Do not use RaycastManager inside job
Separate Jobs for Creation of volume from creation of Object
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 354 additions and 221 deletions
@ -145,30 +145,18 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::create_volume(ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d& mous
screen_coor.y() = screen_size.get_height() / 2.;
std::optional<int> object_idx;
if (start_volume_creation(volume_type, screen_coor)) return;
std::optional<Transform3d> hit_vol_tr;
const Selection &selection = m_parent.get_selection();
if (!selection.is_empty()) {
object_idx = selection.get_object_idx();
int hovered_id = m_parent.get_first_hover_volume_idx();
if (hovered_id >= 0) {
GLVolume *gl_volume = m_parent.get_volumes().volumes[hovered_id];
hit_vol_tr = gl_volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
// start creation of new object
Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater();
const Camera &camera = plater->get_camera();
auto data = std::make_unique<EmbossDataCreate>(
create_volume_name(), volume_type, screen_coor, object_idx,
hit_vol_tr, camera,
auto &worker = plater->get_ui_job_worker();
queue_job(worker, std::make_unique<EmbossCreateJob>(std::move(data)));
const Pointfs &bed_shape = plater->build_volume().bed_shape();
auto &worker = plater->get_ui_job_worker();
auto data = std::make_unique<EmbossDataCreateObject>(
create_configuration(), create_volume_name(),
screen_coor, camera, bed_shape);
queue_job(worker, std::make_unique<EmbossCreateObjectJob>(std::move(data)));
@ -599,6 +587,58 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::set_default_text()
m_text = _u8L("Embossed text");
bool GLGizmoEmboss::start_volume_creation(ModelVolumeType volume_type,
const Vec2d &screen_coor)
Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater();
const Selection &selection = m_parent.get_selection();
if (selection.is_empty()) return false;
int hovered_id_signed = m_parent.get_first_hover_volume_idx();
if (hovered_id_signed < 0) return false;
size_t hovered_id = static_cast<size_t>(hovered_id_signed);
auto &volumes = m_parent.get_volumes().volumes;
if (hovered_id >= volumes.size()) return false;
int object_idx_signed = selection.get_object_idx();
if (object_idx_signed < 0) return false;
size_t object_idx = static_cast<size_t>(object_idx_signed);
auto &objects = plater->model().objects;
if (object_idx >= objects.size()) return false;
ModelObject *obj = objects[object_idx];
const Camera &camera = plater->get_camera();
std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> hit =
m_raycast_manager.unproject(screen_coor, camera);
// context menu for add text could be open only by right click on an
// object. After right click, object is selected and object_idx is set
// also hit must exist. But there is proper behavior when hit doesn't
// exists. When this assert appear distquish remove of it.
if (!hit.has_value()) return false;
Transform3d hit_object_trmat = m_raycast_manager.get_transformation(hit->tr_key);
GLVolume *gl_volume = volumes[hovered_id];
Transform3d hit_instance_trmat = gl_volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
// create volume
auto &worker = plater->get_ui_job_worker();
auto data = std::make_unique<EmbossDataCreateVolume>(
create_configuration(), create_volume_name(), volume_type,
screen_coor, object_idx, camera, *hit, hit_object_trmat,
queue_job(worker, std::make_unique<EmbossCreateVolumeJob>(std::move(data)));
return true;
#include "imgui/imgui_internal.h" // to unfocus input --> ClearActiveID
void GLGizmoEmboss::check_selection()
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ private:
static FontList create_default_font_list();
void set_default_text();
bool start_volume_creation(ModelVolumeType volume_type, const Vec2d &screen_coor);
void check_selection();
// more general function --> move to select
ModelVolume *get_selected_volume();
@ -19,14 +19,43 @@
using namespace Slic3r;
using namespace GUI;
// private namespace
namespace priv{
// <summary>
/// Create mesh from text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">Text to convert on mesh</param>
/// <param name="font">Define shape of characters.
/// NOTE: Can't be const cache glyphs</param>
/// <param name="font_prop">Property of font</param>
/// <param name="ctl">Control for job, check of cancelation</param>
/// <returns>Triangle mesh model</returns>
static TriangleMesh create_mesh(const char *text,
Emboss::FontFileWithCache &font,
const FontProp &font_prop,
GUI::Job::Ctl &ctl);
/// <summary>
/// Create default mesh for embossed text
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Not empty model(index trinagle set - its)</returns>
static TriangleMesh create_default_mesh();
/// Update Volume
EmbossUpdateJob::EmbossUpdateJob(std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataUpdate> input)
: m_input(std::move(input))
void EmbossUpdateJob::process(Ctl &ctl)
// check if exist valid font
if (!m_input->font_file.has_value()) return;
const TextConfiguration &cfg = m_input->text_configuration;
m_result = EmbossCreateJob::create_mesh(
cfg.text.c_str(), m_input->font_file, cfg.font_item.prop, ctl);
m_result = priv::create_mesh(cfg.text.c_str(), m_input->font_file,
cfg.font_item.prop, ctl);
if (m_result.its.empty()) return;
if (ctl.was_canceled()) return;
@ -95,155 +124,169 @@ void EmbossUpdateJob::finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &)
void EmbossCreateJob::process(Ctl &ctl) {
/// Create Volume
std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreateVolume> input)
: m_input(std::move(input))
void EmbossCreateVolumeJob::process(Ctl &ctl) {
// It is neccessary to create some shape
// Emboss text window is opened by creation new emboss text object
const char *text = m_input->text_configuration.text.c_str();
FontProp &prop = m_input->text_configuration.font_item.prop;
m_result = (m_input->font_file.has_value()) ?
create_mesh(text, m_input->font_file, prop, ctl):
if (m_result.its.empty()) m_result = create_default_mesh();
m_result = priv::create_mesh(text, m_input->font_file, prop, ctl);
if (m_result.its.empty()) m_result = priv::create_default_mesh();
if (ctl.was_canceled()) return;
std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> hit;
if (m_input->object_idx.has_value()) {
// By position of cursor create transformation to put text on surface of model
ModelObject *obj = wxGetApp().plater()->model().objects[*m_input->object_idx];
if (ctl.was_canceled()) return;
hit = m_input->raycast_manager->unproject(m_input->screen_coor, m_input->camera);
// context menu for add text could be open only by right click on an
// object. After right click, object is selected and object_idx is set
// also hit must exist. But there is proper behavior when hit doesn't
// exists. When this assert appear distquish remove of it.
if (!hit.has_value()) m_input->object_idx.reset();
if (!hit.has_value()) {
// create new object
// calculate X,Y offset position for lay on platter in place of
// mouse click
Vec2d bed_coor = CameraUtils::get_z0_position(m_input->camera, m_input->screen_coor);
// check point is on build plate:
Points bed_shape_;
for (const Vec2d &p : m_input->bed_shape)
Polygon bed(bed_shape_);
if (!bed.contains(bed_coor.cast<int>()))
// mouse pose is out of build plate so create object in center of plate
bed_coor = bed.centroid().cast<double>();
double z = m_input->text_configuration.font_item.prop.emboss / 2;
Vec3d offset(bed_coor.x(), bed_coor.y(), z);
offset -=;
Transform3d::TranslationType tt(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z());
m_transformation = Transform3d(tt);
} else {
//m_transformation = Emboss::create_transformation_onto_surface(hit->position, hit->normal);
if (m_input->hit_vol_tr.has_value()) {
Transform3d object_trmat = m_input->raycast_manager->get_transformation(hit->tr_key);
const FontProp &font_prop = m_input->text_configuration.font_item.prop;
Transform3d surface_trmat = Emboss::create_transformation_onto_surface(hit->position, hit->normal);
Emboss::apply_transformation(font_prop, surface_trmat);
m_transformation = m_input->hit_vol_tr->inverse() * object_trmat * surface_trmat;
// Create new volume inside of object
const FontProp &font_prop = m_input->text_configuration.font_item.prop;
Transform3d surface_trmat = Emboss::create_transformation_onto_surface(
m_input->hit.position, m_input->hit.normal);
Emboss::apply_transformation(font_prop, surface_trmat);
m_transformation = m_input->hit_instance_tr.inverse() *
m_input->hit_object_tr * surface_trmat;
void EmbossCreateJob::finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &)
void EmbossCreateVolumeJob::finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &) {
if (canceled) return;
GUI_App & app = wxGetApp();
Plater * plater = app.plater();
GUI_App &app = wxGetApp();
Plater *plater = app.plater();
ObjectList *obj_list = app.obj_list();
GLCanvas3D *canvas = plater->canvas3D();
Model &model = plater->model();
// decide if create object or volume
bool create_object = !m_input->object_idx.has_value();
if (create_object) {
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(plater, _L("Add Emboss text object"));
// Create new object and change selection
bool center = false;
obj_list->load_mesh_object(std::move(m_result), m_input->volume_name, center,
&m_input->text_configuration, &m_transformation);
// create volume in object
size_t object_idx = m_input->object_idx;
assert(model.objects.size() > object_idx);
if (model.objects.size() <= object_idx) return;
// When add new object selection is empty.
// When cursor move and no one object is selected than Manager::reset_all()
// So Gizmo could be closed on end of creation object
GLGizmosManager &manager = canvas->get_gizmos_manager();
if (manager.get_current_type() != GLGizmosManager::Emboss)
} else {
// create volume in object
size_t object_idx = *m_input->object_idx;
ModelVolumeType type = m_input->volume_type;
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(plater, _L("Add Emboss text Volume"));
// create new volume inside of object
Model &model = plater->model();
if (model.objects.size() <= object_idx) return;
ModelObject *obj = model.objects[object_idx];
ModelVolume *volume = obj->add_volume(std::move(m_result));
ModelObject *obj = model.objects[object_idx];
ModelVolumeType type = m_input->volume_type;
ModelVolume *volume = obj->add_volume(std::move(m_result), type);
// set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually
volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0));
// set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually
volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0));
// do not allow model reload from disk
volume->source.is_from_builtin_objects = true;
volume->name = m_input->volume_name;
volume->text_configuration = m_input->text_configuration;
// do not allow model reload from disk
volume->source.is_from_builtin_objects = true;
// update volume name in object list
// updata selection after new volume added
// change name of volume in right panel
// select only actual volume
// when new volume is created change selection to this volume
auto add_to_selection = [volume](const ModelVolume *vol) {
return vol == volume;
wxDataViewItemArray sel =
obj_list->reorder_volumes_and_get_selection((int) object_idx,
if (!sel.IsEmpty()) obj_list->select_item(sel.front());
volume->name = m_input->volume_name;
volume->text_configuration = std::move(m_input->text_configuration);
// update printable state on canvas
if (type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART)
// update volume name in object list
// updata selection after new volume added
// change name of volume in right panel
// select only actual volume
// when new volume is created change selection to this volume
auto add_to_selection = [volume](const ModelVolume *vol) {
return vol == volume;
wxDataViewItemArray sel = obj_list->reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(
(int) object_idx, add_to_selection);
if (!sel.IsEmpty()) obj_list->select_item(sel.front());
// update printable state on canvas
if (type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART)
// WHY selection_changed set manipulation to world ???
// so I set it back to local --> RotationGizmo need it
ObjectManipulation *manipul = wxGetApp().obj_manipul();
// WHY selection_changed set manipulation to world ???
// so I set it back to local --> RotationGizmo need it
ObjectManipulation *manipul = wxGetApp().obj_manipul();
// redraw scene
TriangleMesh EmbossCreateJob::create_default_mesh()
/// Create Object
std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreateObject> input)
: m_input(std::move(input))
void EmbossCreateObjectJob::process(Ctl &ctl)
// When cant load any font use default object loaded from file
std::string path = Slic3r::resources_dir() + "/data/embossed_text.stl";
TriangleMesh triangle_mesh;
if (!load_obj(path.c_str(), &triangle_mesh)) {
// when can't load mesh use cube
return TriangleMesh(its_make_cube(36., 4., 2.5));
return triangle_mesh;
// It is neccessary to create some shape
// Emboss text window is opened by creation new emboss text object
const char *text = m_input->text_configuration.text.c_str();
FontProp &prop = m_input->text_configuration.font_item.prop;
m_result = priv::create_mesh(text, m_input->font_file, prop, ctl);
if (m_result.its.empty()) m_result = priv::create_default_mesh();
if (ctl.was_canceled()) return;
// Create new object
// calculate X,Y offset position for lay on platter in place of
// mouse click
Vec2d bed_coor = CameraUtils::get_z0_position(
m_input->camera, m_input->screen_coor);
// check point is on build plate:
Points bed_shape_;
for (const Vec2d &p : m_input->bed_shape)
Polygon bed(bed_shape_);
if (!bed.contains(bed_coor.cast<int>()))
// mouse pose is out of build plate so create object in center of plate
bed_coor = bed.centroid().cast<double>();
double z = m_input->text_configuration.font_item.prop.emboss / 2;
Vec3d offset(bed_coor.x(), bed_coor.y(), z);
offset -=;
Transform3d::TranslationType tt(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z());
m_transformation = Transform3d(tt);
TriangleMesh EmbossCreateJob::create_mesh(const char *text,
Emboss::FontFileWithCache &font,
const FontProp &font_prop,
Ctl &ctl)
void EmbossCreateObjectJob::finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &)
if (canceled) return;
GUI_App &app = wxGetApp();
Plater *plater = app.plater();
ObjectList *obj_list = app.obj_list();
GLCanvas3D *canvas = plater->canvas3D();
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(plater, _L("Add Emboss text object"));
// Create new object and change selection
bool center = false;
obj_list->load_mesh_object(std::move(m_result), m_input->volume_name,
center, &m_input->text_configuration,
// When add new object selection is empty.
// When cursor move and no one object is selected than
// Manager::reset_all() So Gizmo could be closed before end of creation object
GLGizmosManager &manager = canvas->get_gizmos_manager();
if (manager.get_current_type() != GLGizmosManager::Emboss)
// redraw scene
/// private namespace implementation
TriangleMesh priv::create_mesh(const char *text,
Emboss::FontFileWithCache &font,
const FontProp &font_prop,
GUI::Job::Ctl &ctl)
if (!font.has_value()) return {};
@ -259,4 +302,16 @@ TriangleMesh EmbossCreateJob::create_mesh(const char *text,
Emboss::ProjectScale project(std::move(projectZ), scale);
if (ctl.was_canceled()) return {};
return TriangleMesh(Emboss::polygons2model(shapes, project));
TriangleMesh priv::create_default_mesh()
// When cant load any font use default object loaded from file
std::string path = Slic3r::resources_dir() + "/data/embossed_text.stl";
TriangleMesh triangle_mesh;
if (!load_obj(path.c_str(), &triangle_mesh)) {
// when can't load mesh use cube
return TriangleMesh(its_make_cube(36., 4., 2.5));
return triangle_mesh;
@ -15,46 +15,53 @@ class TriangleMesh;
namespace Slic3r::GUI {
struct EmbossDataUpdate;
struct EmbossDataCreate;
struct EmbossDataCreateVolume;
struct EmbossDataCreateObject;
/// <summary>
/// Update text shape in existing text volume
/// </summary>
class EmbossUpdateJob : public Job
std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataUpdate> m_input;
TriangleMesh m_result;
TriangleMesh m_result;
EmbossUpdateJob(std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataUpdate> input) : m_input(std::move(input)) {}
EmbossUpdateJob(std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataUpdate> input);
void process(Ctl &ctl) override;
void finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &) override;
class EmbossCreateJob : public Job
/// <summary>
/// Create new TextVolume on the surface of ModelObject
/// </summary>
class EmbossCreateVolumeJob : public Job
std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreate> m_input;
TriangleMesh m_result;
Transform3d m_transformation;
std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreateVolume> m_input;
TriangleMesh m_result;
Transform3d m_transformation;
EmbossCreateJob(std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreate> input): m_input(std::move(input)){}
EmbossCreateVolumeJob(std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreateVolume> input);
void process(Ctl &ctl) override;
void finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &) override;
// <summary>
/// Create mesh from text
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">Text to convert on mesh</param>
/// <param name="font">Define shape of characters.
/// NOTE: Can't be const cache glyphs</param>
/// <param name="font_prop">Property of font</param>
/// <param name="ctl">Control for job, check of cancelation</param>
/// <returns>Triangle mesh model</returns>
static TriangleMesh create_mesh(const char * text,
Emboss::FontFileWithCache &font,
const FontProp & font_prop,
Ctl & ctl);
static TriangleMesh create_default_mesh();
/// <summary>
/// Create new TextObject on the platter
/// </summary>
class EmbossCreateObjectJob : public Job
std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreateObject> m_input;
TriangleMesh m_result;
Transform3d m_transformation;
EmbossCreateObjectJob(std::unique_ptr<EmbossDataCreateObject> input);
void process(Ctl &ctl) override;
void finalize(bool canceled, std::exception_ptr &) override;
/// <summary>
/// Base data holder for embossing
@ -98,9 +105,10 @@ struct EmbossDataUpdate : public EmbossDataBase
/// <summary>
/// Hold neccessary data to create embossed text object in job
/// Hold neccessary data to create ModelVolume in job
/// Volume is created on the surface of existing volume in object.
/// </summary>
struct EmbossDataCreate: public EmbossDataBase
struct EmbossDataCreateVolume : public EmbossDataBase
// define embossed volume type
ModelVolumeType volume_type;
@ -108,11 +116,47 @@ struct EmbossDataCreate: public EmbossDataBase
// define position on screen where to create object
Vec2d screen_coor;
// when exist ModelObject where to create volume
std::optional<int> object_idx;
// parent ModelObject index where to create volume
int object_idx;
// hitted instance transformation
std::optional<Transform3d> hit_vol_tr;
// projection property
Camera camera;
// used to find point on surface where to create new object
RaycastManager::SurfacePoint hit;
Transform3d hit_object_tr;
Transform3d hit_instance_tr;
EmbossDataCreateVolume(Emboss::FontFileWithCache font_file,
const TextConfiguration &text_configuration,
const std::string &volume_name,
ModelVolumeType volume_type,
Vec2d screen_coor,
int object_idx,
const Camera &camera,
const RaycastManager::SurfacePoint &hit,
const Transform3d &hit_object_tr,
const Transform3d &hit_instance_tr)
: EmbossDataBase(font_file, text_configuration, volume_name)
, volume_type(volume_type)
, screen_coor(screen_coor)
, object_idx(object_idx)
, camera(camera)
, hit(hit)
, hit_object_tr(hit_object_tr)
, hit_instance_tr(hit_instance_tr)
/// <summary>
/// Hold neccessary data to create ModelObject in job
/// Object is placed on bed under screen coor
/// OR to center of scene when it is out of bed shape
/// </summary>
struct EmbossDataCreateObject : public EmbossDataBase
// define position on screen where to create object
Vec2d screen_coor;
// projection property
Camera camera;
@ -120,29 +164,16 @@ struct EmbossDataCreate: public EmbossDataBase
// shape of bed in case of create volume on bed
std::vector<Vec2d> bed_shape;
// used to find point on surface where to create new object
RaycastManager *raycast_manager;
// It is inside of GLGizmoEmboss object,
// so I hope it will survive
EmbossDataCreate(Emboss::FontFileWithCache font_file,
const TextConfiguration & text_configuration,
const std::string & volume_name,
ModelVolumeType volume_type,
Vec2d screen_coor,
std::optional<int> object_idx,
const std::optional<Transform3d>& hit_vol_tr,
const Camera& camera,
const std::vector<Vec2d> & bed_shape,
RaycastManager * raycast_manager)
EmbossDataCreateObject(Emboss::FontFileWithCache font_file,
const TextConfiguration &text_configuration,
const std::string &volume_name,
Vec2d screen_coor,
const Camera &camera,
const std::vector<Vec2d> &bed_shape)
: EmbossDataBase(font_file, text_configuration, volume_name)
, volume_type(volume_type)
, screen_coor(screen_coor)
, object_idx(object_idx)
, hit_vol_tr(hit_vol_tr)
, camera(camera)
, bed_shape(bed_shape)
, raycast_manager(raycast_manager)
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObjectPtrs &objects,
// check if volume was removed
std::set<size_t> removed_casters;
for (const auto &raycaster_item : raycasters)
for (const auto &raycaster_item : m_raycasters)
// check if inscance was removed
std::set<TrKey> removed_transformation;
for (const auto &item : transformations)
for (const auto &item : m_transformations)
for (const ModelObject *object : objects) {
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObjectPtrs &objects,
auto item = raycasters.find(oid);
if (item != raycasters.end()) {
auto item = m_raycasters.find(oid);
if (item != m_raycasters.end()) {
// alredy in list only actualize
// TODO: check triangles when change than actualize MeshRaycaster
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObjectPtrs &objects,
// add new raycaster
auto raycaster = std::make_unique<MeshRaycaster>(
raycasters.insert(std::make_pair(oid, std::move(raycaster)));
m_raycasters.insert(std::make_pair(oid, std::move(raycaster)));
@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObjectPtrs &objects,
// transformation.translation()(2) += m_sla_shift_z;
TrKey tr_key = std::make_pair(instance->id().id, volume->id().id);
auto item = transformations.find(tr_key);
if (item != transformations.end()) {
auto item = m_transformations.find(tr_key);
if (item != m_transformations.end()) {
// actualize transformation all the time
item->second = transformation;
} else {
// add new transformation
std::make_pair(tr_key, transformation));
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObjectPtrs &objects,
// remove non existing volumes
for (size_t volume_oid : removed_casters) raycasters.erase(volume_oid);
for (size_t volume_oid : removed_casters) m_raycasters.erase(volume_oid);
// remove non existing transformations
for (const TrKey& transformation_key : removed_transformation)
void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObject *object, const ISkip *skip)
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObject *object, const ISkip *skip)
size_t oid = volume->id().id;
if (skip != nullptr && skip->skip(oid))
auto item = raycasters.find(oid);
if (item == raycasters.end()) {
auto item = m_raycasters.find(oid);
if (item == m_raycasters.end()) {
// add new raycaster
auto raycaster = std::make_unique<MeshRaycaster>(volume->mesh());
raycasters.insert(std::make_pair(oid, std::move(raycaster)));
m_raycasters.insert(std::make_pair(oid, std::move(raycaster)));
@ -98,13 +98,14 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObject *object, const ISkip *skip)
// TODO: add SLA shift Z
// transformation.translation()(2) += m_sla_shift_z;
TrKey tr_key = std::make_pair(instance->id().id, volume->id().id);
auto item = transformations.find(tr_key);
if (item != transformations.end()) {
auto item = m_transformations.find(tr_key);
if (item != m_transformations.end()) {
// actualize transformation all the time
item->second = transformation;
} else {
// add new transformation
transformations.insert(std::make_pair(tr_key, transformation));
std::make_pair(tr_key, transformation));
@ -124,13 +125,13 @@ std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> RaycastManager::unproject(
std::optional<HitWithDistance> closest;
for (const auto &item : transformations) {
for (const auto &item : m_transformations) {
const TrKey &key = item.first;
size_t volume_id = key.second;
if (skip != nullptr && skip->skip(volume_id)) continue;
const Transform3d &transformation = item.second;
auto raycaster_it = raycasters.find(volume_id);
if (raycaster_it == raycasters.end()) continue;
auto raycaster_it = m_raycasters.find(volume_id);
if (raycaster_it == m_raycasters.end()) continue;
const MeshRaycaster &raycaster = *(raycaster_it->second);
SurfacePoint surface_point;
bool success = raycaster.unproject_on_mesh(
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> RaycastManager::unproject(
Slic3r::Transform3d RaycastManager::get_transformation(const TrKey &tr_key) const {
auto item = transformations.find(tr_key);
if (item == transformations.end()) return Transform3d::Identity();
auto item = m_transformations.find(tr_key);
if (item == m_transformations.end()) return Transform3d::Identity();
return item->second;
@ -11,19 +11,23 @@
namespace Slic3r::GUI{
/// <summary>
/// Cast rays from camera to scene
/// Used for find hit point on model volume under mouse cursor
/// </summary>
class RaycastManager
// ModelVolume
std::map<size_t, std::unique_ptr<MeshRaycaster>> raycasters;
// ModelVolume
std::map<size_t, std::unique_ptr<MeshRaycaster>> m_raycasters;
// Key for transformation consist of unique volume and instance
// ModelInstance, ModelVolume
using TrKey = std::pair<size_t, size_t>;
std::map<TrKey, Transform3d> transformations;
std::map<TrKey, Transform3d> m_transformations;
// should contain shared pointer to camera but it is not shared pointer so it need it every time when casts rays
class ISkip{
virtual ~ISkip() = default;
Reference in a new issue