Configuration compatibility - implemented substitution and reporting for vectors

of bools (including the nullable bools).
This commit is contained in:
bubnikv 2021-06-30 18:55:43 +02:00
parent ab5e02f20c
commit e7a6323470
3 changed files with 98 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -501,16 +501,6 @@ void ConfigBase::set_deserialize(std::initializer_list<SetDeserializeItem> items
this->set_deserialize(item.opt_key, item.opt_value, substitutions_ctxt, item.append);
static inline bool looks_like_enum_value(const std::string &value)
if (value.empty() || value.size() > 64 || ! isalpha(value.front()))
return false;
for (const char c : value)
if (! (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '-'))
return false;
return true;
bool ConfigBase::set_deserialize_raw(const t_config_option_key &opt_key_src, const std::string &value, ConfigSubstitutionContext& substitutions_ctxt, bool append)
t_config_option_key opt_key = opt_key_src;
@ -547,32 +537,43 @@ bool ConfigBase::set_deserialize_raw(const t_config_option_key &opt_key_src, con
ConfigOption *opt = this->option(opt_key, true);
assert(opt != nullptr);
bool success = opt->deserialize(value, append);
if (! success && substitutions_ctxt.rule != ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable &&
// Only allow substitutions of an enum value by another enum value or a boolean value with an enum value.
// That means, we expect enum values being added in the future and possibly booleans being converted to enums.
(optdef->type == coEnum || optdef->type == coBool))
// Deserialize failed, try to substitute with a default value.
assert(substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable || substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSilent);
bool success = false;
bool substituted = false;
if (optdef->type == coBools && substitutions_ctxt.rule != ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable) {
//FIXME Special handling of vectors of bools, quick and not so dirty solution before PrusaSlicer 2.3.2 release.
auto result = opt->nullable() ?
static_cast<ConfigOptionBoolsNullable*>(opt)->deserialize_with_substitutions(value, append, true) :
static_cast<ConfigOptionBools*>(opt)->deserialize_with_substitutions(value, append, true);
success = result != ConfigHelpers::DeserializationResult::Failed;
substituted = result == ConfigHelpers::DeserializationResult::Substituted;
} else {
success = opt->deserialize(value, append);
if (! success && substitutions_ctxt.rule != ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable &&
// Only allow substitutions of an enum value by another enum value or a boolean value with an enum value.
// That means, we expect enum values being added in the future and possibly booleans being converted to enums.
(optdef->type == coEnum || optdef->type == coBool) && ConfigHelpers::looks_like_enum_value(value)) {
// Deserialize failed, try to substitute with a default value.
assert(substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable || substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSilent);
if (optdef->type == coEnum && opt_key == "gcode_flavor" && (value == "marlin2" || value == "marlinfirmware"))
static_cast<ConfigOptionEnum<GCodeFlavor>*>(opt)->value = gcfMarlin;
else if (optdef->type == coBool)
static_cast<ConfigOptionBool*>(opt)->value = ConfigHelpers::enum_looks_like_true_value(value);
// Just use the default of the option.
success = true;
substituted = true;
if (optdef->type == coEnum && opt_key == "gcode_flavor" && (value == "marlin2" || value == "marlinfirmware"))
static_cast<ConfigOptionEnum<GCodeFlavor>*>(opt)->value = gcfMarlin;
else if (optdef->type == coBool && looks_like_enum_value(value))
static_cast<ConfigOptionBool*>(opt)->value = boost::iequals(value, "enabled") || boost::iequals(value, "on");
if (substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable ||
substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSystemSilent) {
// Log the substitution.
ConfigSubstitution config_substitution;
config_substitution.opt_def = optdef;
config_substitution.old_value = value;//std::unique_ptr<ConfigOption>(opt);
config_substitution.new_value = ConfigOptionUniquePtr(this->option(opt_key, true)->clone());
return true;
if (substituted && (substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable ||
substitutions_ctxt.rule == ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSystemSilent)) {
// Log the substitution.
ConfigSubstitution config_substitution;
config_substitution.opt_def = optdef;
config_substitution.old_value = value;
config_substitution.new_value = ConfigOptionUniquePtr(opt->clone());
return success;

View file

@ -37,6 +37,30 @@ extern bool unescape_strings_cstyle(const std::string &str, std::vector<
extern std::string escape_ampersand(const std::string& str);
namespace ConfigHelpers {
inline bool looks_like_enum_value(std::string value)
if (value.empty() || value.size() > 64 || ! isalpha(value.front()))
return false;
for (const char c : value)
if (! (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '-'))
return false;
return true;
inline bool enum_looks_like_true_value(std::string value) {
return boost::iequals(value, "enabled") || boost::iequals(value, "on");
enum DeserializationResult {
// Base for all exceptions thrown by the configuration layer.
class ConfigurationError : public Slic3r::RuntimeError {
@ -1321,23 +1345,38 @@ public:
return vv;
bool deserialize(const std::string &str, bool append = false) override
ConfigHelpers::DeserializationResult deserialize_with_substitutions(const std::string &str, bool append, bool substitute)
if (! append)
std::istringstream is(str);
std::string item_str;
bool substituted = false;
while (std::getline(is, item_str, ',')) {
unsigned char new_value = 0;
if (item_str == "nil") {
throw ConfigurationError("Deserializing nil into a non-nullable object");
} else if (item_str == "1") {
new_value = true;
} else if (item_str == "0") {
new_value = false;
} else if (substitute && ConfigHelpers::looks_like_enum_value(item_str)) {
new_value = ConfigHelpers::enum_looks_like_true_value(item_str);
substituted = true;
} else
this->values.push_back("1") == 0);
return ConfigHelpers::DeserializationResult::Failed;
return true;
return substituted ? ConfigHelpers::DeserializationResult::Substituted : ConfigHelpers::DeserializationResult::Loaded;
bool deserialize(const std::string &str, bool append = false) override
return this->deserialize_with_substitutions(str, append, false) == ConfigHelpers::DeserializationResult::Loaded;

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@ -271,7 +271,9 @@ static void add_config_substitutions(const ConfigSubstitutions& conf_substitutio
const ConfigOptionDef* def = conf_substitution.opt_def;
if (!def)
if (def->type == coEnum) {
switch (def->type) {
case coEnum:
const std::vector<std::string>& labels = def->enum_labels;
const std::vector<std::string>& values = def->enum_values;
int val = conf_substitution.new_value->getInt();
@ -296,9 +298,24 @@ static void add_config_substitutions(const ConfigSubstitutions& conf_substitutio
new_val = from_u8(_utf8(labels[val]));
else if (def->type == coBool)
case coBool:
new_val = conf_substitution.new_value->getBool() ? "true" : "false";
case coBools:
if (conf_substitution.new_value->nullable())
for (const char v : static_cast<const ConfigOptionBoolsNullable*>(conf_substitution.new_value.get())->values)
new_val += std::string(v == ConfigOptionBoolsNullable::nil_value() ? "nil" : v ? "true" : "false") + ", ";
for (const char v : static_cast<const ConfigOptionBools*>(conf_substitution.new_value.get())->values)
new_val += std::string(v ? "true" : "false") + ", ";
if (! new_val.empty())
new_val.erase(new_val.begin() + new_val.size() - 2, new_val.end());
changes += "<tr><td>" + bold(_(def->label)) + "</td><td>: " +
format_wxstr(_L("new unknown value %1% was changed to default value %2%"), bold(conf_substitution.old_value), bold(new_val)) +