diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
index b10324492..c84cd6b92 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
@@ -3306,6 +3306,18 @@ unsigned int Plater::priv::update_background_process(bool force_validation, bool
     else {
         if (invalidated == Print::APPLY_STATUS_UNCHANGED && !background_process.empty()) {
+            if (printer_technology == ptFFF) {
+                // Object manipulation with gizmos may end up in a null transformation.
+                // In this case, we need to trigger the completion of the sequential print clearance contours evaluation 
+                GLCanvas3D* canvas = view3D->get_canvas3d();
+                if (canvas->is_sequential_print_clearance_evaluating()) {
+                    GLCanvas3D::ContoursList contours;
+                    contours.contours = background_process.fff_print()->get_sequential_print_clearance_contours();
+                    canvas->set_sequential_print_clearance_contours(contours, true);
+                    canvas->set_as_dirty();
+                    canvas->request_extra_frame();
+                }
+            }
             std::string warning;
             std::string err = background_process.validate(&warning);
             if (!err.empty())