Merge branch 'master' into wipe_tower_improvements
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 2079 additions and 404 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ use List::Util qw(first);
use Slic3r::GUI::2DBed;
use Slic3r::GUI::2DBed;
use Slic3r::GUI::AboutDialog;
use Slic3r::GUI::AboutDialog;
use Slic3r::GUI::BedShapeDialog;
use Slic3r::GUI::BedShapeDialog;
use Slic3r::GUI::BonjourBrowser;
use Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard;
use Slic3r::GUI::ConfigWizard;
use Slic3r::GUI::Controller;
use Slic3r::GUI::Controller;
use Slic3r::GUI::Controller::ManualControlDialog;
use Slic3r::GUI::Controller::ManualControlDialog;
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
# A tiny dialog to select an OctoPrint device to print to.
package Slic3r::GUI::BonjourBrowser;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Wx qw(:dialog :id :misc :sizer :choicebook wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
use Wx::Event qw(EVT_CLOSE);
use base 'Wx::Dialog';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($parent, $devices) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, "Device Browser", wxDefaultPosition, [350,700], wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER);
$self->{devices} = $devices;
# label
my $text = Wx::StaticText->new($self, -1, "Choose an OctoPrint device in your network:", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
# selector
$self->{choice} = my $choice = Wx::Choice->new($self, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
[ map $_->name, @{$self->{devices}} ]);
my $main_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL);
$main_sizer->Add($text, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
$main_sizer->Add($choice, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
$main_sizer->Add($self->CreateButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL), 0, wxEXPAND);
# needed to actually free memory
EVT_CLOSE($self, sub {
return $self;
sub GetValue {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{devices}[ $self->{choice}->GetSelection ]->address;
sub GetPort {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{devices}[ $self->{choice}->GetSelection ]->port;
@ -1333,6 +1333,9 @@ sub export_gcode {
} else {
} else {
my $default_output_file = eval { $self->{print}->output_filepath($main::opt{output} // '') };
my $default_output_file = eval { $self->{print}->output_filepath($main::opt{output} // '') };
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
Slic3r::GUI::catch_error($self) and return;
# If possible, remove accents from accented latin characters.
# This function is useful for generating file names to be processed by legacy firmwares.
$default_output_file = Slic3r::GUI::fold_utf8_to_ascii($default_output_file);
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L('Save G-code file as:'),
my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new($self, L('Save G-code file as:'),
basename($default_output_file), &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{gcode}, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
basename($default_output_file), &Slic3r::GUI::FILE_WILDCARDS->{gcode}, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
# 2D cut in the XZ plane through the toolpaths.
# For debugging purposes.
package Slic3r::Test::SectionCut;
use Moo;
use List::Util qw(first min max);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(unscale);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(intersection_pl);
use SVG;
use Slic3r::SVG;
has 'print' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has 'scale' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 30 });
has 'y_percent' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 0.5 }); # Y coord of section line expressed as factor
has 'line' => (is => 'rw');
has '_height' => (is => 'rw');
has '_svg' => (is => 'rw');
has '_svg_style' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} });
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
# calculate the Y coordinate of the section line
my $bb = $self->print->bounding_box;
my $y = ($bb->y_min + $bb->y_max) * $self->y_percent;
# store our section line
$self->line(Slic3r::Line->new([ $bb->x_min, $y ], [ $bb->x_max, $y ]));
sub export_svg {
my $self = shift;
my ($filename) = @_;
# get bounding box of print and its height
# (Print should return a BoundingBox3 object instead)
my $bb = $self->print->bounding_box;
my $print_size = $bb->size;
$self->_height(max(map $_->print_z, map @{$_->layers}, @{$self->print->objects}));
# initialize the SVG canvas
$self->_svg(my $svg = SVG->new(
width => $self->scale * unscale($print_size->x),
height => $self->scale * $self->_height,
# set default styles
$self->_svg_style->{'stroke-width'} = 1;
$self->_svg_style->{'fill-opacity'} = 0.5;
$self->_svg_style->{'stroke-opacity'} = 0.2;
# plot perimeters
$self->_svg_style->{'stroke'} = '#EE0000';
$self->_svg_style->{'fill'} = '#FF0000';
$self->_plot_group(sub { map @{$_->perimeters}, @{$_[0]->regions} });
# plot infill
$self->_svg_style->{'stroke'} = '#444444';
$self->_svg_style->{'fill'} = '#454545';
$self->_plot_group(sub { map @{$_->fills}, @{$_[0]->regions} });
# plot support material
$self->_svg_style->{'stroke'} = '#12EF00';
$self->_svg_style->{'fill'} = '#22FF00';
$self->_plot_group(sub { $_[0]->isa('Slic3r::Layer::Support') ? ($_[0]->support_fills) : () });
Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '>', $filename);
print $fh $svg->xmlify;
close $fh;
printf "Section cut SVG written to %s\n", $filename;
sub _plot_group {
my $self = shift;
my ($filter) = @_;
my $bb = $self->print->bounding_box;
my $g = $self->_svg->group(style => { %{$self->_svg_style} });
foreach my $object (@{$self->print->objects}) {
foreach my $copy (@{$object->_shifted_copies}) {
foreach my $layer (@{$object->layers}, @{$object->support_layers}) {
# get all ExtrusionPath objects
my @paths = map $_->clone,
map { ($_->isa('Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop') || $_->isa('Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection')) ? @$_ : $_ }
grep defined $_,
# move paths to location of copy
$_->polyline->translate(@$copy) for @paths;
if (0) {
# export plan with section line and exit
require "Slic3r/";
no_arrows => 1,
lines => [ $self->line ],
red_polylines => [ map $_->polyline, @paths ],
foreach my $path (@paths) {
foreach my $line (@{$path->lines}) {
my @intersections = @{intersection_pl(
[ $self->line->as_polyline ],
$line->grow(Slic3r::Geometry::scale $path->width/2),
die "Intersection has more than two points!\n"
if defined first { @$_ > 2 } @intersections;
# turn intersections to lines
my @lines = map Slic3r::Line->new(@$_), @intersections;
# align intersections to canvas
$_->translate(-$bb->x_min, 0) for @lines;
# we want lines oriented from left to right in order to draw
# rectangles correctly
foreach my $line (@lines) {
$line->reverse if $line->a->x > $line->b->x;
if ($path->is_bridge) {
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my $radius = $path->width / 2;
my $width = unscale abs($line->b->x - $line->a->x);
if ((10 * $radius) < $width) {
# we're cutting the path in the longitudinal direction, so we've got a rectangle
'x' => $self->scale * unscale($line->a->x),
'y' => $self->scale * $self->_y($layer->print_z),
'width' => $self->scale * $width,
'height' => $self->scale * $radius * 2,
'rx' => $self->scale * $radius * 0.35,
'ry' => $self->scale * $radius * 0.35,
} else {
'cx' => $self->scale * (unscale($line->a->x) + $radius),
'cy' => $self->scale * $self->_y($layer->print_z - $radius),
'r' => $self->scale * $radius,
} else {
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my $height = $path->height;
$height = $layer->height if $height == -1;
'x' => $self->scale * unscale($line->a->x),
'y' => $self->scale * $self->_y($layer->print_z),
'width' => $self->scale * unscale($line->b->x - $line->a->x),
'height' => $self->scale * $height,
'rx' => $self->scale * $height * 0.5,
'ry' => $self->scale * $height * 0.5,
sub _y {
my $self = shift;
my ($y) = @_;
return $self->_height - $y;
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
# This script generates section cuts from a given G-Code file
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../local-lib";
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
use List::Util qw(max);
use Slic3r;
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(JT_SQUARE);
use Slic3r::Test;
use SVG;
my %opt = (
layer_height => 0.2,
extrusion_width => 0.5,
scale => 30,
my %options = (
'help' => sub { usage() },
'layer-height|h=f' => \$opt{layer_height},
'extrusion-width|w=f' => \$opt{extrusion_width},
'scale|s=i' => \$opt{scale},
GetOptions(%options) or usage(1);
$ARGV[0] or usage(1);
my $input_file = $ARGV[0];
my $output_file = $input_file;
$output_file =~ s/\.(?:gcode|gco|ngc|g)$/.svg/;
# read paths
my %paths = (); # z => [ path, path ... ]
Slic3r::GCode::Reader->new->parse(io($input_file)->all, sub {
my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_;
if ($cmd eq 'G1' && $info->{extruding}) {
$paths{ $self->Z } ||= [];
push @{ $paths{ $self->Z } }, Slic3r::Line->new(
[ $self->X, $self->Y ],
[ $info->{new_X}, $info->{new_Y} ],
# calculate print extents
my $bounding_box = Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBox->new_from_points([ map @$_, map @$_, values %paths ]);
# calculate section line
my $section_y = $bounding_box->center->[Y];
my $section_line = [
[ $bounding_box->x_min, $section_y ],
[ $bounding_box->x_max, $section_y ],
# initialize output
my $max_z = max(keys %paths);
my $svg = SVG->new(
width => $opt{scale} * $bounding_box->size->[X],
height => $opt{scale} * $max_z,
# put everything into a group
my $g = $svg->group(style => {
'stroke-width' => 1,
'stroke' => '#444444',
'fill' => 'grey',
# draw paths
foreach my $z (sort keys %paths) {
foreach my $line (@{ $paths{$z} }) {
my @intersections = @{intersection_pl(
[ $section_line ],
[ _grow($line, $opt{extrusion_width}/2) ],
'x' => $opt{scale} * ($_->[0][X] - $bounding_box->x_min),
'y' => $opt{scale} * ($max_z - $z),
'width' => $opt{scale} * abs($_->[1][X] - $_->[0][X]),
'height' => $opt{scale} * $opt{layer_height},
'rx' => $opt{scale} * $opt{layer_height} * 0.35,
'ry' => $opt{scale} * $opt{layer_height} * 0.35,
) for @intersections;
# write output
Slic3r::open(\my $fh, '>', $output_file);
print $fh $svg->xmlify;
close $fh;
printf "Section cut SVG written to %s\n", $output_file;
# replace built-in Line->grow method which relies on int_offset()
sub _grow {
my ($line, $distance) = @_;
my $polygon = [ @$line, CORE::reverse @$line[1..($#$line-1)] ];
return @{Math::Clipper::offset([$polygon], $distance, 100000, JT_SQUARE, 2)};
sub usage {
my ($exit_code) = @_;
print <<"EOF";
Usage: [ OPTIONS ] file.gcode
--help Output this usage screen and exit
--layer-height, -h Use the specified layer height
--extrusion-width, -w Use the specified extrusion width
--scale Factor for converting G-code units to SVG units
exit ($exit_code || 0);
@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ add_library(libslic3r_gui STATIC
@ -1427,10 +1427,12 @@ Polylines FillTriangles::fill_surface(const Surface *surface, const FillParams &
// Each linear fill covers 1/3 of the target coverage.
// Each linear fill covers 1/3 of the target coverage.
FillParams params2 = params;
FillParams params2 = params;
params2.density *= 0.333333333f;
params2.density *= 0.333333333f;
FillParams params3 = params2;
params3.dont_connect = true;
Polylines polylines_out;
Polylines polylines_out;
if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, 0.f, 0., polylines_out) ||
if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, 0.f, 0., polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI / 3.), 0., polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI / 3.), 0., polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(2. * M_PI / 3.), 0., polylines_out)) {
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params3, float(2. * M_PI / 3.), 0., polylines_out)) {
printf("FillTriangles::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
printf("FillTriangles::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
return polylines_out;
return polylines_out;
@ -1441,10 +1443,12 @@ Polylines FillStars::fill_surface(const Surface *surface, const FillParams ¶
// Each linear fill covers 1/3 of the target coverage.
// Each linear fill covers 1/3 of the target coverage.
FillParams params2 = params;
FillParams params2 = params;
params2.density *= 0.333333333f;
params2.density *= 0.333333333f;
FillParams params3 = params2;
params3.dont_connect = true;
Polylines polylines_out;
Polylines polylines_out;
if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, 0.f, 0., polylines_out) ||
if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, 0.f, 0., polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI / 3.), 0., polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI / 3.), 0., polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(2. * M_PI / 3.), 0.5 * this->spacing / params2.density, polylines_out)) {
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params3, float(2. * M_PI / 3.), 0.5 * this->spacing / params2.density, polylines_out)) {
printf("FillStars::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
printf("FillStars::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
return polylines_out;
return polylines_out;
@ -1455,12 +1459,14 @@ Polylines FillCubic::fill_surface(const Surface *surface, const FillParams ¶
// Each linear fill covers 1/3 of the target coverage.
// Each linear fill covers 1/3 of the target coverage.
FillParams params2 = params;
FillParams params2 = params;
params2.density *= 0.333333333f;
params2.density *= 0.333333333f;
FillParams params3 = params2;
params3.dont_connect = true;
Polylines polylines_out;
Polylines polylines_out;
coordf_t dx = sqrt(0.5) * z;
coordf_t dx = sqrt(0.5) * z;
if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, 0.f, dx, polylines_out) ||
if (! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, 0.f, dx, polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI / 3.), - dx, polylines_out) ||
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI / 3.), - dx, polylines_out) ||
// Rotated by PI*2/3 + PI to achieve reverse sloping wall.
// Rotated by PI*2/3 + PI to achieve reverse sloping wall.
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params2, float(M_PI * 2. / 3.), dx, polylines_out)) {
! fill_surface_by_lines(surface, params3, float(M_PI * 2. / 3.), dx, polylines_out)) {
printf("FillCubic::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
printf("FillCubic::fill_surface() failed to fill a region.\n");
return polylines_out;
return polylines_out;
@ -107,9 +107,11 @@ std::string CoolingBuffer::process_layer(const std::string &gcode, size_t layer_
TYPE_G1 = 1 << 5,
TYPE_G1 = 1 << 5,
TYPE_WIPE = 1 << 8,
// The line sets a feedrate.
TYPE_G4 = 1 << 9,
TYPE_HAS_F = 1 << 8,
TYPE_G92 = 1 << 10,
TYPE_WIPE = 1 << 9,
TYPE_G4 = 1 << 10,
TYPE_G92 = 1 << 11,
Line(unsigned int type, size_t line_start, size_t line_end) :
Line(unsigned int type, size_t line_start, size_t line_end) :
@ -187,9 +189,13 @@ std::string CoolingBuffer::process_layer(const std::string &gcode, size_t layer_
(*c == extrusion_axis) ? 3 : (*c == 'F') ? 4 : size_t(-1);
(*c == extrusion_axis) ? 3 : (*c == 'F') ? 4 : size_t(-1);
if (axis != size_t(-1)) {
if (axis != size_t(-1)) {
new_pos[axis] = float(atof(++c));
new_pos[axis] = float(atof(++c));
if (axis == 4)
if (axis == 4) {
// Convert mm/min to mm/sec.
// Convert mm/min to mm/sec.
new_pos[4] /= 60.f;
new_pos[4] /= 60.f;
if ((line.type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_G92) == 0)
// This is G0 or G1 line and it sets the feedrate. This mark is used for reducing the duplicate F calls.
line.type |= Adjustment::Line::TYPE_HAS_F;
// Skip this word.
// Skip this word.
for (; *c != ' ' && *c != '\t' && *c != 0; ++ c);
for (; *c != ' ' && *c != '\t' && *c != 0; ++ c);
@ -227,6 +233,8 @@ std::string CoolingBuffer::process_layer(const std::string &gcode, size_t layer_
if ((line.type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_ADJUSTABLE) || active_speed_modifier != size_t(-1))
if ((line.type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_ADJUSTABLE) || active_speed_modifier != size_t(-1))
line.time_max = (min_print_speed == 0.f) ? FLT_MAX : std::max(line.time, line.length / min_print_speed);
line.time_max = (min_print_speed == 0.f) ? FLT_MAX : std::max(line.time, line.length / min_print_speed);
if (active_speed_modifier < adjustment->lines.size() && (line.type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_G1)) {
if (active_speed_modifier < adjustment->lines.size() && (line.type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_G1)) {
// Inside the ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED" blocks, there must not be a G1 Fxx entry.
assert((line.type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_HAS_F) == 0);
Adjustment::Line &sm = adjustment->lines[active_speed_modifier];
Adjustment::Line &sm = adjustment->lines[active_speed_modifier];
sm.length += line.length;
sm.length += line.length;
sm.time += line.time;
sm.time += line.time;
@ -415,17 +423,20 @@ std::string CoolingBuffer::process_layer(const std::string &gcode, size_t layer_
size_t pos = 0;
const char *pos = gcode.c_str();
int current_feedrate = 0;
for (const Adjustment::Line *line : lines) {
for (const Adjustment::Line *line : lines) {
if (line->line_start > pos)
const char *line_start = gcode.c_str() + line->line_start;
new_gcode.append(gcode.c_str() + pos, line->line_start - pos);
const char *line_end = gcode.c_str() + line->line_end;
if (line_start > pos)
new_gcode.append(pos, line_start - pos);
if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_SET_TOOL) {
if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_SET_TOOL) {
unsigned int new_extruder = (unsigned int)atoi(gcode.c_str() + line->line_start + toolchange_prefix.size());
unsigned int new_extruder = (unsigned int)atoi(line_start + toolchange_prefix.size());
if (new_extruder != m_current_extruder) {
if (new_extruder != m_current_extruder) {
m_current_extruder = new_extruder;
m_current_extruder = new_extruder;
new_gcode.append(gcode.c_str() + line->line_start, line->line_end - line->line_start);
new_gcode.append(line_start, line_end - line_start);
} else if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_BRIDGE_FAN_START) {
} else if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_BRIDGE_FAN_START) {
if (bridge_fan_control)
if (bridge_fan_control)
new_gcode += m_gcodegen.writer().set_fan(bridge_fan_speed, true);
new_gcode += m_gcodegen.writer().set_fan(bridge_fan_speed, true);
@ -434,27 +445,61 @@ std::string CoolingBuffer::process_layer(const std::string &gcode, size_t layer_
new_gcode += m_gcodegen.writer().set_fan(fan_speed, true);
new_gcode += m_gcodegen.writer().set_fan(fan_speed, true);
} else if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTRUDE_END) {
} else if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTRUDE_END) {
// Just remove this comment.
// Just remove this comment.
} else if (line->type & (Adjustment::Line::TYPE_ADJUSTABLE | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_WIPE)) {
} else if (line->type & (Adjustment::Line::TYPE_ADJUSTABLE | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_WIPE | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_HAS_F)) {
// Start of the comment. The line type indicates there must be some comment present.
// Find the start of a comment, or roll to the end of line.
const char *end = strchr(gcode.c_str() + line->line_start, ';');
const char *end = line_start;
for (; end < line_end && *end != ';'; ++ end);
// Find the 'F' word.
const char *fpos = strstr(line_start + 2, " F") + 2;
int new_feedrate = current_feedrate;
bool modify = false;
assert(fpos != nullptr);
if (line->slowdown) {
if (line->slowdown) {
// Replace the feedrate.
modify = true;
const char *pos = strstr(gcode.c_str() + line->line_start + 2, " F") + 2;
new_feedrate = int(floor(60. * (line->length / line->time) + 0.5));
new_gcode.append(gcode.c_str() + line->line_start, pos - gcode.c_str() - line->line_start);
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, "%d", int(floor(60. * (line->length / line->time) + 0.5)));
new_gcode += buf;
// Skip the non-whitespaces up to the comment.
for (; *pos != ' ' && *pos != ';'; ++ pos);
// Append the rest of the line without the comment.
if (pos < end)
new_gcode.append(pos, end - pos);
} else {
} else {
new_feedrate = atoi(fpos);
if (new_feedrate != current_feedrate) {
// Append the line without the comment.
// Append the line without the comment.
new_gcode.append(gcode.c_str() + line->line_start, end - gcode.c_str() - line->line_start);
new_gcode.append(line_start, end - line_start);
current_feedrate = new_feedrate;
} else if ((line->type & (Adjustment::Line::TYPE_ADJUSTABLE | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_WIPE)) || line->length == 0.) {
// Feedrate does not change and this line does not move the print head. Skip the complete G-code line including the G-code comment.
end = line_end;
} else {
// Remove the feedrate from the G0/G1 line.
modify = true;
// Process the comments, remove ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED", ";_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER", ";_WIPE"
std::string comment(end, gcode.c_str() + line->line_end);
if (modify) {
if (new_feedrate != current_feedrate) {
// Replace the feedrate.
new_gcode.append(line_start, fpos - line_start);
current_feedrate = new_feedrate;
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, "%d", int(current_feedrate));
new_gcode += buf;
} else {
// Remove the feedrate word.
const char *f = fpos;
// Roll the pointer before the 'F' word.
for (f -= 2; f > line_start && (*f == ' ' || *f == '\t'); -- f);
// Append up to the F word, without the trailing whitespace.
new_gcode.append(line_start, f - line_start + 1);
// Skip the non-whitespaces of the F parameter up the comment or end of line.
for (; fpos != end && *fpos != ' ' && *fpos != ';' && *fpos != '\n'; ++fpos);
// Append the rest of the line without the comment.
if (fpos < end)
new_gcode.append(fpos, end - fpos);
// There should never be an empty G1 statement emited by the filter. Such lines should be removed completely.
assert(new_gcode.size() < 4 || new_gcode.substr(new_gcode.size() - 4) != "G1 \n");
// Process the rest of the line.
if (end < line_end) {
if (line->type & (Adjustment::Line::TYPE_ADJUSTABLE | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER | Adjustment::Line::TYPE_WIPE)) {
// Process comments, remove ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED", ";_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER", ";_WIPE"
std::string comment(end, line_end);
boost::replace_all(comment, ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED", "");
boost::replace_all(comment, ";_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED", "");
if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER)
if (line->type & Adjustment::Line::TYPE_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER)
boost::replace_all(comment, ";_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER", "");
boost::replace_all(comment, ";_EXTERNAL_PERIMETER", "");
@ -462,12 +507,18 @@ std::string CoolingBuffer::process_layer(const std::string &gcode, size_t layer_
boost::replace_all(comment, ";_WIPE", "");
boost::replace_all(comment, ";_WIPE", "");
new_gcode += comment;
new_gcode += comment;
} else {
} else {
new_gcode.append(gcode.c_str() + line->line_start, line->line_end - line->line_start);
// Just attach the rest of the source line.
new_gcode.append(end, line_end - end);
pos = line->line_end;
if (pos < gcode.size())
} else {
new_gcode.append(gcode.c_str() + pos, gcode.size() - pos);
new_gcode.append(line_start, line_end - line_start);
pos = line_end;
const char *gcode_end = gcode.c_str() + gcode.size();
if (pos < gcode_end)
new_gcode.append(pos, gcode_end - pos);
return new_gcode;
return new_gcode;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#ifndef slic3r_ASCIIFolding_hpp_
#define slic3r_ASCIIFolding_hpp_
#include <string>
namespace Slic3r {
// If possible, remove accents from accented latin characters.
// This function is useful for generating file names to be processed by legacy firmwares.
extern std::string fold_utf8_to_ascii(const char *src);
extern std::string fold_utf8_to_ascii(const std::string &src);
}; // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* slic3r_ASCIIFolding_hpp_ */
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
try {
try {
THIS->do_export(print, path);
THIS->do_export(print, path);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
croak("%s\n", e.what());
void do_export_w_preview(Print *print, const char *path, GCodePreviewData *preview_data)
void do_export_w_preview(Print *print, const char *path, GCodePreviewData *preview_data)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <xsinit.h>
#include <xsinit.h>
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/ASCIIFolding.hpp"
@ -63,3 +64,6 @@ void add_frequently_changed_parameters(SV *ui_parent, SV *ui_sizer, SV *ui_p_siz
%code%{ Slic3r::GUI::add_frequently_changed_parameters((wxWindow*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui_parent, "Wx::Window"),
%code%{ Slic3r::GUI::add_frequently_changed_parameters((wxWindow*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui_parent, "Wx::Window"),
(wxBoxSizer*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui_sizer, "Wx::BoxSizer"),
(wxBoxSizer*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui_sizer, "Wx::BoxSizer"),
(wxFlexGridSizer*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui_p_sizer, "Wx::FlexGridSizer")); %};
(wxFlexGridSizer*)wxPli_sv_2_object(aTHX_ ui_p_sizer, "Wx::FlexGridSizer")); %};
std::string fold_utf8_to_ascii(const char *src)
%code%{ RETVAL = Slic3r::fold_utf8_to_ascii(src); %};
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
try {
try {
RETVAL = THIS->process(str, 0);
RETVAL = THIS->process(str, 0);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
croak("%s\n", e.what());
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
try {
try {
RETVAL = THIS->evaluate_boolean_expression(str, THIS->config());
RETVAL = THIS->evaluate_boolean_expression(str, THIS->config());
} catch (std::exception& e) {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
croak("%s\n", e.what());
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ _constant()
try {
try {
RETVAL = THIS->output_filepath(path);
RETVAL = THIS->output_filepath(path);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
croak("%s\n", e.what());
Add table
Reference in a new issue