Correct show_preset_comboboxes
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 80 additions and 22 deletions
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
my $value = $event->GetInt();
if ($opt_key eq 'printer_technology'){
my $value = $event->GetInt();# 0 ~ "ptFFF"; 1 ~ "ptSLA"
# don't save while loading for the first time
$self->config->save($Slic3r::GUI::autosave) if $Slic3r::GUI::autosave && $self->{loaded};
@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
my $tab = Slic3r::GUI::get_preset_tab($tab_name);
if ($self->{plater}) {
# Update preset combo boxes (Print settings, Filament, Printer) from their respective tabs.
# Update preset combo boxes (Print settings, Filament, Material, Printer) from their respective tabs.
my $presets = $tab->get_presets;
if (defined $presets){
my $reload_dependent_tabs = $tab->get_dependent_tabs;
@ -173,7 +177,7 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
$self->{plater}->{"selected_item_$tab_name"} = $tab->get_selected_preset_item;
if ($tab_name eq 'printer') {
# Printer selected at the Printer tab, update "compatible" marks at the print and filament selectors.
for my $tab_name_other (qw(print filament)) {
for my $tab_name_other (qw(print filament material)) {
# If the printer tells us that the print or filament preset has been switched or invalidated,
# refresh the print or filament tab page. Otherwise just refresh the combo box.
my $update_action = ($reload_dependent_tabs && (first { $_ eq $tab_name_other } (@{$reload_dependent_tabs})))
@ -189,7 +193,7 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
Slic3r::GUI::create_preset_tabs($self->{no_controller}, $VALUE_CHANGE_EVENT, $PRESETS_CHANGED_EVENT);
$self->{options_tabs} = {};
for my $tab_name (qw(print filament printer)) {
for my $tab_name (qw(print filament material printer)) {
$self->{options_tabs}{$tab_name} = Slic3r::GUI::get_preset_tab("$tab_name");
@ -201,10 +205,14 @@ sub _init_tabpanel {
# load initial config
my $full_config = wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->full_config;
#return if $num_extruders is undefined because of SLA printer is selected
return if (!defined $full_config->nozzle_diameter); # ys_FIXME
# Show a correct number of filament fields.
if (defined $full_config->nozzle_diameter){ # nozzle_diameter is undefined when SLA printer is selected
# Show correct preset comboboxes according to the printer_technology
$self->{plater}->show_preset_comboboxes(($full_config->printer_technology eq "FFF") ? 0 : 1);
@ -450,20 +450,21 @@ sub new {
my $presets;
$presets = $self->{presets_sizer} = Wx::FlexGridSizer->new(3, 2, 1, 2);
$presets = $self->{presets_sizer} = Wx::FlexGridSizer->new(4, 2, 1, 2);
$presets->AddGrowableCol(1, 1);
my %group_labels = (
print => L('Print settings'),
filament => L('Filament'),
material => L('SLA material'),
printer => L('Printer'),
# UI Combo boxes for a print, multiple filaments, and a printer.
# UI Combo boxes for a print, multiple filaments, SLA material and a printer.
# Initially a single filament combo box is created, but the number of combo boxes for the filament selection may increase,
# once a printer preset with multiple extruders is activated.
# $self->{preset_choosers}{$group}[$idx]
$self->{preset_choosers} = {};
for my $group (qw(print filament printer)) {
for my $group (qw(print filament material printer)) {
my $text = Wx::StaticText->new($self->{right_panel}, -1, "$group_labels{$group}:", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT);
my $choice = Wx::BitmapComboBox->new($self->{right_panel}, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, [], wxCB_READONLY);
@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ sub new {
my $frequently_changed_parameters_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
my $frequently_changed_parameters_sizer = $self->{frequently_changed_parameters_sizer} = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL);
Slic3r::GUI::add_frequently_changed_parameters($self->{right_panel}, $frequently_changed_parameters_sizer, $presets);
my $object_info_sizer;
@ -655,18 +656,20 @@ sub update_ui_from_settings
# Update preset combo boxes (Print settings, Filament, Printer) from their respective tabs.
# Update preset combo boxes (Print settings, Filament, Material, Printer) from their respective tabs.
# Called by
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print::_on_presets_changed
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Filament::_on_presets_changed
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Material::_on_presets_changed
# Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer::_on_presets_changed
# when the presets are loaded or the user selects another preset.
# For Print settings and Printer, synchronize the selection index with their tabs.
# For Filament, synchronize the selection index for a single extruder printer only, otherwise keep the selection.
sub update_presets {
# $group: one of qw(print filament printer)
# $group: one of qw(print filament material printer)
# $presets: PresetCollection
my ($self, $group, $presets) = @_;
print "$group \n";
my @choosers = @{$self->{preset_choosers}{$group}};
if ($group eq 'filament') {
my $choice_idx = 0;
@ -680,6 +683,8 @@ sub update_presets {
} elsif ($group eq 'print') {
} elsif ($group eq 'material') {
} elsif ($group eq 'printer') {
# Update the print choosers to only contain the compatible presets, update the dirty flags.
@ -1844,6 +1849,24 @@ sub update {
$self->{preview3D}->reload_print if $self->{preview3D};
# When a printer technology is changed, the UI needs to be updated to show/hide needed preset combo boxes.
sub show_preset_comboboxes{
my ($self, $showSLA) = @_; #if showSLA is oposite value to "ptFFF"
my $choices = $self->{preset_choosers}{filament};
my $print_filament_ctrls_cnt = 2 + 2 * ($#$choices+1);
foreach (0..$print_filament_ctrls_cnt-1){
$self->{presets_sizer}->Show($_, !$showSLA);
$self->{presets_sizer}->Show($print_filament_ctrls_cnt , $showSLA);
$self->{presets_sizer}->Show($print_filament_ctrls_cnt+1, $showSLA);
# When a number of extruders changes, the UI needs to be updated to show a single filament selection combo box per extruder.
# Also the wxTheApp->{preset_bundle}->filament_presets needs to be resized accordingly
# and some reasonable default has to be selected for the additional extruders.
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ wxString double_to_string(double const value);
class MyButton : public wxButton
bool hidden = false; // never show button if it's hidden ones
MyButton() {}
MyButton(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label = wxEmptyString,
@ -52,6 +53,12 @@ public:
// overridden from wxWindow base class
virtual bool
AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() const { return false; }
virtual bool Show(bool show = true) override {
if (!show)
hidden = true;
return wxButton::Show(!hidden);
class Field {
@ -507,8 +507,7 @@ void create_preset_tabs(bool no_controller, int event_value_change, int event_pr
add_created_tab(new TabPrinter (g_wxTabPanel, no_controller));
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_wxTabPanel->GetPageCount(); ++ i) {
Tab *tab = dynamic_cast<Tab*>(g_wxTabPanel->GetPage(i));
if (! tab ||
tab->GetName() == "sla_material")// ys_FIXME don't set event till doesn't exist material_preset combobox on plater
if (! tab )
@ -654,7 +653,7 @@ void add_created_tab(Tab* panel)
g_FilamentTab = panel;
add_panel = g_PresetBundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptFFF;
else if (tab_name == "sla_material") {
else if (tab_name == "material") {
g_MaterialTab = panel;
add_panel = g_PresetBundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA;
@ -567,6 +567,8 @@ void Tab::update_dirty(){
void Tab::update_tab_ui()
// if (this == nullptr)
// return; // ys_FIXME
m_selected_preset_item = m_presets->update_tab_ui(m_presets_choice, m_show_incompatible_presets);
// update_tab_presets(m_cc_presets_choice, m_show_incompatible_presets);
// update_presetsctrl(m_presetctrl, m_show_incompatible_presets);
@ -576,6 +578,8 @@ void Tab::update_tab_ui()
// This could be used for example by setting a Wipe Tower position by interactive manipulation in the 3D view.
void Tab::load_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config)
// if (this == nullptr)
// return; // ys_FIXME
bool modified = 0;
for(auto opt_key : m_config->diff(config)) {
m_config->set_key_value(opt_key, config.option(opt_key)->clone());
@ -650,6 +654,15 @@ void Tab::on_value_change(const std::string& opt_key, const boost::any& value)
int val = boost::any_cast<size_t>(value);
if (opt_key == "printer_technology")
int val = boost::any_cast<PrinterTechnology>(value);
if (opt_key == "fill_density")
@ -701,9 +714,11 @@ void Tab::update_wiping_button_visibility() {
// to uddate number of "filament" selection boxes when the number of extruders change.
void Tab::on_presets_changed()
if (get_preset_bundle()->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA)
return; // ys_FIXME
if (m_event_presets_changed > 0) {
// if (get_preset_bundle()->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA)
// return;
if (m_event_presets_changed > 0
&& get_preset_bundle()->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() != ptSLA // ys_FIXME
) {
wxCommandEvent event(m_event_presets_changed);
@ -1420,6 +1435,8 @@ void TabPrinter::build()
m_printer_technology = m_presets->get_selected_preset().printer_technology();
m_presets->get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA ? build_sla() : build_fff();
// on_value_change("printer_technology", m_printer_technology); // to update show/hide preset ComboBoxes
void TabPrinter::build_fff()
@ -1987,6 +2004,8 @@ void TabPrinter::update_pages()
m_pages_sla.empty() ? build_sla() : m_pages.swap(m_pages_sla);
on_value_change("printer_technology", m_presets->get_edited_preset().printer_technology()); // to update show/hide preset ComboBoxes
void TabPrinter::update()
@ -2112,7 +2131,7 @@ void Tab::load_current_preset()
m_bmp_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_bmp_value_unlock : &m_bmp_white_bullet;
m_ttg_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_ttg_value_unlock : &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns;
m_tt_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_tt_value_unlock : &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns;
m_tt_non_system = m_presets->get_selected_preset_parent() ? &m_tt_value_unlock : &m_ttg_white_bullet_ns;
@ -2235,7 +2254,8 @@ void Tab::select_preset(std::string preset_name /*= ""*/)
std::vector<PresetUpdate> updates = {
{ "print", &m_preset_bundle->prints, ptFFF },
{ "filament", &m_preset_bundle->filaments, ptFFF },
{ "sla_materials", &m_preset_bundle->sla_materials, ptSLA }
{ "sla_materials", &m_preset_bundle->sla_materials, ptSLA }
// { "material", &m_preset_bundle->sla_materials, ptSLA }
for (PresetUpdate &pu : updates) {
pu.old_preset_dirty = (old_printer_technology == && pu.presets->current_is_dirty();
@ -2974,7 +2994,8 @@ void TabSLAMaterial::build()
void TabSLAMaterial::update()
if (get_preset_bundle()->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology() == ptFFF)
return; // ys_FIXME
} // GUI
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class TabSLAMaterial : public Tab
TabSLAMaterial() {}
TabSLAMaterial(wxNotebook* parent, bool no_controller) :
Tab(parent, _(L("SLA Material Settings")), "sla_material", no_controller) {}
Tab(parent, _(L("SLA Material Settings")), "material", no_controller) {}
void build() override;
Add table
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