Auto selection of presets (#6817)
PresetComboBoxes: Auto selection of printer/material preset from the new added presets in ConfigWizard + Check unsaved changes if ConfigWizard is running from the PesetComboBoxes
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 127 additions and 58 deletions
@ -1385,12 +1385,16 @@ const Preset& PrinterPresetCollection::default_preset_for(const DynamicPrintConf
return this->default_preset((opt_printer_technology == nullptr || opt_printer_technology->value == ptFFF) ? 0 : 1);
const Preset* PrinterPresetCollection::find_by_model_id(const std::string &model_id) const
const Preset* PrinterPresetCollection::find_system_preset_by_model_and_variant(const std::string &model_id, const std::string& variant) const
if (model_id.empty()) { return nullptr; }
const auto it = std::find_if(cbegin(), cend(), [&](const Preset &preset) {
return preset.config.opt_string("printer_model") == model_id;
if (!preset.is_system || preset.config.opt_string("printer_model") != model_id)
return false;
if (variant.empty())
return true;
return preset.config.opt_string("printer_variant") == variant;
return it != cend() ? &*it : nullptr;
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ public:
const Preset& default_preset_for(const DynamicPrintConfig &config) const override;
const Preset* find_by_model_id(const std::string &model_id) const;
const Preset* find_system_preset_by_model_and_variant(const std::string &model_id, const std::string &variant) const;
PrinterPresetCollection() = default;
@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ void PresetBundle::setup_directories()
PresetsConfigSubstitutions PresetBundle::load_presets(AppConfig &config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule substitution_rule, const std::string &preferred_model_id)
PresetsConfigSubstitutions PresetBundle::load_presets(AppConfig &config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule substitution_rule,
const PresetPreferences& preferred_selection/* = PresetPreferences()*/)
// First load the vendor specific system presets.
PresetsConfigSubstitutions substitutions;
@ -239,7 +240,8 @@ PresetsConfigSubstitutions PresetBundle::load_presets(AppConfig &config, Forward
if (! errors_cummulative.empty())
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(errors_cummulative);
this->load_selections(config, preferred_model_id);
// ysToDo : set prefered filament or sla_material (relates to print technology) and force o use of preffered printer model if it was added
this->load_selections(config, preferred_selection);
return substitutions;
@ -441,7 +443,7 @@ void PresetBundle::load_installed_sla_materials(AppConfig &config)
// Load selections (current print, current filaments, current printer) from config.ini
// This is done on application start up or after updates are applied.
void PresetBundle::load_selections(AppConfig &config, const std::string &preferred_model_id)
void PresetBundle::load_selections(AppConfig &config, const PresetPreferences& preferred_selection/* = PresetPreferences()*/)
// Update visibility of presets based on application vendor / model / variant configuration.
@ -464,13 +466,21 @@ void PresetBundle::load_selections(AppConfig &config, const std::string &preferr
// will be selected by the following call of this->update_compatible(PresetSelectCompatibleType::Always).
const Preset *initial_printer = printers.find_preset(initial_printer_profile_name);
const Preset *preferred_printer = printers.find_by_model_id(preferred_model_id);
const Preset *preferred_printer = printers.find_system_preset_by_model_and_variant(preferred_selection.printer_model_id, preferred_selection.printer_variant);
(preferred_printer != nullptr && (initial_printer == nullptr || !initial_printer->is_visible)) ?
(preferred_printer != nullptr /*&& (initial_printer == nullptr || !initial_printer->is_visible)*/) ?
preferred_printer->name :
// select preferred filament/sla_material profile if any exists and is visible
if (!preferred_selection.filament.empty())
if (auto it = filaments.find_preset_internal(preferred_selection.filament); it != filaments.end() && it->is_visible)
initial_filament_profile_name = it->name;
if (!preferred_selection.sla_material.empty())
if (auto it = sla_materials.find_preset_internal(preferred_selection.sla_material); it != sla_materials.end() && it->is_visible)
initial_sla_material_profile_name = it->name;
// Selects the profile, leaves it to -1 if the initial profile name is empty or if it was not found.
@ -25,9 +25,18 @@ public:
void setup_directories();
struct PresetPreferences {
std::string printer_model_id;// name of a preferred printer model
std::string printer_variant; // name of a preferred printer variant
std::string filament; // name of a preferred filament preset
std::string sla_material; // name of a preferred sla_material preset
// Load ini files of all types (print, filament, printer) from Slic3r::data_dir() / presets.
// Load selections (current print, current filaments, current printer) from config.ini
PresetsConfigSubstitutions load_presets(AppConfig &config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule rule, const std::string &preferred_model_id = std::string());
// select preferred presets, if any exist
PresetsConfigSubstitutions load_presets(AppConfig &config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule rule,
const PresetPreferences& preferred_selection = PresetPreferences());
// Export selections (current print, current filaments, current printer) into config.ini
void export_selections(AppConfig &config);
@ -153,7 +162,7 @@ private:
// Load selections (current print, current filaments, current printer) from config.ini
// This is done just once on application start up.
void load_selections(AppConfig &config, const std::string &preferred_model_id = "");
void load_selections(AppConfig &config, const PresetPreferences& preferred_selection = PresetPreferences());
// Load print, filament & printer presets from a config. If it is an external config, then the name is extracted from the external path.
// and the external config is just referenced, not stored into user profile directory.
@ -2453,6 +2453,34 @@ bool ConfigWizard::priv::check_and_install_missing_materials(Technology technolo
return true;
static std::set<std::string> get_new_added_presets(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& old_data, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_data)
auto get_aliases = [](const std::map<std::string, std::string>& data) {
std::set<std::string> old_aliases;
for (auto item : data) {
const std::string& name = item.first;
size_t pos = name.find("@");
old_aliases.emplace(pos == std::string::npos ? name : name.substr(0, pos-1));
return old_aliases;
std::set<std::string> old_aliases = get_aliases(old_data);
std::set<std::string> new_aliases = get_aliases(new_data);
std::set<std::string> diff;
std::set_difference(new_aliases.begin(), new_aliases.end(), old_aliases.begin(), old_aliases.end(), std::inserter(diff, diff.begin()));
return diff;
static std::string get_first_added_preset(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& old_data, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_data)
std::set<std::string> diff = get_new_added_presets(old_data, new_data);
if (diff.empty())
return std::string();
return *diff.begin();
bool ConfigWizard::priv::apply_config(AppConfig *app_config, PresetBundle *preset_bundle, const PresetUpdater *updater)
const auto enabled_vendors = appconfig_new.vendors();
@ -2525,13 +2553,61 @@ bool ConfigWizard::priv::apply_config(AppConfig *app_config, PresetBundle *prese
std::string preferred_model;
std::string preferred_variant;
const auto enabled_vendors_old = app_config->vendors();
auto get_preferred_printer_model = [enabled_vendors, enabled_vendors_old](const std::string& bundle_name, const Bundle& bundle, std::string& variant) {
const auto config = enabled_vendors.find(bundle_name);
if (config == enabled_vendors.end())
return std::string();
for (const auto& model : bundle.vendor_profile->models) {
if (const auto model_it = config->second.find(;
model_it != config->second.end() && model_it->second.size() > 0) {
variant = *model_it->second.begin();
const auto config_old = enabled_vendors_old.find(bundle_name);
if (config_old == enabled_vendors_old.end())
const auto model_it_old = config_old->second.find(;
if (model_it_old == config_old->second.end())
else if (model_it_old->second != model_it->second) {
for (const auto& var : model_it->second)
if (model_it_old->second.find(var) == model_it_old->second.end()) {
variant = var;
if (!variant.empty())
return std::string();
// Prusa printers are considered first, then 3rd party.
if (preferred_model = get_preferred_printer_model("PrusaResearch", bundles.prusa_bundle(), preferred_variant);
preferred_model.empty()) {
for (const auto& bundle : bundles) {
if (bundle.second.is_prusa_bundle) { continue; }
if (preferred_model = get_preferred_printer_model(bundle.first, bundle.second, preferred_variant);
std::string first_added_filament, first_added_sla_material;
auto apply_section = [this, app_config](const std::string& section_name, std::string& first_added_preset) {
if (appconfig_new.has_section(section_name)) {
// get first of new added preset names
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& old_presets = app_config->has_section(section_name) ? app_config->get_section(section_name) : std::map<std::string, std::string>();
first_added_preset = get_first_added_preset(old_presets, appconfig_new.get_section(section_name));
app_config->set_section(section_name, appconfig_new.get_section(section_name));
apply_section(AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS, first_added_filament);
apply_section(AppConfig::SECTION_MATERIALS, first_added_sla_material);
if (appconfig_new.has_section(AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS)) {
app_config->set_section(AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS, appconfig_new.get_section(AppConfig::SECTION_FILAMENTS));
if (appconfig_new.has_section(AppConfig::SECTION_MATERIALS)) {
app_config->set_section(AppConfig::SECTION_MATERIALS, appconfig_new.get_section(AppConfig::SECTION_MATERIALS));
app_config->set("version_check", page_update->version_check ? "1" : "0");
app_config->set("preset_update", page_update->preset_update ? "1" : "0");
app_config->set("export_sources_full_pathnames", page_reload_from_disk->full_pathnames ? "1" : "0");
@ -2556,44 +2632,8 @@ bool ConfigWizard::priv::apply_config(AppConfig *app_config, PresetBundle *prese
std::string preferred_model;
// Figure out the default pre-selected printer based on the selections in the pickers.
// The default is the first selected printer model (one with at least 1 variant selected).
// The default is only applied by load_presets() if the user doesn't have a (visible) printer
// selected already.
// Prusa printers are considered first, then 3rd party.
const auto config_prusa = enabled_vendors.find("PrusaResearch");
if (config_prusa != enabled_vendors.end()) {
for (const auto &model : bundles.prusa_bundle().vendor_profile->models) {
const auto model_it = config_prusa->second.find(;
if (model_it != config_prusa->second.end() && model_it->second.size() > 0) {
preferred_model =;
if (preferred_model.empty()) {
for (const auto &bundle : bundles) {
if (bundle.second.is_prusa_bundle) { continue; }
const auto config = enabled_vendors.find(bundle.first);
if (config == enabled_vendors.end()) { continue; }
for (const auto &model : bundle.second.vendor_profile->models) {
const auto model_it = config->second.find(;
if (model_it != config->second.end() && model_it->second.size() > 0) {
preferred_model =;
// Reloading the configs after some modifications were done to PrusaSlicer.ini.
// Just perform the substitutions silently, as the substitutions were already presented to the user on application start-up
// and the Wizard shall not create any new values that would require substitution.
// Throw on substitutions in system profiles, as the system profiles provided over the air should be compatible with this PrusaSlicer version.
preset_bundle->load_presets(*app_config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSilentDisableSystem, preferred_model);
preset_bundle->load_presets(*app_config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSilentDisableSystem,
{preferred_model, preferred_variant, first_added_filament, first_added_sla_material});
if (page_custom->custom_wanted()) {
@ -634,6 +634,12 @@ PlaterPresetComboBox::~PlaterPresetComboBox()
static void run_wizard(ConfigWizard::StartPage sp)
if (wxGetApp().check_and_save_current_preset_changes())
wxGetApp().run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER, sp);
void PlaterPresetComboBox::OnSelect(wxCommandEvent &evt)
auto selected_item = evt.GetSelection();
@ -653,7 +659,7 @@ void PlaterPresetComboBox::OnSelect(wxCommandEvent &evt)
default: break;
wxTheApp->CallAfter([sp]() { wxGetApp().run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER, sp); });
wxTheApp->CallAfter([sp]() { run_wizard(sp); });
@ -685,7 +691,7 @@ void PlaterPresetComboBox::show_add_menu()
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add/Remove presets"), "",
[](wxCommandEvent&) {
wxTheApp->CallAfter([]() { wxGetApp().run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER, ConfigWizard::SP_PRINTERS); });
wxTheApp->CallAfter([]() { run_wizard(ConfigWizard::SP_PRINTERS); });
}, "edit_uni", menu, []() { return true; }, wxGetApp().plater());
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add physical printer"), "",
@ -715,7 +721,7 @@ void PlaterPresetComboBox::show_edit_menu()
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add/Remove presets"), "",
[](wxCommandEvent&) {
wxTheApp->CallAfter([]() { wxGetApp().run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER, ConfigWizard::SP_PRINTERS); });
wxTheApp->CallAfter([]() { run_wizard(ConfigWizard::SP_PRINTERS); });
}, "edit_uni", menu, []() { return true; }, wxGetApp().plater());
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Add physical printer"), "",
@ -918,7 +924,7 @@ void TabPresetComboBox::OnSelect(wxCommandEvent &evt)
wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() {
wxGetApp().run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER, ConfigWizard::SP_PRINTERS);
// update combobox if its parent is a PhysicalPrinterDialog
PhysicalPrinterDialog* parent = dynamic_cast<PhysicalPrinterDialog*>(this->GetParent());
Add table
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