Implemented naming of the SLA export file based on the output file name
template. Reworked naming of the plater exports to not use the output file name template, but to derive the file name from the first printable object's name. Fixed error handling: Reimpemented the Perl's "eval" blocks as try / catch blocks.
This commit is contained in:
25 changed files with 474 additions and 344 deletions
@ -540,6 +540,15 @@ void Model::reset_auto_extruder_id()
s_auto_extruder_id = 1;
std::string Model::propose_export_file_name() const
for (const ModelObject *model_object : this->objects)
for (ModelInstance *model_instance : model_object->instances)
if (model_instance->is_printable())
return model_object->input_file;
return std::string();
@ -653,6 +653,9 @@ public:
static std::string get_auto_extruder_id_as_string(unsigned int max_extruders);
static void reset_auto_extruder_id();
// Propose an output file name based on the first printable object's name.
std::string propose_export_file_name() const;
@ -94,6 +94,36 @@ void PlaceholderParser::update_timestamp(DynamicConfig &config)
config.set_key_value("second", new ConfigOptionInt(timeinfo->tm_sec));
// Ignore this key by the placeholder parser.
static inline bool placeholder_parser_ignore(const ConfigDef *def, const std::string &opt_key)
const ConfigOptionDef *opt_def = def->get(opt_key);
assert(opt_def != nullptr);
return (opt_def->multiline && boost::ends_with(opt_key, "_gcode")) || opt_key == "post_process";
static inline bool opts_equal(const DynamicConfig &config_old, const DynamicConfig &config_new, const std::string &opt_key)
const ConfigOption *opt_old = config_old.option(opt_key);
const ConfigOption *opt_new = config_new.option(opt_key);
assert(opt_new != nullptr);
if (opt_old == nullptr)
return false;
return (opt_new->type() == coFloatOrPercent) ?
dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionFloat*>(opt_old)->value == config_new.get_abs_value(opt_key) :
*opt_new == *opt_old;
std::vector<std::string> PlaceholderParser::config_diff(const DynamicPrintConfig &rhs)
const ConfigDef *def = rhs.def();
std::vector<std::string> diff_keys;
for (const t_config_option_key &opt_key : rhs.keys())
if (! placeholder_parser_ignore(def, opt_key) && ! opts_equal(m_config, rhs, opt_key))
return diff_keys;
// Scalar configuration values are stored into m_single,
// vector configuration values are stored into m_multiple.
// All vector configuration values stored into the PlaceholderParser
@ -105,28 +135,39 @@ bool PlaceholderParser::apply_config(const DynamicPrintConfig &rhs)
const ConfigDef *def = rhs.def();
bool modified = false;
for (const t_config_option_key &opt_key : rhs.keys()) {
const ConfigOptionDef *opt_def = def->get(opt_key);
if ((opt_def->multiline && boost::ends_with(opt_key, "_gcode")) || opt_key == "post_process")
if (placeholder_parser_ignore(def, opt_key))
const ConfigOption *opt_rhs = rhs.option(opt_key);
const ConfigOption *opt_old = m_config.option(opt_key, false);
if (opt_old != nullptr) {
if (opt_rhs->type() == coFloatOrPercent ?
dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionFloat*>(opt_old)->value == rhs.get_abs_value(opt_key)
: *opt_rhs == *opt_old)
// no need to update
if (! opts_equal(m_config, rhs, opt_key)) {
// Store a copy of the config option.
// Convert FloatOrPercent values to floats first.
//FIXME there are some ratio_over chains, which end with empty ratio_with.
// For example, XXX_extrusion_width parameters are not handled by get_abs_value correctly.
const ConfigOption *opt_rhs = rhs.option(opt_key);
this->set(opt_key, (opt_rhs->type() == coFloatOrPercent) ?
new ConfigOptionFloat(rhs.get_abs_value(opt_key)) :
modified = true;
return modified;
void PlaceholderParser::apply_only(const DynamicPrintConfig &rhs, const std::vector<std::string> &keys)
#ifdef _DEBUG
const ConfigDef *def = rhs.def();
#endif /* _DEBUG */
for (const t_config_option_key &opt_key : keys) {
assert(! placeholder_parser_ignore(def, opt_key));
// Store a copy of the config option.
// Convert FloatOrPercent values to floats first.
//FIXME there are some ratio_over chains, which end with empty ratio_with.
// For example, XXX_extrusion_width parameters are not handled by get_abs_value correctly.
const ConfigOption *opt_rhs = rhs.option(opt_key);
this->set(opt_key, (opt_rhs->type() == coFloatOrPercent) ?
new ConfigOptionFloat(rhs.get_abs_value(opt_key)) :
modified = true;
return modified;
void PlaceholderParser::apply_env_variables()
@ -14,8 +14,14 @@ class PlaceholderParser
// Return a list of keys, which should be changed in m_config from rhs.
// This contains keys, which are found in rhs, but not in m_config.
std::vector<std::string> config_diff(const DynamicPrintConfig &rhs);
// Return true if modified.
bool apply_config(const DynamicPrintConfig &config);
// To be called on the values returned by PlaceholderParser::config_diff().
// The keys should already be valid.
void apply_only(const DynamicPrintConfig &config, const std::vector<std::string> &keys);
void apply_env_variables();
// Add new ConfigOption values to m_config.
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ bool Print::apply_config(DynamicPrintConfig config)
// apply variables to placeholder parser
// handle changes to print config
t_config_option_keys print_diff = m_config.diff(config);
@ -683,6 +683,7 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
t_config_option_keys print_diff = m_config.diff(config);
t_config_option_keys object_diff = m_default_object_config.diff(config);
t_config_option_keys region_diff = m_default_region_config.diff(config);
t_config_option_keys placeholder_parser_diff = this->placeholder_parser().config_diff(config);
// Do not use the ApplyStatus as we will use the max function when updating apply_status.
unsigned int apply_status = APPLY_STATUS_UNCHANGED;
@ -699,8 +700,15 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
// Apply variables to placeholder parser. The placeholder parser is used by G-code export,
// which should be stopped if print_diff is not empty.
if (m_placeholder_parser.apply_config(config))
if (! placeholder_parser_diff.empty()) {
PlaceholderParser &pp = this->placeholder_parser();
pp.apply_only(config, placeholder_parser_diff);
// Set the profile aliases for the PrintBase::output_filename()
pp.set("print_preset", config_in.option("print_settings_id" )->clone());
pp.set("filament_preset", config_in.option("filament_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("printer_preset", config_in.option("printer_settings_id" )->clone());
// It is also safe to change m_config now after this->invalidate_state_by_config_options() call.
m_config.apply_only(config, print_diff, true);
@ -1113,6 +1121,7 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
if (! object->layer_height_profile_valid)
//FIXME there may be a race condition with the G-code export running at the background thread.
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -1122,33 +1131,6 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &co
return static_cast<ApplyStatus>(apply_status);
// Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current m_objects.
void Print::update_object_placeholders()
// get the first input file name
std::string input_file;
std::vector<std::string> v_scale;
for (const PrintObject *object : m_objects) {
const ModelObject &mobj = *object->model_object();
// CHECK_ME -> Is the following correct ?
v_scale.push_back("x:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mobj.instances[0]->get_scaling_factor(X) * 100) +
"% y:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mobj.instances[0]->get_scaling_factor(Y) * 100) +
"% z:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mobj.instances[0]->get_scaling_factor(Z) * 100) + "%");
if (input_file.empty())
input_file = mobj.input_file;
PlaceholderParser &pp = m_placeholder_parser;
pp.set("scale", v_scale);
if (! input_file.empty()) {
// get basename with and without suffix
const std::string input_basename = boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string();
pp.set("input_filename", input_basename);
const std::string input_basename_base = input_basename.substr(0, input_basename.find_last_of("."));
pp.set("input_filename_base", input_basename_base);
bool Print::has_infinite_skirt() const
return (m_config.skirt_height == -1 && m_config.skirts > 0)
@ -1851,60 +1833,6 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
m_wipe_tower_data.number_of_toolchanges = wipe_tower.get_number_of_toolchanges();
std::string Print::output_filename() const
DynamicConfig cfg_timestamp;
try {
return this->placeholder_parser().process(m_config.output_filename_format.value, 0, &cfg_timestamp);
} catch (std::runtime_error &err) {
throw std::runtime_error(L("Failed processing of the output_filename_format template.") + "\n" + err.what());
std::string Print::output_filepath(const std::string &path) const
// if we were supplied no path, generate an automatic one based on our first object's input file
if (path.empty()) {
// get the first input file name
std::string input_file;
for (const PrintObject *object : m_objects) {
input_file = object->model_object()->input_file;
if (! input_file.empty())
return (boost::filesystem::path(input_file).parent_path() / this->output_filename()).make_preferred().string();
// if we were supplied a directory, use it and append our automatically generated filename
boost::filesystem::path p(path);
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(p))
return (p / this->output_filename()).make_preferred().string();
// if we were supplied a file which is not a directory, use it
return path;
void Print::export_png(const std::string &dirpath)
// size_t idx = 0;
// for (PrintObject *obj : m_objects) {
// obj->slice();
// this->set_status(int(floor(idx * 100. / m_objects.size() + 0.5)), "Slicing...");
// ++ idx;
// }
// this->set_status(90, "Exporting zipped archive...");
// print_to<FilePrinterFormat::PNG>(*this,
// dirpath,
// float(m_config.bed_size_x.value),
// float(m_config.bed_size_y.value),
// int(m_config.pixel_width.value),
// int(m_config.pixel_height.value),
// float(m_config.exp_time.value),
// float(m_config.exp_time_first.value));
// this->set_status(100, "Done.");
// Returns extruder this eec should be printed with, according to PrintRegion config
int Print::get_extruder(const ExtrusionEntityCollection& fill, const PrintRegion ®ion)
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Layer.hpp"
#include "Model.hpp"
#include "PlaceholderParser.hpp"
#include "Slicing.hpp"
#include "GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp"
#include "GCode/WipeTower.hpp"
@ -296,8 +295,6 @@ public:
void process() override;
void export_gcode(const std::string &path_template, GCodePreviewData *preview_data);
// SLA export, temporary.
void export_png(const std::string &dirpath);
// methods for handling state
bool is_step_done(PrintStep step) const { return Inherited::is_step_done(step); }
@ -330,8 +327,6 @@ public:
PrintObject* get_object(size_t idx) { return m_objects[idx]; }
const PrintObject* get_object(size_t idx) const { return m_objects[idx]; }
const PrintRegionPtrs& regions() const { return m_regions; }
const PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() const { return m_placeholder_parser; }
PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() { return m_placeholder_parser; }
// How many of PrintObject::copies() over all print objects are there?
// If zero, then the print is empty and the print shall not be executed.
unsigned int num_object_instances() const;
@ -348,8 +343,8 @@ public:
bool has_wipe_tower() const;
const WipeTowerData& wipe_tower_data() const { return m_wipe_tower_data; }
std::string output_filename() const;
std::string output_filepath(const std::string &path) const;
std::string output_filename() const override
{ return this->PrintBase::output_filename(m_config.output_filename_format.value, "gcode"); }
// Accessed by SupportMaterial
const PrintRegion* get_region(size_t idx) const { return m_regions[idx]; }
@ -364,9 +359,6 @@ protected:
bool invalidate_step(PrintStep step);
// Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current m_objects.
void update_object_placeholders();
bool invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector<t_config_option_key> &opt_keys);
void _make_skirt();
@ -382,7 +374,6 @@ private:
PrintRegionConfig m_default_region_config;
PrintObjectPtrs m_objects;
PrintRegionPtrs m_regions;
PlaceholderParser m_placeholder_parser;
// Ordered collections of extrusion paths to build skirt loops and brim.
ExtrusionEntityCollection m_skirt;
@ -1,10 +1,91 @@
#include "PrintBase.hpp"
#include "I18N.hpp"
//! macro used to mark string used at localization,
//! return same string
#define L(s) Slic3r::I18N::translate(s)
namespace Slic3r
size_t PrintStateBase::g_last_timestamp = 0;
// Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current m_objects.
void PrintBase::update_object_placeholders()
// get the first input file name
std::string input_file;
std::vector<std::string> v_scale;
for (const ModelObject *model_object : m_model.objects) {
ModelInstance *printable = nullptr;
for (ModelInstance *model_instance : model_object->instances)
if (model_instance->is_printable()) {
printable = model_instance;
if (printable) {
// CHECK_ME -> Is the following correct ?
v_scale.push_back("x:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(X) * 100) +
"% y:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(Y) * 100) +
"% z:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(Z) * 100) + "%");
if (input_file.empty())
input_file = model_object->input_file;
PlaceholderParser &pp = m_placeholder_parser;
pp.set("scale", v_scale);
if (! input_file.empty()) {
// get basename with and without suffix
const std::string input_basename = boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string();
pp.set("input_filename", input_basename);
const std::string input_basename_base = input_basename.substr(0, input_basename.find_last_of("."));
pp.set("input_filename_base", input_basename_base);
std::string PrintBase::output_filename(const std::string &format, const std::string &default_ext) const
DynamicConfig cfg_timestamp;
try {
boost::filesystem::path filename = this->placeholder_parser().process(format, 0, &cfg_timestamp);
if (filename.extension().empty())
filename = boost::filesystem::change_extension(filename, default_ext);
return filename.string();
} catch (std::runtime_error &err) {
throw std::runtime_error(L("Failed processing of the output_filename_format template.") + "\n" + err.what());
std::string PrintBase::output_filepath(const std::string &path) const
// if we were supplied no path, generate an automatic one based on our first object's input file
if (path.empty()) {
// get the first input file name
std::string input_file;
for (const ModelObject *model_object : m_model.objects) {
for (ModelInstance *model_instance : model_object->instances)
if (model_instance->is_printable()) {
input_file = model_object->input_file;
if (! input_file.empty())
return (boost::filesystem::path(input_file).parent_path() / this->output_filename()).make_preferred().string();
// if we were supplied a directory, use it and append our automatically generated filename
boost::filesystem::path p(path);
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(p))
return (p / this->output_filename()).make_preferred().string();
// if we were supplied a file which is not a directory, use it
return path;
tbb::mutex& PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(PrintBase *print)
return print->state_mutex();
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "tbb/mutex.h"
#include "Model.hpp"
#include "PlaceholderParser.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ public:
// Various methods will call this callback to stop the background processing (the Print::process() call)
// in case a successive change of the Print / PrintObject / PrintRegion instances changed
// the state of the finished or running calculations.
void set_cancel_callback(cancel_callback_type cancel_callback) { m_cancel_callback = cancel_callback; }
void set_cancel_callback(cancel_callback_type cancel_callback) { m_cancel_callback = cancel_callback; }
// Has the calculation been canceled?
enum CancelStatus {
// No cancelation, background processing should run.
@ -276,14 +277,20 @@ public:
// Canceled internally from Print::apply() through the Print/PrintObject::invalidate_step() or ::invalidate_all_steps().
CancelStatus cancel_status() const { return m_cancel_status; }
CancelStatus cancel_status() const { return m_cancel_status; }
// Has the calculation been canceled?
bool canceled() const { return m_cancel_status != NOT_CANCELED; }
bool canceled() const { return m_cancel_status != NOT_CANCELED; }
// Cancel the running computation. Stop execution of all the background threads.
void cancel() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_BY_USER; }
void cancel_internal() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_INTERNAL; }
void cancel() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_BY_USER; }
void cancel_internal() { m_cancel_status = CANCELED_INTERNAL; }
// Cancel the running computation. Stop execution of all the background threads.
void restart() { m_cancel_status = NOT_CANCELED; }
void restart() { m_cancel_status = NOT_CANCELED; }
const PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() const { return m_placeholder_parser; }
PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() { return m_placeholder_parser; }
virtual std::string output_filename() const = 0;
std::string output_filepath(const std::string &path) const;
friend class PrintObjectBase;
@ -297,6 +304,11 @@ protected:
// To be called by the worker thread and its sub-threads (mostly launched on the TBB thread pool) regularly.
void throw_if_canceled() const { if (m_cancel_status) throw CanceledException(); }
// To be called by this->output_filename() with the format string pulled from the configuration layer.
std::string output_filename(const std::string &format, const std::string &default_ext) const;
// Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current printable ModelObjects.
void update_object_placeholders();
Model m_model;
@ -311,6 +323,8 @@ private:
// The mutex will be used to guard the worker thread against entering a stage
// while the data influencing the stage is modified.
mutable tbb::mutex m_state_mutex;
PlaceholderParser m_placeholder_parser;
template<typename PrintStepEnum, const size_t COUNT>
@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ void PrintConfigDef::init_fff_params()
def->cli = "output-filename-format=s";
def->full_width = true;
def->mode = comExpert;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("[input_filename_base].gcode");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("[input_filename_base]");
def = this->add("overhangs", coBool);
def->label = L("Detect bridging perimeters");
@ -2925,6 +2925,7 @@ StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::HostConfig> HostConfig::s_ca
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::FullPrintConfig> FullPrintConfig::s_cache_FullPrintConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::SLAMaterialConfig> SLAMaterialConfig::s_cache_SLAMaterialConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::SLAPrintConfig> SLAPrintConfig::s_cache_SLAPrintConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::SLAPrintObjectConfig> SLAPrintObjectConfig::s_cache_SLAPrintObjectConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::SLAPrinterConfig> SLAPrinterConfig::s_cache_SLAPrinterConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::SLAFullPrintConfig> SLAFullPrintConfig::s_cache_SLAFullPrintConfig;
@ -898,6 +898,20 @@ protected:
// This object is mapped to Perl as Slic3r::Config::PrintRegion.
class SLAPrintConfig : public StaticPrintConfig
ConfigOptionString output_filename_format;
void initialize(StaticCacheBase &cache, const char *base_ptr)
class SLAPrintObjectConfig : public StaticPrintConfig
@ -1028,10 +1042,10 @@ protected:
class SLAFullPrintConfig : public SLAPrinterConfig, public SLAPrintObjectConfig, public SLAMaterialConfig
class SLAFullPrintConfig : public SLAPrinterConfig, public SLAPrintConfig, public SLAPrintObjectConfig, public SLAMaterialConfig
SLAFullPrintConfig() : SLAPrinterConfig(0), SLAPrintObjectConfig(0), SLAMaterialConfig(0) { initialize_cache(); *this = s_cache_SLAFullPrintConfig.defaults(); }
SLAFullPrintConfig() : SLAPrinterConfig(0), SLAPrintConfig(0), SLAPrintObjectConfig(0), SLAMaterialConfig(0) { initialize_cache(); *this = s_cache_SLAFullPrintConfig.defaults(); }
// Validate the SLAFullPrintConfig. Returns an empty string on success, otherwise an error message is returned.
@ -1039,10 +1053,11 @@ public:
// Protected constructor to be called to initialize ConfigCache::m_default.
SLAFullPrintConfig(int) : SLAPrinterConfig(0), SLAPrintObjectConfig(0), SLAMaterialConfig(0) {}
SLAFullPrintConfig(int) : SLAPrinterConfig(0), SLAPrintConfig(0), SLAPrintObjectConfig(0), SLAMaterialConfig(0) {}
void initialize(StaticCacheBase &cache, const char *base_ptr)
this->SLAPrinterConfig ::initialize(cache, base_ptr);
this->SLAPrintConfig ::initialize(cache, base_ptr);
this->SLAPrintObjectConfig::initialize(cache, base_ptr);
this->SLAMaterialConfig ::initialize(cache, base_ptr);
@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ static std::vector<SLAPrintObject::Instance> sla_instances(const ModelObject &mo
return instances;
SLAPrint::ApplyStatus SLAPrint::apply(const Model &model,
const DynamicPrintConfig &config_in)
SLAPrint::ApplyStatus SLAPrint::apply(const Model &model, const DynamicPrintConfig &config_in)
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -118,27 +117,44 @@ SLAPrint::ApplyStatus SLAPrint::apply(const Model &model,
DynamicPrintConfig config(config_in);
// Collect changes to print config.
t_config_option_keys print_diff = m_print_config.diff(config);
t_config_option_keys printer_diff = m_printer_config.diff(config);
t_config_option_keys material_diff = m_material_config.diff(config);
t_config_option_keys object_diff = m_default_object_config.diff(config);
t_config_option_keys placeholder_parser_diff = this->placeholder_parser().config_diff(config);
// Do not use the ApplyStatus as we will use the max function when updating apply_status.
unsigned int apply_status = APPLY_STATUS_UNCHANGED;
auto update_apply_status = [&apply_status](bool invalidated)
{ apply_status = std::max<unsigned int>(apply_status, invalidated ? APPLY_STATUS_INVALIDATED : APPLY_STATUS_CHANGED); };
if (! (printer_diff.empty() && material_diff.empty() && object_diff.empty()))
if (! (print_diff.empty() && printer_diff.empty() && material_diff.empty() && object_diff.empty()))
// Grab the lock for the Print / PrintObject milestones.
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->state_mutex());
// The following call may stop the background processing.
if (! print_diff.empty())
if (! printer_diff.empty())
if (! material_diff.empty())
// Apply variables to placeholder parser. The placeholder parser is currently used
// only to generate the output file name.
if (! placeholder_parser_diff.empty()) {
// update_apply_status(this->invalidate_step(slapsRasterize));
PlaceholderParser &pp = this->placeholder_parser();
// Set the profile aliases for the PrintBase::output_filename()
pp.set("print_preset", config_in.option("sla_print_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("material_preset", config_in.option("sla_material_settings_id")->clone());
pp.set("printer_preset", config_in.option("printer_settings_id")->clone());
// It is also safe to change m_config now after this->invalidate_state_by_config_options() call.
m_print_config.apply_only(config, print_diff, true);
m_printer_config.apply_only(config, printer_diff, true);
// Handle changes to material config.
m_material_config.apply_only(config, material_diff, true);
@ -368,6 +384,8 @@ SLAPrint::ApplyStatus SLAPrint::apply(const Model &model,
#ifdef _DEBUG
check_model_ids_equal(m_model, model);
#endif /* _DEBUG */
@ -874,6 +892,7 @@ bool SLAPrint::invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector<t_config_opt
std::vector<SLAPrintStep> steps;
@ -927,7 +946,9 @@ bool SLAPrintObject::invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector<t_conf
std::vector<SLAPrintObjectStep> steps;
bool invalidated = false;
for (const t_config_option_key &opt_key : opt_keys) {
if ( opt_key == "supports_enable"
if (opt_key == "layer_height") {
} else if (opt_key == "supports_enable"
|| opt_key == "support_head_front_diameter"
|| opt_key == "support_head_penetration"
|| opt_key == "support_head_width"
@ -191,6 +191,9 @@ public:
const PrintObjects& objects() const { return m_objects; }
std::string output_filename() const override
{ return this->PrintBase::output_filename(m_print_config.output_filename_format.value, "zip"); }
using SLAPrinter = FilePrinter<FilePrinterFormat::SLA_PNGZIP>;
using SLAPrinterPtr = std::unique_ptr<SLAPrinter>;
@ -198,6 +201,7 @@ private:
// Invalidate steps based on a set of parameters changed.
bool invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector<t_config_option_key> &opt_keys);
SLAPrintConfig m_print_config;
SLAPrinterConfig m_printer_config;
SLAMaterialConfig m_material_config;
SLAPrintObjectConfig m_default_object_config;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (outfile.empty())
outfile = model.objects.front()->input_file + ".gcode";
outfile = model.propose_export_file_name() + ".gcode";
for (auto* mo : model.objects)
@ -402,6 +402,8 @@ const Transform3f& GLVolume::world_matrix() const
const BoundingBoxf3& GLVolume::transformed_bounding_box() const
assert(bounding_box.defined || bounding_box.min(0) >= bounding_box.max(0) || bounding_box.min(1) >= bounding_box.max(1) || bounding_box.min(2) >= bounding_box.max(2));
if (m_transformed_bounding_box_dirty)
@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ BackgroundSlicingProcess::~BackgroundSlicingProcess()
void BackgroundSlicingProcess::select_technology(PrinterTechnology tech)
bool BackgroundSlicingProcess::select_technology(PrinterTechnology tech)
bool changed = false;
if (m_print == nullptr || m_print->technology() != tech) {
if (m_print != nullptr)
@ -49,8 +50,10 @@ void BackgroundSlicingProcess::select_technology(PrinterTechnology tech)
case ptFFF: m_print = m_fff_print; break;
case ptSLA: m_print = m_sla_print; break;
changed = true;
assert(m_print != nullptr);
return changed;
PrinterTechnology BackgroundSlicingProcess::current_printer_technology() const
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ public:
void set_finished_event(int event_id) { m_event_finished_id = event_id; }
// Activate either m_fff_print or m_sla_print.
void select_technology(PrinterTechnology tech);
// Return true if changed.
bool select_technology(PrinterTechnology tech);
// Get the currently active printer technology.
PrinterTechnology current_printer_technology() const;
@ -88,16 +88,18 @@ bool GUI_App::OnInit()
// just checking for existence of Slic3r::data_dir is not enough : it may be an empty directory
// supplied as argument to --datadir; in that case we should still run the wizard
// eval{
// };
// if ($@) {
// warn $@ . "\n";
// fatal_error(undef, $@);
// }
try {
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(nullptr, ex.what());
// Exit the application.
return false;
app_conf_exists = app_config->exists();
// load settings
if (app_conf_exists) app_config->load();
if (app_conf_exists)
app_config->set("version", SLIC3R_VERSION);
@ -109,9 +111,8 @@ bool GUI_App::OnInit()
preset_bundle->set_default_suppressed(app_config->get("no_defaults") == "1");
try {
} catch (const std::exception & /* ex */) {
// warn $@ . "\n";
// show_error(undef, $@);
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(nullptr, ex.what());
// Let the libslic3r know the callback, which will translate messages on demand.
@ -168,14 +169,13 @@ bool GUI_App::OnInit()
// are shown before or in the same event callback with the main frame creation.
// Therefore we schedule them for later using CallAfter.
CallAfter([this]() {
// eval{
if (!preset_updater->config_update())
try {
if (!preset_updater->config_update())
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(nullptr, ex.what());
// };
// if ($@) {
// show_error(undef, $@);
// mainframe->Close();
// }
CallAfter([this]() {
@ -675,6 +675,7 @@ void GUI_App::delete_tab_from_list(Tab* tab)
void GUI_App::load_current_presets()
PrinterTechnology printer_technology = preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology();
for (Tab *tab : tabs_list)
if (tab->supports_printer_technology(printer_technology)) {
if (tab->name() == "printer")
@ -681,10 +681,9 @@ void MainFrame::load_config_file(wxString file/* = wxEmptyString*/)
try {
} catch (std::exception & /* ex */) {
// Dont proceed further if the config file cannot be loaded.
// if (Slic3r::GUI::catch_error(this))
// return;
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(this, ex.what());
@ -696,9 +695,9 @@ void MainFrame::export_configbundle()
if (!wxGetApp().check_unsaved_changes())
// validate current configuration in case it's dirty
auto valid = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config().validate();
if (!valid.empty()) {
// Slic3r::GUI::catch_error(this);
auto err = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config().validate();
if (! err.empty()) {
show_error(this, err);
// Ask user for a file name.
@ -715,8 +714,8 @@ void MainFrame::export_configbundle()
try {
} catch (std::exception & /* ex */) {
// Slic3r::GUI::catch_error(this);
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(this, ex.what());
@ -742,9 +741,10 @@ void MainFrame::load_configbundle(wxString file/* = wxEmptyString, const bool re
auto presets_imported = 0;
try {
presets_imported = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_configbundle(file.ToStdString());
} catch (std::exception & /* ex */) {
// Slic3r::GUI::catch_error(this) and return;
presets_imported = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_configbundle(file.ToStdString());
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(this, ex.what());
// Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box.
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ void Sidebar::show_sliced_info_sizer(const bool show)
if (show) {
const PrintStatistics& ps = p->plater->print().print_statistics();
const PrintStatistics& ps = p->plater->fff_print().print_statistics();
const bool is_wipe_tower = ps.total_wipe_tower_filament > 0;
wxString new_label = _(L("Used Filament (m)"));
@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ void Sidebar::show_sliced_info_sizer(const bool show)
// if there is a wipe tower, insert number of toolchanges info into the array:
p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siWTNumbetOfToolchanges, is_wipe_tower ? wxString::Format("%.d", p->plater->print().wipe_tower_data().number_of_toolchanges) : "N/A");
p->sliced_info->SetTextAndShow(siWTNumbetOfToolchanges, is_wipe_tower ? wxString::Format("%.d", p->plater->fff_print().wipe_tower_data().number_of_toolchanges) : "N/A");
@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ struct Plater::priv
// Data
Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig *config;
Slic3r::Print print;
Slic3r::Print fff_print;
Slic3r::SLAPrint sla_print;
Slic3r::Model model;
PrinterTechnology printer_technology = ptFFF;
@ -973,6 +973,8 @@ struct Plater::priv
void sla_optimize_rotation();
void split_object();
void split_volume();
bool background_processing_enabled() const { return this->get_config("background_processing") == "1"; }
void update_print_volume_state();
void schedule_background_process();
// Update background processing thread from the current config and Model.
enum UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState {
@ -1061,7 +1063,7 @@ Plater::priv::priv(Plater *q, MainFrame *main_frame)
@ -1073,7 +1075,7 @@ Plater::priv::priv(Plater *q, MainFrame *main_frame)
auto statuscb = [this](const Slic3r::PrintBase::SlicingStatus &status) {
wxQueueEvent(this->q, new Slic3r::SlicingStatusEvent(EVT_SLICING_UPDATE, 0, status));
this->q->Bind(EVT_SLICING_UPDATE, &priv::on_slicing_update, this);
@ -1323,8 +1325,7 @@ std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path> &input_
if (obj->name.empty())
obj->name = fs::path(obj->input_file).filename().string();
catch (const std::runtime_error &e) {
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
GUI::show_error(q, e.what());
@ -1480,13 +1481,15 @@ std::unique_ptr<CheckboxFileDialog> Plater::priv::get_export_file(GUI::FileType
case FT_GCODE:
wildcard = file_wildcards[file_type];
wildcard = file_wildcards[FT_MODEL];
fs::path output_file(print.output_filepath(std::string()));
// Update printbility state of each of the ModelInstances.
// Find the file name of the first printable object.
fs::path output_file = this->model.propose_export_file_name();
switch (file_type) {
case FT_STL: output_file.replace_extension("stl"); break;
@ -1495,8 +1498,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<CheckboxFileDialog> Plater::priv::get_export_file(GUI::FileType
default: break;
auto dlg = Slic3r::make_unique<CheckboxFileDialog>(q,
((file_type == FT_AMF) || (file_type == FT_3MF)) ? _(L("Export print config")) : "",
@ -1809,6 +1810,15 @@ void Plater::priv::schedule_background_process()
this->background_process_timer.Start(500, wxTIMER_ONE_SHOT);
void Plater::priv::update_print_volume_state()
BoundingBox bed_box_2D = get_extents(Polygon::new_scale(this->config->opt<ConfigOptionPoints>("bed_shape")->values));
BoundingBoxf3 print_volume(unscale(bed_box_2D.min(0), bed_box_2D.min(1), 0.0), unscale(bed_box_2D.max(0), bed_box_2D.max(1), scale_(this->config->opt_float("max_print_height"))));
// Allow the objects to protrude below the print bed, only the part of the object above the print bed will be sliced.
print_volume.min(2) = -1e10;
// Update background processing thread from the current config and Model.
// Returns a bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState.
unsigned int Plater::priv::update_background_process()
@ -1819,16 +1829,10 @@ unsigned int Plater::priv::update_background_process()
// If the async_apply_config() was not called by the timer, kill the timer, so the async_apply_config()
// will not be called again in vain.
DynamicPrintConfig config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config();
BoundingBox bed_box_2D = get_extents(Polygon::new_scale(config.opt<ConfigOptionPoints>("bed_shape")->values));
BoundingBoxf3 print_volume(unscale(bed_box_2D.min(0), bed_box_2D.min(1), 0.0), unscale(bed_box_2D.max(0), bed_box_2D.max(1), scale_(config.opt_float("max_print_height"))));
// Allow the objects to protrude below the print bed, only the part of the object above the print bed will be sliced.
print_volume.min(2) = -1e10;
// Update the "out of print bed" state of ModelInstances.
// Apply new config to the possibly running background task.
Print::ApplyStatus invalidated = this->background_process.apply(this->q->model(), std::move(config));
Print::ApplyStatus invalidated = this->background_process.apply(this->q->model(), wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config());
// Just redraw the 3D canvas without reloading the scene to consume the update of the layer height profile.
if (this->canvas3D->is_layers_editing_enabled())
@ -1880,7 +1884,7 @@ void Plater::priv::async_apply_config()
unsigned int state = this->update_background_process();
if ((state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_RESTART) != 0 && this->get_config("background_processing") == "1") {
if ((state & UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_RESTART) != 0 && this->background_processing_enabled()) {
// The print is valid and it can be started.
if (this->background_process.start())
this->statusbar()->set_cancel_callback([this]() {
@ -1918,7 +1922,7 @@ void Plater::priv::fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx)
const auto model_object = model.objects[obj_idx];
Model model_fixed;// = new Model();
fix_model_by_win10_sdk_gui(*model_object, print, model_fixed);
fix_model_by_win10_sdk_gui(*model_object, this->fff_print, model_fixed);
auto new_obj_idxs = load_model_objects(model_fixed.objects);
if (new_obj_idxs.empty())
@ -2235,7 +2239,8 @@ bool Plater::priv::init_object_menu()
item_sla_autorot = append_menu_item(&object_menu, wxID_ANY, _(L("Optimize orientation")), _(L("Optimize the rotation of the object for better print results.")),
[this](wxCommandEvent&) { sla_optimize_rotation(); });
if(printer_technology == ptFFF) item_sla_autorot = object_menu.Remove(item_sla_autorot);
if (printer_technology == ptFFF)
item_sla_autorot = object_menu.Remove(item_sla_autorot);
// ui updates needs to be binded to the parent panel
if (q != nullptr)
@ -2318,9 +2323,12 @@ Plater::~Plater()
p->canvas3D = nullptr;
Sidebar& Plater::sidebar() { return *p->sidebar; }
Model& Plater::model() { return p->model; }
Print& Plater::print() { return p->print; }
Sidebar& Plater::sidebar() { return *p->sidebar; }
Model& Plater::model() { return p->model; }
const Print& Plater::fff_print() const { return p->fff_print; }
Print& Plater::fff_print() { return p->fff_print; }
const SLAPrint& Plater::sla_print() const { return p->sla_print; }
SLAPrint& Plater::sla_print() { return p->sla_print; }
void Plater::load_project()
@ -2509,53 +2517,33 @@ void Plater::export_gcode(fs::path output_path)
std::string err = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config().validate();
if (err.empty())
err = p->background_process.validate();
if (! err.empty()) {
// The config is not valid
GUI::show_error(this, _(err));
// bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState
unsigned int state = this->p->update_background_process();
std::string final_path;
if(printer_technology() == ptFFF) { // TODO: custom button for SLA export
// select output file
if (output_path.empty()) {
// XXX: take output path from CLI opts? Ancient Slic3r versions used to do that...
// Copy the names of active presets into the placeholder parser.
// select output file
if (output_path.empty()) {
// XXX: take output path from CLI opts? Ancient Slic3r versions used to do that...
// If possible, remove accents from accented latin characters.
// This function is useful for generating file names to be processed by legacy firmwares.
auto default_output_file = fs::path(Slic3r::fold_utf8_to_ascii(
// FIXME: ^ errors to handle?
auto start_dir = wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_output_dir(default_output_file.parent_path().string());
wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Save G-code file as:")),
if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
fs::path path(dlg.GetPath());
output_path = path;
// If possible, remove accents from accented latin characters.
// This function is useful for generating file names to be processed by legacy firmwares.
fs::path default_output_file;
try {
default_output_file = this->p->background_process.current_print()->output_filepath(output_path.string());
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(this, ex.what());
default_output_file = fs::path(Slic3r::fold_utf8_to_ascii(default_output_file.string()));
auto start_dir = wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_output_dir(default_output_file.parent_path().string());
final_path = p->print.output_filepath(output_path.string());
} else {
wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Save Zip file as:")),
wxFileDialog dlg(this, (printer_technology() == ptFFF) ? _(L("Save G-code file as:")) : _(L("Save Zip file as:")),
GUI::file_wildcards[(printer_technology() == ptFFF) ? FT_GCODE : FT_PNGZIP],
@ -2564,13 +2552,25 @@ void Plater::export_gcode(fs::path output_path)
output_path = path;
final_path = output_path.string();
} else {
try {
output_path = this->p->background_process.current_print()->output_filepath(output_path.string());
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
show_error(this, ex.what());
if (! output_path.empty()) {
if (! output_path.empty())
if ((! output_path.empty() || this->p->background_processing_enabled()) && ! this->p->background_process.running()) {
// The print is valid and it should be started.
if (this->p->background_process.start())
this->p->statusbar()->set_cancel_callback([this]() {
@ -2660,11 +2660,8 @@ void Plater::reslice()
unsigned int state = this->p->update_background_process();
if ((state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) == 0 && !this->p->background_process.running()) {
if ((state & priv::UPDATE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS_INVALID) == 0 && ! this->p->background_process.running()) {
// The print is valid and it can be started.
// Copy the names of active presets into the placeholder parser.
//FIXME how to generate a file name for the SLA printers?
if (this->p->background_process.start())
this->p->statusbar()->set_cancel_callback([this]() {
@ -2709,12 +2706,8 @@ void Plater::on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config)
bool update_scheduled = false;
for (auto opt_key : p->config->diff(config)) {
p->config->set_key_value(opt_key, config.option(opt_key)->clone());
if (opt_key == "printer_technology") {
p->printer_technology = config.opt_enum<PrinterTechnology>(opt_key);
//FIXME for SLA synchronize
if (opt_key == "printer_technology")
else if (opt_key == "bed_shape") {
if (p->preview) p->preview->set_bed_shape(p->config->option<ConfigOptionPoints>(opt_key)->values);
@ -2811,6 +2804,16 @@ PrinterTechnology Plater::printer_technology() const
return p->printer_technology;
void Plater::set_printer_technology(PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
p->printer_technology = printer_technology;
if (p->background_process.select_technology(printer_technology)) {
// Update the active presets.
//FIXME for SLA synchronize
void Plater::changed_object(int obj_idx)
if (obj_idx < 0)
@ -2827,20 +2830,21 @@ void Plater::changed_object(int obj_idx)
if (this->p->printer_technology == ptSLA) {
// Update the SLAPrint from the current Model, so that the reload_scene()
// pulls the correct data.
// update print
if (list->is_parts_changed() || list->is_part_settings_changed()) {
else {
void Plater::fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx) { p->fix_through_netfabb(obj_idx); }
@ -111,7 +111,10 @@ public:
Sidebar& sidebar();
Model& model();
Print& print();
const Print& fff_print() const;
Print& fff_print();
const SLAPrint& sla_print() const;
SLAPrint& sla_print();
void load_project();
@ -168,7 +171,9 @@ public:
bool is_single_full_object_selection() const;
GLCanvas3D* canvas3D();
PrinterTechnology printer_technology() const;
PrinterTechnology printer_technology() const;
void set_printer_technology(PrinterTechnology printer_technology);
struct priv;
std::unique_ptr<priv> p;
@ -363,39 +363,6 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::nozzle_options()
return s_opts;
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_printer_options()
static std::vector<std::string> s_opts;
if (s_opts.empty()) {
s_opts = {
"bed_shape", "max_print_height",
"display_width", "display_height", "display_pixels_x", "display_pixels_y",
return s_opts;
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_material_options()
static std::vector<std::string> s_opts;
if (s_opts.empty()) {
s_opts = {
"layer_height", "initial_layer_height",
"exposure_time", "initial_exposure_time",
"material_correction_printing", "material_correction_curing",
"compatible_printers_condition", "inherits"
return s_opts;
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_print_options()
static std::vector<std::string> s_opts;
@ -418,6 +385,7 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_print_options()
@ -427,6 +395,39 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_print_options()
return s_opts;
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_material_options()
static std::vector<std::string> s_opts;
if (s_opts.empty()) {
s_opts = {
"exposure_time", "initial_exposure_time",
"material_correction_printing", "material_correction_curing",
"compatible_printers_condition", "inherits"
return s_opts;
const std::vector<std::string>& Preset::sla_printer_options()
static std::vector<std::string> s_opts;
if (s_opts.empty()) {
s_opts = {
"bed_shape", "max_print_height",
"display_width", "display_height", "display_pixels_x", "display_pixels_y",
return s_opts;
PresetCollection::PresetCollection(Preset::Type type, const std::vector<std::string> &keys, const Slic3r::StaticPrintConfig &defaults, const std::string &default_name) :
m_edited_preset(type, "", false),
@ -539,8 +540,8 @@ static bool profile_print_params_same(const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg1, const Dyna
// Following keys are used by the UI, not by the slicing core, therefore they are not important
// when comparing profiles for equality. Ignore them.
for (const char *key : { "compatible_printers", "compatible_printers_condition", "inherits",
"print_settings_id", "filament_settings_id", "sla_material_settings_id", "printer_settings_id",
"printer_model", "printer_variant", "default_print_profile", "default_filament_profile", "default_sla_material_profile" })
"print_settings_id", "filament_settings_id", "sla_print_settings_id", "sla_material_settings_id", "printer_settings_id",
"printer_model", "printer_variant", "default_print_profile", "default_filament_profile", "default_sla_print_profile", "default_sla_material_profile" })
diff.erase(std::remove(diff.begin(), diff.end(), key), diff.end());
// Preset with the same name as stored inside the config exists.
return diff.empty();
@ -562,7 +563,7 @@ Preset& PresetCollection::load_external_preset(
bool select)
// Load the preset over a default preset, so that the missing fields are filled in from the default preset.
DynamicPrintConfig cfg(this->default_preset().config);
DynamicPrintConfig cfg(this->default_preset_for(config).config);
cfg.apply_only(config, cfg.keys(), true);
// Is there a preset already loaded with the name stored inside the config?
std::deque<Preset>::iterator it = this->find_preset_internal(original_name);
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include <wx/wupdlock.h>
#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include "libslic3r/PlaceholderParser.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
// Store the print/filament/printer presets into a "presets" subdirectory of the Slic3rPE config dir.
@ -95,8 +94,8 @@ PresetBundle::PresetBundle() :
preset.config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>("default_filament_profile", true)->values = { "" };
else {
preset.config.optptr("default_sla_material_profile", true);
preset.config.optptr("default_sla_print_profile", true);
preset.config.optptr("default_sla_material_profile", true);
// default_sla_material_profile
@ -391,24 +390,7 @@ void PresetBundle::export_selections(AppConfig &config)
config.set("presets", "sla_print", sla_prints.get_selected_preset_name());
config.set("presets", "sla_material", sla_materials.get_selected_preset_name());
config.set("presets", "printer", printers.get_selected_preset_name());
void PresetBundle::export_selections(PlaceholderParser &pp)
assert(filament_presets.size() >= 1);
assert(filament_presets.size() > 1 || filaments.get_selected_preset_name() == filament_presets.front());
switch (printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology()) {
case ptFFF:
pp.set("print_preset", prints.get_selected_preset().name);
pp.set("filament_preset", filament_presets);
case ptSLA:
pp.set("sla_print_preset", sla_prints.get_selected_preset().name);
pp.set("sla_material_preset", sla_materials.get_selected_preset().name);
pp.set("printer_preset", printers.get_selected_preset().name);
config.set("presets", "printer", printers.get_selected_preset_name());
bool PresetBundle::load_compatible_bitmaps()
@ -676,7 +658,8 @@ void PresetBundle::load_config_file_config(const std::string &name_or_path, bool
size_t num_extruders = (printer_technology == ptFFF) ?
std::min(config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("nozzle_diameter" )->values.size(),
config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("filament_diameter")->values.size()) :
// 1 SLA material
// Make a copy of the "compatible_printers_condition_cummulative" and "inherits_cummulative" vectors, which
// accumulate values over all presets (print, filaments, printers).
// These values will be distributed into their particular presets when loading.
@ -687,8 +670,16 @@ void PresetBundle::load_config_file_config(const std::string &name_or_path, bool
compatible_printers_condition_values.resize(num_extruders + 2, std::string());
inherits_values.resize(num_extruders + 2, std::string());
// The "default_filament_profile" will be later extracted into the printer profile.
if (printer_technology == ptFFF)
config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>("default_filament_profile", true)->values.resize(num_extruders, std::string());
switch (printer_technology) {
case ptFFF:
config.option<ConfigOptionString>("default_print_profile", true);
config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>("default_filament_profile", true)->values.resize(num_extruders, std::string());
case ptSLA:
config.option<ConfigOptionString>("default_sla_print_profile", true);
config.option<ConfigOptionString>("default_sla_material_profile", true);
// 1) Create a name from the file name.
// Keep the suffix (.ini, .gcode, .amf, .3mf etc) to differentiate it from the normal profiles.
@ -697,22 +688,24 @@ void PresetBundle::load_config_file_config(const std::string &name_or_path, bool
// 2) If the loading succeeded, split and load the config into print / filament / printer settings.
// First load the print and printer presets.
for (size_t i_group = 0; i_group < 2; ++ i_group) {
PresetCollection &presets = (i_group == 0) ? ((printer_technology == ptFFF) ? this->prints : this->sla_materials) : this->printers;
// Split the "compatible_printers_condition" and "inherits" values one by one from a single vector to the print & printer profiles.
size_t idx = (i_group == 0) ? 0 : num_extruders + 1;
inherits = inherits_values[idx];
compatible_printers_condition = compatible_printers_condition_values[idx];
auto load_preset =
[&config, &inherits, &inherits_values, &compatible_printers_condition, &compatible_printers_condition_values, is_external, &name, &name_or_path]
(PresetCollection &presets, size_t idx, const std::string &key) {
// Split the "compatible_printers_condition" and "inherits" values one by one from a single vector to the print & printer profiles.
inherits = inherits_values[idx];
compatible_printers_condition = compatible_printers_condition_values[idx];
if (is_external)
presets.load_external_preset(name_or_path, name,
config.opt_string((i_group == 0) ? ((printer_technology == ptFFF) ? "print_settings_id" : "sla_material_settings_id") : "printer_settings_id", true),
presets.load_preset(presets.path_from_name(name), name, config).save();
presets.load_external_preset(name_or_path, name, config.opt_string(key, true), config);
presets.load_preset(presets.path_from_name(name), name, config).save();
switch (Preset::printer_technology(config)) {
case ptFFF:
load_preset(this->prints, 0, "print_settings_id");
load_preset(this->printers, num_extruders + 1, "printer_settings_id");
if (Preset::printer_technology(config) == ptFFF) {
// 3) Now load the filaments. If there are multiple filament presets, split them and load them.
auto old_filament_profile_names = config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>("filament_settings_id", true);
old_filament_profile_names->values.resize(num_extruders, std::string());
@ -721,12 +714,15 @@ void PresetBundle::load_config_file_config(const std::string &name_or_path, bool
// Split the "compatible_printers_condition" and "inherits" from the cummulative vectors to separate filament presets.
inherits = inherits_values[1];
compatible_printers_condition = compatible_printers_condition_values[1];
if (is_external)
this->filaments.load_external_preset(name_or_path, name, old_filament_profile_names->values.front(), config);
this->filaments.load_preset(this->filaments.path_from_name(name), name, config).save();
Preset *loaded = nullptr;
if (is_external) {
loaded = &this->filaments.load_external_preset(name_or_path, name, old_filament_profile_names->values.front(), config);
} else {
loaded = &this->filaments.load_preset(this->filaments.path_from_name(name), name, config);
} else {
// Split the filament presets, load each of them separately.
std::vector<DynamicPrintConfig> configs(num_extruders, this->filaments.default_preset().config);
@ -772,12 +768,18 @@ void PresetBundle::load_config_file_config(const std::string &name_or_path, bool
// 4) Load the project config values (the per extruder wipe matrix etc).
this->project_config.apply_only(config, s_project_options);
case ptSLA:
load_preset(this->sla_prints, 0, "sla_print_settings_id");
load_preset(this->sla_materials, 1, "sla_material_settings_id");
load_preset(this->printers, 2, "printer_settings_id");
// Load the active configuration of a config bundle from a boost property_tree. This is a private method called from load_config_file.
@ -1229,7 +1231,9 @@ void PresetBundle::update_compatible_with_printer(bool select_other_if_incompati
switch (printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology()) {
case ptFFF:
const std::string &prefered_print_profile = printer_preset.config.opt_string("default_print_profile");
const std::string &prefered_print_profile = printer_preset.config.opt_string("default_print_profile");
const std::vector<std::string> &prefered_filament_profiles = printer_preset.config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>("default_filament_profile")->values;
prefered_print_profile.empty() ?
this->prints.update_compatible_with_printer(printer_preset, select_other_if_incompatible) :
@ -1263,18 +1267,18 @@ void PresetBundle::update_compatible_with_printer(bool select_other_if_incompati
case ptSLA:
const std::string &prefered_sla_material_profile = printer_preset.config.opt_string("default_sla_material_profile");
const std::string &prefered_sla_print_profile = printer_preset.config.opt_string("default_sla_print_profile");
(prefered_sla_print_profile.empty()) ?
this->sla_prints.update_compatible_with_printer(printer_preset, select_other_if_incompatible) :
this->sla_prints.update_compatible_with_printer(printer_preset, select_other_if_incompatible,
[&prefered_sla_print_profile](const std::string& profile_name){ return profile_name == prefered_sla_print_profile; });
const std::string &prefered_sla_material_profile = printer_preset.config.opt_string("default_sla_material_profile");
prefered_sla_material_profile.empty() ?
this->sla_materials.update_compatible_with_printer(printer_preset, select_other_if_incompatible) :
this->sla_materials.update_compatible_with_printer(printer_preset, select_other_if_incompatible,
[&prefered_sla_material_profile](const std::string& profile_name){ return profile_name == prefered_sla_material_profile; });
const std::string &prefered_sla_print_profile = printer_preset.config.opt_string("default_sla_print_profile");
prefered_sla_print_profile.empty() ?
this->sla_prints.update_compatible_with_printer(printer_preset, select_other_if_incompatible) :
this->sla_prints.update_compatible_with_printer(printer_preset, select_other_if_incompatible,
[&prefered_sla_print_profile](const std::string& profile_name){ return profile_name == prefered_sla_print_profile; });
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ namespace GUI {
class BitmapCache;
class PlaceholderParser;
// Bundle of Print + Filament + Printer presets.
class PresetBundle
@ -35,8 +33,6 @@ public:
// Export selections (current print, current filaments, current printer) into config.ini
void export_selections(AppConfig &config);
// Export selections (current print, current filaments, current printer) into a placeholder parser.
void export_selections(PlaceholderParser &pp);
PresetCollection prints;
PresetCollection sla_prints;
@ -3042,6 +3042,12 @@ void TabSLAPrint::build()
page = add_options_page(_(L("Output options")), "page_white_go.png");
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Output file")));
Option option = optgroup->get_option("output_filename_format");
option.opt.full_width = true;
page = add_options_page(_(L("Dependencies")), "wrench.png");
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Profile dependencies")));
Line line = optgroup->create_single_option_line("compatible_printers");//Line { _(L("Compatible printers")), "" };
@ -3050,7 +3056,7 @@ void TabSLAPrint::build()
optgroup->append_line(line, &m_colored_Label);
Option option = optgroup->get_option("compatible_printers_condition");
option = optgroup->get_option("compatible_printers_condition");
option.opt.full_width = true;
@ -184,11 +184,4 @@ _constant()
void export_png(char *path) %code%{
try {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue