Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gui_improvements

This commit is contained in:
YuSanka 2018-03-06 12:47:20 +01:00
commit d0d83526b4
32 changed files with 1917 additions and 143 deletions

View file

@ -42,6 +42,21 @@ message("PATH: $ENV{PATH}")
message("PERL5LIB: $ENV{PERL5LIB}")
find_package(Perl REQUIRED)
# CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is used to point CMake to the remaining dependencies (Boost, TBB, ...)
# We pick it from environment if it is not defined in another way
if (MSVC)
# By default the startup project in MSVC is the 'ALL_BUILD' cmake-created project,
# but we want 'slic3r' as the startup one because debugging run command is associated with it.
# (Unfortunatelly it cannot be associated with ALL_BUILD using CMake.)
endif ()
enable_testing ()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
# file Copyright.txt or for details.
# FindCURL
# --------
# Find curl
# Find the native CURL headers and libraries.
# ::
# CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find curl/curl.h, etc.
# CURL_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using curl.
# CURL_FOUND - True if curl found.
# CURL_VERSION_STRING - the version of curl found (since CMake 2.8.8)
# Look for the header file.
find_path(CURL_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES curl/curl.h)
# Look for the library (sorted from most current/relevant entry to least).
# Windows MSVC Makefile:
# Windows MSVC prebuilts:
# Windows older "Win32 - MSVC" prebuilts (libcurl.lib, e.g.
foreach(_curl_version_header curlver.h curl.h)
if(EXISTS "${CURL_INCLUDE_DIR}/curl/${_curl_version_header}")
file(STRINGS "${CURL_INCLUDE_DIR}/curl/${_curl_version_header}" curl_version_str REGEX "^#define[\t ]+LIBCURL_VERSION[\t ]+\".*\"")
string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[\t ]+LIBCURL_VERSION[\t ]+\"([^\"]*)\".*" "\\1" CURL_VERSION_STRING "${curl_version_str}")
message(STATUS " Curl libraries: = ${CURL_LIBRARIES}")
message(STATUS " Curl include dirs: = ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS}")

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets">
<PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
<ItemDefinitionGroup />
<ItemGroup />

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Building Slic3r PE on Linux/UNIX

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
# Building Slic3r PE on Microsoft Windows
The currently supported way of building Slic3r PE on Windows is with MS Visual Studio 2013
using our Perl binary distribution (compiled from official Perl sources).
You can use the free [Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition](
Other setups (such as mingw + Strawberry Perl) _may_ work, but we cannot guarantee this will work
and cannot provide guidance.
### Geting the dependencies
First, download and upnack our Perl + wxWidgets binary distribution:
- 32 bit, release mode: [wperl32-5.24.0-2018-03-02.7z](
- 64 bit, release mode: [wperl64-5.24.0-2018-03-02.7z](
- 64 bit, release mode + debug symbols: [wperl64d-5.24.0-2018-03-02.7z](
It is recommended to unpack this package into `C:\`.
Apart from wxWidgets and Perl, you will also need additional dependencies:
- Boost
- Intel TBB
- libcurl
We have prepared a binary package of the listed libraries:
- 32 bit: [slic3r-destdir-32.7z](
- 64 bit: [slic3r-destdir-64.7z](
It is recommended you unpack this package into `C:\local\` as the environment
setup script expects it there.
Alternatively you can also compile the additional dependencies yourself.
There is a [powershell script](./deps-build/windows/slic3r-makedeps.ps1) which automates this process.
### Building Slic3r PE
Once the dependencies are set up in their respective locations,
go to the `wperl*` directory extracted earlier and launch the `cmdline.lnk` file
which opens a command line prompt with appropriate environment variables set up.
In this command line, `cd` into the directory with Slic3r sources
and use these commands to build the Slic3r from the command line:
perl Build.PL
perl Build.PL --gui
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
ctest --verbose # TODO: ???
cd ..
The above commands use `nmake` Makefiles.
You may also build Slic3r PE with other build tools:
### Building with Visual Studio
To build, lanuch and/or debug Slic3r PE with Visual Studio (64 bits), replace the `cmake` command with:
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Release;RelWithDebInfo || exit /b
For the 32-bit variant, use:
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 12" -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Release;RelWithDebInfo || exit /b
After `cmake` has finished, go to the `Slic3r\build` directory and open the `Slic3r.sln` solution file.
This should open Visual Studio and load all the Slic3r solution containing all the projects.
Make sure you use Visual Studio 2013 to open the solution.
You can then use the usual Visual Studio controls to build Slic3r.
If you want to run or debug Slic3r from within Visual Studio, make sure the `slic3r` project is activated.
There are multiple projects in the Slic3r solution, but only the `slic3r` project is configured with the right
commands to run Slic3r.
### Building with ninja
To use [Ninja](TODO), replace the `cmake` and `nmake` commands with:
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

doc/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Localization and translation guide
The purpose of this guide is to describe how to contribute to the Slic3rPE translations. We use GNUgettext for extracting string resources from the project and PoEdit for editing translations.
Those are possible to download here:
- GNUgettext package contains a set of tools to extract strings from the source code and to create the translation Catalog.
- PoEdit provides good interface for the translators.
After GNUgettext is installed it is recommended to add the path to gettext/bin to PATH variable.
Full manual for GNUgettext you can see here:
### Scenario 1. How do I add a translation or fix the existing translation
1. Get PO-file from corresponding folder here:
2. Open this file in PoEdit as "Edit a translation"
3. Apply your corrections to translation
4. Push changed Slic3rPE.po and (will create automatically after saving of Slic3r.po in PoEdit) back to to the enter folder.
### Scenario 2. How do I add a new language support
1. Get file Slic3rPE.pot here :
2. Open it in PoEdit for "Create new translation"
3. Select Translation Language (for example French).
4. As a result you will have fr.po - the file contaning translation to French.
Notice. When the transtation is complete you need to:
- Rename the file to Slic3rPE.po
- Click "Save file" button. will be created immediatly
- Both Slic3rPE.po and have to be saved here:
( name of folder "fr" means "French" - the translation language).
### Scenario 3. How do I add a new text resource when implementing a feature to Slic3rPE
Each string resource in Slic3rPE available for translation needs to be explicitly marked using L() macro like this:
auto msg = L("This message to be localized")
To get translated text use one of needed macro/function (`_(s)`, `_CHB(s)` or `L_str(s)` ).
If you add new file resourse, add it to list of files contaned macro `L()`
### Scenario 4. How do I use GNUgettext to localize my own application taking Slic3rPE as an example
1. For conviniance create list of files with this macro `L(s)`. We have
2. Create template file(*.POT) with GNUgettext command:
xgettext --keyword=L --from-code=UTF-8 --debug -o Slic3rPE.pot -f list.txt
Use flag `--from-code=UTF-8` to specify that the source strings are in UTF-8 encoding
Use flag `--debug` to correctly extract formated strings(used %d, %s etc.)
3. Create PO- and MO-files for your project as described above.
4. To merge old PO-file with strings from creaded new POT-file use command:
msgmerge -N -o new.po old.po new.pot
Use option `-N` to not using fuzzy matching when an exact match is not found.
5. To concatenate old PO-file with strings from new PO-file use command:
msgcat -o new.po old.po
6. Create an English translation catalog with command:
msgen -o new.po old.po
Notice, in this Catalog it will be totally same strings for initial text and translated.
When you have Catalog to translation open POT or PO file in PoEdit and start to translation.
It's very important to keep attention to every gaps and punctuation. Especially with
formated strings. (used %d, %s etc.)

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
From the begining you need to have GNUgettext and PoEdit.
GNUgettext package contains a set of tools to extract strings from the source code and
to create the Catalog to translation.
PoEdit provide good interface for the translators.
Those are possible to download here:
GNUgettext -
PoEdit -
When GNUgettext and poEdit are downloaded and installationed, next step is
to add path to gettext/bin directory to your PATH variable.
You can use gettext from cmdline now.
In Slic3rPE we have one macro (L) used to markup strings to localizations.
So, to create Catalog to translation there are next steps:
1. create list of files with this macro (list.txt)
2. create template file(*.POT) with command:
xgettext --keyword=L --from-code=UTF-8 --debug -o Slic3rPE.pot -f list.txt
Use flag --from-code=UTF-8 to specify that the source strings are in UTF-8 encoding
Use flag --debug to correctly extract formated strings(used %d, %s etc.)
3.1 if you start to create PO-file for your projest just open this POT-file in PoEdit.
When you select translation language after first opening of POT-files,
PO-file will be created immediatly.
3.2 if you already have PO-file created before, you have to merge old PO-file with
strings from creaded POT-file. You can do that with command:
msgmerge -N -o new.po old.po new.pot
Use option -N to not using fuzzy matching when an exact match is not found.
3.3 if you already have PO-file created before and new PO-file created from new sourse files
which is not related with first one, you have to concatenate old PO-file with
strings from new PO-file. You can do that with command:
msgcat -o new.po old.po
4. create an English translation catalog with command:
msgen -o new.po old.po
Notice, in this Catalog it will be totally same strings for initial text and translated.
When you have Catalog to translation open POT or PO file in PoEdit and start to translation.
It's very important to keep attention to every gaps and punctuation. Especially with
formated strings. (used %d, %s etc.)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# This makefile downloads, configures and builds Slic3r PE dependencies for Unix.
# (That is, all dependencies except perl + wxWidgets.)
# The libraries are installed in DESTDIR, which you can customize like so:
# DESTDIR=foo/bar make
# The default DESTDIR is ~/slic3r-destdir
# If the DESTDIR doesn't exits, the makefile tries to create it
# To pass the DESTDIR path along to cmake, set the use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable
# and set it to $DESTDIR/usr/local
# You can also customize the NPROC variable in the same way to configure the number
# of cores the build process uses. By default this is set to what the `nproc` command says.
DESTDIR ?= $(HOME)/slic3r-destdir
NPROC ?= $(shell nproc)
BOOST = boost_1_66_0
TBB_SHA = a0dc9bf76d0120f917b641ed095360448cabc85b
TBB = tbb-$(TBB_SHA)
OPENSSL = openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_0g
CURL = curl-7.58.0
.PHONY: all destdir boost libcurl libopenssl libtbb
all: destdir boost libtbb libcurl
@echo "All done!"
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)
boost: $(BOOST).tar.gz
tar -zxvf $(BOOST).tar.gz
cd $(BOOST) && ./ --with-libraries=system,filesystem,thread,log,locale,regex --prefix=$(DESTDIR)/usr/local
cd $(BOOST) && ./b2 \
-j $(NPROC) \
link=static \
variant=release \
threading=multi \ \
cxxflags=-fPIC cflags=-fPIC \
curl -L -o $@$@
libtbb: $(TBB).tar.gz
tar -zxvf $(TBB).tar.gz
mkdir -p $(TBB)/mybuild
$(MAKE) -C $(TBB)/mybuild -j$(NPROC)
$(MAKE) -C $(TBB)/mybuild install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)
curl -L -o $@$(TBB_SHA).tar.gz
libopenssl: $(OPENSSL).tar.gz
tar -zxvf $(OPENSSL).tar.gz
cd $(OPENSSL) && ./config --openssldir=/etc/ssl shared no-ssl3-method no-dynamic-engine '-Wa,--noexecstack'
make -C $(OPENSSL) depend
make -C $(OPENSSL) -j$(NPROC)
make -C $(OPENSSL) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)
curl -L -o $@ ''
libcurl: libopenssl $(CURL).tar.gz
tar -zxvf $(CURL).tar.gz
# XXX: disable shared?
# Setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH should make libcurl find our previously built openssl
cd $(CURL) && PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(DESTDIR)/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure \
--enable-static \
--enable-shared \
--with-pic \
--enable-ipv6 \
--enable-versioned-symbols \
--enable-threaded-resolver \
--with-random=/dev/urandom \
--with-ca-bundle=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \
--disable-ldap \
--disable-ldaps \
--disable-manual \
--disable-rtsp \
--disable-dict \
--disable-telnet \
--disable-pop3 \
--disable-imap \
--disable-smb \
--disable-smtp \
--disable-gopher \
--disable-crypto-auth \
--without-gssapi \
--without-libpsl \
--without-libidn2 \
--without-gnutls \
--without-polarssl \
--without-mbedtls \
--without-cyassl \
--without-nss \
--without-axtls \
--without-brotli \
--without-libmetalink \
--without-libssh \
--without-libssh2 \
--without-librtmp \
--without-nghttp2 \
$(MAKE) -C $(CURL) -j$(NPROC)
curl -L -o $@$@
rm -rf $(BOOST) $(BOOST).tar.gz $(TBB) $(TBB).tar.gz $(OPENSSL) $(OPENSSL).tar.gz $(CURL) $(CURL).tar.gz

View file

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# This script downloads, configures and builds Slic3r PE dependencies for Unix.
# (That is, all dependencies except perl + wxWidgets.)
# To use this script, launch the Visual Studio command line,
# `cd` into the directory containing this script and use this command:
# powershell .\slic3r-makedeps.ps1
# The dependencies will be downloaded and unpacked into the current dir.
# This script WILL NOT try to guess the build architecture (64 vs 32 bits),
# it will by default build the 64-bit variant. To build the 32-bit variant, use:
# powershell .\slic3r-makedeps.ps1 -b32
# Built libraries are installed into $destdir,
# which by default is C:\local\slic3r-destdir-$bits
# You can customize the $destdir using:
# powershell .\slic3r-makedeps.ps1 -destdir C:\foo\bar
# To pass the $destdir path along to cmake, set the use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable
# and set it to $destdir\usr\local
# Script requirements: PowerShell 3.0, .NET 4.5
[switch]$b32 = $false,
[string]$destdir = ""
if ($destdir -eq "") {
$destdir = "C:\local\slic3r-destdir-" + ('32', '64')[!$b32]
$BOOST = 'boost_1_63_0'
$CURL = 'curl-7.28.0'
$TBB_SHA = 'a0dc9bf76d0120f917b641ed095360448cabc85b'
$TBB = "tbb-$TBB_SHA"
# Set up various settings and utilities:
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = Get-Location
$NPROC = (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_processor).NumberOfLogicalProcessors
Add-Type -A System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
# This fxies SSL/TLS errors, credit goes to Ansible; see their `win_get_url.ps1` file
$security_protcols = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember('Tls11').Count -gt 0) {
$security_protcols = $security_protcols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember('Tls12').Count -gt 0) {
$security_protcols = $security_protcols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $security_protcols
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# Ensure DESTDIR exists:
mkdir $destdir -ea 0
mkdir "$destdir\usr\local" -ea 0
# Download sources:
echo 'Downloading sources ...'
if (!(Test-Path "$")) { $webclient.DownloadFile("$", "$") }
if (!(Test-Path "$")) { $webclient.DownloadFile("$", "$") }
if (!(Test-Path "$")) { $webclient.DownloadFile("$", ".\$") }
# Unpack sources:
echo 'Unpacking ...'
if (!(Test-Path $BOOST)) { [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$", '.') }
if (!(Test-Path $TBB)) { [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$", '.') }
if (!(Test-Path $CURL)) { [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$", '.') }
# Build libraries:
echo 'Building ...'
# Build boost
pushd "$BOOST"
$adr_mode = ('32', '64')[!$b32]
.\b2 `
-j "$NPROC" `
--with-system `
--with-filesystem `
--with-thread `
--with-log `
--with-locale `
--with-regex `
"--prefix=$destdir/usr/local" `
"address-model=$adr_mode" `
toolset=msvc-12.0 `
link=static `
variant=release `
threading=multi ` `
# Build TBB
pushd "$TBB"
mkdir 'mybuild' -ea 0
cd 'mybuild'
$generator = ('Visual Studio 12', 'Visual Studio 12 Win64')[!$b32]
cmake .. `
-G "$generator" `
msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj
# Build libcurl:
pushd "$CURL\winbuild"
$machine = ("x86", "x64")[!$b32]
nmake /f mode=static VC=12 GEN_PDB=yes DEBUG=no "MACHINE=$machine"
Copy-Item -R -Force ..\builds\libcurl-*-winssl\include\* "$destdir\usr\local\include\"
Copy-Item -R -Force ..\builds\libcurl-*-winssl\lib\* "$destdir\usr\local\lib\"
echo ""
echo "All done!"
echo ""
catch [Exception]
# This prints errors in a verbose manner
echo $_.Exception|format-list -force

View file

@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $msg = $event->GetString;
print "BUTTON_BROWSE_EVENT: ", $msg, "\n";
# look for devices
my $entries;
@ -197,7 +196,6 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $msg = $event->GetString;
print "BUTTON_TEST_EVENT: ", $msg, "\n";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
@ -424,6 +422,7 @@ sub _init_menubar {
# (Select application language from the list of installed languages)
Slic3r::GUI::add_debug_menu($menubar, $self->{lang_ch_event});
$menubar->Append($helpMenu, L("&Help"));
# Add an optional debug menu. In production code, the add_debug_menu() call should do nothing.

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ sub new {
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
$self->{config} = Slic3r::Config::new_from_defaults_keys([qw(
bed_shape complete_objects extruder_clearance_radius skirts skirt_distance brim_width variable_layer_height
serial_port serial_speed octoprint_host octoprint_apikey
serial_port serial_speed octoprint_host octoprint_apikey octoprint_cafile
nozzle_diameter single_extruder_multi_material
wipe_tower wipe_tower_x wipe_tower_y wipe_tower_width wipe_tower_per_color_wipe extruder_colour filament_colour
@ -1458,8 +1458,13 @@ sub on_export_completed {
$self->do_print if $do_print;
# Send $self->{send_gcode_file} to OctoPrint.
$self->send_gcode if $send_gcode;
if ($send_gcode) {
my $op = Slic3r::OctoPrint->new($self->{config});
$op->send_gcode($self->GetId(), $PROGRESS_BAR_EVENT, $ERROR_EVENT, $self->{send_gcode_file});
$self->{print_file} = undef;
$self->{send_gcode_file} = undef;
$self->{"print_info_cost"}->SetLabel(sprintf("%.2f" , $self->{print}->total_cost));
@ -1488,45 +1493,6 @@ sub do_print {
my $filament_names = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->filament_presets;
$filament_stats = { map { $filament_names->[$_] => $filament_stats->{$_} } keys %$filament_stats };
$printer_panel->load_print_job($self->{print_file}, $filament_stats);
# Send $self->{send_gcode_file} to OctoPrint.
#FIXME Currently this call blocks the UI. Make it asynchronous.
sub send_gcode {
my ($self) = @_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $res = $ua->post(
"http://" . $self->{config}->octoprint_host . "/api/files/local",
Content_Type => 'form-data',
'X-Api-Key' => $self->{config}->octoprint_apikey,
Content => [
file => [
# On Windows, the path has to be encoded in local code page for perl to be able to open it.
# Remove the UTF-8 flag from the perl string, so the LWP::UserAgent can insert
# the UTF-8 encoded string into the request as a byte stream.
print => $self->{send_gcode_file_print} ? 1 : 0,
if ($res->is_success) {
$self->statusbar->SetStatusText(L("G-code file successfully uploaded to the OctoPrint server"));
} else {
my $message = L("Error while uploading to the OctoPrint server: ") . $res->status_line;
Slic3r::GUI::show_error($self, $message);
sub export_stl {

View file

@ -199,6 +199,12 @@ add_library(libslic3r_gui STATIC
add_library(admesh STATIC
@ -338,6 +344,7 @@ set(XS_XSP_FILES
foreach (file ${XS_XSP_FILES})
@ -475,6 +482,7 @@ if(SLIC3R_STATIC)
# Use boost libraries linked statically to the C++ runtime.
#set(Boost_DEBUG ON)
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system filesystem thread log locale regex)
@ -522,6 +530,27 @@ if (SLIC3R_PRUSACONTROL)
target_link_libraries(XS ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})
find_package(CURL REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(XS ${CURL_LIBRARIES})
# libcurl is always linked dynamically to the system libcurl on OSX.
# On other systems, libcurl is linked statically if SLIC3R_STATIC is set.
# As of now, our build system produces a statically linked libcurl,
# which links the OpenSSL library dynamically.
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
message("OpenSSL include dir: ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}")
message("OpenSSL libraries: ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES}")
target_link_libraries(XS ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES})
## OPTIONAL packages
# Find eigen3 or use bundled version
@ -596,6 +625,17 @@ elseif (NOT MSVC)
target_link_libraries(slic3r -lstdc++)
endif ()
if (MSVC)
# Here we associate some additional properties with the MSVC projects to enable compilation and debugging out of the box.
# It seems a props file needs to be copied to the same dir as the proj file, otherwise MSVC doesn't load it up.
# For copying, the configure_file() function seems to work much better than the file() function.
configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/msvc/xs.wperl64d.props" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COPYONLY)
set_target_properties(XS PROPERTIES VS_USER_PROPS "xs.wperl64d.props")
configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/msvc/slic3r.wperl64d.props" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COPYONLY)
set_target_properties(slic3r PROPERTIES VS_USER_PROPS "slic3r.wperl64d.props")
endif ()
# Installation
install(TARGETS XS DESTINATION lib/slic3r-prusa3d/auto/Slic3r/XS)
install(FILES lib/Slic3r/ DESTINATION lib/slic3r-prusa3d/Slic3r)
install(FILES lib/Slic3r/ DESTINATION ${PERL_VENDORLIB}/Slic3r)

View file

@ -1402,18 +1402,13 @@ void GCode::apply_print_config(const PrintConfig &print_config)
void GCode::append_full_config(const Print& print, std::string& str)
char buff[4096];
const StaticPrintConfig *configs[] = { &print.config, &print.default_object_config, &print.default_region_config };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(configs) / sizeof(configs[0]); ++i) {
const StaticPrintConfig *cfg = configs[i];
for (const std::string &key : cfg->keys())
if (key != "compatible_printers")
sprintf(buff, "; %s = %s\n", key.c_str(), cfg->serialize(key).c_str());
str += buff;
str += "; " + key + " = " + cfg->serialize(key) + "\n";

View file

@ -904,10 +904,17 @@ PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef()
def->cli = "octoprint-apikey=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("octoprint_cafile", coString);
def->label = "HTTPS CA file";
def->tooltip = "Custom CA certificate file can be specified for HTTPS OctoPrint connections, in crt/pem format. "
"If left blank, the default OS CA certificate repository is used.";
def->cli = "octoprint-cafile=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("octoprint_host", coString);
def->label = L("Host or IP");
def->label = L("Hostname, IP or URL");
def->tooltip = L("Slic3r can upload G-code files to OctoPrint. This field should contain "
"the hostname or IP address of the OctoPrint instance.");
"the hostname, IP address or URL of the OctoPrint instance.");
def->cli = "octoprint-host=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");

View file

@ -684,6 +684,7 @@ class HostConfig : public StaticPrintConfig
ConfigOptionString octoprint_host;
ConfigOptionString octoprint_apikey;
ConfigOptionString octoprint_cafile;
ConfigOptionString serial_port;
ConfigOptionInt serial_speed;
@ -692,6 +693,7 @@ protected:

View file

@ -1186,40 +1186,46 @@ void TriangleMeshSlicer::make_expolygons(const Polygons &loops, ExPolygons* slic
loops correctly in some edge cases when original model had overlapping facets
std::vector<double> area;
std::vector<size_t> sorted_area; // vector of indices
for (Polygons::const_iterator loop = loops.begin(); loop != loops.end(); ++ loop) {
sorted_area.push_back(loop - loops.begin());
/* The following lines are commented out because they can generate wrong polygons,
see for example issue #661 */
// outer first
std::sort(sorted_area.begin(), sorted_area.end(),
[&area](size_t a, size_t b) { return std::abs(area[a]) > std::abs(area[b]); });
//std::vector<double> area;
//std::vector<size_t> sorted_area; // vector of indices
//for (Polygons::const_iterator loop = loops.begin(); loop != loops.end(); ++ loop) {
// area.push_back(loop->area());
// sorted_area.push_back(loop - loops.begin());
//// outer first
//std::sort(sorted_area.begin(), sorted_area.end(),
// [&area](size_t a, size_t b) { return std::abs(area[a]) > std::abs(area[b]); });
// we don't perform a safety offset now because it might reverse cw loops
Polygons p_slices;
for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator loop_idx = sorted_area.begin(); loop_idx != sorted_area.end(); ++ loop_idx) {
/* we rely on the already computed area to determine the winding order
of the loops, since the Orientation() function provided by Clipper
would do the same, thus repeating the calculation */
Polygons::const_iterator loop = loops.begin() + *loop_idx;
if (area[*loop_idx] > +EPSILON)
else if (area[*loop_idx] < -EPSILON)
//FIXME This is arbitrary and possibly very slow.
// If the hole is inside a polygon, then there is no need to diff.
// If the hole intersects a polygon boundary, then diff it, but then
// there is no guarantee of an ordering of the loops.
// Maybe we can test for the intersection before running the expensive diff algorithm?
p_slices = diff(p_slices, *loop);
//// we don't perform a safety offset now because it might reverse cw loops
//Polygons p_slices;
//for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator loop_idx = sorted_area.begin(); loop_idx != sorted_area.end(); ++ loop_idx) {
// /* we rely on the already computed area to determine the winding order
// of the loops, since the Orientation() function provided by Clipper
// would do the same, thus repeating the calculation */
// Polygons::const_iterator loop = loops.begin() + *loop_idx;
// if (area[*loop_idx] > +EPSILON)
// p_slices.push_back(*loop);
// else if (area[*loop_idx] < -EPSILON)
// //FIXME This is arbitrary and possibly very slow.
// // If the hole is inside a polygon, then there is no need to diff.
// // If the hole intersects a polygon boundary, then diff it, but then
// // there is no guarantee of an ordering of the loops.
// // Maybe we can test for the intersection before running the expensive diff algorithm?
// p_slices = diff(p_slices, *loop);
// perform a safety offset to merge very close facets (TODO: find test case for this)
double safety_offset = scale_(0.0499);
//FIXME see
// double safety_offset = scale_(0.0001);
ExPolygons ex_slices = offset2_ex(p_slices, +safety_offset, -safety_offset);
/* The following line is commented out because it can generate wrong polygons,
see for example issue #661 */
//ExPolygons ex_slices = offset2_ex(p_slices, +safety_offset, -safety_offset);
size_t holes_count = 0;
@ -1230,7 +1236,10 @@ void TriangleMeshSlicer::make_expolygons(const Polygons &loops, ExPolygons* slic
// append to the supplied collection
expolygons_append(*slices, ex_slices);
/* Fix for issue #661 { */
expolygons_append(*slices, offset2_ex(union_(loops, false), +safety_offset, -safety_offset));
//expolygons_append(*slices, ex_slices);
/* } */
void TriangleMeshSlicer::make_expolygons(std::vector<IntersectionLine> &lines, ExPolygons* slices) const

View file

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ REGISTER_CLASS(PresetCollection, "GUI::PresetCollection");
REGISTER_CLASS(PresetBundle, "GUI::PresetBundle");
REGISTER_CLASS(PresetHints, "GUI::PresetHints");
REGISTER_CLASS(OctoPrint, "OctoPrint");
SV* ConfigBase__as_hash(ConfigBase* THIS)

View file

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#if __APPLE__
#import <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h>
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ void change_opt_value(DynamicPrintConfig& config, t_config_option_key opt_key, b
ConfigOptionStrings* vec_new = new ConfigOptionStrings{ boost::any_cast<std::string>(value) };
config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>(opt_key)->set_at(vec_new, opt_index, opt_index);
config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>(opt_key)->set_at(vec_new, opt_index, 0);
@ -437,14 +437,14 @@ void change_opt_value(DynamicPrintConfig& config, t_config_option_key opt_key, b
case coBools:{
ConfigOptionBools* vec_new = new ConfigOptionBools{ boost::any_cast<bool>(value) };
config.option<ConfigOptionBools>(opt_key)->set_at(vec_new, opt_index, opt_index);
config.option<ConfigOptionBools>(opt_key)->set_at(vec_new, opt_index, 0);
case coInt:
config.set_key_value(opt_key, new ConfigOptionInt(boost::any_cast<int>(value)));
case coInts:{
ConfigOptionInts* vec_new = new ConfigOptionInts{ boost::any_cast<int>(value) };
config.option<ConfigOptionInts>(opt_key)->set_at(vec_new, opt_index, opt_index);
config.option<ConfigOptionInts>(opt_key)->set_at(vec_new, opt_index, 0);
case coEnum:{
@ -580,4 +580,18 @@ wxString from_u8(const std::string &str)
return wxString::FromUTF8(str.c_str());
wxWindow *get_widget_by_id(int id)
if (g_wxMainFrame == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error("Main frame not set");
wxWindow *window = g_wxMainFrame->FindWindow(id);
if (window == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error((boost::format("Could not find widget by ID: %1%") % id).str());
return window;
} }

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "Config.hpp"
class wxApp;
class wxWindow;
class wxFrame;
class wxWindow;
class wxMenuBar;
@ -123,6 +124,8 @@ wxString L_str(const std::string &str);
// Return wxString from std::string in UTF8
wxString from_u8(const std::string &str);
wxWindow *get_widget_by_id(int id);

View file

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::printer_options()
if (s_opts.empty()) {
s_opts = {
"bed_shape", "z_offset", "gcode_flavor", "use_relative_e_distances", "serial_port", "serial_speed",
"octoprint_host", "octoprint_apikey", "use_firmware_retraction", "use_volumetric_e", "variable_layer_height",
"octoprint_host", "octoprint_apikey", "octoprint_cafile", "use_firmware_retraction", "use_volumetric_e", "variable_layer_height",
"single_extruder_multi_material", "start_gcode", "end_gcode", "before_layer_gcode", "layer_gcode", "toolchange_gcode",
"between_objects_gcode", "printer_notes"

View file

@ -179,12 +179,25 @@ void Tab::update_tab_ui()
m_presets->update_tab_ui(m_presets_choice, m_show_incompatible_presets);
template<class T>
boost::any get_new_value(const DynamicPrintConfig &config_new, const DynamicPrintConfig &config_old, std::string opt_key, int &index)
for (int i = 0; i < config_new.option<T>(opt_key)->values.size(); i++)
if (config_new.option<T>(opt_key)->values[i] !=
index = i;
return config_new.option<T>(opt_key)->values[index];
// Load a provied DynamicConfig into the tab, modifying the active preset.
// This could be used for example by setting a Wipe Tower position by interactive manipulation in the 3D view.
void Tab::load_config(DynamicPrintConfig config)
bool modified = 0;
boost::any value;
int opt_index = 0;
for(auto opt_key : m_config->diff(config)) {
switch ( config.def()->get(opt_key)->type ){
case coFloatOrPercent:
@ -200,28 +213,26 @@ void Tab::load_config(DynamicPrintConfig config)
value = config.opt_string(opt_key);
case coPercents:
value = config.option<ConfigOptionPercents>(opt_key)->;
value = get_new_value<ConfigOptionPercents>(config, *m_config, opt_key, opt_index);
case coFloats:
value = config.opt_float(opt_key, 0);
value = get_new_value<ConfigOptionFloats>(config, *m_config, opt_key, opt_index);
case coStrings:
if (config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>(opt_key)->values.empty())
value = "";
value = config.opt_string(opt_key, static_cast<unsigned int>(0));
value = config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>(opt_key)->values.empty() ? "" :
get_new_value<ConfigOptionStrings>(config, *m_config, opt_key, opt_index);
case coBool:
value = config.opt_bool(opt_key);
case coBools:
value = config.opt_bool(opt_key, 0);
value = get_new_value<ConfigOptionBools>(config, *m_config, opt_key, opt_index);
case coInt:
value = config.opt_int(opt_key);
case coInts:
value = config.opt_int(opt_key, 0);
value = get_new_value<ConfigOptionInts>(config, *m_config, opt_key, opt_index);
case coEnum:{
if ("external_fill_pattern") == 0 ||
@ -242,7 +253,7 @@ void Tab::load_config(DynamicPrintConfig config)
change_opt_value(*m_config, opt_key, value);
change_opt_value(*m_config, opt_key, value, opt_index);
modified = 1;
// get_field(opt_key)->m_Label->SetBackgroundColour(*get_modified_label_clr());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
#include "Bonjour.hpp"
#include <iostream> // XXX
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <random>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/conversion.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_duration.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
using boost::optional;
using boost::system::error_code;
namespace endian = boost::endian;
namespace asio = boost::asio;
using boost::asio::ip::udp;
// TODO: Fuzzing test (done without TXT)
// FIXME: check char retype to unsigned
namespace Slic3r {
// Minimal implementation of a MDNS/DNS-SD client
// This implementation is extremely simple, only the bits that are useful
// for very basic MDNS discovery are present.
struct DnsName: public std::string
MAX_RECURSION = 10, // Keep this low
static optional<DnsName> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, size_t &offset, unsigned depth = 0)
// Check offset sanity:
if (offset + 1 >= buffer.size()) {
return boost::none;
// Check for recursion depth to prevent parsing names that are nested too deeply
// or end up cyclic:
if (depth >= MAX_RECURSION) {
return boost::none;
DnsName res;
const size_t bsize = buffer.size();
while (true) {
const char* ptr = + offset;
unsigned len = static_cast<unsigned char>(*ptr);
if (len & 0xc0) {
// This is a recursive label
unsigned len_2 = static_cast<unsigned char>(ptr[1]);
size_t pointer = (len & 0x3f) << 8 | len_2;
const auto nested = decode(buffer, pointer, depth + 1);
if (!nested) {
return boost::none;
} else {
if (res.size() > 0) {
offset += 2;
return std::move(res);
} else if (len == 0) {
// This is a name terminator
} else {
// This is a regular label
len &= 0x3f;
if (len + offset + 1 >= bsize) {
return boost::none;
if (res.size() > 0) {
for (const auto end = ptr + len; ptr < end; ptr++) {
char c = *ptr;
if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7f) {
} else {
return boost::none;
offset += len + 1;
if (res.size() > 0) {
return std::move(res);
} else {
return boost::none;
struct DnsHeader
uint16_t id;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t qdcount;
uint16_t ancount;
uint16_t nscount;
uint16_t arcount;
SIZE = 12,
static DnsHeader decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer) {
DnsHeader res;
const uint16_t *data_16 = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(; = endian::big_to_native(data_16[0]);
res.flags = endian::big_to_native(data_16[1]);
res.qdcount = endian::big_to_native(data_16[2]);
res.ancount = endian::big_to_native(data_16[3]);
res.nscount = endian::big_to_native(data_16[4]);
res.arcount = endian::big_to_native(data_16[5]);
return res;
uint32_t rrcount() const {
return ancount + nscount + arcount;
struct DnsQuestion
DnsName name;
uint16_t type;
uint16_t qclass;
DnsQuestion() :
static optional<DnsQuestion> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, size_t &offset)
auto qname = DnsName::decode(buffer, offset);
if (!qname) {
return boost::none;
DnsQuestion res; = std::move(*qname);
const uint16_t *data_16 = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>( + offset);
res.type = endian::big_to_native(data_16[0]);
res.qclass = endian::big_to_native(data_16[1]);
offset += 4;
return std::move(res);
struct DnsResource
DnsName name;
uint16_t type;
uint16_t rclass;
uint32_t ttl;
std::vector<char> data;
DnsResource() :
static optional<DnsResource> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, size_t &offset, size_t &dataoffset)
const size_t bsize = buffer.size();
if (offset + 1 >= bsize) {
return boost::none;
auto rname = DnsName::decode(buffer, offset);
if (!rname) {
return boost::none;
if (offset + 10 >= bsize) {
return boost::none;
DnsResource res; = std::move(*rname);
const uint16_t *data_16 = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>( + offset);
res.type = endian::big_to_native(data_16[0]);
res.rclass = endian::big_to_native(data_16[1]);
res.ttl = endian::big_to_native(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(data_16 + 2));
uint16_t rdlength = endian::big_to_native(data_16[4]);
offset += 10;
if (offset + rdlength > bsize) {
return boost::none;
dataoffset = offset; = std::move(std::vector<char>(buffer.begin() + offset, buffer.begin() + offset + rdlength));
offset += rdlength;
return std::move(res);
struct DnsRR_A
enum { TAG = 0x1 };
asio::ip::address_v4 ip;
static void decode(optional<DnsRR_A> &result, const DnsResource &rr)
if ( == 4) {
DnsRR_A res;
const uint32_t ip = endian::big_to_native(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(;
res.ip = asio::ip::address_v4(ip);
result = std::move(res);
struct DnsRR_AAAA
enum { TAG = 0x1c };
asio::ip::address_v6 ip;
static void decode(optional<DnsRR_AAAA> &result, const DnsResource &rr)
if ( == 16) {
DnsRR_AAAA res;
std::array<unsigned char, 16> ip;
std::copy_n(, 16, ip.begin());
res.ip = asio::ip::address_v6(ip);
result = std::move(res);
struct DnsRR_SRV
TAG = 0x21,
uint16_t priority;
uint16_t weight;
uint16_t port;
DnsName hostname;
static optional<DnsRR_SRV> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, const DnsResource &rr, size_t dataoffset)
if ( < MIN_SIZE) {
return boost::none;
DnsRR_SRV res;
const uint16_t *data_16 = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(;
res.priority = endian::big_to_native(data_16[0]);
res.weight = endian::big_to_native(data_16[1]);
res.port = endian::big_to_native(data_16[2]);
size_t offset = dataoffset + 6;
auto hostname = DnsName::decode(buffer, offset);
if (hostname) {
res.hostname = std::move(*hostname);
return std::move(res);
} else {
return boost::none;
struct DnsRR_TXT
TAG = 0x10,
std::vector<std::string> values;
static optional<DnsRR_TXT> decode(const DnsResource &rr)
const size_t size =;
if (size < 2) {
return boost::none;
DnsRR_TXT res;
for (auto it =; it !=; ) {
unsigned val_size = static_cast<unsigned char>(*it);
if (val_size == 0 || it + val_size >= {
return boost::none;
std::string value(val_size, ' ');
std::copy(it, it + val_size, value.begin());
it += val_size;
return std::move(res);
struct DnsSDPair
optional<DnsRR_SRV> srv;
optional<DnsRR_TXT> txt;
struct DnsSDMap : public std::map<std::string, DnsSDPair>
void insert_srv(std::string &&name, DnsRR_SRV &&srv)
auto hit = this->find(name);
if (hit != this->end()) {
hit->second.srv = std::move(srv);
} else {
DnsSDPair pair;
pair.srv = std::move(srv);
this->insert(std::make_pair(std::move(name), std::move(pair)));
void insert_txt(std::string &&name, DnsRR_TXT &&txt)
auto hit = this->find(name);
if (hit != this->end()) {
hit->second.txt = std::move(txt);
} else {
DnsSDPair pair;
pair.txt = std::move(txt);
this->insert(std::make_pair(std::move(name), std::move(pair)));
struct DnsMessage
MAX_SIZE = 4096,
MAX_ANS = 30,
DnsHeader header;
optional<DnsQuestion> question;
optional<DnsRR_A> rr_a;
optional<DnsRR_AAAA> rr_aaaa;
std::vector<DnsRR_SRV> rr_srv;
DnsSDMap sdmap;
static optional<DnsMessage> decode(const std::vector<char> &buffer, optional<uint16_t> id_wanted = boost::none)
const auto size = buffer.size();
if (size < DnsHeader::SIZE + DnsQuestion::MIN_SIZE || size > MAX_SIZE) {
return boost::none;
DnsMessage res;
res.header = DnsHeader::decode(buffer);
if (id_wanted && *id_wanted != {
return boost::none;
if (res.header.qdcount > 1 || res.header.ancount > MAX_ANS) {
return boost::none;
size_t offset = DnsHeader::SIZE;
if (res.header.qdcount == 1) {
res.question = DnsQuestion::decode(buffer, offset);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < res.header.rrcount(); i++) {
size_t dataoffset = 0;
auto rr = DnsResource::decode(buffer, offset, dataoffset);
if (!rr) {
return boost::none;
} else {
res.parse_rr(buffer, std::move(*rr), dataoffset);
return std::move(res);
void parse_rr(const std::vector<char> &buffer, DnsResource &&rr, size_t dataoffset)
switch (rr.type) {
case DnsRR_A::TAG: DnsRR_A::decode(this->rr_a, rr); break;
case DnsRR_AAAA::TAG: DnsRR_AAAA::decode(this->rr_aaaa, rr); break;
case DnsRR_SRV::TAG: {
auto srv = DnsRR_SRV::decode(buffer, rr, dataoffset);
if (srv) { this->sdmap.insert_srv(std::move(, std::move(*srv)); }
case DnsRR_TXT::TAG: {
auto txt = DnsRR_TXT::decode(rr);
if (txt) { this->sdmap.insert_txt(std::move(, std::move(*txt)); }
struct BonjourRequest
static const asio::ip::address_v4 MCAST_IP4;
static const uint16_t MCAST_PORT;
uint16_t id;
std::vector<char> data;
static optional<BonjourRequest> make(const std::string &service, const std::string &protocol);
BonjourRequest(uint16_t id, std::vector<char> &&data) :
const asio::ip::address_v4 BonjourRequest::MCAST_IP4{0xe00000fb};
const uint16_t BonjourRequest::MCAST_PORT = 5353;
optional<BonjourRequest> BonjourRequest::make(const std::string &service, const std::string &protocol)
if (service.size() > 15 || protocol.size() > 15) {
return boost::none;
std::random_device dev;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t> dist;
uint16_t id = dist(dev);
uint16_t id_big = endian::native_to_big(id);
const char *id_char = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&id_big);
std::vector<char> data;
data.reserve(service.size() + 18);
// Add the transaction ID
// Add metadata
static const unsigned char rq_meta[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
std::copy(rq_meta, rq_meta + sizeof(rq_meta), std::back_inserter(data));
// Add PTR query name
data.push_back(service.size() + 1);
data.insert(data.end(), service.begin(), service.end());
data.push_back(protocol.size() + 1);
data.insert(data.end(), protocol.begin(), protocol.end());
// Add the rest of PTR record
static const unsigned char ptr_tail[] = {
0x05, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0xff,
std::copy(ptr_tail, ptr_tail + sizeof(ptr_tail), std::back_inserter(data));
return BonjourRequest(id, std::move(data));
// API - private part
struct Bonjour::priv
const std::string service;
const std::string protocol;
const std::string service_dn;
unsigned timeout;
uint16_t rq_id;
std::vector<char> buffer;
std::thread io_thread;
Bonjour::ReplyFn replyfn;
Bonjour::CompleteFn completefn;
priv(std::string service, std::string protocol);
void udp_receive(udp::endpoint from, size_t bytes);
void lookup_perform();
Bonjour::priv::priv(std::string service, std::string protocol) :
service_dn((boost::format("_%1%._%2%.local") % this->service % this->protocol).str()),
void Bonjour::priv::udp_receive(udp::endpoint from, size_t bytes)
if (bytes == 0 || !replyfn) {
const auto dns_msg = DnsMessage::decode(buffer, rq_id);
if (dns_msg) {
asio::ip::address ip = from.address();
if (dns_msg->rr_a) { ip = dns_msg->rr_a->ip; }
else if (dns_msg->rr_aaaa) { ip = dns_msg->rr_aaaa->ip; }
for (const auto &sdpair : dns_msg->sdmap) {
if (! sdpair.second.srv) {
const auto &srv = *sdpair.second.srv;
BonjourReply reply(ip, sdpair.first, srv.hostname);
if (sdpair.second.txt) {
static const std::string tag_path = "path=";
static const std::string tag_version = "version=";
for (const auto &value : sdpair.second.txt->values) {
if (value.size() > tag_path.size() &&, tag_path.size(), tag_path) == 0) {
reply.path = value.substr(tag_path.size());
} else if (value.size() > tag_version.size() &&, tag_version.size(), tag_version) == 0) {
reply.version = value.substr(tag_version.size());
void Bonjour::priv::lookup_perform()
const auto brq = BonjourRequest::make(service, protocol);
if (!brq) {
auto self = this;
rq_id = brq->id;
try {
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
udp::socket socket(io_service);;
udp::endpoint mcast(BonjourRequest::MCAST_IP4, BonjourRequest::MCAST_PORT);
socket.send_to(asio::buffer(brq->data), mcast);
bool timeout = false;
asio::deadline_timer timer(io_service);
timer.async_wait([=, &timeout](const error_code &error) {
timeout = true;
if (self->completefn) {
udp::endpoint recv_from;
const auto recv_handler = [&](const error_code &error, size_t bytes) {
if (!error) { self->udp_receive(recv_from, bytes); }
socket.async_receive_from(asio::buffer(buffer, buffer.size()), recv_from, recv_handler);
while (io_service.run_one()) {
if (timeout) {
} else {
socket.async_receive_from(asio::buffer(buffer, buffer.size()), recv_from, recv_handler);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
// API - public part
BonjourReply::BonjourReply(boost::asio::ip::address ip, std::string service_name, std::string hostname) :
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BonjourReply &reply)
os << "BonjourReply(" << reply.ip.to_string() << ", " << reply.service_name << ", "
<< reply.hostname << ", " << reply.path << ", " << reply.version << ")";
return os;
Bonjour::Bonjour(std::string service, std::string protocol) :
p(new priv(std::move(service), std::move(protocol)))
Bonjour::Bonjour(Bonjour &&other) : p(std::move(other.p)) {}
if (p && p->io_thread.joinable()) {
Bonjour& Bonjour::set_timeout(unsigned timeout)
if (p) { p->timeout = timeout; }
return *this;
Bonjour& Bonjour::on_reply(ReplyFn fn)
if (p) { p->replyfn = std::move(fn); }
return *this;
Bonjour& Bonjour::on_complete(CompleteFn fn)
if (p) { p->completefn = std::move(fn); }
return *this;
Bonjour::Ptr Bonjour::lookup()
auto self = std::make_shared<Bonjour>(std::move(*this));
if (self->p) {
auto io_thread = std::thread([self](){
self->p->io_thread = std::move(io_thread);
return self;
void Bonjour::pokus() // XXX
auto bonjour = Bonjour("octoprint")
.on_reply([](BonjourReply &&reply) {
std::cerr << "BonjourReply: " << reply << std::endl;
std::cerr << "MDNS lookup complete" << std::endl;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#ifndef slic3r_Bonjour_hpp_
#define slic3r_Bonjour_hpp_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
// #include <ostream>
#include <boost/asio/ip/address.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
// TODO: reply data structure
struct BonjourReply
boost::asio::ip::address ip;
std::string service_name;
std::string hostname;
std::string path;
std::string version;
BonjourReply(boost::asio::ip::address ip, std::string service_name, std::string hostname);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const BonjourReply &);
/// Bonjour lookup performer
class Bonjour : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Bonjour> {
struct priv;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Bonjour> Ptr;
typedef std::function<void(BonjourReply &&reply)> ReplyFn;
typedef std::function<void()> CompleteFn;
Bonjour(std::string service, std::string protocol = "tcp");
Bonjour(Bonjour &&other);
Bonjour& set_timeout(unsigned timeout);
Bonjour& on_reply(ReplyFn fn);
Bonjour& on_complete(CompleteFn fn);
Ptr lookup();
static void pokus(); // XXX: remove
std::unique_ptr<priv> p;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
#include "Http.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "../../libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
namespace Slic3r {
// Private
class CurlGlobalInit
static const CurlGlobalInit instance;
CurlGlobalInit() { ::curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_DEFAULT); }
~CurlGlobalInit() { ::curl_global_cleanup(); }
struct Http::priv
enum {
DEFAULT_SIZE_LIMIT = 5 * 1024 * 1024,
::CURL *curl;
::curl_httppost *form;
::curl_httppost *form_end;
::curl_slist *headerlist;
std::string buffer;
size_t limit;
std::thread io_thread;
Http::CompleteFn completefn;
Http::ErrorFn errorfn;
priv(const std::string &url);
static size_t writecb(void *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp);
std::string body_size_error();
void http_perform();
Http::priv::priv(const std::string &url) :
if (curl == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Could not construct Curl object"));
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); // curl makes a copy internally
size_t Http::priv::writecb(void *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
auto self = static_cast<priv*>(userp);
const char *cdata = static_cast<char*>(data);
const size_t realsize = size * nmemb;
const size_t limit = self->limit > 0 ? self->limit : DEFAULT_SIZE_LIMIT;
if (self->buffer.size() + realsize > limit) {
// This makes curl_easy_perform return CURLE_WRITE_ERROR
return 0;
self->buffer.append(cdata, realsize);
return realsize;
std::string Http::priv::body_size_error()
return (boost::format("HTTP body data size exceeded limit (%1% bytes)") % limit).str();
void Http::priv::http_perform()
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L);
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writecb);
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, static_cast<void*>(this));
#ifndef NDEBUG
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
if (headerlist != nullptr) {
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headerlist);
if (form != nullptr) {
::curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, form);
CURLcode res = ::curl_easy_perform(curl);
long http_status = 0;
::curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_status);
if (res != CURLE_OK) {
std::string error;
if (res == CURLE_WRITE_ERROR) {
error = std::move(body_size_error());
} else {
error = ::curl_easy_strerror(res);
if (errorfn) {
errorfn(std::move(buffer), std::move(error), http_status);
} else {
if (completefn) {
completefn(std::move(buffer), http_status);
Http::Http(const std::string &url) : p(new priv(url)) {}
// Public
Http::Http(Http &&other) : p(std::move(other.p)) {}
if (p && p->io_thread.joinable()) {
Http& Http::size_limit(size_t sizeLimit)
if (p) { p->limit = sizeLimit; }
return *this;
Http& Http::header(std::string name, const std::string &value)
if (!p) { return * this; }
if (name.size() > 0) {
name.append(": ").append(value);
} else {
p->headerlist = curl_slist_append(p->headerlist, name.c_str());
return *this;
Http& Http::remove_header(std::string name)
if (p) {
p->headerlist = curl_slist_append(p->headerlist, name.c_str());
return *this;
Http& Http::ca_file(const std::string &name)
if (p) {
::curl_easy_setopt(p->curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, name.c_str());
return *this;
Http& Http::form_add(const std::string &name, const std::string &contents)
if (p) {
::curl_formadd(&p->form, &p->form_end,
CURLFORM_COPYNAME, name.c_str(),
CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, contents.c_str(),
return *this;
Http& Http::form_add_file(const std::string &name, const std::string &filename)
if (p) {
::curl_formadd(&p->form, &p->form_end,
CURLFORM_COPYNAME, name.c_str(),
CURLFORM_FILE, filename.c_str(),
CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, "application/octet-stream",
return *this;
Http& Http::on_complete(CompleteFn fn)
if (p) { p->completefn = std::move(fn); }
return *this;
Http& Http::on_error(ErrorFn fn)
if (p) { p->errorfn = std::move(fn); }
return *this;
Http::Ptr Http::perform()
auto self = std::make_shared<Http>(std::move(*this));
if (self->p) {
auto io_thread = std::thread([self](){
self->p->io_thread = std::move(io_thread);
return self;
void Http::perform_sync()
if (p) { p->http_perform(); }
Http Http::get(std::string url)
return std::move(Http{std::move(url)});
Http Http::post(std::string url)
Http http{std::move(url)};
curl_easy_setopt(http.p->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
return http;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#ifndef slic3r_Http_hpp_
#define slic3r_Http_hpp_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
namespace Slic3r {
/// Represetns a Http request
class Http : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Http> {
struct priv;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Http> Ptr;
typedef std::function<void(std::string /* body */, unsigned /* http_status */)> CompleteFn;
typedef std::function<void(std::string /* body */, std::string /* error */, unsigned /* http_status */)> ErrorFn;
Http(Http &&other);
static Http get(std::string url);
static Http post(std::string url);
Http(const Http &) = delete;
Http& operator=(const Http &) = delete;
Http& operator=(Http &&) = delete;
Http& size_limit(size_t sizeLimit);
Http& header(std::string name, const std::string &value);
Http& remove_header(std::string name);
Http& ca_file(const std::string &filename);
Http& form_add(const std::string &name, const std::string &contents);
Http& form_add_file(const std::string &name, const std::string &filename);
Http& on_complete(CompleteFn fn);
Http& on_error(ErrorFn fn);
Ptr perform();
void perform_sync();
Http(const std::string &url);
std::unique_ptr<priv> p;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#include "OctoPrint.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI.hpp"
#include "Http.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
OctoPrint::OctoPrint(DynamicPrintConfig *config) :
std::string OctoPrint::test() const
// Since the request is performed synchronously here,
// it is ok to refer to `res` from within the closure
std::string res;
auto http = Http::get(std::move(make_url("api/version")));
http.on_error([&](std::string, std::string error, unsigned status) {
res = format_error(error, status);
return res;
void OctoPrint::send_gcode(int windowId, int completeEvt, int errorEvt, const std::string &filename, bool print) const
auto http = Http::post(std::move(make_url("api/files/local")));
http.form_add("print", print ? "true" : "false")
.form_add_file("file", filename)
.on_complete([=](std::string body, unsigned status) {
wxWindow *window = GUI::get_widget_by_id(windowId);
wxCommandEvent* evt = new wxCommandEvent(completeEvt);
evt->SetString("G-code file successfully uploaded to the OctoPrint server");
wxQueueEvent(window, evt);
.on_error([=](std::string body, std::string error, unsigned status) {
wxWindow *window = GUI::get_widget_by_id(windowId);
wxCommandEvent* evt_complete = new wxCommandEvent(completeEvt);
wxQueueEvent(window, evt_complete);
wxCommandEvent* evt_error = new wxCommandEvent(errorEvt);
evt_error->SetString(wxString::Format("Error while uploading to the OctoPrint server: %s", format_error(error, status)));
wxQueueEvent(window, evt_error);
void OctoPrint::set_auth(Http &http) const
http.header("X-Api-Key", apikey);
if (! cafile.empty()) {
std::string OctoPrint::make_url(const std::string &path) const
if (host.find("http://") == 0 || host.find("https://") == 0) {
if (host.back() == '/') {
return std::move((boost::format("%1%%2%") % host % path).str());
} else {
return std::move((boost::format("%1%/%2%") % host % path).str());
} else {
return std::move((boost::format("http://%1%/%2%") % host % path).str());
std::string OctoPrint::format_error(std::string error, unsigned status)
if (status != 0) {
std::string res{"HTTP "};
if (status == 401) {
res.append(": Invalid API key");
return std::move(res);
} else {
return std::move(error);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#ifndef slic3r_OctoPrint_hpp_
#define slic3r_OctoPrint_hpp_
#include <string>
// #include "Http.hpp" // XXX: ?
namespace Slic3r {
class DynamicPrintConfig;
class Http;
class OctoPrint
OctoPrint(DynamicPrintConfig *config);
std::string test() const;
// XXX: style
void send_gcode(int windowId, int completeEvt, int errorEvt, const std::string &filename, bool print = false) const;
std::string host;
std::string apikey;
std::string cafile;
void set_auth(Http &http) const;
std::string make_url(const std::string &path) const;
static std::string format_error(std::string error, unsigned status);

View file

@ -59,6 +59,15 @@ extern "C" {
#undef seek
#undef send
#undef write
#undef open
#undef close
#undef seekdir
#undef setbuf
#undef fread
#undef fseek
#undef fputc
#undef fwrite
#undef fclose
#endif /* _MSC_VER */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include <xsinit.h>
#include "slic3r/Utils/OctoPrint.hpp"
%name{Slic3r::OctoPrint} class OctoPrint {
OctoPrint(DynamicPrintConfig *config);
std::string test() const;
void send_gcode(int windowId, int completeEvt, int errorEvt, std::string filename, bool print = false) const;

View file

@ -236,6 +236,10 @@ Ref<PresetHints> O_OBJECT_SLIC3R_T
Ref<OctoPrint> O_OBJECT_SLIC3R_T
Clone<OctoPrint> O_OBJECT_SLIC3R_T
Axis T_UV
ExtrusionLoopRole T_UV
ExtrusionRole T_UV