Independently set number of top/bottom solid layers. #676
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 51 additions and 13 deletions
@ -424,9 +424,23 @@ our $Options = {
'solid_layers' => {
label => 'Solid layers',
tooltip => 'Number of solid layers to generate on top and bottom.',
tooltip => 'Number of solid layers to generate on top and bottom surfaces.',
cli => 'solid-layers=i',
type => 'i',
shortcut => [qw(top_solid_layers bottom_solid_layers)],
'top_solid_layers' => {
label => 'Top',
tooltip => 'Number of solid layers to generate on top surfaces.',
cli => 'top-solid-layers=i',
type => 'i',
default => 3,
'bottom_solid_layers' => {
label => 'Bottom',
tooltip => 'Number of solid layers to generate on bottom surfaces.',
cli => 'bottom-solid-layers=i',
type => 'i',
default => 3,
'fill_pattern' => {
@ -867,7 +881,11 @@ sub new {
sub new_from_defaults {
my $class = shift;
my @opt_keys =
return $class->new(map { $_ => $Options->{$_}{default} } (@_ ? @_ : keys %$Options));
return $class->new(
map { $_ => $Options->{$_}{default} }
grep !$Options->{$_}{shortcut},
(@_ ? @_ : keys %$Options)
sub new_from_cli {
@ -972,6 +990,10 @@ sub set {
if $deserialize && $Options->{$opt_key}{deserialize};
$self->{$opt_key} = $value;
if ($Options->{$opt_key}{shortcut}) {
$self->set($_, $value, $deserialize) for @{$Options->{$opt_key}{shortcut}};
sub set_ifndef {
@ -1003,6 +1025,7 @@ sub save {
my $ini = { _ => {} };
foreach my $opt_key (sort keys %$self) {
next if $Options->{$opt_key}{shortcut};
next if $Options->{$opt_key}{gui_only};
$ini->{_}{$opt_key} = $self->serialize($opt_key);
@ -1055,8 +1078,9 @@ sub validate {
if $self->perimeters < 0;
# --solid-layers
die "Invalid value for --solid-layers\n"
if $self->solid_layers < 0;
die "Invalid value for --solid-layers\n" if defined $self->solid_layers && $self->solid_layers < 0;
die "Invalid value for --top-solid-layers\n" if $self->top_solid_layers < 0;
die "Invalid value for --bottom-solid-layers\n" if $self->bottom_solid_layers < 0;
# --print-center
die "Invalid value for --print-center\n"
@ -103,16 +103,27 @@ sub _build_line {
my @fields = ();
my @field_labels = ();
foreach my $opt_key (@{$line->{options}}) {
my $opt = first { $_->{opt_key} eq $opt_key } @{$self->options};
push @fields, $self->_build_field($opt);
push @field_labels, $opt->{label};
if (@fields > 1 || $line->{sidetext}) {
my $sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
$sizer->Add($_, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0) for @fields;
my $sidetext = Wx::StaticText->new($self->parent, -1, $line->{sidetext}, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
$sizer->Add($sidetext, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL , 4);
for my $i (0 .. $#fields) {
if (@fields > 1) {
my $field_label = Wx::StaticText->new($self->parent, -1, "$field_labels[$i]:", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
$sizer->Add($field_label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0);
$sizer->Add($fields[$i], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0);
if ($line->{sidetext}) {
my $sidetext = Wx::StaticText->new($self->parent, -1, $line->{sidetext}, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
$sizer->Add($sidetext, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL , 4);
} else {
$grid_sizer->Add($fields[0], 0, ($line->{full_width} ? wxEXPAND : 0) | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0);
@ -396,11 +396,11 @@ sub build {
title => 'Horizontal shells',
options => [qw(solid_layers)],
options => [qw(top_solid_layers bottom_solid_layers)],
lines => [
label => 'Solid layers',
options => [qw(solid_layers)],
options => [qw(top_solid_layers bottom_solid_layers)],
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ sub prepare_fill_surfaces {
# if no solid layers are requested, turn top/bottom surfaces to internal
# note that this modifies $self->surfaces in place
if ($Slic3r::Config->solid_layers == 0) {
if ($Slic3r::Config->top_solid_layers == 0 && $Slic3r::Config->bottom_solid_layers == 0) {
$_->surface_type(S_TYPE_INTERNAL) for grep $_->surface_type != S_TYPE_INTERNAL, @surfaces;
@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ sub _trigger_config {
$self->config->set_ifndef('bridge_speed', $self->config->infill_speed);
$self->config->set_ifndef('solid_infill_speed', $self->config->infill_speed);
$self->config->set_ifndef('top_solid_infill_speed', $self->config->solid_infill_speed);
$self->config->set_ifndef('top_solid_layers', $self->config->solid_layers);
$self->config->set_ifndef('bottom_solid_layers', $self->config->solid_layers);
# G-code flavors
$self->config->set('extrusion_axis', 'A') if $self->config->gcode_flavor eq 'mach3';
@ -629,7 +631,7 @@ sub write_gcode {
print $fh "; $_\n" foreach split /\R/, $Slic3r::Config->notes;
print $fh "\n" if $Slic3r::Config->notes;
for (qw(layer_height perimeters solid_layers fill_density perimeter_speed infill_speed travel_speed scale)) {
for (qw(layer_height perimeters top_solid_layers bottom_solid_layers fill_density perimeter_speed infill_speed travel_speed scale)) {
printf $fh "; %s = %s\n", $_, $Slic3r::Config->$_;
for (qw(nozzle_diameter filament_diameter extrusion_multiplier)) {
@ -344,8 +344,9 @@ sub discover_horizontal_shells {
Slic3r::debugf "Layer %d has %d surfaces of type '%s'\n",
$i, scalar(@surfaces), ($type == S_TYPE_TOP ? 'top' : 'bottom');
my $solid_layers = S_TYPE_TOP ? $Slic3r::Config->top_solid_layers : $Slic3r::Config->bottom_solid_layers;
for (my $n = $type == S_TYPE_TOP ? $i-1 : $i+1;
abs($n - $i) <= $Slic3r::Config->solid_layers-1;
abs($n - $i) <= $solid_layers-1;
$type == S_TYPE_TOP ? $n-- : $n++) {
next if $n < 0 || $n >= $self->layer_count;
Add table
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