVENT,
preferences_event => $PREFERENCES_EVENT,
EVT_IDLE($self->{mainframe}, sub {
while (my $cb = shift @cb) {
$self->{app_config}->save if $self->{app_config}->dirty;
# On OSX the UI was not initialized correctly if the wizard was called
# before the UI was up and running.
$self->CallAfter(sub {
# Run the config wizard, don't offer the "reset user profile" checkbox.
sub system_info {
my ($self) = @_;
my $slic3r_info = Slic3r::slic3r_info(format => 'html');
my $copyright_info = Slic3r::copyright_info(format => 'html');
my $system_info = Slic3r::system_info(format => 'html');
my $opengl_info;
my $opengl_info_txt = '';
if (defined($self->{mainframe}) && defined($self->{mainframe}->{plater}) &&
defined($self->{mainframe}->{plater}->{canvas3D})) {
$opengl_info = Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::get_gl_info(1, 1);
$opengl_info_txt = Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::get_gl_info(0, 1);
# my $about = Slic3r::GUI::SystemInfo->new(
# parent => undef,
# slic3r_info => $slic3r_info,
# system_info => $system_info,
# opengl_info => $opengl_info,
# text_info => Slic3r::slic3r_info . Slic3r::system_info . $opengl_info_txt,
# );
# $about->ShowModal;
# $about->Destroy;
# static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
sub catch_error {
my ($self, $cb, $message_dialog) = @_;
if (my $err = $@) {
$cb->() if $cb;
? $message_dialog->($err, 'Error', wxOK | wxICON_ERROR)
: Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, $err);
return 1;
return 0;
# static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
sub show_error {
my ($parent, $message) = @_;
Slic3r::GUI::show_error_id($parent ? $parent->GetId() : 0, $message);
# static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
sub show_info {
my ($parent, $message, $title) = @_;
Wx::MessageDialog->new($parent, $message, $title || 'Notice', wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION)->ShowModal;
# static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
sub fatal_error {
exit 1;
# static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter
sub warning_catcher {
my ($self, $message_dialog) = @_;
return sub {
my $message = shift;
return if $message =~ /GLUquadricObjPtr|Attempt to free unreferenced scalar/;
my @params = ($message, 'Warning', wxOK | wxICON_WARNING);
? $message_dialog->(@params)
: Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, @params)->ShowModal;
sub notify {
my ($self, $message) = @_;
my $frame = $self->GetTopWindow;
# try harder to attract user attention on OS X
$frame->RequestUserAttention(&Wx::wxMAC ? wxUSER_ATTENTION_ERROR : wxUSER_ATTENTION_INFO)
unless ($frame->IsActive);
# There used to be notifier using a Growl application for OSX, but Growl is dead.
# The notifier also supported the Linux X D-bus notifications, but that support was broken.
#TODO use wxNotificationMessage?
# Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved.
# Update the UI based on the current preferences.
sub update_ui_from_settings {
my ($self) = @_;
sub open_model {
my ($self, $window) = @_;
my $dlg_title = L('Choose one or more files (STL/OBJ/AMF/3MF/PRUSA):');
my $dialog = Wx::FileDialog->new($window // $self->GetTopWindow, $dlg_title,
$self->{app_config}->get_last_dir, "",
if ($dialog->ShowModal != wxID_OK) {
my @input_files = $dialog->GetPaths;
return @input_files;
sub CallAfter {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
push @cb, $cb;
sub append_menu_item {
my ($self, $menu, $string, $description, $cb, $id, $icon, $kind) = @_;
$id //= &Wx::NewId();
my $item = Wx::MenuItem->new($menu, $id, $string, $description // '', $kind // 0);
$self->set_menu_item_icon($item, $icon);
EVT_MENU($self, $id, $cb);
return $item;
sub append_submenu {
my ($self, $menu, $string, $description, $submenu, $id, $icon) = @_;
$id //= &Wx::NewId();
my $item = Wx::MenuItem->new($menu, $id, $string, $description // '');
$self->set_menu_item_icon($item, $icon);
return $item;
sub set_menu_item_icon {
my ($self, $menuItem, $icon) = @_;
# SetBitmap was not available on OS X before Wx 0.9927
if ($icon && $menuItem->can('SetBitmap')) {
$menuItem->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var($icon), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
# Implements pure perl packages
# Slic3r::GUI::3DScene::Base;
# Slic3r::GUI::3DScene;
# Slic3r::GUI::Plater::3D derives from Slic3r::GUI::3DScene,
# Slic3r::GUI::Plater::3DPreview,
# Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectCutDialog and Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectPartsPanel
# own $self->{canvas} of the Slic3r::GUI::3DScene type.
# Therefore the 3DScene supports renderng of STLs, extrusions and cutting planes,
# and camera manipulation.
package Slic3r::GUI::3DScene::Base;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Wx qw(wxTheApp :timer :bitmap :icon :dialog);
# must load OpenGL *before* Wx::GLCanvas
use OpenGL qw(:glconstants :glfunctions :glufunctions :gluconstants);
use base qw(Wx::GLCanvas Class::Accessor);
use Wx::GLCanvas qw(:all);
sub new {
my ($class, $parent) = @_;
# We can only enable multi sample anti aliasing wih wxWidgets 3.0.3 and with a hacked Wx::GLCanvas,
# which exports some new WX_GL_XXX constants, namely WX_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS and WX_GL_SAMPLES.
my $can_multisample =
! wxTheApp->{app_config}->get('use_legacy_opengl') &&
Wx::wxVERSION >= 3.000003 &&
defined Wx::GLCanvas->can('WX_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS') &&
defined Wx::GLCanvas->can('WX_GL_SAMPLES');
if ($can_multisample) {
# Request a window with multi sampled anti aliasing. This is a new feature in Wx 3.0.3 (backported from 3.1.0).
# Use eval to avoid compilation, if the subs WX_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS and WX_GL_SAMPLES are missing.
eval 'push(@$attrib, (WX_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, 1, WX_GL_SAMPLES, 4));';
# wxWidgets expect the attrib list to be ended by zero.
push(@$attrib, 0);
# we request a depth buffer explicitely because it looks like it's not created by
# default on Linux, causing transparency issues
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, Wx::wxDefaultPosition, Wx::wxDefaultSize, 0, "", $attrib);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::allow_multisample($self, $can_multisample);
return $self;
sub Destroy {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::Destroy;
# The 3D canvas to display objects and tool paths.
package Slic3r::GUI::3DScene;
use base qw(Slic3r::GUI::3DScene::Base);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
return $self;
@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
# The main frame, the parent of all.
package Slic3r::GUI::MainFrame;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use FindBin;
use List::Util qw(min first);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y);
use Wx qw(:frame :bitmap :id :misc :notebook :panel :sizer :menu :dialog :filedialog :dirdialog
:font :icon wxTheApp);
use base 'Wx::Frame';
use Wx::Locale gettext => 'L';
our $qs_last_input_file;
our $qs_last_output_file;
our $last_config;
our $appController;
# Events to be sent from a C++ Tab implementation:
# 1) To inform about a change of a configuration value.
our $VALUE_CHANGE_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
# 2) To inform about a preset selection change or a "modified" status change.
our $PRESETS_CHANGED_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
# 3) To update the status bar with the progress information.
our $PROGRESS_BAR_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
# 4) To display an error dialog box from a thread on the UI thread.
our $ERROR_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
# 5) To inform about a change of object selection
# 6) To inform about a change of object settings
# 7) To inform about a remove of object
our $OBJECT_REMOVE_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
# 8) To inform about a update of the scene
our $UPDATE_SCENE_EVENT = Wx::NewEventType;
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(undef, -1, $Slic3r::FORK_NAME . ' - ' . $Slic3r::VERSION, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE);
$appController = Slic3r::AppController->new();
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# Load the icon either from the exe, or from the ico file.
my $iconfile = Slic3r::decode_path($FindBin::Bin) . '\slic3r.exe';
$iconfile = Slic3r::var("Slic3r.ico") unless -f $iconfile;
$self->SetIcon(Wx::Icon->new($iconfile, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO));
} else {
$self->SetIcon(Wx::Icon->new(Slic3r::var("Slic3r_128px.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
# store input params
$self->{no_plater} = $params{no_plater};
$self->{loaded} = 0;
$self->{lang_ch_event} = $params{lang_ch_event};
$self->{preferences_event} = $params{preferences_event};
# initialize tabpanel and menubar
# set default tooltip timer in msec
# SetAutoPop supposedly accepts long integers but some bug doesn't allow for larger values
# (SetAutoPop is not available on GTK.)
eval { Wx::ToolTip::SetAutoPop(32767) };
# initialize status bar
$self->{statusbar} = Slic3r::GUI::ProgressStatusBar->new();
$self->{statusbar}->SetStatusText(L("Version ").$Slic3r::VERSION.L(" - Remember to check for updates at"));
# Make the global status bar and its progress indicator available in C++
$self->{plater}->{appController} = $appController;
$self->{loaded} = 1;
# initialize layout
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
$sizer->Add($self->{tabpanel}, 1, wxEXPAND);
$self->SetMinSize([760, 490]);
Slic3r::GUI::restore_window_size($self, "main_frame");
# declare events
EVT_CLOSE($self, sub {
my (undef, $event) = @_;
if ($event->CanVeto && !Slic3r::GUI::check_unsaved_changes) {
# save window size
Slic3r::GUI::save_window_size($self, "main_frame");
# Save the slic3r.ini. Usually the ini file is saved from "on idle" callback,
# but in rare cases it may not have been called yet.
$self->{plater}->{print} = undef if($self->{plater});
# propagate event
return $self;
sub _init_tabpanel {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{tabpanel} = my $panel = Wx::Notebook->new($self, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNB_TOP | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED($self, $self->{tabpanel}, sub {
my $panel = $self->{tabpanel}->GetCurrentPage;
$panel->OnActivate if $panel->can('OnActivate');
for my $tab_name (qw(print filament printer)) {
Slic3r::GUI::get_preset_tab("$tab_name")->OnActivate if ("$tab_name" eq $panel->GetName);
if (!$self->{no_plater}) {
$panel->AddPage($self->{plater} = Slic3r::GUI::Plater->new($panel,
event_object_selection_changed => $OBJECT_SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT,
event_object_settings_changed => $OBJECT_SETTINGS_CHANGED_EVENT,
event_remove_object => $OBJECT_REMOVE_EVENT,
event_update_scene => $UPDATE_SCENE_EVENT,
), L("Plater"));
#TODO this is an example of a Slic3r XS interface call to add a new preset editor page to the main view.
# The following event is emited by the C++ Tab implementation on config value change.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $str = $event->GetString;
my ($opt_key, $name) = ($str =~ /(.*) (.*)/);
#print "VALUE_CHANGE_EVENT: ", $opt_key, "\n";
my $tab = Slic3r::GUI::get_preset_tab($name);
my $config = $tab->get_config;
if ($self->{plater}) {
$self->{plater}->on_config_change($config); # propagate config change events to the plater
if ($opt_key eq 'extruders_count'){
my $value = $event->GetInt();
if ($opt_key eq 'printer_technology'){
my $value = $event->GetInt();# 0 ~ "ptFFF"; 1 ~ "ptSLA"
# don't save while loading for the first time
$self->config->save($Slic3r::GUI::autosave) if $Slic3r::GUI::autosave && $self->{loaded};
# The following event is emited by the C++ Tab implementation on preset selection,
# or when the preset's "modified" status changes.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $tab_name = $event->GetString;
my $tab = Slic3r::GUI::get_preset_tab($tab_name);
if ($self->{plater}) {
# Update preset combo boxes (Print settings, Filament, Material, Printer) from their respective tabs.
my $presets = $tab->get_presets;
if (defined $presets){
my $reload_dependent_tabs = $tab->get_dependent_tabs;
$self->{plater}->update_presets($tab_name, $reload_dependent_tabs, $presets);
$self->{plater}->{"selected_item_$tab_name"} = $tab->get_selected_preset_item;
if ($tab_name eq 'printer') {
# Printer selected at the Printer tab, update "compatible" marks at the print and filament selectors.
for my $tab_name_other (qw(print filament sla_material)) {
# If the printer tells us that the print or filament preset has been switched or invalidated,
# refresh the print or filament tab page. Otherwise just refresh the combo box.
my $update_action = ($reload_dependent_tabs && (first { $_ eq $tab_name_other } (@{$reload_dependent_tabs})))
? 'load_current_preset' : 'update_tab_ui';
# The following event is emited by the C++ Tab implementation on object selection change.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $obj_idx = $event->GetId;
# my $child = $event->GetInt == 1 ? 1 : undef;
# $self->{plater}->select_object($obj_idx < 0 ? undef: $obj_idx, $child);
# $self->{plater}->item_changed_selection($obj_idx);
my $vol_idx = $event->GetInt;
$self->{plater}->select_object_from_cpp($obj_idx < 0 ? undef: $obj_idx, $vol_idx<0 ? -1 : $vol_idx);
# The following event is emited by the C++ GUI implementation on object settings change.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $line = $event->GetString;
my ($obj_idx, $parts_changed, $part_settings_changed) = split('',$line);
$self->{plater}->changed_object_settings($obj_idx, $parts_changed, $part_settings_changed);
# The following event is emited by the C++ GUI implementation on object remove.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
# The following event is emited by the C++ GUI implementation on extruder change for object.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
$self->{options_tabs} = {};
for my $tab_name (qw(print filament sla_material printer)) {
$self->{options_tabs}{$tab_name} = Slic3r::GUI::get_preset_tab("$tab_name");
# Update progress bar with an event sent by the slicing core.
my ($self, $event) = @_;
if (defined $self->{progress_dialog}) {
# If a progress dialog is open, update it.
$self->{progress_dialog}->Update($event->GetInt, $event->GetString . "…");
} else {
# Otherwise update the main window status bar.
$self->{statusbar}->SetStatusText($event->GetString . "…");
EVT_COMMAND($self, -1, $ERROR_EVENT, sub {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, $event->GetString);
if ($self->{plater}) {
$self->{plater}->on_select_preset(sub {
my ($group, $name) = @_;
# load initial config
my $full_config = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->full_config;
# Show a correct number of filament fields.
if (defined $full_config->nozzle_diameter){ # nozzle_diameter is undefined when SLA printer is selected
# Show correct preset comboboxes according to the printer_technology
$self->{plater}->show_preset_comboboxes(($full_config->printer_technology eq "FFF") ? 0 : 1);
sub _init_menubar {
my ($self) = @_;
# File menu
my $fileMenu = Wx::Menu->new;
wxTheApp->append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("Open STL/OBJ/AMF/3MF…\tCtrl+O"), L('Open a model'), sub {
$self->{plater}->add if $self->{plater};
}, undef, undef); #'brick_add.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("&Load Config…\tCtrl+L"), L('Load exported configuration file'), sub {
}, undef, 'plugin_add.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("&Export Config…\tCtrl+E"), L('Export current configuration to file'), sub {
}, undef, 'plugin_go.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("&Load Config Bundle…"), L('Load presets from a bundle'), sub {
}, undef, 'lorry_add.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("&Export Config Bundle…"), L('Export all presets to file'), sub {
}, undef, 'lorry_go.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("Slice to PNG…"), L('Slice file to a set of PNG files'), sub {
}, undef, 'shape_handles.png');
$self->{menu_item_reslice_now} = $self->_append_menu_item(
$fileMenu, L("(&Re)Slice Now\tCtrl+S"), L('Start new slicing process'),
sub { $self->reslice_now; }, undef, 'shape_handles.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("Repair STL file…"), L('Automatically repair an STL file'), sub {
}, undef, 'wrench.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($fileMenu, L("&Quit"), L('Quit Slic3r'), sub {
}, wxID_EXIT);
# Plater menu
unless ($self->{no_plater}) {
my $plater = $self->{plater};
$self->{plater_menu} = Wx::Menu->new;
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{plater_menu}, L("Export G-code..."), L('Export current plate as G-code'), sub {
}, undef, 'cog_go.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{plater_menu}, L("Export plate as STL..."), L('Export current plate as STL'), sub {
}, undef, 'brick_go.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{plater_menu}, L("Export plate as AMF..."), L('Export current plate as AMF'), sub {
}, undef, 'brick_go.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{plater_menu}, L("Export plate as 3MF..."), L('Export current plate as 3MF'), sub {
}, undef, 'brick_go.png');
$self->{object_menu} = $self->{plater}->object_menu;
# Window menu
my $windowMenu = Wx::Menu->new;
my $tab_offset = 0;
if (!$self->{no_plater}) {
$self->_append_menu_item($windowMenu, L("Select &Plater Tab\tCtrl+1"), L('Show the plater'), sub {
}, undef, 'application_view_tile.png');
$tab_offset += 1;
if (!$self->{no_controller}) {
$self->_append_menu_item($windowMenu, L("Select &Controller Tab\tCtrl+T"), L('Show the printer controller'), sub {
}, undef, 'printer_empty.png');
$tab_offset += 1;
if ($tab_offset > 0) {
$self->_append_menu_item($windowMenu, L("Select P&rint Settings Tab\tCtrl+2"), L('Show the print settings'), sub {
}, undef, 'cog.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($windowMenu, L("Select &Filament Settings Tab\tCtrl+3"), L('Show the filament settings'), sub {
}, undef, 'spool.png');
$self->_append_menu_item($windowMenu, L("Select Print&er Settings Tab\tCtrl+4"), L('Show the printer settings'), sub {
}, undef, 'printer_empty.png');
# View menu
if (!$self->{no_plater}) {
$self->{viewMenu} = Wx::Menu->new;
# \xA0 is a non-breaing space. It is entered here to spoil the automatic accelerators,
# as the simple numeric accelerators spoil all numeric data entry.
# The camera control accelerators are captured by 3DScene Perl module instead.
my $accel = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? sub { $_[0] . "\t\xA0" . $_[1] } : sub { $_[0] };
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{viewMenu}, $accel->(L('Iso'), '0'), L('Iso View') , sub { $self->select_view('iso' ); });
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{viewMenu}, $accel->(L('Top'), '1'), L('Top View') , sub { $self->select_view('top' ); });
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{viewMenu}, $accel->(L('Bottom'), '2'), L('Bottom View') , sub { $self->select_view('bottom' ); });
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{viewMenu}, $accel->(L('Front'), '3'), L('Front View') , sub { $self->select_view('front' ); });
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{viewMenu}, $accel->(L('Rear'), '4'), L('Rear View') , sub { $self->select_view('rear' ); });
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{viewMenu}, $accel->(L('Left'), '5'), L('Left View') , sub { $self->select_view('left' ); });
$self->_append_menu_item($self->{viewMenu}, $accel->(L('Right'), '6'), L('Right View') , sub { $self->select_view('right' ); });
# Help menu
my $helpMenu = Wx::Menu->new;
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("Prusa 3D Drivers"), L('Open the Prusa3D drivers download page in your browser'), sub {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("Prusa Edition Releases"), L('Open the Prusa Edition releases page in your browser'), sub {
# my $versioncheck = $self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, "Check for &Updates...", 'Check for new Slic3r versions', sub {
# wxTheApp->check_version(1);
# });
# $versioncheck->Enable(wxTheApp->have_version_check);
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("Slic3r &Website"), L('Open the Slic3r website in your browser'), sub {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("Slic3r &Manual"), L('Open the Slic3r manual in your browser'), sub {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("System Info"), L('Show system information'), sub {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("Show &Configuration Folder"), L('Show user configuration folder (datadir)'), sub {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("Report an Issue"), L('Report an issue on the Slic3r Prusa Edition'), sub {
$self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, L("&About Slic3r"), L('Show about dialog'), sub {
# menubar
# assign menubar to frame after appending items, otherwise special items
# will not be handled correctly
my $menubar = Wx::MenuBar->new;
$menubar->Append($fileMenu, L("&File"));
$menubar->Append($self->{plater_menu}, L("&Plater")) if $self->{plater_menu};
$menubar->Append($self->{object_menu}, L("&Object")) if $self->{object_menu};
$menubar->Append($windowMenu, L("&Window"));
$menubar->Append($self->{viewMenu}, L("&View")) if $self->{viewMenu};
# Add additional menus from C++
Slic3r::GUI::add_menus($menubar, $self->{preferences_event}, $self->{lang_ch_event});
$menubar->Append($helpMenu, L("&Help"));
sub is_loaded {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{loaded};
# Selection of a 3D object changed on the platter.
sub on_plater_selection_changed {
my ($self, $have_selection) = @_;
return if !defined $self->{object_menu};
$self->{object_menu}->Enable($_->GetId, $have_selection)
for $self->{object_menu}->GetMenuItems;
sub slice_to_png {
my $self = shift;
sub reslice_now {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{plater}->reslice if $self->{plater};
sub repair_stl {
my $self = shift;
my $input_file;
my $dialog = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L('Select the STL file to repair:'),
wxTheApp->{app_config}->get_last_dir, "",
if ($dialog->ShowModal != wxID_OK) {
$input_file = $dialog->GetPaths;
my $output_file = $input_file;
$output_file =~ s/\.[sS][tT][lL]$/_fixed.obj/;
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L("Save OBJ file (less prone to coordinate errors than STL) as:"), dirname($output_file),
basename($output_file), &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{obj}, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
if ($dlg->ShowModal != wxID_OK) {
return undef;
$output_file = $dlg->GetPath;
my $tmesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new;
Slic3r::GUI::show_info($self, L("Your file was repaired."), L("Repair"));
sub export_config {
my $self = shift;
# Generate a cummulative configuration for the selected print, filaments and printer.
my $config = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->full_config();
# Validate the cummulative configuration.
eval { $config->validate; };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# Ask user for the file name for the config file.
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L('Save configuration as:'),
$last_config ? dirname($last_config) : wxTheApp->{app_config}->get_last_dir,
$last_config ? basename($last_config) : "config.ini",
my $file = ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) ? $dlg->GetPath : undef;
if (defined $file) {
$last_config = $file;
# Load a config file containing a Print, Filament & Printer preset.
sub load_config_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
if (!$file) {
return unless Slic3r::GUI::check_unsaved_changes;
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L('Select configuration to load:'),
$last_config ? dirname($last_config) : wxTheApp->{app_config}->get_last_dir,
'INI files (*.ini, *.gcode)|*.ini;*.INI;*.gcode;*.g', wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST);
return unless $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
$file = $dlg->GetPaths;
eval { wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->load_config_file($file); };
# Dont proceed further if the config file cannot be loaded.
return if Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self);
$_->load_current_preset for (values %{$self->{options_tabs}});
$last_config = $file;
sub export_configbundle {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless Slic3r::GUI::check_unsaved_changes;
# validate current configuration in case it's dirty
eval { wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->full_config->validate; };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# Ask user for a file name.
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L('Save presets bundle as:'),
$last_config ? dirname($last_config) : wxTheApp->{app_config}->get_last_dir,
my $file = ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) ? $dlg->GetPath : undef;
if (defined $file) {
# Export the config bundle.
eval { wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->export_configbundle($file); };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# Loading a config bundle with an external file name used to be used
# to auto-install a config bundle on a fresh user account,
# but that behavior was not documented and likely buggy.
sub load_configbundle {
my ($self, $file, $reset_user_profile) = @_;
return unless Slic3r::GUI::check_unsaved_changes;
if (!$file) {
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L('Select configuration to load:'),
$last_config ? dirname($last_config) : wxTheApp->{app_config}->get_last_dir,
return unless $dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK;
$file = $dlg->GetPaths;
my $presets_imported = 0;
eval { $presets_imported = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->load_configbundle($file); };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box.
foreach my $tab (values %{$self->{options_tabs}}) {
my $message = sprintf L("%d presets successfully imported."), $presets_imported;
Slic3r::GUI::show_info($self, $message);
# Load a provied DynamicConfig into the Print / Filament / Printer tabs, thus modifying the active preset.
# Also update the platter with the new presets.
sub load_config {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
$_->load_config($config) foreach values %{$self->{options_tabs}};
$self->{plater}->on_config_change($config) if $self->{plater};
sub select_tab {
my ($self, $tab) = @_;
# Set a camera direction, zoom to all objects.
sub select_view {
my ($self, $direction) = @_;
if (! $self->{no_plater}) {
sub _append_menu_item {
my ($self, $menu, $string, $description, $cb, $id, $icon) = @_;
$id //= &Wx::NewId();
my $item = $menu->Append($id, $string, $description);
$self->_set_menu_item_icon($item, $icon);
EVT_MENU($self, $id, $cb);
return $item;
sub _set_menu_item_icon {
my ($self, $menuItem, $icon) = @_;
# SetBitmap was not available on OS X before Wx 0.9927
if ($icon && $menuItem->can('SetBitmap')) {
$menuItem->SetBitmap(Wx::Bitmap->new(Slic3r::var($icon), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG));
# Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved.
# Update the UI based on the current preferences.
sub update_ui_from_settings {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{menu_item_reslice_now}->Enable(! wxTheApp->{app_config}->get("background_processing"));
$self->{plater}->update_ui_from_settings if ($self->{plater});
for my $tab_name (qw(print filament printer)) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
package Slic3r::GUI::Plater::3D;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use List::Util qw();
use Wx qw(:misc :pen :brush :sizer :font :cursor :keycode wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
use base qw(Slic3r::GUI::3DScene Class::Accessor);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($parent, $objects, $model, $print, $config) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::enable_picking($self, 1);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::enable_moving($self, 1);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_select_by($self, 'object');
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_drag_by($self, 'instance');
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_model($self, $model);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_print($self, $print);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_config($self, $config);
return $self;
@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
package Slic3r::GUI::Plater::3DPreview;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Slic3r::Print::State ':steps';
use Wx qw(:misc :sizer :slider :statictext :keycode wxWHITE wxCB_READONLY);
use base qw(Wx::Panel Class::Accessor);
use Wx::Locale gettext => 'L';
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(print gcode_preview_data enabled _loaded canvas slider_low slider_high single_layer double_slider_sizer));
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($parent, $print, $gcode_preview_data, $config) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition);
$self->{config} = $config;
$self->{number_extruders} = 1;
# Show by feature type by default.
$self->{preferred_color_mode} = 'feature';
# init GUI elements
my $canvas = Slic3r::GUI::3DScene->new($self);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::enable_shader($canvas, 1);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_config($canvas, $config);
# my $slider_low = Wx::Slider->new(
# $self, -1,
# 0, # default
# 0, # min
# we set max to a bogus non-zero value because the MSW implementation of wxSlider
# will skip drawing the slider if max <= min:
# 1, # max
# wxDefaultPosition,
# wxDefaultSize,
# );
# $self->slider_low($slider_low);
# my $slider_high = Wx::Slider->new(
# $self, -1,
# 0, # default
# 0, # min
# we set max to a bogus non-zero value because the MSW implementation of wxSlider
# will skip drawing the slider if max <= min:
# 1, # max
# wxDefaultPosition,
# wxDefaultSize,
# );
# $self->slider_high($slider_high);
# my $z_label_low = $self->{z_label_low} = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
# $z_label_low->SetFont($Slic3r::GUI::small_font);
# my $z_label_high = $self->{z_label_high} = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
# $z_label_high->SetFont($Slic3r::GUI::small_font);
# my $z_label_low_idx = $self->{z_label_low_idx} = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
# $z_label_low_idx->SetFont($Slic3r::GUI::small_font);
# my $z_label_high_idx = $self->{z_label_high_idx} = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition,
# $z_label_high_idx->SetFont($Slic3r::GUI::small_font);
# $self->single_layer(0);
# my $checkbox_singlelayer = $self->{checkbox_singlelayer} = Wx::CheckBox->new($self, -1, L("1 Layer"));
my $label_view_type = $self->{label_view_type} = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, L("View"));
my $choice_view_type = $self->{choice_view_type} = Wx::Choice->new($self, -1);
$choice_view_type->Append(L("Feature type"));
$choice_view_type->Append(L("Volumetric flow rate"));
# the following value needs to be changed if new items are added into $choice_view_type before "Tool"
$self->{tool_idx} = 5;
my $label_show_features = $self->{label_show_features} = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, L("Show"));
my $combochecklist_features = $self->{combochecklist_features} = Wx::ComboCtrl->new();
$combochecklist_features->Create($self, -1, L("Feature types"), wxDefaultPosition, [200, -1], wxCB_READONLY);
my $feature_text = L("Feature types");
my $feature_items = L("Perimeter")."|"
.L("External perimeter")."|"
.L("Overhang perimeter")."|"
.L("Internal infill")."|"
.L("Solid infill")."|"
.L("Top solid infill")."|"
.L("Bridge infill")."|"
.L("Gap fill")."|"
.L("Support material")."|"
.L("Support material interface")."|"
.L("Wipe tower")."|"
Slic3r::GUI::create_combochecklist($combochecklist_features, $feature_text, $feature_items, 1);
my $double_slider_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
Slic3r::GUI::create_double_slider($self, $double_slider_sizer, $self->canvas);
my $checkbox_travel = $self->{checkbox_travel} = Wx::CheckBox->new($self, -1, L("Travel"));
my $checkbox_retractions = $self->{checkbox_retractions} = Wx::CheckBox->new($self, -1, L("Retractions"));
my $checkbox_unretractions = $self->{checkbox_unretractions} = Wx::CheckBox->new($self, -1, L("Unretractions"));
my $checkbox_shells = $self->{checkbox_shells} = Wx::CheckBox->new($self, -1, L("Shells"));
# my $hsizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
# my $vsizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
# my $vsizer_outer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
# $vsizer->Add($slider_low, 3, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0);
# $vsizer->Add($z_label_low_idx, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0);
# $vsizer->Add($z_label_low, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0);
# $hsizer->Add($vsizer, 0, wxEXPAND, 0);
# $vsizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
# $vsizer->Add($slider_high, 3, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0);
# $vsizer->Add($z_label_high_idx, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0);
# $vsizer->Add($z_label_high, 0, 0, 0);
# $hsizer->Add($vsizer, 0, wxEXPAND, 0);
# $vsizer_outer->Add($hsizer, 3, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0);
# $vsizer_outer->Add($double_slider_sizer, 3, wxEXPAND, 0);
# $vsizer_outer->Add($checkbox_singlelayer, 0, wxTOP | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5);
my $bottom_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$bottom_sizer->Add($label_view_type, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
$bottom_sizer->Add($choice_view_type, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
$bottom_sizer->Add($label_show_features, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
$bottom_sizer->Add($combochecklist_features, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
$bottom_sizer->Add($checkbox_travel, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
$bottom_sizer->Add($checkbox_retractions, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
$bottom_sizer->Add($checkbox_unretractions, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
$bottom_sizer->Add($checkbox_shells, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5);
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$sizer->Add($canvas, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 0);
# $sizer->Add($vsizer_outer, 0, wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxEXPAND, 5);
$sizer->Add($double_slider_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND, 0);#wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxEXPAND, 5);
my $main_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
$main_sizer->Add($sizer, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 0);
$main_sizer->Add($bottom_sizer, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 0);
# EVT_SLIDER($self, $slider_low, sub {
# $slider_high->SetValue($slider_low->GetValue) if $self->single_layer;
# $self->set_z_idx_low ($slider_low ->GetValue)
# });
# EVT_SLIDER($self, $slider_high, sub {
# $slider_low->SetValue($slider_high->GetValue) if $self->single_layer;
# $self->set_z_idx_high($slider_high->GetValue)
# });
# EVT_KEY_DOWN($canvas, sub {
# my ($s, $event) = @_;
# Slic3r::GUI::update_double_slider_from_canvas($event);
# my $key = $event->GetKeyCode;
# if ($event->HasModifiers) {
# $event->Skip;
# } else {
# if ($key == ord('U')) {
# $slider_high->SetValue($slider_high->GetValue + 1);
# $slider_low->SetValue($slider_high->GetValue) if ($event->ShiftDown());
# $self->set_z_idx_high($slider_high->GetValue);
# } elsif ($key == ord('D')) {
# $slider_high->SetValue($slider_high->GetValue - 1);
# $slider_low->SetValue($slider_high->GetValue) if ($event->ShiftDown());
# $self->set_z_idx_high($slider_high->GetValue);
# } elsif ($key == ord('S')) {
# $checkbox_singlelayer->SetValue(! $checkbox_singlelayer->GetValue());
# $self->single_layer($checkbox_singlelayer->GetValue());
# if ($self->single_layer) {
# $slider_low->SetValue($slider_high->GetValue);
# $self->set_z_idx_high($slider_high->GetValue);
# }
# } else {
# $event->Skip;
# }
# }
# });
# EVT_KEY_DOWN($slider_low, sub {
# my ($s, $event) = @_;
# my $key = $event->GetKeyCode;
# if ($event->HasModifiers) {
# $event->Skip;
# } else {
# if ($key == WXK_LEFT) {
# } elsif ($key == WXK_RIGHT) {
# $slider_high->SetFocus;
# } else {
# $event->Skip;
# }
# }
# });
# EVT_KEY_DOWN($slider_high, sub {
# my ($s, $event) = @_;
# my $key = $event->GetKeyCode;
# if ($event->HasModifiers) {
# $event->Skip;
# } else {
# if ($key == WXK_LEFT) {
# $slider_low->SetFocus;
# } elsif ($key == WXK_RIGHT) {
# } else {
# $event->Skip;
# }
# }
# });
# EVT_CHECKBOX($self, $checkbox_singlelayer, sub {
# $self->single_layer($checkbox_singlelayer->GetValue());
# if ($self->single_layer) {
# $slider_low->SetValue($slider_high->GetValue);
# $self->set_z_idx_high($slider_high->GetValue);
# }
# });
EVT_CHOICE($self, $choice_view_type, sub {
my $selection = $choice_view_type->GetCurrentSelection();
$self->{preferred_color_mode} = ($selection == $self->{tool_idx}) ? 'tool' : 'feature';
EVT_CHECKLISTBOX($self, $combochecklist_features, sub {
my $flags = Slic3r::GUI::combochecklist_get_flags($combochecklist_features);
EVT_CHECKBOX($self, $checkbox_travel, sub {
EVT_CHECKBOX($self, $checkbox_retractions, sub {
EVT_CHECKBOX($self, $checkbox_unretractions, sub {
EVT_CHECKBOX($self, $checkbox_shells, sub {
EVT_SIZE($self, sub {
my ($s, $event) = @_;
# init canvas
# sets colors for gcode preview extrusion roles
my @extrusion_roles_colors = (
'Perimeter' => 'FFFF66',
'External perimeter' => 'FFA500',
'Overhang perimeter' => '0000FF',
'Internal infill' => 'B1302A',
'Solid infill' => 'D732D7',
'Top solid infill' => 'FF1A1A',
'Bridge infill' => '9999FF',
'Gap fill' => 'FFFFFF',
'Skirt' => '845321',
'Support material' => '00FF00',
'Support material interface' => '008000',
'Wipe tower' => 'B3E3AB',
'Custom' => '28CC94',
return $self;
sub reload_print {
my ($self, $force) = @_;
if (! $self->IsShown && ! $force) {
# $self->{reload_delayed} = 1;
sub refresh_print {
my ($self) = @_;
if (! $self->IsShown) {
sub reset_gcode_preview_data {
my ($self) = @_;
sub load_print {
my ($self) = @_;
return if $self->_loaded;
# we require that there's at least one object and the posSlice step
# is performed on all of them (this ensures that _shifted_copies was
# populated and we know the number of layers)
my $n_layers = 0;
if ($self->print->object_step_done(STEP_SLICE)) {
my %z = (); # z => 1
foreach my $object (@{$self->{print}->objects}) {
foreach my $layer (@{$object->layers}, @{$object->support_layers}) {
$z{$layer->print_z} = 1;
$self->{layers_z} = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %z ];
$n_layers = scalar(@{$self->{layers_z}});
if ($n_layers == 0) {
$self->canvas->Refresh; # clears canvas
if ($self->{preferred_color_mode} eq 'tool_or_feature') {
# It is left to Slic3r to decide whether the print shall be colored by the tool or by the feature.
# Color by feature if it is a single extruder print.
my $extruders = $self->{print}->extruders;
my $type = (scalar(@{$extruders}) > 1) ? $self->{tool_idx} : 0;
# If the ->SetSelection changed the following line, revert it to "decide yourself".
$self->{preferred_color_mode} = 'tool_or_feature';
# Collect colors per extruder.
my @colors = ();
if (! $self->gcode_preview_data->empty() || $self->gcode_preview_data->type == $self->{tool_idx}) {
my @extruder_colors = @{$self->{config}->extruder_colour};
my @filament_colors = @{$self->{config}->filament_colour};
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#extruder_colors; $i += 1) {
my $color = $extruder_colors[$i];
$color = $filament_colors[$i] if (! defined($color) || $color !~ m/^#[[:xdigit:]]{6}/);
$color = '#FFFFFF' if (! defined($color) || $color !~ m/^#[[:xdigit:]]{6}/);
push @colors, $color;
if ($self->IsShown) {
# used to set the sliders to the extremes of the current zs range
$self->{force_sliders_full_range} = 0;
if ($self->gcode_preview_data->empty) {
# load skirt and brim
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_print($self->canvas, $self->print);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::load_preview($self->canvas, \@colors);
} else {
$self->{force_sliders_full_range} = (Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::get_volumes_count($self->canvas) == 0);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_print($self->canvas, $self->print);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::load_gcode_preview($self->canvas, $self->gcode_preview_data, \@colors);
# recalculates zs and update sliders accordingly
$self->{layers_z} = Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::get_current_print_zs($self->canvas, 1);
$n_layers = scalar(@{$self->{layers_z}});
if ($n_layers == 0) {
# all layers filtered out
$self->canvas->Refresh; # clears canvas
$self->update_sliders($n_layers) if ($n_layers > 0);
sub reset_sliders {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self->set_z_range(0,0);
# $self->slider_low->Hide;
# $self->slider_high->Hide;
# $self->{z_label_low}->SetLabel("");
# $self->{z_label_high}->SetLabel("");
# $self->{z_label_low_idx}->SetLabel("");
# $self->{z_label_high_idx}->SetLabel("");
sub update_sliders
my ($self, $n_layers) = @_;
# my $z_idx_low = $self->slider_low->GetValue;
# my $z_idx_high = $self->slider_high->GetValue;
# $self->slider_low->SetRange(0, $n_layers - 1);
# $self->slider_high->SetRange(0, $n_layers - 1);
# if ($self->{force_sliders_full_range}) {
# $z_idx_low = 0;
# $z_idx_high = $n_layers - 1;
# } elsif ($z_idx_high < $n_layers && ($self->single_layer || $z_idx_high != 0)) {
# # search new indices for nearest z (size of $self->{layers_z} may change in dependence of what is shown)
# if (defined($self->{z_low})) {
# for (my $i = scalar(@{$self->{layers_z}}) - 1; $i >= 0; $i -= 1) {
# if ($self->{layers_z}[$i] <= $self->{z_low}) {
# $z_idx_low = $i;
# last;
# }
# }
# }
# if (defined($self->{z_high})) {
# for (my $i = scalar(@{$self->{layers_z}}) - 1; $i >= 0; $i -= 1) {
# if ($self->{layers_z}[$i] <= $self->{z_high}) {
# $z_idx_high = $i;
# last;
# }
# }
# }
# } elsif ($z_idx_high >= $n_layers) {
# # Out of range. Disable 'single layer' view.
# $self->single_layer(0);
# $self->{checkbox_singlelayer}->SetValue(0);
# $z_idx_low = 0;
# $z_idx_high = $n_layers - 1;
# } else {
# $z_idx_low = 0;
# $z_idx_high = $n_layers - 1;
# }
# $self->slider_low->SetValue($z_idx_low);
# $self->slider_high->SetValue($z_idx_high);
# $self->slider_low->Show;
# $self->slider_high->Show;
# $self->set_z_range($self->{layers_z}[$z_idx_low], $self->{layers_z}[$z_idx_high]);
sub set_z_range
my ($self, $z_low, $z_high) = @_;
return if !$self->enabled;
$self->{z_low} = $z_low;
$self->{z_high} = $z_high;
$self->{z_label_low}->SetLabel(sprintf '%.2f', $z_low);
$self->{z_label_high}->SetLabel(sprintf '%.2f', $z_high);
my $layers_z = Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::get_current_print_zs($self->canvas, 0);
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$layers_z}); $i += 1) {
if (($z_low - 1e-6 < @{$layers_z}[$i]) && (@{$layers_z}[$i] < $z_low + 1e-6)) {
$self->{z_label_low_idx}->SetLabel(sprintf '%d', $i + 1);
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$layers_z}); $i += 1) {
if (($z_high - 1e-6 < @{$layers_z}[$i]) && (@{$layers_z}[$i] < $z_high + 1e-6)) {
$self->{z_label_high_idx}->SetLabel(sprintf '%d', $i + 1);
Slic3r::GUI::_3DScene::set_toolpaths_range($self->canvas, $z_low - 1e-6, $z_high + 1e-6);
$self->canvas->Refresh if $self->IsShown;
sub set_z_idx_low
my ($self, $idx_low) = @_;
if ($self->enabled) {
my $idx_high = $self->slider_high->GetValue;
if ($idx_low >= $idx_high) {
$idx_high = $idx_low;
$self->set_z_range($self->{layers_z}[$idx_low], $self->{layers_z}[$idx_high]);
sub set_z_idx_high
my ($self, $idx_high) = @_;
if ($self->enabled) {
my $idx_low = $self->slider_low->GetValue;
if ($idx_low > $idx_high) {
$idx_low = $idx_high;
$self->set_z_range($self->{layers_z}[$idx_low], $self->{layers_z}[$idx_high]);
sub set_number_extruders {
my ($self, $number_extruders) = @_;
if ($self->{number_extruders} != $number_extruders) {
$self->{number_extruders} = $number_extruders;
my $type = ($number_extruders > 1) ?
$self->{tool_idx} # color by a tool number
: 0; # color by a feature type
$self->{preferred_color_mode} = ($type == $self->{tool_idx}) ? 'tool_or_feature' : 'feature';
sub show_hide_ui_elements {
my ($self, $what) = @_;
my $method = ($what eq 'full') ? 'Enable' : 'Disable';
$self->{$_}->$method for qw(label_show_features combochecklist_features checkbox_travel checkbox_retractions checkbox_unretractions checkbox_shells);
$method = ($what eq 'none') ? 'Disable' : 'Enable';
$self->{$_}->$method for qw(label_view_type choice_view_type);
# Called by the Platter wxNotebook when this page is activated.
sub OnActivate {
# my ($self) = @_;
# $self->reload_print(1) if ($self->{reload_delayed});
@ -1506,7 +1506,8 @@ void Print::export_gcode(const std::string &path_template, GCodePreviewData *pre
// The following call may die if the output_filename_format template substitution fails.
std::string path = this->output_filepath(path_template);
std::string message = "Exporting G-code";
if (! path.empty()) {
if (! path.empty() && preview_data == nullptr) {
// Only show the path if preview_data is not set -> running from command line.
message += " to ";
message += path;
@ -2211,11 +2211,12 @@ bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::mouse_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
// we'll recover current look direction from the modelview matrix (in world coords)...
Vec3f direction_to_camera(modelview_matrix[2], modelview_matrix[6], modelview_matrix[10]);
// ...and transform it to model coords.
direction_to_camera = instance_matrix_no_translation.inverse().cast<float>() * direction_to_camera.eval();
direction_to_camera = (instance_matrix_no_translation.inverse().cast<float>() * direction_to_camera).normalized().eval();
// Iterate over all points, check if they're in the rectangle and if so, check that they are not obscured by the mesh:
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_editing_mode_cache.size(); ++i) {
Vec3f pos = instance_matrix.cast<float>() * m_editing_mode_cache[i].first.pos;
const sla::SupportPoint &support_point = m_editing_mode_cache[i].first;
Vec3f pos = instance_matrix.cast<float>() * support_point.pos;
pos(2) += z_offset;
GLdouble out_x, out_y, out_z;
::gluProject((GLdouble)pos(0), (GLdouble)pos(1), (GLdouble)pos(2), modelview_matrix, projection_matrix, viewport, &out_x, &out_y, &out_z);
@ -2225,7 +2226,8 @@ bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::mouse_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mous
bool is_obscured = false;
// Cast a ray in the direction of the camera and look for intersection with the mesh:
std::vector<igl::Hit> hits;
if (m_AABB.intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, m_editing_mode_cache[i].first.pos, direction_to_camera, hits))
// Offset the start of the ray to the front of the ball + EPSILON to account for numerical inaccuracies.
if (m_AABB.intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, support_point.pos + direction_to_camera * (support_point.head_front_radius + EPSILON), direction_to_camera, hits))
// FIXME: the intersection could in theory be behind the camera, but as of now we only have camera direction.
// Also, the threshold is in mesh coordinates, not in actual dimensions.
if (hits.size() > 1 || hits.front().t > 0.001f)
@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
#include <wx/statbmp.h>
#include <wx/scrolwin.h>
#include <wx/clipbrd.h>
#include <wx/html/htmlwin.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ MsgDialog::MsgDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &title, const wxString &he
rightsizer->Add(btn_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL);
rightsizer->Add(btn_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT);
auto *logo = new wxStaticBitmap(this, wxID_ANY, std::move(bitmap));
@ -72,32 +75,29 @@ ErrorDialog::ErrorDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &msg)
, msg(msg)
auto *panel = new wxScrolledWindow(this);
auto *p_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
auto *text = new wxStaticText(panel, wxID_ANY, msg);
p_sizer->Add(text, 1, wxEXPAND);
panel->SetMinSize(wxSize(CONTENT_WIDTH*wxGetApp().em_unit(), 0));
panel->SetScrollRate(0, 5);
content_sizer->Add(panel, 1, wxEXPAND);
auto *btn_copy = new wxButton(this, wxID_ANY, _(L("Copy to clipboard")));
btn_copy->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent& event) {
if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) {
wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(this->msg)); // Note: the clipboard takes ownership of the pointer
// Text shown as HTML, so that mouse selection and Ctrl-V to copy will work.
wxHtmlWindow* html = new wxHtmlWindow(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO);
html->SetMinSize(wxSize(40 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1));
wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
wxColour text_clr = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT);
wxColour bgr_clr = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_FRAMEBK); // wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW
auto text_clr_str = wxString::Format(wxT("#%02X%02X%02X"), text_clr.Red(), text_clr.Green(), text_clr.Blue());
auto bgr_clr_str = wxString::Format(wxT("#%02X%02X%02X"), bgr_clr.Red(), bgr_clr.Green(), bgr_clr.Blue());
const int font_size = font.GetPointSize()-1;
int size[] = {font_size, font_size, font_size, font_size, font_size, font_size, font_size};
html->SetFonts(font.GetFaceName(), font.GetFaceName(), size);
std::string msg_escaped = xml_escape(msg.ToUTF8().data());
boost::replace_all(msg_escaped, "\r\n", "<br>");
boost::replace_all(msg_escaped, "\n", "<br>");
html->SetPage("<html><body bgcolor=\"" + bgr_clr_str + "\"><font color=\"" + text_clr_str + "\">" + wxString::FromUTF8( + "</font></body></html>");
content_sizer->Add(html, 1, wxEXPAND);
auto *btn_ok = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK);
btn_sizer->Add(btn_copy, 0, wxRIGHT, HORIZ_SPACING);
btn_sizer->Add(btn_ok, 0, wxRIGHT, HORIZ_SPACING);
SetMaxSize(wxSize(-1, CONTENT_MAX_HEIGHT*wxGetApp().em_unit()));
@ -2995,6 +2995,8 @@ void Plater::export_stl(bool selection_only)
const wxString path = dialog->GetPath();
const std::string path_u8 = into_u8(path);
wxBusyCursor wait;
TriangleMesh mesh;
if (selection_only) {
const auto &selection = p->get_selection();
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