Add quadric edge collapse

This commit is contained in:
Filip Sykala 2021-06-22 09:21:16 +02:00
parent c64ce8777f
commit e3cdeda673
5 changed files with 687 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ add_library(libslic3r STATIC

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@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
#include "QuadricEdgeCollapse.hpp"
#include <tuple>
#include "MutablePriorityQueue.hpp"
#include "SimplifyMeshImpl.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r;
// only private namespace not neccessary be in hpp
namespace QuadricEdgeCollapse {
using Vertices = std::vector<stl_vertex>;
using Triangle = stl_triangle_vertex_indices;
using Indices = std::vector<stl_triangle_vertex_indices>;
using SymMat = SimplifyMesh::implementation::SymetricMatrix<double>;
struct Error
float value;
// range(0 .. 2),
unsigned char min_index;
Error(float value, unsigned char min_index): value(value), min_index(min_index) {
assert(min_index < 3);
Error() = default;
using Errors = std::vector<Error>;
// merge information together - faster access during processing
struct TriangleInfo
Vec3f n; // normalized normal - speed up calcualtion of q and check flip
Error e; // smallest error caused by edges, identify smallest edge in triangle
TriangleInfo() = default;
bool is_deleted() const { return e.min_index > 2; }
void set_deleted() { e.min_index = 3; }
using TriangleInfos = std::vector<TriangleInfo>;
struct VertexInfo
SymMat q; // sum quadric of surround triangles
size_t start = 0, count = 0; // vertex neighbor triangles
VertexInfo() = default;
bool is_deleted() const { return count == 0; }
using VertexInfos = std::vector<VertexInfo>;
struct EdgeInfo
size_t t_index=0; // triangle index
unsigned char edge = 0; // 0 or 1 or 2
EdgeInfo() = default;
using EdgeInfos = std::vector<EdgeInfo>;
Vec3f create_normal(const Triangle &triangle, const Vertices &vertices);
double calculate_error(size_t id_v1, size_t id_v2, SymMat & q, const Vertices &vertices);
Vec3f calculate_vertex(size_t id_v1, size_t id_v2, SymMat & q, const Vertices &vertices);
// calculate error for vertex and quadrics, triangle quadrics and triangle vertex give zero, only pozitive number
double vertex_error(const SymMat &q, const Vec3d &vertex);
SymMat create_quadric(const Triangle &t, const TriangleInfo &t_info, const Vertices &vertices);
std::tuple<TriangleInfos, VertexInfos, EdgeInfos> init(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
size_t find_triangle_index1(size_t vi, const VertexInfo& v_info, size_t ti, const EdgeInfos& e_infos, const Indices& indices);
bool is_flipped(const Vec3f &vn, const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, const Vec3f &normal);
bool is_flipped(Vec3f &new_vertex, size_t ti0, size_t ti1, const VertexInfo& v_info,
const TriangleInfos &t_infos, const EdgeInfos &e_infos, const indexed_triangle_set &its);
// find edge with smallest error in triangle
Error calculate_error(const Triangle& t,const Vertices &vertices, const VertexInfos& v_infos);
// subtract quadric of one triangle from triangle vertex
void sub_quadric(const Triangle &t, const TriangleInfo &t_info, VertexInfos &v_infos, const Vertices &vertices);
void remove_triangle(EdgeInfos &e_infos, VertexInfo &v_info, size_t ti);
void change_neighbors(EdgeInfos &e_infos, VertexInfos &v_infos, size_t ti0, size_t ti1,
size_t vi0, size_t vi1, size_t vi_top0, const Triangle &t1);
void compact(const VertexInfos &v_infos, const TriangleInfos &t_infos, const EdgeInfos &e_infos, indexed_triangle_set &its);
using namespace QuadricEdgeCollapse;
bool check_neighbors(TriangleInfos &t_infos,
Indices& indices,
VertexInfos & v_infos)
std::vector<size_t> t_counts(v_infos.size(), 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
TriangleInfo &t_info = t_infos[i];
if (t_info.is_deleted()) continue;
Triangle &t = indices[i];
for (size_t vidx : t) ++t_counts[vidx];
size_t prev_end = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v_infos.size(); i++) {
VertexInfo &v_info = v_infos[i];
if (v_info.is_deleted()) continue;
if (v_info.count != t_counts[i]) {
// no correct count
return false;
if (prev_end > v_info.start) {
// overlap of start
return false;
prev_end = v_info.start + v_info.count;
return true;
bool check_new_vertex(const Vec3f& nv, const Vec3f& v0, const Vec3f& v1) {
float epsilon = 1.f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (nv[i] > (v0[i] + epsilon) && nv[i] > (v1[i] + epsilon) ||
nv[i] < (v0[i] - epsilon) && nv[i] < (v1[i] - epsilon)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Slic3r::its_quadric_edge_collapse(indexed_triangle_set &its,
size_t triangle_count)
TriangleInfos t_infos;
VertexInfos v_infos;
EdgeInfos e_infos;
std::tie(t_infos, v_infos, e_infos) = init(its);
static constexpr double max_error = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
auto cmp = [&t_infos](size_t vi0, size_t vi1) -> bool {
const Error &e0 = t_infos[vi0].e;
const Error &e1 = t_infos[vi1].e;
return e0.value < e1.value;
// convert triangle index to priority queue index
std::vector<size_t> i_convert(its.indices.size(), {0});
auto setter = [&i_convert](size_t it, size_t index) { i_convert[it] = index; };
MutablePriorityQueue<size_t, decltype(setter), decltype(cmp)> mpq(std::move(setter), std::move(cmp));
for (size_t i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); i++) mpq.push(i);
size_t actual_triangle_count = its.indices.size();
while (actual_triangle_count > triangle_count && !mpq.empty()) {
// triangle index 0
size_t ti0 =;
TriangleInfo &t_info0 = t_infos[ti0];
if (t_info0.is_deleted()) continue;
Error &e = t_info0.e;
const Triangle &t0 = its.indices[ti0];
size_t vi0 = t0[e.min_index];
size_t vi1 = t0[(e.min_index+1) %3];
// Need by move of neighbor edge infos in function: change_neighbors
if (vi0 > vi1) std::swap(vi0, vi1);
VertexInfo &v_info0 = v_infos[vi0];
VertexInfo &v_info1 = v_infos[vi1];
assert(!v_info0.is_deleted() && !v_info1.is_deleted());
// new vertex position
SymMat q(v_info0.q);
q += v_info1.q;
Vec3f new_vertex0 = calculate_vertex(vi0, vi1, q, its.vertices);
assert(check_new_vertex(new_vertex0, its.vertices[vi0], its.vertices[vi1]));
// set of triangle indices that change quadric
size_t ti1 = (v_info0.count < v_info1.count)?
find_triangle_index1(vi1, v_info0, ti0, e_infos, its.indices) :
find_triangle_index1(vi0, v_info1, ti0, e_infos, its.indices) ;
if (is_flipped(new_vertex0, ti0, ti1, v_info0, t_infos, e_infos, its) ||
is_flipped(new_vertex0, ti0, ti1, v_info1, t_infos, e_infos, its)) {
// IMPROVE1: what about other edges in triangle?
// IMPROVE2: check mpq top if it is ti1 with same edge
e.value = max_error;
std::vector<size_t> changed_triangle_indices;
changed_triangle_indices.reserve(v_info0.count + v_info1.count - 4);
sub_quadric(t0, t_info0, v_infos, its.vertices);
TriangleInfo &t_info1 = t_infos[ti1];
const Triangle &t1 = its.indices[ti1];
sub_quadric(t1, t_info1, v_infos, its.vertices);
// for each vertex0 triangles
size_t v_info0_end = v_info0.start + v_info0.count;
for (size_t di = v_info0.start; di < v_info0_end; ++di) {
assert(di < e_infos.size());
EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[di];
size_t ti = e_info.t_index;
if (ti == ti0) continue; // ti0 will be deleted
if (ti == ti1) continue; // ti1 will be deleted
sub_quadric(its.indices[ti], t_infos[ti], v_infos, its.vertices);
// for each vertex1 triangles
size_t v_info1_end = v_info1.start + v_info1.count;
for (size_t di = v_info1.start; di < v_info1_end; ++di) {
assert(di < e_infos.size());
EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[di];
size_t ti = e_info.t_index;
if (ti == ti0) continue; // ti0 will be deleted
if (ti == ti1) continue; // ti1 will be deleted
Triangle &t = its.indices[ti];
sub_quadric(t, t_infos[ti], v_infos, its.vertices);
t[e_info.edge] = vi0; // change index
// fix neighbors
// vertex index of triangle 0 which is not vi0 nor vi1
size_t vi_top0 = t0[(e.min_index + 2) % 3];
change_neighbors(e_infos, v_infos, ti0, ti1, vi0, vi1, vi_top0, t1);
// Change vertex
// Has to be set after subtract quadric
its.vertices[vi0] = new_vertex0;
// add new quadrics
v_info0.q = SymMat(); // zero value
for (size_t ti : changed_triangle_indices) {
const Triangle& t = its.indices[ti];
TriangleInfo &t_info = t_infos[ti];
t_info.n = create_normal(t, its.vertices); // new normal
SymMat q = create_quadric(t, t_info, its.vertices);
for (const size_t vi: t) v_infos[vi].q += q;
// fix errors - must be after calculate all quadric
t_info1.e.value = max_error; // not neccessary when check deleted triangles at begining
for (size_t ti : changed_triangle_indices) {
const Triangle &t = its.indices[ti];
t_infos[ti].e = calculate_error(t, its.vertices, v_infos);
// set triangle(0 + 1) indices as deleted
// triangle counter decrementation
//assert(check_neighbors(t_infos, its.indices, v_infos));
// compact triangle
compact(v_infos, t_infos, e_infos, its);
return true;
Vec3f QuadricEdgeCollapse::create_normal(const Triangle & triangle,
const Vertices &vertices)
const Vec3f &v0 = vertices[triangle[0]];
const Vec3f &v1 = vertices[triangle[1]];
const Vec3f &v2 = vertices[triangle[2]];
// n = triangle normal
Vec3f n = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0);
return n;
double QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_error(size_t id_v1,
size_t id_v2,
SymMat & q,
const Vertices &vertices)
double det = q.det(0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 5, 7);
if (abs(det) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
// can't divide by zero
const Vec3f &v0 = vertices[id_v1];
const Vec3f &v1 = vertices[id_v2];
Vec3d verts[3] = {v0.cast<double>(), v1.cast<double>(), Vec3d()};
verts[2] = (verts[0] + verts[1]) / 2;
double errors[] = {vertex_error(q, verts[0]),
vertex_error(q, verts[1]),
vertex_error(q, verts[2])};
return *std::min_element(std::begin(errors), std::end(errors));
double det_1 = -1 / det;
double det_x = q.det(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 8); // vx = A41/det(q_delta)
double det_y = q.det(0, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 8); // vy = A42/det(q_delta)
double det_z = q.det(0, 1, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 8); // vz = A43/det(q_delta)
Vec3d vertex(det_1 * det_x, -det_1 * det_y, det_1 * det_z);
return vertex_error(q, vertex);
// similar as calculate error but focus on new vertex without calculation of error
Vec3f QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_vertex(size_t id_v1,
size_t id_v2,
SymMat & q,
const Vertices &vertices)
double det = q.det(0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 5, 7);
if (abs(det) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
// can't divide by zero
const Vec3f &v0 = vertices[id_v1];
const Vec3f &v1 = vertices[id_v2];
Vec3d verts[3] = {v0.cast<double>(), v1.cast<double>(), Vec3d()};
verts[2] = (verts[0] + verts[1]) / 2;
double errors[] = {vertex_error(q, verts[0]),
vertex_error(q, verts[1]),
vertex_error(q, verts[2])};
auto mit = std::min_element(std::begin(errors), std::end(errors));
return verts[mit - std::begin(errors)].cast<float>();
double det_1 = -1 / det;
double det_x = q.det(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 8); // vx = A41/det(q_delta)
double det_y = q.det(0, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 8); // vy = A42/det(q_delta)
double det_z = q.det(0, 1, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 8); // vz = A43/det(q_delta)
return Vec3f(det_1 * det_x, -det_1 * det_y, det_1 * det_z);
double QuadricEdgeCollapse::vertex_error(const SymMat &q, const Vec3d &vertex)
const double &x = vertex.x(), &y = vertex.y(), &z = vertex.z();
return q[0] * x * x + 2 * q[1] * x * y + 2 * q[2] * x * z +
2 * q[3] * x + q[4] * y * y + 2 * q[5] * y * z +
2 * q[6] * y + q[7] * z * z + 2 * q[8] * z + q[9];
SymMat QuadricEdgeCollapse::create_quadric(const Triangle & t,
const TriangleInfo &t_info,
const Vertices & vertices)
Vec3d n = t_info.n.cast<double>();
Vec3d v0 = vertices[t[0]].cast<double>();
return SymMat(n.x(), n.y(), n.z(),;
std::tuple<TriangleInfos, VertexInfos, EdgeInfos> QuadricEdgeCollapse::init(
const indexed_triangle_set &its)
TriangleInfos t_infos(its.indices.size());
VertexInfos v_infos(its.vertices.size());
EdgeInfos e_infos(its.indices.size() * 3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); i++) {
const Triangle &t = its.indices[i];
TriangleInfo &t_info = t_infos[i];
t_info.n = create_normal(t, its.vertices);
SymMat q = create_quadric(t, t_info, its.vertices);
for (size_t e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
VertexInfo &v_info = v_infos[t[e]];
v_info.q += q;
++v_info.count; // triangle count
// set offseted starts
size_t triangle_start = 0;
for (VertexInfo &v_info : v_infos) {
v_info.start = triangle_start;
triangle_start += v_info.count;
// set filled vertex to zero
v_info.count = 0;
assert(its.indices.size() * 3 == triangle_start);
// calc error + create reference
for (size_t i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); i++) {
const Triangle &t = its.indices[i];
TriangleInfo &t_info = t_infos[i];
t_info.e = calculate_error(t, its.vertices, v_infos);
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
VertexInfo &v_info = v_infos[t[j]];
size_t ei = v_info.start + v_info.count;
assert(ei < e_infos.size());
EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
e_info.t_index = i;
e_info.edge = j;
return {t_infos, v_infos, e_infos};
size_t QuadricEdgeCollapse::find_triangle_index1(size_t vi,
const VertexInfo &v_info,
size_t ti0,
const EdgeInfos & e_infos,
const Indices &indices)
size_t end = v_info.start + v_info.count;
for (size_t ei = v_info.start; ei < end; ++ei) {
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
if (e_info.t_index == ti0) continue;
const Triangle& t = indices[e_info.t_index];
if (t[(e_info.edge + 1) % 3] == vi ||
t[(e_info.edge + 2) % 3] == vi)
return e_info.t_index;
// triangle0 is on border and do NOT have twin edge
return -1;
bool QuadricEdgeCollapse::is_flipped(const Vec3f &vn,
const Vec3f &v1,
const Vec3f &v2,
const Vec3f &normal)
static const float thr_pos = 1.0f - std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
static const float thr_neg = -thr_pos;
static const float dot_thr = 0.2f; // Value from simplify mesh
Vec3f d1 = v1 - vn;
Vec3f d2 = v2 - vn;
float dot =;
if (dot > thr_pos || dot < thr_neg) return true;
// IMPROVE: propagate new normal
Vec3f n = d1.cross(d2);
return < dot_thr;
bool QuadricEdgeCollapse::is_flipped(Vec3f & new_vertex,
size_t ti0,
size_t ti1,
const VertexInfo & v_info,
const TriangleInfos &t_infos,
const EdgeInfos & e_infos,
const indexed_triangle_set &its)
// for each vertex triangles
size_t v_info_end = v_info.start + v_info.count;
for (size_t ei = v_info.start; ei < v_info_end; ++ei) {
assert(ei < e_infos.size());
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
if (e_info.t_index == ti0) continue; // ti0 will be deleted
if (e_info.t_index == ti1) continue; // ti1 will be deleted
const Triangle &t = its.indices[e_info.t_index];
const Vec3f &normal = t_infos[e_info.t_index].n;
const Vec3f &vf = its.vertices[t[(e_info.edge + 1) % 3]];
const Vec3f &vs = its.vertices[t[(e_info.edge + 2) % 3]];
if (is_flipped(new_vertex, vf, vs, normal))
return true;
return false;
Error QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_error(const Triangle & t,
const Vertices & vertices,
const VertexInfos &v_infos)
Vec3d error;
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
size_t j2 = (j == 2) ? 0 : (j + 1);
size_t vi0 = t[j];
size_t vi1 = t[j2];
SymMat q(v_infos[vi0].q); // copy
q += v_infos[vi1].q;
error[j] = calculate_error(vi0, vi1, q, vertices);
unsigned char min_index = (error[0] < error[1]) ?
((error[0] < error[2]) ? 0 : 2) :
((error[1] < error[2]) ? 1 : 2);
return Error(static_cast<float>(error[min_index]), min_index);
void QuadricEdgeCollapse::sub_quadric(const Triangle &t,
const TriangleInfo & t_info,
VertexInfos &v_infos,
const Vertices &vertices)
SymMat quadric = create_quadric(t, t_info, vertices);
for (size_t vi: t) v_infos[vi].q -= quadric;
void QuadricEdgeCollapse::remove_triangle(EdgeInfos & e_infos,
VertexInfo &v_info,
size_t ti)
auto e_info = e_infos.begin() + v_info.start;
auto e_info_end = e_info + v_info.count - 1;
for (; e_info != e_info_end; ++e_info) {
if (e_info->t_index == ti) {
*e_info = *e_info_end;
assert(e_info_end->t_index == ti);
// last triangle is ti
void QuadricEdgeCollapse::change_neighbors(EdgeInfos & e_infos,
VertexInfos & v_infos,
size_t ti0,
size_t ti1,
size_t vi0,
size_t vi1,
size_t vi_top0,
const Triangle &t1)
// have to copy Edge info from higher vertex index into smaller
assert(vi0 < vi1);
// vertex index of triangle 1 which is not vi0 nor vi1
size_t vi_top1 = t1[0];
if (vi_top1 == vi0 || vi_top1 == vi1) {
vi_top1 = (t1[1] == vi0 || t1[1] == vi1)? t1[2] : t1[1];
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_infos[vi_top0], ti0);
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_infos[vi_top1], ti1);
VertexInfo &v_info0 = v_infos[vi0];
VertexInfo &v_info1 = v_infos[vi1];
size_t new_triangle_count = v_info0.count + v_info1.count - 4;
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_info0, ti0);
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_info0, ti1);
// copy second's edge infos out of e_infos, to free size
EdgeInfos e_infos1;
e_infos1.reserve(v_info1.count - 2);
size_t v_info_s_end = v_info1.start + v_info1.count;
for (size_t ei = v_info1.start; ei < v_info_s_end; ++ei) {
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
if (e_info.t_index == ti0) continue;
if (e_info.t_index == ti1) continue;
v_info1.count = 0;
size_t need = (new_triangle_count < v_info0.count)? 0:
(new_triangle_count - v_info0.count);
size_t act_vi = vi0 + 1;
VertexInfo *act_v_info = &v_infos[act_vi];
size_t act_start = act_v_info->start;
size_t last_end = v_info0.start + v_info0.count;
struct CopyEdgeInfo
size_t start;
size_t count;
unsigned char move;
CopyEdgeInfo(size_t start, size_t count, unsigned char move)
: start(start), count(count), move(move)
std::vector<CopyEdgeInfo> c_infos;
while (true) {
size_t save = act_start - last_end;
if (save > 0) {
if (save >= need) break;
need -= save;
c_infos.emplace_back(act_v_info->start, act_v_info->count, need);
} else {
c_infos.back().count += act_v_info->count;
last_end = act_v_info->start + act_v_info->count;
act_v_info->start += need;
if (act_vi < v_infos.size()) {
act_v_info = &v_infos[act_vi];
act_start = act_v_info->start;
} else
act_start = e_infos.size(); // fix for edge between last two triangles
// copy by c_infos
for (size_t i = c_infos.size(); i > 0; --i) {
const CopyEdgeInfo &c_info = c_infos[i - 1];
for (size_t ei = c_info.start + c_info.count - 1; ei >= c_info.start; --ei)
e_infos[ei + c_info.move] = e_infos[ei]; // copy
// copy triangle from first info into second
for (size_t ei_s = 0; ei_s < e_infos1.size(); ++ei_s) {
size_t ei_f = v_info0.start + v_info0.count;
e_infos[ei_f] = e_infos1[ei_s]; // copy
void QuadricEdgeCollapse::compact(const VertexInfos & v_infos,
const TriangleInfos & t_infos,
const EdgeInfos & e_infos,
indexed_triangle_set &its)
size_t vi_new = 0;
for (size_t vi = 0; vi < v_infos.size(); vi++) {
const VertexInfo &v_info = v_infos[vi];
if (v_info.is_deleted()) continue; // deleted
size_t e_info_end = v_info.start + v_info.count;
for (size_t ei = v_info.start; ei < e_info_end; ei++) {
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
// change vertex index
its.indices[e_info.t_index][e_info.edge] = vi_new;
// compact vertices
its.vertices[vi_new++] = its.vertices[vi];
// remove vertices tail
its.vertices.erase(its.vertices.begin() + vi_new, its.vertices.end());
size_t ti_new = 0;
for (size_t ti = 0; ti < t_infos.size(); ti++) {
const TriangleInfo &t_info = t_infos[ti];
if (t_info.is_deleted()) continue;
its.indices[ti_new++] = its.indices[ti];
its.indices.erase(its.indices.begin() + ti_new, its.indices.end());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// paper:
// sum up:
// inspiration:
#include "TriangleMesh.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
/// <summary>
/// Simplify mesh by Quadric metric
/// </summary>
/// <param name="its">IN/OUT triangle mesh to be simplified.</param>
/// <param name="triangle_count">wanted triangle count.</param>
/// <returns>TRUE on success otherwise FALSE</returns>
bool its_quadric_edge_collapse(indexed_triangle_set &its, size_t triangle_count);
} // namespace Slic3r

View file

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public:
// Determinant
T det(int a11, int a12, int a13,
int a21, int a22, int a23,
int a31, int a32, int a33)
int a31, int a32, int a33) const
T det = m[a11] * m[a22] * m[a33] + m[a13] * m[a21] * m[a32] +
m[a12] * m[a23] * m[a31] - m[a13] * m[a22] * m[a31] -
@ -121,7 +121,13 @@ public:
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) m[i] += n[i];
return *this;
const SymetricMatrix &operator-=(const SymetricMatrix &n)
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) m[i] -= n[i];
return *this;
SymetricMatrix operator+(const SymetricMatrix& n)
SymetricMatrix self = *this;

View file

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r;
TEST_CASE("Split empty mesh", "[its_split][its]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
@ -100,3 +102,41 @@ TEST_CASE("Split two watertight meshes", "[its_split][its]") {
debug_write_obj(res, "parts_watertight");
#include <libslic3r/QuadricEdgeCollapse.hpp>
TEST_CASE("Reduce one edge by Quadric Edge Collapse", "[its]")
indexed_triangle_set its;
its.vertices = {Vec3f(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), Vec3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
Vec3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f), Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
// vertex to be removed
Vec3f(0.9f, .1f, -.1f)};
its.indices = {Vec3i(1, 0, 3), Vec3i(2, 1, 3), Vec3i(0, 2, 3),
Vec3i(0, 1, 4), Vec3i(1, 2, 4), Vec3i(2, 0, 4)};
// edge to remove is between vertices 2 and 4 on trinagles 4 and 5
indexed_triangle_set its_ = its; // copy
// its_write_obj(its, "tetrhedron_in.obj");
size_t wanted_count = its.indices.size() - 1;
CHECK(its_quadric_edge_collapse(its, wanted_count));
// its_write_obj(its, "tetrhedron_out.obj");
CHECK(its.indices.size() == 4);
CHECK(its.vertices.size() == 4);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
CHECK(its.indices[i] == its_.indices[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (i == 2) continue;
CHECK(its.vertices[i] == its_.vertices[i]);
const Vec3f &v = its.vertices[2]; // new vertex
const Vec3f &v2 = its_.vertices[2]; // moved vertex
const Vec3f &v4 = its_.vertices[4]; // removed vertex
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bool is_between = (v[i] < v4[i] && v[i] > v2[i]) ||
(v[i] > v4[i] && v[i] < v2[i]);