divide desktop integration and downloader desktop integration
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 164 additions and 42 deletions
@ -3036,8 +3036,10 @@ bool ConfigWizard::priv::apply_config(AppConfig *app_config, PresetBundle *prese
#ifdef __linux__
// Desktop integration on Linux
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "ConfigWizard::priv::apply_config integrate_desktop" << page_welcome->integrate_desktop() << " perform_registration_linux " << page_downloader->m_downloader->get_perform_registration_linux();
if (page_welcome->integrate_desktop() || page_downloader->m_downloader->get_perform_registration_linux())
if (page_welcome->integrate_desktop())
if (page_downloader->m_downloader->get_perform_registration_linux())
// Decide whether to create snapshot based on run_reason and the reset profile checkbox
@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ bool DesktopIntegrationDialog::integration_possible()
return true;
void DesktopIntegrationDialog::perform_desktop_integration(bool perform_downloader)
void DesktopIntegrationDialog::perform_desktop_integration()
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "performing desktop integration. With downloader integration: " << perform_downloader;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "performing desktop integration.";
// Path to appimage
const char *appimage_env = std::getenv("APPIMAGE");
std::string excutable_path;
@ -423,39 +423,6 @@ void DesktopIntegrationDialog::perform_desktop_integration(bool perform_download
show_error(nullptr, _L("Performing desktop integration failed - could not create Gcodeviewer desktop file. PrusaSlicer desktop file was probably created successfully."));
if (perform_downloader)
std::string desktop_file_downloader = GUI::format(
"[Desktop Entry]\n"
"Name=PrusaSlicer URL Protocol%1%\n"
"Exec=\"%3%\" --single-instance %%u\n"
, name_suffix, version_suffix, excutable_path, version_suffix);
// desktop file for downloader as part of main app
std::string desktop_path = GUI::format("%1%/applications/PrusaSlicerURLProtocol%2%.desktop", target_dir_desktop, version_suffix);
if (create_desktop_file(desktop_path, desktop_file_downloader)) {
// save path to desktop file
app_config->set("desktop_integration_URL_path", desktop_path);
// finish registration on mime type
std::string command = GUI::format("xdg-mime default PrusaSlicerURLProtocol%1%.desktop x-scheme-handler/prusaslicer", version_suffix);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "system command: " << command;
int r = system(command.c_str());
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "system result: " << r;
} else {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Performing desktop integration failed - could not create URL Protocol desktop file";
show_error(nullptr, _L("Performing desktop integration failed - could not create URL Protocol desktop file."));
void DesktopIntegrationDialog::undo_desktop_intgration()
@ -488,10 +455,162 @@ void DesktopIntegrationDialog::undo_desktop_intgration()
// URL Protocol - removed only by undo_downloader_registration now
void DesktopIntegrationDialog::perform_downloader_desktop_integration()
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "performing downloader desktop integration.";
// Path to appimage
const char* appimage_env = std::getenv("APPIMAGE");
std::string excutable_path;
if (appimage_env) {
try {
excutable_path = boost::filesystem::canonical(boost::filesystem::path(appimage_env)).string();
catch (std::exception&) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Performing downloader desktop integration failed - boost::filesystem::canonical did not return appimage path.";
show_error(nullptr, _L("Performing downloader desktop integration failed - boost::filesystem::canonical did not return appimage path."));
else {
// not appimage - find executable
excutable_path = boost::dll::program_location().string();
//excutable_path = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath().string();
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "non-appimage path to executable: " << excutable_path;
if (excutable_path.empty())
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Performing downloader desktop integration failed - no executable found.";
show_error(nullptr, _L("Performing downloader desktop integration failed - Could not find executable."));
// Escape ' characters in appimage, other special symbols will be esacaped in desktop file by 'excutable_path'
//boost::replace_all(excutable_path, "'", "'\\''");
excutable_path = escape_string(excutable_path);
// Find directories icons and applications
// $XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific data files should be stored.
// If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used.
// $XDG_DATA_DIRS defines the preference-ordered set of base directories to search for data files in addition to the $XDG_DATA_HOME base directory.
// The directories in $XDG_DATA_DIRS should be seperated with a colon ':'.
// If $XDG_DATA_DIRS is either not set or empty, a value equal to /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/ should be used.
resolve_path_from_var("XDG_DATA_HOME", target_candidates);
resolve_path_from_var("XDG_DATA_DIRS", target_candidates);
AppConfig* app_config = wxGetApp().app_config;
// suffix string to create different desktop file for alpha, beta.
std::string version_suffix;
std::string name_suffix;
std::string version(SLIC3R_VERSION);
if (version.find("alpha") != std::string::npos)
version_suffix = "-alpha";
name_suffix = " - alpha";
else if (version.find("beta") != std::string::npos)
version_suffix = "-beta";
name_suffix = " - beta";
// theme path to icon destination
std::string icon_theme_path;
std::string icon_theme_dirs;
if (platform_flavor() == PlatformFlavor::LinuxOnChromium) {
icon_theme_path = "hicolor/96x96/apps/";
icon_theme_dirs = "/hicolor/96x96/apps";
std::string target_dir_desktop;
// desktop file
// iterate thru target_candidates to find applications folder
std::string desktop_file_downloader = GUI::format(
"[Desktop Entry]\n"
"Name=PrusaSlicer URL Protocol%1%\n"
"Exec=\"%2%\" --single-instance %%u\n"
, name_suffix, excutable_path);
// desktop file for downloader as part of main app
std::string desktop_path = GUI::format("%1%/applications/PrusaSlicerURLProtocol%2%.desktop", target_dir_desktop, version_suffix);
if (create_desktop_file(desktop_path, desktop_file_downloader)) {
// save path to desktop file
app_config->set("desktop_integration_URL_path", desktop_path);
// finish registration on mime type
std::string command = GUI::format("xdg-mime default PrusaSlicerURLProtocol%1%.desktop x-scheme-handler/prusaslicer", version_suffix);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "system command: " << command;
int r = system(command.c_str());
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "system result: " << r;
bool candidate_found = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < target_candidates.size(); ++i) {
if (contains_path_dir(target_candidates[i], "applications")) {
target_dir_desktop = target_candidates[i];
// Write slicer desktop file
std::string path = GUI::format("%1%/applications/PrusaSlicerURLProtocol%2%.desktop", target_dir_desktop, version_suffix);
if (create_desktop_file(path, desktop_file_downloader)) {
app_config->set("desktop_integration_URL_path", path);
candidate_found = true;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "PrusaSlicerURLProtocol.desktop file installation success.";
else {
// write failed - try another path
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Attempt to PrusaSlicerURLProtocol.desktop file installation failed. failed path: " << target_candidates[i];
// if all failed - try creating default home folder
if (!candidate_found) {
// create $HOME/.local/share
create_path(boost::nowide::narrow(wxFileName::GetHomeDir()), ".local/share/applications");
// create desktop file
target_dir_desktop = GUI::format("%1%/.local/share", wxFileName::GetHomeDir());
std::string path = GUI::format("%1%/applications/PrusaSlicerURLProtocol%2%.desktop", target_dir_desktop, version_suffix);
if (contains_path_dir(target_dir_desktop, "applications")) {
if (!create_desktop_file(path, desktop_file_downloader)) {
// Desktop file not written - end desktop integration
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Performing downloader desktop integration failed - could not create desktop file.";
app_config->set("desktop_integration_URL_path", path);
else {
// Desktop file not written - end desktop integration
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Performing downloader desktop integration failed because the application directory was not found.";
if (target_dir_desktop.empty()) {
// Desktop file not written - end desktop integration
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Performing downloader desktop integration failed because the application directory was not found.";
show_error(nullptr, _L("Performing downloader desktop integration failed because the application directory was not found."));
// finish registration on mime type
std::string command = GUI::format("xdg-mime default PrusaSlicerURLProtocol%1%.desktop x-scheme-handler/prusaslicer", version_suffix);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "system command: " << command;
int r = system(command.c_str());
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "system result: " << r;
void DesktopIntegrationDialog::undo_downloader_registration()
const AppConfig *app_config = wxGetApp().app_config;
@ -528,7 +647,7 @@ DesktopIntegrationDialog::DesktopIntegrationDialog(wxWindow *parent)
wxButton *btn_perform = new wxButton(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Perform"));
btn_szr->Add(btn_perform, 0, wxALL, 10);
btn_perform->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent &) { DesktopIntegrationDialog::perform_desktop_integration(false); EndModal(wxID_ANY); });
btn_perform->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent &) { DesktopIntegrationDialog::perform_desktop_integration(); EndModal(wxID_ANY); });
if (can_undo){
wxButton *btn_undo = new wxButton(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Undo"));
@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ public:
// if perform_downloader:
// Creates Destktop files for PrusaSlicer downloader feature
// Regiters PrusaSlicer to start on prusaslicer:// URL
static void perform_desktop_integration(bool perform_downloader);
static void perform_desktop_integration();
// Deletes Desktop files and icons for both PrusaSlicer and GcodeViewer at paths stored in App Config.
static void undo_desktop_intgration();
static void perform_downloader_desktop_integration();
static void undo_downloader_registration();
@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ void GUI_App::show_downloader_registration_dialog()
#ifdef __linux__
if (downloader_worker->get_perform_registration_linux())
#endif // __linux__
} else {
app_config->set("downloader_url_registered", "0");
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ void PreferencesDialog::accept(wxEvent&)
#ifdef __linux__
if( downloader->get_perform_registration_linux())
#endif // __linux__
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